Sword Art Living, (Frogger and Sirix)


Aug 24, 2013
Steven got ready to log on to the game he has been wanting to play ever sense it was announced and he had bought his VR head set. Sword Art Online, it was said, was going to revolutionize the genre of MMORPG. He watches the clock as it slowly ticked towards the opening time for character making, about half an hour later the game itself would start. Steven has had his rig set up for a few hours now, basically once he got home from buying the needed hardware.

Once it was about 10 minutes from the opening time, Steven got all set up in the Nervegear and started going through the set up, a lot of touching toes and other movement so the Nervegear could find the correct receptors in the brain for it to work correctly. At 3 minutes to go, he laid down and started the rig's warm up. Then came the moment he had been waiting for, the time he would first look into the new world. "Link start" he verbalizes clearly before seeing the digital pixels rush at him.

The first thing that he sees is the trailer opening for the game, a field rushing by then a profile shot of the floating castle. As the trailer faded out, the character making screen appeared. The empty template before him looked surprisingly like himself but Steven just blew this off as a way to mold a perfect you. First thing he did was change the pasty white of the template to a more natural looking tan, not unlike the one he currently sported IRL. Next came the muscle definition, having the character look much stronger with bigger muscles. Nothing to crazy, but still much larger then he was. The last few things he did was to the face, like strengthening the jaw line and adding a regal looking hooked nose on what started as a face that looked much like his, he also changed the preset of creepy white eyes to a more emerald green. He decided not to deviate his height any, fearing it may throw off his equilibrium. The final product was a muscular male, about 6 foot, short black hair and green eyes wearing the basic starting armor.

Once he was done with the creation, Steven hit accept, then was asked to name his character. This was one thing he didn't have to think about, it was the only name he ever used. "Sirix" was quickly entered to the field and he was thrown into the game, a huge "Welcome to Sword Art Online" appearing before him.

He found himself in the middle of a large court yard, a fountian before him and walls all around in a huge circle. Four doors for each direction are the only breaks to the outside. "Hello" Steven says, trying out with his voice, seeing if it was the same, and oddly enough it was pretty close, his not quite deep voice ringing out. He looked around a little, noticing he wasn't the first one out of the character making session.


"Kaila, are you sure about this?" Celesta asked nervously, picking up the helmet and studying it for a long moment. "I mean... this is your game, and you've been waiting for it to come out ever since it was announced... I'm not really interested in-" Kaila and Nicole's eyes both narrowed, making her train of thought drift off. Kaila let out a long sigh, and plucked the helmet out of the girl's hands, using it to gesture. "Look, Celesta, I know you've never been interested in video games...but really! You have to try Sword Art Online! It's going to revolutionize the genre of MMORPG, no...it's gonna make every other game look like kid stuff!"

Nicole gave a curt nod herself. "You do need to try it, Celesta. I've been reading reviews on it, and honestly... Sword Art Online is supposed to be absolutely fantastic." Opening her eyes, she smiled while tilting her head. "There's no reason to be nervous. It's just a game...and besides, Kaila and I will be joining you inside." A hand lifted, playing with strands of brown that were tickling the underside of her chin. "Come on, Celesta... That Nerve Gear is our birthday present to you... Aren't you going to try it, just this once...?" Kaila decided to play along, and agreed, disappointment etching itself onto her features.

Guilt rising inside the girl's chest, Celesta finally caved after a couple of minutes, albeit rather reluctantly. The other girls were pleased, however. Their friend wasn't one to socialize, for it just wasn't in her nature... In fact, if their mothers hadn't arranged a play date when they were just two...there was a good chance of them never becoming friends in the first place. The set up didn't take too long, a lot of touching toes and other movement so the Nerve Gear could find the correct receptors in the brain... It did bring a lot of laughter, especially when Kaila went tumbling over her head and ended up sprawled out on the bed. After the set up came the trailer opening for the game...a field rushing by, and then a profile shot of a floating castle. What is that place? Celesta wondered, but didn't have a chance to ask before the character making screen appeared. Nibbling on her lip, she decided to go with someone who looks a little like her...but not overly so. Once she chose a template to go off of, she tweaked it here and there, giving the girl a little more color than that horrible pasty white...altering the shape of her eyes, changing the color to green...and after a few more minutes of alterations, decided she was done.

The final product was a tall, slender teenage girl modeled after herself, with little differences here and there. Her eyes were green, her hair long and brown...but other than that, Celesta could have sworn she was looking into a mirror. Satisfied, she hit the Accept button, blinking when she was asked to name the character. "Hm... What should I name her...?" she thought out loud...not quite sure where even to begin. After all...there had to be hundreds, thousands...millions of possibilities. Her finger tapping out a rhythm, she finally decided to just pick the first name that came to mind. It ended up being... "Frogger".

Celesta was thrown into the game after that, a huge "Welcome to Sword Art Online" appearing before her eyes. In a flash, she found herself standing in the middle of a large court yard, with a fountain in its center and walls all around. There was four doors for each direction...and a great deal of people. "Hello?" she called out, mostly experimenting...and partly, to see if Kaila or Nicole has finished making their characters. Her voice was soft, almost like music, just a tad higher pitched than her voice in reality. Her green eyes blinking, she glanced here and there, even straining onto her tiptoes to see if she could see...well, she didn't really know. Having been wrapped up in the starting process, she never did see what their characters were going to look like.
Steven looked around, scanning for familiar usernames or new friends. As he walked around he heard a female voice, and on top of that a voice too pure to be a voice changer. He looks over and sees a young woman, her very essence seeming to scream "this is not my element" as she looked around for someone. Probably friends of her own. The game seemed to understand this as well since her current position and probable spawn point was as isolated as could be. Deciding quickly to not leave her alone to be prey of the pedophiles, no doubt here in the game, he approached her. "Hey, you seem a little lost. Need any help..?" he looked around hoping to see a username somewhere but that didn't seem to be a standard feature, yet at least. He would have to go through the settings later and set everything to how he liked it, but that would be for a later time.
Celesta almost jumped out of her skin at a young man’s voice, whirling around to find its source, brown hair flowing about the girl. Her green eyes were big, and uneasy. “I… I am a little lost…” she admitted, embarrassed beyond words. “I-I was going to meet my...my friends here in the game...but… I don’t know what their names would be…” Her fingers playing with the hem of her skirt, she was reluctant to meet his eyes for the longest time. “Um… I really would appreciate it...if you did help me… I’ve never played a game like this before… My Nerve Gear was a birthday present, and...you know…” Letting it drift off from there, she glanced up at him through a veil of brown, presenting him with a rather awkward smile. A dimple revealed itself in her right cheek because of the smile, even with how small it was, giving her a cute, innocent look. “Have you ever… I mean, you’ve played games like this before?”
(from this point until they reveal their true names, I'm ganna use their usernames to refer to the characters)

Smiling back and in his most comforting voice he tells the young woman. "This is far from my first game and far from my last as well. I would be honored to help you find your friends and help you out farther if need be. Seems better to me that i found you first rather then some others here." Steven says looking at some of the other players in the square. "Name is Ste......Sirix, call me Sirix. Ganna have to get used to that it seems. Also since this is your first game just as a rule of thumb, never reveal your real name unless you fully trust that person or know them in real life, mostly the latter."

Sirix chuckles, a little before continuing. "Now, to find your friends, we have a few options. We can look for, I assume, female players that avatars look either look completely like their real selves or slightly augmented versions of themselves, or the much harder route of looking like what they consider to be ideals of perfect beauty." He stops for a moment then continues, his voice a little more serious then before. "Neither i can really help you with, since only you know what they look like or what they could want to look like, but i can certainly show you around to all the popular spots to get started and see if we can't find them there." He looks up for a moment at the mini-map in his HUD and sees the large congregation areas, quickly noting their general area so they could make their way there if she accepted and when she was ready. "We can also get you started as well as we look, find you a weapon and get your basic gear bought and ready, just so your ready to go when you find your friends."
“This...isn’t your first game?” Frogger felt a surge of relief wash throughout her entire body, even though that couldn’t be possible, seeing as how this is just a game...or was it? Her green eyes wide, she offered the stranger the faintest smile possible...which almost looked like a delicate flower on the girl’s features. “Um… Th-Thank you…” When Sirix said not to use her real name, unless she fully trusts the other person or know that person in real life, she nodded. Black hair cascaded down over a shoulder, the light bringing out its luminous quality while it was underneath its influence. “I understand… and my name is Frogger. It’s nice to meet you, Sirix…”

Frogger listened carefully in his explanation of how she was to find her friends… and found herself giving a soft laugh. “Ah, there is no worry there… Neither one of my friends want to look like anything else but themselves. Um… but...I would appreciate it if you could show me around to all the popular spots to get started… and to help me buy a weapon, basic gear… all of that. I don’t know much of anything about this kind of thing… so your help would help me quite a bit. I’m ready whenever you are…” Her hand lifting to tuck the rogue locks of hair behind her ear, the girl looked up at him with those big green eyes of hers, and gave Sirix a smile more confident...more sure of itself. “How...How do you add your friends…?” she asked, wanting to add him, even though they just met. “I’d like to add you...that is, if you don’t mind…” Her fingers playing with the edge of her skirt, she was reluctant to meet his eyes, in case he rejected the offer of friendship. There was a few people who’d do that, from what she’s heard...and she couldn’t tell whether or not he was one of those types.
Chuckling a little at being asked to be added to her friends list, Sirix just simply says, "You just got your Nervegear didn't you. Must not have watched the tutorial yet. Here follow my lead." He says and sticks his arm right straight out and swipes left, bringing the main menu into sight. "It's opposite if your left handed, anyway this is going to really be the most important resource you can have, from here you look at all your skills, stats and abilities." He pulls up each screen respectively as he talks, and continues to do so as he explains more. "Then we have our gear screen, you change your general settings here, along side your log out button to leave when you need." He says ignoring where the button should be, not wanting to activate it on accident. "And finally here at the bottom we have our friends list. Open that, and at the lower corner should be 'Add'. Hit that, type out my name and I'll accept it." Sirix says, smiling at the girl, sensing a bit of unease coming from the girl, but it seemed to make her all the cuter.....wait, when had he first thought that she was cute?
Frogger gave an awkward laugh, the first blush being replaced by a fresh wave of color, and so her features being painted with a darker pink. “I didn’t just get it...but, my friends saved up enough money to get it for me...as a present...but I didn’t have any games to play on it. This is my first time using the Gear.” Her green eyes studied his motions intently, before she mimicked him by sticking her arm straight out and swiping left. The main menu was brought into sight, revealing her skills, stats and abilities. There was nothing lifted...however, that’s really to be expected, seeing as how it was a brand new game, and she a new player. Her eyes watched while he pulled up each screen respectively, and gave a nod to indicate that she understood. “Okay, it’s on the bottom here…” she murmured to herself, clicking on the button. After hitting the ‘Add’ button, she typed out his username. “Thanks for explaining it all to me… It must be frustrating…” Frogger spoke up, lifting her gaze...only to realize that he was smiling down at her, and with a look in his eyes that made something…quiver in the pit of her stomach. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she offered him a shy smile. “Did...Did you get the friend request…?”
As she hit send, a small beam of light traveled the short distance between them then opened in a box with "Friend request from Frogger" written in it. "Answer your question?" Sirix answers facetiously as he hits accept and their names appear in the opposite's friend list. "Oh no, frustrating is teaching the same person 3 times how to play any game, especially if that game is Candy Crush or any other Bejeweled knockoff. Helping you is actually helping me understand this game a little better as well, so don't worry about it." Sirix says as he waves his arm in the direction he was going to head now. "Lets go get you some better armor and a weapon. If your friends aren't here they are at one of the four markets." He says as he turns and walks a few steps so Frogger can get the idea to follow.
“It certainly did,” Frogger agreed, giving a laugh, this one not awkward in the slightest, but rather musical and soft. Once he hit the ‘Accept’ button, his name appeared on her friends list. Her eyes returned to him once she figured out how to close the menu. “Ah… I understand what you mean, I think. I’m glad that while you are helping me...I’m helping you.” With a rather cute little smile, one that brought out a dimple in her left cheek, Frogger turned towards where he was indicating, skirt flaring around her thighs. “Better armor sounds like a good idea… It looks like I might need it, and a good weapon. Do I have enough money, though…?” The question making her pause, she tapped her finger against her chin, thinking it over for a moment. Worry caused the girl to start nibbling on her bottom lip, making the flesh darken to a pretty red color.
"Yea, we all start with 300 gold i believe. They had to give us something to get started. Armor and Weapons here should be relativity cheap here, so we should have enough left over to get other stuff as well." Sirix stalls, waiting for Frogger to get close enough behind him that he didn't have to worry about her getting separated from him. He walked towards the closest market and started asking questions about the desired weapon. "So, while we walk, lets discuss your weapon. What kind of weapon would you like, fast but small damage, or slow but massive damage? Each has pro's and con's, like faster weapons can transition from offence to defense faster, but deal and block less damage as a result. This weakness can be covered with the help of a shield, but we can discuss that more later. The bigger weapons are the opposite, high damage and block but you can't have a shield as well as a larger weapon and it is a slower transition while in battle." He finishes this as they come into view of the market, and he slows so she can think about her category, and look over the people before them and around them.
"Eh..." Frogger tilted her head back, eyes blinking as bright sunlight poured in through the door. Outside was a beautiful path, leading to, from what she could tell, a small village. Her green eyes wide, she rubbed at one in order to regain vision, before blinking again. "Honestly... I don't know much about armor, or weapons. I think it'd be a good idea...to...to buy a weapon I can use easily, to swing and strike. If my enemy decided to swing his weapon at me whenever I'm about to attack him, I want to be able to move away quickly, to attack from a different angle." Not quite sure if she was making any sense or not, she began to scratch the back of her head... causing several black threads to stick up. "I wouldn't be able to use a huge weapon, anyway..." Gravel crunching underneath their feet, Frogger continued looking around in amazement, just simply in awe of how detailed, how magnificent this virtual world was. Her hands were playing in shafts of light falling through the leaves, the greenery above painting her skin a pale green. "I just can't get over how beautiful this place is..." she spoke out loud, finally looking back at Sirix, and with a bright smile.
Sirix watches as she passes him, happy that she was getting more bold and comfortable. "Ok, so light fast weapon, with a focus on flanking" Sirix thinks out loud, as they walk. The village they were heading towards, as well as the area around them, was very beautiful. "It really is" he thinks out loud again. It was helping him think as well. He smiled back as she looked back at him, the slight green coloration also affecting him. "Sounds to me like you want something like a rapier. Really fast and relative high damage for the category, but little damage block since your meant to be very mobile and it has a thin blade." Sirix recites from one of the many prerelease game leaks, this one from some of the weapon stats. "I'm not sure if that is a starting weapon, but I'm sure that you can spec into it easily." He says optimistically.

Sirix himself still needed to choose a main weapon, he knew he wanted to be a lighter weapon, but still good block and attack. There had been rumors of bastard swords in the game, and that was something he wanted to discover and use if he could, the perfect mix of heavy and light weapon.

They walked into the little village soon enough, but as the woods cleared, a large wall could be seen just outside the town. "That is the safe zone wall. No mobs and no PvP is possible inside that wall unless it is a duel. Once we have weapons and found your friends, we will be spending lots of time outside those walls." He says, looking at the great wall. The detail from afar was astounding. He couldn't wait to see what it looked like up close.
"Rapier?" Frogger tilted her head, looking rather cute while he thought over his words. "It does sound like what I was just describing...but...is there any way to have a shield while wielding it? Or is that not possible?" Nibbling on her bottom lip, she gazed out into the distance for a moment, and then blinked. "'You can spec into it easily...'? What does that mean, exactly?" she asked, growing curious about the game she was experiencing for the first time. A few people dotted the path they were taking, quite a few glances being thrown in their direction when they passed. Frogger didn't much care for the looks...and so, moved closer to Sirix, a hand even reaching out to touch his elbow.

Green eyes lifting, Frogger’s lips parted when they walked into the little village, a large wall breaking through the woods. “No fighting, you mean?” she asked, knowing that PvP meant Player versus Player. While she didn’t know much about games...she’s heard a bit over the years from her friends, so she wasn’t completely in the dark. Her head twisted this way and that, taking in everything there was to see.

Frogger drew away soon enough...too tempted by curiosity to stick by his side. Her hair flew out behind the girl in a black wave, she looked back with excitement clearly written on every line of her face. “Okay, so… which way is it...to, you know… buy our weapons?” she asked, giving an innocent little shrug. “I can’t tell where anything is.”
"I'm not sure if you can get a shield." Sirix contemplates a moment before continuing. "I think all it would do is slow you down and weaken you in almost every way. Rapiers are all about jumping around and getting the flanking bonuses, something not easy to do with a shield weighing you down." He listens to the next question and chuckles a little. "By spec in i mean as you level you gain ability points that you can put into your main attributes, Strength, which dictates how much you can carry, how much damage you deal with most weapons, and the weight of weapon you can wield without taking some kind of penalty, Then there is Agility, which controls how fast you move, how fast you can jump around and evade, and how much damage other weapons do. Lastily we have Constitution. The others are very active, so this is where most of your passive skills come from. Health, and resistances are the big ones, but other skills that aren't important until later come into play with this skill." Sirix takes a deep breathe after that lengthily explanation. By the time he was done Frogger was already on his arm and he was staring down anyone coming close to them, seeing a certain look to most of their eyes.

Chuckling again Sirix nods. "Yes, no fighting inside the wall." As they enter the village he looks at his mini-map in the corner again as she left his side, not really all that worried about her. Hearing the next question he points in the direction of his mini-map in his HUD. "If you look at the little floating map above your head, it shows paths, stores, and other players and mobs. The little symbol of crossed swords is for weapons, the little shield is armor, and the coin is general store." This was the one thing she would have to look for on her own, since he didn't know a way yet to show her a map. "I think I'm going to let you lead this time." Sirix says optimistically and waits for either a plea for help or shown a direction to follow.
A bit lost, Frogger listened, trying to get the gist of what he was saying...only to completely confused. "I'm not sure if I follow..." she admitted, instead of pretending to understand, like most girls would. In the end, she'd only be a fool, and a fool she wasn't. "I understand that as I grow stronger, I'll gain points, which I can distribute to my various abilities... um, isn't that right?" Getting a nod in reply, she smiled, pleased with herself. I just..." Not quite sure what part she couldn't seem to understand, the girl nibbled on her lip... trying to figure out which part she didn't follow. After a minute or two, Frogger let out a sigh and shook her head. "Okay, I don't know what is it I don't understand...but it'll probably make more sense once I actually level up, and see it for myself." Her lips parted slightly when he mentioned a little floating map, her green eyes lifting in order to find hers. "Oh! There it is!" Frogger cried out, beaming. "Okay, so..." A finger up to trace along a path, she noticed they weren't too far from the nearest weapons shop. "It's not too far from here. It won't even take us...five, ten minutes to walk there..." she told him, offering a shy smile this time, which had a hesitant note around the corners. "Ah... I'll try and lead us there... If I get us lost, though, don't blame me! It was your idea."

Frogger bestowed upon him an impish grin, before heading down the beaten path. Her hair flew out behind the girl, much like a raven's wing, or a black flag, only...the light hit it just right, making it appear molten. Various looks were thrown in her direction...though none were like earlier, instead being just curious. Her confidence wavered as she took a left turn...however, it quickly returned once she spotted the coin general store. It was right down the path from the weapons store, according to the map, so she was going the right way. "There it is!" she announced, pointing to the store with a flourish and a happy smile. There was a small group of people hovering about the building, talking and laughing amidst themselves while brandishing their new weapons. "Well, if that isn't it, I don't know what is," Frogger said with a soft laugh, hands on her hips.
Chuckling as he followed the girl ever closer to the weapons store then in the most sarcastic voice he could manage he looks at the store front. "I'm not so sure, it looks more like a dessert store to me." He then takes a few steps faster and taps her arm. "Come now my lady, I can hear a short sword calling your name from here." He chuckles again as the walk up the store.

There was a few sections to the store, swords, maces and hammers, daggers and long knives, and finally polearms (think staff with blade on the end). Each section had a small floating screen, and most had a slider to pick from multiple weapons. Sirix approached to swords section and scrolled through the options. He tapped on a long sword and it brought up a small screen that designated weapon stats, required attribute scores, and finally the price for the weapon. He hit the X in the corner and scrolled through again, finding a short sword. The long sword was slower and more expensive but had a higher over all damage. The defense of the weapons were pretty close to the same, since the blade wideness was almost the same. Sirix closed off the short sword again and went back to find the long sword again and bought that for himself. Upon buying the weapon it instantly equipped itself, the sword appearing on his back. "Sweet, that was easy." He said then backed away from the store.

"Ok, your turn Frogger" Sirix says signalling towards the store front. "You want the short sword trust me."
"Mm, sounds delicious." Frogger rather liked the idea of a dessert store, and could already imagine what sort of goodies would await inside; cupcakes, cakes, turnovers of every flavor, filling its shelves, counters and perhaps even a few glass cases. Practically salivating at the imagery, she quickly shook her head in order to jar it, and gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry... I have a sweet tooth. I love just about anything with sugar... whether it be tarts, or cake." A soft, musical laugh followed the words...painting the air with its melody.

Inside proved to be along the lines of what Frogger would expect a weapons store to look like. There was a few sections, swords, maces, hammers, daggers and the like all available for purchase. Each section had what looked like a small floating screen...most likely to scroll through the options. Curious despite herself, she followed Sirix to the swords area, and watched while he used the floating screen with ease. It didn't take him long to buy a long sword...which instantly appeared on his back, almost like a shiny new toy. "Ah...okay..." Frogger said to his next words, lifting a hand and sliding a finger along to bring up the list of multiple weapons. Her eyes looked over each option, just to familiarize herself with everything, before clicking on the short sword. It looked a lot like what they were talking about on the way here... fast, with good defense, and though it had little damage...she had a feeling that won't be a problem. Drawing in a breath, she bought it before she could second-guess herself. In a brilliant display of pixels, it appeared on her person...sheathed, and ready to go.

"That was easy enough," Frogger agreed with a laugh and a smile. "Now, what's next on our list of things to do?" she asked, hands running over her skirt.
"It's ok, gets to us all." Sirix chuckles along to her laugh, that beautiful laugh. Sirix decided quickly he would have to hear that laugh again, though not right away. He would make it something to savor if he could.

Once their weapons where chosen, and he looks at the sword at her hip, Sirix quickly answers her question. "We check for armor. The cloth armor," He pulls at the general clothes around himself," they give us should be moderately ok to start with, but i would feel a lot more comfortable in something a little more study, like leather. I hope we can match back to our cloth styles though. That would be nice." He looks across the square of the village and sees the armor shop, not quite as busy as the weapon shop, but still seeing its share of customers. "Right over there." he points out the store as he starts to walk towards it.
Frogger glanced down at her own clothes. “I have to agree with you…” she replied, indicating the long, dark brown dress she had on, its hem stopping just short of her knees. “This doesn’t look as though it can protect me at all...much less protect me from a sword. We definitely need something sturdier.” The smile playing along her lips, the one that could make a heart stutter inside its protective bone cage, and steal a breath, she tilted her head and followed his gaze to across the square.

“Ah, that’s where we buy our armor?” Frogger hopped to follow him, skirt playing around her knees with the fast motion. “What do you mean, you hope we can match back to our cloth styles…? Do you mean you hope we can buy armor that is similar to what we prefer wearing?” It’d make sense. Her green eyes studied the people loitering about outside the shop, but she didn’t speak to anyone, for no one happened to be her friends. Her hand reached out to open the door, and with a creak it drifted open, revealing the store’s interior. It was different, yet very similar to the weapons’ store, the only real difference being its merchandise. With a critical eye, Frogger began walking around the store, looking at the options.
This store, unlike the weapons store, was spit into men and women. The women's armor was still tasteful, but was better formed for the female body and the color selection was slightly different. On each rack, instead of a size marker was a level marker followed by an L or an H, with racks jumping up by 5's for each rack. Levels 1-15 in both Heavy and Light armor available in all, a total of 6 racks for each side.

Sirix instantly found an emerald colored leather armor set at one of the 1L rack's screens. He hit the 'Try On' button to see how it looked on him. Deciding it looked good on him, Sirix quickly bought it and looked down at himself. It didn't change at all and he noticed changing rooms along the outside of the rooms. "Hhhmmm," Sirix contemplates then heads for the rooms. The curtains slide aside and he enters the room, then the curtains close again. He brings up the inventory and switches into the armor. His clothes disappear for a few seconds before switching into the armor set. "That.....could be a problem." Sirix whispers to himself before going back out quickly. He taps on Froggers shoulder before telling her, loud enough that everyone in the store could hear. "You really want to change in the rooms. You are practically naked for a few seconds before your new armor or clothes appear. A few people marched straight to the rooms after hearing this.
"Wh-What?" Frogger could hardly believe her ears. A dark red blush making its way along the girl's cheeks, her green eyes grew wide, incredulity swirling within the depths. "You...You're practically naked for a few seconds, before the new armor or clothes appear...?" Her voice dropping to a low whisper, she stole a glance towards the armor she was just fixing to try on...relieved that he stopped her just in time. Otherwise, everyone would be getting a view she didn't want to give. "Um... Th-Thank you... for, you know... telling me, before I changed..." Her lips curving into a hesitant, shy smile, one that was weak around the corners, she drew in a deep breath, shaking off the nerves jumping around inside her chest. "B-Before we go, I'm need to change... so can you wait for just a minute?"

Frogger hurried to a room, first making sure there was no one inside before stepping in. The curtain swung shut, creating an illusionary privacy that will end once she leaves. Her fingers nervously playing with the hem of the skirt she had on, she raised the other hand and managed to bring up the main menu. After a minute or so...her cloth armor disappeared in a bright white pixels, leaving the girl close to naked while the new armor began to form. Once it was on, she let out a relieved sigh, and drew back the curtain to step back out. Her armor was much like Sirix's, only hers was a deep, rich blue...and hers was formatted for a girl, rather than a male. "Alright... I'm ready," Frogger finally spoke, giving him a faint smile. "Where to, next...? I don't think we need anything else..." Tilting her head thoughtfully, a couple strands of black fell against her cheek, bringing out the green of her eyes, not to mention making a sharp contrast against her pale skin.
Looking at his inventory and seeing that he didn't have much gold left Sirix looks at Frogger and shrugs. "Well, we don't have money to do anything else, all that is really left is find your friends and start the game." He walks through the door and back out into the world. He looks around and notices an increase of the girls in the area. "Recognize any?" He asks, looking around for any of his friends as well.
Frogger gave a nod of her head, sending more black tumbling down over her shoulders. "You're right, I don't have much gold left after buying the armor and sword." Her eyes ventured out to the crowd, noticing that there were more girls than there was earlier. Why that was, she had no idea...but at least this way, it'll be easier to find her friends. No one nearby looked familiar...and so, she moved forward, looking left and right to see if she could spot one or both of her friends. It was a cry that caught the girl's attention...spoken right behind her, and before she could turn around, a heavy weight fell onto her back.

"Hey! Didn't we not tell you to wait until all three of us are ready to log on? Huh?"

Arms twined around Frogger's neck, before another pair went to wrap around her shoulders this time. "I can't believe you logged on without us! Bad, bad girl!"

Staggering under the weight, Frogger waved her arms about to try and steady herself...only to fail miserably, ending up falling underneath both the girls. The collision forced the air from her lungs, and with a groan, she let her head collapse onto the ground. "Hey... Get off..." she protested, fighting to push them off, to no avail.

Balilia shot a grin over in Tiralin’s direction, who returned it with one of her own. The girls were stunning beauties, honestly, as was the girl pinned underneath their weight. Balilia was a short, petite brunette, whose hair was cut short to right at her jawline...and who sported nothing but a small dagger at her side. On the other hand… Tiralin had a two-handed battle axe, shoulder-length black hair, and dark brown eyes, unlike the other girl’s bright golden pair. “I don’t know if we should… I mean, we do need to punish her, for not listening to us,” Balilia pointed out, obviously enjoying this.

“You’re right, we do need to punish her,” Tiralin agreed, sitting on top of her friend and making herself comfortable. “Question is...do we just continue sitting on her, or should we do something else for her punishment?”

“Help…” Frogger cried out weakly, partly already giving up. There was no talking these two out of it, this much she knew for certain. A few strands of black hanging over her eyes, she let out a sigh, waiting for deliverance of the punishment...or for her friends to get off.
Sirix just stands there stunned as two girls just....attack Frogger. Hearing what was being said, the picture quickly forms in Sirix's mind that these must be Frogger's missing friends. He chuckles as he realizes this and looks at the trio. "Your missing friends I'm guessing." Sirix motions to the girls while looking at Frogger. Hearing the small help, Sirix thinks for a moment then says something that should get them off of the poor girl, though after that the reaction would be completely unexpected. "Hi, I'm Sirix, your friend's new boy friend." He crosses his fingers behind his back, hoping to get the right reaction.
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