Minding Me(Avengers)-Moon/Krys

JJ shook his head, but he smiled. "I wasn't talking about mom. I was talking about Vienna." He said smiling at his uncle as he ran his hands through his hair. He smiled. "He sounds like someone I would probably like. I hope to meet him sometime." he said, smiling a bit more. He nodded as his uncle talked about his father. "what was dad like, uncle phil? Mom doesn't talk about him much and neither does steve. i think its to painful for them." He said with a sigh, looking deflated as he cuddled into his boyfriend. All his life he had asked his mother to tell him about his father, and each time she would sigh and say. "Some other time sweetness" the co cry in her room for the rest of the night. It made JJ's heart hurt, but he was curious. A son should know about his father. "Uncle Phil, I don't think my father is dead, and if he did die, he was reborn to find mom and Steve again. I can't really explain it, but sometimes when I was alone, or mom was asleep, I could hear a faint voice of a man crying, but when I would go to the window to look, he'd be gone. That must sound crazy.." JJ said with a sigh, his grey blue eyes pained. He had always dreamed about meeting his father, and sometimes he could swear he heard his voice carrying through the wind. He wanted so badly, that if he had control of his mother's crystal, his father would be back with them. "What do you mean he wants to love her? Like he can't love her because she doesn't love him back? That makes no sense." JJ asked, looking curious.

Bruce beamed. "Of course nat. Always and forever." He said, giving her a kiss and picking her up, laying her down on the bed. He kissed her neck. "Why don't we celebrate our engagement?" He asked, smirking at her.

Krystal smirked. "Well, I'm sassy too, so I guess we match." She said with a smile, playing with the engagement ring from bucky around her neck. Pretty soon it would be his birthday again. She into a deep breath, biting her lip before she smiled. "I love you too Stevie. To the moon and back. Someday I'll take you there." She promised getting on her tip toes to kiss him before taking his hand and showing him the the dining room, where all his favorites were lined up there. "Ready for dinner love?" She asked, smiling meekly.

Thor nodded. "Those are very plausible theories. This Domingo seems like he was very good to you. That's good." He told the other, smiling lightly as Loki fell asleep to the lullabies."I could never leave you, my dearest Loki."Thor whispered when he was sure the other was asllep, stroking his cheek gently. He picked the smaller man up and brought him to the Gian green bad gold bed, taking off his shoes and tucking the both in, content to just be with the other and soon falling asleep himself.
Phil smiled. "i doubt it. he gets on everyone's nerves." he admitted. "James Barnes. i never really met him." Phil admitted. "i know he was loyal and strong. brave of heart and pure in soul... pretty bad womanizer too until he met Krystal." he admitted. "he spent his entire life protecting Steve. they grew up together and for a long time they where as close as Brothers until they realized it wasn't brothers they wanted to be. they where just starting a relationship when they met your mother. i'm not sure how it happened, honestly i don't think those three do either." he admitted with a chuckle. "Steve and her lost him quite traumatically." he admitted softly. "he fell during a mission off of a moving train. Steve never forgave himself for asking James to be there, and your mother never forgave herself for not being there to catch him." Phil admitted softly before he smiled at JJ, the expression tight and pained. "JJ, i don't think your father can come back. if he could have, he would have, and if he couldn't, your mother would have a long time ago. "He wants to love her because it is expected of him. he wants to love her because he adores her and respects her. he wants to love her because he doesn't want to accept that it isn't women he wants in his life. he is in denial and Krystal is how he is hiding the deepest parts of himself that he is too afraid to express. Fiore's parents where hellish bigots." he admitted. "he is too afraid to become what they hated most."

he chuckled a little as he nodded. "we do match." he agreed softly as he kissed her deeply. "i'd love to go see your homeland... won't i have to worry about oxygen though?" he asked, looking a bit concerned. it was amusing how he kept forgetting that Magic could hide a great many things, including a homeland on the moon. especially since the moonians where actually living on an alternate plain of existence that allowed them to live in all nine realms at the same time. humans had never really been aware of the Moon people, though the Fey had been. "...you made all my favorites." Steve muttered, blushing as he examined the huge pot of Spaghetti and the strips of sirloin steak cooked to perfection with the clam chowder that he had swiftly grown to adore. "thank you love." he whispered as he kissed her again.

"Domingo was the best!" Loki stated eagerly. "he loved me, you know. i know you people think he was terrible and evil, but he was so good to me. he loved me." Loki admitted. "he used to buy me things every week or so so i could take it apart and see how it worked. and he would get me any book i asked for." Loki admitted. "science books and books about the world and all kinds of stuff." he admitted, yawning as he fell asleep. "he was the best. he loved me... i wish i could go home." he admitted as he went to sleep, unaware of being moved, cuddling into Thor happily.
JJ looked thoughtful and sad. "Mom doesn't cry as much now that she has Steve, but I know it still pains her immensely to be without him. My dad I mean. I don't think their hearts are truly right without him, whether they want to admit or not." He explained, before he nodded. He could identify with the old fae prince, because while his mother had always supported him loving men, the world hadn't. Even now there were still bigots out there. Howard Stark had been a good example of a hipocrite. He had never told tony this, but when JJ was 19, Howard raped him. While tony knew about the rape, he didn't know who had committed it, and he intended to keep it that way. "Mom is always talking about how when you're a true soulmate, you can be reborn as many times as possible to find your soulmate again. I have a theory, uncle Phil. I think that maybe dad didn't die when he fell and was captured by someone. That would explain why he didn't come back. The people who have him may not want him to know who he is." JJ deduced, eyes both sad and hopeful. He hoped for his mother and for Steve's sake his theory was right. He knew he sensed someone watching them, but every time he went to look, the person disappeared in the darkness. He was sure it was his father, as crazy as that must sound. He cuddled into his boyfriend, needing the contact. "I may sound crazy, but my intuition is rarely wrong. I can't explain it, I just sense something coming, and as crazy and as unlikely as it is, I know somehow its him." JJ said, sighing. He hated sounding so crazy, but he had such a feel he just couldn't shake it.

"Yes, we do. Till the end of the line." She said as she kissed Steve back passionately and deeply. She loved this man so much, her soulmate, but other was hole in he heart without bucky. She had loved him so much, and when he fell from the train she just couldn't forgive herself. "Love, do you think life would be different If I had followed you and bucky into the army?" She asked, but Steve would know what she was really asking. He would know that she was asking about what would life had been like if she had been there to catch him when he fell. Krystal had not seen him fall from the train like Steve had, but the two were so connected, that she often had nightmares of the two of them dying on her. She beamed at Steve as she brought him over to the table, kissing him passionately. "You're welcome love. You know how much I love spoiling my best guy." She said softly, still smiling as she sat across from him, serving him a bowl of chowder, and some steak. Surf and turf, then Italian. Her favorites as well as his.

Thor smiled. "I am sure he is a great man, and I can tell he was very good to you. What the police don't agree on is his methods. I do believe that he is a good man, just a product of bad decicians." He told the other before smiling again and continuing. "Here in this world, drugs are considered illegal. He chose to sell them. That does not make him a bad person, simply someone who was trying to survive." He finished, smiling lightly as Loki cuddled into him. He stroked his hair and pulled the smaller man close, having missed being this close. oon both aeser were asleep, hopefully dreaming peacefully.
he nodded. "one does not simply 'get over' a Soul mate. there will always be an emptiness there." he admitted, his arm tightening around Clint. he knew if Clint where to die, he would not be likely to survive the experience. "...the Fey do not become reborn." he whispered. "as far as i know, neither do humans." he admitted. "moonians and Asgardians are unique in that aspect." he admitted. he was hopeful that the other was right. it was true that JJ was so very rarely wrong, but how could it be possible? unless maybe Krystal's moonian magic had allowed James to be reborn? was that possible? Phil wouldn't get his hope up, but he wouldn't discount his nephews feelings either. he would wait and see. "we will watch carefully... until then, i do believe your mate has fallen asleep on you." Phil teased, amused. indeed Tony was asleep, leaning against JJ and looking quite content.

he smiled at her and nodded. "till the end of time." he agreed softly before he shook his head. "no. i don't think it would have been different. i still would have... done what i did." he admitted. "Bucky might even still have died. i don't think we could have changed what happened love. i really don't." he admitted with a sigh. "besides, women weren't allowed to fight back then." he reminded her. "you wouldn't have been out there anyway." he admitted, picking up her hands and kissing the knuckles before tugging out the engagement ring and kissed that too. he always kissed in in remembrance to Bucky when they spoke of him before he smiled as he enjoyed his dinner, studying her. "...i didn't forget our anniversary did i?" he asked suddenly, wondering why she was being so romantic. usually Jarvis told him a few days in advance though, if it looked like Steve had gotten the dates mixed up. which he did sometimes.

he nodded. "they think he is a rapist. they think he is abusive, but he's not." Loki grumbled, sulking. he did sleep well at least. deep and peaceful and without dreams. not that he dreamed much anyway but sometimes he had violent nightmares that he could never remember upon waking. he had none of that, just calm sleep that left him feeling better than he had in a long time.
JJ nodded. "Yes, I understand that. If tony we're to die I don't think I'd be able to live without him." he said, cuddling into tony and stroking the mans hair. Clint nodded and gave Phil a kiss. "I almost did kill myself a few times during the 2 months you were gone. Luckily, Krystal was always there to stop me before it happened." The younger man admitted, cuddling into his lover as he was pulled closer. JJ smiled a little at the site. It was so cute to see them together, and he was so happy his uncle found Clint. Not only is Clint one of his closest friends, Phil and Clint just go together like instant pudding and whipped cream. JJ looked to his uncle. "Yes, watching is all we can do." He agreed, chuckling when he realized tony was asleep. "He's been working to hard on one of his projects. Says its a surprise for me." He said, and what JJ wouldn't know is that tony was building him his own iron man suit. JJ adjusted himself so he could pick up his sleeping boyfriend without waking him. "Good night uncle phil, Clint. See you in the morning.' JJ said softly before he popped away, laing right in tony and he's bed. Everything was set, but his lover was asleep! How could he propose now?

Krystal smiled and nodded, giving her boyfriend a light kiss before she smirked. "That my dear, is why I have shape shifting abilities." She said her smirk becoming more mischevious before she frowned, her blue eyes full of sadness. Bucky had taken a piece of her when he'd died. "I'd like to think it would have." She said sadly, smiling as he kissed her knuckles and the sapphire engagement ring bucky had bought her long ago. She loved Steve so very much her hear hurt, but there would always be a place in her heart that ached for Bucky. Krystal chuckled a little. "No, you didn't miss our anniversary. I guess I'm just celebrating a little early. You know how cooking keeps my mind off my sadness. Tomorrow would be Bucky's 95th birthday." She said as she took a few bites of her steak. She had always loved steak, and the taste of the simple NY strip steak helped ease her pain.

Thor smiled a little. "They only see one side of him and assume that's all there is." He admitted, stroking Loki's hair softly out of habit, smiling when the godling dropped into a peaceful sleep. He himself didn't dream much either, but this particular night as he held Loki so close to him, dreams of a life with Loki on earth ran through his mind. He could never take Loki back to Asgard. No, that would be cruel. The blonde aeser was not as clueless as he was portrayedm he simply didn't know how to help his brother.
Phil went so tense so fast it looked like it hurt and he whipped around and started checking Clint for any lingering aches, pains or damages, settling only once he was certain the other was still there, still alive, and unhurt. "don't DO that." he complained, huffing at Clint. "declarations of attempted suicide should not be admitted out of the blue! you almost gave me a heart attack." he complained, kissing Clint's fingertips, as he always did when he was trying to calm himself down. usually after a particularly disastrous mission in which Clint had gotten hurt in some manner of varying degrees. "yes he has been." Phil admitted, looking amused. "just remember. when he gives it to you, he loves you and he is not insulting your manliness." he warned. knowing that some might take Tony's gifting of an iron man suit to be a direct insult to their ability to defend the,selves. for Tony, it was sharing a part of himself that literally no one else could have. no one else, save Rhodey, had an Iron man suit. for Tony, it was the epitome of trust.

he blinked at her. "i always forget about that." he admitted with a smile before he shook his head. "i forgot." he whispered. "your right... we should... we should do something special. just the two of us to remember him." he admitted. "we could go to the pier. he used to love the pier. we'll throw flowers into the water." he decided as he chewed on his own steak. "what do you think?"
Clint winced when Phil went tense. He had just admitted hid deepest secret about the time Phil had been gone. "I'm sorry love." He said remorsefully, simply letting the other go through the motions to make himself feel better. Clint hadn't realized Phil would act so strongly. JJ looked puzzled at what Phil had to say about about it, but he nodded. "Alright, I will. I'm sure whatever he's giving me I'll like. Tony knows me to well." He said with a chuckle, thinking about the sextoys tony had had built just for his pleasure. His favorite was the one that tied tony up for him. JJ was kinky, and he loved to drive his partner wild, drive him to submission. It made him so hot.

Krystal chuckled. "I know. But that's alright. Its not a talent I use much." She said, taking a bite of steak before she squeesed his hand. "That's a great idea Stevie. I'm sure he'll appreciate it." She said with a sad smile, still wishing to be engaged to him. she loved him so much, she just wanted to know he'd be hers forever for real. "JJ's gonna be very depressed tomorrow. I hope Tony's present is ready for him. He's building him an iron man suit. Its quite romantic really." She said dreamily, so happy her son had found tony. While they had started out as friends, JJ had always loved tony, from the moment he met him, and she suspected the same of tony, though he couldn't admit it until pepper's death.
Clint sighed and shook his head. "it's alright. it's in my nature to be overly possessive and protective." he admitted with a strained smile. "i knew you had been depressed after my... fall, but i hadn't expected you to react so strongly to it." he admitted as he stroked Clint's hair. "come on. to bed we go. i need snuggles." he admitted with a smile, taking Clint away for some good old fashioned sex and cuddles.

he chuckled and shook his head. "thank goodness. no offense but i like you as yourself." he admitted with a smile. "we'll do that then." he agreed. "we'll use lilies. he always loved lilies the most." he admitted before he jerked, startled. "Tony's giving JJ an iron man suit!? he's practically proposing!" he stated, stunned. "...anyway... shall we go to bed?" he asked, wondering if he could have sex with her before they went to sleep. he always felt better after some physical intimacy.

(sorry, too tired for sex scenes just yet. skipping to the morning.)

in the morning, Thor woke up to an empty bed. Loki was sitting at the worktable again, looking excited as he used a pinky length screwdriver to screw in a bolt so small you almost couldn't see it. "Thor! Look!" Loki demanded, once he realized the god was awake. he took the object in his hand and threw it to Thor and it came unfolded, revealing a beautiful mechanical bird that began flapping, arcing into the air like a real bird. flying just like a real bird. Loki looked so proud of himself, just like when he had been six and Thor had been ten and Loki had brought Thor his very first Glyph. "Jarvis showed me how to program it!" Loki admitted, bouncing on his toes. "isn't it amazing?! i want to go show Tony!" he admitted. so happy.

Tony himself was down in the lab, putting on the final touches of the suit he was building for JJ. he had been sneaky again and measured the man in his sleep for the last set of calibrations. in just ten more minutes, the machine would be finished and he could have Jarvis paint it. in JJ's colors of course. he had crawled out of bed somewhere around three in the morning. he knew JJ would be annoyed with him for it, but he wanted to finish it for today, so JJ wouldn't be so sad.
Clint gave Phil a small kiss on the lips, hugging him close. "Okay love. But yeah, it was tough. It hurt to think I'd have to live alone." He said, looking sad as he kissed him again, making sure the man was truly real. On some days, he really did have to hug and kiss him to make sure he was alive. It still daunted him. "Yes, bed sounds nice." He said with a smile, cuddling into him as he was carried off.

Krystal smiled. "None taken love. I like just you too." She said, nodding at his idea of Lillie's. "Yes! Blue and purple Lillie's. His two favorite colors." She said, squeezing his hand again. She wanted to be with him in all ways, and they hadn't actually had sex since the 30's, because she was under the impression he wanted to be married first. Steve had always been more of a prude than she or Bucky. Krystal chuckled at Steve's surprise. "Yes, he is. Its a good thing JJ plans on proposing too." She admitted, having helped her son plan it all out, even designing the ring which was a white and yellow gold knotwork ring with a ruby carved to look like the arc reactor. That had been JJ's idea.

Thor woke up with a stretch, amused when Loki can in looking so excited. He was mesmerized by the mechanical bird. "This I'd quite amazing, alexandyr." He admitted, knowing better than to call the man Loki. He smiled at him. "Jarvis? Make us some pop tarts please?" He asked the AI, wanting to celebrate Loki's small joy and victory. He smiled at his little brother. "Tony's busy at the moment. We'll show him in a little while okay?" He told the other, happy that Loki was so happy.

When JJ woke to an empty bed, he sighed a little. "Always working." He said with a sigh as he got up and put on his apron. Preparing to make some blueberry white chocolate waffles. He also made some breakfast sausage and eggs, knowing that his lover and hopefully soon to be fiance would be hungry. "Jarvis, please inform tony that breakfast is ready nd I'm waiting." He told the AI, smiling to himself, as he played with the ring box in his pocket.
Loki grinned at Thor before wrinkling his nose. "pop-tarts? gross." he stated dismissively. Loki had always been an overly picky eater. he was not overly fond of sugar. chocolate was fine, particularly whi4 chocolate. but frosting, glaze, or cookies, things jam packed with sugar simply for the taste of sugar was displeasing to Loki's taste-buds. chocolate and plain cake was as close as he got to enjoying sweets despite his obsession with white chocolate. "well. fine." he agreed catching the bird in gentle hands and smiling as he stroked it's head and gently settled it back on his worktable. "i've never been able to actually make anything before." he admitted, animated all over again. "Tony said he has a R&D? could i see it? will you show me? and do we have food other than pop-tarts?" Loki typically preferred to have a small breakfast of fruit and yogurt, or maybe some granola or oatmeal in the mornings. he had never been a very big eater really.

"I am sorry Prince James" Jarvis informed JJ, no matter how they begged and pleaded, Tony was Always Sir, JJ was always Prince, Phil was always Lord and Steve was always Captain. "But Sir has indicated that he wishes to finish this before asking you down to the lab for a surprise he has created for you. he is extremely nervous about how you may take the gift and i fear if he where to eat now, he would simply become ill." Tony always fretted needlessly. "perhaps you could fix him breakfast and then take it to him in the lab in approximately twenty three minutes?" Jarvis offered hopefully. he knew JJ would love Tony's gift but any attempts to reassure his brilliant creator left Tony muttering about how he had to fix just that one last thing before JJ came to drag him out of the lab. so Jarvis was simply inviting JJ down to end Tony's suffering hours earlier.
Thor smiled. "Of course. After breakfast I will show you around the 20 or so R&D levels." He promised, smiling at his brother as he took a sip of coffee. Jarvis had made Loki some herbal tea and there was some vanilla yogurt and strawberries in the refidgerator. Thor smiled again. "Jarvis has made you some Herbal tea, and I will get some strawberries and yogurt." He promised the other, chewing on a pop tart happily. He did love his pop tarts. When Thor returned to the breakfast nook, he had a small tray with a green rose, some orange juice, strawberries and vanilla yogurt. "I hope that this is satisfactory, Alexandyr." He said with a small smile before returning once again with a cup of herbal tea and cream if Loki wanted it.

JJ sighed. He always called him prince. While the man enjoyed being a prince of a mostly unknown race, he didn't like to be reminded of it every time he talked to his boyfriend's AI. "That is fine Jarvis. Tell him that I will shower and bring his breakfast down after then." He said with a smile, wondering what on earth tony could be doing down in his lab. It could be any number of things. The thought never even occurred to him that tony would be building him an iron man suit of his own in his colors, blue and silver. JJ was sure in for a surprise, as was tony. The man had no idea that JJ planned to propose. So JJ ate his breakfast quickly, the jumped into the massive shower, washing himself down completely with he line of clonoge products tony like best, then dried his hair. He styled the usual messy blue hair in a simple style, then put on his favorite suit, not forgetting to put the ring box inside his jacket. When he was finished, he once again put on an apron and made Tony's breakfast, singing a song softly to himself. It was about half an hour later when JJ finally came down to the lab, large plate of food and a a giant cup of coffee for his lover in his his hands. "Tony? Breakfast time, love!" He said with a happy smile, excited to know about the present, and eager to propose to his lover.
"Twenty Floors?!" Loki demanded, stunned, his eyes wide. "Twenty floors of technology." he whispered, sounding as excited and awestruck as he had when he had met his Magical Master. the one person besides Odin and Thor to treat him as a person. Oblisk had been Odin's personal sorcerer, and had taken a very great interest in Loki after the child, barely six, had created a Glyph on his own using books that where entirely too advanced for the child. Oblisk's death had been the very last time Loki had ever cried until his memories had been struck and he had ended up as a human on earth. Loki paused in his tinkering with the bird when he saw his breakfast and blinked at the rose, his head cocked to the side as if he wasn't sure what it was. finally he reached out and gently picked it up, wary of thorns and brought it to his face. Loki had always been a sucker for roses and it seamed it was no different for Alexandyr. "it's perfect. thank you." he agreed softy as he enjoyed his breakfast. while he never ate much, he always savored it. as if every bite was precious. "Thank you." Loki stated calmly as he accepted the Tea, adding a scant half a spoonful of cream to it. he didn't stir, he never did.

"I will do that Prince James." he promised before falling silent. Tony was covered in grease, oil, and blue paint and looked like he was indeed fretting himself sick if the way he was twitching, pacing, and muttering in short bursts was any indication. "JJ! i mean, come in! i mean. i have something for you! i mean... Don't look!" he ordered when JJ moved to look. "it's! i mean... It's!".... he fell silent, fidgeted and then made a beckoning motion and the blue suit was slid into view. freshly painted and smelling of fresh titanium alloy. "it's... it's for you..." he muttered. "i... i made this for you... i mean.. i... it's... yours..."
Thor nodded. "Yes, 20 floors. Tony has to many projects going on so he organizes them over his floors. His pet project though is his suits. Krystal had hinted to me that he was building one for his boyfriend. He's pretty well in love with JJ." He said with a smile, sipping his coffee. He was glad his brother liked the breakfast. "Do you like your rooms here, alexandyr? We wanted to make you as comfortable as possible." He explained, watching as Loki smelt the flower, happy that the other was so excited. He loved seeing his little brother whom he loved so much so full of happy wonder. "Tony says you can play with any of his inventions, offer feed back and ideas if you like. Just he says to give him a few hours. He has something planned for JJ. The prince gets rather depressed on his father's birthday." Thor explained, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Thank you Jarvis" the man told him as he walked over to the elevator, Tony's breakfast in hand, excitement and nerves were all that was going through him. JJ looked as if he was gonna faint, so he set the the tray of food down on the nearby workbench. "Oh tony.... you made this for me?" He asked, eyes wide as he studied the suit, touching it tenderly. He couldn't believe that tony would love him so much that he would do this for him. He wiped off his lover's face. "I love it. This is the best present you've ever given me. When the paint dries, we'll go for a fly, okay? But first, I have something I want to ask you." He said, smirking mischeviously and he got down on one knee looking up at tony as he pulled the red velvet ring box from his pocket. "Anthony Edward Stark, I've loved you since the moment we met, and I feel as though you're my soulmate. I guess what I'm trying to ask is.. will you marry me?" JJ asked, opening the box to reveal the ring that he and his mother made so painstakingly.
Loki looked quiet excited by that idea. "i might just look and write down any ideas i have." he admitted. "that way i can explore and he can still get feedback." he admitted, even if he looked a little skeptical that he could help Tony. really, Loki was acting to Tony the way he had once acted for Thor. like Tony was a big brother who he wanted to impress and please and assist. Loki had never been able to help Thor all that much, and Thor had never understood magic to do anything more than the simplest of things, so impressing Thor had been difficult as well. maybe through Tony Loki could have the big brother he'd always wanted. considering Thor had harbored a lust for Loki and had tried to hide it and keep Loki away so he COULD hide it. gave Thor the chance to seduce Loki at least. "...Prince?" he asked, looking startled. "he didn't look like much of one.." he admitted. "...i guess i can see it though." he admitted, his head tilted. "you knew me, before my memory loss?" he asked curiously. "do i have a father? does he know i am alright?" he asked curiously. Odin had asked for Heimdall to only tell Odin if Loki was in any true danger, so Odin knew Loki was safe. worried, but not too badly so.

Tony nodded, looking quite worried that JJ wouldn't like it and he nearly sagged when he was promised that JJ loved it. the paint is already drying, it's a fast seal polymer that won't scuff, crack or peel. high blunt force trauma can scrape it up but it won't come off easily even then." Tony babbled, too strung up to be calm. he had been working for WEEKS to make the suit absolutely perfect. he paused when JJ got on his knees, looking confused before his eyes widened. stunned. "...." he collapsed, unable to stay standing anymore, bursting into tears as he held his arms out for JJ, needing the comfort of his lover even while nodded vigorously and trying to spit out the words that JJ was the best and that he loved him and that he wanted to get married in the courtroom because he didn't want the stupid people to ruin his wedding and he changed his mind, he wanted to get married on the moon and Phil had to officiate because Krystal was going to be his bridesmaid.
Thor smiled. "That sounds like a brilliant idea, alexandyr. I'm sure tony will appreciate your imput. He is always thinking up new things, so I'm sure you will have plenty to work with." He admitted, eating his pop tart as he sipped his coffee. Thor had learned the joy of coffee from Jane foster, the scientist who had found him when he was exiled. He was fascinating to watch be all excited, and it reminded him of when they were children. He couldn't tell Alexandyr that though. Thor was a bit startled by the question, but he nodded anyway. "Yes. I knew you before the memory loss, and yes you have a father. He is watching over you from afar, unable to leave his post, and he caress deeply for you." He explained the best he could, trying to to think of an adequate was describe the all father. He was excited though the thunder god did not show it. With Loki not remembering who he is, perhaps he could finally make his little brother see how much he loves him. It was an opportunity Thor could not pass up, and he hoped his father would understand. It wasn't like they were genetically related, they only grew up together. 'Brothers till the end" Loki used to say, and then he'd climb on Thor's back and they'd ride away for a usually needed nap.

JJ grinned. "'That's fairly cool. So its like the paint you use for your suits?" He asked, lookihg curious about the suit and about the paint. He couldn't wait to try it out. This suit was a major expression of loveon tony's part, and it moved the man to tears. JJ looked a bit concerned when tony burst out into tears, but he slipped the ring on his left ring finger and kissed his lover, pulling him in close to him, his suit magically changing to his normal casual jeans and a T-shirt. "We can get married wherever and whenever you want love.' He whispered softly, kissing his now fiancee. The young moon prince never thought he could be this happy, that tony would ever say yes to him. He was so excited now, he could barely stand. "I love you tony. Nothing could ever change that." He told the other, stroking his cheek softly. This man was his world, his being, his soulmate. He couldn't imagine life without him. "Okay, now we have to give you aging potion. I may only be half fae, but moonians can live millenniums too. It would destroy me to loose you." He told the other, hugging him close, content to just be with his lover. So far, this had turned out to be the best father's birthday for JJ ever, him actually being happy instead of moping in his pajamas all day .

When Steve would awaken, Krystal would be cooking their breakfast of omelets and orange juice with toast and fresh banana nut muffins. She quickly plated it and put it under warmers, basket of muffins in the center of the kitchen table. She sang happily, trying to keep her head clear of sadness before she called the flower shop and ordered two dozen blue and purple Lillie's. Today was gonna be perfect, and she hoped that maybe tonight would be the night that Steve proposes. "I want to be yours baby, cause I've got you under my skin." She sang mincing songs together mostly because she could. She couldn't wait for Steve to wake up so they could have their special day in remembrance of their soulmate, James Buchanan Barnes. She was comfident it would be a good day, despite the meaning of their excursion from the tower.
Loki smiled shyly at Thor, wondering if Tony would really appreciate anything he might think up? he was an intelligent soul, he knew. he devoured books on astrophysics and quantum mechanics and human psychosis. he could help, he supposed even if he wasn't as brilliant as Tony. "Tony is a genius." Loki breathed, reverence in every word. "i read his work. from when he was in collage. even as a child he was more brilliant than most people could ever hope to be." he admitted with a smile before he blinked at Thor, looking puzzled. "i don't understand. if i have a father, why would he not come for me? did i run away from home?" he asked, looking worried. "...was i kidnapped? i was hurt badly when i first woke up." he admitted. "i had broken ribs, burns and lacerations and infections and some sort of madness i think..." he admitted. "was i kidnapped and then abandoned? or was there an accident?" somehow, instinctively, Loki knew that it had not been his father who had hurt him.

Tony smiled weakly and shook his head. "JJ this IS a suit." he pointed out. "it's the exact same as all the other Iron Man suits. it's just that it's specifically designed for you and your body. Krystal even helped me so that you can use magic along with the mechanical and electrical aspects of it." he admitted. "I love you too!" he gasped through his heaving sobs. he had never imagined this day might happen. never ever. not once in his entire lifetime had he ever dreamed it. he had never thought himself worthy of a loving husband. "...will it hurt?" Tony asked curiously, rubbing his chest where the Arc reactor had been removed. sometimes it still ached, like arthritis, it was easy to ignore most of the time, but some days he was left in such pain he was bedridden for a few hours. "will it taste vile? will..." he swallowed hard. "will you still like me younger? will i still have all my memories? will it affect my intelligence?" despite loving JJ he would never risk his own genius. not unless he had no other choice.

Steve smiled a little as he listened to her sing, stretching as he got up, blinking. he knew the package had come today. Jarvis had told him so through a text on his cell. he got up and got dressed, groaning as he stretched and cracked his back. "Morning Love." he muttered as he kissed her. "i'll be right back. i got my new leathers in, i have to go pick them up from the front desk." and they had arrived. a convenient excuse in case Krystal asked him why he had a package in. he headed down and smiled as he tore open the box downstairs in case she peeked and examined the rings before snapping the ring box closed and tucked it into a pocket before pulling out his leather chaps and jacket for when he went riding on his bike. they where for safety's sake. he could heal most things, but even road rash from falling off his bike at seventy miles a hour would leave some pretty bad marks on him. the leather wouldn't stop the damage but it would keep his leg from getting torn off at least.
Thor smiled. "Yes, he is, but he does value the opinion of others. Especially since meeting JJ. No one really knows why, but JJ holds some strange power over tony no one else does." Thor admitted, watching his brother's lips. He wanted to kiss them so badly, but he wasn't sure if he should. To Loki, they had just met, ever though he had known him his whole life. Thor sighed. "It is complicated, alexandyr. Your father wishes to give you happiness, and he knows you will not be happy where he is." He explained the best he could, unsure how much he should reveal. He looked to Loki. "Would you hate me very much if I admitted I want to kiss you?" He asked the otyer, taking in a breath and looking nervous as he exhaled, sipping his coffee. This was a big step for the thunder god, having not been able to ever do it before.

JJ beamed. "That is awesome. I'll be sure to test that out. Its amazing tony, absolutely so. I'm so excited to play with it. Thank you, tony." !he said happily, kissing his fiancee. He beamed even more when tony admitted he loved him. It was so rare that his handsome genius admitted it. Sure, he said it in gifts and in sex, but never in words. He smiled at his lover. "No, it won't, and in my experience it usually tastes like honey. Tony, I will always love you. No matter how old you are." He reassured, giving his fiancee a kiss and holding the sobbing man close, playing with his hair and trying to keep the man calm. He smirked a little. "Would you like some subspace time?"' JJ asked, smirk widening. There was nothing JJ like better than taking tony to subspace. He got off on it so hard something told him this time though, tony would make him pregnant. He was okay with that though. Nothing would make him happier.

Krystal kissed him back. "Morning my sexy captain." She said with a small smirk before she nodded. She was curious about why he had to go to the lobby until it was explained. "Alright mi'love. Breakfast should be ready by the time you return." She said with a smile, continuing to cook, making steak yet again, because she knew how much he loved it. Krystal was sitting at the table waiting for him when he would return, soft jazz music playing. Some of Bucky's favorite sounds, and his as well. "Hello love." She greeted, standing only to serve their breakfast.
he smiled a little. "well. i'll do my best to make Tony proud." he agreed. "Tony loves JJ." he stated with a shrug. "there's no mysterious power about it, Tony listens to JJ because he trusts JJ to do whats best for both of them." he admitted before he frowned and then sighed. "my father is a mob boss." he grumbled. "i thought so." he muttered before he stared at Thor, wide eyed and startled before he narrowed his eyes. "while i appreciate the sentiment, i'm afraid that my lover would be displeased with me for allowing such an action." he warned, voice slightly clipped. well, Thor was going to have a tough go of it, but he'd always been a stubborn bastard. "this is good tea." Loki admitted. "no one knows how to make a good cup of tea." he admitted with a content little sigh as he sipped at his own cup. he always drank his tea at the very end. Loki liked his very strong, two bags per steep if he could manage it. he liked to let the bag sit long enough that it would turn water black. he was weird like that. then again, people liked Coffee that way, so perhaps not.

Tony smiled shyly. glad that JJ loved it so much. he'd been working on it for so long it almost felt wrong not to be working on it anymore. "honey?" he asked, wrinkling his nose. he hated honey. "...okay." he agreed as he snuggled into the other, still hiccuping and sniffling. "...yes." he muttered, leaning more intently into JJ. "i wanna please you." he muttered, kissing and nibbling on the others neck. Tony loved being able to watch JJ come all undone at the sight of Tony on his knees, begging to suck cock or begging to be fucked. he loved to beg. though maybe that was just because he loved to talk, who knew.

Steve chuckled as she called him sexy and gave her a gentle nip to her lip playful as he usually was in the mornings. "thanks Beautiful." he muttered as he gave her a last kiss before he headed down, coming back up with his unopened leathers, opening them at the table to further distract her as he pulled out the leathers and made sure they where the right sizes before he smiled as he munched on his food. "i was thinking we could take the Car." he admitted. "we could drive down there and have a picnic on the beach and send the flowers out for Bucky. it could be like a Date with Bucky's spirit with us that way." he admitted. "what do you think?"
Thor smiled. "You will alexandyr, and yes he does. I've never seen him love another so much. Not even lady pepper." He explained, smiling at the other as he watched him eat. So far, it looked like Loki was enjoying himself, and that was ta good sign. Thor blushed. He had expected Loki to say something like that, but the fact that he was flattered did give the thunder god hopeful. Perhaps he could make Loki love him like he loves Loki. "Yes, Jarvis makes very good drinks. He takes into account the personality of the person before makes the drink." He explained, sipping his coffee. He was glad that Loki was not so sad and moping as he was when he came here.

JJ chuckled a little before he smiled. "I can alter the taste so it will taste like blueberries. Dad was never fond of the taste of honey either." He admitted, cuddling his fiance who was still sniffling and hiccuping from crying. He rubbed Tony's back before he smiles, kissing his lover tenderly before he nodded. "I love it when you please me, my handsome genius." He purred, moaning as tony kissed and nipped at his neck. His neck, like his mother's, was very sensitive. Breakfast was now forgotten, and JJ picked his fiancee up by his ass, moving him to the bedroom that was situated next to the garage, on the off chance that tony fell asleep in the lab, or JJ and he wanted to have some fun, but didn't feel like going to the penthouse. It was quite convenient.

Krystal kissed him back, giggling as he playfully nibbled his lip. "You're welcome mi'love. Always everything for you." She said as she smiled and finished her cooking, sitting at the table on the kitchen, food all set out waiting for her lover to return. She looked at him curiously as he examined the chaps, sensing something up. She didn't voice it though, knowing it would all be explained to her soon. "That sounds like a wonderful idea Stevie. I know bucky will appreciate it. Should we take the Packard?" She asked, alluding to the classic 1939 blue Packard she had had completely restored for Steve for his last birthday. She had known how much he had always wanted one, but hadn't had the money for it then. For his next birthday, which was soon, she intended on giving him a fully restored 30's Harley like the one he'd had in the war. She loved spoiling him. It was like another job for her. Krystal sighed dreamily. "This is gonna be so romantic." She said, taking a sip of her tea. She hoped that wherever bucky was, he was looking down and smiling.

Little did she know that the master assassin was on their tail, having been contracted by his handler, Alexander peirce, to kill her and Steve. He had tried several times, but to his frustration, could not. Something in his reprogrammed brain and heart would not let him. "Why can't I just kill you, Kobayashi!? Why?!" He screamed inside his head, the sniper rifle trained on her back, though he was unable to pull the trigger. Emotions were surfacing in his head that he didn't know he could still feel, and he was going insane. He couldn't pull the trigger, no matter what he did. Perhaps it would be simpler to kill her if if he had her with him. That was when he decided. I'm a few weeks time, he would kidnap her. What he didn't realize though, was that once he did, she would unlock his heart, and his memories. He couldn't kill her because you are phisically incapable of killing your soulmate, and he was contracted to kill both of them..
he smiled a little. "Love can tame even the wildest of beasts." Loki stated simply. "Tony Loves JJ, so, JJ has tamed him. Tony does what JJ says because Tony respects and loves JJ enough to know that he should do as instructed. some because he doesn't want to upset JJ and some because he likes to do what JJ says to." he took a last sip of tea and set his cup down before standing up and gathered the dishes up and moved to the sink, looking quite content as he washed the dishes by hand. he had always hated that. doing 'menial chores'. apparently he had grown to appreciate the tasks while living as a human.

"i don't like Blueberries." he grumbled, even if he was lying. he didn't mind them, they where okay really but he wouldn't go out of his way to get them. "i love pleasing you." Tony breathed as he nibbled and sucked on that warm, gorgeous neck. he moaned as he was picked up, arching into the touch as he wriggled and smiled as he was dumped into the bed. "i got new toys." he breathed, indicating a small box laying just inside a half closed closet. inside where all sorts of new toys. nipple clamps and cock rings, anal toys and gags and everything JJ and Tony loved most.

he offered her a smile and gently kissed her again. "i like the Packard." he admitted with a grin as he helped her pack up the food and the flowers. "it is. i love romance." he admitted with a smile as he carried the heavy basket like it was a tissue down to the car, promising her that he would wash the dishes later. they headed down to the Pier and beach and he spread out the large blanket so they wouldn't have to put their food on sand and handed her half of the lilies, unaware of the danger they where in the Assassin's Target. Steve gently laid out the flowers and watched the waves sweep them away, glancing at her as he reached into his pocket, feeling the box. "Krys?" he asked softly. "i..." he swallowed thickly before settling onto his knees. "i had this whole speech planned out, and now i can't remember a word of it." he admitted as he offered her the box. inside was three Rings. one a woman's with three gems, clearly symbolizing three parts of a whole. himself, Bucky and Krystal. the other two rings where completely identical Men's bands, one for Steve, and one to go on the necklace to symbolize Bucky.

(i thought i was playing Bucky?)
Thor nodded. "That is very true, Alexandyr. Love does tame even the biggest beast." He said, agreeing with the other man. Thor took the last sip of his coffee and set it on the table with the other dishes, amazed when Loki took them and washed them. That was certainly a change. Back on Asgard, Loki had hated doing chores like that. "When you are finished, we will go down to the R&D floors, okay?" He asked, simply watching Loki do the dishes happily. It was almost surreal.

JJ chuckled at his lover. "I can make it taste like anything you want. Its just a simple altering the formula to make the taste change." He admitted with a smile, before he moaned a bit more. His neck was so sensitive. "Fuck tony.. I know. You turn me on." He breathed out, the sounds of the other's moans as he was carried to the bedroom intoxicating. When he had tony on the bed, he handcuffed him to it, smirking. "New toys huh? Brilliant." He said with an almost obscene grin, kissing his fiancee before going to fetch a few fun things from the box. JJ settled on a nipple clip with attached vibrating clock ring, a silk blind fold, a whip, and Tony's favorite, his own stiff cock. This was gonna be the best sex ever.

Krystal smiled as he helped her get everything in the car. He was such a gentleman. She gave him a light kiss as he got into the car with her, and she smiled and sang softly as he drove off to the beach. She watched as he set everything out, giving him another light kiss. "This is nice, just the two of us. Seems like you're always on missions." She said softly, taking a bite of a cucumber sandwich on Italian bread. She hated wheat bread, unless it was fresh baked. When Steve got down on one knee, Krystal's eyes widened like saucers. She took the box, and opened it to see the rings, gasping. 3 rings, one for their bucky too. "Oh Stevie.. of course I'll marry you!" She exclaimed, hugging him tightly, slipping one of the men's rings on his finger. Krystal took off her necklace only a moment to put the second ring on it. "Bucky, wherever you are, please know we love you." She said as she smiled, cuddling into her supersoldier, both happy and sad tears pricking her eyes. When they had finished, she quickly cleaned everything up, putting it back in the basket and kissing Steve. "Ready to go, mi'love?" She asked, smiling at him, her new engagement ring, and the one on her necklace shining brightly in the sunlight.

(You are, I was just introducing him. It came out like word vomit.)
Loki smiled a little. he knew the effects of Love. when Domingo had first found him, he had been as good as a raging beast himself,. snarling and fearful of everything and everyone. attacking anything that got too close to him. it had taken over a month for Domingo to sooth Loki's fury at the world and even longer to seduce him. Loki was quite glad with how things had finally turned out, though he wished Domingo was free and here with him, enjoying all the amazing things here. "i would like that!" Loki agreed, happily setting the dishes in a little dish drainer before drying his hands and headed for the bedroom to dress in something other than his sleep pants and silky sleep shirt. "i'm ready." he stated happily as he came out wearing a cute sweater and jeans. "do you need to stop at your room to get dressed?" Loki asked curiously, realizing that Thor was still in his own Pajamas.

he grinned. "whiskey?" he asked. "Scotch?" he asked. "Coffee!?" he asked, grinning as he moaned at his lover. "good. i should turn you on." he panted eagerly as he wriggled. "nnng." he loved the handcuffs. he felt so deliciously helpless. "oh god yes." he moaned as he wriggled, watching JJ choose the items. "please. god. JJ!" he gasped, wanting nothing more than to be fucked into the mattress.

he smiled. "i know. it's been hectic lately." he admitted. "but it's not like i can't go. people would get hurt." heart of gold. his favorite day was Sunday, when he went to the long term ward at the various children's hospitals. he did volunteer work for Make a Wish too. he went to Florida the other day to visit a little girl who had cancer. how could he not help children? "oh good." he breathed, nearly sagging with relief. he knew it was silly to have been worried, but still... he had been. after the mess with Bucky... well, that didn't matter really. "i'm sure he's smiling." he agreed as he smiled at her. "yeah. lets go." he agreed, kissing her gently. "i hope everything's going alright at the Tower." he admitted.
Thor smiled "yes, that would probably be a good idea." the thunder god admitted before he chuckled, walking toward the elevator. He wasn't gone more tghan a few minutes, dressing in a soft blue tshirt that showed off his muscles, jeans and brown boots. "Okay, now i'm ready to show you around." he said with a smile, leading loki to the elevators where they would go down nearly 20 levels to reach the top R&D level in the tower.

JJ chuckled and nodded. 'yes, even scotch whiskey and coffee.' he stated, smiling at his lover and he walked him to the bed and handcuffed him. he knew how much tony liked the handcuffs. JJ was quick to strip his lover, and himself, putting on the blind fold first before the nipple clips and attached cock ring. He smirked. "Always tony mi'love. always." he admitted to tony's turning on comment as he stuck the butt plug on without warning, his smirk widening. he had just gotten an aweful idea. 'maybe i should leave you tied up like this all helpless? its sexy watching you squirm." the man admitted, giving his lover a kiss as he stroked tony's now vibrating cock.

Krystal smiled and gave him a light kiss. "I know love. I don't fault you for it." She told him softly, smiling again. She loved what he did for little children, and wanted to come, but she didn't dare. Krystal was a bleeding heart, and should she go to a terminal children's ward? Her magic would overflow from her emotions, and heal them all. While that wasn't necesarrily a bad thing, she wasn't sure if it was necesarrily the right thing. She looked at him, her glacial blue eyes curious. Had he thought she would say no? While it was true bucky had taken a toll on her, and she feared him dying on her now too, but she said yes anyway because she loved him, more than anything, and just as much as she still felt for bucky. They were her anchors. If Steve were to die again, she wouldn't know what to do. Krystal kissed him back. "I love you. Let's go home and get in bed , huh? I'd like a piece of my sexy captain." She said with a wide smirk, carrying the basket back to the car, it much less heavy now that all the food was eaten, mostly by her fiancee. Krystal maybe in most cases like a super soldier, but she really never ate much. It was a moonian trait. They only ever ate enough to survive, even when famished. She got into the car, waiting for him, simply because he hated having her drive.
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