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Jan 8, 2009
Bremerton, WA
"Right. Nazis dead. Nazi robots dead.
Broke all your shit. Secured the helicopters."

The New Order is SO GOOD you guys. Let me count the ways.

A perk system that unlocks progressively based on how you play - I'm a stealth/assault, because I sneak until I'm caught, and then I pull out the dual weapons. There's also Tactical, which is ADS perks, and Demolitions, which is obvious.

Collectibles EVERYWHERE. Nazi gold, records of music from a post-german world, letters, recordings, and even permanent upgrades to your best gun...

THE LASERKRAFTWERK. I won't ruin the experience of building your own BFG from the ground up by describing the various upgrades, bibs, and bobs you find and stick onto this thing. Just know that the mad giggles that erupt from you when you rip it out of a Nazi testing facility are only the start of a torrent of maniacal laughter that will develop over the next few hours.

The story is actually competent - Simple stuff, frequently reinforced by the characters talking about how wonderful it is to kill Nazis, but well-executed. BJ himself is great, which is nice, because he monologues fairly regularly between killing sprees.

But the most important part? The guns are just good. Melee is good. Killing Nazis feels better than it ever has before, and that's saying something, for a videogame trope this tired. Every weapon (aside from the Laserkraftwerk, which is sadly singular in design) can be doubled up. Even knives. Knives can also be thrown. There are four distinct melee interactions - Basic swing, does low damage (Though there's actually four of this one - Knife swing with gun out, knife swing with knife out, then right and left swings with two knives out), stealth takedown, which you've seen in a hundred games, then two new ones. Melee lockups occur if you and enemy both melee each other. You grapple and swing wildly until one dies. But my favorite? Predator takedowns. You don't need to be stealthed to oneshot an opponent. You don't even need to be behind him. You just need to get close to him QUICK and stab. I've used this to flush a half dozen enemies out from cover and kill them all with just knives.


If you like FPS, you are doing yourself a disservice every day you don't play this game.
I've gotten past the prologue and I'm really enjoying it considerably. Fast, frantic and gory, with some powerful weapons that carry a real kick to them. The thing that shocks me is that it's a modern FPS with no multiplayer component. Not necessarily a bad thing, it just seems like it would have fit in well.

Also what's up with the textures? Sometimes they're fine, other times they're complete ass when you're close to them and other times they only pop in when you look their way.
You know, multi would be great, but I don't think it would be compelling enough to stand out. I'm glad they passed it over.

I can't remember the last time I played a game without texture pop-in. Probably made worse by the fact that I download all my games.
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