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~¤ Curse of Loyalty ¤~ ( MissClover X theStig )

Clayton was a ball of nerves all day. He could hardly enjoy the congratulations that everyone, including Mr. Henderson gave him. Lakota's mood change had him on edge. It was clear that she was no longer mad at him. In fact, she seemed to smile. Whether or not the spell would actually work. She was confident in its potency.

She also made no attempt to speak to him. When they "dated" she would blow up his phone, always asking to get together. He also remembered Sunday's snaps. She made no attempt to make plans for Thursday. Meaning she had no desire for him to be around when she cast the spell. He would crash her party.

That night at practice, he did not do well. He was much too distracted. His coach didn't say too much however. It was just one off night. After practice, he actually sent Lakota a text. "Hey, any plans for tomorrow night? Need help with history hw" If she were not up to something, she'd leap at the chance to spend time together."
Lakota was sitting in her fluffy moon chair at home when she got a text from Clayton. When she read it her heart leaped up into her throat and she nearly choked. "Oh my god.." She whispered to herself. She had been practicing the spell, chanting it for the past thirty minutes, maybe it was actually working already and it wasn't even a full moon and she didn't even have the candles lit. Her stomach turned with excitement and butterflies as a confidence began to grow inside of her. This could really work.

She pulled her feet up into the edge of the chair as she debated what she should say. She didn't need help with history, but she could use some help with her calculus. She texted him back, "Think you could help me with my Calculus? History is pretty easy right now." She went on, sending a new text. "We are studying Joan of Arc, so I don't have a ton of dates and names to remember." She hit send and then started another. "I don't understand why we have to remember all that stuff anyway. As long as we remember what happened, that's what matters! Right? Lol." She hit send again and would start another text. "But I would love some Calculus help for sure." Send. New Text, "Tomorrow night, right?" She sent the text and thought about the time she would need him to leave. It should work out right. Her dad would come up to her room around 9:00PM and tell Clayton he needed to go home. Lights out by 10:00PM. Then sneak out around 10:45PM and get to the place she planned to cast the spell around 11:30PM, set up and cast it minutes before midnight, when the moon was at it's highest in the sky.

She looked down to her phone, re-reading the text he sent. "Wait.. does he need my help?" She wondered out loud. "OH! Or do you need my help? Like with flash cards and stuff?" She hit send and started another. "I have some flash cards I haven't used yet." She hit send and started another but decided against it. She figured she should wait to hear back from him.
The series of texts received were enough to turn Clayton off from her, even if he had already decided that he wasn't interested. What was going on here? It had seemed as though she did not want him around, and then as though she did. He rubbed his face with his left hand, which still smelled faintly like the inside of his catch glove. What was he to do?

Well there was an easy first step. "Sorry Lakota, won't be able to study, just heard that team will be having dinner in the evening. Thanks anyway" He hit send.

Now, what should he actually do tomorrow night? Should he try to interrupt her? Or should he try to be far away. He decided that there was only one thing to do. He would follow her secretly, when she tried to cast the spell, he would interrupt her. He would explain that her actions made him uneasy, and that he could not be with someone who tried such tricks. He would also inspire hope with the lie that if she stayed clear of him, he'd give her another chance after the season.
Lakota frowned when he suddenly broke plans. "That was odd." She said to herself and curled up more in the moon chair. Maybe he was up to something. Trying to figure out if she was mad with him or not. She thought she smiled at him at school to let him know she wasn't upset with him. She sighed and would go to sleep, practicing her spell. It was fairly simple. All she had to do was say it right, not fuck up or babble on and things would go smoothly.

The next day at school she would keep a low profile, talking to Kelsey a little at lunch and not bothering with Clayton. She didn't want to raise too many concerns. Plus, she found out he had lied to her about the team having dinner. There was no dinner. This only fueled the fire for her to perform this spell tonight.

She got home and would change into some more appropriate clothes. She dressed into a pair of dark black jeans, her converse boots and a thinner black sweater. Over that she put on a black hoodie and zipped it up. She packed all her supplies into her old black backpack and would sling it onto her back. She checked the clock and decided it was time to go. Her dad was fast asleep. She turned off her bedroom light and would sneak downstairs, leaving out the back door.

The park she chose had some hiking trails, and one of them had a more beaten path off of it that lead to a clearing in the trees. The trees formed what seemed to be a perfect circle and the moon would be perfectly in the middle when at it's highest. She had her earphones in, almost dancing as she walked through the night to the park. Playing Black Widow by Iggy and Rita. It seemed like the perfect song for this occasion.
The next day seemed to drag for Clayton. He didn't see Lakota at all, and partially wondered if she had even come to school that day. He managed to focus well for practice, which was easy since tomorrow was a game day. After his shower he went home to get some supplies.

He put on dark jeans and a black hoodie, and grabbed enough protein bars and water to last a week. He intended to at least not be hungry on this stake out. He drove to Lakota's neighborhood and parked on the street. He could see that her light was on. He sat there in his car for a while, until he saw the light shut off. Then he saw a lithe figure in black exit. Aha!

Following her was difficult. It required him going down side streets, passing her and watching through the rearview. He even lost her once. Thankfully she was making no attempt to avoid being followed, so he was able to find her again. At last she came to a park. He followed her on foot.

He could have stopped her at any point, but he wanted to catch her in the act. He wanted proof so that he could be properly outraged, and she could be properly humiliated. She danced along with headphones in, making it very easy to keep tabs on her. When they came to the trees, he stayed on the outside, he would allow her to set up, then when she came to the "apex" of the spell as near as he could guess, he would leap out, startle her, and dash her hopes of cursing him.
Lakota slid her backpack off from her shoulders and set it down in the middle of the clearing. She knelt down, still listening to her music. It kept up her confidence and distracted her from the fear of what was in the dark of the night. She started to remove several of the items. First was a pair of candles. One red, one orange. Then she took out some rosemary oil, thyme and basil, ground cinnamon, and some honey.

She carved his name into the red candle and then hers into the orange one. Lakota set them beside each other in the center of the circle, then began to scatter the herbs around them. She then took the oil and began to make a circle around all of the herbs, spreading a generous amount. After she did that she put the empty oil bottle back into her bag. She then striked a match and lit the two candles. Once they were lit she turned off her music and took her headphones out. She checked the time and took in a deep breath. She was beginning to get nervous and she debated not going through with it. She picked up her book bag and slipped it onto her shoulders.

"This is it..." she whispered to herself. She looked up to the moon and saw it was coming into place. She then took the honey and drizzled it along the sides of the orange candle. She then dropped the rest of the unused honey into her backpack and took the cinnamon and sprinkled it over the red candle, little flames sparking from the dusty cinnamon. She put the rest in her bag and would stand up straight. She placed her hands together in front of herself and said a silent prayer for God to forgive her for what she was about to do. She dropped her hands and then began, looking up to the moon.

"With the Power of the Moon light..." The flames began to flicker a bit, as if the wind had picked up. "See through the Darkness of the Night." Suddenly the flames seemed to grow and get bigger, the flames reaching upward into the sky. "Find his heart and bind it to mine!" Suddenly the trees began to twist and sway, the wind picking up around the circle. "Make him loyal for the rest of time!" The flames reached up and combined, beginning to swirl as it reached upward to the sky. She spread her arms, feeling the warmth of the fire just a few inches before her. All she had to do what repeat it one more time. . .
Clayton began to tremble as the wind picked up, and the candles burned brighter than campfires. True fear entered his soul. What sort of dark power was she calling on. Her words also struck fear into him. Binding his heart to hers, and loyal forever. No, he had to go now. He watched as the flames from the two candles joined over her head. NOW!

He leaped from the treeline rushing towards Lakota. "What the hell are you doing?" He yelled. He intended to crash into her, like a defensemen delivering a hard body check. He had to save himself, and Lakota from whatever she was doing.
The spell was active all she had to do was repeat it to make it complete. However, whenever her chant was broken she turned to see Clayton. She gasped and tensed up as he crashed into her. She fell down to the ground, her backpack knocking over the orange candle, causing it to bump into the red one, the flame dying out. The red one remained blazing though. She tried to push him off of her, trying to defend herself. "I'm only trying to make you loyal towards me, Clayton!" Suddenly as she spoke the fire began to shift, the flame forming to look like Clayton. "You know, just like a dog is loyal to it's owner! Nothing more!" The fire shifted from Clayton to that of a large dog, howling then running up into the sky.

Her eyes peered past him, staring up at the fire that was shifting above them. "Clayton! A Wolf!!" She screamed, pointing up to the flame. Just as she said it the fire quickly spiraled upward. The huge blaze of fire shifted from the dog into a wolf. The wolf's head peered down and it's jaws opened up and came rushing down to Clayton. Just as the fire was about to engulf both him and her, it suddenly disappeared forming a cloud of smoke in its place, surrounding them as the air seemed to stand still. The candle burnt out and everything seemed... quiet. Too quiet.

Had Lakota finished the spell properly, it probably wouldn't have worked given the fact he didn't really love her. But instead the spell had shifted from a loyalty spell into something more powerful. Clayton's presence only made things worse, and possible for that matter. . . It was hard telling what happened and what was to come.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Clayton answered. At least he tried to, it came out as a bit of a growl. The fantastic light display terrified him to his core. He stood there. Feeling very unbalanced on his two feet. Almost as though he needed his hands on the ground to steady him. He felt animalistic, unable to think, only to feel. Right now he felt the need to be close to Lakota.

He screamed at her, asking what she had done. He had tired to, it came out as more growls, barks even. He noticed that his hands were losing shape, he was covered in dark fur. He tried to grab onto her shoulders.

He was a wolf, hopping on his hind legs barking loudly, pushing on Lakota's shoulders. He thought of biting her, but something in him would not allow it. He was angry, but Lakota was to be protected, and never harmed. Still Anger, fear, filled him. He barked louder and snapped his jaws.
Lakota didn't feel Clayton against her like she would expect. There was a new heat to him, a new kind of weight as well. She felt his presence, but yet he was gone. Instead, in his place was a canine, barking and growling, it's snout right in her face, yet it didn't bite. She whined and pulled her face away. "Stop it!" She yelled, and pushed forward with whatever courage she could. She was scared to be bitten, but more so on the face than her arms. Her hands found their way against the fur of his chest, shoving him to get off of her. As the smoke finally lifted, she could see the gravity of the situation. Here she was, in the middle of the night, with a dire wolf on top of her. She suddenly felt uneasy, her breath caught and paused. Time seemed to stand still as she held her breath. It was as if she forgot how to. She couldn't bring herself to inhale or even exhale. It was stuck, right there in her throat. Finally her eyes rolled back and she fainted. Her body fell limp and she laid against the ground vulnerable and defenseless.
At her command "Stop it!" Clayton found himself sitting and waiting. This happened without him really thinking about it. He watched as she fainted. He was a bundle of feelings, Anger at Lakota. Fear for himself, fear for Lakota, who lay on the ground. Loyalty towards her. He circled her several times before he began whining with concern and licking her face. He was furious with her, wanted to bite her throat, but also wanted nothing more than for her to wake up and begin rubbing his head.
Lakota suddenly jerked away and gasped in suddenly. Her breathing finally returning. She looked to the large wolf who was licking her and she moved away even more. She rolled over onto her knees and pushed herself up, scrambling to get to her feet. She stumbled several times, but finally stood. Whenever she was standing it was still startling just how big he was. On all fours, his head was level with her stomach. "Oh god! Oh shit!" Her hands went to her face and she began rubbing her cheeks, backing up, trying to get away slowly. "Don't eat me!"

Her mind raced to decipher what had happened. It was like her mind began to rewind... the smoke, the fire wolf eating them, Clayton in the flames... Her words. It suddenly dawned on her that possibly this 'loyalty' spell went wrong when he interfered and now he was loyal.. like a dog would be... as a dog. But he was a huge wolf instead. How did that happen? She didn't say loyal like a wolf, did she? It sunk in and she remembered just what she said. She felt light headed again and the feeling of fainting started to come over her. . . No! She couldn't faint! She was in danger. She had to stay alert. Surely he would kill her now that he was a beast. "Don't touch me!" She wanted to keep a good distance, and she would attempt to do so, moving away if he tried to approach.
Clayton easily ignored the command to not eat her. He had no intentions. He did continue however to stay close to her. He felt a panic to communicate to her what had happened. He was supposed to be human. He barked and growled and whined. He jumped in the air.

She yelled not to touch her. He felt a great desire to stay away from her. It lasted a few moments. However, his desire to obey her was easily overcome by his panic and fear. His eyes were wild, and he charged hopping on his hind legs so that he could push her shoulders with his front paws. He would not push hard enough to knock her over, just enough to communicate that something was wrong.
Lakota continued to back away each time he tried to get near her. She would eventually be back behind the treeline, heading to the trail. However, she wasn't very skillful at walking backwards. She noticed how the wolf didn't really seem to be aggressive. The growling and barking was off setting but the whining didn't seem right. She put her hands up in front of her, to signal that she didn't want him jumping up on her as she continued to back up. Then before she could say anything, her heel caught a branch and she tripped, falling backwards. The backpack once again softened her blow, but it still didn't feel good. She yelped as she fell, the wind being knocked out of her for a brief moment as her yelped suddenly stopped mid-way.

It was right about that time that a flashlight shined up the trail, searching side to side. The sound of a man calling out, "Hello? Anybody out there?" It was hard telling who it might be. . . There was a huge light display from earlier. Maybe it was the police, a fireman, or just a by stander.
Lakota putting her hands up was enough to make Clayton stop jumping, at least for a few moments, but he still tried to come closer to her. When she fell, he was over her in an instant. Making sure that she was ok, as well as he could. He licked at her hands and her face, and nuzzled her cheek with his face. He no longer barked, just whined.

Then he saw the flashlight, and heard the man's voice. In an instant he stood between him and Lakona. He sensed the man might cause her harm. He still felt anger towards her, but he would not let this man near him. He gave out a loud howl, a warning or sorts that in the woods, there were wolves. He had not completely lost touch with his human side, and he could figure out that such a ruse might convince the man that what he had seen or heard was wildlife, or at least, that it wasn't safe to come further.
Thankfully the man began to pull away, and headed back in the opposite direction. For some people heroism only got them so far before fear took over. That, or common sense depending on how you look at it.

It was pretty obvious at that point Lakota wasn't dealing with an overly aggressive wolf. At least not towards her. She rolled onto her stomach again and got up to her feet. She wiped her face off on her sleeves and looked down to the wolf. She quietly whispered, "Clayton...? Is that you?" Part of her wanted it to be Clayton because then she wasn't with just some random wolf, but another part of her hoped it wasn't. Things would be easier if Clayton was still a human and not just a wolf. How would she explain the disappearance of the school's star hockey player?

It was then that she realized she had developed a headache. Either from falling twice onto her back, or from the chaos surrounding her. She was beginning to regret messing with magic, and silently vowed to herself that she'd never touch it again. It just wasn't worth it. . .
The sound of his name on her voice suddenly filled Clayton with joy. Like a heroine addict getting his fix. He tried to scream that yes it was him. Of course it was him. She did this to him. He was so angry! And so happy she had given him some attention.

The result was him barking and jumping up and down. Somehow, Clayton knew this was the only way he would get her to understand what she had done.
Her face turned white as it dawned on her that he was Clayton. A knot formed in her stomach and she suddenly felt like puking. She held it back and shook her head. "No.. no way." She waved her hands in front of her as she continued to shake her head, "This can't be happening." She brought her hands up to her mouth and covered it for a moment as she began to panic. "No! You can't be a..." She couldn't say it. Her hands dropped from her mouth then raised back up almost as quickly as they dropped. She held the sides of her head as she shook it. "Clayton, you have to turn back!" She closed her eyes and began to pray, wishing he would return back to normal.

The odd thing about this spell was that it gave her some power over him. If she willed him to change, he would. No matter in which way. Whether it be man to wolf or wolf to man. But if she wasn't there to keep things in check, when he changed was entirely based on his emotions. Any raw emotion could set him off and make him turn, so long as it was strong enough. The worst one of all being arousal. The one thing in all of us that takes us back to our animalistic ways. But it wasn't limited to that. Jealousy, angry, happiness, sadness, love, hate. All of these things could change him if they consumed him too much. Unfortunately, no one was going to tell them this. It was something they would have to learn. But this moment right here would be the step to learning that she could change him back...
At her hands going in front of her, he stopped jumping, but he continued barking. He needed her to do something. As if to answer him, he felt a pull from her. The human buried deep within him was being yanked to the surface. He gave a great howl, but by the time it had ended he was human again. He was completely naked, and on his hands and knees, but he was himself again.

He stopped the howl, looked up at Lakota with a horrified look. "What the fuck did you do?" He leaped to his feet. He didn't give her a chance to answer. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?"
Lakota opened her eyes when she heard his voice, but what she saw wasn't much better. Clayton in the nude was more than she could handle. "OH MY GOD!" She covered her eyes and turned around. "You're naked!" She yelled out in surprise. She couldn't be bothered with the question he asked right now. Not after seeing him naked. She quickly started to walk away, quickly picking up her pace. Not only did she want to get away, but she didn't want to take responsibility for what she did either. She couldn't even be for sure that she was the one that even did it... But she knew deep down that it was her fault.

Her face was red with embarrassment and her pace was unsteady as she searched the ground in the dark. The moon's light was beginning to hide behind the treeline and the less traveled path was harder to see.
Clayton was furious. He chased after her. Yelling. Before he knew what was happening, he felt his grip on humanity slipping. He was going to turn into a wolf again, he could feel it. But something stopped him. He could sense it. Lakota. He didn't know how he knew, but he was completely aware that it was her that was keeping him human. Part of him felt grateful. "Lakota. You owe it to me to stop and talk to me. You have to help me. We have to work this out." He tried appealing to her emotional side. "You did this to me, you can't just run away and leave me out here." He chased after her as fast as he could, branches ripped at his skin, the rough ground tore at his feet. He ignored all of it.
She finally stopped, feeling bad for him. She let out a heavy sigh, trying to push away his words and ignore them. She didn't want to to consider the consequences of her actions. Even if she did, what could she do? She didn't know of any reversal spells. And since she messed up the loyalty spell, who knows how badly she would fuck up the reversal. Apparently witchcraft was not her best new hobby.

She took off her backpack, setting it down for a moment. She unzipped her hoodie and would take it off, handing it over to him without looking at him. She wasn't very comfortable with the idea of seeing his... dangley parts. "There. Now you can go home." She said plainly. For a girl that normally talked your ear off, she had very little to say. She figured that was what was keeping him from going home, his nudity. Now with something to cover himself, he could go on and stop hounding her.
Clayton fumed. "Am I bothering you, Lakota?" The sarcasm was think on his voice. "Don't be stupid. I'm not stuck out here with you because I'm naked. You... did something to me. You did it on purpose. You don't get to fucking walk away from it. Now, undo it." He felt the wolf inside him trying to come back to the surface. He was keenly aware that only Lakota was keeping him from changing.
Lakota jerked her coat back and hung it over her arm and picked her backpack up. "Fine! Stay naked." She continued walked, heading off onto the main trail that was more open to the park. "I don't know what you want more from me. I did undo it. If you haven't notice, you're not an animal anymore, though you sure are acting like one!" She slung the backpack over one shoulder and picked up her pace now that the trail was easier and cleared of any debris. She started to get her phone back out with the headphones, wanting to drown out any other words. As far as she was concerned, the spell didn't work and she was done trying. If anything it only made things worse. Now he'd never give her a chance after the hockey season was over. What a mess. . .
Clayton grabbed and held Lakota by her shoulders. He was strong, so she would not be able to wriggle free, but he would not squeeze so hard that he'd hurt her. Yelling was getting him no where. He spoke quieter, but his voice still had an edge. "Look, whatever you did, it's not undone. I can feel the wolf inside of me trying to get. The only thing keeping me human is you. If you weren't here right now I'd..." He trailed off. "Lakota if you care at all about me, you'll try to make this right."
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