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The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

James blinked. "it's my what?" "Birthday." "...what's a Birthday?" "'s a celebration of the day of your birth, lamenting the fact that your whole year older and closer to senility and wearing adult diapers." Clint stated with a sigh as Loki snorted. he wasn't allowed to play since they'd caught him magicking the cards. likewise Natasha wasn't allowed to play when she yelled at Loki for it because she was counting cards. "a birthday is a celebration of surviving another year of Life. in Asgard is usually consists of a massive feast and many presents." Loki admitted. "the more 'important' you are, the more useless the crap people seam to desire to give you." he admitted with a shrug. "i kind of figured that when we kicked out two of the cheats, the others would stop!" " have to cheat to win?" James asked, looking incredulous. "i'm not cheating." he admitted as he threw down his cards. it was a good hand, but not enough to beat Phil who smirked as he raked in the winnings and took ten minutes to stack the chips up in perfect little rows. "why are we playing with an OCD?" Clint demanded, looking amused as he watched Coulson glare at Loki, who kept changing the chips just enough that they wouldn't stack properly.
“....Hey. If we were lamenting, I’d be depressed that my boyfriend is nearing his 100th birthday. But no, we’re celebrating that he’s still here, and definitely looking well for his age.”Tony snickered a little resting his head on James’ shoulder, watching the other’s play. “And it’s going to be alot of presents, but just all of us for dinner. And then we’re going on vacation.”Tony smiled a little relaxing, trying not to squirm. His libido had come back with a vengeance, and while he wasn’t to go all caveman and drag james away from the game, he was totally looking forward to sex. Raising his head to look at James’ declaration, he raised a eyebrow. “You’re not cheating?” “He isn’t.He’s just really good at bluffing.”Natasha snickered a little because he’d been the one to teach her how to play cards when she’d been barely tall enough to reach his knees. “Cause it’s amusing”TJ snickered a little looking amused before glancing towards james. “I’m amazed you’re actually still sitting in that chair really. Amazing self restraint that.”TJ snickered amused as he watched the two, flicking a glance at Steve to see how he was doing.
James blinked at Tony. "i'm not hat old... am i?" he asked, looking startled. "well. at least i know what Vacation is." James admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he pulled Tony down for another kiss. "of course i'm good at bluffing. i was bluffing when your great grandmama was sucking tit." he scoffed. "...gross Bucky. do you have to be so vulgar?" "i'm drunk so.. yes." he admitted with a smirk. "i'm too drunk to stand up without falling on my ass." James admitted as he reached for his whiskey. he couldn't stand beer. Steve was pointedly shuffling his cards and not watching the couple. "so. i think i'm out. i've got about five hundred more than i started with." he admitted as he carefully staggered to his feet. "i'm going to go have sex now. see you later... steal my chips and die." he warned as he headed for the bedroom, Clint snickering as he shook his head. "he's made incredible progress... and then he goes and says things like that and you have to wonder... so... do you really think he'll kill us if we... re-purpose his chips?" "yes." Phil and Steve admitted.
“Well, Cap just celebrated his 96th birthday, and you were two years older, so yea, nearly 100.”Tony teased a little groaning as he kissed the other back. Before laughing, as he made a face. “Thanks for that mental image. Not exactly what I wanted picture, with words like sucking and tits in the sentence.”Tony whined making a face as he looked at his boyfriend. “are you actually drunk?I didn’t think it was possible for you to actually get drunk. Steve can’t.”Tony frowned thoughtfully as he stole another kiss as James downed the whiskey,enjoying the taste of james and whiskey. It was easily his favorite way to drink these days, if he did drink. Straight from a kiss. Though he hadn’t drank alot since he’d been healing, he was doing well with simply not drinking. Whining as he was nearly dumped out of James’ lap as the man stood he grinned. “You seem more concerned about the fact that you’re leaving your winnings behind, then excited about me being okay.”Tony pouted as he followed after James, “Yes!Don’t touch the chips. If you interrupt my sex life, I’ll be depressed!”Tony yelled back in answer as the bedroom door shut behind him. “Just how drunk are you?”Tony smirked as he looked at his assassin, growling as he nearly pounced on the other, not waiting for a answer as he kissed him hard.

“You okay?”TJ muttered dipping his head to study his cards, before slanting a glance at Steve, looking worried about his friend.
he huffed. "i'm pretty sure that i'm only in my thirties, if i'm even that old... it's hard to be sure." James admitted with a shrug. "i'm glad i could help you Love." James teased. he had told Tony 'i love you' so often that Tony was pretty numb to it, so James hd started calling Tony love. just so Tony always knew he was the most precious thing in James life. he had tried calling Tony 'My Precious' but he started howling about some ring and a thing named Gollum and something about Hobbits so he hadn't done that again. "Steve just doesn't drink enough." James scoffed. "he's a sugerpussy!" " he really is vulgar when he gets drunk." Clint muttered, Steve nodding. "always has been." he admitted, eyes twinkling as if he was playing a prank. Clint immediately started looking for strings or other warning signals of an elaborate prank. "it's Five hundred dollars Tony! i could buy amazing things with that!" he had plans for that money. "oh, i'm not drunk at all. i can't get drunk." James admitted with a laugh as he pulled Tony in for another searing kiss.

"fine." Steve muttered as he watched Phil lean over and feel up TJ's ass as he whispered something in the younger mans ear, Clint snickering. "anyway, i think i'm out. i'm tired and i want to keep my meager winnings." Clint admitted. "i have a whole extra dollar to my name now!" he stated, waving the chip around. the only person who had done worse was Phil. who was down five hundred and one dollars.
“Hm, at your age, I guess it does start to get hard to remember things.”Tony teased a little flushing a little, even if he’d gotten used to hearing ‘I love you’ it’s still something new to be called love. To know that he was precious simply for being how he was, without needing to change. “...This is amazing.I think I like him drunk.”Tony snickered.”Clint!You have the money anyways. There’s a reason I gave you that credit card.”Tony yelled back rolling his eyes as he looked up at james, “Then why....”Tony moaned softly, shuddering as he clung to the other, hands buried in his hair as he clung to him. “You and Captain Sass are up to something.”he whined as he pulled at the other’s clothes, shuddering as he looked the other. “Oh man, I want you.So much.”The man moaned softly, nearly jittery with his utter need as he undid James’ belt, smiling as he heard the other’s pants hit the floor. Eyes wide and blown as he looked up at him, the words he’d avoided saying hovering on his lips as he kissed the other again, shoving him back towards the bed.

TJ groaned a little as he was felt up,shuddering as Phil whispered in his ear, looking at Clint. “You’re allowed not being okay Cap.”He muttered before grinning at Clint. “So proud of you. Though if you try stealing James’, he’d probably let you keep the money. Not like he’ll actually notice, cause well. Tony’s totally going insane over his birthday. He’s a idiot. But a lovable one....”TJ paused looking at steve. “You might want to warn him to lay off the insanity actually. He’d listen to you.”
he snorted. "your suck a cocksucker Tony." James complained. "mmm Cocksucking." he purred, nuzzling the others neck, making most of the room cringe. even after all this time, some of the things that came out of James was just crude. "That's not the point!" Clint hollered back. "the point is, i WON this dollar!" "mmmm it's fun." James admitted. "plus, this gives us an entire night, since they think you won't take advantage of me while drunk. they'll think you'll put me to bed and won't bother us all night the way they might if i was sober. Clint's an asshole like that." he growled as he attached his mouth to Tony's, sucking hard, bruising and marking the flesh. "yes. i want you in me. i want you to fuck me." he panted, pressing himself against Tony and rolling his hips, letting Tony see how hard he was before gasping as he was shoved back, hitting the bed with a laugh as he struggled out of his remaining clothes.

"i'm fine." Steve stated a little more sternly as he gulped down James abandoned shot of whiskey. "Tony's just excited. this is the first Birthday since we've all moved into the Tower. once one of us has a birthday he'll do the same thing. a chance to shower us in gifts after all." Steve admitted with a smile. "i think James thinks it's cute." so did Steve for that matter. it sucked though, this was the very first time he wouldn't be celebrating Bucky's birthday without Bucky... excluding all those times he'd thought Bucky was dead... actually. he'd been frozen before Bucky's birthday, and he had woken after it when he'd come unthawed... so this was the very first birthday without Bucky. "i'm going to go lay down." Steve decided, getting up and walking away, leaving Clint with the delight f claiming all the chips. not that it mattered really. they all knew Phil would pay up.
“Hm, no. You’re the one who likes cock the most you know.”Tony muttered groaning quietly as he was nuzzled. “You two are impossible.”Natasha said rolling her eyes a little but not bothering to protest to much. Cause trying to make tony not be crude, while he was sitting in James’ lap was a utterly pointless endeavor. “...You’d think they’d know better. I can have sex, Jamie. I’d take advantage of that.”Tony snickered, even if he knew it was true. If James really had been drunl, he’d probably just put him in bed and sleep. Kissing the other back, panting as he pulled away from the other with a gasp as james rolled his hips, helping the other brunette out of his clothes. “I’m totally going to fuck you as many times as you can stand.”Tony growled as he undressed himself and crawling into bed with the other, kissing him again, rolling his hips into the other, groaning as their cocks slid together. “I totally want to tie you up.”He growled the inner dom starting to show through, hands finding james’, pinning his hands to the bed.

TJ sighed rolling his eyes a little as he watched the other down the whiskey before laughing. “He will. I’m actually fairly amazed we’re not already stepping over gifts.”TJ said rolling his eyes a little as he looked up at his friend worried, “Goodnight Cap.”TJ called watching him go, before snickering as Clint collected the chips.
James smirked. "i do like Cock, yes." he agreed. "and i am impossible. and im good at it too." he stated with a smirk at her before he headed out with Tony, laughing. "you wouldn't take advantage of me and we both know it!" he stated with a laugh before he moaned. "yes. fuck yes. fuck me till i can't walk. fuck me so i'll feel it for a week." he moaned, shuddering hard as he arched against the other. "fuck. yes. Tony, Sir, YES! i want to be helpless. helpless just for you, tie me up. use me. oh GOD!" he moaned as he was pinned down. he could throw Tony off of course, if he wanted to. but he really didn't want to. "Tony... please... god.. please!"

"i'm sure we would be if Tony didn't think we'd protest." Phil admitted with a chuckle as he watched Clint. "you do realize he's going to put those in his rats nest right?" he asked TJ. Phil and TJ had both seen a variety of Clint's 'hidey holes' where he liked to hide when he needed to be by himself. they where usually so full of junk and trash that Phil had seriously considered calling an exterminator for fear a pack of racoons had moved in with Clint. he had laid down the law when the smell had started to filter into the rest of the Tower. now every month he went in and cleaned up Clint's Rat's Nests, as he called them. he let Clint keep everything bu the trash though.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard that even your super soldierness isn’t going to keep you from walking funny.”Tony smirked as the other shuddered eyes widening as the other arched against him, startled at the response to being pinned. They both knew if james wanted free he could do it, but this was a amazing response, rolling his hips against the other as James begged, smirking. “Okay, okay. Stay right there. Like that.”He ordered before slipping away and going to the medium sized chest against the far wall, leaning down to get something before returning with the cuffs and the collar he’d had made, smirking as he looked down at the assassin.

Silently sliding the cuffs into place, testing them to make sure they wouldn’t rub to badly, before pulling his hands up and sliding the links over the bar along the top of his bed that looked like decoration until you realized that he’d put it in simply to have somewhere to tie someone up to. Smirking at the sight in front of him he tilted his head, “Test those. Will they rub to badly if you pull on them?”He said, wanting them snug enough to keep from rubbing his super soldier raw even as he picked up the collar and sliding it onto the other, curling his fingers around the metal rings, the collar was loose enough that it wouldn’t get in the way in a fight, settling just around the base of his neck, tight enough that it wouldn’t swing and smack him during a fight, tight enough that it wasn’t coming off without unlocking the rings. Tossing the keys onto the bedside table he smirked as he tugged on the necklace a little, the ID tag digging into his hand as he knelt on the bed next to the other. “Who’s are you, James?”

“Hm, that’s true.”TJ snickered a little before looking at clint, snickering.”Yea. Which will be a interesting conversation if James tries to get his chips back. Seeing him trying to crawl through the vents to get them back would be amusing.”TJ snickered because while the two men were about the same height, James was just a touch wider through the shoulders, bulky enough that he’d probably be unable to crawl through the vents with the ease clint did.
he shuddered as he was pinned, arching against his lover. he couldn't believe how good it felt to be restrained. he'd never been before. he was expected to hold himself still for his handlers when they where punishing him. "Tony..." he whined when the other left, though he tracked Tony's every move with eyes so lust blown they where black. he was trembling with the effort of staying perfectly still, his cock twitching, pearly drops of pre clinging to the tip. he moaned, loud and eager as the cuffs settled into place and he gave them a few tugs obediently. he didn't yank too hard of course, he didn't want to break them. they felt so wonderful against his skin, they didn't rub but there was a constant pressure there that made him moan all over again. he lifted his neck so Tony could slip the collar around him and shuddered violently when he realized that Tony had locked it in place. he gasped, tensing as he struggled to control himself, trembling as the wave of lust and love rushed through him. he was collared. he was Tony's. only Tony's. "Yours. Tony. Only yours. always yours. forever and always... please." he moaned, thrusting his hips, trying to use his leg to hook Tony closer. knowing it was a no-no but doing it anyway.

Phil snickered. "he'd just go in through the emergency halls-" a system of hallways that followed the plumbing, ventilation, and other mechanics and electrical systems. "-and tear the rats nest out from beneath." he pointed out. "somehow, Clint always seams to forget about those and then can't understand how i keep getting in to clean his nests out." it was amusing, especially since Phil was far too tall and gangly to fit in those vents properly. the only reason why Clint did it with such ease had been his assassin training and his background in circusry.
“Shush, I’m coming back.”Tony reassured at the whine, tilting his head a little as he watched the other tug at his wrists, looking pleased that they were snug but not to horribly snug. “Good. You understand just who you belong to them.”Groaning out loud as he realized just how much James was enjoying the sight of the man trembling, jerking harder on the collar in his hand, twisting a little, just a threat of punishment under the biting metal as james thrust against him and tried to get closer. “Behave. I’m going to do this my way, or I’ll leave you tied up here and go down to the lab.”Tony threatened as he smacked the other’s hip playfully before easing back, getting the lube as he squirmed down the other’s body, smirking at him.”No thrusting. If you choke me while I’m doing this, I’ll leave you here.”Tony warned as he poured some lube into his hand, lowering his mouth to the other’s cock, deep throating him even as his fingers pressed into him, slowly, tortuously stretching the other man. Even if he was overly eager and needy, he wasn’t about to hurt the other, even if he’d heal, there was something in tony that he couldn’t hurt the other man.

“Ah. True.”TJ snickered a little smiling slightly, “It’s good for Clint to not know things sometimes.”he snickered a little before sighing softly, “We probably should get some sleep.” He said stealing a kiss, "You know Clint wont be out of the rat's nest anytime soon.And I'd rather enjoy the peace and quiet of James' drunken antics being confined to the bedroom as long as it lasts. cause you know the moment they're both sober and about, they're totally going to be fucking on every surface, no restraint."
"Yes. You, i belong to you. Tony please!" he whimpered. he had never felt so... it was like he was on fire, and Tony's touch built the flames, but contained it as well. it was an amazing feeling and he wanted more, so bad. he mewled at the yank on his collar and let his legs fall still, obedient, well trained, being good just for Tony. "no.. no, please. Tony. i'll be good. i swear! please!" he whimpered. "yes Tony. please. i wont! i swear it... oh GOD!" he moaned, arching his chest even as he tensed his legs and pressed his hips tot he bed, fighting not to move, gasping at the pleasure. such pleasure. he broke, but it was a good breaking. tears welled up and slid down his face as his cock throbbed in Tony's mouth and his ass clenched tightly around those questing fingers. Bucky had fallen so hard into subspace he wasn't entirely sure he was even alive, and he loved that too. and then the touch to his prostate broken him more and he gasped, and submitted completely. he went lax, completely limp under tony. pliable and obedient and it had only taken a minute and a half. he just laid there and enjoyed the sensations rolling through him.

Phil chuckled a little and nodded as he bent his head and kissed the other back. "i agree." he admitted with a chuckle. "he'll come down in an hour or two, he's gotten a little drunk." Clint hated being around people when he was tipsy, alcohol made him feel twitchy and paranoid. he'd be up in his nests until he sobered up properly. "you do realize that the amount of alcohol that James ingested wasn't enough to make him drunk, right? he was faking." Phil admitted. "Steve and James can get drunk, but it takes a lot more than that." he admitted. "and stronger stuff than what Steve was drinking."
Tony growled pleased at the pliant man, stroking a hand through the other’s hair, tugging it gently. “So good. So good.”He muttered before laughing around the other’s cock as the man moaned, rolling his eyes to look up at him, humming quietly, making sure he was okay before returning to what he was doing. Smirking as the other went lax he pulled away before looking down at him, “You are amazing like this, completely mine. No one else’s.”Tony muttered as he covered the other, settling between his legs, the other was bigger and broader then him, so it was nearly as bad as tiny steve trying to top bucky, but it worked. Groaning quietly as he pressed closer to him, he lowered his head to the other’s neck, biting down, sucking a hickey into the other’s skin, “Mine.”he growled sucking hard enough to make the bruise last more then a few hours, growling as he thrust into the other, hands tight on the other’s thighs to keep him spread wide and pliant to his hands as he fucked the other hard.

“So I guessed. Really. Not knowing both me and Natasha were might have to revoke his super spy card.”TJ snickered as they headed for their room before making a face. “I didn’t, but I guessed. I mean, I’ve seen tony trying to drink steve under the table, and getting thor to help. Figured James wasn’t as drunk as he was acting....but still, want to enjoy the silence before tony realizes that yes, it is his tower, and he’s perfectly capable of public sex since his partner doesn’t have the same qualms as pepper did.”
James tried to respond but he couldn't really understand what Tony was saying, nor could he get his tongue to work. so he just mumbled nonsense in response anytime Tony said something. felt too good where he was to try and force himself to be functional. he moaned eagerly as he felt the blunt cock press inside of him. Tony was the biggest he'd ever felt, which was kind of surprising considering how small Tony really was. he moaned, groaned, mewled and gasped completely unrestrained. letting Tony know, even if he couldn't use words, just how much he was enjoying himself. his orgasm caught him by surprise, he's had them before, with Tony, but never had he felt as if he was being pulled inside out and then stuffed back in. he was pretty sure he'd lost consciousness, not that he cared. nothing really mattered except Tony. "mmmuuu..." he moaned as he came too, blinking stupidly at the ceiling before smiling that big, happy smile he only did when he got an 'i love you' from Tony. Tony never said it of course, but James could read into the presents and things that Tony did and knew that was how Tony said it.

Phil chuckled. "the only reason why Natasha got caught was because she complained about Loki." he admitted with a snicker. "i think she knew you where cheating... which is hilarious by the way, considering you never won anything." he teased. "James is a master. i can't believe he got five hundred dollars away from me! clearly i need more practice." he paused. "...they better not." he grumbled. "i'll curse them with impotence if they try."
Tony groaned as he watched the man under him coming undone, it was amazing to see. Moaning quietly as he came, he rested his head against james’, closing his eyes as he slumped into the other, before pulling back. Gently undoing the handcuffs, cleaning the other up before heading for the bathroom, taking a few moments to step back, to calm himself as he washed up. Before returning, grinning as he looked down at the other. “So good, Jamie.”Tony muttered as he crawled into bed with the other, curling up next to him, falling asleep with a smile curling his lips. Content to be in his company. In the morning tony yawned as he pressed his face into the bare chest he was laying on, sighing quietly as he nuzzled the other. “’ve gotten good at sleeping in bed, you know.”He muttered sounding so happy and content, to have someone to sleep next to, that didn’t complain about his clingy-ness while he slept, or when inspiration stuck and him leaving in the middle of the night, or his utter emotional mess.

“It’s still amusing.”TJ snickered and nodding. “She did. And it’s always more amusing leaving people guessing if I’m cheating if I never win...besides, cheating James and Natasha out of their money?Not happening. I might cheat Steve, simply because it’s well...steve. And he wont bash my head off something, but those two?No thanks. The punishment would last for WEEKS.”TJ snickered before smirking. “You know better. They will. They’re in that happy honeymoon phase now that Tony can have sex.”TJ sighed quietly, sadly. Knowing this was going to kill Cap, and wishing the idiot would just tell them,
James wasn't even aware that Tony had met his own gratification, though James doesn't doubt Tony had. it took him a long moment to realize that his arms had been uncuffed, though he didn't move them. the thought of trying to was just too much effort so he just laid there, grinning as Tony cleaned him up. he wanted to tell Tony he loved him, but he couldn't even get his throat to start making the sounds so he gave up on that too. he'd tell Tony in the morning. he slept more peacefully than he had ever done in his life. even the Cyro did not give him sleep as calm as this. "...mmm. 's cus yer here." James muttered. "make me safe." he mumbled. he didn't bother to admit that when Tony left early in the mornings, James usually slipped onto the floor and finished sleeping there. usually he got up as soon as he realized Tony wasn't there, but sometimes Tony got up at three in the morning and James just didn't want to get up so he kipped out the rest of the night on the floor simply because he didn't like the bed without Tony in it. "i love you. last night was... what was that? i liked it." he admitted. "felt so good... i've never enjoyed sex before but i've never ever,,, it was like i was floating. i liked it. can we do it again?"

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "Natasha loves Clint too much to kill her brothers lover." he stated simply. "James on the other hand..." he mused, chuckling a little as he shook his head. "Natasha would unleash a wrath of pranks upon you i am certain, yes." he admitted with a smile. "Loki would help." he teased with a snicker before he sighed. "i wish Steve would do something. he's going to pine away if he keeps watching them like he is."
“I thought that was the other way around. You kept me safe.”Tony teased a little, mostly awake, not one that took awhile to wake up, usually he snapped awake quickly. Shifting to sit up he leaned back against the headboard as he looked down at the other, gently running his fingers through the other’s hair, simply playing with it. “That was called subspace. It’s,...a dominance submission version of sex. You trusted me enough to let me be in control. And I took care of’s...complete surrender. On both our parts.”Tony smiled a little trying to explain, and having difficulties explaining to a man who’d never enjoyed sex before. “And yes, we’ll most definitely be doing that again. While not every time will be bondage, sometimes I enjoy softer sex, but I enjoy being in control, knowing you trust me to take care of you as I totally break you apart to much to not do that again.”He muttered amused as he shifted to press a kiss to the other’s hair, relaxing.

“James wouldn’t because Tony cares, and tony put him in charge of taking care of me. But still, the pranks...You totally know she’d recruit James into playing pranks with her and loki.”TJ snickered before smiling. “I know. He’s going insane, but we all know it’s going to be james who breaks first. Steve’s to determined to leave them on their own, Tony’s to oblivious to emotions to understand what he’s seeing, and james...well, it’ll be james who does something.”He said smirking as he got ready for bed.
he smiled a little. "'s hard to sleep. knowing anyone could come in here. knowing i would be completely helpless if someone wanted to hurt me... i usually have to be made to sleep... at Hydra i mean. they woke me up from Cyro sleep, i did my job, and then when it came time to go back in they'd give me a shot, and i'd sleep. and then when i woke up, it was for another mission." he admitted. "it frightened me, every time... i always fought them, because i had to. because i was so afraid. more afraid of going to sleep than anything else." he admitted, looking at Tony. "it's because your here that it's okay to sleep." he admitted before blinking. "Sub-Space..." he tested the word, tasted it. "...i broke." he stated suddenly. "twice. i felt it... like something inside of me snapped and that's when something else flooded inside. something that... that really felt good." he admitted. "i'd like it if we did it again." he admitted with a smile. "maybe... not all the time though?" he asked hopefully. "it felt amazing but it... it was..." he struggled. "it was... too much." he finally settled on, sounding aggravated that he couldn't explain it better. "i liked it a lot but it was... everything. it was everything, like the entire universe was trying to get in." he admitted, frowning. this wasn't coming out right. no wonder Tony had struggled with how to explain it.

he chuckled. "i fear the day that happens. no world would be safe from the combined efforts of Loki, Natasha and James." he admitted. "worse still, they'd get Tony to build the tech." he pointed out, looking like he wanted to laugh. "James is going to break first, if only because he doesn't know any better." he admitted as he started his night time ritual of brushing his teeth. Coulson was as OCD about that as he was everything else. "i feel like having sex. how about you?"
Tony tilted his head looking at the other, swallowing hard as he considered that. “...Why didn’t you tell me?I could set the locks so no one could come in here?I hadn’t considered that...”Tony frowned a little considering how he could make it easier for james to rest, leaning down to kiss him softly. “That wont ever happen again. No more cyro sleep. Just sleep.”He muttered before nodding. “Yea, sub space. And I know. It was good to see, and probably good for you to simply let go...”Tony smiled before grinning. “I know. And it wont be like that every time. You know me, my taste in sex ranges far and wide, I’m not always wanting to do the emotional work of breaking you apart like that. Sometimes I just want a hard fuck. Others, slow sex. It depends, and if our moods never match up well, or you don’t want to, just tell me. We’ll figure it out.”He stole a kiss before moving away. “Come on. Let’s go get some food. Then we’re going to the aquarium. Your birthday is today, so we’re celebrating here at home first, then leaving for that tech convention tomorrow.”Tony said, his giddiness making another appearance as he woke up, smiling happily as he kissed the other again, now that he was allowed to, he was utterly unable to not kiss him.

“No, no it wouldn’t. I’d fear for Hydra really.”TJ snickered at that before nodding.”That’s no bet. You know they’d get him to build shit, and Steve to supervise.”TJ said wisely before smiling, nodding eagerly as he kissed the other, groping him.”You know, that’s got to be the worst seduction I’ve ever heard.”He teased wrapping his arms around the man’s waist, leaning against him.
he shrugged. "it didn't seam to matter. Locks won't keep the monsters out you know." he admitted. "Locks won't stop bombs, lock picks or giant lizards. even if i slept in a steal bunker fifty feet under the earth and no one knew where i was, i still wouldn't sleep." he admitted. "if i have to sleep and your not there, i sleep in the closet. it's small and confined and makes me feel better." he admitted. "i didn't mind the Cyro." he admitted. "it was the going to sleep when i didn't trust my handler that i had issues with." he admitted. "...there are ranges?" he asked, looking startled before he considered it. "like how i like being tied up, and like having my hair pulled?" he asked. "that's a range? why are we celebrating this again?" he asked, looking confused as e followed Tony. Steve was cooking this morning and he had made a mount of all of James favorites. he had found that he also liked bananas, coconut, nuts, and meat so long as it wasn't pork or fish. he loved steak though, and would eat three of them on his own, uncaring he'd be sick with a tummy ache after. so for breakfast they all had steak, because that was what Steve was making. also because Steve had been very, very grouchy the last several days.

he chuckled. "Steve's been running Recon." he admitted. "he and i both think James is stable enough. we're planning the best way to strike those safe houses James gave us." he admitted, examining TJ. "Clint taught me." he admitted with a smirk. "he's the one that did all the seducing you know, and it didn't take much effort to woo me either." he admitted with a shrug. "i'm a little out of depth when it comes to picking up lines." most of the time you couldn't tell that Clint was a few dozen centuries old... and then he says things like that and it's all you can do not to laugh at him. he leaned down and kissed the other, humming happily. this was the first time Phil had TJ all to himself and he intended to do his very best to show him he cared for TJ just as much as he cared for Clint.
“...Oh.I guess that’s true. Well, if you want to sleep, you’ll just have to come find me. I’m always up for a nap.”Tony snickered a little nuzzling the other a little, smiling quietly. “Oh. Well, I’m glad you trust me.”he muttered before nodding. “Yes. Exactly. Some days I like totally being in charge and demanding, and other days I just want to give over control. And I enjoy biting, and my hair pulled, and sometimes being cuffed. Definitely wide ranges...sorta like how you can get a job done with different guns, but sometimes one works better then another.”ha!Look at that, tony stark doing a assassin metaphor. That was just amusing. “Because people celebrate birthdays, and you need some normal things to do....besides. I want to give you gifts, and you like the aquarium.”Tony muttered pausing looking at the other, a slight hesitant look on his face as he settled at the table. “But...we don’t have to if you don’t want to....I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to...”Tony said biting his lip as he looked at the former hydra assassin, the long moments his look becoming even more anxious and worried, because he was totally starting to think maybe he’d gone overboard?Had he messed up? Looking at the food he smiled a little even if it was obvious he was still worrying over his plans, but smirking at steve a little. “You know, if you feed him all his favorites for breakfast, Jamie’s going to be spoiled and totally want them all the time.”he teased the blond super soldier a little trying not to worry to much.

“Really?Good. They need to be taken down. Think he’ll go with you?You know it’s either let him go after you, or make tony stay behind. James wont let him out of his sight when involved with hydra.”TJ observed before smiling, blushing slightly as the other looked at him. “Well, that’s fine then. Cause me and clint, we totally got the awesome seduction skills covered.”He snickered a little, blushing ever so softly as he pulled away from the kiss, looking up at the older man. “so...bathroom counter, bed or the floor?”He teased a little as he rolled his hips into the other. Feeling slightly awkward with just them, it was weird not having clint here.
he smiled a little. "i rarely need so much sleep that i'd need to take a nap Tony." he pointed out. "sleeping next to you at night is more than enough. besides, i like my closet." he admitted. he knew Tony hadn't really looked in there, instinctively, Tony seamed to know that the closet was a bit like Clint's 'nests'. a safe haven, a place to hide when he didn't, or couldn't be around people. James' 'Hoard' was in there. the things he developed odd obsessions over. the blanket he had bitten Bruce over was in there, and a shirt that smelled like Tony, and a shirt that smelled like Steve. there was a small number of things that Clint had 'dropped' from his nest in there as well, simply because he liked Clint, not that he'd ever admit it. one of Natasha's unloaded and forgotten guns and a few of Bruce's beakers, clean and safe that he'd actually waltzed in and point blank stolen. a few of Steve's art projects where in there, and a pair of Tony's... okay he had a lot of Tony's clothes in there, stolen out of the hamper and returned when they stopped smelling like Tony. unlike Clint though, he did not keep trash in there, and it was mostly organized and didn't attract pests. " i'd.. like to." he admitted, smiling at Tony, realizing this was a 'Tony thing'. it was the first time he'd come across it, though most of the Tower had warned him of them. "i do like the aquarium." he admitted. Steve just huffed at the spoiled comment. "we're not all overly privileged like you are Tony." Steve sniped as he poured out several different flavors of milkshake into tall frosted glasses.

"he'll go with." he admitted. "he'l throw a fit to the extreme if we try to take down Hydra without him." he admitted. "and Tony would never let us live it down if we left without him." he admitted. "that's why we waited." he admitted before he chuckled. "you might have the seduction covered, Clint's seductions skills are barely better than mine. when 'hey Phil. wanna blowjob?' is what got us together, i'd say romance and seduction is limited." he admitted with a chuckle as he smirked at TJ. "i suppose that all depends." he stated, licking his lips. "do you want it soft, hard, or kinky? because i just got a new length of silk cord and a vibrating butt plug i've been eager to try and you'd look delicious all tied up on the rug."
"Well as long as you like the closet. It's not like I actually use it."Tony shrugged because while the closet was connected to the one he actually had clothes in, there was a small door between them, making it more a 'his and her' closet that tony had put in for pepper but now had been reclaimed by james. And he had no interest in looking in there unless james wanted him to.he understood that it was like Clint nest, or the lab for him, or the art studio hed put in for steve. Somewhere private. Smiling hesitantly at James he nodded a little not sure if the man was simply going along with it because he wanted to, or if james really was okay with celebrating."I know.and it'll just be us there until you want to leave."toNY peered a little before startling a little at steve's words frowning slightly.I know that.which is why I like getting you guys stuff, even if I get yelled at for it."Tony frowned as he reached of the strawberry milkshake, assuming since there was two that one was his.

"It would be a fit worthy of a stark tantrum. Did anyone ever tell you about the one he threw over not being included in the secret boy band, because well, it's tony and everyone knows he doesn't play well with others."tj snickered before pausing staring at the other."...what? Are youserious? I feel like I should apologize that you subjected to such a bad seduction, then make both of you take lessons from tony."tj teased shuddering at the others words his eyes blown wide with lust."y-Yes let's do that. That rug is comfortable. "TJ stuttered a little, because while he might play the part of a dom in personality, he was definitely the sub in any relationship
James smiled at Tony. "i know." he admitted. "i like it though.. it's small and safe and smells like you." he admitted softly. "i had to fumigate it first through, it stank at first. like that smelly stuff Natasha insists on wearing when she goes to meet Dougie." he admitted. wow, his nose really was that sensitive. he perked up a lot more at the knowledge that there wouldn't be anyone else at the Aquarium, meaning he could enjoy it with the childish enthusiasm it deserved. "i'd like that." he admitted happily as he reached out for his own helping of strawberry milkshake. Steve said nothing else and James examined the man curiously. something was wrong, he just wasn't sure what it was. oh well, there where people better qualified to handle it.

"...Tony was in a boyband?" he asked, looking startled. "he doesn't play well." he admitted before he snickered. "well. in his defense, i'd been trying to flirt first. i'd touch him in places, like i'd seen other humans do on TV. you know. stroke his arms and his back and stuff. i guess he just decided seduction wasn't worth bothering over." he admitted with a chuckle before he smirked at him, licking his lips. "yes. i thought so." he admitted. "Strip." he ordered. "we have three hours before lunch and Jame's party. i intend to use that time very wisely."
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