Sword Art Living, (Frogger and Sirix)

“What?” Dark brown and golden eyes fixated onto the young man, both pairs narrowing. Balilia was the first to react, and jumped forward, grabbing a handful of fabric. “What the heck do you mean, you’re her boyfriend?!” she demanded to know. “You know nothing about Cel- I mean, you know nothing about Frogger, and here you are, saying that you’re her boyfriend?! That is unacceptable!” Teralin was quick to follow with several words herself, leaving Frogger panting and on the ground. The raven-haired girl rolled over onto her back, watching the scene unfold...a little amused by it, and worried. It’d be easy to figure out that the two were overprotective, but to go so far as to threaten Sirix…

Frogger dragged herself up onto her feet, a hand reaching out to tug on Balilia’s short brown hair. “H-Hey… No threatening others,” she told the girl in a soft, stern tone, while tugging on Teralin’s black hair. “You too… I’m sorry for logging on without you two, however… there is no reason to threaten him, not when he’s the person who’s been explaining everything to me. In other words… be nice.”

Balilia and Teralin adopted sheepish looks, but brushed them aside to simultaneously cross their arms. “Hmph… He asked for it…” Balilia grumbled under her breath.

“Maybe, but he was trying to get your big butts off me,” Frogger teased, only to be assaulted by the two with a series of noogies. “Ah!”
Chuckling as the two turn themselves on Sirix, threatening violence, Sirix just stands there and takes the verbal beating. At Frogger's guess of what was actualing going on, Sirix just nods and says. "And it worked like a charm. You have some good friends Frogger." Sirix says as he watches the girls noogie Frogger. "I don't believe I caught your names ladies." Sirix says, a friendly smile on his lips.


Frogger let out a cry, still caught within the girls’ grasp and receiving noogies. “Let me go~! I’m sorry, I won’t go off without you two again! Just please, stop~!” Balilia and Teralin exchanged looks, and after a moment or so, released the raven-haired girl with a snicker. “That’s much better! You better not go off without us, or else you’ll receive more noogies! Understand?” Numerous brown hairs came to rest against her cheeks, bringing out the dark gold eyes she’d chosen for her avatar.

“I’m sorry if our friend was a bother,” Teralin spoke up, both hands on her hips. “Frogger can be a bit...well, I’m sure you already figured it out. She’s sweet and all, but seriously…”

“Seriously...what?” Frogger spoke up, giving her friend a glare capable of burning skin. Teralin chuckled and lifted both hands in a peaceful gesture, slowly backing away. Balilia grinned, finding the scene amusing. “Chill, guys. Anyway, we never caught your name.” Now the newcomers focused on him, waiting.
Chuckling again, Sirix speaks up, "Must have been to distracted by the fact I said her boyfriend. My name is Sirix. Don't worry she wasn't bad, she is a fast learner, a good skill in these games.....and well life in general." Sirix looks up at the little clock next to the map. "I see you guys are already associated with the genre, I would be happy to party with you guys and help Frogger out with combat. I already know how to use the skills and what not, its actually rather fascinating how they work in this game." Sirix says, hoping the girls won't just toss him out. He rather liked the group they had so far, and would love to play with them often.
Balilia was the more blunt of the three, never filtering anything that pops out of her mouth. A gift and a curse, she didn't much care whether or not someone didn't like what she said. Teralin, on the other hand... was quieter, though not as quiet as the third member of the trio, but a devious mastermind. "Hm, well... You do already know how to play...and use the skills, which could be handy... and I know we'll probably lose patience, teaching Frogger everything she needs to know..." Balilia lifted one shoulder in a half-hearted shrug, all while shaking her head like it was a terrible burden or something. "Besides...four is better than three, I think…so I suppose you can join…”

“Yay!” Frogger lunged forward, arms wrapping around his neck while she gave an impromptu embrace. Soft, black threads followed the motion...a sweet, floral scent wafting through the air, one that had an exotic twist to it. Her laughter filled the air along with the smell… dancing like music. The hug was brief, yet warm. “Okay, so when am I going to start learning how to fight?” Frogger asked, looking to her friends.

Teralin didn’t much care about the sudden display of emotion...but whatever. “We can start whenever Sirix here feel like it,” she replied, indicating the young man. “He said it himself… he’ll teach you.”
Stumbling a little at the surprise jumping hug, Sirix takes a small delight in hearing her laugh again. The scent was new, but still something of note. As quickly as it started it was over and already Sirix missed it, but he could continue.

"I can start now, the gates are just on the other side of the village." Sirix motions in a direction roughly towards the wall, not talking to any one person of the small group before him. He waits for them to start moving towards the wall and Sirix follows.

(sorry writers block)
"What are we waiting for, then?" Balilia began making way towards the wall, Teralin, Frogger and him following behind. "The sooner she learns how to fight, the sooner we can get to the good monsters!" With a laugh, she ran a hand through her hair, making several strands stick up towards the back. Teralin merely shook her head, while Frogger let out a sigh. "Violent as ever..." she murmured under her breath, arms coming to link together under the girl's breasts. "I heard that!" Balilia called back, indignant. "I'm not violent... I just like to prove that I'm better than any program a geek can come up with."

Frogger leaned in close to Sirix, raising a hand and whispering in a conspirational tone, "In other words... it's Anger Management." Teralin choked back a laugh, having heard the words. Balilia, on the other hand, hadn't, but she did hear the laugh. "What was that?" she cried out, quickly whirling around and meeting the two girls with a slight glare. "I know you said something, Frogger. Spit it out!"

Teralin wisely dodged the lunge that quickly followed, and watched with amusement as Balilia chased their friend. "Innocent until proven guilty!" Frogger cried out, glancing back to make sure there was still a good bit of distance between she and the pursuer. Her hair fanned out behind the girl like a black cloud, the sunlight giving the mane a shiny luster. There was a pretty pink flush along her cheeks, and a smile upon her face.

Both girls ran through the gate one laughing, the other growling.
Chuckling as the girls run around, one more playfully, the other having Sirix worrying that Frogger may have her first death quickly approaching, Sirix watches as they run out the gate and quickly follows himself Teralin still in his view. Once out of the gate, Sirix opens his menu and sends the three girls party requests. "So we can keep an eye on each others health and statuses." Sirix explains. After that is done he scans the horizon, and looks at the scenery.

To say that the sight was beautiful would be an understatement. The rolling hills and soft edge of a forest in the distance looked real. The detail from even this distance was almost like they were in a living world. "Wow" Sirix says, stunned. The soft smell of grass and flowers could be smelled as well. "So much detail." He says awestruck.
The chase came to a halt once party requests were sent out, Frogger watching her friends before addressing it herself. "I understand," Teralin spoke up with a nod, finding it only logical. Balilia grumbled something about 'distracting her from delivering punishment'...but hit accept anyway. After that is done, the group directed their attention onto the scenery. It was beyond beautiful, and though each girl knew it was only pixels...it was so easy to forget that little fact. The rolling hills and soft edge of a forest looked so real... not to mention the rich, intricate smell of grass and flowers was rich in the air.

"No kidding..." Frogger agreed in a whisper, her friends agreeing with nods. "I never thought a game could be so beautiful..." Her smile faint, threads of black fell against her cheek, bringing her attention back to the present. "Um, okay... so what should I do, to start learning how to use this thing?" she asked, indicating the rapier strapped to her side. "I'd rather know now, rather than later, when faced with a monster..."
Sirix shakes his head a little to clear his mind and focus on the going on's around him. "Right, ok so the first skill should already be selected for those of us that took one handed weapons. Other then the basic attacks...." Sirix draws the longsword with the beautiful sound effect of drawing steel. He moves naturally from the back draw into a overhand strike, the blade getting close to the ground but not quite touching. "Hm, little heavier then i though. Anyway, other then your basic swings, thrusts and parries, the game system takes care of most of your attack skills." He shows a small demonstration of each, his movements very fluid, obliviously not new to handling a blade or the like.

"For our first attack," Sirix motions to Frogger, "We get Wind-held Thrust. All you have to do is take the basic stance, hesitant a second then move forward." Sirix plants his feet on the ground and lifts the blade until its just under shoulder height but parallel to the ground, he hesitates just a second then is surrounded by a faint green light. He then leaps forward 10 feet, his blade leaving a brilliant green marking then disappearing after a second.
Frogger watched in wide-eyed awe, those green depths swirling with a mixture of surprise and admiration. It was a little daunting, seeing him execute a move with that level of...grace, for really...could she ever compare? Her eyes followed Sirix...studying the little details which make up his stance, and committing it to memory. "Wow... That's amazing..." the girl finally spoke, her smile faint. The first skill is already selected for those of us that have one-handed weapons... and...and the game takes care of most attack skills. Luckily she was always quick at learning new things, no matter how much teasing her friends did otherwise...so she will probably pick this up fairly quickly. The sweet, beautiful metallic song of her rapier being drawn rang through the air...leaving her skin prickling in its wake.

"Okay, ah..." Her eyes studying the long, sleek edge of her rapier...not quite sure how to go about this, even if she did just watch him do it, she drew in a deep breath. "'Take the basic stance...hesitant a second, and then move forward..?'" she repeated to herself, nibbling on her lip yet following the instructions. Her feet moved apart until her weight was evenly distributed between the two, and after waiting a second, she ran forward...the metal glowing a bright blue meanwhile. How far she leapt, she had no idea...but it was a pretty good distance. "How was that?"
Sirix watches as he she sets up, seeing her take a stance similar, though not exact to his own. "Need to work on finding her a form that works more with speed and agility." He whispers to himself. As he says this, her skill activates and sends her shooting forward, about 15 feet, may be a little more due to her smaller size and running start. "That was good. The running start isn't necessary, but I did the same thing first time i used the skill, it just takes getting used to." He gets a feeling everyone is wondering how he got so familiar with the game already so he decides to explain before it gets asked. "Since i feel this question coming, there was a little known mini beta about 3 weeks ago that let people come in and use first level skills and play around with the menus, so not everyone was coming in blindly."

He now looks away from Frogger for a moment, and looks over at the other two girls. He addresses Teralin first, motioning towards her and the battle axe on her body. "Your first move is Cleave. Its a powerful downward attack but it is really slow. Loft the axe over your head, hesitate and swing down and the move deals massive damage.....if you can connect." Sirix shrugs a little at this last part of the sentence then continues. "It shouldn't be too hard, but the possibility is still there." He then turns to the last girl, Balilia, "The dagger gets a smiliar move to ours," he motions towards Frogger and himself, "You get Sudden Strike. Its the pretty much the same, except you deal massive damage if you hit vital points on enemies not expecting the strike. Example being.......If you use this from behind a bush and hit a boar where the heart would be."
Teralin and Balilia exchanged a look, before the two burst out laughing. Their laughs mingled together in the air, creating a soft, musical symphony that was lacking...well, something. It wasn't long until Balilia was wiping her eyes, chuckling all the while. "Ah... Sorry, Sirix, that was rude of us... but we just couldn't help it. You see... We've been playing MMORG games for a long time...and to have someone else explain to us how our favorite weapons work... it's just hilarious." Teralin bobbed her head in agreement, dark brown eyes sparkling with amusement. Her hands were gripping onto her hips, almost as though she was keeping herself from busting. "It is. We've played MMORG games for...at least a couple years now, and know almost everything there is to know." Teralin straightened from her bent position, running a hand through her hair and sending black strands every which way.

To demonstrate, Balilia pulled out the dagger, playing with it until, suddenly...she went into Sudden Strike. No enemies were nearby to really show the move off to its full potential...but the point was made. Teralin rolled her eyes, and shook her head. Frogger didn't say anything, however, looking about to see if there was anything she could use the new rapier on. There was nothing nearby, so the girl began to wander around, looking still. Teralin noticed this, and caught her before she wandered off too far. "Hold on. What if you find something you can't handle quite yet? Wait, and we will go with you... alright?" Disappointment etched onto Frogger's pretty features, but she gave a nod nonetheless. Teralin was right, after all. What if she did discover something that is bigger and badder... what then?
Grinning at the two girls as one of them demonstrates their skill, Sirix apologizes, "My apologizes. I knew you had experience, I just felt the need to explain just incase you didn't know for this game. It is new after all and, other then the few beta's, untested by the general public." He shrugs again then motions after seeing the act of....quite frankly over protection, Sirix looks out towards the fields himself. In the distance small boars can be seen, and a rather large one pops in and out of view every few seconds. "Well ladies, I think its time to put our skills to the test." He looks at the girls with a sideways glance and a raise eyebrow, "Who wants to go first." He asks, looking at the three of them in turn.
"Sword Art Online may be new, but the graphics and how to move about is generally the same as any other game." Balilia grinned, showing off a missing tooth right up front, which, quite frankly...looked pretty darn cute on the outspoken girl. "I've played games for years, and I have to say... I love this type the most. It's so much fun to play." Teralin let go of Frogger, and redirected her attention back onto the conversation at hand. For a moment nothing was said, glances being exchanged while a silent conversation took place. Frogger looked back and forth between the two other girls, trying to figure out what's going on. Finally... Balilia broke the silence with a sigh. "Yeah... I suppose you're right. Let's let Frogger go first, though, seeing as how she is new at this."
Sirix nods at the suggestion. "I agree. Go ahead, Frogger. We will follow your lead. Just choose something your comfortable fighting." He encourages her, smiling and motioning towards the open field before them. Some other players were starting to come out into the fields themselves, some obviously new, others looking adept at the game as well. Once the group was moving towards the first of the enemies they were going after Sirix starts the next part of the discussion. "So, how should we go about this. Most of the boars will be too easy for 4 on 1. Should we break up into two man teams until we go after something bigger, or how do you all want to go about this?"
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