Winter's Awakening (Krys/Green)

Bucky stared at her his eyebrow arched. Her magic flowed all around him but did not touch it. It continued to flow it a space beyond him. As it did a voice of incredible power but also mighty cunning and charisma. "That will do you no good child. He is under my guard." The voice gave a flex of power and her magic was thrown back into her.

Hulk growled and hurled himself toward his targets still growling. Cap sighed and looked at Stark. "We should go after him."
Krystal growled frustrated. "Child? i'm not a child. He is mine! You can't have him anymore!" She retorted, looking annoyed. Her power pushed back at her, but she ignored it. It would do no damage to her, nor anything around her. She sighed. In the back of her mind, she knew that voice. She couldn't place it, but she knew it. This was beyond frustrating though, and hydra was going to burn for their transgressions against her, her son, Steve, and of course Bucky. If there was one the Krystal was, it was stubborn. Bucky used to joke she was more stubborn than even him, which was certainly saying something. She'd try as many times as she could possibly manage to get her Bucky back. Her mother had always said that the most powerful magic was that from the heart, so maybe, just maybe, if she loved and focused enough on that, she could break through this frustrating man's barrier. She needed him back. She loved him, had always loved him. While she loved Steve as well, her love for him was somehow different. Strong, but different. Absence definitely made the heart grow fonder for Bucky in this case. When she was with him, she loved him with all her heart, but now that she had thought he was dead for 70 years? Yeah, that changed a lot. Krystal took in a few breaths, looking around her before focusing on Bucky. 'My Bucky is in there somewhere, and I'm going to find him. But, if you need to kill me, go ahead. I've been heartsick without you to long. You've no idea how painful it is to see you right in front of me and have you not know me, Bucky... my Bucky...' she explained softly, knowing the super soldier could hear her. She sighed, glacial blue eyes springing jeweled tears. They simply fell to the floor, magically piling themselves. Krystal glowed a bit, unaware. All she could feel at the moment was the intense love for Bucky, and the pain of loosing him again because she couldn't get past some sorcerer. She didn't let anger pass through her though. Only her pure love and pain were shown in those eyes as she cried, waves of power flowing off of her. Her unconscious need to have him again, and her such pure unadulterated love for him, controlling her very powerful magic now. Where she was once frustrated and stubborn, now showed only love and sorrow, cries reaching out to the farthest of dimensions, the many versions of Krystal through them adding to the power. She wasn't sure what was about to happen, but she knew it was going to be big. All she really knew for sure is that she wanted Bucky back so badly she'd die to please him.

Tony and JJ both sighed. "Yeah, we should. Mom will never forgive him if he hurts dad." He admitted, looking frustrated himself. The vibes he was getting were off the charts for magic, both his mothers, and something else just as powerful. He wasn't sure if this was a good sign or a bad one, considering he knew his father had powers too. It was something that not even Steve knew about him, but his father was able to control wind gravity and had some shadow magic as his mother did. For it to be so amplified, he imagined, was because of serum. That was how it had been explained to him by his mother, anyway. That the serum only amplified all the traits you already possessed, and he guessed that applied to magic too. Tony nodded at both JJ and Steve. "You're right. He's probably worried senseless. You know both Bruce and hulk are still sweet on Krys." He admitted, having once gotten the good doctor drunk and he told him all of how he was feeling.
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