Winter's Awakening (Krys/Green)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal awoke in a darkened room, the only light coming from a small window. "Kidnapped again? Well joy. I get to be violent." She thought to herself with a smirk, wondering who in the world could have been her kidnapper. She knew that Alexander Peirce wanted her dead, so it was more than likely that it shade been of the former S. H. I. E. L. D agent's who still followed him. Fury was thought to be dead, and she and Steve had been hiding out in stark tower with her son and his boyfriend Tony. The last thing she remembered was changing her appearance with an illusion and going out to look for some answers. Had her kidnapper seen her change? She didn't know, but what she did know, was that this was probably bad, but she'd at least have some fun.

Meanwhile, JJ was tinkering in his lab with a potion when Jarvis sounded . "Master JJ, I cannot find your mother anywhere. She promised to be back from spying hours ago." The AI told him, and JJ's blue grey eyes widened. "Shit. Did you inform uncle Steve?" He asked and the AI told him yes. JJ sighed, taking in a deep breath, searching out his mother with his mind, almost looking as though meditating. When he couldn't find her, that's when he started to panic. "Toooooooonnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy!" He yelled so loud the genius could hear before he proceeded to ask Jarvis to look everywhere he could think of to find his mother, hyperventalating as his clothes began to change into armor. He was a shadow knight after all, and he was gonna find his mother.
Silence was the only thing Krystal could hear, and the man who had taken her watched her silently from the shadows fully hidden from her powers due to helmet he had stolen from Magneto.

He hated the thing but ever since...well that one thing he had been forced to do what he could to survive. Now he watched this woman and tried to decide what to do next.

Cap actually had not been told. his earpiece had but he was on a run thinking of everything that happened a few months ago. He was in the tower's workout room hurling himself around the track as hard as he could his bare feet popping off the floor rapidly.
Krystal played with the dog tags and sapphire engagement ring around her neck, having being able to get one arm out of the ropes. "Bucky.. I miss you" she mused to herself quietly as she played, hoping that whoever kidnapped her wools show their face soon. She knew that the assailant was close, she just was sure how close, as he was hiding himself well. The pretty blue haired woman had no idea what she was in for, not in the least.

JJ walked to the gym, knowing that's where his uncle was known to be when blowing off steam, and he knew he would need to as well. "Uncle Steve?" He asked tentatively as he walked in, hearing the pounding footsteps coming from the track. He relaxed a little at the familiar sound, somehow it was comforting. He was still worried sick though his armor had returned back into his t shirt and jeans, and he walked over to the track. "Uncle Steve... we have a problem." He said, knowing the super soldier would stop.
The Soldier did not speak but continued to watch her closely and carefully, his mind swirling through his memories, both true and imagined and began to war with itself trying to find a single line of thought or memory to follow. He was unsuccessful.

Steve ran three more laps, ignoring JJ. he knew something was wrong. He had heard the alarms but had not wanted to be interrupted. When he finished his third lap after JJ's words he started a cooldown phase and spoke softly. "Yes JJ?"
Krystal continued to play with the dog tags. It was nervous habit of hers, usually her kidnappers would get so frustrated with her playing with them, they would hide them away. She always got them back though, as she cast a spell on them to always return to her neck if separated from her. She looked at the shiny ring, remembering, softly singing "you are my sunshine" just like bucky had when he'd proposed in the park, before JJ was conceived.

JJ waited for his uncle to stop before took in a breath. "Mom's been kidnapped. I can't find her anywhere, and something's blocking out my telepathic radar of her. I'm really worried." He told Steve, exhaling what sounded like a sigh. He was really freak out, but he was trying to keep calm.
Bucky flinched as she began to sing but the dog tags did not make any difference to him at all. In fact he found the sound very soothing. it reminded him of times forgotten. Still he began to edge closer to the woman he couldn't kill. he had tried certainly. Hard. but even his left arm could not pull the trigger on her. He crouched just above her hidden in the shadows, and studied her, trying to remember why she made him pause so hard.

Steve studied the boy for a long while. He may be well built and of age but Steve would never see him as anything other. Still he was a powerful fighter and a worried son. Steve patted his soldier. "Come on JJ. Your mother has always been able to handle herself. You know that. In fact she rather enjoys it. Still call Tony. get him here and we can start a tech search for her while I call some people for a rumor search. I'll go shower real quick. have Tony here by then." he patted the boy's shoulder again and then went to shower as he had said.
She kept singing to herself, looking at the ring. She could sense him drawing ever closer, but kept her cool. Krystal was never one to panic, at least not in a normal way. If and when she panicked, whole buildings could fall. The sound of the song was soothing to her, and it reminded her of Bucky. She'd never see him again, never hold him in her arms again. Never marry him. The singing began to be twinged with tears as she thought about him, clutching the dog tags like her life depended on it.

JJ looked at his uncle, sighing. "That's true. Something tells me though she can't just kill them this time. Ive been having dreams about my father. The last time I had dreams like those, we found you in the ice." He said worriedly as he clutched the dog tags he always wore. Copies of the ones his mother wore, which her his father's originals. "This stinks of HYDRA." He muttered, nodding at his uncle and going down to the workshop to get tony. He walked down quickly. "Tony? I need your help. Mom's been kidnapped." He said with worry in his eyes, still clutching the dog tags.
He studied her face closely unsure of just what his heart wanted while his brain screamed for him to just kill her and be done with it. He was a soldier damnit!!....wasn't he?

He licked his lips and flexed both hands still trying to overcome this battle within himself as he began to want something else from this woman he didn't know. He was sure he knew her. Damnit he didn't!!

His teeth gritted as she began to tear up. What was this!?


Tony lifted the magazine off his face and grunted. "Whoosa what now?"

He sat up rubbing his stubbly face. "Jarvis what's going on?" the computer explained and Tony grunted again. "Alright.... Still kid you look like shit take a breath." He stood and moved toward the wall where his suit was arguing with Jarvis quietly. just as he reached the suit he sighed. "Sorry JJ. We'll get your mom back. Where's blue boy?"
Krystal knew he was there. she didn't know who he was, but she knew by the way he felt it was someone she once knew, and that was what scared her. She played with the dog tags nervously as she sang, trying to keep from making the building fall down around her. She could hear his teeth grinding, an old habit of Bucky's when she was sad. Her head picked up. "Bucky? No.. I must be hearing things. He fell from the train 70 years ago" she said more to herself than anyone, clutching the dog tags as she sang and cried, looking every bit like she did the night she was told he'd died. Her one true love, gone. The old meat locker started to be replenished with her power, lights turning on, it becoming cold as the ropes around her dissolved, she turned around to fling him staring at her. Even with his long and ragged, she knew who he was. "Holy mother loving shit. Are you a ghost?" She asked him, reaching up to touch him, blue sparks flying from her fingertips like fireworks. That only happened with him. "James Buchanan Barnes... I thought I'd never see you again." She said softly, eyes widening in fear. He had been sent to kill her.

JJ took a breath like his boyfriend told him to, slumping a bit as he watched the other argue with his AI. "Uncle Steve is taking a shower. Wanted us in the gym." He said, trying to keep calm, but he was so worried and so hopeful he couldn't quite do that. "I think it was dad who kidnapped her. I've been dreaming about him a lot, and you know what happened last time I dreamed of someone." He added, referring to when tony and he had found his uncle in the ice.
He recoiled from her hand like a snake and even hissed. "I am not Bucky. I don't have a name." His eyes burned as he glared at her as he tried to summon up the will to kill her but it refused to come. Something about this woman refused his training.

Tony turned on his heel. "You think your dad took her?" Tony ran his tongue around his cheek for a long moment then shook his head. "JJ if it was your dad she would be dead. The Winter Soldier is not a kidnapper for hire. he's a killer-for-hire. It has to be someone else."

In the shower Steve was pondering the same question. he doubted it was Bucky but then again maybe.... Krystal was powerful but she was far from well-known and not many people who did would have the balls or ability to take her. But Bucky would. So maybe?
Krystal snorted. "Fine. Then I rename you Bucky, because that's who you are." She said flatly, looking at him. She disregarded the hiss, smiling at him. "So, you want to kill me? Go ahead and try." She challenged, knowing his reputation. The fact that he hadn't just killed her proved that he to some extent recognized her. That in itself was a good sign. "I suggest a spar. I win, you come with me. You win, and you can do what you were sent to do." She said, still looking into his eyes. Those grey blue eyes she never thought she'd look into again.

JJ looked to tony. "I know tony. I suspect he kidnapped her because he's unable to kill her and wants answers. Its the only way it makes sense" he told his boyfriend, running his hands through blue hair as he looked at him. He wasn't exactly panicking, but he sure was upset. "If it really is dad? She'll most likely cast a shadow spell to try and make him remember in an attempt to get him back. She still loves him, tony." He added, biting at his thumb. It was a nervous habit he and his mother shared.
He shook his head. "No. You just shut up while I figure out what to do with you." he vanished into the rafters and a few moments later the power went out as he had yanked the fuses and used his left arm to absorb the energy reserves.

"I know kid. but what you both forget is that Bucky has been changed by what happened to him. I hope for you both but I doubt that your dad is in there." He flinched and pulled away, having drawn close to the younger man as he spoke. "now help me fix this alpha booster." Steve laughed as he entered the room, now in his uniform. "What's wrong Stark? Don't want me to see?"

Tony grunted. "I am quite busy calibrating this alpha booster to increase....alpha waves...thank you." he pretended not to notice Steve's smirk but he began to blush uncontrollably.
Krystal smirked at him. "Whatever you say, bucky." She said, glacial blue eyes showing unexplained emotion.she wasn't at surprised when pulled the power out, just sitting in her chair, glimmer of hope in there. Something about him couldn't kill her, and she was as curious as he to know why. Reached out to JJ with her mind. "I'm fine at the moment sweetness." She told him, trying to help him relax. She knew he'd have questions, but she couldn't answer them yet.

JJ sighed. "As long as you're okay, mommy." He told her, leaving it at that for the moment as he spoke to tony. "I know that, and so does she, but you know mom, she'd rather have hope. My father was as stubborn as a mule. He's probably jut hiding down there, like Loki when he was enchanted by the tesseract. Its a slim chance, but sometimes all we have is hope." He said wisely, looking to he is boyfriend before he chuckled. "Just because mom's DNA stopped my again process at 25 does not make me a kid, tony. I was born in 1941." He said as he smiled, looking to his uncle as he came in, before helping tony with the booster.

JJ chuckled. "Liar." He said simply, looking to his uncle. "She told me telepathically she's okay, but judging by what's swirling around in her head right now its dad." He explained. Making a gesture like a screen. There you would see what Krystal was thinking about. Her kidnapper. "He showed himself. It really is winter." JJ breathed out, hopeful grey blue eyes looking at tony and his uncle for a reaction.
Tony shrugged. "Maybe it is. But i still want you both to take all of this with a grain of salt. Any clue where he has her?"

Steve ignored the pair moving to the screen and studying Bucky's face closely his eyes narrowed. 'That's Bucky's also not." he touched the image of his friend's face and eyes. "He's missing in there. We have to find a way to either find that or resurrect it. Otherwise one day he may be able to kill Krystal."
JJ nodded. "I am tony. I just have hope." He said, before he nodded. "Looks like an old meat locker. Mom thinks it smells like Brooklyn." He added, looking to both men, hope and worry in his grey blue eyes. Eyes the same as his father's.

JJ nodded again. "Yes. He's gritting his teeth when mom cries. Didn't you say that was an old habit of his?" He asked his uncle before nodding again. "I think maybe if mom and I were both to cast on him at the same time it might bring dad out. There must a reason he can't kill her, uncle Steve. Could it be dad rebelling against the soldier?" He asked, looking curious.
Steve shrugged. "It's possible. But we have to have more information before we can move and we could use some more help in getting he rout. Bucky was always clever. Likely to have the place booby trapped. And that damn arm of his could take you out Tony....again."

Tony growled at the memory. The first time he had ever seen the Winter Soldier the man had been sniping away at the field command in Fallujah. Stark had rushed him only for Barnes to rip his armor apart bit by bit until in a panic Stark had blasted the man away with his repulsors, learning then and there that he was far from the most talented martial artist. It was that incident that had actually lead to his agreeing to studying with Steve who had trained him thoroughly.
JJ nodded. "Right. Should I call in Bruce? You know mom and he date on and off. He could probably help, and night be able to do a "cognitive recalibration" on dad as hulk. That might help us bring him back. I mean, out brought hawk back, right?" He asked, looking curious as thought about his options. He would find his mother, he would! He hoped she was okay.

Meanwhile, Krystal sang softly to herself as she played with the dog tags, hoping that her bucky was in there somewhere. Then she got an idea. With her magic she made a violin appear, and started to play as she sang, getting involved in the music, and JJ would hear the music in his head. "She's playing his violin.' He commented to his uncle and boyfriend, curious to see how that would play out.
"Yes. Call him now. And Nat...hell get everyone. The last time we faced off Bucky nearly took out a whole city by himself."

Bucky growled as the irritating woman played music loudly and put in earplugs refusing to be annoyed by it. While most of him hated the music he did find part of him wanted to hear it but he crushed it down under his will and went to a section of the rafters where the wind and distance made the music fade.
"Okay. I will." He said as he proceeded to call everyone, Bruce picking up as soon as he sees the caller ID. "What's wrong JJ?" He asked, knowing the man would only call if hi mother was in trouble. JJ sighed. "Mom's been kidnapped by dad." He said, taking a breath to try to keep calm. Next he called Natasha and Clint, who came right away from their apartment, ready for battle. "So, winter soldier ha penguin? Do we have a plan?" Clint asked Steve, looking freaked out on behalf of his friend, and her son.

Krystal kept on playing as she sang, enjoying the should of the violin. It reminded her of the man winter used to be. Her voice rang out like a bell as she sang, silently hoping bucky would come back to her. This was a tough situation to be in for her, having him so close, and yet so far away. It just made her blue crystalline tears fall all over again, but she continued to play, taking breaths to keep calm.
Bucky gazed out over the city, irritated but completely unaware of how to handle the situation. He received a message and pulled out the satellite phone he had stolen from Stark and studied it ashe saw all the Avengers, save the lightning thrower, arriving or heading for the Tower. He growled and pressed several buttons.

Steve was just about to answer the two new arrivals when the whole building shook. He looked at Stark who shrugged. "Ain't me. I-JJ!" He leapt for his lover as the building began to collapses upon itself and hundreds of explosions rocked it over and over destroying the foundation and making it tumble and totter, everything locking down and trapping them inside.

Banner had no time to react as he prepared to head out only to find a very odd set of items around him. Before he could react a blue force shield activated around him, so powerful he instantly knew the Hulk would not be breaking free, and also so contained that he could not change into the mighty titan, the field would not allow him to.
JJ caught Tony, Steve, Natasha and Clint as the building fell, his shield going up around them to protect from the blast. He looked to Bruce. "Shit... Bruce has been cornered. He swore, knowing for sure now it was his father who had done this, particularly since he locked Bruce up instead of letting him hulk out. Normal kidnappers would have let the beasts out, not knowing hulk would come straight for Krystal.

"Can you override the commands, Jarvis? Let us out?" JJ asked the AI looking to the rest of the avengers worriedly, as he was looking around, still freaked out as he clung to tony, giving his head a soft kiss. It was more a reassurance for him than his lover, but it helped all the same. JJ looked to the group. "I might be able to use my shield to phase us through the building." He explained, looking worried about his mother. This was gonna be hard.
"I can attempt Master JJ. Perhaps-" A new voice entered their ears. Cold and brutal and utterly ruthless the voice of the Red Skull filled their ears. "Did you really think I would allow you to remove my best agent with your silly girl? No my friends. Goodbye." Steve screamed as a further explosion hurled the pile of rubble all about crushing him against his shield and breaking his body badly. He began to heal rapidly but the pain was horrific. The voice spoke solely to him now. "My apologies dear Captain. But I cannot afford your interference. Farewell."

Bucky was back by Krystal now his eyes blank as he moved toward her his left hand outstretched. He gripped her by the throat roughly and began to squeeze crushing the voice and life out of her unable to see or hear her.
JJ growled. "Fucking redskull. I thought we killed him." He muttered annoyed as he ran over to Steve, pushing the rubble off him with enhanced strength and speed. "Uncle Steve! Oh shit! I can help go speed the healing even more." He told the super soldier, hand glowing a bright blue as he he set it gently on Steve's shoulder. He chanted something in what soundded like Egyptian, and the glow increased, making Steve glow as well, quickening his already fast healing abilities, and numbing the the pain. JJ scoffed. "My mother is stronger than she appears, red skull." He told the voice, wishing he could snap him in half he was so angry at red skull.

Krystal didn't really struggle. No she simply was limp, knowing the less she moved , the slower she would die. When she finally passed out though, a bright blue light erupted from her body. It hit Bucky straight in the heart and passed through him, the magic giving him all his memories back. Krystal was simply limp, powerless to his arm, but not powerless. The longer she stayed unconscious, the stronger the magic in Bucky's heart would become. Hopefully that would be enough to bring him back to her.
Steve yanked himself up and free of the rubble helping JJ yank Tony and the others free then pulled them all away as Bruce began to roar in rage, the Hulk beginning to expand, the very force of his change hurling the rubble away from his body, freeing him to roar in his insurmountable rage.

Bucky felt nothing. Her magics and abilities were blocked by a simple shielding spell cast by one of HYDRA's spellcasters to guard the heart and mind of this their favorite assassin from such attacks,
JJ smiled. "Don't get to angy, hulk mom will cry if you hurt dad." He admitted, looking everyone over and helping any wounds they might have. He gave his lover a light kiss, handing him his new suit. "I made some modifications. Now you'll be able to tap into my magic and use it as you will." He told his boyfriend, hoping his mother was okay.

Krystal swore. "A shielding spell huh? Stupid hydra. They don't know me very well, do they?" She cackled a bit silently remembering just what her uncle had taught her. She muttered the counter spell from her lips easily, sensing by the magic around him which one it was. "James Buchanan Barnes, you will remember." She muttered under her breath, watching as the spell around him dissolved. She knew they would probably have other percausions in place, and she planned for that. She could easily disenchant any spell they might have on him. "Bucky. I found you, and damned if I'm gonna let you slip through my fingers again." She told him, knowing the man wouldn't yet be phased. She had a plan. If there was anything to say about it, she would make him remember, casting as quickly and strongly as she could, causing the man to glow a deep blue. "Remember, bucky, I love you." She whispered, praying for help from her mother.
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