A Magical Revolution [Azecreth & Wingshadow]

Finally satisfied with her selection, Sayaka motioned to her friends with a wave of her hand as she made her way over to the checkout counter. There were precious few performances that the bluenette had not already purchased featuring Kyosuke's talents, but she managed to find one that had not yet been added to her personal collection. It was the least she could do to help stave off her loneliness, to give herself more time to sort out her own feelings and make a final decision concerning her love life.

Would she confess everything to him, telling him everything that she had done, everything that she had gone through for his sake? Telling him all that would simply burden him, would it not? Could she even fulfill the role of a girlfriend, a lover, and eventually a wife? Could she demand so much from him, someone that did not seem to return her feelings of affection? The answers to these questions continued to elude the bluenette, much to her frustration. But she could not let her friends worry about such matters on her account. No, she would play the part of the lighthearted friend as best she was able, even when she hardly felt like being joyful.

"Ah... I feel so refreshed," Sayaka rubbed her cheek against the jewel case of her latest purchase, "Let's go get some of those crepes." Pocketing the disk, she pushed back through the door, the bell once again ringing its simple tune as she stepped out into the world outside her little pocket of paradise, back out into that world that was both cruel and unforgiving at times. The crepe shop was not too far from the music store, a fact that her friends would doubtless appreciate.
At Sayaka's direction, both of her friends rejoined her, not making purchases of their own. There wasn't anything in particular they had found this time, though it wasn't exactly a new thing. Madoka didn't feel the need to buy a ot of music, and Hitomi didn't spend that much for herself as it was. Unaware pf the thoughts that Sayaka was struggling with, though Hitomi had some suspicions, the two looked at what she had chosen to get before following her out of the store.

Together they headed together towards the crepe store, enjoying themselves in the meanwhile, it wasn't too far away for which they could be grateful for, but it wouldn't be an immediate bounce between the two. "I'm glad," Hitomi replied with a smile as she watched her friend practically nuzzling her purchase. It was all the more obvious what her affections were, and that made her all the more reluctant to act upon the ones she had in turn, knowing how Sayaka felt.

Madoka nodded, smiling at the same time. "I can remember when you would barely touch classical music," she commented idly as they walked along. That had been some time ago, before her feelings for Kyosuke emerged, and she didn't mean anything by it, simply commenting on it.
"Ah... Haha, right," Sayaka was taken slightly off-guard by her friend's comment, her eyes darting away to look at nothing in particular, "That was a really long time ago, though. I've liked classical music even when I was in middle school, remember?" It was around that time that her affections for Kyosuke developed and grew from simple admiration and friendship to full-fledged love, a transformation which resulted in a rather marked shift in her interests. His music entranced her, like the tune of a siren beckoning to her, and she had never quite been the same person ever since.

"There was that one quote by... What was his name, again?" Sayaka tilted her head to the side slightly, "Some famous poet or something... 'Does not the appetite alter? A man loves the meatbuns in his youth that he cannot stuff into his mouth due to his age...' Or something like that." She got the quote terribly wrong, but even so she managed to get her point across to some degree.

Eager to change the subject, Sayaka hurried on ahead toward the crepe shop, putting some distance between herself and her two friends in an effort to mask her embarrassment. Why was it so hard to admit it? Was it the fear of rejection? Or was there another reason entirely? Sayaka could not say for certain, and she knew that Madoka did not mean to make her feel uncomfortable by her comment. Still the constant reminders of her own inaction stood as testaments against her, fueling her unease.
Madoka nodded in response. "Yes, I remember." If she could remember the time before then she could certainly remember when it had happened. She didn't think much of it, knew of her friends affections and her wish. Personally she never minded it on the whole, and supported her friend through it all with all her romantic endeavors or lack thereof. Even Hitomi was used to it, even if she did not quite complacently accept it.

Hitomi giggled as she heard the quote, getting the understanding that her friend was trying to present. "That's not the saying," she replied calmly. Not that it made a difference in the end as Sayaka hurried on ahead. The green haired girl sighed as Sayaka seemed to turn once more, seeming to want to change the subject and get to their destination. She was lucky that Hitomi was so patient, so willing to entertain her romantic lethargy.

Madoka sighed as well. "Sayaka-chan," she muttered to herself. It hurt to see her like this. But she quickly brightened up. "Wait for me," she called as the pinkette hurried after her friend. Hitomi brought up the rear then as they made their way to the crepe shop, to spend some more time together, a bright light of happiness in these troubled times.
As expected, the crepe shop had that family-business sort of feel to it, with wide, clean windows out front and a row of stools lining the front counter. Striped wallpaper and hanging pictures featuring scenes from Europe decorated the walls, and a single hanging fan hung from the ceiling, its blades slowly turning upon the central disk while four pale yellow bulbs helped to illuminate the small storefront shop. The young man behind the counter sported a friendly smile, waving to the bluenette as she entered. She hardly took notice of him, however, as her eyes were locked onto the menu that hung just over his head.

"I think I'll have a chocolate crepe," Sayaka declared before turning to her two friends who had entered a short while after she did, "What do you want, Madoka-chan, Hitomi-chan?" Her eyes had that excited shimmer to them, even if the pain of unfulfilled love remained present, albeit carefully hidden for the time being.
"Aaah~" Madoka sighed aloud as they entered the crepe shop, embraced by the warm and homely atmosphere of the store. This was hardly their first time coming here, and yet it was as refreshing as ever to experience. Hitomi was as appreciative as the two of them followed Sayaka in, making their way to the front counter so they could look at the menu. In the process, Madoka smiled and waved at the man working behind the counter, while Hitomi merely nodded.

As Sayaka gave her order, Madoka stepped forward to give her own. "I'll have the strawberry creme crepes," she told the man behind the counter. She was then replaced by Hitomi, who gave her own order n turn. "I'll have the peach crepes." She'd stay by to make sure that Sayaka had enough money to pay for it all, just in case. It'd be fairly awkward otherwise if they couldn't pay for what they were buying.

Meanwhile, Madoka went off to grab them a table near the window, giving them a good view while making sure they were comfortable at the same time. "Sayaka-chan, Hitomi-chan," she called with a wave to show where she was before sitting down, so she could await the arrival of her friends, and then their treat.
The young man nodded back at them in turn, recognizing the three friends as some of his somewhat regular customers as he went to prepare the crepes. The freshly-made treats he made had been passed down through the family for generations, a lineage he was proud to continue in his own day, bringing smiles to the faces of people both old and young, like the young ladies who graced his shop that afternoon. In the grand scheme of things, however, his relevance was soon forgotten, like the pleasant morning breeze after the midday sun's rays take their firm hold.

Sayaka hurried over to the table Madoka had chosen and sat down beside her, leaving the other side of the table open for Hitomi, "Say, we all got different flavors again today, didn't we? Mind if I take a sample?" The bluenette often made it a point to ask this under such circumstances, especially since she had offered to treat them. Could anyone blame her for it? Perhaps it had been part of her plan from the start.

It did not take long for the young man to step over to the table, as they were his only customers at the moment. The afternoon rush had already ended by then, giving the girls free reign of the shop as it were. He handed over the wax-paper-wrapped desserts with a warm smile before giving them a shallow bow and withdrawing from the table, "Please enjoy..."

Sayaka wasted no time, taking a big bite out of hers. A delighted squeal escaped from the bluenette, her entire body shivering, "The subtle flavor of the crepe mixing with the slightly bitter and sweet flavor of the chocolate... I just can't get enough of it!" Sayaka certainly enjoyed sweets, a fact she made no effort at all to hide.
Hitomi followed Sayaka over to the table that had been picked out for them, sitting across from her friends as Madoka shifted to accommodate the blunette. The enthusiasm shared between them was obvious, though in Hitomi it was more subdued as a matter of her nature. But for the time she had, she would admit that she was looking forward to this as well. She definitely did not as much time to spend with her friends as she would like, and she was just lucky enough to have friends that were willing to accept her in spite of that.

"Sure," Madoka agreed to the suggestion with a nod, hardly having a reason to not do so. And she was admittedly wondering what Sayaka's chosen flavor tasted like as well. She might have a sweet tooth, but she knew her flavors.

"I don't see why not," Hitomi concurred. It was a reasonable request, and one that they had practiced many times. This did not need to be different. And they were fortunate by their timing that they did not have to wait long to get their food. It appeared that they had missed the afternoon rush to get here, and so the young man was quickly able to get their orders to them.

The three dug in, and Sayaka would find her squeal echoed to her side by Madoka, while Hitomi was more refined, though she did wear a smile. "So good~" Madoka said aloud as she swallowed her first bite. It would be another before she looked over at her friend, offering a slice of crepe on her fork. "Here you go Sayaka-chan."
Sayaka wasted no time in accepting Madoka's offer, leaning over and taking the offered bit without further ado. She straightened her back and cupped her right cheek in her hand, mumbling words of praise even before she had finished tasting it. Sayaka quickly returned the favor, not the least bit concerned how her actions might look to any curious onlookers. The two had known each other long enough that sharing food was practically expected, especially when it came to school lunches in particular.

"Ne, Hitomi-chan, let me taste some of yours, too," Sayaka insisted, leaning over toward her over the table. The bluenette smiled, remembering the previous times the three of them had enjoyed crepes at that very shop. While pleasant even when eaten alone, the treats provided some much-needed light into the tense life she led, a welcome reprieve from worrying about the state of the city and avoiding death at the hands of witches or other magical girls. When things were simple, Sayaka could easily enjoy her life.

Their time together ended far too quickly, with the crepes eaten and words exchanged. Reluctantly, Sayaka slid out from her seat at the booth and looked up at Hitomi, "I know you have a lot of stuff you need to do, but even so I'm glad we got to spend the evening together." She smiled, "Take care, Hitomi-chan... Let's do this again soon, k?"
Madoka giggled happily as Sayaka reveled in the food that she had just taken a sample from. Yeah, that would be just like her best friend. She did the same in turn, leaning forward to take a bite from the proffered fork. It was true that they had done this often in the past, and it wasn't as if there were people around to judge them for it. Even then, if she cared about her appearance it would only seem like three close friends enjoying themselves. Nothing to worry about at all.

"Alright," Hitomi agreed with a nod, offering her fork. She might be too old for such childish things, and one could not simply dismiss the notion of secondhand kisses, but that did not stop her this time. It wasn't as if there were major things for her to worry about. She then ate the crepe she got in turn, glad to have the time to spend with her friend. She knew Sayaka enjoyed it, and at the end of the day that was all she could ask for, as well as the same for Madoka. They were friends to the end, and this was only one part of that.

So they ate, and chatted, and laughed, enjoying themselves until the crepes that they had bought vanished into the abyss of their stomachs. As Sayaka rose her friends did the same, Hitomi smiling as she nodded. "I'm glad too, Sayaka-chan," she replied sincerely. "And yes, let's." With that, she headed out the door and off towards the first of the after-school lessons that she had to attend to, back to her more mundane life at last.

"Bye Hitomi-chan," Madoka called as she waved, whilst her friend left the store. Once she was gone, the pinkette turned to face Sayaka, so they could continue with their afternoon. "So, what should we do now," she asked, unsure if her friend wanted to get to magical girl business, or to do something else. Either way, she would be fine with it.
Sayaka waved to Hitomi as well as her friend turned to leave. The door shut behind her, a final confirmation that she had, indeed, parted from them for the time being. Despite her teasing, Sayaka respected Hitomi's single-mindedness and determination, an indication of the inner strength that Sayaka herself lacked. She had no knowledge of how much patience her friend bore toward her, especially with respect to a certain young man that they both bore an interest toward. She remained blissfully ignorant of how much her own indecision caused consternation and grief for her green-haired friend.

The bluenette rose from the table and turned toward Madoka, "Hm... Perhaps we should-" Before Sayaka could finish speaking, she felt a powerful chill that essentially paralyzed her, the sensation strong and compelling. A cold sweat dampened her brow and her knees nearly gave out from under her, forcing her to take hold of the back of the booth seat in order to prevent herself from falling to the cold tile floor. She panted, her left hand clutching her shirt as she quickly transformed into her magical girl attire, the burst of power helping stave off the powerful aura. She could feel its influence spreading, gradually expanding outward with each passing moment and increasing in intensity. The long-forgotten young man who owned the crepe shop had already fainted, his unconscious form laying behind the counter.

With a wave of her hand she summoned a saber and grasped its handle, holding it at the ready as she looked back toward Madoka to ensure that her friend was still alright. It had to be the work of a witch or extremely powerful familiar of some kind, but exactly how it managed to influence such a wide area remained a mystery. Witch or not, she would not stand for such a thing, especially when it endangered her friend Madoka.
Madoka waited patiently for a response, only to be struck as the sensation of something rippled through the store. It clawed at her heart, earning a cry as she doubled over, hand rising to her chest. What...what was this? Was it a witch? If so, then she would have to admit that she probably had the worst luck ever, to run into at least two in such random chances. It wasn't as if she was hunting with Sayaka at the moment, so the possibility was near unbelievable. Unless, perhaps, it was another magical girl, but that wouldn't make much sense, would it.

Still, it was obvious to tell that it wasn't just her, as Sayaka transformed and pulled out a sword. At least they could deal with it rapidly now if there was some sort of threat. And even though her body throbbed, she managed to hold out for now. But her attention was drawn away by a thud, as the man working the counter collapse. "Ah, Sir," she called, though it was pointless.

On the heels of that she ran over, crouching down to check his breathing and pulse. He had to make sure that he was still alive after all, or else she would feel terrible in general. At that point, she looked over her should er at her friend. "Go Sayaka-chan," she said with serious determination. "I'll be fine." It was the only way to stop whatever was being done here.
At first Sayaka hesitated, unsure if she should leave her friend in the midst of such immediate danger, but when she saw the determination in her friend's eyes she simply nodded in turn before slipping out the front door. She would trust Madoka to keep herself safe until she had dealt with the threat. Whatever was causing it had to be close.

She looked first to the left, then to the right, her grip on her sword tightening as she spotted what appeared to be a body a short distance away. Hurrying over, she knelt down, her eyes growing wide as she recognized the still form as that of another magical girl. She was still breathing, albeit faintly. Looking up she spotted another figure, this one shrouded in shadow as it gazed directly at Sayaka, a menacing grin spread across its face. It was another magical girl, but her aura was anything but friendly. She wore a white gi which reached down to just above her knees, a dark brown trim contrasting with the lighter-colored fabric. On her feet she wore wooden geta which increased her perceived height by a good three inches at least, while her dark brown hair was tied back into two Chinese-style buns on either side of her head. In each hand she wore armored gauntlets, indicating that she was skilled in close combat, or that her fighting style was in some way related to martial arts. In any case, Sayaka knew she would have to be cautious when dealing with her.

"My name is Chou Ando," the girl before her tilted her head to the side slightly before extending her gloved hand toward Sayaka, "And I am here to take your grief seeds... Hand them over like a good girl, and nobody has to get hurt."

"What makes you think I'd just hand them over to someone like you?" Sayaka growled, holding her sword at the ready as she widened her stance, "You are responsible for this, aren't you? What did you do?!"

"Its related to my power," Chou waved her hand in the air dismissively, "But none of that really matters... I am on a very strict scedule, you see... With that annoying Mami Tomoe out of the picture for the time being, I'm free to roam the streets and 'acquire' grief seeds from helpful donors. Oh, don't worry. I'll let you keep one of your grief seeds out of courtesy so you don't die after I beat you to a bloody pulp."

The strength-sapping aura intensified, but Sayaka held her ground, glaring back in turn, "I'm going to stop you, Ando-san... Right here and now!" The bluenette dashed forward and swung at Chou with an swift upward slash, but her sword blade met only empty air. her eyes widened as she looked to her left, just as a fist buried itself into her chest. She felt several of her ribs crack as a pained cry was pulled from her lips. Sayaka flew back with explosive force, harshly impacting the wall on the far side of the alleyway. Sliding down the wall, she fell into a heap at the base of the wall, her sword falling from her hands.

"Too slow... WAY too slow," Chou laughed, "Now, be a good girl and-" The brunette stopped mid-sentence as her eyes widened in shock to see Sayaka pushing herself back up onto her feet. "Well, you don't see that every day... I was sure I broke at least a few bones with that one hit. I guess this will be a bit more interesting than I thought..."

Chou then dashed forward, swinging a wide right punch at Sayaka, which she deflected with a swift parry. More and more strikes flew toward Sayaka, which she likewise blocked while backing away. With a wave of her hand, Sayaka summoned a second saber and caught it in her left hand. Swirling to the side she blocked Chou's punch with her left sword and followed it up immediately with a stab with her right. before the attack could reach, however, another explosion knocked her away, sending Sayaka tumbling.


Back at the crepe shop, the young man was still breathing, and although his pulse was somewhat faint he was still alive, for the time being at least. The sounds of explosions rocked the shop as Chou and Sayaka clashed in the nearby alleyway, causing the ceiling fan to swing back and forth. His eyes opened halfway as he cast an unfocused glance about the room until his gaze fixed upon Madoka's face. "I... I must have died and gone to heaven already," the young man murmured, "Because... I see a goddess leaning over me."
Nearing the combat zone, Homura practically ran into the aura of despair, one that hammered at her like a truck. It caused her to grit her teeth, but any pain was suppressed, battered down. Not like the way Sayaka in previous timelines would dull herself to the pain in fights, disconnecting herself from her body which only increased the damage she would take, but rather forcing it down, as she had in the past. Compared to fighting Walpurgisnacht, she would not let something like this stop her. Not so long as she could still function.

Still, this was worrying, she would admit as she made her way towards the sound of combat and the center of this field. It was not too hard to figure out that there was a magical girl fight going on, and she could guess that Sayaka was involved, given the location, but who was this other girl? She wasn't from a previous timeline, which meant that it would involve information she had only gained in this one. It made things difficult to handle at the best. But it was only a minor difficulty in consideration.

At last she arrived, coming to a rest on a rooftop as she dropped, making sure that she was out of sight as she watched it. No Madoka, that was good. Sayaka was involved, as expected, but the other girl was more of an unknown. She began to plumb her information as she watched, only planning to interfere if Madoka was in danger. Otherwise, this was the blunette's fight.


Madoka nodded as Sayaka departed to go combat whatever was causing this. With her friend gone, she turned to making sure that the young man was alright, propping up his head and making sure that what injuries he had were taken care of. Fortunately there wasn't any really, so she couldn't complain as she sat at his side. She just had to hope that her friend could handle it.

The sounds of explosions from outside did not make her feel better in the slightest, but she was still certain that Sayaka could handle it. She had confidence in her friends ability, and she battened down on her fear at the moment, watching the young man. She lit up though as he awoke, smile widening as her eyes shone. "Oh, are you alright," she asked in a worried tone, blushing a bit at the comment about being like a Goddess. "You fainted...."
Chou Ando was a newcomer to the city, of sorts, as few people knew much about her. She was a criminal of opportunity like many other magical girls with fewer moralistic restraints, and would not hesitate to make use of her powers to gain an edge over others, especially when grief seeds were involved. She fought by infusing the area around her with her unique ability which sapped strength from those around her, including magical girls (although they suffered less-pronounced effects than ordinary people) while she pummeled them with swift punches and palm strikes. She sometimes even infused her punches with blasts of pure magical power, resulting in powerful explosions which could instantly incapacitate most opponents with a single strike. Sayaka, however, knew none of this coming into the fight, although she was learning it firsthand as the magical martial artist battered her relentlessly up and down the alleyway.

Sayaka jumped backward just as Chou lunged forward, narrowly avoiding a close-range blast which shattered the nearby wall, sending fragments into the air. The bluenette then dashed in, slashing twice at Chou who countered with her own palm strikes. The two clashed, sparks flashing as the two circled each other, each determined to achieve victory. Sayaka, however, had taken quite a few bad blows early on in the fight and her strength was already beginning to wane as she failed to break Chou's momentum.

"An opening!" Chou shouted as she slid in then threw a powerful uppercut directly into Sayaka's chin, knocking her up into the air and drawing a painful cry from the bluenette. Chou then jumped up after her, her right battle gauntlet shimmering with power as she raised her fist up into the air, "This is it!"

Just then, Sayaka turned and thrust her sword out straight, catching Chou in the shoulder and holding herself just out of reach. Chou's swing met nothing but air, but the ensuing blast sent both of them flying backward, Sayaka's sword being drawn out of her shoulder at the same time. Chou flipped and landed lightly upon her feet, her right hand reaching up to hold her left shoulder.

"Oh? So you aren't a complete novice, hm..." Chou smiled.


"Ah... I suppose I did," the young man smile back at her weakly, "I feel weak, but I can breathe a bit better now, thank you." He closed his eyes for a moment before continuing, "Its strange... I hardly expected things to turn out this way, but for some reason I feel strangely content." His right arm moved slowly as he attempted to reach up, but he lacked the strength to do so as his hand merely fell back to rest upon his chest, "You and your friends would come to my shop quite frequently, but I never bothered to ask. Please... Could you at least tell me your name?"
Homura watched patiently as the fight went on, examining every aspect, every detail. The girl Sayaka was fighting certainly seemed to be a skilled close range fighter, and she had quite the grasp on magical abilities. Both the field that was currently attempting to push down on her psyche, as well as the magical blasts from her gauntlets, attested to that. It would be difficult for the blunette to handle even with swords, and she could easily tell that the girl was having trouble.

Still, Homura did nothing to intervene. This was not her fight, and if Sayaka fell in the line of duty then it would only be a reminder of the dangerous nature of the job to Madoka. It was cruel and she would be hurt, but ultimately it would benefit Homura's goals. So she took what notes she could, and otherwise waited for a resolution. She had no need to get involved, and until she did then she wouldn't.


Inside, Madoka let out a sigh of relief as the man told her that he was alright. It was one less thing to worry about, which she was grateful for, and she was sure that it would be a load off of her friends mind as well. The sound of fighting wasn't all that diminished, but she had her job and she would not abandon it. Not until she was sure that it was alright to do so.

"That's good," she replied, relief evident. She did shoot a glance out the door as the sound of fighting surged, but she quickly turned her attention back to the injured man. She broke into a smile then as she introduced herself. "Sure. I'm Madoka Kaname." She was hoping that her good mood would buoy him as well, though it was hard to keep it up with this weight pressing down upon her. But in spite of that she would give it her best shot. She had to, for both their sakes.
Unaware of Homura's observation of their battle, the bluenette continued the fight, her spirit somewhat renewed seeing that she had managed to land a solid blow on her opponent. "I won't loose... Not today!" Sayaka shouted, waving her hand in a wide arc as she summoned five swords, their tips pointed downward in front of her. She took a single step forward then threw her held sword like a throwing knife, the pointed tip directed at Chou.

The rogue magical girl stepped to the side, the thrown sword whistling mere inches from the side of her face, the sharp blade slicing the tips of her bangs off as it flew past her. Chou, however, did not seem the least bit taken aback by the bluenette's sudden show of aggression. More swords soon followed after the last, causing her to back off slightly, giving ground as she dodged side to side. Sayaka pursued her, maintaining the distance between them by continuing her assault, a confident smile appearing on her lips.

Chou jumped back, two swords sticking into the cement in front of her, her back impacting the wall behind her. She glanced backward, a look of surprise flashing across her face for a moment. Sayaka waved her hand once more, one last sword appearing before her, this time horizontally. She gripped its handle and dashed forward, her footsteps pattering lightly upon the road as she closed the distance between them, slashing her sword lengthwise across Chou's body. Sayaka closed her eyes for just a moment, savoring in the feeling of satisfaction. However, as the blow was about to land, her sword clanged, meeting only the stone siding of the building. her eyes snapped open, looking left then right in a cold panic.

"Moron," Chou's voice called out from above Sayaka, her right gauntlet glistening with magical energy as she stood atop the building in front of her. She dropped one knee and slammed her fist downward, the ensuing blast of magical energy causing the entire building to crumble, huge chunks of stone and cement collapsing upon themselves. Chou quickly leaped to the safety of the building across the street.


"Kaname-san," the young man's voice grew weaker, "Thank you..." He reached his hand up toward her, his right finger nearly toughing her cheek as his breath began to fade. His hand dropped to his side as his eyes slowly closed. Just then, however, a massive rumbling shook the building. A thick cloud of dust pressed against the glass and rattled the doors, bits of dust entering threw small cracks along the door frame. The heaviness in the area suddenly lifted, freeing the two of them from its hold.


Sayaka clenched her teeth, the pain of her body being crushed under the rubble surging through her like a fire. She had shielded her more vulnerable parts with her arm and back, but she had broken several bones and her left leg had been crushed, that much she knew for certain. She realized she had been reckless, but even so she knew she couldn't afford to give up, not when Madoka was still in danger. Still, she could hardly even breathe or move in her current situation, let alone save her friend.

"And here I thought she might make for an interesting fight... Jeez, just up and dying like that once I start getting just a little serious," Chou stretched her arms over her head and yawned, "I guess I better go dig her up in a bit to pick up her grief seeds once I'm sure she's dead."
Homura watched on dispassionately, analytically, as the fight went on. She was pleasantly surprised to see Sayaka begin to turn the fight around, but she wasn't sure if it would last. This one was stronger, more of a realist than Sayaka usually was in the timelines, but that was no guarantee of success. She still had a lot to learn if she was to be of any use against Walpurgisnacht, much less other magical girls.

And indeed she was right, as she had a front ring view to Sayaka letting down her guard and the other girl escaping from it. Typical. More to learn indeed, if she was to get so close to victory only to let it slip away. But then again, that wasn't her problem, as per usual. She had no reason to intervene.

Her perch shook as the building came down, earning a sigh. Well, now she should probably get involved, since that was beyond the amount of collateral damage accepted in these sorts of fights. She noted that Sayaka had been buried, but doubted very much that the girl was dead. Accelerated healing was useful like that, though there was no certainty that her Soul Gem hadn't been shattered in the collapse.

But she didn't move, not yet. She had a feeling that this other girl wanted something from her, and so she'd probably dig her out. No reason for her to get involved when the fight would imminently resume. So she stayed where she was to wait.


Madoka froze, practically unable to move as the young man nearly stroked her cheek, a tender action that caught her breath and made her all the more worried. She had never had a boyfriend, unlucky her, and she knew it was silly to expect that there were romantic inclinations of any sort from this, but it struck at her heart nonetheless to hear him and see him like that. "W-Wait, don't fall asleep, 'she said, though it was too late as he seemed to drop off, his breath fading.

She leaned forward, to make sure he was doing alright and to perform CPR if necessary, only for an explosion to shake the building, sending her down to his chest with a cry. "Aaaah!" She quickly recovered, her vision thrown to the side as she looked out the door. there was smoke, and dust, and while she knew what it was from she could only worry that Sayaka was alright. What else was she to do.

There was some relief as the oppressive weight lifted, earning a sigh from her. She took a moment then to make sure that he was alright, which he seemed to be now that the thing affecting the both of them was gone. "Thank goodness," she sighed to herself. She wasn't sure what she would have done with herself had he died.

That done, she rose back to her feet, visage set in one of determination as she moved to leave the store. He was alright, and now she had to make sure that her friend was. "Sayaka-chan," she called as she took to the streets, heading swiveling as she looked for telltale blue. She had to be around here somewhere.
The martial artist magical girl stood upon the pile of rubble in the distance, her form appearing from amid the dust cloud like a harbinger of destruction. She had been waiting for any movement, any sign that the bluenette had survived the ordeal. Either way, however, it would be a minor inconvenience to kill her as she would have doubtless depleted her magic reserves trying to heal herself by then. Madoka's calls, however, had drawn Chou's attention. What a strange thing, humans were. She figured that others might start peeking out of their hiding spots once she dropped her aura pressure, but she never thought anyone would run out right away. A crooked smile sneaked across Chou's lips as she stepped down from the broken heap of cement and rock, boldly approaching the pinkette.

"Hey there..." she waved to Madoka, "Looking for your friend? I think she might need some help over there." Chou gestured to the remains of the building behind her in a rather cold manner. It was as plain as day to Chou that this girl was not a magical girl, but even so she might be useful. If the blue-haired girl was still alive, she would make for a powerful bargaining chip to get her to hand over her grief seeds without further trouble. She did not really care about how much collateral damage she caused, but prolonged fights drew unwanted attention. Mami might have been out of the picture and Kyoko was busy, but she did not care to tangle with the third of the three city leaders.

If the blue-haired girl was dead, however... Well, at least she had someone to bury her. Either way it worked out just fine.
Wandering along, Madoka was fraught with worry as she tried to find Sayaka. The fact that the blunette had not immediately come to find her after her victory was not a good thing, and it left her more and more concerned that her friend had not survived. She didn't know what she would do if Sayaka had perished, or how she would live with herself knowing she could have done something about it. It was a sentiment her friend might not have appreciated had she known.

Her gaze shot over as she was addressed, by a magical girl who was very much not Sayaka. She took on a guarded posture, ready to flee, only to break that as the building was pointed out and concern took over her features. "Thank you," she called as she ran past the girl and for the building. She didn't know who the stranger was, but it was obvious that she was responsible. And the only way to deal with that was to free her friend, if Kyubey didn't show up.

"Sayaka-chan! Sayaka-chan, can you here me," she called as she began shifting rubble, trying to get to the blunette buried inside. Her limbs were driven to greater energy as she moved rubble and rebar, inspired by a desire to make sure that she was okay. "We're going to get you out of there Sayka-chan." She had to hope that she was alright, she just had to. She could imagine nothing else.

Homura stiffened as Madoka came into view, frowning at the nature of the girl she had wanted to protect. Of course she would do this sort of thing, and of course it would get her in trouble. She prepared to act, but kept out of sight for the moment. There was no need to get involved when nothing had been done to Madoka yet. She couldn't waste her magic, and she couldn't overreact either. She could be there in a moment if she had to anyway. So for now she continued to watch.
Sayaka groaned, another surge of pain rushing through her as bits of rubble began to move above her. Was it that magical girl again, digging her up just to finish her off? The bluenette began to wonder if it really mattered either way, as she lacked the strength to pull herself out by her own strength. As the shifting continued, however, a soft voice reached her ear. It sounded like... Madoka. Why? Didn't she realize how dangerous it was? A sudden realization washed over Sayaka. Of course Madoka would try to save her. She knew her well enough to know that the girl would do anything she could to help those she cared about. She closed her eyes and smiled, realizing the irony of the situation. Here she was, one who had been given the power and responsibility of life as a magical girl, ready to give up when her friend, who lacked the strength or ability she possessed, was giving her all to dig her out of the mess that she had gotten herself into in the first place.

Chou watched as the pinkette began to dig into the massive pile. There were pieces larger than her own body that were above her friend, yet even so she was trying desperately to rescue her, even though she had no strength, no power to do so. The magical girl placed her hands onto her hips and sighed before stepping beside Madoka, "Here... I'll give you a hand." She reached over, placing both her her hands on a large piece of cement, lifting it up and away with a single heave before tossing it aside. As the dust began to settle, something blue peeked out from under the rubble, something which moved back and forth slightly before Sayaka's head emerged.

The bluenette's gaze was somewhat unfocused, but even so she could clearly make out Chou's form, along with Madoka's. "Madoka... Get away from her," Sayaka breathed out weakly.

"You know, you could have avoided all this trouble if you had just been a good girl and handed them over in the first place," Chou sighed, placing a gloved hand on Madoka's shoulder, "Now... Let me ask you one more time."
Madoka grunted, face set in determination as she began to work at the massive pile of rubble so she could reach her friend underneath. She knew it was pointless, that a simple girl like herself couldn't possibly shift all the rubble that had fallen atop her friend, and indeed might accidentally kill her in the process, but that didn't stop her from trying. If Sayaka was injured or unconscious she wouldn't be able to dig herself out, and that would make her assistance all the more necessary.

It still wasn't easy going. Her muscles screamed as she heaved rocks aside, hands stained with dirt and nails chipped. She sucked down dust filled air as she wiped sweat away from her brow, making alarmingly little progress in the grand scheme of things. She didn't even know where her friend was in all of this, much less if she was alive.But she had to try. And so she kept calling out for her, straining to hear an answer.

She looked over as the other girl joined her, magical girl strength making short work of the offending rubble that was in the way. "Oh thank you," she said with a bow, sincerely glad for the assistance. It would have taken forever otherwise. And looking back, she could see Sayaka's head poking out, her friend battered but. "Sayaka-chan....I'm so glad," she added with a sigh of relief, her adrenaline rush starting to fade.

Then what she had said registered, and Madoka jumped as she felt the hand on her shoulder. "Eep!" Oh, right, this girl had been fighting her friend, and had probably taken down the building too. Her head fell as her body trembled, but she didn't cry. "Don't do it Sayaka-chan," she told the blunette. If Sayaka gave up her Grief Seeds, then how would she keep her Soul Gem from blackening after this fight? It wasn't worth it.

And above, Homura prepared to intervene, though she still held back. If it seemed that this girl would kill Madoka, she would get involved. Merely saving Sayaka Miki's Grief Seeds was not that important to her.
The girl actually thanked her? Did she not realize the situation she was in? Chou merely stared back at Madoka blankly for a moment before turning her attention back to Sayaka once her head emerged from under the rubble. The bluenette had actually survived? Chou felt mildly impressed. If she had more battle sense and experiance, she might have actually been quite a hassle, but as things stood with a hostage by her side and her opponent incapacitated, she felt confident that she would hand her prize over without any more trouble. That is, until Madoka spoke up.

"Oh? Your friend says not to give them up," Chou let out an amused laugh, "Can you believe that?"

"Leave Madoka alone!" Sayaka barked, pulling her left arm then her right up out of the debris, "Don't bring other people into this... This is between you and me." Her leg had not fully healed yet, and in her current condition she knew she was in no shape to continue fighting her. But if she could stall her a bit longer, perhaps she could at least grab Madoka and get her to safety.

"I could just kill both of you, you know," Chou's eyes narrowed.

Sayaka clenched her teeth, realizing that she had run out of options, "Fine... Let Madoka go, and I'll do it."

"See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Chou smiled as she pushed Madoka aside then stepped toward Sayaka.

"You'll need to dig me out. I have them in my left pocket," Sayaka's head tilted forward, her bangs hiding her eyes.

"Sure, I can do that," Chou nodded, reaching over and grabbing Sayaka by the shoulders. She pulled her up roughly, the pain that surged through her body nearly causing the poor girl to cry out as tears welled up in her eyes. Just then, however, Sayaka waved her hand back, summoning a sword which she grasped then swung upward, cutting her right Chinese bun off. Chou froze, her eyes wide in shock as she dropped Sayaka. The bluenette reached out as she fell to the ground and grasped the bundle of hair, in the center of which glimmered an orange light.

"What's wrong?" Sayaka smiled while laying on her back, her fingers tightening around Chou's soul gem, "Don't you have something to say to me?"
"Sayaka-chan...." Madoka muttered, watching with wide eyes as the blunette ignored what she said and gave in, all while calling for the girl to leave Madoka alone. Silently she was berating herself for getting in this situation at all and forcing her friend to do this sort of thing. She would have done it again in a heartbeat, but to know that she was at fault for the fact that her friend would lose all her hard won Grief Seeds, it grate at her. If only she were a magical girl, none of this would have happened.

Still, there was nothing she could do, and she could only listen sadly as Sayaka gave in. She had expected that this might happen, but she had to make the effort. And in the end, her friend tried to save her anyway. That was the job of a magical girl after all, and the blunette continued to live up to the ideal.

"Ahh!" Madoka stumbled as she was pushed away, nearly tripping over rock and debris. She recovered though, shifting to face the duo as she clutched her hands to her chest, anxiety all too obvious on her expression. She winced at her friends cry of pain, before her eyes widened as the blunette turned the tables as effectively, holding the other girl hostage by her Soul Gem. "Sayaka-chan," she reiterated, hoping that she didn't do what it seemed like she would do. They shouldn't kill each other over Grief Seeds, much less fight in the first place.

And above, Homura watched with approval as Sayaka turned the tables. It seemed she knew what she was doing after all, moreso than the raven haired girl had expected. So she returned her sniper rifle to her shield as she watched, to see how this would end.
"Stop, wait!" Chou held her gloved hand out toward Sayaka, "Don't do this, please!" She girl's entire body was shaking with fear, her eyes wide and her legs weak and uneasy as she took a single step forward.

"Stay right where you are," Sayaka commanded, her grip tightening on the soul gem.

Chou froze, falling to her knees as she clenched her hand to her chest, "Stop... It hurts..."

"And what would you know of pain, huh?" the bluenette slowly pushed herself back into a seated position, and from there somehow managed to stand. She stared down at Chou coldly, her torn cape flapping in the wind, "You tried to kill me... You threatened to kill Madoka, my best friend in the whole world. What's more, you've probably done the very same thing before, haven't you? How many innocent people have you killed?"

"How many of them begged for mercy when you had them in the palm of your hand?" Sayaka's grip tightened even more, evoking screams of agony from Chou as she curled up into a fetal position, "What makes you think you deserve mercy?"
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