Fire and Rain [Azecreth & rosita red]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
Zuko was angry.

Now, as anyone could attest, Zuko being angry was not exactly an uncommon occurrence. He'd gotten better about it during his trip with Aang and the rest of his friends when they were fighting to stop his father from burning the entire earth Kingdom to a cinder during the day of Sozin's Comet, but he was still prone to bursts of anger in spectacular proportions. Call it a result of his upbringing and fiery nature. Fortunately, he was the Fire Lord, so anything he might damage could be replaced, though he made an effort to try and keep from breaking anything too valuable.

At the moment he was out in one of the many courtyards in the palace, venting his rage in kicks and punches, flurries of fire flying everywhere and he growled and shouted, very, very angry and wishing that the object of his rage was here now so he could remove it. Sadly, he would just have to do with his imagination for now, lest he ruin his public image through murder, even if it was, in his mind, well deserved.

His current target was the nobility. He didn't have much respect for them. They were either spineless fools, yes men for his father, or racist bigots who were completely blinded in ideas of their superiority to the rest of the world. Of course, the hatred was mutual, but now he had to deal with this latest nonsense. Somehow, they'd gotten it in their heads that in order to make some form of atonement for what they did in the war, like he was trying to do, he should take a foreigner as a wife. But not just any foreigner. Specifically, Katara, companion of the Avatar, of the Southern Water Tribe. In any other universe, this might not be as much of an issue. Through experiences together the two had grown to tolerate each other, perhaps even enough to be called 'friends' as well. But there was one problem, and it had a name. Mai.

"Aah, dang it," he shouted, releasing another burst of fire into the air. In his display, he didn't notice as Iroh entered the courtyard, carrying s teapot and some china cups, his uncle having come back from Ba Sing Se for a visit, and to be his advisor. And spirits help him, he needed it.

"Fire Lord Zuko. I hope you are not imagining sending all the nobility in the Fire Nation to Boiling Rock," he commented as he sat down beside the koi pond.

A last blast of fire, and Zuko turned to face Iroh, panting and in a ruffled state. "How can they expect me to do this uncle? I'm not just going to go off and marry Katara like it's nothing. Especially not for a silly reason like 'making some small repayment for the devastation caused to the Southern Water Tribe by the Fire Nation over the duration of the war.' I've already got a girlfriend."

Iroh sighed as he sat, facing down his nephew's anger. "Zuko, my nephew, I understand how you feel, and I agree with you. However, there are many among the nobility who still support the rule of Ozai and oppose you. To continue to alienate them will only result in revellion and possible civil war."

ZUko growled, pacing about like a caged lion. "I know that Uncle. But I'm not in love with Katara. Even a blind peasant can see that the only one she's interested in is Aang," he said, gesturing widely.

"I wish our nobility had the experience of being blind peasants. They might learn something," Iroh replied. "Still, an arranged marriage for political reasons is nothing new. You may just have to accept it for the moment. I doubt Katara is happy about this either."

That was true. So, at least he could take solace in the fact that he wasn't the one who would have to get Katara here. That would be up to the envoys that were sent to her. They would probably be persuasive in that regard, but if Aang objected, then things would get messy in a hurry. So yeah, he would rather it not be him making the trip down to the South Pole at the moment.

Zuko's eyes widened and his face drained of color as a realization. Mai. Oh god, he was going to have to tell Mai. She was going to kill him. No, check that. She would pin him to the wall with knives, castrate him, then kill him as an example. If he was lucky. For all it was worth having a girlfriend who could defend herself and nearly took down the Avatar, it was also very scary to be her boyfriend.

Still, he had to tell her, and he had to face it with the courage and dignity of the Fire Lord. So he mustered his courage, tightened his fists and rose, glancing to Iroh as he moved for the door. "I'm going to go tell Mai," he said simply, before exiting the room.

Iroh finished pouring a cup of tea for himself as he called after Zuko. "I will make sure the royal coroners are waiting, just in case, alright?"

Zuko didn't dignify that comment with a response as he left to go find Mai. This was going to hurt. A lot.
RE: Fire and Rain [Azecreth & rosita red

He needn't worry about break the lastest scheme of the fire nation nobility to Mai. She, via her father and mother, had already heard it as soon they had come up with the cocklemany notion of Zuko marrying Katara. Mai herself thinks the idea foolish, and that it never could into fruition. Her father, the former mayor of New Ozai on the other hand, thinks something entirely different. He had been raving to her mother and herself today for about two hours. Mai simply leaned against the wall, her classic expression of disinterest on her face. Idly she twirled one of her famed stilletos between her fingers, not worried about slipping with the blade and injuring herself.

Her father's rant is broken by the knock and then entrance of a servant. The servant bowed low and waited for a response.

"What is is boy, we have important matters to discuss," Lord Kohaku snapped, his face flushed red in anger.

"Your lordship, firelord Zuko wishes a private audience with lady Mai. He is waiting at the gate."

Kohaku's eyes shined. "Let him in. He may meet with us here. Bring some tea and sweets and the best sitting chairs.

The servant paled a little bit. "Your lordship, he has requested a private audience with lady Mai."

Kohaku looked flabbergasted while Mai holstered her knife and stood up from the wall. "I will meet him in the small dining room. Bring the tea and sweets, and make sure the cushions are plumped up," she commanded in the same dry, board tone that the staff of the household had grown to expect of her.

The servant bowed and went to go do as told.

Mai did a hilt to herself to her father and mother, who up till now had been sitting quietly in a chair in front of Kohaku's desk listening to her husband rant and her daughter's firm insistence that the idea was ludicris. "Father, mother."

She took her leave of them to go the gate herself, inwardly pleased that she gets to see Zuko out of the palace. The servant hadn't said anything about a royal entourage, so she is free to be informal with him.

She gave a small but true smile when she sees him standing outside the gate. "Zuko. Glad to see you haven't perished in the palace." He would be able to pick up on the warmth in her voice.

Meanwhile in the south pole, a scout scurried off a newly built scout tower to go find Chief Hakoda. He had spotted with an equally newly gotten telescope a Fire nation ship baring diplomatic flags, that of a white background with the fire nation symbol.

Since the end of the war Fire Lord Zuko had agreed to help repair the Southern Water tribe village, via supplies and just sheer man power. However, this definetely is not a supply ship. Something else is afoot, something the tribe needs to know about.
Fortunately for Zuko, the trip from the palace to Mai's residence was a short one. The hardest part was getting there without having a cumbersome retinue following him, but a belligerent Fire Lord was the bane of all servants, so he managed to badger or lie or intimidate his way through to the freedom of outside, and he quickly took the path towards Mai's place, for the important meeting he was to have.

As he walked, it gave him time to think. Distracting himself from his anger at the nobles, he had to plan out the upcoming conversation with Mai, to try and placate her or otherwise make it obvious that this was not his idea and he definitely did not approve. Other than the thoughts that held his attention though, it was a nice enough walk, with good weather and not much going on. Sure, he may have been made a better target for assassins that would seek to kill him and put his father, or sister, or anyone else on the throne, but he accepted that as it came, confident in his skills to keep him alive.

Soon enough he arrived at the familiar front gate, memories surging back of times spent in the past. A servant was there waiting for him as he came to a stop. "Go get Lady Mai and tell her that Fire Lord Zuko wants to meet with her. In private," he barked, a bit of that hostility he still held in his tone, and the servant bowed before scampering off to make words a reality.

It was a short wait then, but a seeming lifetime for the impatient Zuko, before at last Mai emerged, her neutral, emotionless expression shifting with a small smile that he was practiced enough to pick up, and her presence couldn't help but elicit something of a smile in return. Ah, Mai. "It's certainly not for lack of trying," he replied, perhaps a bit more harshly than he meant to. Hands clenched as he glanced away, though he did step closer to her. "Those stupid nobles are insisting I marry Katara for spirits know what reason, even though i don't want to. I doubt she'll even want to." Well, might as well confront the obvious now.


A plume of black smoke spearing into the sky heralded the arrival of the dark grey ship from the Fire Nation far before it came into sight, making good time through the ice infested waters to the dock that had been prepared for vessels such as it a long time ago. Yet all visible signs, including the banner it flew, indicated that it indeed was not one of the usual supply vessels, but something else, a ship here for something more important. But what that might be would have to be waited on by the Southern Water Tribe.

The ship pulled up to the ice dock and came to a halt, a metal ramp sliding down to the ground as the vessel was secured in place. The ship itself disgorged fire soldiers, in traditional uniform, but not enough to be an invasion force. Instead of advancing, they took up position on both sides of the ramp, apparent an honor guard of some kind.

Then from the top of the ramp and the ship emerged an envoy, white hair with a distinguished beard, looking down at the water tribesmen and women as he descended the ramp to the ice below. He wasted no time then, walking straight up to Chief Hakoda.

"Chief Hakoda. I bring an official message from the Fire Nation regarding future relations between our two nations. I would like to speak to you in private, if possible." He glanced around to those present before returning his gaze to Hakoda. "Your daughter Katara should attend as well."
Mai picked up on his stress instantly, from the way he's holding his body and the tension in his voice. At least he smiled for her, which is a good sign. However, it's not a good sign that he's looking away from her. She raised a slim, well groomed eyebrow. "You're the fire lord Zuko. They shouldn't have the ability to pressure you into something that could be disastrous and reignite the war." Mai moved forward to take his arm and lead him towards the private dining room. She's hoping that he isn't considering saying yes. "You said no, I take it?" Her heartbeat picks up as she waits for his answer as they walk through the house.

Hakoda felt a pant of worry go through him when he was alerted to the approaching ship. He quickly readied himself to meet with the envoy, feeling uneasy that he doesn't know why the ship is coming towards them. No message had been about a diplomatic ship coming. He watched as the official disembarked from the ship. At least things are starting off on sort of the right foot with envoy coming right up to Hakoda.

"My daughter is in our healing hut. It would be better to speak to me first before disturbing her work," Hakoda says kindly but firmly. "Please, come with me. I'll have some food and drink brought while we talk." He eyed the honor guard, the rest of the warriors that had come with the chief moving uneasily behind him. "This way," Hakoda motions as he leaves to head back for the village.

He led the envoy to a simple igloo, but on the inside it's quite spacious and well furnished. Hakoda gestured to a pile of furs close to the central fire. "Please, have a seat." In a few minutes Hakoda returned with a small spread of water tribe cuisine.
Zuko sighed, allowing his arm to be taken in Mai's comfortable grip as she led them towards the private dining room. Sure, he knew the way himself, but he wasn't going to object to this kind of physical contact. Not with someone he cared so much about. "Of course I did," he replied swiftly, as if he could say anything else when faced with this silly proposition. She had probably expected as much from him though.

He met her eyes with a burning gaze that showed his stance on the matter, before looking away again, a bit of melancholy lapsing in. "Still they keep insisting, and I just can't get them to shut up about it. Half of them hate me, the other half of them want my head on a pike, and if I push too much they'll rebel." Another sigh. "I just don't know what to do," he admitted.


The envoy didn't seem all too pleased by that statement, but he willingly accepted it, and followed quietly back from the dock to the village itself, ignoring the looks he got from those they passed by on the way. After serving this long, he was used to it.

He entered the well furnished igloo and sat down in the offered seat, giving a disdainful look at the Water tribe cuisine Hakoda presented but otherwise making no comment on it. Given prevailing Fire Nation opinions of other cultures, it was a decently respectful response as is. He didn't partake in the food that was offered to him, but rather turned straight to business.

"Chief Haokda, as you know, under the reign of Lord Zuko, the Fire Nation has been attempting to make amends for the destruction caused by the Fire Nation in the war that recently ended. And while we have been able to provide aid to peoples such as yours, it is our belief that we should do more. As such, to atone for our...crimes, against your people, we are seeking the arrangement of a political marriage between our nation and yours." He kept his expression neutral as he could, as if he were simply delivering the weather. That would be important for this next bit.

"If you are agreeable, we already have a person in mind. someone relatively important in Water Tribe society, who has already had experience dealing with the current Fire Lord, during the adventures that resulted in the overthrow of Lord Ozai." If Hakoda couldn't figure it out now, then he didn't deserve to be Chief, but the envoy spelled it out for him anyway. Never could tell with these Water Tribe folks. "I am, of course, speaking of your daughter Katara."
His quick answer seems to be a bit to defensive for her liking. Still, he hadn't said yes out right, which is still a positive sign. "And what happens if you do marry Katara? The Earth kingdom could insist on having leverage as well. There's been trouble in the colonies lately over land rights. The Earth kingdom poses a much bigger threat to our stability then the nobles." He had been away for so long, she doubts that he has a good grip on whose a real threat to them and whose just a puffed up turtle duck and harmless. "Ask yourself if this supposed arrangement would fix any thing, or would it start a whole new war," she advises as she opens the decorated screen door to the private dining room. The low table had been set with a pot of tea with the best china the family and about four different types of sweets layered with the best fruit that could be found in a hurry.

Mai took her usual position facing with her back to the door, something she had gotten used to during her time with the royal family. If someone came through the door for the royal they would encounter her first. When it comes to protecting Zuko, anyone trying to harm him would soon find themselves riddled with knives.

Quick sky blue eyes caught the disdain, but like the envoy Hakoda made no mention of it. He knows well from his travels that water tribe cuisine isn't exactly appreciated by outsiders that don't have to rely on the limited food sources the pole provides. However, whatever brownie points the envoy had gained with directly addressing Hakoda respectfully at the landing lowered slightly when he jumped straight to busy. It was custom to sit and speak with each other a little bit before and share a light meal before getting to business. He supposes the envoy's time is limited, so he lets that pass as well.

He listened intently as the envoy started to speak. The phrase political marriage raises his hackles. So that's why they wanted to speak with Katara. A deep frown came over the chief's face. "That is a deep and very personal question. It is not our way to arrange marriages, and as I'm sure you know Katara is in a relationship with the avatar. Although she is young, she has earned the right to decide who she will take as a husband."

A blast of cold air that made the fire flicker announced the arrival of someone else into the igloo. A few moments later Katara herself stepped into the room, looking a bit worn and tired from her work. Hakoda turned his head. "Hello Katara, please come join me." He patted the furs next to him. "We have something important to discuss."

Katara doesn't like the look of this either. She had heard about and seen the diplomatic ship either. She sat beside her father and looked between him and the envoy for what's going on.
Zuko grimaced as Mai replied, reiterating points that he had already considered in discussions with his advisors and Iroh. Being Fire Lord was not fun, and he could understand how Sozin felt sometimes in that journal of his that he had read in the catacombs. He moved into the dining room as Mai opened the door for him and sat down across from her, though for the moment he ignored the sweets.

"I know," he replied, looking over to Mai. "I'm the one who said this was a stupid idea after all. But the nobles just won't shut up about it. As it is, the Earth Kingdom is still too busy recovering internally to attack the Homeland, and if the war were to start again then the colonies would quiet down, leaving the biggest threat that of a civil war. But it's just not what I want."

He sighed, looking downfallen and resisting the urge to slam the table with his fists. "Sometimes I wish I could just throw the entire nobility onto the Boiling Rock and let prison sort them over, but that's not going to work." He sighed then. "I don't suppose you have any ideas," he asked, her input almost as valuable as Iroh's, when he could get it.


While the envoy was aware of Southern Water Tribe customs, especially regarding official guests, he didn't much care at the moment. He had a task, and he was going to accomplish it one way or another. After all, he had orders, and the Fire Nation were the ones with the big metal stick to wield, so one way or another he would get what he was asked to do.

"I am aware," the envoy affirmed, "Which was why I had wished for your daughter to be present at this discussion. This is obviously a very important matter that should be given the utmost consideration."

Fortunately for him, it was around that time the spoken of girl arrived, a blast of cold wind heralding her arrival, and the envoy shifted to watch her as she moved to sit down by her father. "While there may be prior...engagements, history is full of examples of people who were wed for political reasons, with things such as love secondary to that. A refusal in this proposed betrothal between your daughter and the Fire Lord will, of course, be accepted, but it would be grounds for a re-evaluation of relations between our peoples, and while we would of course continue to provide aid as per Fire Lord Zuko's directives, it may not necessarily be in the same amounts as before." He said that calmly, simply, as if it wasn't a threat or blackmail.
"Did you sign off any official documents speaking of the marriage proposal? You remember do you have the power to over ride the nobles. The army swore allegiance to you. They are yours to command. I doubt that Hakoda and Katara will say yes without speaking to you. Hakadoa has traveled for years. He's learned to ask questions and then make a choice from there Zuko. Dance around with them Zuko. Propose other, equally strong candidates." Sadly, although she had been a favorite of the previous fire lord, she has the painful hunch that her family doesn't carry enough weight currently to be considered for the title of fire lady. Of course, she could suggest he do something unthinkable and simply take a bride and announce it to the nation afterwards.

"And what exactly does the fire lord himself think of the matter? I've heard the words we, but not him or his majesty. That points to me that this what not Lord Zuko's idea, am I correct?" Hakoda raised an eyebrow. "I've also heard nothing of the avatar being mentioned. Surely the fire lord wants to keep the avatar as a friend and as a ally in restoring balance to the world. I want a sealed proclamation from firelord Zuko himself."

Katara felt anger stir in her. How dare they try coming in here and running all over them. "Aang is trying to calm things in the colonies. I doubt he will like this proposal," Katara says coldly.
Zuko turned to Mai's questions, answering in sequence with possibly selective hearing. "The Army may have sworn allegiance to me, but they grew up with my father and the hundred year war that we were on the verge of winning before he went mad. And while I've done my best t get rid of those who support the old ways, there's still a sizable amount that remain. I don't think we can guarantee that a solid majority would support me if a domestic conflict should arise." It hurt to say it, but it was the truth. He blamed his father, in the end, for losing it, just like Azula.

"I know they wont," he pointed out, "That's what I'm hoping on. If we can drag things out long enough, then maybe the nobility will lose interest, and we can let this whole matter drop." To be honest, he'd been thinking f his own ideas as well, given that he wasn't really interested in anyone beyond Mai, but they were risky propositions at best, and there was no guarantee that things wouldn't go horribly wrong in the process.


The envoy seemed unperturbed by their objections, though whether he was simply exercising diplomatic calm or just didn't care was difficult to determine. "I am here, am I not," he pointed out. "That would seem to indicate the Fire Lord's position adequately, whether or not the proposal put before you is his idea or not." It seemed the envoy wasn't willing to admit to any sort of conflict in the upper echelons of the Fire Nation government, given that they wanted to be seen as having the strength they used to.

He looked between the two of them, keeping a neutral expression the whole time. "You will forgive me for being remiss, but I was under the impression that the Avatar was supposed to renounce all worldly bonds, to act in the name of balance and peace. With this proposal we seek to bring further balance by righting old wrongs, and to bring peace by encouraging ties between our nations that would remove the desire for war or aggressive conquest."

He shrugged then. "Of course, we have no desire to hurt relations, or to limit the amount of supplies we bring to the South Pole, but transport is far from easy, with a long travel time across the ocean, and there are surely places that could use our aid that are easier to reach. I'm sure Avatar Aang would want as many people as possible to be helped through our efforts."
"Then they'll still be in fighting condition if civil unrest does occur," Mai replies evenly. "That's when you remember that you are firelord Zuko. Sometimes it means ruling with an iron fist and bringing people into line." She folded her hands into her sleeves as she listened to the rest of his responses. "Or you could pull a shock on all of them and you're already taken." She had stood up for him at the Boiling Rock, what makes the nobles think that Katara would make a better fire lady?


"That tells me nothing about the fire lord's position on the matter." Unfortunately for the envoy, Hakoda already knows about the division in the rankings of nobles in the caldera.
"Past avatars have married and had children. Avatar Roku himself married and had two children, did he not?" Hakoda himself wouldn't give his blessing to Aang to marry Katara until the boy becomes a bit older.

Hakoda huffed. "Yet somehow raiding parties made it through the dangerous waters with heavy powered ice breakers just to keep our population in check. Our returned water benders would love to speak to the populations in the earth kingdom about their treatment. I'm sure that will help matters in the colonies and their opinion on the fire nation residents." Hakoda is hoping that makes it quite clear that he will not be black mailed or intimitdated. "Katara will travel with a guard from our people and speak with fire lord Zuko herself before an answer is given to your proposal," he says in a clear, firm voice. "I do not have to tell you if something happens to her, it would be quite harmful to restoring peaceful relations do I?"
Mai's last comment earned something of a chuckle from the Firelord as he sat opposite her. "Well now, that's odd. I was actually thinking of doing something like that." It wasn't like his feelings for Mai were unknown to the Kingdom, and when it came down to it he was the Fire Lord. He could do whatever the hell he wanted. People didn't like it they could just try and stop him. He'd be waiting.

A shrug then. "Well, at least I know my uncle will support us. He's always been about 'following your true path', and stuff like that." Zuko didn't claim to understand Iroh half the time, but he knew that even if he had his own objections, his Uncle would support whatever decision he made, so long as it didn't threaten to destroy the world or something.


"Avatar Roku did a...less than admirable job, in his position as Avatar," the envoy pointed out. The war wasn't really related to that, but he was going to bring it up nonetheless. "And I would not be here if the Fire Lord weren't amicable to the idea," he added, in a slightly condescending tone that said that it should have been obvious if one gave it a modicum of thought.

There was a smirk of amusement as well. 'Your belief that what you have to say will make any difference in the colonies is intriguing. "However, I believe we can agree to your request. And you need not worry about your daughter. We have no desire to harm someone who will soon be in a high position of authority."
His response told her that he's at least favorable to the idea. She knows very well that her father would back up the marriage, he would do anything to keep Mai and by extension himself in good graces with the royal powers. "Could sneak a fire sage into the palace and skip all of the crowds." She moved so that she could sit beside him and rub his shoulders, once again enjoying the thought of defying authority. Just to add some spice to their touching, she leaned down to kiss the joint of his neck and shoulder. She wouldn't let Zuko just be walked over by the nobles. The fire lord taking a bride under the cover of night had been done before. Matter of fact, that's how several of Zuko's ancestors had taken a fire lady, some of which had not been from the noble families.

Hakoda bit back another huff. He had heard rumors and stories about Roku's life and times, and most importantly about how his life had ended. At this point, he's quite ready to have this envoy out of his home, regardless of what tradition dictates. There is a line for being insulted in one's own home.

"We have a saying that the first wave of fire nation soldiers learned long ago when the first ships made it through the ice. Do not under estimate what's beneath the ice, because it will turn on you faster then your heart can beat." He would dearly love to slug this man in the face. "Katara, go and start packing. I will tell your brother to prepare when he gets from the hunting trip."

Katara nodded and rose without a word, not acknowledging the envoy as she left for the sleeping room of the igloo. Hakoda sat in silence after that, trusting that the envoy had an adequately stocked ship to at least make it to better, less ice clogged waters.
ZUko smiled, if just a little, as Mai sat down beside him. "I think I may know just the person for that," he replied to her comment about the fire sage, not lying in that case. After all, not all the fire sages had been loyal to only Ozai, and he knew a few of those who still remained. One of them would probably help out. Not that he particularly cared about the history of the act though, but he was going to do what he wanted, regardless of those in authority, since he believed he was right in this regard.

With Mai beside him, he returned the favor to her, shifting slightly to kiss her forehead, and otherwise leaning comfortably against her, enjoying her presence as she so enjoyed his. Their's wasn't a very physical relationship, much less one that was overly romantic, but they both preferred it that way, acting as support for each other and moving at their own pace.


The envoy was not intimidated by the Hakoda's words. Why should he? After all, he was from the great Fire Nation, which had nearly won the war and conquered the war, while the Southern Water Tribe had been reduced to a handful of souls living in tiny igloos, prey to any raider that came across. If they chose to forget that fact, then so be it. It would be their loss.

"I will take my leave then. My ship departs tomorrow morning. I expect your daughter and her escort to be there promptly. The Fire Lord will not bode delays," the envoy announced, before rising and taking his leave of the igloo, returning to his vessel where he and the rest of the Fire Nation troops would spend the night, preparing a report for Zuko, and other interested parties, and otherwise waiting for the arrival of tomorrow to set out.
"Good. You should speak to him right away." She started to knead at the muscles of his neck and shoulders, using techniques she had learned from Ty Lee. The few times Mai had allowed Ty lee to work on her like this had worked magic to help out with releasing tension from her muscles. And just as their weapon masters had promised, the lack of tension in their body helped with their combat readiness. However, she's hoping at the moment that the massage will work in another way as well. Gentle touch from a romantic other had been well proven to help with bonding. She adds a few more tender strokes as well, an even rarer show of affection.

Katara went and laid down on her bedroll. She had just been home for a couple months, and already the fire nation is trying to take her away again. Wasn't it enough that they had taken her mother and caused such devastation to her people? And then there was Zuko. Why wasn't he putting a stop to it? There's no way that he's on board with such a ridiculous idea. He knows that she and Aang are couple, just like he and Mai are together.
"I will. After I leave," Zuko confirmed, pretty resolute in his desire to actually do so, and not just saying what she wanted to hear. But at the moment he was here, and the Fire Priest wasn't, so that would have to wait. He let out a few grunts as Mai began to work at his shoulders and neck, a bit surprised, but not overly so, since Mai always was a bag of tricks. But she was doing a good job of it at the moment, and he could start to feel the stiff tension begin to bleed away.

"Well, this is a surprise," Zuko commented as he leaned back a bit, closing his eyes. "I take it I have Ty Lee to thank for this?" Not necessarily the idea in and of itself, but rather the fact that Mai knew how to do it. It was what he would have expected anyway.


The time would pass by relatively quickly, or like an eternity, in the village of the Water Tribe, until at last the morning light dawned and the area began to spring to life, specifically aboard the Fire Nation ship, where they went about clearing away ice and snow that had accumulated over the night, shooing away pesky animals that had tried to take up residence, and preparing to set sail for warmer environs (much to their satisfaction), as soon as they were told to leave.

Meanwhile, the envoy that had previously met with Hakoda took up a position on the bridge, waiting for the water benders to arrive so they could get going. He didn't exactly like having to wait for them to show up, but he had little choice in the matter, so he put up with it. Hopefully they wouldn't take too long.
"I'll hold you to that," Mai hums as she continues her work, rewarded by the visible relaxation in his shoulder and neck muscles. Even more when he leans into her probing hands. "Ty Lee was sometimes better then the royal masseuse. Better understanding of the human body." She found a knot on the center of his shoulder and back, before pressing on it in a center way to let make it release. "That should feel much better. You know, I could have better access without so much barriers in the way and if you laid down," Mai suggests, voice hinting at a tease.

Hakoda had of course chosen Sokka to accompany Katara, several of the warriors that had made up his war party, and a handful of the returned waterbenders who had volunteered to keep an eye on the fire nation. Before leaving their igloo, he had wrapped both his children in a big hug, before they joined in a family hug. Somberly they proceed for the bridge.
"Ah," Zuko replied, nodding in understanding, and he couldn't contradict her. Ty Lee could be scary sometimes, both in her attitude, and in her fighting style, which focused on hitting a bodies chakra points to render them immobile and helpless. It would stand to reason then that her knowledge of these sorts of things was pretty spot o. He let out a grunt as she worked the knot on his back, wincing slightly as the pain released, allowing a calm flow of energy once again.

Eyes flickered open at her next comment, and he looked about before looking at Mai. "There aren't exactly many places to lay down here," he pointed out. It was a dining room after all, and he had a feeling that the low table wouldn't appreciate it very much if it were used.


To the bridge the guests came, passing by Fire Nation soldiers, some of whom were busy doing work, and others who were there to make sure they didn't go where they weren't supposed to. Not that sabotage was expected, but precautions had to be taken just in case. It was the way things worked on a government/military vessel, and one just had to accept it.

The envoy they had spoken to yesterday was waiting on the bridge as they arrived through the metal corridors. "Ah, good, you're here," he commented as he turned to face them. "I believe we can set off then, unless there is some pressing matter that cannot wait." He looked to them to see if that was the case, though he doubted it would be.
"Good point. I say we move to some place a bit more comfortable," she suggests casually. A less formal room would do, such as the living quarters that has a nice, long and deep cushy couch from to stretch out on. "The living room. You can stretch out there and let me finish working on you." She gave a tug on the arm of his robe. She lifted her hands before rising, suggesting that he follow.

The waterbenders took notice of the guards as well. Where they are, how many, weak points in the ship, etc, etc. Sokka speaks when the envoy addresses them. "We'll want to veer slightly from true north. Our scouts over night have report major ice fields that it would be better to avoid rather then plow straight through." Sokka, like Katara, wants to get this over and done with and return home.
That sounded just fine to Zuko, so he nodded in approval. "That sounds fine," he replied, accepting the tug she gave him and rising from his seat as she did. He let her walk and lead the way, though he had a fair idea where the rooms where himself. But this was her house, so he was content to let Mai lead to wherever she had in mind for continuing with this stress relief.


"Alright," the envoy nodded as Sokka gave them directions that would ease the rate of travel. He then turned to the Captain and nodded. It was time to go. So, orders were barked, the fire in the belly of the ship stoked, and the iron vessel pulled away from the docks, headed north and towards the territory of the Fire Nation, away from the polar cold, the start of a somewhat long journey that would bring Katara and Sokka to the Fire Nation, but as guests this time, and not invaders/liberators.
Mai led him a bit deeper into the house before pulling open another screen door. Just as tastefully decorated as the dining room, but a bit more functional for every day use. "Lay down on the sofa and make yourself comfortable," she tells him as she moves to start a small fire in the grate. She could have him do it obviously, but she prefers to keep her skills sharp by doing it herself. It doesn't take much to get a small fire going before returning to the couch. She's quite looking forward to getting her hands better on Zuko's gorgeous body, the fire warmed skin that gives his frame definition.

After they get under way safely, Katara retreated back to her cabin, not feeling to sociable. Sokka on the either hand is taking the opportunity to investigate the more modern ship. Definitely a couple steps above the ship they had used after Aang had been struck at Ba Sing Se by Azula, and leagues away from the ship still stuck in the ice in the southern pole ice. He frequently asks the crew questions, annoying them as he goes.
Zuko continued to follow along as they moved through the halls, and eventually to a screen door that Mai pulled open for the two of them so he could step through into the tastefully decorated living room. "Alright," he replied with a nod, shrugging his royal upper garments off before laying down on the couch as she suggested to him. He didn't feel uncomfortable with it, since it would make it easier for Mai to work.

Head tilted to the side, he watched as Mai lit a fire in the grate, admiring her individualism and self reliance, even if that was only a small display of it when all things were considered. It was one of those things attractive about her, and he waited for her to resume with the promised massage as he rested upon the couch.
She moved away for a second, getting a cushion for herself so that she'll be comfortable. Once she settled in again, she put her hands onto his back again, search out more knots and tense spots. Here and there she adds pressure from her elbow, which works great to break the really tricky areas in his muscles. She works her way down to where his spine meets his pelvis before reclining again. "How are you feeling now Zuko?"
Zuko waited, letting his mind drift in some attempt at calm meditation as Mai made herself comfortable first and then got to work as she wanted, starting at the top and moving down, It was a good thing she knew what she was doing, since as the Fire Lord he'd certainly been building up a lot of stress, and it showed, in his chakra points and elsewhere. He let out the occasional grunt at a particularly painful spot, but otherwise tried to stay silent, just breathing deeply and letting her do her work. "Better," he admitted succinctly as he laid there uner her tender care.
She leaned forward again and lightly started to run her fingers down from his shoulders down his back. Mai gave him a kiss to the top of his head while she keeps up her rubbing. He looks so much better with a greater amount of stress gone. Mai gave his shoulder a poke with her free hand. "Roll over. Easier to give you some affection when you're facing the right direction," she says with a light smile on her face.
Zuko began to get the notion that the massage might be over as Mai worked away the stress, and at the same time laid a kiss on the top of his head, one that brought a slight rise to the corners of his mouths. Feeling a poke to his shoulder, he glanced back and nodded. "Alright. Thanks," he added as he shifted, over to rest on his back, looking up at Mai and wearing the warm expression he saved for her. "I feel better already."
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