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Muse of a Nobody (pony of D. & myself)

He moaned again as she rolled them over feeling her body move and shift on his cock. Laying down for a few second only to be pulled up into a kiss he rolled his hips with her. His hand running over her back his body thrusting into her as she rode him.
She let her head fall back moaning loudly and lustfully, he felt so good inside her, her entire body quivered each time he moved inside of her. She wanted more of him, she had always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a demon and now she knew and it was amazing, she wanted him to not hold back she wanted him to feel as much pleasure as he was giving her right now "give me....more" she whispered in his ear she wanted to release again so badly.
He rolled his hips harder turning his thrusts a bit more wild. Softly bouncing her on him his lips began softly biting at her neck. His hands ran along her back, his ears picking up her pleas for more. His hips bouncing her a bit more helping her ride on him.
She moved on him more and more she had never felt this much pleasure in her life, she loved how he was biting at her neck, she wanted more. She wrapped her arms around his neck holding him close "' good" she managed to gasp between moans. She rolled her body gently against his. She was nearing her second climax she hoped he would join her for this one.
A moan came from his lips as he picked up even more speed getting rougher with his thrusts. His hands squeezing her ass as he started bouncing her outright on his hard dick. "God." He moaned loudly thrusting up in her as he bounced her along his rather large size. "Mia." He called again as his cock began to swell feeling his climax building.
She held onto him tightly as he picked up his speed him going deeper and deeper inside her. She cried out loudly in pleasure as she released around him her body tensing around him this one even more intense than the last. She held onto him more weakly once she had released she was so tried her heart was beating so hard and fast in her chest she thought it might give out. She kissed him deeply and passionately on the lips, she slid her tongue into his mouth she wanted him to stay inside of her tonight while they slept she wanted to keep him close.
His climax came the moment hers did a loud moan escaping his lips. The rapid pace of his heart and the feeling of hers beating beneath her cool chest as he pulled her closer. Their tongues fighting with each other to win the passionate kiss. Slowly he laid back down onto the sofa bed with her still on top of him. Her smooth back sliding under his touch as his hands moved over it.
She wrapped her tongue playfully around his, she was starting to grow feelings for him beyond just their friendship. First he took her in off the streets, then he gave her back her dreams, and now he had given her more pleasure than she could ever have imagined. She rolled her body playfully against his as she continued to kiss him not wanting any of this to end. She could see herself laying with him like this for hours on end.
Seth woke the following morning as his watch was driving him crazy. He found his arms wrapped around Mia once again. She had been on his chest cuddled close, only this time they were without clothes. He looked at the time and sighed, another day of hellish work with Satan also known as Charlie. He shifted from under her once again this time going and taking a shower cleaning himself of the smell of the long night he had experienced with her. Turning the water to full hot he stepped in grabbing the bar of soap letting a light wash of water run over himself before lathering up the soap on his skin.

He dressed himself after the hot shower getting ready for his job. This time he thought of taking his camera with him so he grabbed the bag and put it in the car with him. With a loud sigh he put the car in reverse preparing his mind for the long day ahead, and trying to not think about the little sleep he got from the night before. He pulled into the parking lot for his job a half hour later then turned off the vehicle. Another sigh as he stepped from the car towards the building, then about thirty yards later he was at the door walking through it.
Mia woke up later that morning in the bed naked and alone, she felt a bit sad about this fact but she knew he had to work, but she had enjoyed the night she'd spent with him greatly. She decided she was going to make him something special for dinner but what...She got up her legs quivered beneath her, she was a bit sore and weak from last night, that may have been the best sex she'd ever had but it was also the roughest. She moved to the bathroom and turned on the water making sure it was nice and hot. She would need to pick up a big bottle of arnica gel. She stood under the hot water for several minutes then started to wash. Once she was clean she went and pulled on a pair of ultra low rise flare jeans and a tank top. She put on her sneakers and walked over to the grocery store and looked around a bit. She found some marked down salmon and imitation crab. She looked around a bit more and picked up some long grain rice. She went and purchased the items and went back to his home. She prepared the stuffed salmon belle mar, which was salmon stuffed with ricotta cheese, long grain rice, and imitation crab meat. She put it in the fridge to bake later. She started cleaning up from last night starting with running the sheets through the laundry and replacing them with fresh ones.
Seth's back popped from sitting in his chair for the hour break he had from being on his feet. Soon enough though he was back on them running around like the good little gopher he was. God how he hated his job, always having to brown nose the fucking hirer ups so he wouldn't lose any more pay. Seriously there were times where he thought a nut-less monkey could do his job. He scrambled for hours until finally he was able to clock out and head home. Driving carefully he wanted to have more of Mia's coma inducing culinary cuisine.
Mia folded the laundry from the previous day, she had not had a chance to get to it yet since yesterday had been a very busy day for her. She massaged some of the arnica gel she had picked up into her inner thighs and few other places that were sore from last night. She decided to stretch a little bit which wouldn't be hard since she her pants were always a bit baggy but not too baggy. She felt much better after stretching. She went in the kitchen and chopped up some lettuce to make a salad to go with the fish she was going to make. she wanted to make everything perfect for him she wanted to make sure last night wasn't too much for him. She did not want him upset, she did not want to risk losing any chance she had with him. She sat down on the couch just trying to take a break but passed out from how tired she was.
His hand turned the steering wheel to park into his garage. After turning off the car he stepped out locking it and closing the door behind him. A few minutes later he opened the door to his home stepping in. How long had it been since he had been an expectant person when coming home? He couldn't remember. He walked in and set his things down on the table in the kitchen, something was off. The smell of food was missing, though he wondered if she had cooked it earlier and had just put some away for him.

Opening the fridge door he noticed that she had started preparing food though didn't finish it, a slight bit of disappointment though he wasn't upset with her. He closed the door and moved to wash his hands in the sink. Shaking his hand dry he stepped into the living room to find her resting on the couch. A small smile came to his lips and he realized he really hadn't done anything for her besides bring her to his home. He placed his hand on her cheek softly and ran it down to her shoulder. "Mia, wake up." He mused softly lightly rocking her to wake her slumber.
She groaned as he moved her "huh...what.." she slowly opened her eyes looking at him "you're home...wait you're home and I haven't cooked the food I made you. I Made you stuffed salmon belle mar, I wanted to surprise you but I guess I fell asleep on the couch I'm sorry" she said softly. She looked up at him she knew how much he enjoyed coming home to a fresh cooked meal, and she truly loved being able to do that for him. She looked up at him she was truly disappointed in herself "I guess the events of last night truly did wear me out, not that I'm complaining. I enjoyed being close to you. It's been a long time since I've not been afraid to be that close to some one." she said softly. She just started babbling and hoped he would silence her soon before she said something really stupid.
Seriously was she babbling? He tried to interject three time to let her know it was fine and that she had done plenty for him. But it was clear she didn't hear any of it since she started to ramble. A movie scene came into play though he didn't recall the film, where one of the two were rambling only to have the other one playfully get annoyed and smack the other. He smiled at the comical violent thought, though another solution came to mind. He balls his fist and extended his index finger putting into her mouth the next word she tried to speak. His finger held her squirming tongue in place as he smiled at her. "Now It's fine I said." He mused playfully not moving his finger. "We'll just go out to eat after all you cook and clean all the time it's about time you deserved a break." Taking his finger from her mouth. "So how's that sound?"
She paused it was a bit odd that he had stuck his finger in her mouth she looked up at him "but..." she stopped herself "I guess that sounds reasonable" she said softly. She slowly got up and leaned in kissing his lips softly. Her legs were still a bit sore from last night but only time would help that. "ok but I don't really have anything nice to wear so it will have to be a fairly casual place." she said softly. She hoped that tonight would be a bit more romantic than the heated and lusty night they'd had the previous evening. She wanted to have more between them than just pure lust.
Seth often wondered about her clothing situation as he hadn't seen much in variety of thing she wore. So she didn't have anything fancy huh, well he would just have to change that tonight for her. "I suppose we can go to a burger joint or something more downscale than a black tie requirement." He teased. He helped her to her feet and lead her to the car, not sure where they would stop first, though him getting her clothing would definitely wait until after their meal.
Mia nodded "alright that sounds good" she said softly. She let him lead her over to his car, she climbed inside and rested her hand on his thigh affectionately. She looked outside as he drove to the burger place she climbed out of the car "I have on condition before we eat...You have to kiss me" she said softly. She wanted to have a deep and caring kiss complete with embrace. She looked over at him smirking a bit. She wanted to see how he felt about last night. She walked a bit closer to him, she wanted to be closer to him not just physically but emotionally too. She already knew what she would order to eat a turkey burger with mustard cooked in and mayo on top with tomatoes and lettuce on a whole wheat bun.
Seth got himself a single burger with unsalted fries and a small soda. Something was bugging the back of his mind. Why did he always end up getting pushed around by people in authority? Maybe it was time for a change, a nagging sensation told him something bad was going to happen. Unfortunately for him the majority of the time he was right. He took a bite of the food, this place was known for being a bit healthier than other fast food places. Hardly any excess oil on the fries and they never sat under some stupid heat lamp. His mind wandered again forgetting his company, maybe the stress of his job was the cause of all his absentmindedness.
Mia looked over at him he seemed distracted "what's on your mind? you don't seem to be all here." she said softly gently touching his hand. She looked over at him as she slowly took a bite of her burger she had grown to really like this diet that helped to keep her so healthy, it kept her skin, hair and body looking good which were kind of required since she hoped to be a model. She looked over at him "we should try taking your photography to the next level. Perhaps then you would be able to have a job you actually enjoy" she said softly.
He shook his head softly. "No I'm going to need the money for something." He said softly. He hated how these gut feelings brought an ill omen with them. "You should look into your modeling though." He took a few more bites of his food then a soft drink from his soda. "It'll help bring in a bit more income." It wasn't money that he wanted from her she was interested in working when she first came into his home, and modeling was her passion. "I get these feelings from time to time, and I just have a hunch that somethings going to go wrong. I can't say when but I know it's coming, best to prepare for the worst." He explained before going back to his meal.
"well perhaps you could help me put together a new portfolio so I could pursue that." she said softly "I would really like to have your help with that." she said softly. She could tell he didn't have a lot of confidence by his response perhaps if he was able to see more of what they were able to create together then he might be more willing to take more risk. He just needed more positive feedback on his work then he would just need the right push to get him to do what she knew he wanted to so badly.
"I'm not That type of photographer." He said softly. Taking a few more bites finishing his food. "I do have something else in mind to help you with that though." He smiled throwing the wrapper of his burger away. "So let me know when you're ready to go and we'll go take care of that little detail." A couple dresses would be much better than a novice doing pictures for a portfolio.
She looked over at him "alright I guess that would help" she said softly. She looked over at him it bothered her how he showed no confidence in himself but she would have to get over it for now that would take time. She would give him a massage again tonight and hopefully get to cuddle with him all night again. She hoped that seeing how his photo truly helped her and having a woman who deeply cared for him would help with that.
Seth moved over to the Car once she was ready heading a few miles to the southwest stopping in front of an ATM machine pulling out three hundred dollars for the rest of his plans. After getting back to the car he drove her to a store on the other side of town. Seth had never lived in the fancy part of the city though this store said a lot if he was able to afford it. He helped her in and found a few with her that he thought would look good on her. though eventually she had to pick her own, since he was just stupid about fashion.
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