Winning the Winter soldier's heart (Krystal x How_is_you)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal awoke in a darkened room, the only light coming from a small window. "Kidnapped again? Well joy. I get to be violent." She thought to herself with a smirk, wondering who in the world could have been her kidnapper. She knew that Alexander Peirce wanted her dead, so it was more than likely that it shade been of the former S. H. I. E. L. D agent's who still followed him. Fury was thought to be dead, and she and Steve had been hiding out in stark tower with her son and his boyfrind, Ironman. The last thing she remembered was changing her appearance with an illusion and going out to look for some answers. Had her kidnapper seen her change? She didn't know, but what she did know, was that this was probably bad, but she'd at least have some fun. Krystal was extremely violent when provoked, and whoever had kidnapped her was certainly doing so. She clutched the necklace she was wearing, which contained her deceased fiancé Bucky's dog tags and the engagement ring he'd given her. Whoever had kidnapped her had a whole hell of a lot of balls. While she wasn't well known as a superheroine, those who did know her knew it was futile to try to kidnap her. She'd just kill them all.

Meanwhile, JJ was tinkering in his lab with a potion when Jarvis sounded . "Master JJ, I cannot find your mother anywhere. She promised to be back from spying hours ago." The AI told him, and JJ's blue grey eyes widened. "Shit. Did you inform uncle Steve?" He asked and the AI told him yes. JJ sighed, taking in a deep breath, searching out his mother with his mind, almost looking as though meditating. When he couldn't find her, that's when he started to panic. "Toooooooonnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy!" He yelled so loud the genius could hear before he proceeded to ask Jarvis to look everywhere he could think of to find his mother, hyperventalating as his clothes began to change into armor. He was a shadow knight after all, and he was gonna find his mother. No one took her without a death wish. If it weren't she that killed them, it would be him. JJ clutched the replica dog tags around his neck. "Dad, keep her safe." He muttered softly, praying a bit.
Days turned to years rather quickly, didn't they? He had finally captured her, one of his assigned targets. In an ironic change of events, S.H.I.E.L.D. had turned out to be his largest asset in this mission, the woman in question a threat to others as well. He now stood perched upon the roof of her containment cell, eyeing her as he waited for a chance to attack. He saw the dog tags and ring, laughing at the thought of her joining her deceased fiancé after the longest time. Now all he had to do was kill her which was easier said than done in a high security buidling meant to contain people like him and Captain America. No matter, he would just wait for his chance.
Krystal looked around. It was obviously some kind of containment cell. Whoever had her wasn't to bright. While she not the winter soldier or captain america by any means, the tiny woman was a force to be reckoned with. She chuckled a little to herself when she realized the walls were simply high grade steel reinforced with adamantium. "Wow, either these people are incredibly dim witted, or they want me to escape. She said with a mischevious smirk, bending her handcuffs off easily. Krystal decided she'd like to have a little fun first, scupling one of the walls into a portrait of bucky and she. When she was finished, she painted quickly, finished by the time she was done making the ceiling into a doorway. That's where she met him, on the roof of the cell. "So, you're the one which kidnapped me? It wasn't very smart putting me in a metal cell, kid." She admitted, her smirk both wide and twinged with an evilness. Then she would try to wrap him in the steel, watching to see what he'd do next. Snhe didn't think that she was at all what he'd been expecting.
It figures that this wasn't a simple target. The person just had to have some sort of powers that hindered his progress. Why did that always happen? He shook his head at her greeting. "I didn't think you would have powers. Then again, all of my targets tend to have that hinderance of progress." Then, he was getting wrapped in steel, which he took until she finished, as struggling until then is pointless. Then, he laughs, and uses his superhuman arm to punch a hole through it wide enough for him to make a door. Once free, he looks at his adversary with a smirk. "Super strength. Not bad, but rather common. What else do you have up your sleeve?"
Krystal smirked at him. She knew his voice. But it wasn't possible. She knew bucky was dead. She watched as he broke out of the metal easily. If she had really wanted to hold him, she would have used the adamantium. "Hm, interesting. I like your style." She simply commented, not letting herself show weakness. Not to him. She smirked at him. "There are many things the file didn't tell you." She admitted with a smirk, controlling his metal arm to take off his mask and glasses. She didn't look shocked to see him. "Of course you'd escape death, James." She admitted with a laugh, now wrapping him up in adamantium. She knew he couldn't break out from that. Wnen she was finished, she hopped of the building. "You're coming with me, bucky." And with that, she made them disappear back to the tower, where her son laid in wait. "I'm fine JJ. But I'll need your help with him." She admitted, pointing to his father, who was trapped in adamantium. JJ's eyes widened, but he nodded. "Of course mama. We'll make him remember." He said, smiling at her.
He listened to her, and the word James registered nothing in his mind. Then, he felt the adamantium close in around him, and he wondered where the hell she got that from, but was encased in it and couldcould not move, his body dragged to some place that he had no recognition of. He saw a young man that he didn't recognize, someone who would half him "remember". What was there to remember? He knew all he needed to know, and had no worries about it at all.
Krystal chuckled at his facial expression. "I created it. The adamantium." She admitted before theye landed in stark tower. JJ smiled at the man, then at his mother. "So, full recog? Looks like we'll have to pool our powers on this one." JJ admitted, and Krystal just nodded. She would have to use her crystal for this. Oh well, bucky was worth it. She smiled at him. "You sir have some remembering to do. You are not who you think you are, James." She said as JJ took her hand, and a blue lotus like crystal appeared on Krystal's chest, making both she and her son glow a bright shade of blue. They both started chanting in a mix of an ancient moonian and fae, thier bodied glowing until they were both nothing but blue light. Krystal kissed him, solidifying the spell, both of them sopping glowing but now he was glowing. She prayed softly. "Please let this work. Bring him back to me." She thought, looking hopeful.
It all came rushing back the moment that kiss made contact. The death, his surgery, his time with Steve, him and Krystal meeting, the night they made love...all of it. It ca used a strange reaction in him, and as the chanting and blue light died, his old self as Bucky remained. His eyes looked around, though that was invisible because of the adamantium. "Why am I in this metal, Krystal? Let me out please?"
"Sorry bucky. But you were trying to kill me 20 minutes ago." She admitted with a sheepish smile, letting him out of the adamantium, giving him a kiss on the lips. JJ had left the room to give them so privacy, and also to take an asprin. Using his magic like that always gave him a headache, even when his mother helped him. She smiled at bucky, taking his hand and leading him to the couch. "Bucky, my god, bucky, I missed you so much. You have no idea how hard it was without you." She said as she hugged him tightly, cuddling into him. It had been so long since she was in his arms, she was relishing it. JJ came back in a few minutes later, with a beer for himself, scotch for his fsther, and a raspberry Smirnoff ice for his mother. She smiled at him as he sat. "Bucky, I'd like you to meet James Buchanan Barnes Jr, our son." She said with a proud smile, though a blush painted her cheeks. She had never thought she'd ever get to say that, ever. JJ just smiled, taking a sip of his beer. "Glad to meet you dad."
Bucky took the kiss in stride, a smile on his lips when it ended and Krystal started to cuddle with him on the couch. He was glad to be back to normal, and although he had never really left, he felt like he had been gone for ages. He took the scotch and looked at his son, smiling and raising the glass to him. "The pleasure is all mine, son." He leaned back into the couch, an arm around the woman he loved and a scotch in the other hand as he sipped it. "So...what's happened since I left?"
JJ grinned at his father, blushing a little. "Thanks." He said with a small smile, taking another sip of his beer. Krystal took a sip of her drink as well, leaning her head on Bucky's shoulder. Life was good. She had the love of her life back, and she had her son as well. They both smiled at each other, and were about wt tell him, when Steve came in dressed in his full captain america suit. "Krys! You're ookay! I'm so glad!" He exclaimed, not noticing the man next to his oldest friend and crush, until he saw JJ sitting on the opposite chair. Krystal smiled at him. "I'm absolutely fine, Stevie." She said with a smirk, watching for the realization in Steve's eyes. She saw it. "Bucky? But.. how?" He asked, true blue eyes wide with both confusion and wonder. His best friend was back from the dead! To bad he couldn't tell Krys how he felt now, and he had just gotten up enough courage too! JJ looked at his uncle, conveying a look that said "I'll find you someone" as he smiled.
Bucky looked at his old friend and smiled, setting the scotch down and standing. As Steve question just how he was alive, he looked at himself and the bionic, superhuman arm he had and smiled some more. "Surgery. When I 'died', Russians found me and made me an assassin. I was assigned to kill both you and Krystal here, but luck be a lady, her powers revoked those orders. has life been?"
Steve chuckled. "Of course they did. Guess you win the bet, moonpie." He told her as he hugged bucky, before grinning at him. "Strange. Aprrarently getting stranger, but I'm sure glad to see you buck. I see you've met JJ." He said, still smiling as he sat across from JJ in a chair, as tony came in. "Jarvis told me there's a new person in the house" he said as his eyes widened a little when he walked over to his boyfriend, sitting in his lap. He gave JJ a look. "Is that really who I think it is? Oh, and I wanna look at your arm." He said in a quick jumble, relaxing into JJ, trying to not be manic.
Bucky returned the friendly hug to Steve, wondering just what bet was made before Tony entered. He knew he was a Stark the moment he walked in with such a cock demeanor, but did not expect him to be homosexual. He settled into his son's lap and proceeded to ramble a bit, and it only made him chuckle as he did so. He was obviously a lover of technology. "I'm sure such a thing can be arranged, Tony." He looked to Krystal with a smile. "Can you and I take a walk?"
Steve chuckled a little. "She bet me that you would appear." He admitted, smiling, knowing that bucky would be curious. He had always been into that kind of thing. Tony grinned at bucky. "I'd like that" he said as JJ smiled a little, pulling tony to him so that he wouldn't get any more manic than he already was. Krystal smiled back at him, taking his hand shyly. "Of course, bucky." She muttered, blushing a little.
Bucky smiled as his love took his hand, and with that they walked out of the room to explore the tower. The first stop was the balcony, and boy was that a view. New York City had come a long way since he had left for the war. What year was it? Definitely not 1944 anymore. He looked to the girl he had loved for so long and smiled wide, glad to be back with her. "I missed you so much, babe..."
Krystal smiled and walked with him, taking in the view and cuddling close to him. New York really had changed in 70 years. She had only seen some of the change, having spent most of her time with JJ, raising him in japan to keep the sad memories of his father away. She squeesed his hand. "I missed you too. 70 Years is a long time to go without the one you love." She admitted, fingering the old engagement ring. She couldn't believe she'd found him again. It was a dream come true.
Bucky smiled and nodded silently as she made the statement about the amount of time that has passed. Seventy lifetime for a lot of people back then, but now, much to his lack of knowledge, many a person lived that long. He looked at his bare ring finger as she played with her ring, frowning slightly. "I just wish we had tied the knot before I...erm...died." He looked at Krys and laughed a bit at the irony. This was practically his second chance.
Krystal raised an eyebrow, but smiled, still playing with the ring. "Yeah, me too, but we'll have time for that, love." She spoke in a soft tone as she gave him a kiss. She had him back, and to her, that was all that mattered. To think it all started because Alexander pierce wanted her dead. Now she was comeple again, she smiled. Wanna go to my rooms? I'm sure your sexstarved" she said chuckling though her face had seriousness on it.
Bucky heard her and smiled. That can definitely come later on. As for the suggestion and truth behind the second and third statements, sentences that immediately aroused Bucky slightly, another, wider grin came upon his face, showing his white teeth to his fiance before nodding. "I am extextremely sex crazed...but...are you wanting this, or is it just to appeal to me to make me like you?"
Krystal chuckled. "Sweetie, there hasn't been anyone since you, I'm just as depraved as you are." She admitted, kissing him, then she smirked. She knew he was probably just teasing. Bucky was like that. "You always like me" she admitted simply, knowing full well that while bucky could be an impossible flirt, he had always come back to her. She knew that if he hadn't of loved her, he wouldn't have proposed. Bucky was an honest man, he wouldn't string a woman along.
Bucky laughed as she mentioned her loyalty to him despite the fact that he had died. He felt a tear of happiness come to his eye but he held it back as they kissed for a few seconds after her comment. Then, she explained her thoughts of his like of her, and while he knew he was one hell of a flirt, Bucky was never going to leave Krys again. So, in this moment, he wanted her body to be his once more. "I accept your offer, then. Where to?"
Krystal grinned. "Brilliant. To my room." She said, giving him a kiss as she popped them to her room. The walls in her room were painted a deep blue, and it was lit by black chandeliers. When she snapped her fingers, they roared to life with blue fire. She lead him to the bed, and kissed him, pushing him down on the bed. "My sexxy assassin" she whispered, kissing him again.
Bucky followed her quickly to the room that was hers. He returned the kiss and smiled happily as he was pushed onto the bed. Her second kiss allowed him to let his hands roam her body, eventually settling on her ass as they made out, his friend down south hardening up as they did so. He was getting ready for this, more than he ever had been.
Krystal kissed him harder, moaning a little as she felt his "friend" hardening. "Mmm, always so eager, my sexy bucky." She purred, running a hand down his toned chest. She kissed him again, ripping off his body armor in fail swoop. She was stronger than she looked. Krystal trailed kisses down his body, smirkkng as she hit his cock. She teased it a little, licking it, then she took it fully, deep throating him. Fae don't have gag reflexes.
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