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What are YOU listening to? v2.0

Every time I spit out certain words, I search for buried things
決まった言葉吐き出す度に 埋まった物を探す

The fat dog has something hot in my leg
盛った犬は私の脚に 火照ったものを宿す

This is the compliment you spit out, the killing phrase is your virtue
これこそは君が吐いた褒め言葉 殺し文句は貴方の美徳

How to choose fresh fish I have to admit
新鮮な魚の選び方 認めざるえないから

Continue today, my bones rumble, my blood stirs
今日も進め 骨が鳴る 血が騒ぐ

Even if I sink, the poison that makes me cry
沈んでも 前のめる 毒も しかり

With a pretentious head, I measure the distance and worry about the reflected mountains
気取った頭 間合いを計り 映った山に憂う

Even if you despise it, if you call it admiration and replace it, it's even
軽蔑しても敬愛と称し すり替えちゃえば 互角

A black-and-white TV at a corner tobacco shop How to spend a wonderful holiday
角のタバコ屋の白黒テレビ 素敵な休日の過ごし方

My life is mostly a bed The red color of the additive
私の生活はほぼ寝床 添加物の赤色の鮮やかさ

Even if I break it, I won't let it go, even if I move forward
壊しても やるせなく 進んでも 前のめる

I can't even read the future
先も 読めぬ
Every time I spit out certain words, I search for buried things
決まった言葉吐き出す度に 埋まった物を探す

The fat dog has something hot in my leg
盛った犬は私の脚に 火照ったものを宿す

This is the compliment you spit out, the killing phrase is your virtue
これこそは君が吐いた褒め言葉 殺し文句は貴方の美徳

How to choose fresh fish I have to admit
新鮮な魚の選び方 認めざるえないから

Continue today, my bones rumble, my blood stirs
今日も進め 骨が鳴る 血が騒ぐ

Even if I sink, the poison that makes me cry
沈んでも 前のめる 毒も しかり

Even if it's pitiful, even if it's broken
哀れ 壊しても やるせなく 進んでも 前のめる

no rainbow

Well, I'd hope that since we're here anyway That we could end up saying Things we've always needed to say So we could end up staying Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel Let's rewrite an ending that fits Instead of a Hollywood horror

If no one ever marries me,—​
And I don't see why they should,​
For nurse says I'm not pretty,​
And I'm seldom very good—​
If no one ever marries me​
I shan't mind very much;​
I shall buy a squirrel in a cage,​
And a little rabbit-hutch:​
I shall have a cottage near a wood,​
And a pony all my own,​
And a little lamb quite clean and tame,​
That I can take to town:​
And when I'm getting really old,—​
At twenty-eight or nine—​
I shall buy a little orphan-girl​
And bring her up as mine.​

basically this band has taken over my entire life

we'll fast forward to a few years later
no one knows except the both of us
I have honoured your request for silence

and you've washed your hands clean of this
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