RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horror_Show & Femdomslave1995)


Feb 15, 2010

Danielle was sitting in front of a computer screen with beady bloodshot eyes in nothing but sweats and a blue t-shirt
. She looked like she hadn’t slept in days and that was true for the most part. She sat at the very desk Thomas Anderson had so many nights doing illegal computer crimes of all kinds living the alternate alias of “Neo”. Danielle had a similar separate life where she did similar things as her older brother did. She had learned from the best, how to hack the system. It was only a few months, maybe longer that her brother had died. So everyone thought from heart failure from drug overdose. He had vanished for a couple days and one night her mother calls in tears telling her the news. She knew better, he didn’t do drugs. He may have sold them a few times but never did them. He was to smart, a genius.


But even while looking at him in the casket she felt like it wasn’t real, that he couldn’t really be dead. She knew Thomas had issues believing in faith and like many others questioned the world around him and that only rubbed off on Danielle as they grew up together. They were a good few years apart, her parents had said Danielle was kind of a gift that happened unexpectedly when she was 33, she had been pretty young when she had Neo at the age of 20. They joked both children were not planned.

After he passed away Danielle begged her parents to let her live in the one room apartment he isolated himself in. Her parents weren’t to thrill with the location as it wasn’t in the best part of town but because the landlord offered them a discount on account of his death they let her under strict rules.


She had moved some of her own stuff in but it only looked the same with a different touch. Instead of his stuff scattered everywhere it was her own. One whole side of the room was just her computer set up and she still left his exactly where it was. She had only got into it once to look at what he was doing before he disappeared. His bed was still there. She had of course cleaned it up making it more livable and washed his sheets and packed his stuff into storage but kept a lot of it.

Danielle had headphones on and was listening to techno [video=youtube]http://youtu.be/A7NapIkIiIk[/video] and was just chatting in random chat rooms feeling the edge. At times she felt hopeless, depressed. She slid off her headphones setting them on the keyboard and got up to head into the kitchen to grab a coke and some snacks. She returned with her mouth full of food as she slid back into the desk chair. She put back on her headphones and was half out of it while opening a pop and then noticed a messaged on her screen.

Danny The Matrix Has You


Danielle almost choked on her pop and sat it down trying to catch her breath and kept looking at her screen. It had turned black as if the whole screen had become a command prompt with green lettering, his message. She thought she was maybe imagining this but trying to pull her desk top back up it wouldn’t come up, it was stuck on this command screen.

Don't be scared...

Danielle typed “Who ever this is better fucking quit it, this isn’t funny. How in the hell did you hack my computer shit face. I’ll destroy your whole system.”
RE: RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horro_Show & Femdomslave1955)

The last month's had been a blur for Neo. There hadn't been much time to prepare for what had happened..... no time to say goodbye. Since choosing to take the red pill and falling deep into "the rabbit hole" Not a moment had passed that he didn't think about his younger sibling. They had always shared some kind of special connection, not just as siblings but a true connection almost as if they could read each other's thoughts. Neo knew his actions as "the one" had put her in direct danger. His attempts at communicating with her had done little more than freak her out. He could feel her pain and it made him angry that he had not done more to prepare her for what was about to happen. But had could he have? He hadn't even been prepared.

"Neo" A femanine voice awakened him from his thoughts. Trinity stood before him with a concerned look on her face. "It's time." Neo stood and took in his surroundings. He stood aboard the Nebakanezer. A ship... A machine. Ever since learning the truth he found himself questioning any mechanical items he came into contact with. He looked at Trinity, the woman he was destined to fall in love with. While he was thankful to her for what she had done for him he struggles to find that true connection with her.

Danielle was in danger.... as Neo's younger sibling the agents would seek her out to get to him and he couldn't allow her to be hurt. As much as Neo wanted to leave her in the world of bliss ignorance, she was a smart girl and just as Neo had, she was beggining to question the world she lived in.

There was only one option..... she had to be pulled out of the matrix and into the brutal reality of the real world.

As Trinity strapped him into the cold metallic chair she still had the look of concern on her face. "Are you sure you don't want me to come?" He shook his head. "She doesn't trust anyone right now..... I need to do this alone."

And with a flash of light he stood at the payphone outside his old familiar apartment building. It was late and a few homeless bums wandered the street. He climbed the stairs up to his old apartment. After taking a deep breath to calm his nerves he gave the door three knocks.
RE: RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horro_Show & Femdomslave1995)

Outside Neo Apartment, Neo himself would stand inside a telephone booth as the virtual reality simulated a storm. Somehow it was fitting for the night. Water would pound against the little small box. He would leave the telephone box only to get wet in the few seconds it took to enter the old apartment building. In a way he would almost dread her living in his apartment, it wasn’t exactly the most luxurious and wasn’t really fitting for a young girl but he would feel a sense of relief she wanted to live where he did. It only really put her in danger twice as much as she already was.

Danielle stared at the computer screen and there was so response immediately, which pissed her off even more. She tried typing in a few commands but the black prompt screen wouldn’t minimize.


Ten minutes later while she had focused her attention on another monitor another message appeared in the command prompt making her slowly look over at the screen.

Believe….I’m coming for you. No more fear. Just Truth.

Danielle glared at the screen and really wanted to know who had the audacity to pull this bullshit with her and she was in the process of trying to bring up a program to hack the command prompt so she could identify the IP Address of whoever it was when another messaged came up.


Knock….Knock Danielle

Danielle slid off her headphones to hear knocking at her door. She swallowed a mouthful of spit and kept looking from the screen to the door. This was really some sick joke. She wasn’t a coward and she threw off her headphones cursing under her breath and opened a closet grabbing a baseball bat that had been Thomas’s when he was little and slowly walked over wires on the floor until she got to the door. She grabbed the baseball with one hand and let her hand grasp the doorknob. She swung open the door…

“Ok mutherfucker…..just try and”

As she raised the bat about to strike Neo would easily grip the end of the bat as it was held up. Danielle gasped out in a shudder and let go stepping back as tears stung her bloodshot eyes. It was Thomas, her brother….but how? He was dead, she saw him buried. She looked back to the monitor that had the black screen, it was blank now as she turned back to Neo. He looked like Thomas but just a little bit different. He was dressed in a causal designer black hoodie and dark jeans and a black t-shirt and his hair was a little messy and in his face.

Normally his attire would be more dressed for the occasion but he didn’t want to alarm her. Everybody had a certain psychical appearance in the matrix, your avatar after you were freed, most of the time you were pretty recognizable for not blending in.

Danielle stumbled back almost tripping on random electronics on the floor as if she was afraid of Neo, as if he was a ghost and in a way, to her, he was.

“Fuck….me.” She breathed out, not literally meaning it but as in fear and pure shock. It was a whole other ballpark to go into how she possibly really felt about her older sibling. She had a crush on him growing up, the age difference really is probably what caused it but she never said anything and grew out of it, more or less it just turned into a strong platonic dedication and love for him. Its why she was slowly falling apart after losing him.
RE: RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horro_Show & Femdomslave1995)

Neo saw the fear in Danielle's eyes. He slowly and cautiously began to step towards her with a soft and reassuring look on his face. She back stepped seeming unsure of what was happening, but as he drew closer she seemed to accept that it was him and fell into his arms sobbing. They stood like this in the middle of the messy apartment for what seemed like an eternity.

It felt good to have her in his embrace where he knew she was safe and sound....
That thought snapped him back to reality. They were far from safe. He placed his hand under her chin and lifted her head from his chest so that their eyes met. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He had often felt guilty growing up for the love he had always felt for his sister... Not just sibling love but genuine passionate love... Nobody had ever understood him like she did.
Dammit!!!! There was no time for this!! He had to get his emotions under control. He caressed her hair he gazed into her eyes.
"I know you have questions.... and I wish I could answer them... but there isn't any time." He reached into his hoodie and took out a red pill. "Take this and soon your questions will be answered."

She gave him a quizzical look and he gave her a reassuring smile and nodded....
RE: RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horro_Show & Femdomslave1995)

It didn’t take long for Neo to scoop his little sister into his strong arms. Soon as her front met his chest she let out heart wrenching sobs that she tried to muffle. She couldn’t believe any of this was happening, it must have been some nightmare where he could vanish any minute so she gripped his back harder, almost to hard to the point she was clawing him but he didn’t seem to mind. His body was warm, she could smell his distinct scent, and the connection was there. It had to be him. He brought her tear-flushed face up to look into his eyes, them deep beautiful brown eyes that she knew so well. She coughed out spit and wiped her mouth as he kept his hand under her chin. She didn’t understand what he meant by there wasn’t enough time and before she could bomb him with a hundred questions he held out a red gel pill.

He nodded his hand handing it out to her. Her eyes saw that smile, the smile that could change her whole day if it was shitty. She exhaled slowly and still couldn’t quite grasp what was happening. She was seriously started to believe it was a dream and she didn’t realize how accurate that assumption was and took the pill looking at it. Neo had ruffled her hair and walked over to the desk grabbing her can of cola and turned to bring it to her. She noticed his smile at what she had done to his place. It still looked pretty messy but it looked cleaner, it just looked like an organized messed beside the wires on the floor. Not wanting what she thought was a dream to end she looked at him and took the pill and chugged it down with half the soda. She sniffled and wiped her nose and mouth.

The pill was actually a tracing program that would disrupt a carrier signal of the pod’s human mind, Danielle. Making it possible for Neo’s crew in the hovercraft to pin point her location in the growing fields that stretched for miles above what was left of earth. Once they could locate her they could send a signal to make it go offline resulting in her finally waking up.

Danielle felt straight like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole. Neo then flipped out a phone and was talking on it. Tank quickly on the other line.

Tank: “Its going into replication…were searching for the signal. Keep her calm.” Trinity was beside Tank on another computer typing.

Trinity: “ Targeting location almost there….”

Danielle was staring at him confused when she felt even more bizarre, maybe even sickly and light headed. She stumbled and she felt her brother catch her. That was when she thought she saw the wall’s starting to crack and crumble. Neo wouldn’t be able to see it but could sense it. Her breathing started getting rapid as all her weight was on Neo. She was almost sitting on the floor but Neo had her from behind propping her up. She started backing up into Neo crying and he lifted her bridal style with one hand while on the phone.


“What’s happening!”
RE: RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horro_Show & Femdomslave1995)

Neo heard his sister's question but as he was preparing to answer he was interrupted by a crashing sound outside.
He looked out the window to see at least a dozen agents surrounding the building. Damn a trap, how could he have been so careless? As he scanned the room for a possible escape he only saw the window as he looked in to his sister's eyes he felt shame for the pain he was putting her through. The door was kicked open and their stood Agent Smith.

"Mr. Andersen I'm disappointed in you... I thought you were much more cunning than to fall for such an obvious trap." Neo looked down at his sister then back at Smith. "What do you want with her?" Smith smirked and gave an evil laugh. "I honestly don't care about the girl Mr. Andersen for me she's just a path to get to you, but for others she's much more than that." Neo gave him a confused look. He knew that they would go after her to get to him but why was she important to the other Agents? Neo gave Smith a death glare."What do you mean?" Smith gave another smirk but before he could answer bullets ripped through the doorway.

To his suprise Nairobi and her crew stood in the doorway. "Go!!! We'll hold off Smith!!!" Neo nodded in thanks and with that he held his sister tight and broke through the window taking flight toward the payphone dodging the bullets of pursuing agents. Thanks to Nairobi's distraction he was able to make it to the booth.
Just before picking up the phone he saw Smith's evil glare staring out of the apartment window.
What had he meant by saying she was important to the others?? "Tank get us the hell out of here!" He picked up the phone and with a flash of light he was back on the Nebakanezer approaching his sister's pod....
RE: RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horro_Show & Femdomslave1995)

Danielle was already freaking out and about to break herself when there was loud crashing and then the apartment door was kicked down as he protectively cradled his sister while still holding the phone to his ear. He would lower it to communicate with Smith. Danielle was already losing her grasp of what was real and not so she was only half conscious to her surroundings. She was holding onto her brother’s neck with tears and mumbling and would cry out now and then. Obviously she was losing her sanity as the world she thought she knew was collapsing, her dream was collapsing.

It didn’t take long before gunfire was shot and Neo dived out the window using both hands to hold Danielle to his chest as she screamed out. He landed right by the booth and easily and snugly got the inside of it to see Smith eyeing them. He picked up the payphone telephone and put it against his ear to jack out, but since he had been holding Danielle they were able to finally locate and dock her signal. As Neo would wake up on the ship, his little sister’s rebirth had begun and he knew from experience how utterly terrifying it was, she was about to enter hell.


Danielle would open her eyes to see nothing but red inside of her pod. Her head from jerk from the left or right as she was suspended in the organic like gooey substance that was in the pod and started fighting her way until she used her hands to claw to the surface and broke free almost falling back in the goop. Her hands forcefully grappled around the long tube in her mouth as she frantically pulled it out of her mouth gagging and coughing up spit and blood. She sunk back down into the goop and came back up gasping and wheezing for air. She started trying to tug at other tubes jacked into her until she felt the data probe connected to the back of her headjack and coughed up more fluids and looked around to see the horrifying growing fields.

Humans were grown in the fetus fields and connected by a myriad of umbilicals that not only provided the body with substance, but draw heat energy from the body to power the machines and their city. Each pod is like its own radio station, a carrier signal for each human mind transmit and receives data from the source to process information needed to form the neural-interactive world of the matrix.


It didn’t take long for a Docbot to come and find her location, as their primary function was to eject humans who have woken up or died in their pods. The young gave a weak gargled scream as it grabbed her and her body started flailing as the jacks ejected one by one like springs off her body until she was dropped abusively back into the pod in the goo. Before she could grab onto the sides of the pod a door opened in which she got sucked into a tube to be dumped into the sewers below.

Luckily Neo and his crew would be nearby to save her before she drowned. Since a pod-human has never used their body in any significant manner, their muscles are very weak to the point of atrophy so swimming is impossible.
RE: RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horro_Show & Femdomslave1995)

Tank pulled Danielle out of the sewer with the ship's large metal claw and she was brought on board the Nebakanezer. Neo watched as she was brought on board, close to death from nearly drowning. He remembered his re-birth and how terrifying it had been, even for someone as brave as he was. He could only imagine how she was taking it. He couldn't help finding himself admiring her body, the curves around her young hips and her lovely perfect sized breasts, the nipples stuck out fully from being exposed to the elements for the first time. He longed to explore every inch of her pale flesh. Trinity caught his stare and shot him an angry look as she took her away to be nursed to health before they could talk.

When she finally awoke days later she found herself laying in bed in Neos quarters. Neo was hunched over next to the bed lost in thought. When she sat up Neo looked at her with a smile. He could see that she seemed at peace with the situation but still she had confusion clearly on her face. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Like shit." she responded with a smile. Neo gave a small laugh and then got very serious.
"I promised you answers so here it goes.... You've been living in a false world Danielle.... Everything you've ever known is a lie....
The year is 2199... At the dawn of the 21st century man created artificial intelligence but we lost control of it. Man chose to create nuclear winter hoping that blocking the sun would cut off their solar power source... but the machines imprisoned the humans harvesting their bio electric energy source and keeping them under control by putting their minds in the matrix..... The world we grew up in"
He gave her a moment to soak it all in and then continued.
"The remaining humans have gathered in a city closer to the. core of the planet called Zion. It is the home of the rebellion against the machines and it is where I am taking you now."
Neo saw the terrified look return to her face and he stood and hunched over her, softly speaking, "I know it's a lot to take in and I don't expect you to accept it all right now, but you are safe..... And I have missed you." He felt her uneasiness and wrapped her in a tight embrace to comfort her. When she finally let go of him he sat back down to allow her to respond..
RE: RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horro_Show & Femdomslave1995)

Danielle didn’t know what to say as she fluttered her eye’s open. She felt warm and was layered in thick warm blankets and was dressed in old tattered thermal clothing. Her eyelids opened to reveal Neo crouched beside her. They focused in that she was in a very dimly lit quarters, a ship? Her skin color was ghostly pale, no color was in her what so ever as her body was just getting use to actually being awake. She looked exactly like Danielle in the matrix but different, while in the matrix she was it least 21 her body was actually younger at 17/18 and she was one of the few people born with hair, it was just shorter than in the matrix, it came to her shoulders and was looked uneven and razored from where it couldn’t grow properly in the pod.

Before she could start to talk Neo did. He started explaining what the matrix was. He had to be careful because Morpheus explained to him how difficult it was to take in and that he had to be careful with her. It’s a rule of thumb that resistance members only free someone before they reach a certain age. Removing a bluepill who has lived long enough in the matrix could be dangerously overwhelming for them to the point where they’re driven insane or suicidal in their ability to accommodate themselves to the real world. The only exception so far was Neo as Morpheus believed he was the one. He hadn’t taken kindly to it at first, he remembered passing out as it was all too much. It would take time for her to adjust to the harsh and brutal conditions of the real world.

Danielle looked up at him confused as if her brother was talking insanity but what was crazier is what she vaguely remembered, being in the matrix and he had died and came back and the agents and then waking up in that thing? That weird goo filled pod. Her hand weakly raised up from the bed to slightly grazes the head-jack in the back of her neck. She felt Neo bring her hand down from her neck.

“All in time…you need rest kiddo.” He said feeling her temperature of her forehead. She hadn’t even been told the truth that Neo was in fact not her real brother, just made to believe he was. That would also be revealed or that he was slightly involved with Trinity.
RE: RP: The Matrix: Tribulations ( Horro_Show & Femdomslave1995)

Neo left his younger sister to rest and walked about the ship until he found Trinity. She was sitting next to the screen showing random green blips relaying the events in The Matrix. He touched Trinity's shoulder but she didn't meet his gaze. "I saw how you were looking at her.." she said in a cold voice. Neo had caught himself admiring her body but he had to believe it was just admiring a beautiful woman. "She's my sister..." She looked at him with hurt in her eyes, "Not out here she isn't, none of us are related." Neo looked for the right words and then spoke, "We were raised together she was much younger than I so I feel responsible for her, we were truly the best of friends Trinity..... nothing more." She finally turned her gaze from the screen to face Neo. After taking a long look at him she seemed to accept his words and they kissed. "I love you Neo and I don't want to loose you." He held Trinity in his arms as he stared blankly at the screen.

Trinity looked up at Neo and saw his troubled gaze, "Something is bothering you..." She said with a concerned look. Neo took a deep breath recalling the events in the Matrix and playing Smith's words back in his head. What place did she have in all of this? Smith was a rouge program but surely he hadn't just mad it up. Or had he? If Neo was the one is it possible that Danielle had a place in all of this. The questions only made him even more confused, a feeling that he had become very familiar with over the last month's. Not trusting what he had heard himself he elected to keep it to himself until he could speak to Morpheus. "It's nothing." Trinity seemed unsure but he convinced her with a kiss.

Tank walked in the room, then doing an about face seeing he had interrupted the moment. "What is it Tank?" Trinity said with a smirk. Tank smiled and spoke, "How is she?" Neo walked over to Tank and spoke," She's a tough girl, she's afraid but I'm sure she'll pull through."
Danielle had fallen back to sleep and it least rested for another six hours before she woke up being hot and sweaty. Her body was trying to stabilize its temperature after finally being awakened. Sitting up in the cot she pushed back the covers and rubbed her forehead of sweat and then let hands run through her layered choppy short hair and frowned. Another thing to note was her different colored eye. They were brown in the matrix to emulate that she got her eyes from her parents like Neo, in the real work one was the same color brown of neo and the other was blue, almost a torques. She scooted to the edge of the bed to let her feet dangle off the side. She was dressed in black leggings that were a little old, a thermal long sleeve gray shirt with an oversized sweater pulled over showing the thermal. Getting up she tested her strength and balanced her self and slowly walked to the door and pulled it open and breathed out feeling weak but manage to poke her head out and was wide eyed. She felt like she was in an alien movie on a spaceship, but she was on a spaceship, just not quite the same and instead of aliens to fear, they had machines.


Walking through the ship her eyes were curious and she eventually heard talking and silently walked leaning up against the corner peeking in to see the large control deck and everyone talking. Her eyes saw the main control center with lots of monitors with the matrix codex raining down like a screen saver, the odd chairs you jacked in, everything looked old and science fiction like. How was this real, she felt like she was on the set of a movie. That was when she heard them speaking.

She saw Trinity, a beautiful older woman with dark hair. She seemed cold and distant to Neo and mentioned her looking at Danielle and that made her eyes go wide in shock. Then trinity said it, that out here in this world, wherever she was, no one was related. For some reason the realization that she thought he was family hurt, stung horribly and she had to bite her tongue not to cry. He was a stranger. She watched Trinity say she loved him and kiss him. It was a passionate kiss and Danielle watched with glossy eyes but she was happy for him. He had never dated in the matrix much, even though he got hit on left and right. This women seemed right for him even though she didn’t know her, she felt it.

That was when she Tank came in on them and she raised her head more being even more curious about all the other crew. Everyone seemed worried about her, but it was when a black bald man entered the control everyone got silent out of respect.

“Why don you ask her yourselves,” Morpheus gave a small welcoming grin and looked Danielle’s way, he knew she was there, “Come out little one.” He said and Danielle gulped and pushed off the wall slowly walking into view into the room. Her feet were cold against the metal grating. Tank smiled wide laughing out.

“Welcome…..I’m Tank. The operator.” He said being the friendliest and walked over grabbing her hand with both of his and shaking it. He got on one knee eye level. Danielle kind of smiled, he was so nice how could she nice. These were good people she felt. Then Morpheus walked forward.

“Welcome aboard the Neb ( to lazy writr that long word lol). It’s a pleasure to have you. How are you feeling?” He asked Danielle breathed out still seeming nervous and shy.

“I don’t know….I’m ok I guess….tired.” She said folding her arms.
"I am Morpheus and this is my ship." He said making a hand gesture to the control room. " This is Trinity." He gestured towards her and she gave a smile
"It is nice to finally meet you, Neo has told us so much." Morphues gestured Danielle to a seat and then sat directly across from her. "So I am aware that Neo has explained to you what the Matrix is and how it works... but I'm sure that you still have a question as to why you are here." He paused and glanced around the room at the others who hung on to his every word. "Long ago not long after the matrix was created there was a man who could change things within the matrix. He freed the first of us." He paused for dramatic effect. " He prophesized his return in the future and Neo is his second coming." Neo stepped forward nodding at her. Morpheus continued. "Those men at the apartment were agents.... programs with the sole purpose of keeping things stable and making sure everyone remains ignorant to the fact that they are in a computer program.
Neo is a threat to them because he possesses the power to bring down the system." Danielle seemed confused not sure how this affected her. Morpheus read this expression and continued,"You were removed from the Matrix because those agents would have killed you just to get to Neo and we couldn't allow that to happen because if you die in the Matrix you die out here as well." Realization showed on her face as she sat back in her chair.

Neo having been listening this whole time cleared his throat and gestured Morpheus to the far corner of the room. They walked over together and Morpheus placed his hand on Neo's shoulder. " She is strong like you are and she's taking it well, if I didn't know the truth I'd truly believe you were siblings. Now what is bothering you?" Neo took a deep breath and looked into the eyes of the man who had put total and complete faith in him. "They weren't just after her to get to me Morpheus.... those agents wanted her for something I just don't know what." A troubled look came across Morpheus's face but as always his wisdom prevailed. "This is a celebratory occasion Neo as we have a new addition to our family. There will be plenty of time to worry after we get to Zion." He began to walk away and then turned back, "After she has had some time to adjust we will take her to the Oracle..... she will have the answer to your questions." Morpheus then turned to Danielle in the other corner of the room and smiled......
Danielle kind watched Neo go over to the other side of the room behind big cables and machinery. She bit her lip and looked up at everyone else like a shy little girl. The first thing that came to her head is how everyone called Thomas his alias hacker name, Neo. So was that what he went by. She didn’t want to seem stupid so she just kept her mouth shut and figured she would just call him Neo. It did kind of fit him better than Thomas did.

Then her head to wrap around what Morpheus said about a second coming as if he was talking about Christ. Was her brother a prodigy? Then it hit her cold hard that he wasn’t her brother, he wasn’t anything to her but a hero. A stranger that she thought was family. She fumbled with her hands.

“Hey would you like to see what the matrix is like?” Tank asked hesitantly staring up at Morpheus as they walked back toward the group. He didn’t mean jack her inside the actual matrix itself but simulated programs. Danielle bit down on her lip and looked at the chair she was sitting on, she saw you lied down and then was jacked in, it kind of looked liked a modified car seat pulled down. Morpheus seemed very observant and Danielle shook her head getting up as if she was scared of it. Who wouldn’t be? Her hand went to the head jack in the back of her head as she felt the metal jack. Tank nodded getting quiet dropping his head. He was so use to new members wanting to go in immediately, Danielle was a rare case, the younger the more eager they seemed. Her instinct was to stay away from it, humans always feared what they didn’t understand and right now she still was trying to understand it.

Morpheus decided to give everyone some jobs to prep the ship for its future docking in a few days. Trinity offered to take Danielle to get some food, even though it wouldn’t be the best thing she ever ate, she needed nutrition.
Neo went back to his quarter.... he needed time to digest the events of the last few days. He found little comfort in Morpheus's words knowing that Danielle's return to the matrix would be extremely dangerous. While he was glad to be re united with her he decided to keep his distance feeling responsible for putting her in danger. As he sat alone in the room he contemplated how she would react to a return to the matrix. What if the agents came and he couldn't stop them. It was all so confusing.
After being lost in thought Neo fell asleep and began to dream.
He saw Trinity and Danielle running from some agents. Trinity was doing her best to protect her but the agents outnumbered them 3 to one. They ran down a long hallway and crashed through a window beggining a 50 story fall. He heard Danielle scream his name, he heard Smiths evil voice and then he awoke in a cold sweat.
What the hell is happening to me? Was the thought on his mind. He had thought bringing Danielle out of the matrix would put his mind at ease but it had just created a whole new list of worries. He was a mess. Everyone was depending on him to be their hero.... but he was only human. He stepped out into the control room where Tank sat looking at some monitors and humming to himself. Neo cleared his throat and Tank turned to face him, " Bad dream?" Neo nodded. Tank smiled and patted the chair next to him signaling Neo to take a seat. "What's on your mind?" Neo sighed. Tank had such great people skills, it seemed you could insult him and he would turn it into a compliment. "I'm worried about her. Eventually we are going to have to take her back in to the Matrix and I don't want her to be hurt, I doubt if she will even want to go back" Tank thought for a minute and then spoke,"Have you talked to her? You are her big brother." Neo sighed, "I'm not...." Tank sttod up and gave Neo a hard look, " I may not have been born in the matrix, but let me tell you something, family is a hell of a lot more than blood. You guys grew up together, I can see it in her eyes that you are her hero Neo, now you can accept that or you can loose her, if that's what you are gonna do then why did we go get her in the first place?" Tank had a very matter of fact look on his face. Neo put his head down in Shane. He was right.... it didn't matter if they had the same blood or not, she would always be his little sister, she was scared and lonley and it was up to him to comfort her and help her through this critical time. He looked up at Tank and smiled, "Thanks." Tank took a bow and then sat back down and went back to his monitors.
Neo stood and took a walk around the ship until he found Danielle sitting by herself in the quarters she had been assigned. Neo stepped in the door and she looked up at him. "Can't sleep?" She shook her head. Neo sat down on the foot of her bed. "I don't blame you, feels like you've been sleeping your whole life." She nodded. Neo took a deep breath and spoke, "I know that this is all very strange and you don't quite think things can ever be normal again, but it does get easier." She seemed distant from what Neo was saying. " He reached over and touched her knee to get her attention. Her eyes met his and he spoke again, " We may not have the same blood, but you will always be my little sister and I will always protect you and I will never hurt you." He could see tears come into her eyes....
“Thanks.” She said nodding trying to give a weak smile but it was fake and he would know it. Her mind was adjusting to the truth and with that truth came so many disappointments and pain. That everything she knew in the matrix was a lie. Her parents were a lie. The people that had raised her, them people were in the matrix right now and thought she was dead just like she thought Neo was. What friends she had if any? The people on the Internet? The life that had been simulated to make her think she was living. Her mind was still trying to figure out if this was all one big bad dream.

“I guess I don’t the big picture just yet. I don’t think I want to. You shouldn’t worry over me. I’m safe and I’m out of…. the matrix,” it was hard to say that word but she did and looked away from Neo at the wall as she spoke, “I don’t want to go back. I’m ok. I’m safe if I’m out here right? So don’t take me back in. You got a lot on your plate.” She said not wanting to say too much.


She remembered how Trinity had seemed worried earlier and she faked a yawn and leaned back on her cot. “I think I’m gonna rest more….I know I’ve slept a life time but my head kind of hurts.” She rolled over and Neo would get up to gently caress her shoulder. He leaned down to kiss the back of her head and Danielle would close her eyes trying not to let it get to her. One he walked out of her room shutting the metal latch she would roll back over facing the door not knowing he was standing outside of it just looked at it knowing something was wrong, that she was purposely distancing herself.
Neo leaned against the door trying to collect himself. He remebered how hard it had been for him to accept it all. He may never have if Morpheus hadnt risked himself to save him. It was only then that he was able to muster the courage to truly become the one to save Morpheus. She was going to take some convincing but it would have to wait. Returned to the control room where he found Morpheus. "You are still troubled I see." Neo looked at the floor in dissapointmeng. "As I once told you.... all we can do is show her the door..... she is the one who must decide to open it." Neo looked at Morpheus and sighed, "She won't even consider returning to the Matrix" Morpheus turned his glance to a alert on the control board....... setinels. Morpheus jumped up and sent the ship into a full dive looking for a crevice. They found one and went in to full shut down as they prepared the emp. There was only one but it spotted them they pushed the red switch for the emp but nothing happened. Neo felt all of the frustrations of the past few days building up and in one swift motion stood up and headed for the rear of the ship. He knew he had only moments before it tore the ship to pieces and everyone was killed. Before anyone could stop him he grabbed a weapon and exited the ship. He fired shots into the air and it grabbed the machines attention as it immediately sent out a mechanical claw knocking the weapon from his hand. Neo felt a sharp pain as the forces of the blow sent him flying into a large rock. The machine advanced on him preparing to deliver the killing blow. Neo accepted his fate knowing he had failed them all and now he would die along with the rest of them. As the claaw sprang forth to crush him Tank suddenly came from the side with gunfire diverting the claw. The claw didn't crush him but it hit the wall above Neo sending large rocks down crushjng Neos leggs. The pain was unbearable. Tank and Trinity now stood together delivering gunfire to the machine until it was incapacitated. They were safe and that's all that mattered. Neo saw Trinity running towards him as the pain overtook him and the world faded to black.....
Danielle was lying in her bed when the ship took a sharp dive and her body flung off the bed landing hard into the opposite wall as it was turned vertically. Luckily it was just a hard blow but nothing was broken. As the ship came to a hard landing she looked up trying push up from the floor to see the lights go out. Licking a busted lip from the fall she got up and ran out of the corridor but it was pitch black so she couldn’t see anything. She could hear the distant senital and gunfire. Feeling her way through the halls of the ship lunged forward grabbing onto a large tube that was part of the interior as something hit the ship. She was petrified right now. It had only been a little less than a week that she had been freed from the matrix and now she was witnessing first hand the real horrors of the real world, machines sent to do one thing, search and destroy.

In the time it took her to even get halfway through the hovercraft the back up lighting came on and both Morpheus and Tank were carrying Neo back into the ship. They took him straight to the medical bay and Danielle followed not really knowing what had happened but listened to them speak about a machine called a sential and how it knocked him out. They laid him on the medical table and Trinity started hooking monitors to him to check all his vitals. He had blood coming out of his nose and a nice gash on his face (I like when guys looked roughed up :/ weakness lol) Tank started grabbing medical supplies.

“Is he ok….” She finally got out eyeing everyone.

“He got knocked out…. his vitals are fine, he will be ok.” Trinity said looking at her looking concerned herself. He was willing to put his life before anyone else’s. Danielle watched from afar as they cleaned up the blood. She was shaking without realizing it. Morpheus approached her seeing her busted lip and a few marks on her forehead.

“I’m fine….I’m fine.” She said nodding not seeming fine.

They finished dressing his face injuries and made sure he was stable. Trinity encouraged Danielle to stay with him so she sat in a chair beside him. Everyone had left back up to the control room, which was on the upper floor. All you could hear was the bleeping of the monitors showing his vitals. She would look up at his bandaged face and it just looked like he was sleeping. Her mind was on the edge of losing its sanity but more than ever she feared for Neo’s own life more than her own. She didn’t fully know what being the one meant but she knew it came with great responsibility and he would do anything to protect everyone.
When Neo finally awoke he saw Danielle sitting beside him fast asleep. She did care.... He decided it best not to wake her so he unhooked himself from the monitors and stood. When he got on his feet he felt shaky but he was able to limp around with ease. He found Tank doing some repairs, "Your awake!" Neo rubbed his eyes and gave a small smile, " How long was I out of it?" Tank put down his tools and wiped the grease off his hands, "Oh a few days, those rocks did a hell of a job on your head!" He laughed and patted Neo on the shoulder, "And she hardly left your side." Neo sat down on a pipe that was sticking out. "Yeah I guess maybe I gave her a scare." "You gave us all a scare." Morpheus stepped into the room carrying a bowl of what Neo had come to refer to as snot." Eat Neo." He nodded a thanks to Morpheus and took the bowl. "How's it coming Tank?" Tank went back to his tools and began sautering some wires as he spoke. "It did a number on us but...." he flipped a switch and the engines whirred to life. "No match for my skills." He stood giving a prideful smirk. "We are back in business Captain. Morpheus nodded approval to the Operator. "Good we have been called to a meeting tommorow with the other broadcast level ships, I believe that something big is happening. Morpheus left the area leaving Tank and Neo alone. Neo stood and began walking with his limp. Tank laughed and walked alongside him, " You have to be the bravest dumbest person I've ever met." They shared a laugh and Neo began to look for Trinity. He found her in their quarters sitting on the bed. "Knock knock" She stood up and walked over to him kissing him. "How are you feeling?" Neo grimaced in pain as he took a seat on the bed. "Like I was crushed by a bunch of rocks." Trinity sat beside him and began rubbing his shoulders. "All this worrying is going to make you an old man" she said smiling. Neo relaxed allowing her to rub the tension away. He hadn't had much alone time with her since they had rescued Danielle. They sat like this for a long time before Trinity spoke. " She really is a special girl." Neo laughed wondering what had brought this up. "What makes you say that?" She moved her massage down his back, "She semms like a scared little girl and I know it seems strange but I see you when I look at her.... I see your courage and your selflessness." Neo was enjoying his massage immensely. " I guess its because we only had each other growing up. I lived a pretty secluded life and she was my only true friend." He turned his face to meet Trinity and they kissed.
Danielle stirred in her sleep as she was slouched over in the chair and jolted forward when she realized Neo wasn’t on the table. She sat up looking around and wondered where he was but then figured if anything bad had happened they would of told her. Getting up she rubbed her head and made her way out of the small medical bay. She hadn’t had much time to explore the Neb but she was able to find her way around the hovercraft. She started climbing up a ladder to the next level. It must have been night because the lights were always lowered just a little. Assuming Neo was with Trinity she sighed and just kept making her way until she finally came across the control room. No was awake, even the operator had to get some sleep. She carefully and silently walked past the chairs up to the monitors where nothing the matrix was displayed on the screen. Looking around the darkened room she found a little peace and could understand why the operatives was able to call this ship home.

“Hey kid…. can’t sleep?” Tank said with a big smile, Danielle spun on her feet and Tank held up his hands with a finger over his mouth letting her know it was ok.

“I was just….I woke up actually and was just kind of----yeah.” She finished as Tank slid in his chair typing on the several keyboards bringing the screens to life.

“He’s fine…. he’s one tough bad ass.” He said and it got Danielle to smile. He caught her smile and made a noise winking. “There’s a smile…. looks good on you.” She made a face and kind of rolled her eyes smiling again.


Tank ended up talking to her and explaining a little bit more of the matrix. She found herself listening and nodded. She probably bombarded him with a hundred questions before he laughed out shaking his head.

“I think I get it…but I still don’t get the whole, “ she made weird hand motions, “ the head jacking thing…. its kind of weird even though I thought I understood transmitting signals. Tank slid around to face her; he had the most coy look on his face.


“Let me show you,” as her eyes got wide and she leaned back he put up his hands, “I can show you how it works without putting you directly into the matrix…. anything you want to do, anywhere you want to see….I can show you while also while putting you through how it works.” Tank knew in a way he was overstepping his boundaries, as it was never discussed about her going into the matrix. She was technically to young to even be officially a crewmember. Morpheus worried they may not even be able to keep her aboard the ship once they got to Zion. But Tank wasn’t always one to abide by the rules all the time. It couldn’t hurt to put her into a program. Danielle looked over to one of the chairs and stared at it and then back to the monitors. She licked her lips nervously and got up walking over to a chair. Tank got up being silent as she looked back up at him.

“Ok.” She simple said as if she had made the final decision and there was no more to it, a lot like Neo would. He grinned and made a motion for her to crawl up and lay back. She sat on the chair and scooted back, he helped her as she gently lay back in the chair. She exhaled and looked up at Tank. He went back over to the computers typing. After a minute or so he walked back over pushing a few more buttons and brought up the data probe.

“This might feel a little weird.” He said smiling remembering saying the exact words to Neo several weeks ago. It was weird how it felt the same. She nodded and prepared herself.

Neo walked in to the control room and to his surprise saw Danielle jacked in.
He looked up at Tank in disbelief. "How?" Tank shrugged his shoulders. Neo looked at him and then sat down in the chair beside her. "Jack me in." Tank looked at him reluctantly. "I don't think that's such a good idea, we've just got her comfortable enough to go in. I've run her through a few programs to get her relaxed and I've been uploading combat programs the last couple of hours." Neo frowned and sighed. " C'mon Tank she won't even know its really me I just want to see what she's got." Tank looked from his screen back to Neo. "Fine but I don't want her to know its you, your just part of the program to see what she's learned got it?" Neo nodded as Tank strapped him in and placed the jack in his head. "Have fun." A flash of light and Neo was standing in a dojo.
Danielle looked around and found herself in the construct. The construct is a virtual workspace or loading program created to run simulations or upload virtual objects for when they hack into the matrix. The construct initially appears as completely dimensionless, empty white area. Once a program is loaded, however, the Construct's operation is generally indistinguishable from that of the Matrix, and it follows the same basic rules of physics. It comes with a decoder included - unlike the Matrix itself, the activity in a simulation can be watched on the operator's monitors as though through a security camera.

This was how Morpheus educated Neo on the truth, it was what had made him pop. Tank was very careful in showing the young girl the truth. He explained here he could load anything they needed from clothing, to equipment, weapons, and training simulations, anything they needed. She walked around the whiteness as if she was lost in a dream. Her RSI (residual self image) looked like her normal self did in the matrix. Her hair was longer, fuller, and she dressed comfortably in black yoga pants and a thin light gray cut long sleeve shirt pulled over a tank, and was barefooted.


Tank could easily communicate with her and told her he as going to upload the sparring program. This was after she had been suspended in animation as Tank loaded he with combat training. The Sparring program setting was set in a traditional East Asia dojo, but the physics of the program itself mimic the real matrix. Danielle kind of just stood there with her eyes lit up, they were once again both brown eyes in the matrix unlike the real world where they were more unique. That was when Neo walked in from sliding doors on the far side of the dojo. She looked confused, almost resistant.

“Neo….?” She asked as he walked with correct posture toward her. He didn’t say anything and she remembered Tank saying everything she would interact with was a program. He was probably just part of it. She walked up keeping a little space and stood there looking at him, he was so real. Of course he wasn’t really there, just like the dojo wasn’t. He was dressed in a black dojo outfit just as Morpheus had been.


“Position yourself.” He said instructed and stepped back preparing to spar. He was being impassive to help the lie that she would think he wasn’t real. Inside he would be troubled but not show it, he would instantly admire her body and felt guilty and shame. She was gorgeous and still seemed so full of youth and innocents even though he had ripped her of that from waking her up. It was one thing to question the feelings he harbored and quite another one to act on them. Stepping forward he thought about how he could go about testing her. He could go on the offensive. Check out her ability to hold him off as he steadily increased his speed and strength until she was no longer able to keep up. It would show him how she dealt with extreme pressure as well as how are she was able to go. Or he could have her attack him see how she her way of thinking with the way she took him on. All in all she in her way of thinking would be going up against an opponent who was stronger and faster than her. Not to mention the mountain of experience he had earned. He decided on option one he would put her on the defensive and see how she dealt with what he threw at her.

“I can’t fight you,…” she randomly laughed out sarcastically as if she thought this was a joke, “your like----“

“like what?” he said robotically still in a crane position eyeing her and she got quiet stepping back. She looked at him a little lost for words.
Neo didn't want to hurt her but he knew it might be the only way to get her to fight bacl he sent a kick straight to her chest that she was completley unready for and she went flying back to the ground. Neo went back to his crane position, He saw the irratation in her face and she kicked her feet up and kicked to get back on her feet. She charged at him sort of carelessley and he easily flung her off to the side. He could tell she was getting pissed. The next charge caught him off guard as she tackled him to the ground sitting on top of him delivering multiple blows to his face. He kicked her off sending her flying through the air and crashing through a table off to the side. He attempted to pounce on her but she rolled off to the side delivering a kick to the side of his head. He was impressed, time to step it up. He jumped up and they circled each other in a drunken boxing stance. He had to admit she was a hot mess with her hair frizzed out and blood trickling out of her lip. Not to mention the rip in her shirt showing the outline of her breasts through the tank top. She caught his gaze and laughed sending a blow to the side of his head. He dodged the blow and went on the offensive sending blow after blow down on her. She was unable to defend against his speed as he pushed her back until he had her against the wall. She tried to send a blow to his face but he caught it pinning her hands to the wall above her head lifting her up and pressing against her pinning her legs so that there faces were only inches apart as they were both breathing heavily...
Danielle was slammed back against one of the dojo walls and even though she attempted to attack back it was hopeless as Neo was twice as strong as her at the moment. It wasn’t known if it was done purposely or not but he eyed her as they both painted. She swallowed a mouthful of sweat and licked blood off her lip as her chest heaved in and out against him. She thought he was a program when he wasn’t; he was jacked in just like she was. He could tell she was uncomfortable but he had a second sense that told him she was aroused and it pushed his thoughts further.

“You can do better.” He said and she rolled her eyes exhaling and squirmed underneath him but he only pinned her harder against the wall.

“Get off…. I’m done. TANK!” She yelled looking up at the ceiling.

“I’m not done with you…. simulation isn’t complete.” He said still with a straight face covering up the first part with the last part.

“Your not real…. get the fuck off me. I’m done. I’M DONE!” She spit as he brought her hands pinned over her head making her adjust so his leg was between her thighs.

“Make me.” He said sternly. He somehow was enjoying seeing her sweat, feeling her adrenaline being pushed, her heart rate firing rapidly, her heat. It was all just part of the simulation but that didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy it. It kind of left his mind that Tank could be watching them. He wanted to see how she would react to his presence maybe to gauge how she felt. If even for a moment she opened up how she felt or if she even felt anything towards him. Maybe thinking he was just a program...a very life like program she might open up.
She let out a scream of frustration and Neo let off for a moment only to slam her back against the wall. She seemed to give up for a moment but that's when it happened. Without any warning or reason she aggresivley kissed him. Neo was shocked...... he could taste the blood from her mouth as her tounge met his. He loosened his grip and that was all she needed. A strong right hook caught Neo in the Jaw and he completely let go of her. But she continued her advance sending a kick to his stomach. He bent down in pain but that only got BIM a knee to the face. He simply couldnt react.... all he could think about was her lips and her sweet smell as she kissed him. She delivered a low kick that took his feet out from under him and he fell hard hitting his head on the hard wood floor. Before he could get up she was on top of him pinning his hands down on either side of him sitting on his lap. A headbutt had him seeing stars. As she sat on top of him he looked into her eyes. She truly was beautiful. Everything he ever could want in a woman. They had grown up together, she had been his best friend and he had always had a secret sexual attraction to her. Then his thoughts went back to the kiss. Was it real? Or was it a distraction. As far as she knew he was just part of the program right? He could easily push her off of him but he was curious to see her next move...
Neo was lost in his own thoughts but he couldn’t get distracted. He was letting human emotions get in the way of protecting her. If anything he needed to protect her from himself and his primal urges. He had to keep pushing her and do so without hurting her to bad. He easily pushed up as if he was going to kick up and as Danielle body went in the air he pulled his knee’s back underneath her and while they were both suspended in air he kicked her sending her sailing through the air. She hit a pillar making it crack as she went tumbling to the mat coughing out more blood. Her shirt was torn now revealing the side of her black sports strapped bra along with tears in her yoga pants showing her black under bottoms. Her body wasn’t exactly fit like his but it still complimented her.

Rushing at Danielle with a right hook aiming for her head that was nothing but a feint as he instead swung with his left leg aiming for her ribs. If she dodged or blocked it he would continue attacking making sure that no movement was wasted and that every attack lead into another one as he daisy-chained his punches and kicks taking in every bit of movement that she used to try to counter him, dodge him or block him.

Danielle would come to block and doge Neo’s attacks. They went back and forth like two dancers. Every move he used she did the counter, soon as Neo got the idea that she was more knowledgably than she let on he started to step up his own game. When Daneille would move next, It was as if he'd blur in place and swat her limbs away as they came to him.

" Faster..." Moving closer as if to try and intimidate Zoey, Neo wouldn't go offensive rather dancing around her and knocking her off balance as much as possible.

"...Faster... actually hit me" Neo would already be happy with her current level. It was superior to his own style and fighting ability when he first came to the construct to go up against Morpheus.
Changing style over and over while going into a blur of movements.

Danielle after a continuous few minutes lost her balance and focus and fell on the dojo floor breaking a few panels, she gasped out as Neo was about to hit her face but he stopped, his fist inches from her nose and mouth. She coughed out spit and blood just from the amount of pressure being put on her. She shook her head and rolled over sitting on her behind trying to catch her breath.

“I can’t, no more…you’re the one. There’s no way,” she wiped blood combing her messed up hair. “I’m done. Tank jack me out or whatever in the hell you do.”

"Don't limit yourself. Are you tired? You shouldn't be tired, you realize that your sitting in a chair laying down expending little to no energy at all right? So where does the exhaustion come from....."

Danielle looked up at him as if it had been thrown back in her face of the virtual simulation and she looked at the blood on her face.
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