..::Green and Orange::.. [Malfrost & Ironic]


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Staff member
Apr 15, 2014
Nothing but the sound of quietness filled Starfire's ears, Titans Tower seeming to be totally lifeless other than herself. Her green eyes searched around her room as she laid on her back on her circular pink bed, staring at the ceiling and pondering what she should do on her free time, since after all she had the house to herself, or so she thought...

Getting up from her bed, she levitated over to her sliding door, automatically sliding as soon as she walked right by it. Her eyes continued to search around, seeing if anyone was around.

"Hello... Is anyone home?" She asked aloud, her voice echoing in the halls. Nothing. Shrugging it off, she hummed to herself and flew into her room again, opening up her closet and picking out her typical day outfit; a purple shirt with a matching set of boots and a skirt. Her long collar necklace and gloves were already on her, so she figured she would just use those. A time like this alone meant for her to take a nice long and hot shower, since having four other's in the house meant it was nearly impossible to get into the bathroom, especially Beast Boy - he always hogged it up. A smirk came onto her orange lips, thinking of the weird yet unique green creature.

Secretly, she had a crush on him, yet everyone was fooled that she liked Robin. True, she did have a fling for him once upon a time, but now her interests was on Beast Boy, and for some reason she never decided to change her mind. Flying to the bathroom, she opened the door and closed it behind her, sighing softly to herself as she turned on the faucet, the warm water pouring from the shower head.

"Time for quality me time." She smiled to herself, cheerful as always.
Starfire's calling roused Beast Boy from his deep slumber. He was quite the heavy sleeper, staying up into all hours of the night and sleeping in late was his normal routine. He scratched his head as he let out a yawn. He thought he had heard Starfire's voice. It was most likely just the end of his dream. He had been dreaming of the alien girl a lot recently. He had always had a huge crush on her, but kept it in check out of his respect for Robin, who he thought had eyes on the beautiful girl.

He hopped out of his bed, just in his boxers and let out another yawn as he walked out of his room, stretching. He was making his way towards the bathroom to shower, but he heard the shower running. Figuring it was one of the others, he shrugged and walked into the kitchen. He would have a cup of coffee first. As he walked down the hall, he thought it was awfully quiet, he wondered if the others were still asleep or if they had gone out already.

He made it to the kitchen and started to make himself a cup of coffee. He wondered what he was going to do for the rest of the day. Unless some crime happened, he figured he would just chill around and play video games. Sounded like a good plan.

Ding. The coffee pot informed him his coffee was ready. He took a sip of his hot drink and let out a blissful sigh, happy to have some caffeine in his system to help wake him up.
Starfire was oblivious to Beast Boy being home, the shower roaring too hard for her to hear his footsteps. Slowly she began to undress herself, humming an alien tune to herself as she continued to strip her clothing off. Now her orange flesh stood nude behind closed doors. Carefully she stuck a toe into the water to make sure it was okay, and once she was satisfied with the heat, she decided to put her whole body in there. Sighing at the warmth it provided, the water cascaded down her skin, making her hair stick to her back.

Taking the shampoo into her hand she poured it on her hands then began to lather it in her auburn locks, making soapy bubbles coat her once auburn hair. Rising it off, she repeated the process for conditioner, making her hair feel soft and smooth with the scent of watermelon to be smelt. Turning off the water, she quickly got out, wrapping a pink towel around her body and another pink towel on her hair to dry it quicker.

Opening the bathroom door, she walked out and decided to fly towards the living room, her towel falling off as she flew. Shrugging at the fact, she figured it wouldn't matter since she was the only person in the house anyways, but little did she know she was not...
Beast Boy heard the shower turn off and finished up his cup of coffee and set another to brew. He figured he could get in the shower now and drink another cup once he got out. Once his coffee got ready to brew, he walked out of the living room and headed down into the hall towards the bathroom. He wasn't really paying attention and he bumped into someone. He looked up and first noticed Starfire's face.

"Oh, hey Star! I'm just going to go grab my....." Beast Boy's statement slowly died off as his eyes slowly moved downed and took in the sight of Starfire's beautiful nude body. His mouth dropped and he began to stammer as he pointed at her. He could feel his cock become hard in his boxers, forming a massive and quite visible erection. "St...starfire...you're...naked..." the green boy managed to get out with a stammer and a massive blush on his face as he was unable to look away from her beautiful form.
Once Starfire thought she was by herself, she bumped into something by accident when her head was turned around, and once she seen who it was, her heart sunk into her chest and her mouth hung open; utter shock taking over her body. She couldn't believe it! Right now, she was nude right before Beast Boy's eyes, and she didn't know what to do. Her mind was racing with things to say, yet the alien girl didn't know how to make a verbal approach. Instead, she took her orange hands and concealed her body, her eyes locked on his and didn't dare to move down to his erection. Slowly she flew in a backwards direction, before twisting around and flying very fast to her room, the doors sliding open and closed very quickly.

Her back was pressed up against her wall, breathing frantically as she was processing what just happened between the two. "Oh no! This is oh so terrible!" She stuttered to herself, her body now a darker tint of orange due to embarrassment. Wondering what Beast Boy was thinking, she now felt like a fool; being seen nude by someone she really liked, and now she only wondered what his opinion of her would be, especially seeing her naked. She was self conscious enough of not being "human" enough, but then again, Beast Boy was just as alien as she was. Her breathing calmed down, but she stayed there, still in shock with her auburn hair rolled up in a towel.
Beast Boy watched as Starfire flew off back to her room and his mouth continued to hang open for awhile. He couldn't believe she hadn't slapped him and screamed. Instead, she just flew back quickly towards her room. He guessed that was understandable as well, she was most likely embarrassed. He had to go apologize. Once he managed to compose himself and forced his erection to go away, he quickly ran towards the girl's room.

Once he got their, the door seemed almost frightening to him as he swallowed his fear and slowly reached his hand forward and knocked on it. "Hey, Star? Is everything alright? I'm really sorry about what just happened. I was still waking up and I figured you already were back in your room or something. If you want to come out here and slap me or something like that, go ahead! Give me your best shot!" He called to her through the door, apologizing first and then attempting to cheer her up by offering to be hit. Hoping that would help her feel better and not make her as mad at him, because he thought she was.
Her ears were in tune to him, apologizing for this entire thing happening. Why was he apologizing? It was just a coincidence that this happened and it wasn't either ones fault. Feeling the awkward tension even from the walls separating them, she swallowed her fear too and knew it would be best to talk this out instead of hiding further away from the situation. She grabbed another outfit in her closet and quickly slid it on, taking the towel out of her hair and brushing it, her hair drying almost automatically. Sighing deeply, she opened her door, her right hand wrapping over her left hand awkwardly.

She kept her vision on the floor, not wanting to may any kind of eye contact just yet. "I do not wish to hurt you Beat Boy, I only ask of this awkward feeling to go away. I do not think it was anyone's fault, and instead it was just a coincidence." She slowly lifted her head up and looked at him, her cheeks flushed with a bright red, the moment replaying in her head continuously. "Let's just hope this doesn't happen again, hm?" She let out a nervous laugh, but if only he knew that she loved him...
Beast Boy waited a few moments, wondering what Starfire had planned when she opened the door fully dressed. He let out a quick sigh of relief. If she had come out with just a towel on, he would have lost all rational thought most likely. He was still just in his boxers, his toned, green chest clear for Starfire to see. He often walked around like that though, so he didn't consider it very awkward.

As she spoke, he rubbed the back of his head meekly and let out a chuckle. "Yeah, I suppose it was just an accident. As long as you aren't mad at me for it, then I'm happy." He gave the alien girl a large smile as he felt his cheeks tint red slightly as he looked away from her as he continued to speak. "Yeah...lets hope it doesn't happen again...though I have to say Star...you have quite the beautiful body...if you don't mind me saying." Beast Boy admitted swiftly, hoping she would just take it as a compliment and not take it to awkwardly.
As those compliments slipped out of his mouth, another bright blush hinted at her cheeks, her eyes wide and not knowing what to say. As he mention that, her eyes automatically looked at his chest, thinking the same thing about his own body. "W-well thank you Beast Boy, and I must say you too have a handsome body..." She couldn't help but turn away and giggle nervously once more, the awkward tension seeming to flow away from her.

"But I assure you that it won't happen again, unless you want it to." She joked around, taking her hand and putting it into a fist, punching his shoulder rather lightly than hard. She yearned for his touch for a while now, tossing and turning in bed as she wished she was held by him, but her shyness was great, and she was still not accustomed to the human-like ways of showing love and affection.
Beast Boy blushed even more as Starfire complimented him. He hadn't been expecting that, though lately...she had talked to him and complimented him more, even when he did silly things. He wondered why. He didn't mind the attention at all though.

As she spoke up and punched his shoulder, he chuckled lightly and rubbed the back of his head meekly again. He reached his hand out and grasped her hand, squeezing it gently as he looked at her with a blush. "Do you mean what you mean...if I want to see you again like that...you'll let me?" His voice was quiet and he was stuttering slightly. If she was just joking, he had a feeling he would be in a lot of trouble...but if she was serious...he would get to see her naked again? He had to take that risk.
Her eyes grew wide once again, seeing the boy take her hand and hold it tightly, her eyes searching his as she read them. Did he really just ask this to her, and thought she wasn't joking? Did he read her so well? As much as she wanted to cause a scene about this, her feelings were catching up to her, a big knot in her stomach as butterflies grew. What was this feeling that was happening to her? Even though she did not understand it, she knew that her body had its natural intentions.

Her eyes leveled out evenly, no longer in a shock expression. Slowly, she closed her eyes and leaned into him, her lips puckering up slightly, waiting for that moment where they would make contact, and once their lips finally collided with each other like two meteors, she felt as if her body crumbled, but not in a bad way, a good way if that was even possible with a catastrophic collision. Her alien heart galloped in her chest, wondering how he would react to her sudden movement. Did he catch on to her feelings throughout the years? She had a feeling that he secretly liked her, but she always thought he wanted Raven and not herself.
Beast Boy stood hesitantly in front of Starfire, wondering what her reaction would be. He saw her eyes widen and then slowly begin to close as she leaned in. Was this really happening? Was his dream coming true? Or was it just a dream? He didn't care. He wasn't going to let such a good chance pass.

He closed his eyes as well and pressed his lips firmly up against hers as he wrapped his warms around her waist, pulling her into his toned and well defined chest. He kissed her passonately, his tongue coming out of his mouth and slithering to her lips, licking at them as he sought entrance to her mouth. His hands snaked down her back side and landed upon her firm ass, giving it a good squeezed as her covered breasts molded against his flesh while his erection was quickly coming back and rubbing up against the girl's thighs. He wanted to show her just how much passion and love he had for her, he just hoped beyond hope that she would accept it.
The grip that he had around her waist was nothing as she expected - but it felt even better than she ever dreamed of. His strong chest pressed up against her chest, making her feel the curves and edges of his defined chest. She felt as if she melted into him, her body mixing and pouring with his, their kiss deep and passionate, something in a movie.

Her hands slowly trailed down to hang over his neck, pulling him even closer to herself. Her legs began to wrap around with his own, her waist pressing against his, feeling his member rub against her skirt, teasing her. She didn't mind that he had an erection, actually she was more turned on when she felt it rubbing up against her. "Beast Boy..." She whispered through their kiss, her lips moving more torridly against his.
Beast Boy could feel Starfire's hands wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer as her legs wrapped around his, as she rubbed up against his ever growing erection. He forced his tongue into her mouth, swirling it around and playing with hers before he withdrew it and licked her lips with a chuckle.

"I love you, Starfire." He gave her a big grin, happy to finally be able to say it and knowing that she most likely felt the same. He kissed and licked up her neck before he arrived at her ear, biting down and sucking on it before whispering hotly in her ear. "We have the tower all to ourselves today...we should make use of that fact...could you come give me a lap-dance in the living room?"
Her tongue danced and swirled with his, her saliva and his saliva combining together and creating a unique flavor, the flavor rolling on her tongue. As they broke the kiss her green eyes searched his, smirking at his request. She kissed him on the lips before taking his hand, leading him into her bedroom. "I love you too Beast Boy, but I have better idea's...." She closed her bedroom door, before twisting her body around and pushing him on her oval-like bed.

Her hips swayed as she walked over towards him, leaning over top of him as her knee was wedged in between his legs, rubbing up against his erection. Her eyes peered into his before she leaned down and kissed him, letting her lips linger a little longer before rising back up and standing, moving her hands to the hem of her shirt and removing it, exposing her breasts again to him. "Do you want to do this?" she questioned him, her voice doubtful.
Beast Boy was extremely happy when Starfire returned his feelings and was surprised when he found himself pulled into her room and pushed down onto her bed. His eyes widened as he licked his lips slightly, seeing the sexy way she swayed her hips as she made her way over towards him. He could tell she was getting into it, and so was he. As she took off her shirt to expose her lovely breasts once more, Beast Boy patted his lap.

"Of course I do. You are the most beautiful and amazing girl I know and I love you. Come here..." He patted his lap with a grin as he gave her a wink. "Dance on my lap for me while I suck on those lovely breasts of yours!"
Starfire grinned while seeing his excitement, the grin becoming contagious making one appear on her lips. Walking back over to him, she straddled herself on his waist, swaying her hips slightly to a rhythm in her head as her hands were pressing against his chest. "You're such a naughty boy you know, seeing me naked and what not." She winked at him, giggling at her teases.
Beast Boy could feel Starfire rubbing up against his massive cock and he let out a nice moan. She was giving a pretty good lapdance for a beginner. He wanted her to keep going. He wrapped his arms around her waist and groped her ass, squeezing her firm rear through her skirt. As she teased him, he gave her a wink.

"Admit it though...you like this naughty side of me~" He laughed as he pressed his mouth against one of the girl's lovely breasts. He swirled his tongue around her perky nipple and nibbled on it slightly as he continued to grope her ass and press his erection against her crotch, assailing her with pleasure from every angle.
A slight moan exited her lips as her lips continued to move from side to side, moving her hair to her back to get it out of the way from his lips as he suckled her breasts, making surges of pleasure move all throughout her body. She grinded her hips against his own, taking her index fingers and sliding her tight skirt down, tossing it away as now she was exposed to him.

"Oh I love it when you kitty is naughty..." She chuckled, nuzzling his neck as she gave it a long lick, then a kiss to top it off. "I want you to fuck me hard and deep..." Starfire was surprised that she even said these things, but she was to turned on that it didn't even bother her anymore.
Beast Boy changed breasts and sucked down on her other nipple harder as he felt her lick up his neck and tempt him. He didn't need to be asked twice. He quickly undid his boxers to expose his massive and throbbing cock to the alien girl. He rubbed it up against her wet and quivering pussy as he bit down on her neck and sucked, marking her with a hickey, marking her as his.

"You want my cock in that naughty pussy of yours, Star? You'll have to beg me for it..." his voice was so gruff and haughty and it was clear that the lust had taken over him as he craved Starfire and pleasure.
With her head tilt to the side she felt his teeth sink down into her skin, leaving a love mark that would signify that she is his. As he was done, she did the same to him, leaving behind a big mark, kissing it after she pulled away. Her eyes gazed down upon his member, the largeness of it almost scaring her, wondering how would it ever fit deep down in the alien girl. "Wow Beast Boy, no wonder why they call you a beast..." She winked at him before getting on her knees, wrapping her hands around his missive girth.

"I want it in me, but I want to preform something on you first." Her long wet muscle licked at his length, her mouth latching on the crown of his head, making her lips go all the way to the bottom and touch the base. She felt it twitching in the back of her throat, but luckily she did not have a gag reflex. Her head began to bob up and down, her free hand moving down to his testicles and groping them, here eyes looking into his.
Beast Boy loved the way Starfire complimented him. It made him feel amazing and loved. As she got on her knees, he quickly saw what she had in mind and smiled widely. He couldn't believe Starfire was going to be giving him a blowjob!

Her hot and wet mouth engulfed his throbbing length quickly as her tongue preformed expert work on her. He moaned loudly as he began to gyrate his hips, pushing his cock further into her mouth and throat. "It's amazing...Starfire! Use those amazing tits of yours too..." Beast Boy commanded of her through a moan as his fingers reached down and clamped down on her perky nipples, tugging on them roughly.
She felt his cock hit the back of her throat as she sucked on it, moaning slightly as he tugged and pulled at her erect nipples. She raised an eyebrow at him as her mouth latched off of his dick, nodding her head and completing his request. "I'll do anything for you Beast Boy..." Taking her breasts, she wedged his cock in between them, pushing them against each other to milk his cock, moving her breasts up in down to milk it, feeling his skin pull back each time she made a downward motion.

"Like this?" She questioned him, trying her best to please him. Looking at the tip of his cock, she decided to wrap her tongue around it, still jacking him off with her breasts. She could only imagine how it would feel to him, having his cock milked by two large breasts.
"Anything, huh?" Beast Boy ask with a lustful tone, thinking of all the naughty things he could do with Starfire now that they were lovers. He tugged on her nipples harder and rubbed them between his fingers as her breasts began to milk his throbbing cock. He moaned loudly as her mounds of flesh felt amazing pumping his cock like they did.

"Yeah...just like that, Starfire...you breasts are amazing." Beast Boy moan as he tugged on her nipples up and down now as he stared lustfully at Starfire. "I'm going to fuck you all day, in every room of this tower..you are going to be my bitch in heat, understand?"
She made her breasts move faster, pumping and stroking his cock as rough as she could. Looking up ever so adoringly into his eyes, she nodded, wanting to be a good girl for him and do what he says. "I'd love to be fucked by you everyday, especially with this massive cock of yours!" She kept lapping on it, absorbing the pre cum that was coming out from the tip of it.

"I want you to cum in my face and make me lick it up!" She moaned out as she tried to stroke his flesh faster with her bouncing breasts, feeling it twitch against her own flesh. "You're so hard!" She moaned out, latching her mouth once more on his member,
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