A Magical Revolution [Azecreth & Wingshadow]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
(The screen whirrs, the sound of a film projector starting up as a black and white countdown is displayed, moving from 10 down to zero. At the last, red curtains appear covering all sight, before they are pulled back, to reveal a town, as done in crayon and stencil, looking much like an 18th century European village, part of it is destroyed, on fire, burning, but that is untended, attention elsewhere.

In the town square are a trio of girls, teenagers, each in strange uniforms, colorful dresses, skirts and long pants, hats, one with swords, the other with a crossbow, and the third with a harp. The crowd before them watches on in discontent, muttered words spread about them, but no one dares to act as they stand atop a raised platform, looking across the people with obvious hostility.)

The middle girl, in red, speaks up, loudly. "Alright, listen up you humans. You had your shot at this world, and you threw it all away, in killing, and violence and stupidity. Well now it's our turn, and we're going to do what you couldn't. We're Magical Girls, and this is our world now. And don't you forget it."

(Jump cut, the slipping of the reel, to a WW1 style battlefield. Machine guns pound, tracers lancing through the air. They aim at a rapidly moving target, a blur of green that crosses no mans land in mere moments, dodging land mines and gunfire almost effortlessly, before dispatching the gunners with a large scythe and moving on.

Jump cut, tanks being ripped to shreds and soldiers mercilessly cut down, wounds taken but ignored or rapidly healed, as a magical girl duo eliminates an attacking military force with extreme prejudice. As the last is dispatched, the girl who has been calling commands for the duration of the fight relaxes and goes to replenish her magic with a Grief Seed, only to drop, eyes lifeless, as her Soul Gem is smashed by her companion with a war hammer, who proceeds to take all the dead girl's Grief Seeds.

Jump cut, a magical girl dressed in white stands atop a skyscraper, watching a lone plane in the sky. Around her a city smokes, buildings toppled, craters blasted in the street, cries of the dead and dying. But still she smiles on in apparent victory. That smile doesn't last as a bomb falls and ignites, nuclear fire shattering her soul gem in an instant before wiping away her physical body, and soldiers renew their advance as a large mushroom cloud rises over the city

Jump cut, to a city burning as bombers rain down conventional and incendiary ordinance with casual disregard for civilian life. Through this firestorm advance conventional forces, wearing specialized equipment and wielding heavy, automatic weaponry. A shift in the background and they cut loose, peppering the debris with bullets. But it is merely a distraction, as a girl in a cloak and hood jumps into the middle of them, to weave death with twin sickles.

Jump cut, a group of soldiers surrounding a magical girl in deep blue. She is battered, bloody, having obviously taken some hits as she dispatches another soldier and they fire away with autocannons and antimaterial rifles. Unnoticed, the sparkling blue gem on her wrist nears it's limit and surpasses it, filling with malevolent rolling black. She shrieks aloud in pain, in agony and hatred, and there is an explosion of energy that sends men flying, before the area is engulfed in darkness, from which none emerge.)

At last the world resolves itself into full colors, childish animations left behind. The sun rises on Mitakihara, but not the one you are familiar with. It is different, less high tech, less pristine. Commerce bustles, to be sure, but it is more dingy, battered, and there is an air that something is off. The factories churn, producing consumer goods and weapons, providing as much for the city as they can, while people try to go about their daily lives.

This was the modern world, as it were. And Kyoko accepted that, as she lounged about her penthouse suite like the lazy overlord that she was. After all, she was in charge of the Greater Mitakihara-Kazamino Area, aka her personal playground. Yeah, sure Mami and Homura and Sayaka and all those other people she didn't care about where around, but she was the one in charge, with a nice stockpile of Grief Seeds, and no one to challenge her except what was left of the mundane Tokyo Authority. And they were too terrified to try anything. Yep, she was living it good.

It also helped that she didn't have to do any actual work. She just signed her name on stuff Mami handed her, beat the crap out of Witches or other magical girls once in a while to remind them who was in charge, and the rest of the time she got to eat, sleep, play video games, and make fun of the blunette who had so recently joined their ranks. You'd think being in charge was hard, but it really wasn't.

She glanced at the clock as she watched the sun rise. Actually, Mami should be here soon, to tell her about what she might have to do today. She was always organized and stuff like that. Still, until then Kyoko could relax, so she did, munching on a Pocky stick while wasting time away, her hands clasped behind her head as she sat on the couch. Until she had to work, she wouldn't, and that was the way she liked it.
The blond-haired young woman made her way down the long hallway leading toward Kyoko's personal quarters where the self-absorbed overlord spent most of her existence. The heels of her shoes clacked against the hard tile flooring, her distinctive twin drill style hair slightly bouncing with each step she took, while in her arms she carried a sizable stack of reports and various documents she planned on receiving Kyoko's signature on. Despite her best efforts, Mami could never seem to present the material in such a way that Kyoko might even be remotely interested in. Her actions stood as more of a formality than anything else, as the actual management of the Kyoko's empire fell to Mami instead due to the established leadership's outright indifference.

Mami hardly minded the arrangement, however, as it kept her busy to such an extent that she had little time or opportunity to dwell on her own personal concerns. It stood as a purely mutually beneficial situation, as Kyoko could enjoy the luxury of her stated position, while Mami worked out the minute details of government while avoiding the strain of being the one that nearly everyone in the city hated. Although it was clear to both parties that such was not the case, Mami also liked to believe that Kyoko thought of her as a friend. While Mami certainly filled the role of trusted accomplice, Kyoko cared little about anyone or anything other than her own satisfaction, an attitude which extended to Mami as much as anyone else in the world.

Mami shifted the weight of the various papers she held onto her left arm and put on her best smile before gently rapping on the frame of Kyoko's door. Even if it simply served as a mask to hide the painful loneliness that dwelt deep within her own heart, she felt she should try her best to make herself approachable to Kyoko. In the very least, it made working with her that much easier.

"Good morning, Kyoko," Mami turned the knob and peered inside before backing into the room, her arms weighed down with binders and stacks of paper reaching up to her chin, "I know you are... Busy... So I will try to keep it brief." The blonde walked past her and set her load down onto the desk on the other side of the room, picking up the first binder and flipping through the first few pages before beginning.
Wound up in the very important task of doing nothing, Kyoko was distracted by a knock on the door, a gentle rap that heralded the arrival of the person she had been waiting for with such great patience. Of course, it helped that she wasn't actually looking forward to this, so a delay was most welcome, at least from her perspective. And since it wasn't work that involved beating somebody up, it was a waste of her precious energy and time to actually do it. Still, she was in charge, and if she wanted to keep in charge, she had to do this. Unfortunately.

"Hey," she replied nonchalantly as Mami, her trusted second in command, opened the door and stepped inside, while announcing her presence. Some would find it odd, Mami the senior of the two magical girls and yet the one who was subordinate to the other, but it was an arrangement that worked, and why mess with a good thing? Mami was the one everyone liked, with an ever present smile and a pleasant attitude, always approachable on any issue, while Kyoko was the headstrong, fiery one that gave no fucks and cracked skulls. They complimented each other, in a weirdly manipulative sort of way, insofar as the rest of the world was concerned. They'd worked together to seize control of this city from it's previous ruler, and rather than fall into bickering, they chose to rule together, for their mutual benefit, much to their enemies dismay.

And they had enemies, no doubt about that. Beyond the Magical Girls that they bordered, technically allied to through Elysium, she knew that they were eying her territory, waiting for a sign of weakness. Then there was the Shadow Compact, the 'Wish Killers' as they were derogatorily called, the human resistance who sought to off her and restore mundane rule. But she'd never let that happen. And then the Tokyo Authority and their allies across the water, who would also love a chance to jump on them if they thought they could win. Ringed by enemies or potential enemies, the two had decided it was better to stand together and pool their common strength. At least, that was how Kyoko interpreted it.

Looking over, she saw the large stack of papers and documents Mami held and sighed, sitting up straight and at least making the effort to be attentive, before it got all legalese and boring. "Thanks. So what's happening today? City Council come to ask that they be given more stuff, or what?" It was the usual complaint, about how the collaborationist government was hard pressed to run the place, especially with the property damage that inevitably accrued during an active insurgency, even a low level one. "Or are the Yakuza getting a bit too big for their britches?" That one earned a predatory grin, since that meant she'd get to hit something today.
"Sadly, the Yakuza are minding their own business for the time being," Mami shook her head before turning her attention to a small teapot which sat on the desk beside the papers she had just set down. A rich white porcelain made up the teapot, while an elegant floral pattern of greens, yellows and reds decorated its rounded sides and lid, its handle shaped like that of a curled leaf. Mami gently lifted it with her fingertips and held it up to her face, her eyes growing slightly distant for a moment as the cherished memories contained within the delicate piece flickered within her. She carried it over to a small portable stove top nearby and set it down on top of it, filling it with water from a glass pitcher before igniting the flame below the pot. The tiny blue flames tipped with orange danced and flickered, which Mami observed for but a moment before turning her attention back to Kyoko.

"I do have some good news, however," Mami slipped on another pleasant smile, "Due to an increase in employment thanks to the continued success of our new employment placement services, output has increased by an additional ten percent over the last month. Civilian satisfaction has increased as well, with an increased approval rating based on our current estimates. Aren't you glad that we decided to go through with establishing the placement services in the first place?"

Doubtless the discussion had already begun to bore Kyoko to tears, so Mami decided to throw her a little excitement to keep her from dozing off entirely, "Oh, but there are rumors that have begun to circulate that the Shadow Compact may be recruiting magical girls from outside into their ranks... Its quite ironic, isn't it?" Mami stepped back over to the teapot and dropped some teabags into the boiling water after lifting the lid, then replacing it after she finished.

"Of course, unless we can establish any actual proof, they are simply rumors," Mami turned back to Kyoko, "Perhaps we should conduct an investigation to find out for ourselves? I'm sure you'd find it much more appealing than hearing me discuss the market report and the City Council's concerns and requests." An investigation of this caliber would doubtless entail yet more paperwork for Mami to sort through, but it would provide a much-needed opportunity for Kyoko to vent some of her boredom in a constructive way.
Kyoko frowned, expressly disappointed that the Yakuza weren't making a nuisance of themselves, since that meant less fun for her. "Alright," she replied with a shrug as she watched Mami go about fulfilling her tea obsession, or addiction. Kyoko was as much a fan of the drink as anyone, since it did help to calm her down, and it was especially better when Mami made it, since she was such a good cook in general, but Kyoko didn't take it to the near omnipresent level that the blond did. Then again, since it didn't impact her all that much, Kyoko would allow it, as if she had the ability to make Mami stop. She'd probably go into withdrawal or something, which, while funny to see, would not be advisable. Instead, fanged teeth met with a click, and she reached over, fishing out another Pocky Stick to munch on.

An ear was given as Mami turned to talking about the economic state of the city, but while Kyoko understood that they were making more stuff now, the rest became a jumbled mess of words and meaningless numbers. "Yeah, I guess," she replied distractedly as Mami asked her a question. Her gaze drifted as she imagined being anywhere but in this meeting right now, and the Pocky stick bobbed in her mouth as sharp teeth ground at it. This was the sort of thing she left to Mami, since she knew Mami could handle it. As long as stuff got done, she didn't overly care for the details.

Then, her attention was brought back, and she looked over to Mami with an interested "Hm," as the girl went about messing with her tea. She cracked a smirk, trying to resist the urge to laugh aloud. "Heh, who'd be dumb enough to actually join up with those idiots? It's like they didn't get the memo that if the Compact wins then they'll be dead too." That was true, for the most part. The fanaticism of the organization seemed to vary by location, so it wasn't outside the realm of possibility that a group more willing to compromise could do what these rumors were suggesting. Even if it was still stupid.

She sat up then, stretching a bit and cracking her knuckles as Mami suggested a personal investigation. Normally this sort of thing would be left to Homura, who was a master at espionage with her time stop powers and seeming obsessions, but this time she'd just have to deal with it. "Sounds like fun," she said with a grin, already eager to go it seemed as she got to her feet. "I take it we're gonna start downtown then?" Downtown, while a busy place, was also one of the sure bets for finding elements of organized crime, like the Yakuza, that the girls allowed to operate out of the goodness of their hearts, so long as they didn't cause trouble. If they were going to investigate something related to the Shadow Compact, it'd be a good bet to start there.
While what Kyoko stated was most certainly true, Mami believed that not all magical girls were interested in lording their superior power over the populace. Perhaps they harbored foolish and meaningless ideals or a self-deceived notion that the Shadow Compact would guide the world to a better state, but for whatever the reason, the possibility of the Shadow Compact acquiring a new source of power and influence was something that they could not afford to ignore. While Homura normally dealt with such matters, it was also important that Kyoko go out and put some of her clout to good use, as it helped reinforce her iron grip on her turf.

"If anyone can confirm the validity of the rumors, it would probably be the people operating in the downtown area, yes," Mami nodded before lifting the teapot and tipping it toward her favorite teacup. The slightly darkened yet translucent fluid poured out of the spout, swirling about in the bottom of the cup as it slowly flowed up the sides toward the rim. She set the teapot back down and turned off the burner before grasping the handle of the cup with her right hand and placed it atop her left, holding it gently with both hands as she looked down at the fragrant, steaming liquid.

"Before we go, we should work through signing a few provisional acts," Mami raised the cup toward her lips, taking a sip as her words baited Kyoko with obvious intent, "Otherwise it will just pile up for us tomorrow." While she knew Kyoko cared little for such matters, allowing the meetings to drone on even longer than usual was something Mami knew she would try to avoid as much as possible. A carefully-worded carrot-and-stick approach to dealing with Kyoko seemed the most effective way to actually prod her into doing things that did not involve eating, gaming, or violence to one degree or another.

Mami set down her teacup in order to pick up the first of the many documents she had brought with her that morning. The early morning light cast its amber light across the room, working alongside the friendly smile upon the blonde magical girl's lips to bring a subtle warmth. While dealing with Kyoko in such a manner made it easier to get things done, it also reminded her of the purely utilitarian nature of their relationship. The two worked well together in order to maintain their hard-won turf, nothing more. Her eyes drifted toward the teapot once again, her thoughts drifting from the subject matter at hand to consider how things might have been different. What if they had become friends at some point? Would they be discussing more personal matters over steaming cups of tea by now, rather than running through legal documents as the only meaningful interactions between the two? Mami pushed the thoughts back out of her mind as she turned her attention back to Kyoko.

"Let's get started then."


The downtown area bore all the signs of possessing an outward show of purity while harboring all manner of corruption and vice below the thin enamel coating it spread over itself. While the buildings had an older, almost nostalgic feel to them, they bore signs of wear through the passage of time and improper maintenance. Closely-packed groups of people bustled about on the streets, their heads tucked down slightly as they went about their business, both honest and otherwise. Kyoko and Mami's presence did not go unnoticed, but this would not come as a surprise to anyone as there were few people in the entire area which commanded as much influence as the two.
Kyoko was certainly ready to go as Mami confirmed what she had thought, ready to head on downtown and crack as many skulls as needed until they got to the bottom of this, whether these rumors were true or not. She was impulsive, quick to act on what she wanted, and what Kyoko wanted was to skip the boring stuff and get to the action, like an adrenaline junkie watching a movie with backstory at the beginning. Definitely not for her.

Then she was reminded that she still had actual work, while Mami sipped from the tea she had prepared for herself, expression souring in the process. Mami certainly knew how to play her like a fiddle, though she wouldn't admit that as she sat down with a huff, obviously not looking forward to this, and raring to get through and to the good stuff. "Yeah, sure," she replied with the trace hints of anger in her tone, though whether aimed at Mami or the world in general would be impossible to tell.

Taking the first of many papers, she scanned it, going for the cliff notes procedure as she worked to get done with this already. She might not enjoy it, but the blond did have a point in what it would mean if she didn't, so she ceded to that logic. Placing it down, she patted herself over before looking to Mami with a frown. "Got a pen?" Still hopeless in the face of bureaucracy, it seemed.


Together, the two magical girls walked down the streets of downtown Mitakihara, given a wide berth by whomever they passed. Their identity wasn't exactly a secret, and most people would prefer not to incur the wrath of the most powerful people in the city, so they gave them both space, lest something bad happen to them.

And this Kyoko enjoyed, hell, she reveled in it, grinning though she kept from outright strutting. It was this fear she liked, this healthy respect for her power. It was a respect her father never got, but now she had it. Now she could make people listen to her, even if they didn't respect her. It was a quote she'd heard somewhere that it was better to be feared than loved, and that was definitely something she excelled at. Let them tremble, they deserved it anyway, weaklings.

Her hands rested in her pockets as they moved along, Mami by her side, headed towards one of the hotter spots in the city, a club where shady folks could be found, but more of the upper class kind, the ones who wore suits and kept from doing physical violence themselves. It was always safer, since there were procedures to be followed. If they weren't then things would get painful in a hurry. Not that that was a problem for her, but then things became a hassle in terms of evicting the Yakuza. On the plus side, the place had good drinks and catchy music.

Arriving in front of the club, the Thessalian Rift, Kyoko threw the door open and strode in like she owned the place, which she technically did, attracting the attention of pretty much everyone as she strode over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. Sadly, no drinks for the moment, but there would be a time for that. One of the benefits of having magic, it was harder to get drunk and quicker to recover from hangovers. "I wanna talk to Yamikawa," she said up front, ready to get this thing going.

The bartender looked between her, Mami, and the other patrons, and then gestured to the back wordlessly. "Thanks," Kyoko said with a grin a she stood back up and moved to the indicated door, figuring Mami would follow of her own accord. Time to see what they could dig up.
While Kyoko enjoyed the trepidation and fear she evoked, Mami took a much more subtle approach to the situation. While outwardly she appeared rather nonchalant about the entire ordeal, her stride graceful, conveying a sense of well-bred manners and demeanor without implying superiority, inwardly she felt that their mere presence was an unwanted intrusion, a disruption in the lives of both those who simply wanted to go about their lives in an anonymous and unremarkable manner as well as those who sought to wrest the control of the city right from under their feet. However deep these feelings of resentment might have dwelt within their hearts, none of them dared to do anything about it, for now at least. Until they decided to act, it would be best to let them be, after all, since to do otherwise would be like trying to rid the entire world of weeds.

As they drew closer to the downtown club whose reputation for both class and villainy was practically legendary in its own right, Mami's attention became drawn to the layout of the Thessalian Rift. Just past the door stood the bar, where a few patrons sat hunched over small glasses while catchy music buzzed from the back of the room. A thin haze of smoke hung in the air, while subdued chatter bounded back and forth between richly-dressed individuals. Ironically, while Mami might have fit in here better as a higher-class young woman herself, she found the gathering rather distasteful, both on account of the smoke as well as the superficial nature of the socialization. Even long-time business partners who met here on a regular basis would not hesitate to stab each other in the back, literally, if given the opportunity or incentive to do so.

Unlike the rabble outside, the patrons of a club such as this showed significantly less fear in the face of the two magical girls, outwardly at least, as the bartender directed them to the back room to visit with Yamikawa. He was a regular of the place and someone that normal people could not simply waltz in and demand a conversation with. Kyoko and Mami, however, were far from ordinary people.
Together, with Kyoko leading the way, the two girls proceeded past the bar and people there to an unmarked door. Opening it revealed a long hallways with rooms to either side, the same smokey atmosphere still present, though the music was a bit diminished since there were no speakers in this particular area. Letting the door swing shut behind her, Kyoko stepped forward, preparing herself for the meeting they were about to have. The world was ruthless, and these criminal types would seize on any show of weakness. So she wouldn't give them the opportunity. This, this was her world, her city, and she'd be the shark, not the prey. She'd never be that weak again.

Coming to a stop in front of the usual room, Kyoko glanced to Mami before giving her a nod and opening the door. It swung open to reveal a smallish room, the main feature a poker table, around which sat several wooden chairs. There were some tacky posters, a hanging lamp, and precious little else, if one didn't include the peanut shells and cigarette butts. There was one other person in the room, Yamikawa, wearing a western business suit to compliment his spiky brown hair, currently slouched, though he straightened up on seeing the arrival of the two girls.

"Ah, Ms. Sakura, Ms. Tomoe, a pleasure as always," he said with a smooth tone and slight grin as Kyoko entered, sitting down across from him. The chair creaked as she looked over at him, putting on the best poker face she could, though that most likely wouldn't hold up very long once they had started. "And what can I do for you today? You don't tend to make social calls anymore."

"Let me know the first time you want someone to make a social call," Kyoko replied with a scoff. "I heard the Shadow Compact are trying to recruit magical girls into their ranks. You happen to know anything about that?" She pulled an apple from her pocket and began to rip into it with gnashing teeth as she looked to Yamikawa in the process, who tilted his head in thought.

"Straight to business. So like you Ms. Sakura," he replied with that same self confident smirk as he turned his attention to the question. "I had heard something about that, as a matter of fact. Though how one sided the relationship may be I can't say. But I do believe that the Shadow Compact has recently recruited a number of magical girls into their ranks." He looked between the two, his intentions obvious. That much they would get for free. If they wanted more information that the Yakuza might have, they would have to provide some compensation, incentive for him to tell them. Information was power after all, and not one easily wasted, though Kyoko tended to lean towards just breaking his face. But she'd let Mami take a shot at persuading him first. She was good at that sort of thing.
Mami walked beside Kyoko down the long hallway, her hands neatly folded together as the shorter girl took the lead. She closed her eyes for a moment, the music fading into a distant hum. Behind the thin veneer hid the darkness and entrapment of the underground workings of the city, the backwards dealings of those who held a measure of control upon the area in more subtle means than through legal documents. They were a dangerous lot, both perceptive and cruel. Striking a bargain with such could be rewarding, but it could also end with a short trip to the bay with a block of cement fastened about the ankles.

When Kyoko nodded to her, Mami nodded back before entering, the lack of features in the room causing the man seated there to become the centerpiece of attention. Why exactly people like Yamikawa enjoyed sitting in empty rooms with poker tables confounded all of Mami's attempts to understand. Did sitting in luxurious chairs all by themselves make them feel important somehow? Once Kyoko took her seat, Mami followed suit, her hands resting lightly in her lap while her eyes stared up at the larger man before them. While his words conveyed familiarity and respect, she knew better than to expect either from Yamikawa.

Kyoko got straight to the point of their meeting, and for once Mami appreciated her companion's bluntness and confidence. The way she munched her apple with no regard whatsoever to Yamikawa only added to her nonchalant approach. For the time being, Mami simply observed the conversation, waiting to hear how he would reply to her questioning. If there was no merit at all behind the rumor, he'd probably laugh it off or deny it upfront... But if not, he'd doubtless ask for something in exchange for any specific information on the subject. Yamikawa did not disappoint.

"Mr. Yamikawa," Mami took her cue to speak as she leaned forward slightly in her seat, "I understand that you have been having some difficulties with the Shadow Compact yourself. If the Shadow Compact were to recruit magical girls into their ranks, it would make it that much more difficult for you to obtain the supplies you need. There are only so many black-market munitions and weapons to go around, after all. The Shadow Compact are not fools, they will be going after you first as a competitor for these resources before attempting to challenge Kyoko and myself." She leaned back in her seat once again in a relaxed manner, "I hope you understand what I am getting at, Mr. Yamikawa... I propose that you provide more specific information on these magical girls and we will make sure that they do not bother either us or you ever again."
Hearing Mami begin, Kyoko grinned and sat back, quickly reducing the red fruit to naught but a core as the blond beside her laid out her opinion on the matter. It was one Kyoko approved of, since it'd save them a lot of trouble if they could convince Yamikawa to go along without having to actually give up anything. Lord knew the Yakuza had enough influence as it was. No need to cede them more of it. Fortunately, Mami knew that as well, so Kyoko was confident in her negotiating tact when it came to this particular situation.

Yamikawa hummed, taken in thought as Mami laid out why he should be more forthcoming with his information. And for her credit, it made sense. "Well, I suppose I could part with some more information," he ceded, "To help you eliminate our collective competition." Reaching over, he grabbed a napkin, before pulling out a pen and sitting forward to write on it while Kyoko watched in interest, tossing the apple core off to the side for a perfect shot into the trash can. When finished, he passed it across the table, and Kyoko picked it up in as quick a motion, her eyes flying to read what had been written while Yamikawa sat back.

"There are only two we know of at this time," he explained. "Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't more. But this should provide you a good starting point, I think." Kyoko nodded in understanding and approval as she passed the napkin over to Mami for her to read, on which were written two names. Those being Oriko Mikuni, and Kirika Kure.

As nonchalantly as she had before, Kyoko reached into her pocket and pulled out a box of pocky, opening the top to place a stick between sharp teeth, while looking over to Yamikawa. "So waddya know about those two," she asked, candy stick bobbing in time with her speech. The more information they got on those two, the easier it would be to find them and beat them. Unfair as it may be, that was how the world worked, and she wasn't going to knock it.

Yamikawa sighed, eyes fluttering closed as he recalled the pertinent information. "Oriko Mikuni, 15, the daughter of one of the cities politicians that got caught in your anti-corruption purges. Don't know what she wished for, but she seems like quite the clever girl. As for Kirika Kure, also 15, a relative nobody who's apparently a close friend of Ms. Mikuni. A tad unstable, from what I hear." Sitting back up, his gaze danced across from Kyoko to Mami and then back again. "I'm afraid that's all i have to say on the matter. Hopefully it can be of some use to you."

"Yeah, thanks," Kyoko replied brusquely, giving Mami the chance to ask any questions if she had them. Kyoko, on the other hand, didn't. They'd either use the cities resources to find these two, or look for witches, and when they found them, hopefully they'd find who they were looking for as well. Not the most amazing plan, but subtlety was never her forte. And if it worked, why knock it?
So Yamikawa planned on spoon-feeding them information for the time being. Mami did not find this particularly surprising, as Yamikawa could strike hard deals even when he found himself in a disadvantaged position. Still, something about the situation concerned Mami. How did Yamikawa have so much information about these magical girls which had supposedly joined the Shadow Compact when Mami herself had only caught word of their existence a few days prior. If the Yakuza had such accurate information sources from within the Shadow Compact itself, why had they not dealt with them before now? Homura could determine their current whereabouts given even the scant information Yamikawa had given them with relative ease, but Mami felt that more to this situation remained hidden from them, something that could prove vitally important. While two magical girls with personal vendettas against Kyoko and herself joining the Shadow Compact did not sound out of the realm of possibility, Mami felt she could risk fishing Yamikawa for a bit more information.

"Just a moment, Mr. Yamikawa," Mami reached over and carefully picked up the napkin, folding it twice before slipping it into her pocket, "While I can understand why Ms. Mikuni and Ms. Kure would carry a personal grudge against Kyoko and myself, this is hardly the first time we have been under threat of assassination. However, this is the first time we have ever become aware of their intentions before they put their plans into action, which makes sense to a certain degree since assassinations work best with few accomplices which could potentially leak information, intentionally or otherwise. Since they are not working on their own, this would imply that there is more at work here which would necessitate the cooperation of more than simply two assassins... That, and the Shadow Compact do not exactly try to hide their hate for magical girls in general."

"You know more about this than you are letting on. But for now I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you simply have your own reasons for holding out potentially vital information..." Mami declared firmly, adding a thinly-veiled threat, "If it turns out you are setting us up, I'm sure you realize the consequences."
"Hmm?" Attention drawn back, Yamikawa listened on as Mami spoke while putting the napkin with the two names away. Perhaps she was right, but if she was, he gave no sign of it. He wasn't chosen for this job simply because of his looks. It helped to have a good poker face as well, and that he had in spades. No help against a magical girl who could read minds, persay, but there weren't any of those around Mitakihara as it was, so that was less of a concern for them at the moment.

"My dear Ms. Tomoe, I am offended that you think I would deliberately thrust you two, as well as your associates, into the jaws of danger," he replied with feigned outrage, since they all knew very well that he was very capable of doing such. "What would that do for our cordial relationship?" That last was finished with a grin, since all here knew as well that it was a relationship of convenience that could end at any time, nothing more.

"Yeah, sure," Kyoko scoffed as she finished a stick of Pocky and moved on to another one. "I'm sure it tears at your black, nonexistent heart to see bad things befall the government. Leeches."

Now now Ms. Sakura, it's hardly fair to call me out for my opinions when you're hardly a saint yourself," Yamikawa chided, finger wagging. Kyoko growled through clenched fangs, and it was all she could do to keep herself from leaping across the table and punching in the smug bastard's face right then and there. Nobody talked to her like that and got away with it if she could help it. especially not some street thugs like the Yakuza. She'd rather be killed by a Witch than let that happen.

Fortunately, Yamikawa also had a good survival sense, and knew when to push and when to let it go before he found a spear in his gut. "Well, unless there's anything else, I think we should call this meeting to a close," he offered. "I have things to do, and I'm sure you both are very busy people, running the city and all. I wish you luck in your search."

"Thanks," Kyoko replied as she rose from her seat, pretending the sentiment was sincere when it was another of those falsehoods. "See you later," she said over her shoulder before gesturing to Mami, and departing the room. Time to get to something that wouldn't leave her with a bad taste in her mouth, or wanting to hit something afterwards.
Mami nodded to Kyoko then toward Yamikawa before rising from her seat to follow the redheaded spear wielder. Although he likely did not intend to do so, Yamikawa had slipped up in a few areas in his conversation which provided all the proof she needed to confirm her suspicions. He had mentioned that not only Kyoko and herself, but also their associates would be in danger, implying that the scope was wider than simply the two leaders of the current establishment. If this were merely a personal vendetta, then it would not be necessary to go beyond the two of them, who were the public face of the authority structure in place over the city. Rather than feigning submission, Yamikawa's pride became flared during their conversation, showing that he felt comfortable in his given position. While it was also entirely possible that he had falsified both hints, Yamikawa gained nothing from drawing Mami's suspicion, so she doubted that such was the case.

The magical girl turned and gave the yakuza a polite bow, lifting the edge of her skirt slightly while crossing her right foot behind her left, "It is always a pleasure, Mr. Yamikawa..." The similarity between her pose she took then and the stance she often took before battle would doubtless not be wasted on a perceptive man such as Yamikawa. She closed her eyes and turned, following after Kyoko as the door shut firmly behind her to leave him to his own devices for the time being... Perhaps it had come time to end the little staring game between themselves and the yakuza.

They stepped back through the hallway, but Mami's thoughts still lingered on the matter they had discussed in the back room. She would waste no words of caution on Kyoko, but she knew well enough how dangerous their current situation could become. There were few options left open for them to take other than step forward on their given task. If the yakuza actually did step in, then they would be dealt with severely, assuming they would survive the next few nights themselves... The pieces were all in place, and all that remained was for the hands of fate to dictate how the game would play out.
Whatever Yamikawa thought of it, neither would be able to tell as they departed the room, leaving him to do whatever he wished. Kyoko growled in a huff, apparently unaware of Mami's discontent, while imagining all sorts of bloody things as she walked down the hallway, flanked by her partner. Once more, she remembered why she hated dealing with the Yakuza, bunch of lowlife thugs. If there was one thing she agreed with her father on, it was that they had to go. It was just a pity she'd never had an excuse to make that dream a reality.

Wordlessly, she exited the hallway and then through the bar, radiating a general aura that dissuaded anyone from trying to interact with them, much less even look at her. Angry Kyoko was not a good thing, and that was something the city had learned relatively early on, especially when she had a very large spear and illusion magic. Not something you wanted to go up against.

Back to the street then, and away from the club. At last Kyoko looked over to Mami, rage dissipating with distance as she considered what to do next while munching through that box of Pocky. "So, looks like we still get to have a bit of fun," she commented. "I guess we either go find Homura and set her loose to do that sneaky stuff, or we find some nearby witch, and wait for another magical girl to show up and kill it. They have to get Grief Seeds like the rest of us." True, though Mami and Kyoko had the benefit of receiving tribute from subordinate magical girls, who paid them to be allowed to operate on their territory. So either these two would have to get them snuggled in, or they'd have to go hunting.
Mami knew better than to rely on Kyoko's patience to hold out long enough for the magical girls to simply appear on their own while hunting for those oh-so-valuable grief seeds which helped to extend their lives for just a bit longer in that dank and unrelenting world. Staking out every single witch would take weeks or perhaps even months to present results, and that assumed that the two girls even used Mami and Kyoko's turf to obtain their grief seeds in the first place. Thankfully, Mami had thought of an alternative.

"All the magical girls under our jurisdiction have specially-issued certifications we issued to them, correct?" Mami looked over at Kyoko. It had been Mami's idea in the first place to enact such a policy, which allowed them to discover illegal witch hunting with relative ease. "All we need to do is ask Homura to do her usual rounds tonight and report to us if there are any deviations from the norm. If they aren't even out tonight, there is no point in us wasting our time wandering about." Homura would likely be able to move about undetected, and from what she could gather concerning the enemy's plans, they had no intention to spring their trap on Homura even if they did discover her so she would be safe for the most part.

"I'll discuss the matter with Homura myself this afternoon and I'll let you know as soon as anything turns up," Mami gave Kyoko a reassuring smile, "Until then, why not kill some time at the arcade? You've worked so hard today that you deserve a little break." Fighting alongside a pissed-off Kyoko was not something even Mami looked forward to, so it would be best to give her an opportunity to vent some frustration before the fight, assuming the two even showed up that night. One way or other, however, Mami had a feeling that something big approached in the near future, and her instincts were rarely far from the mark...
Kyoko nodded, affirming what Mami already knew about the certificates. It was one of the policies Mami had thought up, since Kyoko was busy doing....well, things, and hadn't seen how giving out a piece of paper would curb illegal witch hunting on their turf, since it wasn't as if one could tell who in particular had killed a witch. To her, it just seemed like some legalist stuff that was useful before or after the fact, when it didn't really matter that much. But Mami had convinced her, and now it seemed that this was one policy that would be paying off at last. Fortunately.

"Alright," she agreed, perfectly fine with shrugging off the responsibility to Homura. Given how much of a creepy, surveillance obsessed stalker the taciturn magical girl could be, it was a job that suited her just fine. And it helped that by all appearances she wasn't interested in being in charge, since Kyoko bore no illusions that with her magic, she could have been in charge long ago if she wanted to be. But she didn't and she made a valuable asset in return.

Mami's suggestion made her smirk as her hands rested in her pockets. 'Yeah, I guess I did," she agreed. "Who knows, I might even find Blue there." The possibility of Sayaka actively being at a place where Kyoko hung out regularly was minimal, especially given the near brutal beatdown the red head had administered the first time they met, but it wasn't outside the realm of possibility. "Well, I'll leave you to that then. Catch yah later." With a wave, she departed on a different path to the arcade, leaving Mami to go it alone to Homura's apartment, or wherever the other magical girl might be.
"Goodbye, Kyoko-san," Mami waved back at Kyoko, watching her until she turned a corner and vanished from her field of vision, "Have fun..." Mami's hand remained held up for a moment, her fingertips slowly dipping toward her palm. Her eyes gazed toward the empty sidewalk before her, the void and emptiness within herself once again making itself known as a sigh escaped her lips. Mami withdrew her left hand, clasping it tightly above her heart while closing her eyes briefly as she collected herself. While when Kyoko remained at hand she could deceive herself into believing that they understood and trusted each other to a familiar degree, the reality of her situation returned with a vengeance every time they parted ways. This particular instance was no exception to this hard-fast rule.

When Mami opened her eyes once again, she looked up toward the midday sun, the warmth but a vague, distant sensation upon her face. Much like their discussion with Yamikawa, the sun itself seemed to make a mockery of friendliness and familiarity toward the magical girl, as even the pleasantness of the day itself failed to elicit any joy or warmth from within her heart. Much like her soul locked away in her Soul Gem, Mami had locked away her own heart as well out of necessity, to steel her emotions against the constant threat of despair that every magical girl had to contend against on a nearly daily basis... The isolation never felt quite so apparent as when she parted ways with someone she wished she could call a friend.

Homura spent most of her daytime hours in her apartment tending to her weapons arsenal, so it would be a simple matter to meet with up with her, but even so Mami felt reluctant to make her way over to pay Homura a visit. While few other magical girls under her jurisdiction were as precise and trustworthy, her obsessive dedication to her goals unsettled her, as her blindness to all other interests made her unconcerned with collateral damage. Mami's shoulders sloped downward ever so slightly as she turned her own way, taking a route opposite of Kyoko's toward Homura's apartment.


Sayaka Miki, the least-experienced out of all the magical girls under Kyoko and Mami's jurisdiction, strode about the city boldly, her cape billowing out behind her in a flamboyant manner. As a self-declared champion of justice, she took it upon herself to survey the city during the daytime hours, ensuring that things remained orderly, while during the night she threw herself wholeheartedly into combating the witches, seeking to both improve herself as well as meet her grief seed quota given to Mami and Kyoko as tribute at the end of the month. She knew full well that she had a long way to go in order to realize her goals, that of revising the social structure Mami and Kyoko had imposed upon the city by working her way up through the magical girl ranks until it was she who made the decisions, working through the established system rather than fighting against it directly. What she did not realize, however, is that she had unwisely wandered into Kyoko's familiar territory, in particular the street that led toward her favorite arcade.
Homura's apartment was part of a larger complex, a cessation from the girl to utilitarianism and practicality. While Kyoko indulged in the good life, it seemed the raven haired girl was apathetic to the wealth and influence she had to bear, or just plain indifferent, like it didn't matter in the slightest. Anything past her base needs was just extraneous clutter, at least as far as anyone could tell from looking at her. And in spite of that, she was efficient, effective, and deadly, with temporal magic that made her second to none on the battlefield, as well as capable of carrying around an arsenal of weaponry that could fight a small army by herself. Impressive, to say the least.

And at the moment she was indeed home, tending to her weapons while also checking to make sure the information she had listed down about every magical girl in the city, their strength and weaknesses, was up to date, in companion to a map she had floating on a holographic panel that detailed where each of them operated. It was part of her job, and one she did well. It was one she had to do well, not simply because it was her responsibility, but because to do it herself meant others wouldn't have to. Others like....

Tearing herself away form those thoughts, she resumed working, disassembling each gun and giving it a thorough cleaning before putting it back together again. Without offensive magic these weapons were her life in a fight, it wouldn't do to have them jam or break when she needed them most. Her magic gave her an advantage, but without these weapons she had no way to use it. And with her, Mami, and Kyoko, they made a deadly effective trio. She just had to make sure nothing happened to said trio, and that meant being the best at what she did. So as Mami headed towards her apartment, she prepared, for whatever eventuality may arise.


Moving along towards the arcade, Kyoko was beginning to calm down, looking forward to an afternoon of DDR and FPS games, her two staples when she went around this place. A tad unfair given her superior reflexes and speed, but that was hardly her fault. It wasn't like they made video games with magical girls in mind, and it did provide a nice distraction, as well as training for fights, such as it was. A pity she had to solo this most of the time, but that was the price one paid, and it was a burden she would gladly accept for all the benefits it provided.

Then she saw a flash of blue, and eyes widened as she moved to get a better look. Oh great, it was Sayaka after all. So, the magical girl could apparently tell when she was being talked about. Superb. Well, on the plus side, she wasn't looking at Kyoko yet, so that provided some opportunities. Specifically, this one, as the redhead bent down to retrieve a small stone from where it rested next to one of those trees that lined the street for decoration. Taking a few steps forward then, she chucked it, a whizzing shot headed straight for the back of Sayaka's head, though it's size meant it wouldn't do much damage even if she didn't have healing magic.

"Oy, baka," Kyoko called as she approached. "Hows that truth and justice crap going for yah? I hope you're not wasting your time with familiars when you should be going after witches." She had a confident grin, remembering how the last fight they had had went down, and she was sure that if Sayaka made a move, she'd be able to kick her butt again. And hopefully she didn't have to remind her of that fact.
Mami's footsteps against the stairs leading up to Homura's apartment resounded throughout the stairwell, the sound reverberating off the bare, concrete walls. Her right hand firmly grasped the handle rail, while her eyes trailed upward to the third story floor where Homura took up residence. Unlike many of the other magical girls around the city, Homura made no effort to live close to any of the others, as her independence influenced her choice in living accommodations as much as any other part of her life. A brisk wind tugged at Mami's clothes, a subtle reminder of her own vulnerability.

Approaching Homura's door, Mami reached out and rapped on the hard metal surface. For some time, the raven-haired girl gave no reply, but this hardly surprised Mami as Homura would likely spend the time to carefully store away whatever weapon she happened to be working on at the moment before answering the door. She clasped her hands together calmly while she waited, but just as she allowed herself to relax the sound of footsteps alerted her to another presence. Mami turned and gazed downward in the direction of the gentle steps, as a single figure walked on the sidewalk that ran alongside Homura's apartment.

The first thing she noticed about her was the distinctive aura of innocence and purity that the young woman exuded, her pink hair and petite frame only adding to this potent image. Mami did not recognize the girl, but there was something unique about her which drew out a feeling of regret that her current position on the third floor made it quite impossible for Mami to casually strike up a conversation with her. The encounter ended as abruptly as it had begun, as the pink-haired girl turned the corner toward the local supermarket. Mami rarely took much notice of ordinary people, a fact which made her wonder if there was something unique about this girl... Perhaps they had met in a previous life? Mami shook her head and turned back toward the still-closed door to Homura's apartment. Something like that could not possibly be true, right?


"Ow!" Sakaya bent forward slightly from the sharp sting of the blow which landed firmly on the back of her head. Even with Sayaka's impressive regenerative abilities and the natural dulling of pain from being a magical girl, Kyoko's throw still drew a reasonable amount of pain. She turned around quickly, eyebrows slightly furrowed with annoyance, seeking to discover who had so rudely drawn her attention. The bluenette took half a step back upon recognizing Kyoko's distinctive appearance. Although she had no intentions of abandoning her iron-clad ideals, sparking another battle between herself and Kyoko, especially when the difference between their respective powers had become painfully clear the last time they fought, held little appeal.

"You know, there are better ways to get someone's attention than chucking a rock at their heads," Sayaka remarked, placing her hand onto her hip as she shifted her weight slightly to the right, "Thanks for the advice, but I'm going to live true to my beliefs, no matter what the cost." The swordswoman smiled, her self-justification clear to all those present, "What are you doing around here, Kyoko? I thought you spent most of your time with Mami up in your penthouse."
Homura's attention was brought back from analytical thoughts and robotic motions by a knock on the door, leaving her to wordlessly wonder who it was as she returned her currently present arsenal to her buckler. She could have stopped time and done it, saving some time for whomever was standing out there, but that would be a waste of her ability, a casual usage that could have deadly repercussions down the line, if she were to be unable to use her magic when she needed to.

At last she finished and headed to the front door, glancing through the peephole to see Mami waiting there patiently. First the deadbolt was opened, then the latch, before Homura was able to open the door. "Mami," she said succinctly, stepping aside to let the older magical girl enter her apartment.

The inside was as representative as the outside, not a lot of extraneous furniture, a kitchen that one would hardly call well stocked, though that was mostly because Homura preferred quick meals with lots of energy, not a lack of ability to cook on her part. In he living room padded seats were arranged in a series of widening circles, above which hovered holographic displays, advanced technology that she had somehow been able to afford or create with her magic. It was into here Homura walked, taking a seat and looking to Mami, letting the older girl explain why she was here first, or otherwise get any comments on her living habits out of the way.


Kyoko did a small fist pump as the thrown rock hit right on target, bouncing off the back of Sayaka's skull, which must have hurt given that she didn't have anything inside there in the first place. Naturally, the blunette looked to find her assailant, and Kyoko stepped forward with a grin, hands resting in her pockets and exuding self confidence. Intimidation successful at that, given her reaction. Well, besides the outrage. But that wasn't too important. "Yeah, but they aren't as fun," she replied as she came to a rest, a suitable distance between them.

That next bit made her frown in a scowl though. Honestly, how much more self righteous could you get? It reminded Kyoko of a younger time, a happier time. But that wasn't the way the world worked, she knew that now. This wasn't some stupid manga where the good guys always prevailed by force of will, no matter the odds. Strength was the only thing that mattered in this world. If that baka wanted to cling to her principles that badly, then she would be the only one responsible when they took her down. "It's sentimental stuff like that that's gonna get you killed someday," she said, arms folded now. "And when it does, I hope I'm there to see it."

She was the one in charge, but luckily for Sayaka she was willing to put up with the junk her head was filled with so long as it didn't give her any ideas. This was Kyoko's city, and she'd fight to keep it that way. Asked about her presence, Kyoko was quick to respond. "Official business. Nothing you'd need to concern your pretty little head with." She then gave Sayaka a devious grin, figuring she might as well get some enjoyment out of this encounter. "So, how's that boy of yours doing? Still not gonna take me up on my offer to rough him up a bit for you? It'd take all of five minutes, promise."
"Good afternoon, Homura-san," Mami gave her a polite nod before stepping into the apartment after her, "Pardon the intrusion." She spent a moment to survey her surroundings, as it was rather uncommon for her to pay Homura a visit in person. Given Homura's perceptiveness, it went without saying that she had picked up on the fact that this was no mere social visit. Mami slipped off her shoes and stepped into the living room just past the entryway and kitchen, her fingertips sliding across the backs of the seats arranged in the outermost circle.

"I like your sense of style, Homura-san... But is it really necessary to have so many seats?" Mami smiled, although the remark was somewhat double-edged as Mami's own room had far too many seats for someone who spent most of her time alone.

"I know you are busy, Homura-san, so I will try to keep this brief," Mami reached into her pocket and drew out the napkin with the two names written on them, "I would like you to pay special attention during your rounds tonight, keeping an eye out for any illegal witch hunting in the area. In particular, I'd like you to find these two girls, whom I have been informed are magical girls who may be working with the Shadow Compact." She gave Homura a few moments to let the full weight of her words sink in before continuing, "If possible, I'd like you to report your results to Kyoko and myself only, and under no circumstances are they to be killed on sight. I'd like to bring them in for questioning, and for that I need them alive."


The fact that Kyoko found enjoyment in nailing her in the back of the head came as no surprise to Sayaka. The little self-serving blaze of destruction seemed to revel in the suffering of others to an almost sadistic degree. What made matters even worse is that she had enough power and influence to do exactly that whenever and however she pleased. People like her that abused their power to their own ends irritated Sayaka, but there was nothing she could do about it at the time being, especially when Kyoko herself showed no desire to change herself for the better.

It was Sayaka's turn to frown as Kyoko continued, "I would rather give happiness and hope to others and die young rather than live to an old age while only thinking of my own happiness... But I guess someone like you wouldn't understand that." Sayaka crossed her arms as well, just in time to hear Kyoko's remark concerning the boy she had a crush on. The bluenette balked, a flustered look of confusion and irritation flashing across her face, "T-that's none of your business! No, I don't want you to do anything like that!"
Homura nodded quietly as she led Mami, having grown accustomed to the courtesy of the older magical girl, and silently indicating that she had no problem with the intrusion. Time was something she knew well, and she knew the irony of having all the time in the world, and not enough of it. She had enough time to spare for the occasional visit from Mami. She couldn't afford to alienate the other magical girls of Mitakihara after all. And she knew them all, their strengths, their weaknesses, how far they could be pushed before they snapped. Data she had calculated through meticulous observation and research.

"Yes," she replied simply as she sat down in the living room, purple eyes followed with a neutral expression as Mami walked towards her, and presented what she wanted her to do. It was a simple enough tasks, just pay extra attention on her rounds, no problem. Attention to detail was something she prided herself on after all.

Then the Shadow Compact was mentioned, and eyes imperceptibly widened, the first real reaction Mami had gotten from her. A hand rose to receive the napkin and she scanned it, reading them. What happened next was quick, a span of a couple seconds. Her expression froze, hands trembling, a flash of recognition, perhaps, but as quickly as it was there, it was gone, subsumed in the mask of apathetic emotionlessness she wore as protective garb. "Very well," she replied simply, as Mami requested that they be brought in alive. "Anything else?"


Kyoko wasn't too concerned by Sayaka's insults. The blunette was obviously deluded, so why should she give any credence to what she said? Sayaka was young, new to this. She hadn't seen how wishes made for others would only end up hurting you and everyone you care about. To throw away her wish on some stupid boy who couldn't even appreciate what she'd done for him, as far as the redhead was concerned it was a recipe for inevitable disaster. And when the crash came she would be there to laugh in the self righteous magical girls face before she put her down.

Her reaction was particularly priceless though, and Kyoko smirked as she shrugged, shifting to show her nonchalance, leaning on her left leg as she closed her eyes. "Geez, alright, have it your way. I'm just looking out for you, that's all. We magical girls gotta stick together you know." That was pretty much the only thing that let her tolerate these interactions, that one bond they had, and perhaps that similarity to her younger self that made her want to at least help the blunette survive in this world, even if she was too stubborn to listen.

Straightening up once more, she stepped forward. "Now then, unless you got some kind of complaint about my leadership, I suggest you get out of my way." What would happen if she didn't was left unsaid as Kyoko walked forward, assuming that Sayaka could figure it out, and moving to go past her and continue on her way to the arcade. She'd had a bit of fun here, but now she had to get on to actually important things, and stop wasting her time with small fry.
Although Homura's reaction to seeing the two names vanished quickly, Mami perceived that the raven-haired girl had picked up on something that neither herself nor Kyoko had. Did Homura already know about them? Given that Homura usually reported any and all findings (at least as far as Mami was aware), this did not seem likely. However, she knew that something had to be off to evoke such a response from Homura, as usually she retained her stoic expression regardless of the circumstances. She shelved her observations for the time being, instead merely saying in reply, "Just be careful, Homura-san. I have a feeling that there is more to this than merely two magical girls working alongside the Shadow Compact for their own personal reasons."

Mami nodded toward Homura once again before excusing herself, walking past her before returning to the entryway to slip her shoes back on. After doing so, Mami took the opportunity to look about the room one last time, then she turned the doorknob and stepped back out into the sunbathed world outside the apartment. Her part of the preparations now complete, Mami's thoughts turned instead to the various other tasks she had yet to complete before the end of the day. Financial reports and progress updates needed signing, among other things, and she had her own nightly rounds to attend to when the sun abandoned the sky. Mami stepped over to the handle rail and leaned against it, her eyes invariably drawn upward. Yes, abandoned was the correct word.


"...I'm just looking out for you, that's all. We magical girls gotta stick together, you know."

Sayaka paused, blinking twice in wonder at what Kyoko had just said. Did she really mean it? Did someone like Kyoko really care about her well-being? If so, this was the first time Sayaka had ever recognized any signs of it. The bluenette's expression softened slightly as she looked over Kyoko once again. The very same vibe of indifference remained in the redhead's stance, but Sayaka felt like there might be more to her than even Kyoko herself intended to let on. Had the actions she had interpreted as bullying and harshness just Kyoko's way of trying to show she cared?

"Thank you, Kyoko," Sayaka granted her a genuine smile as Kyoko stepped past, turning to face her once again as she spoke, "Its true that I don't have the power that you do, but I'll find my own way to work through my problems, and when I do, I'll show you what I can do with the power that I do have." She waved to Kyoko before hurrying on her own way, feeling rather pleased with herself that she had discovered something now about the redheaded ruler. Just then, she realized she was keeping Madoka waiting as they had agreed to meet up earlier so she quickened her pace and weaved her way through the crowds toward their agreed-upon meetup location. It simply would not do to keep her friend waiting, after all.
"Of course," she replied simply as Mami warned her to be careful, though she hardly needed such a reminder. She was always careful when encountering an unknown entity, an unforeseen variable, and though this was the latter, it was most certainly not the former. No, she knew those two well enough. But she kept those things to herself, staying seated as Mami departed the apartment to go about the rest of the day.

Once Mami had left did she allow her facade to crack, fists clenching as she grunted with a huff of breath. Oriko Mikuni, Kirika Kure, two names she thought she had left behind, two girls she thought had been limited to that particular timeline, anomalies that would not recur again. But it seemed her judgment was misplaced, and as she had fallen into an anomalous timeline where magical girls ruled, so too did other anomalies re emerge to change the game.

Determination tightened, anxiety forcefully submerged as she rose and moved to the city map. She had to plan now. Oriko and Kirika would have to be handled as soon as possible, yet now that they were magical girls it was all the more impossible, due to Oriko's ability to predict the future, assuming that held over from the other timeline. And if she was indeed in league with the Shadow Compact, then that made them even more dangerous. Meanwhile, Walpurgisnacht was still coming, which she had to prepare for, and she had to keep an eye on Madoka. She could feel her grip on events, the timeline spinning out of control and towards disaster, yet she knew she had no choice but to hold on and try, and hope that what she desired emerged at least somewhat intact from the wreckage.

Clearing her mind of pessimistic thoughts, she got to work, charting out paths, and zones of control, places to look. She would not let this change things, she would not. She had to succeed, no matter the cost.


Fortunately or not, there would be no fight today as Sayaka ceded the way forward to her leader. She moved to step forward and past the blunette, only to stop as Sayaka thanked her. A look of confusion graced her visage, a rare occurrence as she stared at Sayaka as she spoke something about power and solving her own problems and stuff like that. Such independence she could tolerate and even admire, but she was somewhat hung up on the fact that Sayaka had thanked her, completely unaware of this revelation she'd had. Why would she be thanking her? She beat the crap out of her, otherwise insulted her at every turn, and even threatened bodily harm to the person she'd wished for. Why would she thank her for that?

"Yeah, sure, whatever," she said dismissively as she recovered, resuming that uncaring expression as she waved over her shoulder and headed down the street to the arcade. Hopefully what had just happened hadn't thrown her off her game too much. She had a record she wanted to beat today, and if she failed because of Sayaka then she wouldn't be a happy camper.


Madoka waited patiently outside the local grocery store, the parking lot half full of cars and people walking past to get their food or otherwise return home, hair bobbing as her head craned to check each individual person, hope springing forth in spurts before fading once more into disappointment. But still she waited. She and Sayaka had agreed to meet here around this time, so she was here as promised. Still, she knew Sayaka was busy, being a magical girl and all, so if she couldn't make it then she would understand. Saving people was more important after all. So she would stand there, and wait, and hope that her friend showed up.
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