Minding Me(Avengers)-Moon/Krys


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It had been a long year, a very long year since the day that they had defeated Loki and the Alien army. While it had been long, traumatic, and painful life had been very good fr the Avengers. Tony had nearly died in a drunken rage when Pepper died a month after he had been sure that he had fixed the Extremis. Steve had been mired in lonely depression until Tony had invited everyone into the tower. Steve had moved in first, desperate for human contact and had gotten together with one of the few females on the team, Krystal, well that's what it looked like anyway. Steve was honestly thinking of proposing to. Her son, JJ was currently dating Tony who was slowly getting over the pain of failing Pepper on top of his neglected and abused childhood. Everyone had been relieved when Phil Coulson proved to be not dead, inhuman on top of that, two months after he'd fallen in battle. A lot of people had been worried about Clint's mental state, Natasha the most. Natasha was working on seducing the shy, brilliant scientist that was Bruce Banner. Things had settled down with everyone living in the tower and now nearly all of them where happy. Thor's depression and Phil's obsessive compulsive tendencies notwithstanding.

Aside form the occasional fight for territory within Avengers Tower, life had been completely peaceful. There had been no massive robots, no giant lizards, no alien invasions, no threat to world peace. Nothing but the chance to get to know each other and spend Tony's very impressive fortune. Tony was, of course, delighted to share his money if it meant his friends where happy. So when Phil called and told them that they where needed at Shield Headquarters right away, they where a little surprised. Hadn't life been peaceful? Aside from the major Crime Bosses who where destroying most of New York, which wasn't an Avengers problem anyway, there had been nothing to do. Still, a call was a call and all of the Avengers trucked out to Shield Headquarters was located. Hopefully they wouldn't need Thor, since the man was gone back to Asgard to do his princely duty to his people. Once they got to Shield it was clear why they had been called. On a large video feed was a very familiar face. Loki. Sitting barely dressed, with a half a dozen other scantily clad men and women.

“Thank you for coming so quickly.” Fury stated calmly. “as you can see, we have in our possession one Loki Odinson. The problem is... he doesn't know that's who he is.” Fury admitted. “we ran a raid against one of the Crime Lords running most of Manhattans crime syndicate.” Fury admitted. “Domingo Montoya had those seven people with him at the time. Whether they are his harem, or simple prostitutes we are not sure, since none of them are talking.” Fury admitted. “Loki has no idea who he is, where he comes from, or what he's capable of. Complete and total amnesia regarding anything that isn't Domingo Montoya, whom he is extremely loyal to.” Fury admitted. “all Loki would say was that his name was Alexandyr, and that he wanted to go back to Domingo, and that we where evil bastards...” Fury admitted with a shrug.

Phil was studying Loki on the screen. Loki was smaller, younger almost. He wasn't so thin he looked sick as he had when he'd tried to invade the earth. His hair was clean and fell to his hips in a smooth braid and he was wearing nothing but a hip wrap with a pair of black lace panties underneath, protecting his modesty... sort of, and a pair of knee high pantyhose. He was handcuffed, both hands cuffed to the wall behind him since he kept trying to attack anyone who walked into the room, and he was clearly sulking. It was a cute sulk at least, he certainly didn't look anything like he did when he was evil. He looked more like a petulant teenager caught with a cigarette than a criminal mastermind and attempted world conqueror.

“When is Domingo coming?” Loki finally asked, voice younger, softer, smoother, calmer. The person next to Loki shook his head. “He's not coming to get us Alexandyr. He's been arrested.” the other person admitted, Loki just shook his head. “what's that mean?” “it means they have him in a cage and he's not getting out.” another man stated, sulking just as bad as Loki was. Clearly they where Domingo's Harem, loyal as they where.

(this is the Hip Wrap that Loki is wearing. he's basically naked.)
Krystal looked at the screen eyes concerned. "So Loki's back? Hmm. We should talk to Thor. I'm sure he had a hand in this." She said, Bruce and Clint nodding in agreement. She watched the screen, almost disbelief in her eyes. "I could shift into this Domingo guy and convince him to come to the tower with us." JJ offered, holding onto tony tightly. While he knew the man was mostly stable when it came to the godling, he still had issues. Krystal held unto to Clint with her free arm, the other was around Steve's waist. It was still so weird for her to be shorter than him, even though he had had the serum for almost 70 years now. She still mourned Bucky as well, even if something inside her told her they'd see him soon.

Clint watched the screen, eyes trained on Loki. "He looks so fragile. That's scary in itself." Clint muttered, eyes still trained on the screen. He was trying to get it through his head that that was Loki. The man that had so brutally took over his mind and made him do things he still couldn't shake the guilt of. He looked to coulson. "Coulson, do you think that if JJ did that it would help the situation?" He was uteerely a mess. His lover was back from the dead, and his once master was back as well. This was a little to much for the man to handle, and he leaned into Krystal. He found that for some reason just being near her eased the pain in his head from all this information being thrown at him.

Bruce was next to observe Loki, or rather, his eyes were trained on him. "Hard to believe that's the same guy I smashed into the penthouse at the tower." He mused, chuckling a little to himself, remembering the wheeze that had escaped his mouth after. Inside his head, hulk chuckled as well. "Do I get to smash him again?" Hulk asked inside the genius scientist's head and he answered. "Not this time, big green. Maybe if he misbehaves." He looked to Krystal for a moment, remembering their last session. She had been teaching him ancient moonian personality repression meditation. It was something she was taught on the off chance her sister was murdered. "He'll need therapy, Krys. Its possible the all father wiped his memories." He said, and Krystal simply nodded. She knew that was obvious.

Meanwhile, Thor was on Asgard, feeling weary and missing his friends. The nine realms were now all at peace, he found he really didn't have much joy in Asgard anymore. Not when he brother was alone on midgard. He went to the only place he found comfort since his mother had been murdered. To see heimdal. He knew everything. "How are my friends, gate keeper?" He asked, looking at the man curiously. He really wished to be with them.
Steve nodded. "i'm sure he did." he agreed. "i'm sure he had a good reason for it..." he admitted as he stared at the Loki on the screen. it was so weird to see him like that. "That wouldn't be a good idea." Fury admitted to JJ, shaking his head. "We tried that already, he can tell when a person is Domingo or not." "He saw straight through my illusions." Coulson admitted. "i don't know if it was physical cues or if Loki was unconsciously accessing his magic, but he will know as soon as you walk in that door that your not Domingo." "plus, we want him to trust us. tricking him into the Tower wouldn't be a good start." Natasha stated, waving her hand almost dismissively. it was a hand gesture she used when she was thinking very hard about something. "...he does look Fragile.." he admitted, glancing at Krystal. she knew him well enough to know what that look meant. it meant that Steve wanted to help someone. maybe they could reform Loki.

Coulson reached over and took Clint's hand, offering his lover some comfort. as much as he dared while in front of Fury. not that Fury didn't know they where dating, but it was best not to flaunt it. "wiped his memories?" Steve asked, looking surprised, his head tilted as he considered Loki. "you mean that they made him forget everything on purpose? why?" "to give him a second chance." Natasha mused. "it makes sense. we don't punish people who have amnesia. perhaps this is their version of rehabilitation. wipe the memories, send him to live with the people he wanted to hate, hope it teaches him compassion or whatever." she muttered, her head tilted. "well... time to get to it." she decided, turning on her heal and leaving the rom, only to appear in the video feet, Lok jerking to attention, eyes narrowed, tense, ready for battle, ready to fight. "Alexandyr, was it?" she asked him. "my name is Natasha Romanoff." she introduced, Loki's eyes narrowing. "why should i care?!" he demanded, the room snickering. "You should care. since i'm going to be one of your watchers for the foreseeable future. and one of the people who knew you before Domingo." that made Loki pause, his head cocked to the side as he examined her. "Don't listen to her Xan! she's a filthy cop, they always tell lies! she doesn't know shit about you!" "...she's not lying." Loki stated softly, the room stilling. apparently Loki still retained the ability to tell when a person was lying. it was a part of his innate magic. he just knew, and apparently his 'lie detection skills' was well known to the room.

Heimdall turned to face Thor, his head tilting in a slight greeting. "Greetings Odinson." Heimdall turned back to the great beyond, really it just looked like he was looking off into nothing. "Your friends have all gathered in the Shield Headquarters. they have discovered Loki's existence." he explained to Thor. "apparently, he has become a member of a Harem for a very bad man. he doubts the Avengers and will try to escape them." Heimdall admitted. "but he is fascinated by the as well... aside from this, they are all healthy and happy. there has been no major disturbances to their lives since Phil Coulson's return."
Krystal nodded. "When we get back to the tower I will contact him." She said, knowing the thunder god could use a vacation from his home world. While she knew he loved it, she also knew his deeper secrets, like that of his love for his brother. It was deeper than brotherly. JJ nodded. "Alright then uncle Phil." He said looking to coulson it was no secret that agent could son had always treated Krystal like his daughter, though no one aside from them knew the reason. Her father had been the high fae prince of the dark court, and had been friends with Phil, though his name had been rath roiben rye then. She had never called him that in this time though. Saying a Faye's full name could allow you to control them. She had never wanted to do that. Phil was like a second father to her. She kissed Steve's head. "We'll help him, Stevie." She soothed, knowing exactly what he was thinking. The good captain had never been very good at hiding his emotions.

Krystal was next to step into the room, smiling lightly at Loki. "Hello alexandyr. I'm krystal. Its nice to meet you." She said in that same sweet tone she used when her son was upset, smiling at the godling. "I've known you all your life, frosty." She said, purposefully using the nickname she had given him when they were children playing on the moon. It could be upwards of 110 degrees outside, and he'd still be an IceCube. She knew that feeling for sure. "Do you think you can trust me, Alex? I mean you no harm, and I'm not a cop. Never was. I am, however a dentist." She joked a little scanning the other people in the room, hoping that some shred of him even if it were just his magic, would recognize her.

Clint watched closely still, worried for both Natasha and Krystal as the walked in to see Loki. The idea of being that close to that man made him remember the nightmares of how Loki used to abuse him sexually under the thrall. He hadn't minded at the time, having only wanted to please his boss, quit now it made chills go up his spine. He squeesed coulson's hand and nodded at Natasha's deduction. "Yes, that does make sense. Once he has learned people are valuable his memories would return, perhaps?" He said, and Bruce just nodded. It was a possible theory, but they wouldn't know for sure without actually talking to either Thor or the all father himself. That wouldn't exactly work, because Krystal was the only one capable of getting there.

Thor nodded. "That is good." He said, knowing his brother well enough that if he wanted to disappear, he would. Even without his memories, Loki would be able to leave. He was quite stealth like that. "I wish there was a way I could tell Krystal to talk to him. She has quite a way with him. Even possessed by the tesseract he would talk to her as a person." He admitted, tryly just wishing again to be with his friends. While he loved sif and the warriors three, he missed midgard. He particularly missed Krystal, having know her the longest.
Steve nodded. "perhaps he'll stop sulking if he sees his brother." he agreed with a smile. he hadn't seen it until Krystal had pointed it out, but it made sense now that Thor loved Loki in more than a platonic way. Phil could only smile when she called him uncle. he had loved her like a daughter for most of her life. the second he'd laid eyes on her and been named Godfather he had loved her like the child he'd never been able to have. his name, Wrath Robin was not his Full Name. but when used by someone who knew intimate details of his life and person and soul, like Krystal, to make him do as she bit. he was glad she had never used his name. the fact that he had trusted her with even half of his True Name was speaking of deep and unfathomable trust. "it's alright Clint." Phil murmured, bending his head and kissing his lovers neck. "i shan't let him have you again. he won't have the chance. i wil place special magics upon you tonight so he cannot even try." he promised.

Loki stared at her, suspiciously calm as he examined her. "i don't know you and you are an Enemy of my Master, Domingo Montoya." Loki stated as soon as he realized they where trying to manipulate him, even if they where telling the truth. "He is the one who took me in after i found myself naked and hungry on the streets. diry and sore and sick. He is the one who gave me food, and life, and purpose." Loki lifted his head, as proud as ever. "Domingo Montoya is my Master, and he will come for me, and all of you will burn and bleed for keeping me, us! from him!" Loki hissed before turning his head away from them. part of him did recognize her, but his loyalty to Domingo was deep and beyond such things as logic. "...well... that didn't work." Natasha sighed. "... we might have to take him by force." she admitted, studying Loki who scoffed. "i will wait here for My Master. he will come for me." Loki stated with a sniff.

"Heimdal smiled a little. "she is already working with him. he i a stubborn brat still and has denied her. i am sure things will work out." he admitted. "the Allfather has given you leave to go." Heimdall admitted. "you should leave. go and be with your friends on Midgard. you miss-them, you are pining, everyone can see it. go on, see if you cannot bring some humanity into Loki." Thor wouldn't know the answer to the question though, because the All father had not told Thor which spell he'd used. Loki would never remember his past life until he had felt as much joy and love as he had caused pain and misery. Loki would not remember until he had a life worth living with people willing and able to help him through the guilt and agony and shame. not only over what he'd tried to do on Midgard... but also the pain that Loki had suffered at the hands of Asgard and it's people. Loki thought he loved Domingo, and maybe he did. but Domingo did not love him back. Loki was just too naive to know it.
"I'm sure he will. Though I do not think it will make much difference to Loki. He can not remember himself." She said wisely before she smiled at Phil and JJ. She was glad he had survived. It was painful to have to keep watching people she loved die, especially someone like Phil or Bucky. She knew that he had never given her his full name, but she didn't mind. She would never use it unless of dier emergency. She loved and respected him to much to ever make him submit to her in anyway. That was not the kind of person she was. She'd rather die than control someone by force like that. Clint shuddred as Phil kissed his neck, and he leaned into the old fae prince. "O-okay. I trust you, Phil." He said, studdering a little simply from embarrassment.

Krystal smiled a little. "I am not an enemy of him, Alexandyr. I do not wish to fight him or any other if I can avoid it. I am sure he did, and that is good, I will thank him for that." She said in that soothing tone, knowing he knew she was indirectly manipulating him. If he had his memories he probably would have jumped in her arms. Even under the tesseract's power, he still loved her. Not in the sense of Steve or bucky, more like Clint, who saw her like the sister he had never had. She smiled at him again. "Why don't you let me help you alexandyr? We'll have great fun, pull pranks and make mischief." She said, knowing even without his memories, Loki would be intruiged by that possibility. She smirked a little. "I promise it'll be lots of fun, and theyr'll be white chocolate." She said, her smirkish grin widening. Krystal looked at him, hope in her glacial blue eyes. "I am your friend, alexandyr. Nothing could change that. Please, trust me? I really mean no harm." She finished, her eyes sad yet hopeful as she looked into his emerald ones.

Thor's expression brightened. "That is good. Can you open a portal for me?" He asked, smiling lightly. He was ready to return. While he loves Asgard, he missed midgard. The place was full of fascinating people, animals, and foods. He had missed his pop tarts, all his friends, and his brother, whom he loves very deeply. For Thor, he wasn't just his brother. He was an amazing and sweet person, and very fragile. He wanted to protect his brother.
Phil nodded. it was true, Loki wouldn't care really, not one lick about who Thor was. Phil smiled down at his cute little mate and gently stroked his knuckles. "there is no reason to be embarrassed My Heart." he promised, smiling at Clint. "he is not the same man as he was. i know some stories about Loki as well... he has suffered a lifetime of abuse, abuse that no one stopped and even blamed him for." he admitted, stroking Clint's hair now as well. "he has a chance to redeem himself now. i think we should give him that chance. i know it will be very hard for you, My Heart. but if you need, we can move out of the tower for the duration of Loki's stay. you don't have to even look at him if that is your will."

Loki paused and turned to examine her again, the room shifting nervously. clearly most of them took their cues from Loki, indicating that he was 'first wife' of sorts. he was the leader of the Harem, in charge of keeping order between the lovers. she wanted to thank Domingo? how strange since everyone else in this accursed place kept telling him he could curse his Masters name. he paused, examining her intently, as if trying to read her soul before he nodded. "okay." "Alexandyr! you can't!" "Silence!" Loki hissed, voice dangerous and the Harem cringed. "i do not Abandon my Master." Loki assured them. "These people know who i was. perhaps i was someone who could be more useful to Domingo." that was a scary thought, a crime lord with the power of limitlessness magic at his fingertips. good thing Domingo was behind bars for the rest of his unnatural life. he stood up, the shackles slipping easily from his wrists, making Fury sputter in anger. the blasted Godling hadn't even used magic! clearly they where really going to have to watch Loki this time around. "Co not touch me." Loki ordered when Natasha moved to hold onto his arm, lest he slip away. they couldn't be sure Loki wasn't just going to run off and break Domingo from jail after all. she had no doubt he could do it, magic or no magic.

"Of Course My Prince." Heimdall promised, moving to stand in the appropriate spot. the Rainbow Bridge had taken a long time to repair, but it was fixed now and Heimdall no longer had to waste limited stores of black magic to send Thor to earth and bring him back. "Be safe, My Prince. i will call you when you are being summoned back." he promised as he waved Thor through. he would be dropped off, as always, on the Avengers 'landing pad'. the same one that Tony used when he landed his Iron Man suit and the same one Shield Agents used when they where coming back from a mission on a smaller jet.
Clint nodded. "I agree, Phil. After all, I got a second chance." He said, relax in as Phil played with his hair, sighing softly. The fae had always found ways to keep Clint calm. He gave his lover a light kiss, blushing, even though everyone in the room knew about the couple and supported them. "No, I would rather stay, love. I can keep an eye on him by using the ducts." He explained, leaning into Phil a bit. He needed to keep calm, and cuddling into his lover helped. Bruce looked up. "Abused? That explains a lot. Poor guy. I can understand that." He said, watching the screen.

Krystal smiled a little. "Good. It will all work out for the better, alexanyr." She said, watching as the cuffs fell off. "Nat don't" she almost ordered, looking to the other female avenger. She was second in command after all, and not just because she was captain america's girlfriend. Her thousands of years of life served well for her to learn many tactics be them forceful or subtle. She smiled at Loki. "Come take my hand, and we'll go meet the rest of your new friends, okay?" She asked, looking to the rest of the harem. "You will all find happiness. Mark my words." She said simply, a prediction as she tentatively reached for the godlings hand.

Thor smiled. "Thank you gate keeper and I will be." He said, as he smiled again, stepping through the portal and landing on the pad at the tower, walking to the door. "Lord Jarvis, I am home." He told the AI, wishing to be let into the common part of the tower. He was glad to be back at the tower, where he was sure his friends would appear again soon.
Phil shook his head. "no second chance was needed my love, it was not your fault." he promised, stroking the man's hair before looking up at Bruce. "from what i understand, Loki has lived life being at the mercy of people stronger than him. magically and physically Loki has been brutalized, beaten, hurt and since those people where never punished, Loki probably came to believe that was the way things where done and then couldn't understand why HE was being punished when he did the same as was done to him." Phil admitted. "this is all supposition of course, being that i was not there to witness it myself, but Lady Mab has and she is the one who explained all of this to me. i cannot help but pity that poor creature." he admitted. "i don't think Thor even knows how fucked up Loki's life has been."

"very well." Natasha agreed as she moved away from Loki. Natasha had hated Krystal when they first met until Krystal had proven that her position had been well earned. Krystal was the only person Natasha always listened to, even Captain America didn't get that honor. sure she'd listen to him in battle, but anyplace else Natasha did what she wanted and that was that. Loki narrowed his eyes at Krystal, suspicious and wary of her. he knew there was something... off about her. he didn't know it was Magic, and that she was basically an alien, he just knew that she triggered his flight or fight response. "...these are my friends. i need no others." Loki stated sweeping his hand to indicate the Harem. he was a stubborn bastard, but at least he wasn't viscous or mean anymore.

"Welcome Home Sir." Jarvis piped, the sound of clicking reaching Thor's ears, indicating that Thor was now allowed entrance. "The Team has been called to Shield and are not at home. please make yourself at Home. there is Ale in the fridge and pop tarts in your Cabinet." because there where so many people in the tower, each person was assigned a specific Cabinet in the Community Kitchen so people weren't constantly eating each others snacks. this was started because Tony had gone in to get his favorite snack and found every last one eaten by Steve. each Avenger had a clearly marked Cabinet and Mini fridge to stash their own hoard of goodies, and there was three large fridges and massive pantries that held the Community goodies for making dinners and such. typically it was Steve and Phil who did all of the cooking, mostly because they enjoyed it but also because they didn't burn anything they tried to cook.
Clint nodded. "Okay." He said softly, though there was an unsure edge to the words. Bruce looked at Phil. "Ah, I see. That sounds brutal. Poor guy." He said as he looked to Phil and then back to the screen, sympathy in his eyes. It really did explain why Loki was the way he was, along with the tesseract. Clint looked at his lover. "I have a theory, too. What if the tesseract was the real reason he attacked earth? Like if he didn't really control the chituari, that they controlled him?" He asked, looking contemplative, Bruce nodded. "Its possible, hawk."

Krystal nodded at Natasha, smiling at her. She knew how Natasha had felt about her when they first met, but as soon as she proved herself the two had become like sisters. She could sense Loki's unease. "You have nothing to fear frosty, really. I'll explain as soon as we get back to the tower." She told him, taking his hand. She smiled at him. "Well, sometimes more friends are good." She said, leading him out with Natasha to introduce everyone. "Well, you've already met Natasha, but this is Steve, Clint, Phil, Bruce, Tony, and lastly, my son, JJ. Say hi everyone." She said with a bright smile, and Clint and Bruce said hi, Bruce smiling lightly. Clint still looked unsure, so he clung to Phil, but said hello all the same.

Thor stepped in smiling. "Thank you, lord Jarvis. It is good to be back." The thunder god bellowed as he grabbed a box of pop tarts, opening the fist bag, and putting them in the toaster carefully. "Jarvis, please toast my pop tarts?" He asked, sitting at the table with a large bottle of ale, simply relaxing. "Yes, I know they are at shield, heimdal told me before I left Asgard. I came to see lady Krystal and to keep after Loki. I worry for him." He said, looking to the toaster hopefully.
Phil smiled at Clint, kissing his temple. "yes indeed. i don't know all the details, but rape, dismemberment and having his lips sewn shut has been mentioned in conjecture with MR. Odinson." Phil admitted softly. "there has been mention that Loki's children had also been murdered." he admitted, making Steve jerk violently. "Loki has Children?" "...he used to." Phil admitted, making Steve go pale at the implications. "Christ..." Steve whispered, voice so soft you almost couldn't hear him. that was awful, and if the Chitauri had been even halfway controlling Loki... it would explain why they had decided to wipe his memories instead of punishing him. if Loki hadn't been in control of his own actions, coupled with the life he'd lived, how could they punish him? especially if Thor and Odin loved Loki despite all of the pain and suffering the Godling had caused.

Loki's eyes narrowed again. "Tower?" he demanded. Loki had read enough fairy tales to think that Towers was where they kept people locked up. "it's a skyscraper." Natasha explained. "where the Avengers live. it's known as Avengers Tower because Tony Stark is weird." Loki just blinked at her, his ruffled feathers soothed. "we all live there." Natasha continued. "you'll live there with us." she admitted, examining him. he didn't need to be able to read minds to know what she was thinking. they where watching him because he was dangerous. good, it was right that they feared him. "i suppose it's nice to meet you." Loki stated as he examined them. "i am Alexandyr." he stated simply. "no last name?" Steve asked, Loki shrugging. "i do not require one." "...well.. shall we get going?" Phil asked. between him and Krystal, they could take the entirety of the Avengers to the landing pad through a portal, just like Thor had done.

"It is good to have you back Sir." Jarvis agreed. "Of course Sir." Jarvis agreed as the toaster turned on, seemingly by itself. a moment later and the toaster popped and a tiny robot hand plucked up two more Poptarts and repeated the process. even Tony's toaster was weird. "My Sensors indicate that they are Returning Sir." Jarvis piped up suddenly. sensing the incoming gathering of magic.
Clint shuddered. "Holy hell. I never thought I'd say this, but I actually feel bad for him." He said, watching the screen closely. Bruce grimaced. "That's just awful. His children too? No wonder Odin wiped his memories." He stated, but sadly Natasha wasn't in the room for him to lean on, so he settled for JJ, who he was very close to. The man in question wrapped an arm around his ferns shoulders. "That's just scary. Really makes you think." The half fae looking as if his heart could be ripped out at any minute. JJ was a very sensitive man for being as old as he is. He would be 70 soon, but still retained the look of a 25 year old because of his mother's DNA.

Krystal smiled at Loki. "You'll like it there. Its very modern, and we have an AI that does our bidding. You should be able to meet him and Thor when we get there. Thor was off planet, but now he's back." She explained, following them into the room. JJ smiled at the man. "Hello alexandyr. I'm James. You can call me JJ though. Everyone does." He said with a bright smile as his mother gave Steve a soft kiss on the lips before nodding at Phil. "'Yes, that is a good idea, uncle Phil." She said as she helped Phil open the portal between shield and the tower. She took Loki's hand again and smiled. "Its alright. Just a bit of magic. You will get used to it." She said as she stepped through with him, smelling pop tarts coming from inside the tower. "Yup. Thor's definitely home." She mused, as JJ and Clint came through next, followed by Bruce. She knew Phil would have to come through last because he was the opener of the portal.

Thor smiled. "It is good to be back, and thank you most kindly, Jarvis." He said, smiling to no one in particular, as he sat on the couch and waited for his friends, and Loki. "That is good, Jarvis. I am glad." He said as Krystal came in, smiling at him as she out a white chocolate bar out of her cabinet. "Here alexandyr, try this." She said as she got one for herself, the cabinet magically restocking itself.
Phil nodded. "he's messed up. that doesn't give him the right to do what he did to people, but it explains why he might have done it." Phil admitted. glad that the Avengers would be more willing to help Loki after a brief history lesson. granted Phil didn't know for a fact that Loki had suffered all of that, but his Mother rarely lied about such things. he had no doubt that Loki had suffered so. he looked at JJ, knowing the others empathy was on overdrive. unlike what most thought, the Fey where not nearly as emotionless as they portrayed. in fact they where much more emotional than humans where. each feeling was deeply felt, be it happiness, pain, or sadness. even a half Fey had been known to pine to death if their lover died or left them. even a half fey had been known to slaughter in defense of a wounded innocent.

"...AI?" Loki asked, looking curious now. even without his memories, Loki was a curious little fellow and was always getting into something to figure out how it worked, why it did that, what it was for. Domingo had adored Loki's childlike exuberance and brought Loki something new to explore every time Loki had exhausted the previous gift. "Yup! Jarvis, Just a Very Intelligent System!" Tony bragged, because he was Tony. "I made him myself!" "You're Tony Stark!" Loki gasped, making a beeline for the man. "your work on Thermal Nucleon Dynamics was legendary! and the way you turned it from a weapon into an energy source was a piece of Art!" Loki baffled, startling Tony. clearly Loki still retained an extraordinary amount of intelligence. soon the two where babbling back and forth about mechanics, physics, and Technology as if they where old friends. he was still babbling to Tony as he examined the portal warily. "Magic isn't real. it's just fairy tales and stories." he scoffed as he examined the Portal intently before curiosity overcame him and he stepped through, Steve rolling his eyes. "he's going to be a handful...." Natasha sighed. "yes he is." she groaned.

Loki studied the bar in his hands and glanced at her as if she was stupid. "i have had Chocolate before you know." he stated as he sucked on a slender piece in his mouth. even the knowledge that it was probably drugged had not kept him from eating it. "Hey Thor! Buddy! welcome back!" Tony chirped, delighted to have the big guy back home even as Loki curiously studied the Toaster which was feeding more pop-tarts into itself. "fascinating! remarkable design... why on earth do you have a toaster that does this? Laziness? or is it because there is so many people here that you can't all work it at the same time? how does it know when it's made enough? does it? or does it just keep going until it runs out of bread? er... Pop-tarts? how does it know which setting to use?" "...handful." Natasha groaned, already feeling exhausted. Tony just laughed, delighted by Loki's interest in technology and started to explain how and why and everything else.
Clint and JJ both nodded. "That is quite true uncle Phil. From my many years as a psychiatrist, it is very likely that his treatment was part of the reason he lashed out on the world, and the chituari only added to it. It does not excuse his actions, but it does allow as a window in which to start, even if he does not remember." The man stated wisely, and Clint nodded. He didn't really understand what JJ had just said, but he knew the man was probably right in his conclusions. He and Phil were rarely wrong. He looked to Phil, grey blue eyes sad. "I hate that the realms have been so cruel to him. We should all give him love. I may not be john Lennon, but, his thoughts are true. All you need is love." JJ added, and Bruce nodded. Clint looked a bit unsure, but he nodded as well. "I will try. He isn't the same person anymore." The man stated, holding unto his lover for support.

Krystal smiled. "Yes, artificial intelligence. I'm sure if you ask tony he will he show you around Jarvis." She said, smiling at Loki's reaction to the man in question. There was a slight jealousy to JJ's eyes, but he smiled anyway, knowing that tony and Loki would only ever be good friends. He had mostly inherited his mother's ability of fore site. Bruce chuckled a little as he watched the two men babble, adding his own imput here or there as he wrapped an arm lightly around Natasha, blushing as red as a tomato. He really liked her, even if she sometimes scared him shirtless. They were a good match really, if you thought about it, a brave and cunning assassin and a sweet yet fearsome scientist.

Krystal smiled at him. "Oh, well, this is white chocolate. Its different." She said before she chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "You think I would drug you? No, these are from my personal stash. No drugs involved." She added, smiling at him as she took a bit of hers. "Friends! It is good to see you all!" Thor exclaimed happily, pulling them all into a big bear hug before Loki began to become fascinated with the toaster. "It is good to see he is experiencing some joy." Thor told Krystal who nodded. "With any luck, he'll become happy here and forget the man who was simply using him." She said, smiling a little as Thor nodded, agreeing.
Phil nodded. "i never took psychology." he admitted. "just common sense, but it's nice that someone qualified agrees with me." he admitted. he was extremely proud of JJ's accomplishments. JJ was just as important to him as Krystal was. family in everything but blood. "even if he does start to remember, it will make it easier to help him." he admitted. "though i don't think he will be remembering anytime soon. there's no telling which memory bind Odin used on him." Phil admitted. "in any case, perhaps we should try for friendship before we try for Love?" Phil asked, looking amused. "he's still very volatile, and extremely loyal to this Domingo. we will have to work slowly with him." he admitted as he wrapped both arms around Clint, holding him gently yet firmly. offering him comfort, as much as he could.

"...remarkable." Loki admitted. Loki himself had no physical interest in Tony. the man was entirely too scrawny and entirely too submissive for Loki to even consider. Loki liked a man with muscles and purpose and Power... though, maybe that's just because that was what Domingo was. Natasha grinned, delighted at the contact. she'd been working on Bruce for almost a year! now she just had to get him to accept something more than a kiss and she'd be set for life! a man like Bruce was loyal, she knew once she got him to understand she wasn't going to leave, he'd love her forever, just as she intended to do. she had never believed the fairy tales of true love and soul mates, but what else could this possibly be?

"your the bad guys. of course you'd drug me." Loki stated simply as he blinked at the huge giant coming at him, quickly darting out of the way so he wasn't caught up in that massive group hug. he spend the next hour dismantling the toaster to see for himself how it worked, Tony sitting right next to him the entire time and pointing out why that was there, what that part did, just all around technogeeking out. "i'm not so sure that Domingo was just using him." Steve admitted softly. "a man who gains that much loyalty from seven different men... while i don't think Domingo loved any of them, might even have dropped them if he thought it might save him, i think that he treated them well... had some sort of affection for them. like they where pets or something." "some of the things Domingo said affirms that idea. he made the police promise to 'treat his pets well'. they where not loved but they where favored." Phil agreed. "i think Domingo is of the idea he's going to get out. crack legal team and all that..." here Phil smirked. "a shame it's not the American Legal system he's in."
JJ grinned. "Thanks uncle Phil. It means a lot." He said as he smiled at the fae. His mind was swirling with many different ideas as he watched both Loki and the couple in front of him. He nodded. "Good point." He told the older man, looking around. He chuckled at tony and Loki's cuteness. It was good tony was only his. He mused a bit, his mind working much like that of his lover's. Always changing. "Hmm, maybe we can use an aging potion on Clint so he stays young like this for you, cause you know, you don't age" he said, and Clint grinned at that. He liked the idea of staying with his lover for as long as Phil would have him. "I'd do it, Phil. Stay with you until you ordered me away." He told the other gently kissing him. Clint loved Phil so so much. He couldn't imagine life without him (again), and couldn't bear the pain of having his lover deal with his death. He could help being hurt in action, but on most days he usually only came home with a few scratches here or other which either JJ or Phil took care of. JJ was more than just a psychiatrist after all. He was also a bio chemist and a medical doctor, having had enough span of time to go to 3 different schools to get those degrees. He had started with Harvord medical school in the early 8o's fascinated by everything, and always keeping up his education, psychiatry was next, having known his lover, who at the time was simply hi best friend, needed it, then lastly biochemistry under Bruce's tutelage and another fine school. The man was very accomplished. "We will start small, but I believe just by the way he's so fascinated by tony, we will be alright" JJ deduced, looking to Phil and Clint.

Krystal smiled as she watcedd the two men babble on, and winked at Bruce as she cuddled into Steve.she knew the quiet tempered genius had it bad for Natasha, but he was to timid because the hulk to ever act on his feelings to much. He put an earn around Natasha and kissed her head, still not all that comfortable with PDA. He shuffled a little as Krystal asked him a question, but nodded. She had asked him if he would ever consider a more vigorus form of meditation. He'd do anything to reign over the hulk enough to be able to marry her. His love was so pure. They were soulmates, if you asked Krystal, and since she was the one everyone came to with love problems, she would know.

Krystal snorted. "I have no reason to drug you, frosty." She said simply before she and the rest of the team were entrapped in a bear hug. "Thunderball! You're home!!" She said excitedly, smiling. "Alexandyr, this is Thor. Thor, Alexander." She introduced, and Thor smiled. "It is good to meet you, alexandyr. I am Thor, crown prince of Asgard." He said, smiling at the man in question. He knew better than to call him Loki. Thor quietly watched alexandyr and tony pull apart the toaster as he ate pop tarts, smiling. He was glad to see his brother so happy and full of wonder. JJ smiled and walked over. "You almost done love? I want cuddles." He said as he wrapped his arms around the slenderer man, hugging him close to him as he kissed his shoulder chastely.
Phil looked startled. "there is such a thing?" he asked curiously. unlike Krystal and JJ, Phil had never entered a formal schooling situation. he knew how to read and he knew how to run a country and Shield through lessons at his mother and fathers knees, but he had never been schooled in any form or fashion so he knew relatively little about the advances in any of the realms unless someone told him. not to say he was stupid, as he was anything but. in fact he was very fast to learn, he just got bored and wandered off when he tried to learn one thing for too long that was all. most Fey where like that. it was only when their wild spirits where tempered with other blood, such as Human, or moonian that they where able to control themselves enough to truly focus and excel in anything they set their minds to. Coulson could rarely concentrate long enough to do anything more than a days worth of paperwork, something that only took the skilled Fey a half an hour or so, before he was flitting from project to project like a demented ADHD toddler on caffeine. the only thing he could truly focus on, was Clint.

"Your right, he is fascinated with Tony." Phil agreed. "or rather, Tony's intelligence. Loki has always been curious from what i understand. he seams to have traded his passion in Magic, for a passion in technology. not that their all that different." Phil admitted. honestly, Magic and technology where two sides of the same coin. different paths taken led to very vast differences, but they both could still be connected. where the Asgardians and the Midgardians to join their knowledge, the two realms would have no equal. not even the Fey would be able to compete then. probably was the reason why Odin was so careful about letting the two realms mix. he didn't like it when one realm had too much power over another. that's when bad things happened.

"of course you do." Loki scoffed as he watched Natasha smile and shove her hand into Bruce's back pocket. something she did often simply because it always made him blush, and she loved to see his blush. it was so cute! "...sure. whatever..." Loki stated, examining Thor, clearly thinking them all insane for introducing him to a 'god' and a 'prince'. clearly he thought Thor insane and the rest of the tower enabling him. oh well, the man seamed harmless enough. "oooh cuddles!" Tony agreed, hopping to his feet and following JJ, Loki chuckling as he resumed putting the toaster back together again. it was an easy enough process. "oh!... Thor? would you show L.. Alexandyr to his rooms?" Tony asked, realizing that he hadn't done that. "it's level Fifty Nine." Thor's floor was above Loki, and Phil and Clint's was underneath Loki, giving the Godling somewhere easy to access if he needed help and giving them the ability to keep a close eye on the godling.
JJ nodded. "Mom designed it. Its a mix of fae and old moonian magic. Used to feed it to dad and uncle Steve to keep them from dying on her. She's pretty twitchy about that. She might even be able to alter it so to make you younger as well, uncle Phil.'' He mused, smiling at the couple. He was glad that his uncle had found Clint. They were so good together. Clint balanced Phil in a way that JJ balanced Tony. The two just worked well, here was really no other way to describe the love between Phil and Clint. "Yes, I think I can alter the formula enough to de-age you, uncle Phil." He pondered, the wheels in his mind turning, trying to decide the best way to do that without accidentally turning the full blooded fae into a 9 year old for a day, as adorable as Clint and he would probably think that would be. Clint smiled. "You really think you can alter it JJ? You're mom's really picky about who has her potions. He said, have watched Krystal in her potions lab many a times as he crawled through the vents. He was actually quite fascinated with potions, but Krystal was never into showing him. JJ nodded at Clint. "Yes, I think I can. I am a biochemist with 70 years worth of my mom teaching me how to work my magkc and potions. I'm very familiar with the potion as well. That helps" he explained, and Clint smiled. "Well, okay. I trust you."

JJ nodded. "Yes, he really is. Mom's told me stories of what he was like when they were children, and Odin traded with grandma on the moon." He explained, sighing a little. He had always wanted to meet his grandmother and grandfather. Especially his grandfather. Krystal had often told him stories of life on the moon, and how the kingdom was destroyed by jealous eartian's and an evil entity named metalia. He smiled a little. "Uncle Phil, will you tell me some stories about grandfather later?" He asked, blue grey eyes wide with curiosity and hope. Clint smiled, hugging Phil close to him as he pulled them over to the couch, Phil in his lap, his head resting on the leaner man's shoulder. Bruce blushed as natasha put her hand in his back pocket. He kissed her head; smiling a little. He really loved her, but he was to embarrassed to admit it to his more or less girlfriend.

JJ chuckled as tony asked over to the couch, and he joined him, sitting in the handsome genius's lap. He kissed him slowly and with full of love, as he ran a chaste hand down the other's chest. Thor smiled. "That is good, and I will. Do follow me, alexandyr. We must take elevator down a few floors. I am on the floor above you. Do not hesitate to ask me for anything." Her told the other as he began smiling brightly. Thor lead alexandyr to the elevator and showed him his rooms, and it had many things tony thought the godling would like, despite not knowing he was a godling. Krystal had had some imput too, having painted the walls green and gold, and adding a lab. All in all it was a good room, and they all hoped he would feel at home. Krystal cuddled into Steve, giving him a passionate kiss. "Love, why don't want we go back to our rooms?" Krystal asked, a small smirk on her lips. She wanted to ravage him.
Phil smirked. "JJ. i'm a Fey. we don't age and we certainly don't look like this." he stated, indicating himself. Clint had seen Phil's 'True Form' but out of everyone in the tower, Only Krystal had seen it as well. he usually kept himself under spell and glamor at all times because he didn't want the humans catching on that he wasn't human. he had a good life here and he intended to keep it that way until he had no choice but to take up his Throne. "i had forgotten you hadn't ever seen me without my Glamor. here.." he pulled out his wallet and took out a picture of himself. for a moment it looked like a typical human picture, but as soon as JJ touched it it shimmered and turned into a Fey Prince. "this was taken a few weeks ago at the Castle. Mother insisted." he grumbled. "i had to get all dressed up in royal garb and everything. it was a 'royal' pain in the ass." he admitted with a chuckle. "however, anything you could make for Clint would be greatly appreciated. i'd like to have him with me when i have to take the Crown in a few hundred years." he admitted.

"your grandmother was a witty one." he agreed with a smile. "they where exceptional people." he admitted. "i'd be glad to. he and i used to hunt on the Windland Moors together. i'll tell you about the time he saved my life." he decided. "you'll get a kick out of that." he admitted with a smile as he let Clint manhandle him. Natasha chuckled as she watched them, leaning into Bruce simply because she could as Tony snuggled into JJ and whispered filthy things into the young moon prince's ear. Tony was, after all, perpetually horny. he hummed as he was kissed, snuggling into the other. "Thanks Thor!" Tony chirped as Steve looked at Krystal and flushed. he was always blushing even though he was nodding as he stood up, holding her hand.

"...i will keep that in mind." Loki promised as he followed Thor, examining the other curiously. it was pretty obvious that Loki was checking the man out. he blinked at the room, looking surprised. he had expected... a room. a bed, a chair, a TV. something small and something that locked from the outside. he blinked as he looked around. this was as impressive as his rooms at Domingo's. only he didn't have to share it with six other men and Domingo. plus there where books, all kinds of books. Books on things he wanted to know about, books that where entertaining, books that looked fascinating. and there was a lab of some sort too, he wasn't sure what that was for, but he'd look into it. there was even a kitchen and a massive living room, Loki wouldn't have to leave if he didn't want to. he could just eat there in his room, and that was good because sometimes he was moody and had headaches and didn't want to deal with anyone and would snap and snarl even if they didn't deserve it. Loki moved over to a pile of interesting things, little robots and pieces of technology that Loki could take apart and play with all he wanted. he was ignoring Thor now, a look of delight on his face as he settled into the little workshop station and started playing with one of the mechanical wonders.
JJ looked at the picture confused for a moment before it changed. His eyes widened a little. "Wow, you're handsome." He stated simply, knowing at that moment tony was to busy to notice. He wouldn't ever pursue Phil though, and not because he was his uncle. He couldn't do that to Clint or to tony. He loved them both to much. He chuckled a little at Phil's next few comments. "It does look like a hassle. I don't like wearing my princely garb either. Its to itchy." He commented before he asked a question. "I know mom's the reigning blue moon monarch, but is she also in line for the dark court throne?" That had been something he had been curious about for a long time, but his mother hadn't known for sure either. He knew that his grandfather had a brother, but he wasn't sure if that gave his great uncle Fiore the thrown or not. He had never understood fae politics.

JJ's eyes lit up at the prospect of hearing stories about his grandfather from someone who had known him so well. While his mother knew him very well, she had only had 18 years with him, where as Phil had had centuries. " so i've been told. I'd like that a lot. Mom tells me some things, but she cries a lot. She really misses him." He said, looking rather sad. He had not even known them and he missed them. JJ smiled and blushed a little as tony whispered nasty things in his ear, smiling a little. His boyfriend was such a horn dog, but then again, so was he, having Bucky's DNA in him, but it still made him smile. Bruce leaned into Natasha, whispering in her ear in perfect russian. He had learned it just for her. "Come with me to my room? I have something I want to ask you." He whispered in her ear, hoping she would. If he didn't ask her now, he didn't thing he ever would. Tonight just felt right though, right for him to ask her something he'd wanted to since they met in kalcutta.

Krystal smiled as she got up, kissing JJ's head chastely as was her nightly ritual before taking Steve's hand again, squeezing it lightly. She took that opportunity to pop them back to their rooms which she had decorated romantically for him especially. She smirked, "Jarvis? The song please?" She asked as the machine whirred and she took her hands in his. "Dance with me, captain." She said, smirking as the music started. It was their song, the one she used to request the band play when Steve and she were alone. She gave him a light kiss as she wrapped him around her, leading him.

Thor smiled as he looked around the rooms. That was Krystal and tony, always with an at tension to detail. "You can spend as much time as you like here, but tony has also given you permission to play around in R&D. He seems to think you'll have some ideas on improvements to some of his tech." The thunder god told his brother, watching him attack the machines happily. He was glad that Loki was getting some enjoyment out of the world. He smiled. "Krystal and tony designed this room from what they knew about you before. If you see her, please tell her you like it? She's very insecure sometimes." He explained to the man as he watched, content to just be near Loki, but needing some sleep. "I'm going to leave you now. Don't hesitate to ask Jarvis if you want or need something. That's what he's there for." Thor said before leaving Loki alone in his rooms.
Phil chuckled and nodded. "all of the Fey are." he admitted. "my clothing is not itchy, but it is rather restraining at times." he admitted. "one could not do battle, in either the field or the bedroom, wearing clothing like that." he admitted as he took the picture back, watching it change into his human appearance again before tucking it back into his wallet. "the Dark Throne is Matriarchal by primary." he admitted. "as she is the last Female of Dark Blood yes, she is in fact the Primary Heir. when the Dark Queen dies Krystal will inherit, unless the Dark Queen, or the Dark King sires another daughter. should Krystal deny her role as the Dark Queen then Prince Fiore will take up the Throne until either he, or Krystal has a daughter. depending on which daughter is born first will say who gets the crown." he admitted. "the Winter and Summer courts are ruled the same." he admitted. "the only throne that is Matriarchal is the High Crown and Throne. in which i am the sole Heir to." he admitted. "since there is no fighting between the Summer and Winter, or the Light and Dark courts i have no need to take my place." he admitted. "i know i will have to eventually but i enjoy my time on the earth." he admitted.

Tony sulked as he realized JJ was intending on ignoring his hard on. the jerk. granted, Tony loved orgasm denial but he'd like to have a little attention at least. "Jay Jaaaaaaaaay." he whined, pressing himself tight against the others back, plastering himself against his lover. "i'm hooooorny...."

Natasha looked up at Bruce and offered him a smile. "of course." she replied in her perfect fluid Russian and took his hand as she led the way. excitement battling with nerves as she wondered what he wanted to talk about. it was either really good, or really bad.

Steve smiled at her and stroked her hair away from her face, squeaking as they where 'popped'. "Christ! you know i hate it when you do that." he complained, though his eyes where glittering with amusement. he had stopped hating it a good while ago. once he stopped throwing up every time she did it. he had to beam at her when he realized she was being romantic. he loved it when she was romantic. "m pleasure." he stated, lifting her hand and kissing it before sweeping her into his arms. he'd never gotten a chance to dance before he'd been frozen so he had been delighted, just days after the Chitauri invasion, when Krystal offered to teach him. now he danced any chance he got with her.

Loki nodded eagerly, half ignoring Thor. "R&D?" he asked, startled. "you mean this isn't just a really big house?" he asked, looking like he wanted to bounce off the walls he was so excited. he seamed to have forgotten all about Domingo. "that's the woman right? the one who seams to think Magic is real? sure i can tell her." he agreed as he broke apart a... thing. "i will. thank you. goodbye." Loki chirped as he started working eagerly on his things. Thor wouldn't hear from Loki at all. but an hour later Thor would be woken by Jarvis's chiming voice, warning that Loki had crawled under the bed and was crying.
JJ looked at his uncle. "That sure is complicated." He said, eyes a little bit wide. He had never really understood the politics of the fae, but he did understand that his mother and uncle were very high ranking ones, even with his mother being half moonian. "So, who is the dark queen right now? Is it mother's grandmother or someone else?" JJ asked curiously, eyes full of fascination. He may not understand it, but he was still quite curious, especially about Fiore. His mother didn't much talk of him and he found it rather strange. "What is uncle fiore like?" He asked curiously, though his eyes were unsure if he should ask or not.

JJ chuckled at his Boyfriend. "We'll go up to our rooms soon love." He promised, giving the man another soft and passionate kiss. He loved this man whose lap he was in, though he just wanted to relax for a few more moments before he ravaged him. He had something special in mind planned for tonight, but it wasn't quite finished being put together yet, so tony would have to wait.

Bruce shuffled nervously when they got back to his rooms, playing with something in his khaki pants pocket. "Natasha... I wanted to asked you this before I chicken out again." He said shuffling a bit more before he continued. "I love you. I do. So so much. To the moon and stars and back, and I've been taking lessons from Krystal, so that I can be comfident in asking you this, knowing the "worse" won't hurt the one most important to me." He took another deep breath before he knelt down, taking the dark purple velvet box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal a diamond ring with rubies and emeralds on either side. "Natasha Romanoff, will you do me the extrodinary honor of marrying me?" He finally asked, sweating like a pig from fear she would say no. The man was still extremely insecure about everything, but not his love for Natasha. It was as pure as water fresh from a spring, and burned as hot as 10,000 suns.

Krystal chuckled a little. "No you don't." She said simply, making a tiny and cute squeak as he kissed her hand, He was so sweet and adorable. She cuddled into him, getting onto her tip toes to kiss him as she changed their clothes to match the music. She in a blue cocktail dress and he in a blue matching suit. She knew how much he like it when she was romantic, and this was only the beginning of the night. "My handsome captain." She purred as she gave him a light kiss on the lips her red lipstick leaving a faint trace on his own.

Thor chuckled. "Yes, tony enjoys bringing his work home, so he has several floors of R&D in the tower. You can usually find him in the basement where his personal lab and garage are." He explained to the other, smiling at his brother's obvious enthusiasm before leaving. Thor woke to Jarvis's chime, and practically ran to loki. "Alexandyr? What's wrong? Come out and we'll talk about it okay?" Thor soothed, looking worried for the other.
Phil smiled a little. "someone else. Vienna isn't actually related to Krystal in anyway. she is the previous Queen's Grand niece." he admitted. "she took over because Krystal wasn't born yet. she's over six thousand years old though and never took a mate, so children from her is unlikely." he admitted. "... Fiore is... hard." Phil admitted. "he thinks that most problems in life can be solved through war and battle. he and your mother do not get along well." he admitted as he stroked Clint's hip, stroking the flesh just above his lovers skin. simply touching him. he chuckled when Tony whined and sulked but settled down. Tony never really pestered, not JJ anyway. JJ had a handle on Tony like no one else ever had. even Howard couldn't get compliance out of Tony. "Fiore is a brute really. a bully though he himself doesn't see it." he admitted. "he never forgave Krystal for denying him as children. Fey don't really get the concept of Incest because our genetics allow for it." he admitted. "you won't see brothers and sisters marrying, but you do see cousins and the like." he admitted. "Fiore wanted to Marry Krystal and she turned him down because she was waiting for her True Mate. Fiore doesn't understand the concept of 'love over Power' so he took it personally."

Natasha blinked at him, looking a little surprised. she'd never heard him talk like this before. her feelings twisted up even more. was he asking for another step in their relationship or was he going to break up with her? she couldn't tell, she never could. Bruce's emotions never showed on his face right, not like most people. too much emotion suppression for him to show them properly. she blinked a little as she realized what he was doing and for the first time in her life she felt faint. "Oh my god..." she whispered, staring at him, a hand on her lips, catching hold of the couch before she collapsed. "Bruce" the voice filled with such emotion even she wasn't sure which it was. "Yes. oh my god Yes!" she whispered, tears blocking her vision as she slammed into him, lips on his. completely forgetting about the ring, because the ring didn't matter. she had him! he was hers! forever and always! "i love you! i love you so much!"

he chuckled a little. "your right of course." he agreed with a smile as he kissed her, jumping as she changed him. he had gotten a lot better, about magic and technology but sometimes it still made him jump. a lot of the time actually. "My Heart." he whispered back with a smile as he bent his head and kissed her on the neck, leaving the trace there. "i love you." he told her so at least once a day. he couldn't bring himself not to.

Loki nodded. "okay." he agreed, not paying attention in the least. "...Thor. right?" Loki asked, sounding uncertain, as if he thought he might have gotten Thor's name wrong. "nothing's wrong... not really. i just get like this..." he admitted, sniffling. "i just get really sad and scared... and being in the tight places where no one can reach me helps." while his memories had been wiped away, sometimes the emotions of those memories came back. sometimes he was sad and scared. sometimes he was so panicked he hyperventilated. sometimes he was in such a rage he hurt anyone who came close. Domingo didn't mind, he just helped Loki through the 'episodes'. if Domingo wasn't there then he went to Lucille. but they weren't there and he was alone, so he had hid under the bed. he slid out of the bed, deciding it would be okay to trust. something inside of him said it was okay to. he slid into Thor's Lap and curled up. like he had done once when the other children at the Academy had been mocking him for being so weird. they had only been twenty years or so at the time, and the words had been cruel and vicious. everything about the Academy had been cruel and viscous to Loki, even if only Loki knew it.
JJ smiled a little. "I think she just hasn't found the right one yet." He said, before he looked contemplative and he chuckled. "Mom's over 2,000 and only has me to show for it." He admitted, full on laughing as he saw Tony's expression. When Phil started to talk about fiore, JJ simply nodded. "Well, his name isn't all that fitting then. Fiore means flower in Italian. It may mean something different to fae though, right?" He mused, looking to the man in front of him as he cuddled into tony. He never really could understand why he had such power over tony, when he's dominant personality wise. Clint cuddled into his lover making tiny sounds as he was touched. The old fae knew just how to drive him wild without really turning him on. JJ looked a bit freaked. "So, I guess grandfather didn't approve? If he had, mother would probably be stuck in a loveless marriage with dad and Steve on the side. I wonder what he would think of me? Do ou think fiore would dislike me? Steve's good for mom, don't you think, uncle Phil? I wish I could have met dad..." he said, asking question in almost a rapid fire before looking quite deflated. His father hadn't even known Krystal was pregnant when he fell from the train. He cuddled into tony, resting his head on the genius's shoulder. JJ looked curious. "Is it possible that Fiore actually does love mother and that's why he was so taken aback by her refusal? I mean, even brutes do fall in love." He said, wondering. Maybe he'd find him and see, but he wasn't sure.

Bruce breathed out a happy and relieved sigh as she said yes. He mad a small "oof" noise as he was pretty much glomped, bad he slipped the engagement ring onto her left ring finger. "I Love you too, Natasha. For as long as I'll live." He said into her ear softly before kissing her again. Now he could confidently hold her close. She was his now, only his.

Krystal chuckled. "You're such a faker Stevie." She teased before she smiled, feeling him jump a little. "I love you too Stevie. Forever." She said, a tiny moan escaping her as she was kissed on the neck. He knew how sensitive her neck was. She loved being romantic for him, but what she wanted was for him to propose. She had dreamed about it since the moment he stepped back into her life.

"yes, my name is thor. " he said patiently, smiling a little as loki crawled out. "well, it could be any number of things, really. but don't worry. i'm here to help, and if you ever need someone more qualified, JJ is a trained therapist." he said, letting the smaller man climb into his lap, smiply cuddling him as he softly sang norse lullabys, trying to make him feel better. the thunder god would not let the worrry for his brother show, as the man in his lap, although he was loki, also wasnt. he hoped someday though, that loki would be his. he had always loved the small frost giant.
he chuckled. "no. she found them." Phil admitted with a smile. "one is Steve. the other... well, he's... gone." Phil admitted with a shake of his head. "you where born from him." he admitted. "that is why there is only you, she hasn't slept with anyone but her Soul Mates." he admitted. "no. it still means Italian Flower. it suits him well enough, he's prettier than any woman i've ever met." Phil admitted. "i think he's overcompensating really." he admitted. "your Grandfather believed in marrying for Love, and refused when Fiore tried to demand an arranged marriage." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "from what i understand, Fiore had to muck stables for three weeks when your grandmother found out." he admitted. "she was highly displeased." he admitted. "Fiore would rather like you i think. he's not a hateful person, he simply tries to exert his own will on everything and everyone. he would try to dominate and control you and get frustrated when he couldn't, but also be impressed with your will." Phil admitted. "Steve is very good for Krystal." he admitted with a smile. "just as she is good for him." he promised. "and no, Fiore does not love your mother, though he wishes to." he admitted. "Fiore is destined for another, he's just too blasted stubborn to admit it, or see it."

she beamed at him as she let him slide the thing on her finger. she wasn't paying attention to it really. she was marrying him, not his ring. besides, she had a feeling Stark had payed for it anyway, even if he didn't know it. "your mine forever now." she purred, pleased. "i hope you know that."

Steve smiled a little. "i'm not a fake, i'm a sassy bastard, just ask Tony." he teased, because Tony did call Steve that, often. because Steve loved picking on Tony almost as much as Tony loved picking on Steve. "i love you." he admitted softly. wishing he could drop to his knee in front of her. but the rings weren't done yet. he had to wait. dammit.

Loki nodded. "Thor." he agreed. "Domingo said it was because i have no memories." he admitted. "he braught in a shrink to talk to me. she thought it was because i couldn't remember anything, but the emotions and traumas where still there." he admitted as he snuggled into Thor. "don't leave me alone?" Loki asked softly as he let the lullabies sooth him to sleep. one hand clutched in Thor's shirt, as if making sure the other wouldn't leave.
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