KanexAllora Pokemon Role Play (Flame of Life style)


Dec 2, 2013
Flame of Life based role play, with unique characters!

Starting a role play in the same universe of Flame of Life, and fanfiction on fanfiction.net by Krimson Kane.

Story starting in Pallet Town.

After Flame of Life ended, Otto decides to have a gaming competition in the real world. Our two characters won, and won the opportunity to live in Pallet Town. Neither of us knew what would happen when we arrived.

Pallet Town is bigger than in the games, but is still a small town. Our characters become roommates in an apartment complex. We receive our starters, and start our journey!

Place of Birth:
Appearance (body type and daily dress):
Why they wanted to come to the Pokemon universe:
Name: Adela Willow
Place of Birth: Louisville, KY
Appearance: 5'6, mermaid length, chestnut curly hair. Dark green eyes. Tan skin, good complexion, freckles. Always has her nails painted. Wears jeans, riding boots, button down plaid shirts. Naturally pretty. Petite figure, small breasts, strong muscular legs. Very fit and lean.
Why they wanted to come to the Pokemon universe: She doubted the DT actually existed, and had always been good with the pokemon games. She studied up on stats, and won the female side of the competition, though it wasn't that hard, at least she thought. She did it mostly for a new experience, and just to see if she could actually win.
Personality: Rode horses when she was in the U.S. Really good with animals, therefore good with pokemon. Is a closet furry, doesn't even know what the term is, but is one nevertheless. Likes her bourbon. Not much of a sense of humor. Takes things seriously. Doesn't deal with bullshit, liars, or people that can't hold their alcohol. Really good at things she puts her mind to. Has her morals and sticks with them. Doesn't get along with people that try and force their beliefs on her. She respects other's beliefs, as long as they respect hers.
Goals: Immediately decides that she wants to be the best at something. In the U.S. she was well known in the south east for being one of the best horseback riders in the country. She wants to find some kind of riding competition in the pokemon universe. She also finds that she loves battling, and doesn't really care about the gyms, but really wants to be able to beat anyone that challenges her. She hates losing. Like a lot. And will beat herself up over it.
Name: Wesley (Wes) Wright
Place of Birth: Portland, OR
Appearance: Medium build, being around 6 feet tall with brown hair and blue eyes. Wears black shoes, dark blue jeans, and a black button up shirt. Has marks on his body from the fights he's been in. Rarely is seen smiling. Carries a 9mm on him, hidden on his person.
Reason for wanting to come to the Pokemon Universe: Wanted a fresh start and a little bit of adventure. Being in the Pokemon universe felt like it would be more bearable to live in rather the regular world.
Personality: Wes hides his emotions, typical sarcastic and bitter. Having a rough life, he tends to be pessimistic at times and has little to no faith in humanity. Doesn't involve himself in personal politics or beliefs, simply wanting people to shut the hell up and leave him alone. He finds solace in simple things and is often passive. However, he is a force to be reckoned with. Not only is he skilled with hand to hand combat after the brawls he's been in, Wes carries a gun on him at all times, and has fired it more than once. He's taken lives before in self defense and is willing to do it again if need be.
Goals: To find some sort of meaning in life.
The awkwardness was tangible as she stood there, bag in hand, across from this stranger that she was going to be living with for God knows how long.

Arriving in this universe had been much more simple than she had imagined. It was just like walking through a door into another room, except that room was filled with powerful monsters that could kill you, evil organizations that want to kill you, and lots of other things that might kill you too. But nevertheless, she was happily accepted into their society by the local circuit court system, given a trainer card, keys to an apartment building, some money, and a bag filled with some random shit that she hadn't even looked through.

She had with her of course her own bright pink Victoria's Secret duffle bag, containing within everything she might possibly need in her new life. Now the only issue was... him.

She had been escorted to her apartment complex with another person, the other winner of the contest. And he hadn't said one single word to her since they had arrived. They had been dropped off at the front door to their new place, and the cab had driven off, leaving them awkwardly situated in front, having no idea what they were supposed to do.

She hadn't actually seen any pokemon yet, but this was almost to be expected. It was almost 7:30 PM there, the sun nearly set in the October sky. They had been inside of buildings and cars since arriving, not having much time to explore their surroundings.

She stood for a few more seconds, before asking; "So... do you want to unlock the door? I mean I can get my keys out if you don't have yours with you." Hers were buried deep in her bag, and she prayed he just had his in his pockets so she didn't have to dig through her stuff.
"Great," he thought to himself, not reveling any kind of emotion. "This chick is probably going to expect me to be a maid too."
Without saying a single word, he reached in his pocket, pulling out a key chain with their apartment key on it. It was of a pink cartoon girl and was incredibly girly. It'd been given to him as a gift a long time ago and he refused to toss it no matter what. He momentarily glanced at the girl he was forced to room with, as if wanting to see if she was going to comment on it. He slid the key in, giving a subtle twist of his wrist, unlocking the door. He pulled out his key, reaching down and picking up his black and purple duffel back, being a plad color scheme. With the door now open, he took a step back, and motioned for her to enter first. He wanted to be polite, though most likely came off a little strange instead.
After the door was open, her new roommate stepped back, letting her in first. She gave him a strange look, but stepped in first anyway.

The front door opened up to a small hallway. The left side of the hallway, instead of being a wall, was a granite countertop that extended from the wall, sectioning off the kitchen. The kitchen was basic, with an electric stove, microwave, oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher. The counters were a sandy colored smooth granite, the cabinets a matching tan.

Continuing on she walked into the living room. It was decent sized, with a large television, two couches, and a desk and chair against one wall. Sliding doors against the wall led to a mini backyard, fenced in with privacy fencing. A small bathroom was to the right. To the left the space opened up into a small dining room, with a doorway leading again to the kitchen, under the stairwell.

Also on the left was a set of stairs, leading to the second floor. Adele looked behind her at her roommate, wandering in, and headed upstairs to check out the rooms. At the top of the stairs was another small living space, with a desktop computer, and a bookshelf. Looking closer, she saw that the books were all informative books on the region and the world of pokemon. One of the books, "In Another Universe," had been written by Otto himself. It was a guide to people from the real world on how different this world was. She made a note to take that into her room later.

Both rooms were exactly the same, each with their own bathroom and a walk in closet. She picked the one on the left at random, and dropped her bag on the bed. She had one window with some curtains, and basic red, blue, and black bedding.
Following suit, Wes followed up the stairs moments later, seeing that she had taken the room on the left, with the only room being left being on the right. Honestly, he preferred it that way.

He entered his room, carelessly tossing his bag on his bed. Wes let out a heavy sigh, sitting down, not even giving a single shit about what his room looked like. His mind was so cluttered with his own personal thoughts it was as if he wasn't even there to begin with.

Wes hung his head, feeling an emptiness inside him. He let it settle, not even bothering to shake it off as he normally did in public. In public, nothing bothered him. When he was alone, he was at the mercy of his inner demons.

A few minutes passed, with Wes wiping his eyes clear. Standing up, he grabbed his bag, unzipping it to check on his stuff and make sure it was still in one piece. Upon unzipping, he saw his pistol on top of everything. It was unloaded and racked back, having a silver shine to it. He smirked, zipping up his backpack again.

"If this chick knew I had a piece she'd probably shit a brick or two," he chuckled to himself silently, putting his duffel bag under his bed. Wes reached into his back pocket, pulling out the envelope of money he'd been given when they arrived. He opened it up, counting it once again. 2,000,000 tabs were inside, which was the equivalent of $2,000.

"I'm SOOO rich," Wes joked to himself, putting the money away again. Not having much else to do, he walked out of his room, closing the door lightly behind him.
Adele had gone back downstairs, and was checking out the living space. The couches were cloth, the TV a flatscreen. The powder bathroom had a shower and bathtub inside, as if for guest usage in case they had people over. She had taken the book written by Otto downstairs, and was flipping through it.

"What's... an anthropomorphic form?" she muttered, turning the page. There were pictures all over of pokemon that looked like humans, standing on two legs, and even talking. "Really?" she murmured, slightly excited. There was what looked like a growlithe, wearing a kimono, and a persian, though it was missing its gem on its forehead. She was about to turn the page, when...

*Thumpthumpthump* There was a knock on the door. She glanced up the stairs for a moment, before heading to answer it. However, without warning, in burst an eccentric looking older man. he had greyish hair, a labcoat that was tucked into the back of his pants, and was covered in stains. He carried a briefcase with him, and carelessly slammed it on the countertop.

"Where's ma two lurkiesht trainersh in theh whowle wide worold," he slurred. He stumbled in, slamming the door behind him, and spotting Adele.

"Thersh one, wheresh the other?" he slurred. He looked around, lost, almost forgetting she was even there. But then, he spotted her again.

"Thersh one," he repeated. He paused, just staring at her, but then shook his head like he was waking up again. "Whash your name shweety?" he rambled.

"I'm... Adele?" she said, almost like she was asking a question. She looked around for her roommate.

"Whash the name o the other one?" he slurred. She paused, thinking. She didn't actually know his name yet.

"I... I don't really know?" she answered, still wondering who the hell this guy even was.
The pounding on the door had made Wes on guard, having quickly scramble upstairs. Within half of a minute, he'd managed to quickly get his gun from his bag, load it, half cock it, and hide it behind him.

"Whash the name o the other one?" Wes heard a voice slur downstairs. At that time, Wes had already slowly begun to descend, gun stuffed halfway in the back of his pants, hidden. He lightly stepped down the stairs, remaining calm. He saw a strange man, a drunk, really, standing near the kitchen. His roommate was near the kitchen, with her not noticing him coming down yet.

"I... I don't really know?" he heard her answer. Wes pushed the hammer back and put on the handguns safety, covering the butt of the gun with his over shirt as he continued downstairs. Even if this man was clearly not a threat, Wes wasn't taking any chances.

"Wes," he said. The drunk that had stumbled inside with the briefcase on the counter stumbled about, seeing Wes suddenly on the stairs. He glared at the man, giving him a cold look. "Can we help you?" Wes asked sternly.

The drunk smiled, nodding his head with a bobbing motion.

"Yesh!" he claimed. "I'm herr to givvvve you pok-a-mOns!"

Wes eyed this man who looked like he'd been living in a gutter completely vexed.

"You're telling me you barged inside our home to give us Pokemon?...." Wes questioned, stilling cautiously eying the drunk man.
Adele glanced back and forth between the two as they spoke. "I'm... Adele," she said slowly, feeling compelled to interject with her name, as Wes had introduced himself.

The man looked at her, and back at Wes, and back at her again. "Ah, there you two are!" he said, as if seeing them for the first time. Adele rolled her eyes, having had enough of his bullshit.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked bluntly, crossing her arms. She narrowed her eyes, flicking her head to the side to move her hair out of her face.

"I'm..." the man squinted, staring at the floor. "I'm... Uh..." He looked up at the ceiling. Then, he snapped his fingers. "I'm Professor... Um..."
He lost his train of thought again. He looked down, then back up at them "Ah, there you two are!"

"Professor Oak?" she asked, praying to God that it wasn't him.

"Thash ma name!" he slurred, grinning broadly. Adele covered her eyes with a hand, in defeat.

"Oh lord..." she mumbled.
Wes shook his head a little. Was this guy for real?

"YOU'RE professor Oak?"

"Tash righ!" he slurred, bobbing his up and down again. Wes watched him fiddle with his briefcase. His hands fumbled about, having difficulty opening it. He'd curse every time his hand slipped, making it a little painful for Wes to watch. After what Wes could only assume to have been his 47th attempt, the case finally opened up. Inside were two Pokeballs, each looking a little warn and tattered. He eyed them cautiously. Was his guy serious?

"Wait," Wes said, with Professor Oak, or at least who this drunken fool claimed to be, took out each Pokeball. Thrice, he bobbed his head with a stupid grin on his face.

"Deez h-are the greatest Pokemon I hhhavv," he explained, full of 'confidence.' "The-hay are wour-they of trainers such 'has yuu!"

Wes blinked a couple of times. So. Many. Questions.
"Just..." Adele sighed, stepping forward. She snatched the pokeballs out of his wavering hands. "THANK you," she said, slowly and dripping with false sincerity. Professor Oak nodded, his eyes wide, tongue lolling out of his mouth.

"R-really?" he gasped.

"Yes," she said, patting his hands that were now clasped together. "Now... get out of our house."

"But... can't I shtay for awhile?" he whimpered.

"No," she said, maybe a bit too fast. "No..." she repeated, nicer. "Your alcohol at home misses you."

"It... she does?" he said, his inanimate bottle of alcohol suddenly becoming female.

"... Yes," was all Adele could say. Without another word, the man who was once professor Oak turned around, flung open the door, and sprinted off into the night.

The door wide open, two pokeballs in hand, and a briefcase on the counter, all Adele could do was stare.
Wes stood there, still on the stairs.

"What....the actual fuck...." Wes said, at a loss. He shook his head, looking at the pokeballs in Adele's hands. He raised his eyebrow, slowly finishing walking down the steps of the stairs. He made his way over to the briefcase, which reeked of alcohol. He wafted his hand in front of his face, feeling his eyes burn a little.

"Jesus Christ," Wes coughed. "Did he BATHE in bourbon or has he drank himself to the point of literally replacing his blood with alcohol? The last person I saw drink like that was my mom before-"

He stopped himself, clearing his throat. Examining the case a little more showed that it was yet to be emptied. Inside were a few pamphlets and a VHS tape. Overwhelmed with nostalgia, Wes picked up the tape. It had a piece of tape on it, with the words "So You Want To Be A TRAINER?" He laughed a little.

"They still make these?" Wes joked.
"I guess," answered Adele, more than a little irritated. She closed the front door, peering into the briefcase afterward. Inside were little trifold laminated papers, each with their own special title. The one labeled: "The Magic Balls," caught her eye, more for the humor than anything else. A pokeball with shining sparkles glittering around it spanned the front cover.

She opened it up, reading a little bit. "The pokeball is a magical device..." she murmured. It said that pokeballs could be minimized by squeezing their sides. She tried it with the two she held, and miraculously, they shrank down to golf ball size.

It also said that to register a pokeball as yours, you had to prick your finger on the back. That didn't sound fun. She decided to leave that bit for later. "Here," she said, walking over to Wes and slapping a pokeball into his hand. "You take this one."

She walked over to the wall to check out the TV. "It has a VHS player," she observed. "No DVD player though. What is this, 1995?"

Come to think of it, that WAS the year that Pokemon, Red Version was released. She found the thought amusing, but brushed it off. "Bring that tape over here," she said.
Wes held the Pokeball in his hand, giving it a look over. He let out a little "hmm," walking over to Adele with the VHS tape still in his other hand. He hunched over slightly, peering at the player. It'd been so long since he'd used one of them he'd nearly forgotten how they worked. He raised his hand, stalled a bit, then finally figured out which button actually turned it on. With a red button shining on the player, indicating that it was on, he pushed in the tape, having it start to be taken in by itself.

Seeing that the remote to the Television was on the TV itself, he took it in hand, still holding the golf sized pokeball in the other, turning the TV on. The first thing he saw come on was a soap opera in the midst of drama. He saw the face of a very old woman with wrinkles covering her entire face.

"You lied to me Johnathan!" she cried. "I'll never let you-"

Wes hit input before it continued, changing to a black and somewhat flickering screen. The tape was playing now, though had yet to start. He stood there for a moment, still next to Adele, having an awkward silence come between them.

"I guess this is going to be one of those bonding experiences then?" he joked.

Out of nowhere, the screen turned white, with a rainbow shooting across the screen. 80's waiting room music played, with the screen flicking a little from the tape being so old. The rainbow shimmered, with the background turning a vibrant pink, with the words, in big brown letters reading "So You Want To Be A Pokemon TRAINER?"

"And certainly a memorable one at that," Wes added.
The intro looked like a really bad episode of Barny, or the Telli Tubbies on some kind of speed. She sat down on the couch and groaned. She had been in this world less than a day, and it was already annoying the shit out of her.

The music playing as the intro went on reminded her of some kind of Cher/Michael Jackson's "Beat It." It was way way too peppy for the mood she was in.

"This looks riveting," she muttered, tossing her minimized pokeball back and forth between her hands.
Wes followed suit, sitting down on the same couch as Adele, though made sure to sit distant from her on the other side. He fingered the minimized pokeball in his hand, staring at the screen with great....'anticipation.' He felt the cold chill of his gun against his skin behind him, making it a little more uncomfortable to sit.

It suddenly jump cut to a man in tight jeans and a skin tight white shirt. He stood there for a moment, with the most forced grin Wes had EVER seen. His eyes were wide open, as if he had been under the influence of meth. The man just stood there, with the screen now focused on a closeup of his face. He just.... stood there. Wes edged back on the couch a bit.

"I'm pretty sure this is how most horror films start," Wes commented.

"HI!" the man on the tape boomed, making Wes jolt back even farther. His heart began to race. The audio of the music and voicing were so unbalanced it was literally painful to listen to. He turned the volume down with the remote, so low to the point where the voice sounded normal, yet the music wasn't even noticeable at that point. Honestly, he wasn't going to start complaining about not being able to hear what to him sounded like a mix of Cher's "Do you believe in life after love" mixed with "Beat it" by Micheal Jackson. "MY NAME IS SAM!"

His voice still sounded loud, but Wes could only turn the volume so low.


The last part was echoed, putting emphasis on 'pokemon master.'

It jump cut once again, this time showing 'Sam' standing in front of a man in a god damn mudkip outfit. He looked like a pokemon fur suiter who got lost on his way a convention. 'Sam' went on to instruct how to battle and to use the safety rules when engaging with other Pokemon. He threw a plastic ball down at the ground, suddenly with another fur suiter 'magically appearing' in front of him, being a pikachu. 'Sam' spun around on his heel, staring at the camera. It zoomed in on his face, showing his eyes were bloodshot.

"Always remember to FAP."

Wes stared at the screen, as if perhaps mishearing him.


"That's right!" he yelled, with his voice being slightly less loud for some reason now. "Face your opponent, Accept your battle, and Prepare to fight! F.A.P.!"

Wes let out a heavy sigh, with 'dramatic' music playing as the two 'pokemon' fought it out, flailing their arms around, slapping each other like school children on the playground. The mudkip suddenly fell on one knee, letting out a cry of pain, which sounded like a heavy set man letting out a bear growl. 'Same turned to the screen once again, having it zoomed in on his bloodshot eyes.

"When you ready to capture a pokemon, thing about CUNT!"


"Control your throwing arm, Use an overhand toss, 'Nab that pokemon, then Throw your hands in the air- because you Caaaaught it! YEAH!"

"...." Wes put his hand over his face. "This is too painful to watch...."

"Congratulations!" 'Sam' said with a smile. "You're now ready to become a POKEMON MASTER! YEEEEEAAAAH!"

The film began to fade out, leaving Wes sitting there, hand still over his face.

"I.... I can't even.... just...." he started to shake his head. "God damn it all....
After the horror movie was over, Adele just sat there, staring at the fuzzy screen left over after the film had ended. "What..." was all she could say. She shook her head, standing and walking back over the briefcase.

"You would think they would tell us some things that we didn't already know," she grumbled. All of the things in the movie that he had said, the little tiny bit of it that had made sense, were things she already knew just from playing the games. She dug through the briefcase, looking for more pamphlets.

"Basics of Pokemon," she read aloud. She grabbed four or five more of them, and dropped them off on the coffee table, sitting on the couch again. "Pokemon can be captured in pokeballs... blah blah blah..." she said, scanning the booklet. "Ah! Here we go. To release your pokemon from their pokeball, enlarge the ball, and throw it on the ground, mentally projecting that you want the pokemon to leave the ball." She was about to try it, when she caught a note. "IMPORTANT! Make sure your pokeball is registered to your DNA first, or this will NOT work!"

Great, finger pricking, she thought. She glanced through the other pamphlet, and pushed her thumb up against the back of the ball. It quickly pricked her finger, and suddenly she felt a weight in the back of her mind that she could not describe.

"... Okay," she said, nervous suddenly. She enlarged the pokeball, and glanced at Wes. "You wanna do it at the same time?"
Wes enlarged his pokeball, looking at the back of it. He saw where he was supposed to prick his finger, as well as the Will meter. It was set on green, being right in the middle. Without any hesitation, he took his thumb and pricked it. It hurt a little more than he let on, keeping up his tough act.

"Sure," he told her. "On the count of three?"
"Sure," she said. "One... Two... Three!"

Closing her eyes, she tossed the ball onto the ground in front of her, projecting really hard with her mind that she wanted the pokemon to come out of the ball. She heard a hissing noise, like crackling electricity. The ball opened in the air, and somehow flew backwards right back into her hand. She thought it had something to do with the fact that it was connected to her DNA.

She barely opened an eye and looked down. A little orange lizard pokemon with a flaming tail was grinning up at her. "A charmander..." she whispered, overcome with awe for the first time since entering this new world. It was her first pokemon she had ever gotten when she started playing the games as a kid. In fact, in the championship match in the women's league of Otto's competition, she had used a charizard on her team. The odds...

She glanced over where Wes' pokemon should have been. But the ball was just laying on the ground, unopened. "Did you... project for it to open with your mind?" she asked, remembering what the pamphlet had said. "Did you prick your finger yet?
Confused, Wes raised his eyebrow.

"I mean.... yeah, I did, but.... huh...."

He knelt down and picked the ball back up, just staring at it. Wes raised the ball up to his ear, shaking it as if he could potentially hear something inside. Realizing that he may or may not have been giving whatever pokemon inside shaking baby syndrome, he stopped, looking for a way to manually open it. He looked at it's sides, turned it upside down, and even looked on the back of it. It was starting to frustrate him. He forcefully grabbed the top and bottom of the ball, starting to pull at it.

"Time to come out, you," Wes wheezed as he tried to pull open the ball. "Whatever you might be."

He strained a little, though refused to give up. Whatever was in there was coming out!

"I swear to god," Wes said with his face turning red, "if I go through all of this work just to find out it's a magikarp-"

The ball finally popped open, leaving Wes speechless.

It was empty. He stood there for a minute in pure silence, just staring at the empty pokeball.

"Well.... at least it's not a magikarp...." he said with a defeated sigh.
Adele was speechless, not sure whether she should be comforting Wes, or entertaining her charmander that was starting to wander around the house with a tail that was on fire. "I'm... really sorry," she said, sidestepping over to her new pokemon, nudging it and its tail away from the couch. "Maybe it was a mistake?"

"Char..." grumbled her charmander, heading over to the TV instead. Wes looked totally defeated.

"Hey... you have a pokeball at least. Maybe you can try and catch one?" she said. Her charmander was going through old tapes, tossing them on the ground after looking at each one. She kept an eye on its tail, not wanting their new house up in flames.
"Y-yeah...." Wes said, doing his best not to show how upset he was. "I mean, shit, it's not that big of a deal. Easy come, easy go."

Wes looked over towards the television, seeing the charmander Adele had received going through all of the tapes. He smirked, finding it a little funny. He silently sighed to himself, turning around and slowly heading for the front door.

"Hey," he told her, "I'm gonna head out for a bit. I'm just gonna go on a walk and clear my head a little. Congratulations on getting a charmander by the way."

Honestly, Wes found the situation a little funny. Even in this new world he found himself in he was STILL coming up short. Nevertheless, a nice walk would help, or at least take his mind off of things. He gave a wave of his hand before exiting the front door.

"Make sure your new Pokemon doesn't light the house on fire," Wes said with somewhat of a forced laugh. "Later."
Adele sighed, watching as Wes gently closed the door behind him. That really sucks, she thought, frowning a bit. It wasn't like he couldn't get a pokemon at all, but to have that anticipation of receiving something... only to have it snatched away... must be a terrible feeling. She sighed, and turned back to her own pokemon. She couldn't dwell on it too much, he would have to figure it out on his own.

Her charmander was still exploring the space, and had made his way over to the bathroom. She followed the flame on his tail, making sure he didn't burn anything. Suddenly, she remembered something she had seen in Otto's book. "Anthro form..." she muttered. Her charmander had gotten bored of the bathroom and was heading over to the kitchen. "Hey... hey!" she said, realizing that she hadn't named him yet. He turned around, looking at her. She suddenly felt self conscious. "Um... can you look like me?" she asked.

The charmander just stared, and she could swear it raised its non existent eyebrow at her. "You know... can you have a shape like I do?" It grinned a bit, but didn't do anything else. "An... anthro form?" she tried.

That last time, the charmander nodded, laughing a bit. His body began to shimmer and morph, growing to be several inches taller than her. His chest was ripped, his abdomen sectioned off into eight parts, and his pectoral muscles impeccable. And... he was naked.

"Agh!" Adele cried, shielding her eyes.

"Cha ha ha," laughed her nameless charmander, hands on his hips. Nudity, what's that?

"Okay... we need to get you some clothes," she said, heading upstairs. Her charmander followed. She made sure not to turn around. Hopefully Wes doesn't mind if I borrow some of his clothes, she thought.
Wes strolled the empty streets of Pallet down, walking along a sidewalk that passed a few small stores and an arcade. Pallet down had certainly started to grow, from what he'd been told. There were rumors that the town was once barely a speck on the map. Wes cared little of the history, more focused on what the future had in store. HIS future. He began to wonder if it was a mistake to come in the first place. Then again, it wasn't like he really had many other places to go.

He carelessly kicked a can, having a streetlight shining over him. It flew off into the distance, hitting into the side of a movie rental place. He glanced at it, seeing VHS tapes displayed in the windows. He couldn't help but laugh. Seriously? Still with VHS? For a world that was so technologically advanced, they sure needed to get with the times. His laughter faded off into the night.

His thoughts wandered, thinking about his plans for this new place. Maybe he'd focus on making connections. Maybe do some odd jobs. Or maybe be a pokemon trainer full time. That thought stopped him in his tracks, halting where he was. He was halfway across a small bridge that passed over a water drainage canal below. He reached inside his pocket, pulling out the pokeball that professor Oak had given to him. He stared at it, wishing he had at least gotten SOMETHING.

"Fuck it," Wes sighed.

Resting his hands on the railing, he lowered his head, staring down at the little water that was ticking by.


"Sssssh! Shut up, you stupid bitch!"

Wes quickly looked around him, hearing what he thought sounded like someone in distress. He'd been around that kind of life long enough to know when something wasn't right. No matter which direction he looked in, he saw nothing.

"Heh heh, yeah, that's right," he heard a male voice chuckle. "Don't fight it."

Not good. NOT good. Wes finally realized that the voices were in fact coming from UNDER him. He looked over the railing, seeing there was a walk path on the side of the water drainage. He reached behind him, pulling out his gun. He quickly made his way to the end of the bridge, taking a turn and carelessly jumping over the railing.

Wes landed on his side, sliding down the sloped that led down to the water drainage. He slowly slid down, gun still in hand, finally reaching the walk path and getting on his feet. It was dark enough for him to remain hidden, with his dark clothes aiding him in keeping hidden. He had his silver 9mm lowered, trying not to have it give his position away.

In the darkness under the bridge, he saw a large figure pushing someone up against the wall underneath the bridge. It was hard to see the other person, with only the man being seen. He saw the man's teeth bare, showing a white toothed smile. His clothes looked dirty, having mud caked on the lower part of his jeans, wearing a torn tank top, being what looked like what used to be a white color. Used to. Sweat stains had changed the color to a nasty yellow. Wes heard him chuckle again.

"You ready for the time of your life, baby?" he asked, reaching for the belt of his jeans. Whoever he had pinned against the wall let out a cry, but was muffled by his large hand over their mouth. The man started to undo his belt. Wes wasn't about to let this go any further. He flicked the safety off, fully pulling the hammer of his gun back.

Wes moved out from the darkness, slowly stepping in the direction of the man, having his gun raised and held with both hands.

"You may want to reconsider that," Wes told him calmly. The dirty man's neck snapped in Wes' direction, quickly pulling something from his belt and raising it. He moved the figure he had captive in front of him, using them as a human shield, putting what was a large hunting knife up to their throat. Wes saw that it was a woman. Not a human; an anthro Pokemon.

She stood a little over five feet tall, covered in a dark fur. She had red eyes, with tears in them. She was completely shaken, looking so hopeless. She was completely naked. Her tail was frayed and she was visibly shaking. The dirty man held the knife to her throat, with Wes calmly standing there before him, gun pointed in their direction.

"You best walk away, boy," the man sternly told him, having his eyes ablaze and his grip tighten around the handle of his knife. Wes was unphased, not having moved a single inch.

"Put down the knife," Wes calmly told him. The man looked at him like he was crazy.

"You deaf, boy? Get the fuck out of here! This ain't none of your concern."

Wes took a step forward, with the man putting the knife closer to the female pokemon's neck, whatever it was. Wes quickly stopped the moment he saw her wince. He took a step back, showing he understood.

"Let's take this slow," he told him. "Let's talk about this."

The man was starting to get angrier.

"We ain't got nothing to talk about!" he yelled. Wes had the gun pointed in the direction of his head. He knew he could make the shot, but didn't want to be rash.

"I'm not leaving," Wes told him sternly. "If you don't let go of her, I WILL shoot. And I don't miss."

The man with the knife stared at the gun in his hand, getting a little fidgety. He looked back at Wes, eying him down.

"You're that good of a shot, huh?" The dirty man said, suddenly removing the knife the pokemon's throat, shoving her forward. She went flying towards Wes, with him catching her. He caught his balance, having her held with one arm. He looked up just in time to see the man running at him with his knife. With stunning reflexes, Wes aimed his pistol at the man's chest.

He pulled the trigger, with the pokemon he held folding her dog-like ears back from how loud it was. She had her face buried in his chest, with Wes staring at the man he had just shot, lying on his back with blood beginning to pool beneath him. Wes frowned, with the female pokemon slowly starting to turn her head, as if to see it her prior capture was still going to hurt her. Wes quickly put his hand on the side of her face, making her look back towards him.

"No, no, no," he told her, doing his best to shield her from the terrible sight. "Don't look, okay? Are you alright?"

The female pokemon looked up at Wes, with tears streaming down her face. She suddenly burst into tears, crying hysterically. He clung onto Wes for dear life. With his gun still smoking in his other hand, Wes reached into his pocket as she cried, pulling out his cell phone. Not sure if the phone number was universal in....well, that universe, he pressed 0. He placed it up to his ear, letting it ring.

"Hello?" Wes said still calm, with the pokemon he now held sobbing helplessly still. "I need the police."
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