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Help Me With Sex (scenes)!


Devil with a Heart of Iron
Apr 5, 2014
Greetings, fellow Blue Mooners. I was replying to various different RPs over the last few days and have been thoroughly enjoying my time doing so. However, despite the persistent warning I give of posting via phone (thankfully, a lot of people understand this and are willing to adapt to this caveat), I still feel as if I am losing a lot of possible detail in my RPs. So, I want to ask, how do you guys add detail to such scenes? Hopefully a few good ones pop up that I can try to utilize myself.
how_is_you said:
Greetings, fellow Blue Mooners. I was replying to various different RPs over the last few days and have been thoroughly enjoying my time doing so. However, despite the persistent warning I give of posting via phone (thankfully, a lot of people understand this and are willing to adapt to this caveat), I still feel as if I am losing a lot of possible detail in my RPs. So, I want to ask, how do you guys add detail to such scenes? Hopefully a few good ones pop up that I can try to utilize myself.

One approach might be to mentally think through the senses and ask yourself what a person might see, smell, taste, feel, hear as the action is happening. You don't have to include every sense in each post, but it's a kind of check list to help add detail.

A thesaurus doesn't hurt, allowing you to ardently, boldly, clumsily, demandingly, desperately, enthusiastically, feverishly, forcefully, teasingly enter his or her tight aperture, entrance, hole, opening, channel, cleft, slit, etc.

I think it also helps if you're doing PM or thread based play to write a scene, save it as a draft, and then come back and reread it. Finally, if you're at a library or used book store or even on Kindle, pick up a romance novel and thumb through the book for the sex scenes. Some writers can really write a sizzling scene and that might give you some ideas. Also, they sell books on how to write erotic scenes and if they're not to expensive, you might download one of Amazon.

Wish I had better advice, but my own erotic writing still needs work.
A lot of what makes erotic writing, well, erotic, is its appeal to the senses. And not just describing what's being done (i.e "He fingered her until she came"), but describing how its done as well as what the giver/recipient is feeling/thinking. Internal details are just as good as the external details, and what makes a scene erotic are really more of the character reactions.

Another thing to notice is that in romance novels (historical or contemporary), the descriptions are so intense and extremely exaggerated. The reason for this is that when you're in your throes of ecstasy, there really is no way to describe how that feels. So instead, you describe how mind-blowingly intense it is, and most people will be able to recall that feeling.

Also, depending on your partner, descriptions can be more straightforward or 'fluffy'. Make sure you know what your partner prefers, otherwise it can be difficult for them to 'get into' the scene and respond with something just as awesomely sexy.

I hope this helped!
What Ariamella and Jolie says is actually the best way to actually go on with smut. To be honest, I don’t have a guide on writing good smut, since I believe there’s a lot more better erotic writers out there in roleplay land. But here’s my take on things:

Write what you know.
Simply put, if you want to write a shower sex scene or a car sex scene, make sure you know what’s going on, as in you know what’s happening right there and then. If you don’t know, then don’t do it.

Don’t be afraid to do some research.
Ask people around about how a particular sex scene feels like, what’s going on and that stuff. or just do research. And not just watching porn, mind you.

Know what’s happening around you.
One great thing I like to do is to use every single senses; what’s going on, how does it sound like when he’s pounding you, what he smells like at that time. It’s not just how sex feels, just add more background to it. The reader wants to know everything sometimes, not just Steve pounding into Anna’s pussy.

Very important, of course, haha. Never be afraid of that kinky, naughty side of you. it’s usually that side of you in your head that has the most ideas about smut. And never be afraid to take the chance to do something about it in a scene.

This does not necessarily mean curse words like “fuck”, “cunt” and other things. Think about whether you want to sound sensual, or whether you want to sound downright dirty. It’s all in the scene you want to write. Besides, what tickles your taste buds better, reading words like ‘cock’ or reading ones like ‘manhood’ or ‘erect shaft’. It all comes down to what you’re writing.

Well, that’s all of my biscuits!​
All of you have had very good ideas that I have indeed taken into consideration. Rusty, the research part has come into play already, and I try to vary my language but always end up resorting to the more cuss-type descriptors. I will try now to take the mood of the scene into consideration. While you and I could never play together (due to post length differences ^^'), I appreciate the help here that you have given, Rusty. :)
It's not wrong to use cuss-words and all that, it depends on the mood and the feel of what you want to write. Write something romantic, use things that sound nice and cute, or just throw out certain appropriately worded words lol. And if you're into the rough, sticky, sexy and passionate thing, go for the cusses. And awh! It's more than fine! You're welcome, How!
For me it is what the person is thinking and feeling emotionally, sure physically it feels good, but writing that over and over gets boring quickly, what does it mean to the character to be having sex with this other character? What is going on in their minds while it is happening? Depends of course on the type of sex scene as well but delving deeper than the body is a good way of bringing the scene to life.

Be true to the character you are playing, if he/she is a shy type than don't write it as if they are on a porn set, again think about what the interaction means to Your Character and how it would make them feel.

On a physical note explore scents, sounds, texture more than just the mechanics. I hope that helps some.
Having done a bit of a short run with you I would definitely agree with and double suggest you take in everything more and definitely add more detail. How does what is being done to you make your feel? Does it make your shudder or maybe you start bucking a bit uncontrollably? Panting or heart beat? Maybe makes you smile or just something to express more. Can add a lot to the RP and would have given more to your partners. I had trouble as I would have liked to see more of what your character liked and then had my char follow those reactions. Instead I think felt a little stiff and lifeless. ^ ^ I hope this helps.
After doing a few lately where the sex scenes all sort of happened at the same time I came close to having fatigue with the scene as I was describing it all the same. What worked for me was thinking more outside the box. Adjectives!!! The thesaurus idea of Jolie's is correct, even across a story describing it the same way with the same words all the time gets rather dry. Another aspect is metaphors, how can you describe the act in a different method. Souls joining together to be as one, flying to new heights of passion or emotion, animalistic passion where two bodies tear at each other in lust. Metaphors can often convey more than they say when used properly.

Sometimes its about the mechanics and not how you drive.
I don't do a lot of sex scenes but I have. It helps if you've done the act before but even if you haven't be imaginative and don't half ass it.
This is gonna sound really pretentious, but the best material I've had for sex scenes is actual sex. You find out all these various things you can and can't do, or the various intricacies that surround it.
The other option are reading books which are not erotica, but contain descriptive sex scenes, which have long and detailed plot driven sex. Off the top of my head, The Ninja by Eric van Lustbader has it for one.
I read and use my imagination... if I can't see it in my head I go back and add in more detail. I also make sure to react to what my partner has written too.

I'm also a perfectionist... lol. But everyone has an off day, myself included.
My recommendation would be to focus just as much on what is going on inside the characters head as on what is going on in the room. Because let's face it, sex is to its very nature quite repetitive. Sure you can and should change positions and do loads of interesting things but if you just focus on the two sets of body parts and their interaction it gets very anatomical.

If there is at least a tiny bit of plot before the smut, use that plot in the scene to convey feelings and thoughts. At least that is what I try to do.
I focus on sensuality. I think of the best, sexiest moments with a woman that I've ever had, fantasized of having or seen someone else have (either in media or real life). And I try to capture that feeling, or whatever it is that excites me about that moment.

As far as language, I try not to beat around the bush (unless it's a scene involving pubes and masturbation). I call a cock a cock and a cunt a cunt unless my partner inspires something else.

Like if she uses alot of euphemisms like rod, flower, etc. I'll try to exhaust my vocabulary of euphemisms. If my writing partner uses dirty words in excess, I'll try to make my words dirtier.  Or if she uses poetic language and it's an historical setting, I might start referring to one's sex, phallus, vulva, or carnal knowledge. But I only do that if my partner's writing really engages me.

Also, I've read alot of online erotica/porn stories and in the case that I find myself completely stuck, I'll just go back and re-read some some of my favorite scenes for a while. Just reading the same stuff over and over again for a while. And then I go back to writing whatever I felt stuck on asap.
They say the best way to improve your writing is to read or to write about what you know. Therefor, to improve your erotic sex scene writing, I suggest that you...

(a) Read more quality smut. Preferably not Fifty Shades of Grey, which is bad smut ;)


(b) Have more erotic sex. Probably don't need to narrate the scene out loud to your partner, though you could if that's your thing :D

My answers are slightly tongue-in-cheek, but they also come from the heart. :)
One thing I would add to what I said before that I think can break a smut Rp is over use of the same words. There is a huge amount of words out there and seeing the exact same things used over and over can really drive things to a halt in my opinion.

While I definitely agree with all that have been said so far about adjectives and variety, there's nothing quite like precise, intense action verbs.

E.g. 'Raked her nails across' is better than 'scratched,' 'his body thrummed with energy' is better than 'he was feeling energetic,' 'his cock pulsated with need,' is better than 'he was aroused.'

Imo anyway..
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