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Magic the Gathering

today I edited my deck of slivers but I didn't go off that list, though I do need sidewinder. if you want I could list the cards in my deck. and maybe you could help me with editing more?
I'm not very experienced when it comes to building decks, no matter if it is yugioh or mtg. You can post the list of your deck if you want, but you'd get more help to perfect it when you post that list in a forum that is about mtg and building decks like the link I posted.
Ah, fellow magic players! I run an older deck of blue white allies that can win in a variety of ways. Oh, I can't attack? Let me mill you for every creature I control each time a play another creature. Your way to block that? I can make a wall of small creatures that get +1/+1 for each creature I play. Some of which have bonus effects like flying or first strike. It's a fun little deck.
sounds exactly like slivers, someone told me and I tried it that for my slivers I just need half land and creatures. though I have some deck lists I wanna get like mind control and a mill deck too.

>.< I already have a poison deck to guys :D
While allies and slivers sound alike, and play similarly, they have a few differences. Slivers is more about one creature gives the rest something when on the field, while allies get triggers during the summoning of a ally. They also get focus more on boosting themselves.

For instance, many cards in the deck have the ability of when i summon another ally, it gets a +1/+1 counter, also, one variant is a flying blue three drop while another is a white one drop. Other effects include mill for my number of allies every time I summon an ally, and gain protection from a color of my choice until end of turn each time I play one, and even gain 1 life for each ally every time I play one. It is slightly less offensive but if you build up an army it becomes a major threat.
Lol I'm thinking just maybe countering that with early sliver hivelord or I'm thinking just exile with constricting sliver "everytime I summon a sliver a creature gets deck is pretty fast too, I have only half land half creatures
Only problem is drawing the right color. I've got only two colors to worry about and can make plays early on too.not to say we couldn't play two headed giant together and crush.
I don't have to worry about mana at all but yeah sometimes it's the right color unless I get sliver hive or mana sliver and 2 lands then I'll be good
I read a little bit about allies and think that they have very good abilities. Get enough allies out and they can become very strong.

Siren, do you have skype? If yes, then e could have a duel. All you'd need would be a webcam so we can see each others battlefield to make sure that nobody is cheating. And a headset so we can talk or else we'd have to type everything into the chat.
Sadly my webcam is broken, so I can't speak to you girls... I could type my plays, but that would be hard to make sure I get everything.
That's no problem, you could write the names of the cards in the chat. Besides, all that you need to talk to us is a headset. The webcam would be only to show your side of the battlefield.
I don't use Steam because I don't have the money for the games I want. How good is the system for shuffling decks? I had bad experiences on that topic on a site where you could play Yugioh online.
I asked because the mixing system on DN (a site where you can play Yugioh online...don't go to that site, it's horrible...) is messed up and mixes the cards in a way that you get your cards in a weird order. The mixing system in the anime made more sense with the heart of cards...

Do you have a link so I can take a look at the MtG game on steam?
they do have one every year, it's expensive to get the full

(Was wondering if anyone has WOT blitz :D)
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