The Brothel of King's Landing (Super_Panda_ x celebstars)


Aug 19, 2014
Peter had just turned 22 years of age, and as a result he would soon be promoted from an apprentice to a journeyman blacksmith. As a present, his master as well as the rest of the blacksmiths have all pitched in for him to spend one night in the King's Landing Brothel. He would get to pick which girl he wants of course, but the whole trip and experience would be payed for.

"Master I don't want to visit a brothel for my birthday." Peter would say in protest. "You're turning 22, it's time you've become a man Peter. You can't spend your whole life a virgin you know and being a blacksmith doesn't really impress the ladies." his master replied back. "What is it exactly that you want to do for your birthday?" his master would then ask. "I don't really want to do anything, what's wrong with just staying here and having a couple of drinks with all of you?" Peter asked back. "Because that's what we do every night, that wouldn't make for a special birthday now would it? You're going to that brothel and that's that."

Peter would continue to protest in this trip, but the mind of the blacksmiths were already made up, he was going to the brothel even if they had to tie him up and drag him into the bed of a whore themselves.

Night fall came and the blacksmiths closed up their smithery and walked Peter to the brothel, for the moral support and the obvious reason that he wouldn't just run off somewhere for the night. As they entered, the madam of the brothel had all the girls lined and ready for Peter to choose. His master nudged him to go up and pick a girl, he rolled his eyes and stared at the line up. Although each girl was attractive to him, no one really took his breath away. That is until a girl late for the line up ran down the stairs and stood at the end, the madam gave her a stern look. Peter walked up to her and said "I choose her..." in a soft toned voice and stared at her with loving eyes.

The master blacksmith paid the madam and left with the rest of the blacksmith, they would hear this story tomorrow for sure.
The girls all stood there, lining up ready to be picked. They were all shapes and sizes, but all deemed equally beautiful in the eyes of Littlefinger, who owned the brothel. Ros, who seemed to be in charge of the girls and the brothel's Madam walked back and forth in front of them, waiting for the young man to pick which one he wanted.

"How about Roseanna?" She said, "I hear she does things with her tongue that no other girl can do?" All of the girls started to laugh. "Or maybe this one" Ros went behind the middle woman, stroking and caressing her breasts over her clothing. Suddenly, Shae, a new girl to the Brothel came running down and joined the line up in a hurry. Ros gave her an evil look before coming up behind her and grabbing her arms. "Or maybe you prefer a girl who has no shame in being late!" Her tone was clearly dedicated to the black haired girl who looked a foreigner in these parts.

"So better late then never" Ros answered to Peter as she pushed the girl forward to the man. Holding out a hand whilst the other rested on her hip, the red head took the bag of coins from the blacksmiths and sent them away. "Take him through there and give him the best night of his life. If he has any complaints there will be consequences." Ros then walked away to another male whilst Shae was left with Peter.

Taking his hand, she then lead him through a pair of red silk curtains which led to a bed. Drawing them shut, she turned around to gulp at the male.
Peter followed Shae though a pair of red silk curtains, the cloth felt great against his face, on the other side of the silk curtains was a candle lit room and a bed with red satin sheet. He felt as if his butterflies had butterflies in his stomach. He stood there frozen by the curtains until he was able to say "This is my first time and I really don't know what to do..." he embarrassingly told her. "I'm Peter by the way." he tried to go up and give her a handshake, only to think that it would make things more awkward.
Shae made her way to the bed. She walked gracefully and seductively without really meaning to do so. Her hands stayed by her waist in her pink gown, held by a brown looking belt which should of her slim waist.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, a hand fell to the spot next to her and circled the red satin sheets. "Sit" she spoke in her foreign tone, something that most men found attractive she found on her travels to King's Landing.

"This is my first time a whore. So we having something in common. I am Shae. Sit" she said again, she wasn't being at all sexy. It seemed Shae was nervous to.
He sat down next to her the second time she told him to sit. "So where are you from Shae, I noticed from your accent that you are not form around here." He sat there and played with a button on his white shirt that his master made him wash for this occasion. He was so nervous that he started to play with the other parts of his clothing, he started to try and buff the scuff mark off his leather belt, he adjusted his brown pants so that they would stop riding up his crotch, and he would tap on the floor with the heel of his boot. He didn't realize he was doing this until he saw himself in the mirror across from him, which then made him immediately stop doing all of it. He looked back at Shae as he waited for her to answer.
"I am from Lorath, east of Westeros" she answered, staring at him in the reflection of the mirror playing with his button. Judging by the way he was acting he seemed nervous. She gathered it was better to have someone like this rather than an old pervert with wild fantasies and kinks.

Standing up and knowing she had a job to do, Shae stood between him and the mirror which leant against the wall. Taking off her leather belt, her dress became more loose and she unfastened it from the neck and let it drop to the floor.

Lowering her arms by her side, her bronze bracelets gathered on her right wrist as she appeared naked. Her black hair rested on her shoulders, a little curly and frizzy whilst her perky breasts hung firm on her chest with her areolas and nipples rather small. Along her smooth flat stomach down to her groin was a hairy brown bush by her pussy.

"Are you ready to fuck me Peter?"
He heard her say where she was from and watched as she stood up and placed herself between him and the mirror. "Oh, I've been in King's Landing my whol.." he sentence was interrupted as he watched her undress. Her pink gown fell from her body the ground, her bare and beautiful body was before him. He started to really look at her, starting with her hair and working his way down to the rest of her body. He was particularly interested in her perky breasts. He felt his cock start to get hard inside his pants, he was sure she could see it and he made no attempts to try and conceal it.

When she asked him if he was ready, he couldn't get a single word out all he could do was rapidly nod yes.
It was rather cute the way he nodded so eagerly she thought. The woman in her early thirties then walked to him which was only a few steps. One leg lifted up and bent, resting on it's knee by his side as the other did the same. Now straddling him she didn't quite sit on his lap just yet but instead chose to kiss his neck. Both of her hands were on each of his shoulders as her soft lips pressed against his white skin. Shae knew she had to go slow, to make him relax and take it easy.

"Touch me" her accent told him before her hands just took his and placed them around her waist. Now pushing him slowly on to his back, she started to unfasten his buttons, wanting him to be undressed.
He was glad she did not sit on his lap, he didn't know how to act if she had felt his hard member through his pants. He felt her soft lips kissing against his neck, he then heard her tell him to touch her. He was a little hesitant to touch her as he had never touched a naked girl before nor did he know how. It wasn't long before she took his hands and placed it on her waist. He slowly laid back as she began to undress him.

He layed back as she undid his buttons, he was quite embarrassed of his body to be honest. It was bare and was not as defined as the other blacksmiths. If anything, he could be considered scrawny. But his thinking was quickly interrupted by the view of her breasts as she was on top of him.
"Tell me what you are thinking" Shae said as she used her fingers and thumb to unfasten his shirt. It was of good quality, these blacksmiths clearly had money. The royals must of paid them well for making their armour and weapons. Once the shirt was open, the whore ran her fingers over his bare chest which had no muscle on it whatsoever. Leaning down to kiss his upper body, her warm breasts rested against his stomach and her nipples poked at his skin until she leant up and kissed his jaw line and his cheek before stopping at his lips.

Shae stopped to hear what he had to say, letting him speak his mind before pressing her warm lips against his. Her tongue slithered in to his mouth to find his.

Now sitting up, leaning back, her ass fell on to his groin to feel a hardness. Lifting a leg up she got off him and crawled on the bed before laying on her side. "Take off your clothing."
All he was thinking was how amazing her body was, everything else seemed to just fade away and all that was left was just him and her. When she paused in front of his face, he couldn't speak, all that came out was stuttering gibberish. He had lost his ability to form words, he knew what he wanted to say but the words did not want to leave his mouth.

He felt her sit down on his lap and felt embarrassed that she felt his hard cock. He then watched as she got off of him and laid down on her side telling him to take off hi clothes.

He was a little hesitant about being naked in front of a girl, but she was already naked. So perhaps it wouldn't have been as awkward if he was naked as well. He started to kicking off his boots, then undoing his leather belt, before taking off his pants and finally he took off his socks. He would then lay down next to her and just look in her eyes.
Shae watched the young gentleman take off his clothing. She laughed and smiled somewhat in the way he did it but eventually he was stark naked in front of her before appearing on the bed. With one of her hands upright and holding her head, the other moved to his chest as she peered in to his eyes to.

"Tell me about yourself" she asked, trying to distract him. She seemed distracted herself as her eyes trailed down to his groin and looking at his hard cock poking upright towards her.

Making eye contact again, she let her spare hand move down his body, trailing it's fingers down towards his waist before finally taking hold of his cock. Slowly stroking it, Shae continued to listen to him talk.
Peter didn't know where to start when asked to talk about himself. "Well, it's my 22nd birthday today, soon I will graduate from an apprentice to a journeyman blacksmith. I..." his sentence was suddenly cut off as Shae hand grab ahold of his cock and started stroking it. Peter tried a couple of times to pick up where he left off, but found that his mind was too occupied with how good it felt as he felt Shae's soft hands wrapped around his hard cock stroking it. He felt it grow a little more with each stroke, until he just gave up on trying to talk about himself and let Shae continue with what she would and will do to him.
"Calm down, I'm just touching your cock, doesn't matter where else I touch you." Her hand moved from his cock and now went back to his chest, stroking it with her fingers. "So what does it mean that you are a journeyman blacksmith?" Shae asked.

She liked him even though he was a client. He was sweet, handsome and the nerves made him cute. "Now, I'm going to touch your cock again, are you going to stop talking to me?"
"It means that I can work more independently, without having the master blacksmith looking over my shoulder constantly. I can also open my own smithery if I wanted to now if I wanted to."

He looked at her with a confused look, as he didn't know if he would stop talking if she started touching him again. So without knowing what would happen, he shook his head no.
"Good" she said, her same hand trailing back down his chest to his groin. Taking ahold of his hard erect cock she playfully stroked it, the tips of her fingers playing with the tip of his penis. "So what do you want to talk about? Am I going to slow for you? Or would you just rather fuck me now and get it over with?"

Shae wasn't sure what optioned she preferred, the longer she was with him, the less chance she had of getting a kinky perv. However, the young man's blacksmith friends had paid for the night, meaning this session was going to last for hours.
"I don't know... What do you usually talk about?" he would say nervously

"No, I think you are going at a good enough pace. I don't know how all this sex stuff works."

"What do you want to do right now?" he asked her. A part of him wanted to fuck her, but a different part was still nervous about being here in this situation.

His mind started to wander about how long his master paid for, if it was for a couple of hours perhaps it would make sense to take it slow.
"Normally I like a man in control" Shae said a little disappointed whilst her fingers worked up and down his cock against her palm. Letting go of him, the whore gently pushed his shoulder so he would lay on to his back. Sitting up, the black haired woman soon moved down to sit by his sensitive area.

Holding the base of his cock, she held it upright and dived her head down with her tongue sticking out. Shaw gave his penis one long stroke with her tongue, her saliva giving it a bit of a shine on the underside. Pulling her hair behind her ears so it wouldn't get in the way, Shae then opened her mouth and took him inside, slowly bobbing her head up and down.
He started to feel a little bad that he wasn't in control as much as she wanted, but his thought was soon interrupted by her sucking on his cock. "Oh god..." was all he could really say at the moment. He looked down to see her bobbing up and down, he then grabbed her by her hair and controlled how deep and fast she went.
Sitting on her knees at his side, her breasts were hanging as she leant over to suck his cock. They bounced against one another as Shae picked up the pace of bobbing her head up and down his shaft with the added help of his hand on her dark locks. As he neared the depths of her throat, the whore started to gag and choke which prompted her to lift up and wipe her mouth clean with the back of her hand.

Swinging one leg over the top of him, Shae straddled the young man and slowly placed his cock to her lips.

"Push up in to me"
He watched as she sucked his cock before gagging, she wiped off her mouth with the back of her hand before she straddled him. He complied with her wishes as he grabbed the base of his cock and slowly pushed it into her. He felt how tight she was and it felt amazing, he could not imagine his first time being any better than this.
Lowering herself further as he pushed up in to her, Shae finally sat on his lap with his cock inside of her. "No longer a virgin huh" she said, sitting with her back straight and slowly starting to bounce on his cock whilst running her hands through her own hair. Her pubic bush was pressed against his before she leant down and planted each of her hands either side of him on the bed. Her breasts were hanging from her chest once more as she looked in to his eyes.

The curtains that kept them hidden was pulled open for a brief second, Ros was checking to make sure that things were going as planned and gave both a smile before shutting them again.

"She is just keeping an eye on me for being new, nothing to worry about" Shae said to him.
"Yeah I guess not, guess you could say i'm a man now." he said while he watched Shae riding his cock until she bent down and again they made eye contact. He was about to reach up and grab her breasts before out the corner of his eye, he saw Ros poke her head in. He hesitated and put his hands back on her hips.

Once Ros walked away, he again tried to grab her breasts again.
"You can do what you want" Shae said, "Ros won't do anything if you grab my breasts" the whore then lifted one of his hands to place it on her chest. "I am yours tonight, you own me, OK?" She said, nodding her head, trying to get him to understand the agreement they had in place.

"What is your fantasy? What do you like?" Shae stopped working herself on his cock, wanting him to thrust in to her instead.
He nodded in agreement and put his other hand on her other breast.

"I don't really have a fantasy, why don't you give me a fantasy to have for next time." he said to her. His hands moved from her breasts to her hips and then finally her ass. He grabbed onto it and pushed himself deeper into her.
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