RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horror_Show & Femdomslave1995)

She stood up and charged Neo he grabbed her and slammed her down hard on her back. He saw the pain come across her face but she stood back Up signaling Neo to advance. Neo charged sending blow after blow which she blocked. She was getting good. Neo jumped off the wall sending a punch in her direction and she ducked sending his fist through the wall. He quickly recovered sending a flurry of kicks that met her face but she seemed unphased. She ran up behind him grabbing his arms and digging her knees into his back causing him to fall on her knees. Neo had to clear head. He was givining her everything he had and she kept coming. He jumped off of her and took flight with his fist out in front of him towards her. She jumped over him and became down on his head with her feet sending his face into the dojo floor.
"This is impossible!" He shouted jumping up. They both exchange a flurry of blows both of them seeming to be very evenly matched. Neo sent one blow to her ribs but she caught his arm under hers and in a twisting motion, snapped it. "Son of a bitch sis!" He knew as soon as he said it he had messed up. She knew it was really him now. But she had bested him and he couldn't quite figure out how unless... she was the one?.
It was a frenzy of motion, a blur of limbs as he and Danielle went toe to toe with each other. He was fighting at her level at first keeping things simple but slowly ever so slowly he was steadily increasing his speed and power. Gradually though he saw to his surprise and enjoyment that Danielle was able to keep up with him. It was most impressive and got Neo thinking that her fighting potential was indeed very high. She was much more skilled than she had let on. As they flowed into a continuous barrage of strikes and counters their hands a blur to anyone but themselves.

It got to the point where there was no thought, no thinking, only fighting instinct where one mistake would make them falter and thus lose. It got to the point where pillars were breaking, as were floor panels of the dojo to where the virtual back setting of Asia could be seen outside of it. Neo had taken a few good blows to the face to top what had already happened with the sential as did the young girl now.

It was one of the most intense and thrilling fight Neo had had. All the while he kept pressing Danielle determined to unlock her full potential. After a series of rather intense blows Neo was finally defeated and accidentally cried out. Danielle was bent over coughing up blood and her breath was ragged when she looked up to see Neo holding his hand as he very immaturely and out of his character commented on her being his sis and she just gawked at him. Neo had straightened his posture as she eyed him. She looked around her surroundings as the half destroyed dojo and suspiciously pierced his eyes.

“No….no, no way, its not really you is it? It can’t be. Shit.....oh my god, Tank told me everything would be part of the simulation,” she was panicking because of everything including the kiss, the tackle. It was him! He had lied but why? How could she have been so foolish, Tank could have been watching. He was older, her brother....but then he really wasn't. They wasn't related but did that make it ok? No it made worse. She didn’t realize that she had done something no other crew member besides Morpheus had been able to do, defeat him in a battle.
After they got out of the simulation Neo couldn't even look at her. He was so confused, he was able to change things in the matrix, he could go toe to toe with an agent but for some reason Danieele had defeated him in combat? What did it mean? Could there be more than one? Was that even possible? It would explain why the agents wanted her.
A few hours later the ship came to dock at the meeting spot. They walked in to a conversation late. "Morpheus glad you could join us." It was captain Niobi speaking in a sarcastic tone. They were discussing an attack on Zion. The machines were digging with enoufhachines for everyan woman and child in Zion. "The commander has ordered all ships back to Zion to protect the people." Niobi spoke in a grim voice. "Does the Commander have a plan?" Morpheus had a smug grin on his face. "A plan is being formulated." Niobi knew there was hypocracy in what she was saying. Morpheus looked at everyone in the room as he spoke. "The prophecy will soon be fulfilled, I am sure of it. All we are waiting on is contact from the Oracle." He paused and looked around the room. "All I ask is one ship remain for 36 hours should she try to make contact." One of the other captains spoke up "The commander will have you thrown in the stockades for disobeying a direct order." Morpheus smiled. " The reason most of us are assigned here is our problems following direct orders." One of the other captains stepped forward. "I'll do it just to see what they do to you." He smiled "36 hours." Morpheus Neo and Trinity returned to the Neb as Tank set their course for Zion.

Neo went straight to his quarters to lay down. He knew eventually he'd have to face Danielle again but he had no ideas how she truly felt about everything that had happened. The kiss? Neo was supposed to be in love with Trinity but they had been drifting apart since Danielle's arrival
He didn't know how Danielle had felt but he had a good feeling that kiss was more than a distraction. Their was passion in it unlike anything he'd ever seen before. He knew Tank had seen it but he didn't seem to want to discuss it as it was really none of his business. Everyone was under enough stress already without another thing to worry about. Besides if Trinity found out it would be bad news for everyone....
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