Along came an Umberon~ (ShoXDarknessEmbraced666)


Jul 1, 2010
Zack yawned as walking for 7 hours took a hell of a lot out of him. It was troublesome when you felt this sore, but he always thought that he would get used to this. Especially when traveling for 3 years. Hell traveling on foot for so long naturally kept him in shape. He wore basic traveling shoes, black shorts and a black vest over a white shirt, carrying a good amount of pockets for convenience. He had a pokeball hanging around his neck, right before you would come across his calm expression. Some facial hair was present, as if he recently trimmed it. However, the same could not be said for his curly fro, as it was as wild as one would expect. His brown eyes showed disappointment, as he was not feeling well.

"Maybe I should take it easy and just rest more," Zack suggested to himself. He sighed as he crossed his legs while sitting down under a tree. After giving himself a minute, he decided to pull out lunch. "Hmmm...should I cook, or just be lazy?"

Zack had a few options, but he wanted to eat before feeding his own pokemon. He gave it some more thought before deciding to just eat a cold-cut sandwich with some chips. He placed his bag on the ground and placed his food on it. He suddenly realized that he had nothing to drink.

"Oh come on!" he whined in annoyance. "I SWORE that I brought 2 litter bottles of juice! Fuck me..." Zack groaned as he grabbed his empty water bottle, which was strapped to the side of his bag. At the very least, he didn't need to go far to get water; there was a steady stream not a few yards away. Thus, he crawled over and took his time gathering fresh cold water.
RE: Along came an Umberon~

The trees around him rustled softly with a light breeze and the occasional small pokemon scurrying too and fro. However, as Zack moved, a pair of deep red eyes watched him move, a pokemone watching him curiously. Each time a tree rustled, the owner of said eyes would dart from one bush to another with very little sound before Zack sat down at the base of a tree. As he brought out things to eat, the pokemon paused behind a bush and watched him through the trees as he pulled out a sandwich and some chips.

For a long moment the pokemon was unsure as to what to do. She wanted something to eat and this trainer had something that appealed to her. Hearing Zack speak, the pokemon paused as he groaned and made his way over to a steady stream that wasn't too far away. With a soft growl to herself, she crept out and hurried over to where his food was and began sniffing at the sandwhich and chips. Now that it was out of the bushes, it was clear the pokemon was actually an Umbreon, which was actually rather rare to come across in the wild.

Her black fur seemed to draw in the light around her while the golden yellow rings on her body stood out brightly against the black. As she sniffed the food, the bag of chips rustled just enough to be able to be heard from the stream. She felt her stomach growl and she tried to decide what to eat while the trainer had his back turned.
Zack sighed after he took a nice helping into his mouth. The ice cold water smoothed his throat and settle his nerves. As he started to refill yet again, he acknowledged the noise behind him. "HM?"

Zack froze as he saw something pretty rare: an Umberon was sniffing curiously at his food. It was funny because he never knew the possibilities of a Pokemon that rare wandering about in the wild. Or at least he would assume it was wild; surely he would have seen a trainer watching this pokemon, right? He did not know as he continued to stare at the dark-type with amusement. However, he then realized that the pokemon was attached to his lunch.

"HEY!" he called out, calmly making his way towards his things and the pokemon.
The umbreon had just opened her mouth to grab the sandwich when she heard the trainer call out and she paused, looking up as she watched him begin to come towards her. For a moment she looked like she might turn tail and take off, but instead she lowered her head a bit more with each step he took, her red eyes watching his every movement while her tail twitched behind her and her ears tilted towards him.

Suddenly, she snapped up the bag of chips and jumped back a little. It was a strange sight to see. A serious looking dark pokemon standing there with a bag of chips dangling from her mouth as she side stepped around his things, leaving the sandwich laying in the grass while she watched the trainer curiously. Her tail flicked back and forth before she lowered her upper body much like a playful dog would as she lightly chewed at the corner of the chips.

Each time Zack got too close, she would move back from him but she wouldn't go far.
Perhaps because he was calm, she wasn't jolting away...or something like that. Of course, his reaction was natural when he saw her take his chips. "Hey- That's my lunch!" he complained. He took his sweet time towards reaching a point where he would be able to even grab her. However, his stomach cared more about actually eating than him physically capturing the rare pokemon. "Let's talk about this-" with that, he immediately grabbed the bag with one hand, keeping a strong firm grip and attempted to pull it from her.

"HUH?" He was dumbfounded; despite the size difference, she was pretty strong. Strong enough that even with two hands, he couldn't yank his chips free from her grasp. "Hey, let go!" Zack complained, as he growled and had a tug of war with the dark type. Honestly, this was just annoying for him, as he tried to get the stubborn pokemon to release his side dish.
Her head lifted slightly when he claimed it was his lunch and she made a soft sound in her throat. The human was funny. He thought it was food. Yet she was the one that had it. In the wild, if she had it, it was hers. She saw him moving towards her slowly and tilted her head slightly as he began speaking before making a sound of surprise when he lunged out and snagged the bag in his hand and began pulling at it.

As he began pulling at the bag, she growled and tightened her grip on the bag, tugging at it in return as she watched him unblinkingly. The umbreon stepped back, tugging him with her while pulling at the bag of chips. Back and forth the two went for a little bit before a loud 'RIIIPP' filled the air and suddenly chips were flying through the air as the bag finally split from being pulled in two different directions.

With a yip of surprise, the pokemon went tumbling back, rolling twice before stopping on her back side, a piece of the torn bag hanging out of her mouth while she shook her head. She dropped the scrap from the bag and looked at the mess of chips that now littered the ground before looking down at one that laid near her feet. Leaning down, she snatched it up and ate it quickly with a soft crunch while watching the trainer once again, not seeming fazed that the side dish was now all over the ground.
Zack yelped too as he fell on his ass. "Oh fuck me-" he complained again, as his chips were now across the ground floor. Feeling fed up with this pokemon, he allowed his anger to get the best of him instead of trying to capture it like any trainer would do. "STUPID UMBERON!" he yelled, stomping near her in order to intimidate it. Of course, while he knew that it wouldn't just fled and just not give a fuck, he wanted to let out some steam.

"Fuck this man..." Zack sighed, as he felt displeased with what happened. He stubbornly gathered his wrapped sandwich and his bag before continuing on his way. His ego prevented him from relaxing and trying to capture the pokemon itself, as he grumbled before he started to move again. (I should have brought an extra bag...) he thought, thinking about how he only had the sandwich now.
The umbreon had just picked up another chip and was munching on it when he yelled at her and she paused, looking up at the man as he stomped near her and she began growling at him as he stomped around. Making a bark like noise, she snatched up a couple more chips, almost seeming to mock the human by eating his snack.

Finally the human grabbed his things and began walking away from her and she just watched him for a bit while eating the chips around her. After he'd gone a ways, she began padding after him, silently following the human after she finished a couple more of the crunchy chips, wondering if he had any more. However, with the way he acted, it wasn't likely. But she still found him curious and so she began following the human, making sure to keep out of sight and hidden behind bushes since she knew he wasn't in a good mood.

Occasionally a bush would rustle if she got too close, but she easily hid within the shadows of the bushes and trees so he wouldn't spot her right away.
Zack had hoped that resting for 10 minutes would allow him to walk for at least another hour, but he could only walk for half of one. He groaned as he came across a small opening and decided just to eat and just not worry about that stupid pokemon that messed up his lunch. He sat in the middle of the opening to get out his lunch. While he had no chips, hopefully his sandwich would please his desires. Lazily, he decided to open his bag and pour EVERYTHING down in front of him. His lunch, some supplies, and pokefood which reminded him that his pokemon needed to eat.

"When I am done eating..." he decided, as he moved some thin yet high quality rope to the side with the pokefood containers. He moved everything else and leaned on the side of his body before revealing his sandwich and began to ate. He felt better after a few moments and took a slip of his water. As he ate, he looked around and saw some fruit on a nearby tree. "I could use something sweet," he said cheerfully as he placed his sandwich down on its wrappings. He grabbed his rope and a pocket knife before making his way to the tree and began to climb up a few ways.
Every step of the way, for 10 minutes the umbreon followed the human, not really sneaking but also not making it obvious that she was following him as it moved from bush to bush once again. When he came upon a clearing and settled down once again to eat, she stopped as well and crouched down, carefully slipping beneath a bush to watch him as he opened and dumped out his bag all over the ground and she watched everything cover the ground. When she saw the containers of pokefood, she tipped her head thoughtfully. She'd seen other trainers feeding their pokemon from those containers, so she knew they held food, and from the reaction of the pokemon eating it, it was probably good.

However she didn't move just yet, merely laying there and waiting as he relaxed and began eating his sandwich. After a bit, she heard him say something and glanced at a tree nearby that he was looking at and saw the fruit hanging heavy on its branches, obviously ripe. However, she wasn't in the mood for fruit. Hearing him moving, umbreon looked at the human again, watching him grab a couple things before beginning to climb the tree. Deciding to take her chances, she slipped out from beneath the bush and trotted over to his things and began sniffling around, avoiding the sandwich and going over to the containers of pokefood and began pawing at them.
Using the rope for support, he locked it around his belt hook and hanged at the proper angle to puck 3 riped fruits. Pleased with himself, he swung lazily to the main structure of the tree before dropping down after releasing the rope. As expected, no issues came as he started to remove the rope from his belt. He smiled as the sweet berries appeared eye-pleasing. However, he soon frowned as he saw the same Umberon nipping at his stuff.

"Son of a-" he started, but relaxed as he sighed again to calm his nerves. Thinking about the situation, should he try using a pokeball? Or...

He left the fruit behind him as he held the rope with both hands. Wanting to time this perfectly, he slowly walked behind her for about 30 seconds before pouncing on her and warping the rope around her body. Throughout the struggle, he endured whatever self-defense she released upon him as he then made a big effort to use the rest of the rope around her tiny paws, keeping all 4 together before yelling, "Fuck that hurt!"
Figuring the human was busy with the fruit up in the tree, the Umbreon continued pawing and nosing at the containers of pokefood, determined to get one open and eat the contents. It never occurred to her that what she was doing was rude or anything. She was just a hungry pokemon and a human left his food and pokefood unattended.

When he left the tree, her ears twitched towards him but she didn't really change her attention from what she was doing, so she wasn't expecting him to attack her suddenly from behind. When he pounced on her, she yipped before feeling the rope wrap around her slender body and she began struggling, the pokemon tried biting at him and scratching before he had all four of her paws tied together and she was soon hogtied upon the ground and she squirmed while growling, her long ears bobbing around her head.
"Man are you such a pain in the fucking ass!" Zack yelled, as he swung his arm and hand. She got a few good marks on him, but not enough to make him bleed thankfully. As he finished tending to himself, he watched as she squirmed. "What's wrong?" he asked dully, as he smirked and walked around her. "Well you shouldn't have tried to steal from me AGAIN," he pointed out as he sat a few feet away from her. "I'll finish eating before I decide what to do with you..." he promised.

Zack started to relax more as he watched her for a few minutes. He enjoyed his sandwich and the fruit was not disappointing. Of course, he started to get bored watching her as he was curious of how long she would fight against his rope; he did needed it afterall. "You calming down? I have..."
The umbreon looked at Zack as he yelled at her, the human only getting yips and grunts in reply as she squirmed on the ground, tugging at her paws and trying to gnaw at the rope, but it was pretty good quality rope so it didn't give like some cheaper rope might of. She watched him from the corner of her eye as he walked around her, her blood red gaze keeping track of him rather easily while he lectured her about stealing from him... again. She softly grunted after he said he'd figure out what to do with her after he ate.

For a while she just sort of rolled around on the ground while fighting the rope, not caring if he was watching her or not. Though by the time he finished eating, she was beginning to tire and her struggles lessened quite a bit. Hearing him speak up finally, Umbreon looked up at him before suddenly seeming to change. Her rather serious demeanor disappeared as she used Cute on him. Her eyes got really big and shiny while her ears laid back and she rolled onto her back with a soft, cute whine while her tail lightly wagged. She softly barked at him, doing her best to distract him and look cute.
Zack smirked as he watched the Umberon trying to amuse him and gain his favor. As he watched, he laid on his side and wondered how long she was going to do this. "..." His smirk vanished as he took his time moving closer to her and moved his hand near her head, slowly and from a respective safe distance, he leaned his hand gently over her head.
Umbreon saw him smirk as she tried to gain his favor and she made her eyes a bit bigger, giving him the 'puppy dog' eyes as she whined, wiggling her paws at him while her tail moved a little faster as he slowly moved towards her. When his hand reached out, her gaze moved quickly from him, to his hand and back. She squirmed, causing her to inch a little closer to him before yipping softly.

Noticing his hand was over her head, she looked up at his hand again before lightly nipping at his fingers in a playful way before licking his palm, followed by his wrist where a bite mark was. She even tried to look contrite for biting him, but could quite seem to pull it off. She was too cute but at the same time she was a dark pokemon so contrite wasn't a look that came naturally to the pokemon.
Zack finally gave in; he petted her some more and removed the rope. As she was freed, he stroked her body and placed her on his lap. "I guess it took us a while..." he remarked, before looking over at the containers of pokefood. "You're hungry, right?"

Zack managed to find a paper bowl and placed it in front of her. As he allowed her to move freely, he decided to use the pokemon food made from a family recipe. This was normally cycled weekly for his pokemon, but he felt that Umberon needed something in her stomach, even though she ate his chips. "Here girl~" he said smiling, as he acknowledged her gender a few moments before; nothing was hanging between her legs.
After he untied her paws, she rolled over onto her stomach while he stroked her black body, closing her eyes happily before grunting when she was picked up and placed upon his lap. She remained laying across his legs, her own stretched out as if she were some kind of lapdog. Tipping her head back, she gazed up at him as he said about it taking them a while before her tail began wagging again at the mention of food, softly yipping before slowly standing up as he moved around.

Umbreon stretched while moving around before watching him put out a paper bowl and putting some of the pokefood inside of it. Moving over to the bowl, she sniffed at it before carefully picking up the bowl and moving closer to him and laying down near his legs. Once comfortable, she began eating the food he gave her, pausing once to nudge his hand in thanks before continuing to eat the food. Once she was finished, she looked up at him while laying her head down upon her paws.
Zack had already packed everything by the time she was done. He looked at the dark Pokemon who was done eating. "Well, I guess this is good bye? Unless you want to come with me?" He held out a pokeball and lowered his body. "Do you want to be mine?" he then asked, staring at her. He smirked as she came closer.
Umbreon hadn't even noticed he was packing things until after she was done eating and she looked at the man when he said about it being good-bye and she blinked at him before seeing him hold out a pokeball to her. She knew what it was, having seen other pokemon being caught and seen trainers release pokemon from them. After he asked if she wanted to be his, she sat up while gazing at him. Carefully balancing, she reached out with a small paw and placed it over his hand that held the ball before looking at his hand then back up at his face and back down.

While sitting there like that, her ears were perked up and her tail lightly thumped against the ground. Normally pokemon would run and hide from trainers and the sight of a pokeball, but not her.
Zack smiled as he slowly pressed the pokeball against her nose in a playful matter. The pokeball did it's job, sending a red beam of light and pulling her into his pokeball. It shook for 3 seconds before ceasing...

Nightfall came and Zack was already working on dinner. He had only canned soup and some crackers for tonight before he would reach the next community. Thus, his soup started to heated up after he built a fire, but decided that he needed his pokemon out for dinner.

"Let's do this~" With that, he tossed his pokeballs into the air, where all five appeared on ground floor. Aside from Umberon, he had a male Heracross, a male Ivysaur, a male Jolteon, and a female Staraptor. Obviously, he introduced them to Umberon.

"Everyone, we have a new family member!" he said cheerfully. With that, he went to pull out what pokefood was left.

Ivysaur gave a nod of acknowledgement as it came closer to gesture playfully at Umberon. "Saur!" it cried positively.

Jolteon's ears perked; it was easy for him to recognize a fellow pokemon of the eeveeloution family tree. Like their species, he sniffed her as they circled one another before he laid down and yawned, having already lose his interest as he watched Zack prepare his dinner.

Haracross only cried "Cross!" to acknowledge her, while Staraptor stretched her wings with a gentle hoot, before she flew closer to Zack. He playfully scratched her feathery chest, to which she affectionately cried in pleasure while spreading her wings, before settling down and waited for food.
Umbreon felt him playfully press the ball against her nose and she barked before she was pulled within the pokeball, the pokemon now becoming his.

Later that night, she was released from her ball and she yawned while stretching, shaking out her fur before looking at the other pokemon around her that was released. Hearing him announce that there was a new family member, umbreon looked around as the others looked at her.

Sitting down calmly, she groomed herself a bit while Ivysaur cried out positively and she gave a soft yip in return. However, when she noticed Jolteon, her ears twitched and she stood up, circling the male shile sniffing at him before yawning much like he did. It seemed the two had similar reactions to each other. Interest at first before becoming disinterested.

With Haracross and Staraptor, Umbreon merely yipped before she slowly moved around the camp a little bit, looking at different things and sniffing around before returning to Zack, sitting at his side while he cooked, nosing his leg before resting her muzzle upon his knee.
Zack took only 4 more minutes before he had all the food ready for his pokemon. As they ate, he saw near them while enjoying some soup. "I can go for a cheese burger..." he commented, as he finished his soup and enjoyed the crackers. The cold water refreshed his throat, as he watched all of his pokemon eating. Ivysaur finished his and yawned before making it's way towards Zack. "Saurrrr..." it said, feeling a bit bloated.

"Aww who's my big fella? You are!" Zack playfully petted his grass/poison pokemon's ear. He playfully cried again, as Zack started to rub his stomach, making him lay on his side. "Heheh, you're going to get fat~" he said playfully, as he allowed him to turn his attention to Jolteon, who finished eating and started to socialize with Ivysaur.
Umbreon sat quietly, watching him as he got food ready for all the pkemon before she stood and moved over to her food, beginning to eat with the others. She took her time eating, watching and studying the others around her before she finished not long after Ivysaur and she yawned again while stretching again and standing up once more.

She watched her new master pet Ivysaur before moving ver to Zack and she placed a paw upon his leg after Ivysaur moved on to socialize with Jolteon. She made a soft sound of thanks before resting her head on his leg again after nudging his hand, wanting to be pet as well.
Zack acknowledged Umberon and smiled. "Hey there..."

Her new trainer shifted her on to his lap, as he then petted her gently. "Tired?" His hand moved against her small tummy, tending to her thighs and stroking her legs in a caring matter. He of course, rubbed her all over, showing affection. Even when he moved closer to her crotch. "I wonder if you're in your cycle- eh, what am I saying; you're a pokemon!" Laughing, he actually teased her physically.
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