Fire and Rain [Azecreth & rosita red]

Mai leaned down again and gave him a kiss to his forehead and took one of his hands in her strong and thin fingers. She moved to his lips, starting light and then adding a little bit more pressure to it. She teases his lips with her tongue, seeing if he'll grant her access to his mouth. She feels in a loving mood, and since she has him to herself she's going to take advantage of it.
Zuko let her do as she wished, glancing up as she kissed his forehead and took one of his hands in hers, the two of the resting together like they had frequently done since he returned from that journey to save the world and things like that. Their lips met, and at her questing his parted to let her tongue slip forward into his mouth, where she would meet his own, it not exactly ceding it's territory without a fight, making her work for it. But then again, Zuko was always the aggressive type. Surrender wasn't really in his nature.
Mai gave a pleased purr as he granted her admittance to his lips and beyond. She plays tongue tag with him, challenging him back just as he's not ceding to her either. Although not the aggressive type herself, she won't back down from a challenge. She withdrew a bit just to push forward again, trying to twine her tongue with his.
The two battled it out in a playful struggle, neither really willing to cede to the other as they lips met and they kissed. Mai pulled back and then pressed forward, and Zuko batted her aside before trying to him her in turn. At the same time, his arms rose to lace around her, smiling warmly if he had been able to in the process. Spirits, this was why he loved Mai. Well, this, her personality, and other things, but those were unimportant details, as he focused on the task at hand.
Mai put even more effort into their round of tongue take after she felt Zuko's arms wrap around her body. To much of the time they don't get time to simply be a young couple together. He could probably see the pleased light shining in her eyes, taking full advantage of the time together as she bends a bit more to give him a full fledged kiss.
they were certainly enjoying themselves now in privacy as Zuko wrapped his arms around Mai, who leaned forward to deepen their little amusement into a full on kiss, which he returned in turn. It was certainly affection they didn't display often, and now that they had the opportunity he took advantage of it. It was a reminder of the connection they had that had endured for so long, and a reminder that he really wanted to bash in the skulls of his advisors. But that was something to worry about later as he went on.
Mai brought her hands up to the top of his robes as much as she can to start undoing his clothing, wanting to explore more of him then just his mouth. The first piece she starts working on is the stiff shoulder piece that's ceremoniously part of his wardrobe as fire lord. He would have a good deal more freedom with that gone.
Their lips still met together, Zuko didn't resist as Mai went to work on his clothes. He could see the benefit of having the shoulder pieces removed, and he certainly didn't enjoy wearing the things as well, so he was glad to have them gone. "Thanks," he said to her gratefully once the clothing had been removed, quite a burden off of his back.
"I don't see why they make you wear that," Mai chimed, having always compared it to a yoke used on a beast of burden in the fields. Maybe that's why it had been designed that way, to remind the fire lord of the heavy burden they bear. She doesn't stop there however, working to undo even more of his royal garb. If they're going to relax together, he should be able to do it properly. After all, next to his clothing, hers is relatively simply. Well, at least until you reached the multiple places where her blade holsters are. Even back in the capitol she wears the, even though she can't keep her stilettos on her.
"Because clothes make the man, and I have to look like the Fire Lord if people are to take me seriously," Zuko pointed out as he worked his now freed shoulders. "Besides, I think there are more important things to worry about than the dress code." This was true, given the domestic instability, the trouble in the former colonies, and half a dozen other issues that needed urgent addressing. Changing the garb he was supposed to wear ranked fairly low when stacked up against those.

Still, he didn't resist as Mai continued to remove the clothes he wore. It wasn't exactly simple dress, and every bit of weight removed was more that he could relax. And he could appreciate the mindset behind her actions, at least as far as he could see it, though he wasn't particularly considering that the heaviness of his clothes was on purpose. All he knew was that he wouldn't mind getting more comfortable, now that he had the time to enjoy with Mai, before they had to move on to more serious matters.
"Luckily for you you don't have to be the fire lord all the time with me," Mai answers as he rolls his shoulders. "Worrying about everything all the time isn't good for your health." She's knows it's important to look the part, but she still doesn't see why the fire lord's robes have to have so many sashes and ties to keep it all in place. And so many layers of robing as well.. After a couple more minutes of work, she finally got it down to where he could get down to a simple robe. The rest of his trappings lay in a heap on the floor. She moved a bit so he could remove this as well, before moving to start removing her own clothing, at least some of the outer layers she had donned today. She sheds her layers in a faster amount of time then it took to undo his clothing until she she's down to a simple dress as well. "That feels better," she admits herself, feeling oddly free without the usual weight of her clothing and weapons. She laced her arms behind her head and stretched, her chest rising to give him a good view as she does so.
"Lucky indeed," Zuko agreed. "I think it's in my job title to worry about things a lot of the time though." If he had to make a guess, he would assume that many of his counterparts could say the same thing. Well, the ones who didn't just exist as figureheads, but were actual rulers. When one had to run a nation, it was hard to avoid unpleasant things like that.

At last, with Mai's help, he reached the point where he only had a simple robe on, allowing all that excess heat trapped by the officious clothes to be released, while the rest o the garments laid in a pile on the floor and out of the way. He soon removed the robe, revealing his toned muscles, with only pants left on, and he sat down as Mai shed her clothing as well, to leave her only in a simple dress.

Simple though it might have been, it suited her in style and form, and he couldn't help but watch the view that she gave him, though he swiftly averted his gaze at some point. A hothead though he might be, he did have certain standards to hold to. "Yes it does," he agreed, glad that he didn't feel like he was sweating himself to death anymore.
Mai smiled as his toned physique came into the view. He had still found time to keep in shape since he became firelord. It would be such a pity to let all his hard work during his banishment go while sitting on the throne and doing paperwork. Her own toned figure is reveled just a bit more with the covering of her clothing. It doesn't slip her notice that he looked away from her purposeful display. She smiled and wrapped him in a hug, kissing him as she presses her body just a bit a closer then she had before.
Keeping in shape was something he tried hard at, and prided himself in. as anyone could attest, his father hadn't been lacking in terms of power or skill, and he had to stay the same. Much to preserve his reputation, but also in case of assassination attempts, sad though that might be. It was still important that he be able to fight off an attacker if that eventuality were to arise. But that was part of the risks that came with being a royal, as Mai understood perfectly well.

To her actions he held himself under control, returning her kiss and accepting the hug, though he made no otherwise overt actions as of yet. Fire might be about burning passion, but him and Mai had always been a slow fire, and he had no problem with that. Mai could be temperamental, him hotheaded, so it was probably better for the both of them if they take it slow, as they had.
Well, that wasn't the reaction she had been hoping for. They had taken it slow plenty of times before, such as building up to a romantic relationship. And then there was the divide that happened when he was banished, and of course when he had left to join the Avatar. But she'll play his way, let him chase after her if he so desires. She'll let him deepen the kiss if he wants, in the mean time savoring every moment of their contact.
The kindling embrace was just what he needed, yet like all fires he sought to expand, to consume more. And being with Mai was more than enough to cause his self control to slip, to give in to those more primal urges that accompanied his inner flame. Passion, heat, warmth. And as the Firelord, what he wanted, he got. (In theory anyway) And Mai was certainly one of those things.

So, he went more, deepening the kiss as they pressed closer together, strong hands slowly rubbing her back as their lips met in full for brief moments, only for them to part. His tongue quested forth then, seeking entrance into his opposite as his breath heated, and his body did much the same, in spite of wearing less clothes. His shell was cracking, and that was something Mai would be able to tell as the embrace lasted on.
It pleases Mai greatly that Zuko presses closer to her, physically and mentally drawing him and getting him more involved. With her, he could lose control, be more of himself then he can around the court. Mai had been around the Fire Nation court her whole life, which had given her a perfect understanding of how passions are flamed behind closed doors.

She gave him a slight moan from deep in her throat as he deepened their kiss, his lips surprisingly hot and soft against hers. Almost absent mindely noting the difference in his breathing, and she certainly did notice his body literally heating up, the benefits of being a fire bender. "Zuko," she said under her breath before giving her mouth fully to him.
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