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The Forbidden Fruit {Meadowe x malin}

Lucas seriously doubted she was fine, even as she said it seemed she was having trouble breathing and it was becoming more and more clear just how painful everything was for her. However the biggest revelation came when she started to blush and walk towards the bedroom. He was actually rather surprised to find out she wasn't wearing anything underneath her sweater, it showed that she was perhaps putting too much trust in him.

When she fell down in blinding pain, Lucas charged to her side, it no longer really mattered if she wasn't wearing any panties at this point it was about preventing her death. Turning her over onto her back he moved back slightly as his hand gripped the hem of her sweater. He actually paused at that point not sure if he should really pull up her clothing, but then remembering that he was doing this purely for medical reasoning he gave her a soft smile.

"Just remember I'm here to help." He said as he pulled up her sweater, though in his haste he pulled it far past her bruise and actually nearly ended up taking it off her completely so that he could better inspect the problem His eyes went to her wound first, and then to the rest of her body because really even when playing the white night hero he couldn't resist a little bit of a peek.
Anna thought she no longer cared if he saw her naked or not. However, when he smiled at her and then very nearly took off her sweater she gave a light yelp and blushed a deep red. Embarrassed beyond measure, she covered her eyes with her forearm and used the back of her other hand to cover her mouth. "J-Just hurry," she mumbled.

With her sweater pulled up a lot would be clearly visible to Lucas. First, the very beginnings of her supple breasts were poking from under the pulled-up edge of the sweater. If he had a good eye he may have spotted the small tattoo at her right rib. It was of a delicate flower. Her hourglass figure was certainly clear. Her tiny waist moved up and down as she breathed. Near her lower stomach was the bruise, still the size of a baseball. It was bluish-green and honestly sickening just to look at.

It was what was below the bruise that caused her total embarrassment. The place that no one had ever touched before, clean-shaven and exposed to the archangels eyes. Her legs had moved up as if to cover it from view, but they only aided in framing the taut, delicate lips.
Lucas was enjoying this moment a lot more then he should have that was for sure. Half tempted to peek at her breasts even though they were still covered, and he could already see most of what was going on it was clear that he had a selfish male moment of impulse where he was half tempted to go for broke and go all the way. That said however even he was too much of a gentleman to really go for it. However his eyes did visiably travel down towards her legs following them to their conclusion and taking a hard look at her pussy. He swallowed hard for a moment realizing that his impulses would be very rude and pulled away from her.

At the same time his eyes rested on the injury and it quickly became apparent just how bad it actually was. Certainly if left unattended it was going to become non fatal rather quickly. Reaching out he placed a hand over the wound for a moment allowing a glow to sink in over her body, and then performed a minor miracle of healing. The wound reduced in size and scale becoming just a small slightly brown bruise on her skin nothing more then a surface wound.

Lucas's eyes drifted for a moment as his body swayed and then a moment later Lucas collapsed on top of Anna. His face fell right into her dirty pillows as he fell asleep on the spot. No energy left to finish her healing. He was still digesting the food he had eaten and so it wasn't like he had much more energy to burn through, and healing was one of the most difficult miracles that he could perform, not to mention oddly it took a lot more energy to heal her then it would an ordinary person.
As Anna covered her eyes she suddenly felt a warmth in her torso. It was comforting and her whole body relaxed. Once it stopped she almost pouted at its absence. She slowly began to remove her hand over her eyes when she felt a sudden weight flop onto her. Yelping she removed her arm and looked down to see the archangel passed out on her chest. "L-Lucas?"

The blonde examined his body, trying to catch the sight of his chest rising and falling with breath. A panic flooded her. As quickly as possible, she slipped out from underneath the snoozing man and flipped him onto his back. Gravity pulled her sweater back down thankfully. With a look of true concern in her eye she grasped his shoulders and shook them. "Lucas? Are you okay?" She bit her lip before hovering her hand near his mouth and nose.

Once she felt his breath she let out a sigh. "Don't scare me like that..." Pain had totally left her body and she felt perfectly healthy. Her only trouble now was the man passed out in her hallway. It would be impossible for her to drag him to her bedroom and haul him onto her bed. The couch even seemed like a stretch. The small girl stood and hurried to her bedroom. A few moments later she returned with a pillow and a plush comforter.

After situating a comfortable bed for him in the hallway Anna looked at her hair. It was barely wet now and had delicately curled as it naturally did. Hoping he was a light sleeper Anna knelt by his side and peered at his face without reservation. Her heart beat picked up. Lucas was handsome.

Anna, despite her reserved personality, was quite impulsive and it was in that moment that she had one of her impulses. Gently, she leaned her face down toward his. After a seconds hesitation, she gently parted her lips and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

Blushing, she quickly got up and retreated into the kitchen. She quietly put away the leftovers and cleaned up. Anna even made an effort to save him some to take home. He did make it after all.

Once it was said and done it was quite late and Anna needed to sleep; and she did so, using only her sheets to cover her.
Sleep came easily to Lucas, even as the thought of his hunger faded away to the much more possessive need of sleep and rest after using so much energy in one day. He was so caught in the deep slumber that he never noticed the jesture of the kiss on his cheek and as he slept he rested peacefully even comfortably as he was given a make shift bed.

Lucas shifted in his sleep slightly as he gripped the edges of his blanket and slowly wrapped them around himself getting all the more comfortable with where he had fallen asleep.

Come morning he arose like the dead. Lucas felt a little stiff from laying out on the ground with only a blanket and a pillow, a pillow he was all the more grateful for now that he had it. Stretching he felt every joint in his body popped and creaked. Yawning he stood up and folded the bed putting it away. He felt a little staggered and looked around the apartment. It looked almost exactly like his own in layout but the furniture was different mostly in that it was better quality then the stuff he was used too.

It took him a moment to realize he was a guest in someone else home, but even so he was in pain and covered in sweat, walking around Anna's home he checked her bedroom and found her still asleep covered by her sheets. He did his best not to wake her even as he walked into her bathroom. He had a desperate need to feel hot water on his skin, and since he wasn't wearing a shirt he was feeling really cold already.

Running the hot water he stripped off his pants, and underwear. Feeling a small amount of freedom as his cock was exposed to fresh air and he stepped inside the shower, running the hot water and feeling himself get more refreshed as his body loosened and relaxed under the heat. His skin becoming more sensitive as he felt the heat.
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