KanexAllora Pokemon Role Play (Flame of Life style)

Adele pushed open the door to Wes' room, still keeping her head turned away from her new anthro charmander. His bag was on his bed, the plaid purple and black duffel being unzipped partially. Already feeling like she was prying, Adele reached in, avoiding looking inside, and grabbed the first pair of shorts and shirt she could find. The shorts were mesh work out shorts, and the shirt a simple black T-shirt. She passed them behind her to her charmander, who took them out of her hands.

The shirt fit fine. But the shorts... The charmander was having issues putting them on due to his tail. But, he quickly solved this problem in an efficient manner. He got his clothes situated, and tapped his trainer on the shoulder, very much proud of himself.

"Great," Adele moaned, looking at what he had done. The shirt was fine, actually fitting quite well, not to mention showing off his figure. But the shorts... To solve the tail issue, the charmander had used his tail flame to burn a hole through the back of them.

"Cha!" he exclaimed, excited. Adele rolled her eyes, his naive excitement contagious. She smiled a bit.

"Let's go downstairs and get out of his room," she said, heading out his door and closing it behind him. She was going to have to buy him some new clothes later on. Both of them.

Once downstairs, it instantly became awkward. She turned back around to face him. He walked over to the couch and leaned against the back of it, positioning his tail in a way so it wouldn't burn anything.

"You're... pretty self aware of your tail huh?" she said lamely, starting conversation. He nodded, amused.

"Can you speak?" she asked. He shook his head.

"Char chaha charmander," he said, as if explaining. Adele nodded, not understanding what he said, but understanding the point he was trying to make.

"Gotcha... Do you have a name?" she asked. He shook his head no. She frowned, puzzled.

"I don't want to name you something you wouldn't like..." she said. He shrugged, gesturing with his clawed hand for her to list off some things.

"Okay... um... Yasser?" He grimaced, shaking his head. "Carlos?" He frowned, shaking his head again. "Vortex?" His reaction was more positive that time, but it was still a no.

Adele listed off several more names, before finally reaching an agreement on a name. "Draco?" she said, Harry Potter popping into her head for no reason. Her charmander's eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously.

"Draco...." she said, testing out the word. It seemed cliché, however odds were that no one in that universe had ever heard of Harry Potter. So it wouldn't be too bad. "Draco it is then."

Draco grinned, baring pointy teeth and smiling.
The pokemon Wes had prevented from being sexually assaulted still clung onto him, watching a covered gurney being taken into the back of an ambulance. Her face buried into Wes' chest, with the police officer that had been dispatched in front of them. The three of them watched as the ambulance doors closed, slowly taking off with the sirens not bothering to come on There was no need.

The officer shook his head, almost in disbelief, turning back to face Wes.

"You've got one hell of an aim, boy." he told him. "Pieced his heart- straight on through."

Hearing this, the pokemon clung onto Wes a little tighter. Still in her anthro form, she was now wearing Wes' black over shirt, which went down over her backside, just barely being long enough to cover her.

"He didn't give me much of a choice," Wes said a little remorseful. The officer nodded his head.

Resting on the hood of the officers car was a needle and syringe, having been used on the pokemon.

"We IDed the guy," the officer told him, being somewhat of a burly man that looked like he threw trees logs for fun on his spare time. "He's got a record of violence, sexual assault, and even drug trafficking. That poochyena was injected with a chemical agent that's been surfacing around Pallet for the past few months. It induces the pokemon to enter it's anthro form unwillingly, leaving it that way for a while. It doesn't take a genius to know what he was planning on doing with her."

"A poochyena, huh?" Wes said silently to himself. He glanced at her neck, seeing where she'd been stabbed with the drug. "Any telling how long it lasts?"

The officer standing before them reached up and scratched his square jaw, rubbing his stubble. His eyes were a dark brown with his hair being a matching color.

"That's hard to say," he told Wes, still rubbing his chin. "It depends on how it's made, how potent it is, and the type of pokemon it's used on. The department is still trying to figure out what the hell this stuff is even called. There's a lot of street names for it, but pinpointing it's actual scientific name has proven difficult." The officer looked at the shaken poochyena, seeing her holding onto Wes for dear life. He frowned. "She yours?"

Wes shook his head.

"Well," the officer told him, "taking her into the station doesn't look like it'd help in her state, and setting her 'free' stuck in that form would leave her helpless in the wild."

Wes nodded, still with the poochyena holding onto him.

"I don't mind looking after her," he told him. "After everything she's been through tonight I don't think it would be fair to just leave her this way."

The police officer nodded, feeling like Wes, after everything that had happened, would make sure she'd be alright. He watched Wes reach behind him, pulling out his gun. It was unloaded, racked back without the clip. It was painful for him to hand his gun over to the officer.

"I'm assuming you'll need this for evidence?" Wes said with a sigh. The officer took the gun from him, and examined it. He chuckled, handing it right back.

"I got all the evidence I need," he told him. "You must not be from around here. It doesn't work that way in Kanto. It's a nice piece though."

Wes gladly took his firearm back from him, actually really surprised. Even so, he wasn't going to complain. He'd never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth before. He tucked his gun away behind him, covering it with the black undershirt he was left with.

"Thank you," Wes said to him, "it was a gift from my dad. He was a police officer too where I'm from."

The officer seemed a little enlightened by this fact.

"That clearly explains how you've got such good aim," the officer stated. Wes nodded his head, patting that back of the poochyena. "You live nearby?"

"Yeah, not to far actually. A little less than a mile."

"How about I give you two a ride home," he told Wes. "It's the least I can do after everything. I'd hate for you both to have to walk back in this chilly weather, especially seeing as she has no real clothes."

Wes gave him a thankful nod.

"That would be very appreciated, Officer...."

"Nash." he told him. "Samuel Nash. Sam works just as well."

With that, he led them to his police car.

The poochyena held onto Wes' arm the entire ride, still shaking.
Adele had decided to take an inventory of the things that she had, figuring out how much time she had left before she would need to get a real job. With both her and Wes each having 2,000,000 tabs each, or roughly $2,000, she had quite a while to get used to the new world first. Especially since their house had been paid for in full. With no rent due, the only bills they needed to pay were water and electric bills.

She had discovered that the fridge and cabinets had been stocked with local foods, all labeled in neat handwriting that she did not recognize. Draco followed her around as she searched, helping her take an inventory of the things, though he couldn't speak. She made a list, as he pulled each thing out of the fridge or cabinet, setting them on the counters.

"Four steaks..." she muttered. "Four jars of oran jelly..." They seemed to have gotten samples of nearly all the local foods offered, probably as a way for them to discover which foods they liked. She couldn't wait to try some of the berries that she recognized so well from the games. She noticed that there was food from actual animals in the fridge too, and no pokemon meat either. She assumed it was because pokemon were sentient, and animals weren't. She hadn't known that real animals existed in this universe, and she made a note of that as well.

Earlier she had gone through her bag of items that she had been given, finding a few items that would come in handy. First and foremost, she found a cell phone. A basic flip phone, it was connected to a local phone network called Jolt-Eon, apparently the fastest network in Kanto. There was a sticky note on the phone, saying that the phone service, as long as they keep those phones, is paid for by their winnings. She didn't argue with that.

Also in the bag was a Pokedex. However, instead of it being a device that she would have to fill on her journey, like she would have had to in a game, this Pokedex was already filled with information on pokemon from what she recognized as the first three generations. And it wasn't just a tiny sentence of information like the game gives. It was essentially an encyclopedia of information on all pokemon, including their habitats, diets, mannerisms, special care, unique colorations, anthro forms, special interests, and much much more. She had put it away at the time, but was going to make sure to read up on charmander that night.

There were two more things inside the bag. One was a strange looking black collar, with a sticky note on it, reading "Talker Collar. Compliments of Otto." She made sure to note that, and do research on what a talker collar was.

The last thing in the bag was a literal gift basket, with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a candle, and some chocolates that tasted chalky. The perfect thing to cap off her day.

"Two loaves of bread..." she counted, with Draco gingerly picking up the bread in his claws and setting it on the counter. He was extremely helpful with her, and she could feel his emotions in the back of her mind. He seemed generally carefree and happy about life, excited to be exploring the world as an anthro pokemon instead of in his beast form.

Suddenly, the lock on the front door jiggled. Adele flinched, whirling around at the exact same time as Draco. He bared his teeth slightly, the flame on his tail inflating, until the door opened to reveal Wes.
As Wes entered their home, still with the poochyena clinging onto him, he froze. Standing in their home was the charmander.

Wearing his clothes....

"Uh...." Wes didn't know what to say. There really wasn't much of a way to open things with. 'Oh hey, nice to see you're still here! I just shot and killed a rapist! How are you?' Yeah, that wasn't going to fly. He felt the poochyena adjust, moving behind him a little. He raised his eyebrow, completely lost.

"I'm....back?" he said at a loss.
Adele relaxed, realizing that somewhere in her panic she had grabbed a butter knife, and was holding it at the ready. What she was going to possibly do with a butter knife she had no idea, but nevertheless she felt silly when Wes entered the room.

"You're back," she said, exhaling. She set the knife down on the counter. Draco visibly relaxed as well when his trainer did, their emotions linked through her DNA. Adele was peering at Wes, analyzing his expression, when out from behind him she saw a muzzle peering over his shoulder.

"What..." She shook her head, correcting herself. "Who is that?" she asked. Clearly a pokemon, she was black in color, with a large dog-like muzzle, pointed wolfish ears, and sad sad eyes.
Wes glanced back at the poochyena, seeing that she was still clearly shaken. He looked back towards Adele, giving somewhat of a forced half smile, feeling the pokemon he'd saved holding onto the backs of his shoulders.

"It's a little....complicated...." Wes explained.

The next thirty minutes consisted of Wes explaining what happened on his little walk. The first part, at least. The entire time he told the story, sitting on the couch with the poochyena sitting right next to him (still only wearing his button up that went past her thighs), he contemplated on how much he should fabricate his story. He got to the part where the man had pulled a knife on her, having casually left out the part about him pointing at gun at him. Wes finally let out a large breathe of air. This was now or never. Either tell the truth or don't.

"Look," Wes said almost as if he had done something wrong. "I don't honestly know how to say this without you freaking out. I um... you see..." He paused, closing his eyes and telling himself to grow up. "I came prepared. Since we're probably going to be roommates for some time, I might as well just be honest with you.... Don't freak out, okay?"

Wes stood up from the couch, reaching behind him and pulling out his gun. He gently placed it on it's side on the coffee table, making sure it wasn't pointing at anyone.

"My dad's a cop. Well, was a cop. I've known how to shoot a gun since I was a kid."

Well, actually the truth of the matter was he'd known how to properly shoot a gun since he was five, but he wasn't going to start bringing up pointless facts.

"I wasn't given much of a choice. You see, I um...."

Wes looked away. There was no way around it.

"I pulled the trigger...." he told her. He proceeded to explain what happened afterword, telling her how he called the cops after 'the deed was done'.

"She's not able to switch back to her beast form after being injected with that stuff," he told Adele, avoiding making eye contact with her. "I didn't want to just leave here there and decided it would be beast to take her with me. I'm.... sorry...."
Adele blinked, looking back and forth between Wes and his pokemon. Assuming he was keeping her. The mention of the gun and the killing wasn't a surprise to her, given her own past. The rapist was the most shocking, as she hadn't expected this world to be as heartless as her own. But... what else was she to expect? She was more concerned with the poor pokemon than anything, the sadness just radiating out from her.

"So... you're keeping her... right?" she asked expectantly, looking between them again. If Wes thought he was going to throw her out on the street... he had another thing coming.

The gun was the least surprising of the statements Wes had made. With her living in a farm down south, and her father owning plenty of hunting rifles and pistols, Wes wasn't the only one who knew how to use a firearm. Adele had grown up with horses, riding them in shows, and on occasion even racing, and had become a sport hunter at a very young age. She had gone on annual trail hunts with her father and her uncles, and could shoot a gun almost better on horseback than on the ground. And while her experiences with guns usually had involved shooting deer and rabbits, she wasn't about to mention any of her experience to him at this time.

She looked at the poor girl again, who appeared to be close to her own age, but her absolute fear made her appear several years younger than she really was. "Because if you don't keep her, I will."
Wes looked back up at Adele. He was more surprised that she was more worried about the poochyena rather than the fact that he'd just wasted someone. He nodded his head. As much as he acted like it, he was far from heartless. He wasn't about to just let such a poor pokemon like that out into the wild. Not after everything she'd been through.

"Of course I'm keeping her," he told her. He placed his hand on his poochyena's knee. She tensed up, balling her body up a little bit as she still sat on the couch. "I'm actually kind of glad Oak gave me an empty ball. MUCH better than a Magikarp."

He looked at her, giving her a warm smile. She shyly lowered her ears, looking down at the floor. Wes frowned, with his attempt to raise his spirits failing. He looked at the shirt he'd let her use.

"Even so, I don't think having her parading around in only a shirt is very.... comfortable for her."
Adele glanced at the poochyena, the large shirt barely covering her lower areas. "I think I have some clothes upstairs," she said, thinking about what would best fit the pokemon. She reached out to her. "Come on," she said, speaking in a baby voice like she would to a puppy. The poochyena shrank back, shying from her hand like it was a hot poker.

Adele frowned. "You might have to bring her upstairs with you, she's still way too skittish," she said, slightly offended. Wes nodded, and with Draco following, the four of them made their way upstairs, the poochyena shivering, though it wasn't even cold.
"Thank you," Wes told Adele, with the four of them in her room. Adele had laid out a few things she never really wore, or at least wouldn't feel terrible about loosing. "I'll make sure to pay you back for whatever she takes."

The poochyena stood in front of the bed, just staring at the clothes. She looked back at Wes, as if confused as what to take. She looked back down, seeing a few pairs of panties. She shyly reached out, grabbing hold of a pair sheepishly. By her reaction, she'd clearly never seen underwear before. Being a purple pair, she placed them on her head, with each ear poking out the leg holes. Her eyes here covered, completely blinded. She lifted up the panties, looking back at Wes with a pitiful look in her eyes. He laughed a little, with her talking them off her head.

"Those aren't for your head, they're-"

Curious as to what to do with them, the poochyena put them in front of her face, inhaling. Wes went pale, watching as the poochyena shamelessly smelt Adele's panties. She clearly had no idea how perverted it would have been if she knew any better. The worse part was she kept sniffing, as if she smelt something. With one ear folding back and the other still erect, it was as if she was trying to find what the smell was.

Wes slowly moved towards her, lowering her hand with the panties in them, putting it by her side.

"N-no...." he told her. "Just.... no.... Those are for...." Wes patted his hips. "Right here."

She gave him a bewildered look in return. Did HE want the panties? She pushed the panties towards Wes, with him acting like they were radioactive.

"W-wha- no, those are for YOU. For YOUR butt, not mine."

Both of her ears folded back now, feeling as if she were failing what must have been the secret art of panties. Wes gave her a small smile, assuring her it was alright.

"Just hold onto them for right now," He told her. "You can put them on later. Just.... go ahead and put everything else out for now."

The poochyena looked back at all of the clothes. She grabbed pretty much the first things she saw: A pair or black leggings and a purple short sleeved shirt. Wes looked at the bra's on the bed, seeing that they were a little too big for her. The poochyena was smaller chested than Adele. He did his best not to look, but from his guess, the Poochyena was about an A cup.

"We can go shopping tomorrow for some other clothes that fit you better," Wes told her, now with her holding her clothes in hand. "Let's go get you dressed, okay?" He looked over to Adele, giving her a thankful nod. "I appreciate this."
Adele glanced between the two, before clearing her throat. "If... I may," she said, taking a step forward. "She hasn't ever put on clothes before... maybe she would feel more comfortable with me helping her?" She glanced at the poochyena, who stared at the clothes in her hands, completely lost.

Adele stepped forward reaching her hands out with her palms up, with the pokemon's ears perking up at the sound. She glanced up at Adele, and instantly shrunk back. She pressed herself against Wes, making herself as small as possible. She didn't take her fearful eyes off Adele.

"Or... not," she said, slightly hurt. She stepped back to where she had been. Drake watched the interaction, wordless.
Wes sighed, looking at the poochyena with a frown. She was still staring at Adele, looking at her like she were going to hurt her.

"I'm sorry," he apologized to Adele, "I wouldn't take it personally. She's clearly not very outgoing. I'll...."

Wes put his hand on the back of his neck, giving it an awkward rub.

"I'll do it," he finally finished. He looked at Drake, seeing him blink wordlessly. "I'm sure you've already got your hands full already anyways."

Wes made his way out of Adele's room, with the poochyena following close behind him, having her tail completely lowered.
Adele sighed, watching the two exit the room. Drake moved over to the bed, glancing at all the stuff scattered everywhere. Adele's clothes were spread out everywhere, as well as the materials from Otto. Drake picked up one item in particular, handing it out to Adele, a goofy grin on his face.

"That's a talker collar," she said, absentmindedly. "Otto sent it for us I guess... I don't know what it does, but we can find out if you want really quick." Drake nodded, sticking the collar in her hands. She held it up, examining it. It was simple, black, and didn't look at all special. The leather was shiny and new, the buckle silver.

"Well, let's put it on you then," she said, gesturing for Drake to turn around. As he did, she reached up and draped the collar around his neck, fastening the buckle on the back.

"How's it look," came a deep voice from in front of her. She jumped back, completely freaked out.

"Who's there?" she said, looking around the room. Drake turned around.

"I don't know, I heard it too," he said, eyes searching all around. Adele eyed him.

"Drake?" she asked, confused.

"I know I know, don't worry, we'll find them," he said, he started turning in circles, his flaming tail stiff with apprehension.

Adele relaxed, standing up straight again. "Drake it's you, you can talk," she said, giving herself a mental kick. Why she hadn't guessed what a talker collar did before hand she didn't know.

"Me?" he asked, eyes widening. "Oh my god I can talk!" He smiled, happy, forked tongue flicking out of his mouth. "What do I sound like? My voice is so deep! Wow!"

Now that he had started talking, Adele wasn't so sure giving him the ability to talk was the best idea. "Yeah..." she said, thinking about what to do with him. He clearly wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. "Um, we should go show Wes."

"Oh yeah, that guy!" he said, running up beside her. "I can tell him thank you for these lovely pants. Do you think he'll mind about the hole in them? I'm sure I can fix them up with some needle and thread..."

Adele simply stared at him, before grabbing his clawed hand, and dragging him behind her to Wes's room.
[Note: Wes has his door locked.]
The poochyena sat with her legs together on Wes' bed, with Wes going through his clothes that he had in his duffel bag.

"Since you don't really have a bra," Wes said, though was mostly mumbling to himself, "I might want to give you something over that shirt to cover your chest in case.... it um.... get's cold or something."

Wes stopped searching momentarily. She should probably put on the clothes Adele had given her already instead of having her sit there practically naked. However, by the looks of it, he was the one who was uncomfortable by her lack of clothes more than she was. He took the purple panties and held them as if they were going to bite him. Holding someone's underwear wasn't something he found enjoyment in. It made him feel.... dirty.

"Can I have you please stand up?" he asked her kindly. With her ears folded back, the poochyena stood up from the bed with her hands held together in front of her. Wes knelt down, getting her her feet. "Okay, I need you to put your feet through the wholes one at a time," he instructed."

Wes felt her put her hands on his shoulders, using them as a support as she stepped into the leg wholes of the panties. Going slow so he didn't alarm her, Wes pulled them up, slowly straightening out his back as he did. His thumbs were rubbing against her thighs as he pulled them up, feeling her fur. It was softer than he thought it would have felt. He had pulled all the way up, with the panty line stopping at her tail. He let go, feeling like he could breathe again.

"Alright," Wes said to her, "now lets put on some pants."

The poochyena looked at the leggings she had picked out, having her ears fold downwards again. She simply shook her head.

"You.... don't want to wear pants?"

Again, she shook her head.

Wes let out a frustrated sigh.

"Look, you can't NOT wear pants. Pants are pretty important when you're in the form that you're in."

The poochyena lowered her head, as if she were defeated.

"How about we just put shirt on and call it good for now," Wes suggested. "I know you probably aren't very fond of clothes, but when we go out tomorrow to go shopping you HAVE to wear pants. Is that fair?"

She looked up at him, then looked back down at the floor. She reluctantly nodded her head. Wes grabbed the purple shirt.

"Let's go ahead and put this on, okay?"
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