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History Always Finds A Way To Repeat [AU Persona 4 RP] (Yuna & Malin's 1x1)

As Chie began to see the gears turning in Yosuke's head, her cheeks went a bit crimson. "O-oi ... nothing too ... revealing. I still have some modesty in me, ya know?" More like quite a bit, really. While it was true that she had more than enough courage to wear a bikini, unlike Naoto, it didn't mean there hadn't been any anxieties about the act they'd done those few years ago. Yet, the memory couldn't help but make her smile a bit. It had been an .. odd flashback, no doubt. But for the most part, things were far more simple than they were at this very moment. Now, things had gotten complicated - and in a far worse possible manner. Someone was killing. But this time, there were no leads, not with Adachi still locked away. Everyone was scared and confused on what exactly to do.

It really did seem like all they could do was wait -- maybe pray. But nothing much else.

Her own head shook as she gave Yosuke a look which inquired if he was serious on using something Teddie may own. "You better mean he has an actual outfit besides that damn bear costume. Because I'm definitely not wearing that. No. Damn. Way."

Still, she managed to smile at him. "But ... we'll see. Like you said, we'll figure it out when we get there."

Naoto nodded in agreement with at least the point of Naoki being a person of interest. "Fair. But that doesn't need a warrant, not for talking. Warrants are for arresting. And besides the fact that he last spoke with Rise-san, we have nothing else on him." As he began to muse about Adachi, the detective went silent and even smiled. It was good to hear that the more odd things of the last case were coming to Ryotaro's mind; partly because it meant he hadn't forgotten completely what common sense was. But also, the reminders were definitely interesting. And especially when he hinted that Adachi had been with him the first few times.

If that was true, it did make the fact he committed those murders all the more intriguing. She began trying to think of theories until Ryotaro spoke once more.

" ... Yes sir." Naoto replied, hiding a defeated sigh. To say she was annoyed - if not even pissed off - was an understatement. Every bone in her body was screaming that this was a very, very big mistake. Naoki had a temper, no doubt. But the genuine will and desire to actually kill someone?

Hell no!

Gripping her lower lip, Naoto hung up, sliding the phone into her pocket before finding Nanako in the living room. Before she could even open her mouth, the young girl began to talk.

"He'll be home late, right?"

Naoto blinked then briefly panicked. "Yes. Yes, he will be."

"... Of course. He always is." Her head bowed as she let her own sigh out. "But ... I do know he's just doing his job. Still, it doesn't make these times any less annoying."

Naoto remained quiet, trying to figure out if she had somehow overheard the talk? Maybe if it had been on the land line, yes. But over a cell phone? Naoto highly doubted it. So the detective merely assumed her to have guessed simply because this was something Ryotaro had done for years; too many in fact. Giving Nanako a nod, she sat beside her. "I can imagine. I didn't have my own parents for very long. And they didn't do anything quite like this. So I can't really say I can relate. I can, however, promise I'll do what I can for you."

Turning toward Naoto, Nanako took her turn to become silent. Finally, she gave the sleuth a hug. "You work with dad, right? Help him figure who did this. Please."

The embrace took Naoto aback for a few seconds. But as Nanako explained herself, she nodded once more, returning the sisterly-like gesture. "I will. I promise. And not just because it's the right thing to do. This is a very big and personal thing for all of us. Rise's death will not be in vain. None of us are going to let that happen. That much I promise."

Yosuke grinned as the two of them remembered the beauty contest from two years ago. Yosuke had signed all the girls in the group up for it, and he had been able to explain why he had for every single one of them, except for Chie. The truth was he had signed her up first wanting to see how she would react and also wanting a chance to give her the spot light for a change, and then he had signed up everyone else after the fact using them as an excuse to get Chie to go along with it. He had told everyone that he had voted for Rise, but the truth was he had been one of the few who had voted for Chie back then... and in truth he would vote for her any time.

Yosuke almost seemed to pout as Chie asked him to not go overboard with his little plan to put her in something that she would be embarassed by. Yosuke let out a small sigh having to give in to the request as he opened the door and escorted Chie inside his apartment. The main room was a living room, kitchen combination, with three aditional rooms. The room to the immediate left was a fully functioning bathroom with a stand in shower, and two near the back of the room were the bedrooms. One of which had an old poster of Rise from back when she was an Idol.

Yosuke approached the room with the idol poster and opened it. "Hey I'll be back out in a moment." He said going inside and making a quick servay of the room. It was a mess of course, and he quickly gathered up all the dirty laundry and threw it into a pile, and made the bed as nicely as he could. Chie was going to end up staying here and while there wasn't much he could do on short nottice he could at least try to make her not hate him.

Stripping off his soaked shirt, and pants he quickly changed into new pair of underwear and pajama pants, deciding that Chie had waited long enough he would grab a shirt later. Opening the door he gave a small sigh. "This is my room, which i guess means it will be your room for the night but first." The evil grin that he had displayed before returned quickly enough as he ran into teddie's room. His bare walking along the tatami flooring.

Teddie's room was some how worse then yosuke's. He doubted any real human could survive in this place for very long and as he got to the closet he did his best to sort through the clothing that was available. "Come on please still have it!" He muttered under his breath until he let a big "Ah Ha!"

When Yosuke returned. He did so with Teddie's old dress Folded up as nicely as he could he passed it to Chie. He didn't include anything like the stalkings but rather had only searched for and found the main blue part of the dress. "I can't believe he actually kept that thing. Who knew it would come in so handy. It should fit just fine."

At the dojima residence there was another phone call though this one came over the land line. A very familiar voice answered the phone when they got to it. "Hey is Nanako home?"

Yu Narukami had been busy. For the last year he had been working hard at his school, and over winter vacation he had taken a trip with his parents to amarica for the first time. For them it had been another short business trip but for Yu it had been a delightful retreat, and while it would have been nice to spend some time with nanako and the group, Hawaii had been too tempting an offer to turn down.

Now that he was back and getting back into the swing of things, however even out in the big city it was starting up all over the news that Inaba was home to yet another set of murders, and the name of the person that had been released actually made him feel kind of sick, that said his first instinct was to check up on Nanako. After the events that had happened two years ago it seemed the least he could have done.

Chie nodded, figuring it only seemed fair to let Yosuke make any last second arrangements. It was his place after all. "Alright. Take your time." While he was rummaging around for new clothes, both for himself and her, she took the opportunity to slip her shoes off. Her backpack was the next thing to leave as it was removed off of her shoulders. Finally, she began checking out the rest of the rooms, making sure to avoid the one Yosuke was occupied in.

All in all, it was actually pretty nice. It made Chie rather proud of her friend. There was a slim chance this place had just been given to him. She was pretty damn sure that he'd had to earn it. It hinted how hard he'd worked at Junes.

It must be difficult. The pay's not exactly anything overly exciting ...

Still, money was money. It was an issue her own parents had warned her repeatedly about during the summer. And now that she was seeing Yosuke's place, it made Chie realize she probably should consider looking for a job pretty damn fast. But that was definitely an easier said than done task. Inaba wasn't exactly known for it's population. With how few people there were here, it was honestly a miracle there were enough places for people to find jobs.

A small sigh left as Chie dismissed the matter, deciding to avoid worrying on it for now. The timing seemed to be borderline perfect because the sound of Yosuke walking out made her turn around.

The sight of that dress made her cheeks almost instantly go crimson.

".. He ... still has that?" she inquired, hardly able to believe it. "W-well ... alright." It was better than an array of things he could have tried to give her. "Um .. did you want me to change in the bathroom then? Somewhere else?"

The sounds of the landline ringing made Nanako jump slightly. An annoyed sigh passed her lips as she stood up. "I'll get it." she reassured Naoto before picking up.

"Hello, Dojima res--- "

Her eyes widened in surprise, though the best kind as she heard the familiar voice.


She knew he was more along the lines of a cousin. But they'd become about as close as if they were siblings.

As Naoto heard Nanako say Yu's name, it made her smile. It was good to know that even with his busy schedule, he had been able to find time to call and check up on Nanako. She would have gladly left. But she wanted to speak to him after Nanako was done. And she signaled this by holding her thumb and pinky at an angle beside her right ear.

Nanako nodded, signaling she'd understood and agreed to it before speaking again. Her voice lowered slightly as she weakly spoke, "I .. I wish you were here. Things have gone ... bad again."

Yosuke got embarassed for a moment as Chie asked him where should change. The question seemed so mundane that he actually rolled his eyes as he replied sarcastically. "Well obviously you should just change right here in front of me. Cause we both know I would just love that kind of show. Of course you should go use the washroom Chie." He said trying to wave it off dismissively and then he thought about what he had just said.

The moment he said it he realized how awkward it sounded coming out of his mouth. He swallowed for a moment at the idea of actually seeing Chie in such a vulnerable fashion. It was actually a really pleasant delusion to have. As the more he thought about it the more it became obvious that he wasn't focusing on the here and now. He quickly swallowed and shook his head. "What I mean is... well... Just go change. Use one of the towels to dry yourself before you get a cold." He said quickly turning around and going to the sofa where he could sit down. They had a lot of time to kill and teddie wasn't even home yet, and some how he felt like he had still managed to just force his foot down his mouth.

a cloud of frustration passed over his head for a moment. Angry at his awkward wording, and once again making a fool of himself. Every time he tried to talk to any one of these girls he seemed to mess up. Chie was usually the one he got along with the easiest, but at the same time even talking to her was still difficult some times. Letting out a small sigh he leaned back against the sofa, and shivered slightly as he realized he still hadn't put a shirt on.

Yu was rather delighted to hear Nanako's voice. as he leaned back in a chair and nodded slightly hearing that things had once again gone south. "Yeah I saw the news, but that's not what i'm calling about." He would talk to Naoto or someone else later. Maybe he could help provide insight or something later on. "I talked to uncle today, and we have arranged it so that I can visit during golden week. It's not much but I hope that makes up for missing winter break with you guys."

He smiled for a moment as he thought about the upcomming trip it was going to be overshadowed by the new case, but at the same time it would be good for the group to have some good news after what was on the news today. "But the real reason I called was because today was your first day of at Yasogami high. Tell me how it went Nanako. Meet anyone interesting?"

"... Right. Of course. Ignore the temporary stupidity." she replied, chuckling nervously at herself. "A-alright. I'll be out in a bit." And with that, Chie pivoted on her feet, deftly heading into the washroom, closing and almost immediately locking the door as it shut behind her. She set the dress down then damn well nearly leaned against the wall. The only thing that stopped her was remembering her clothes were still drenched. And she figured Yosuke wouldn't want his door - or any part of his residence - being unnecessarily wet. Her head shook as she slowly began getting out of her school uniform and sighed at herself.

"Where do you change? Well ... duh, Chie. That's by far the dumbest question you've asked today if not in a while."

Still, a smile couldn't help but cross her face. Despite the blonde moment she'd had, Chie was otherwise glad to be here with her best friend. Granted, she wasn't sure how the dress would end up looking but ... ah well. It couldn't be that bad, could it? And even if it was, it'd be warm and keep her from getting too sick.

Everything left Chie's flesh eventually, including her panties and bra. After a quick look around, she found a spare towel and wrapped her old clothes in them. Finally, her hands took hold of the dress .. and raised it up to herself. While she had mostly gotten over accepting her more feminine side, she was still unsure about certain things. Dresses were definitely one of them, though why was beyond her.

"Aren't bikinis more ... revealing and stuff? So shouldn't this be easier?" she muttered, taking a long deep breath. "Well ... here goes."

With a simple pull, the dress fell over her body. Chie couldn't help but feel her smile widen a bit more as she looked down at herself. "Well .. not as bad as I thought." Grabbing the towel with her drenched clothes, she slowly walked out from the bathroom. "Um ... Yosuke?" she called out. "Mind if I use your washer and dryer for my clothes?"

Although Naoto did let Nanako do the talking, she remained closeby to be able to hear Yu so she could know ahead of time what to relay to him. Something told the detective the sentence about not calling to check up on Rise's death was a half-lie at worst. He probably had .. but wanted to help Nanako out by shifting to a much happier topic which, to be fair, was probably a smart move. Nanako had already gotten involved as it was just from knowing Rise. There was no sense in her getting deeper into this case.

Naoto merely smiled at Nanako, letting her talk to Yu.

"That'd be great! Um, yeah, I did. Naoki-kun. He's a first year like me also. We're in the same class. Our teacher ... hmmm." Nanako paused, trying to figure out the right words to use which would properly describe Ms. Emi. "She seemed like a soldier from the military; she was really strict to everyone."

The image of Nanako's teacher made Naoto unable to help but chuckle softly.

Poor Nanako. This really has been a rough day, huh? she mused, still keeping quiet for the time being.

"I didn't really get to meet many others. All the teachers left for an emergency meeting and ... we were supposed to concentrate on our work. So I did."

Yosuke blinked as Chie walked out of the bathroom in a dress. His eyes quickly turning to her, and his mind couldn't help but gawk a little. Without any socks or shoes on the dress meant that there was a lot of Chie's legs to see as it was kind of short on her. Chie's athletic frame was actually well supported, and while the dress didn't exactly have anything open about it this was a rare and rather attractive sight for Yosuke to enjoy, and there was also the knowledge that Chie was nude underneath the single layer, part of him almost wished he could access his persona right now, jiraiya's wind magic would have left a lot less to the imagination at the moment.

Yosuke quickly snapped out of it when Chie asked him about the washer and dryer. "Uh yeah, actually let me toss my stuff in with yours." He said getting up and going to gather the wet clothing from his room. Yosuke still wasn't wearing a shirt, but returned from his room any way after a moment showing Chie where the washer was he put his wet school uniform in with Chie's. The winter clothing matched colors regardless of gender so it worked out great as he started the clothing in the washer.

"You know... that looks really sexy on you." Yosuke's words escaped him before he even really knew he was talking. Realizing his mistake he some how managed to seize up even more.

There was a gap that felt like a couple minutes where Yosuke didn't really know what to say and so instead just kind of looked like he was stuck in traffic lights. This was one of the few times he ever really got to see Chie as a woman, or at least in a more feminine situation even if it was just a cross dressers dress. Silently he pulled out his phone after a moment, and there was a soft click as he stole a photo. If he was going to get kicked for his words and actions, he may as well go as far as he can.

Yu nodded as he heard more of what Nanako's day had been like. Oddly enough it sounded almost exactly like his first day at Yasagami High, though back then he hadn't known the victim. If he had things would have been at least a little different. He was glad that Nanako had stayed inside the classroom, and he remembered Naoki from the times that he had talked to him. "Naoki Konishi right? I was a friend of his during the year I was there. I'm happy to hear that you two are getting along."

Yu nodded trying to think of the teachers he had back at Yasogami high, and came across an old memory of the king moron. "Yeah the teachers there can be... different that is for sure. I think you have to remember that no matter how things are going on around you Nanako, it's the people around you that you need to rely on. It's what got me through my school year when I was there." He spoke with a fond voice remembering everyone. "Your job now is to go out and meet new people, and make strong bonds of your own. Also... if you get the top of your class come exams Nanako I'll be sure to get you something."

It was clear he was avoiding the subject of Rise and the emergency meeting trying to keep Nanako's mind on happier events around the school year.

"A-alright. Thanks." Chie's cheeks darkened as she noticed Yosuke staring slightly. "Is ... does it look that good? It feels kinda ... odd. I've never really been in a dress in .. years. I almost forgot how it felt up until now." Another thing that had registered to Chie's mind which was out of place for her was she hadn't snapped at Yosuke for gawking at her. Maybe because it was just Yosuke and she trusted him not to try anything stupid? Possibly. It was a mostly logical thought. Her head shook as she followed beside him and waited for his clothes to enter the washer before hers were soon added in.

".... Really? You .. think so?"

Before she could get an answer confirming her question, the soft clicking noises caught her ears. As Chie turned around, she saw Yosuke holding his phone.

"... Did... did you just?!"

A minute or so had passed before she sighed. There was at least one saving grace, she had decided. It was the fact that she was clothed and not nude.

"Do not show anyone else that, please. Anyway so .. you're really fine with me borrowing your bed for the night?"

Naoto quietly got up, figuring that since Yu was trying to assist Nanako keeping in a more cheerful mood, she'd do so in her own ways. Her footsteps were soft as she went back into the kitchen, temporarily leaving Nanako alone.

While the younger girl did notice, she didn't worry. Naoto could handle herself ... if such a precaution was even needed. But she doubted it. No one - somewhat amazingly - had ever tried to come in and rob this place. Given all the enemies her father had made, it really was a hell of a blessing. But she wouldn't complain about it either. Her gaze moved away from the direction Naoto had walked off to as she looked towards the floor, focusing once more on Yu's words.

"Mhm, you're right. Oh, you did? That's really cool. Yeah, we are. He seems .. kinda nervous like I am. But otherwise, he's a relatively good person." She paused, wondering about bringing up him snapping at Naoto earlier but decided against it. It was obvious even to her that Yu was trying to avoid the subject of Rise so she'd try to return the favor. It was easier said than done but .. he was making an effort. It only seemed fair she did the same back.

"Alright. I'll try to do my best with grades." A small sigh passed her lips as Nanako's voice lowered a bit more. "I wish Golden Week would hurry up. I'm glad to be with the others but ... I really miss you."

Finally, Naoto revealed where she'd gone off to and why. In both her hands were two glasses of milk. It'd been incredibly tempting to use soda instead but .. it wouldn't be fair to make the caffeine ruin Nanako's sleeping schedule. Gods knew any nightmares that may arrive tonight would be bad enough as it was. She offered the cup towards Nanako, wearing a small smile on her face.

Nanako smiled back as she eagerly took the glass, taking the opportunity to sip some of the milk while the pause between her and Yu lingered.

When Chie asked Yosuke about the bed however he simply shrugged. "I said you could have the bed so take it already. Though it's a few hours before we should go to sleep, after all weren't we gonna watch for the midnight channel tonight?" His thoughts turned to how they were going to kill the time, and he realized he still had to make dinner. After his experiances with Chie's cooking he wasn't about to let her anywhere near his kitchen.

Yosuke's devious smile didn't really fade as he gave a small childish chuckle and turned his phone around showing Chie the picture he had taken of her in the dress. All in all it was pretty good with a clear shot to easily make out who it was in the photo. It was very clearly Chie Satonaka in a cute short dress. "I don't know I think Yu might pay big dollars for something like this, and you do look pretty sexy." He said jokingly now he was just pushing buttons.

Over the last two years there had been a policy of appeasement between the two friends, and Yosuke had grown slightly arrogant because of it. He wasn't the type who someone could give an inch too, as he tended to take a mile. "Heck I think even Kanji might want in on this, and just imagine what I could get Teddie to pay for something like this. All in all it's pretty tempting to sell them a copy. So I guess it's up to you to make a counter offer."

Yu listened on the phone and got the general impression of what had happened today. Naoki could be a little tense when it came to others around him, and he did have a lot on his shoulders. So it was good to hear that Nanako and him were getting along. hearing that she missed him however he swallowed lightly wondering if there was a way to get a more permanent stay in inaba than just the holidays.

"I know Nanako, I miss you too, and I'll come visit as soon as I can. I may even have an extended stay during the summer break." Though it was two months away he figgured he would start planning ways to visit inaba now since the others would all need his help again. "I have to go Nanako, my phone doesn't have much more air time left. Cya in a bit little sis, I'll call you when i can to check in with you." He waited until Nanako said her goodbyes before hanging up.

Yu sat back in the dark room, his head resting on a velvet cushion as he rubbed his eyes. Looking ahead of him the chair he was in was a rather comfy seat of a Limousine. Igor, and Margaret were looking at him expectantly. "Thank you for letting me use the phone." He said as he hung up. "But are you sure... that this one is up to them?"

Margaret smiled and nodded. "You did well to foster the many bonds you had, but this is not your trial. You passed your tests admirably, and we are in your debt however the status of your contract is full filled. While we encourage you to assist your friends. In the end this these comming trials must fall too two others, the Chariot and Magician."

"W-well I just ... thought I'd make sure. Yeah, true. We are going to."

When the smile - more like smirk in Chie's mind - remained and Yosuke began to go on about the picture, Chie felt an honest to gods surge of anger beginning to build. She had been ready to blow off his words, too. But the mentioning of Teddie finally did it. Without a second thought, her hand raised as she brought it up and let it land on Yosuke's face. A glare could easily be seen in her eyes as she looked right into Yosuke's hazel orbs.

"Look, I know you're probably trying to joke and lighten the mood up. But there really are just some things you shouldn't joke around! You know how many horrible things I could have tried to say about you still liking Rise? Even - especially - after we found out what happened to her today? Yet, I didn't. Why? Because that's downright wrong, rude, and just disrespectful! Just ... damnit, Yosuke."

She took a long, deep breath, trying her hardest to calm down, even if only a small bit.

"I'm sorry -- for the slap, at least. But not the words. Come .. come get me when it's time. I.. I'm going to just ... think until then."

Without exactly waiting for his approval, Chie stormed away and went into Yosuke's room, closing the door so it was left and kept open ajar. She sat on the bed as she buried her face in her hands, letting out a muffled but very frustrated groan.

"Sometimes, I swear! Urgh!"

Nanako's smile widened as the suggestion of a possible extended stay was brought up. ".. Alright. Sounds good." The smile soon began to fade as she heard he had to leave, let alone so quickly. ".. Alright. Take care, okay? Bye, Yu."

It was obviously reluctant but sure enough, the sound of the phone clicking, thus signaling she had hung up, would echo a few times in Yu's ear.

"... At least he got a hold of you," Naoto replied, trying to help keep her as cheerful as possible. "Hm ... did you wanna watch a movie or something? You still have a few hours to kill before needing to worry about getting ready for bed. I .. can probably figure something out for dinner soonish."

"Hm? Ah, yeah. Sure." Poor Nanako had gotten temporarily lost in thought, thinking of the entire day in both the more positive and negative aspects. But the promise of dinner did indeed sound good, making her smile appear once more as she nodded. Getting up, she walked around and found the remote hidden under a cushion. With a deft click, the television turned on. It took a bit of searching around, but finally Nanako had found an action movie that seemed to catch her attention.

Without saying a word, Naoto joined Nanako. Much like the younger girl beside her, a lot was going through her mind. But the biggest concern was what she'd still kept hidden from Nanako in regards to Naoki. She almost felt obligated to call him up and try to give him a bit of a warning to expect Dojima. But ... that may be interpreted in a very bad way on her behalf.

Would it be much better just to let this happen though?

Not likely. But Ryotaro was still her superior. It was times like this where Naoto was the most annoyed about the chain of command system. Usually, she had no issues following orders. But this one had been pestering her ever since she'd heard it. It was just the very wrong thing to do! And every fiber of her being knew it, including her own soul. Of course, though, Dojima had been too damn stubborn to heed her words on that. And now .. he was going to get visited, likely tonight or soon.

For the time being, you just gotta wait. Your laptop isn't here so you can't really do your research on if Adachi truly was alone or not here. Gotta wait until tomorrow.

Nodding slowly to herself, Naoto allowed her head to fall against the couch as she began to watch the movie with Nanako. For now, the best courses of action involved her taking care of the younger girl and ensuring she stayed safe. It was the best - and most - she could do for the moment.

Yosuke dropped the cellphone it's screen cracking on impact as he was slapped. His entire head had snapped slightly to the side resulting in him biting down on his tongue as he had been slapped. He blinked a few times feeling the pain cause tears to build up along the edges of his eyes. He rubbed the side of his face as he leaned down and picked up his cell phone.

He looked at the picture and then over to the posture of Rise. Yes it was no secret that he had been a fan of her music, and was probably a little more then enthusiastic when he was talking about her body back then however it had been just a child crush. Where as the woman he had stronger affections for had just smacked him across the face.

He let out a small sigh as he walked towards the room, and reached out for the handle of the door, but didn't really know what to do. If he went in he was risking another attack from the girl he had been poking with a stick, but at the same time it didn't feel right to just leave things as they are. The obvious answer came in the form of dinner.

It took about 15 minutes to set up but shortly after that the small house was full of the smell of well seasoned beef steak. he had been keeping the cuts for a little while and they had originally been for celebrating an upcoming event, but he sacrificed them for the greater good. He knew this was kind of cruel, of him. It was a cheat code to get Chie to realize that he was sorry. He fanned the smell towards his room. He would pick up something better tomorrow for the actual event. "Dinner's ready!"

~Come on the trap is about as baited as it could get please take it Chie.~ He thought lightly. If she didn't come out of the room now then he would have to come out.

Sure enough, Chie had remained in Yosuke's room and stayed sitting on his bed. Granted if anyone else saw her, they argue that she looked more like - maybe even was - pouting. And that was indeed true to some degrees. But hey, in her thoughts, it was all justified. Everything from the slap to the verbal outburst had been, in fact.

Seriously, the fuck was all that about? After two years, has he really not learned?

She didn't want to believe that, gods help her she did not. This especially held true after he seemed to display some leader-like qualities earlier at Aiya's. That wasn't just a fluke ... was it? Her hand covered her forehead as she began to massage it.

"I just .. don't understand him sometimes. I .. I get we're at the right age for hormones and all. But that applied to two years ago also. He was never like this .. "

Her voice stayed low, barely above a whisper as she murmured everything to herself, as if trying to talk to her reflection or even a doppelganger.

As the scent of food tantalized her nostrils, Chie's head lifted. A small but content sigh passed her lips. It definitely did smell good and even after the beef bowl, she had - accidentally but still - skipped breakfast. Needless to say, she was famished.

Yosuke would hear his door open before seeing Chie walk out. Her eyes had a mix of emotions in them; there was obviously some gratefulness for the food. But she was definitely still very annoyed at his recent 'joke' -- whatever he had meant for it to be.

"... Thank you," she replied softly, sitting down across from him.

Yosuke would protest that he had always had a bit of a delinquent side if asked. He had signed four of his friends up for a fashion contest, and been the one to suggest the group date idea the class two years ago. Though looking back at it yeah threatening black mail and taking a hidden snap shot of Chie had been a little extreme. Letting out a soft sigh he moved to the table and set down the food in front of Chie.

Yosuke on the other hand wasn't all that hungry and hadn't made one for himself, the other cut of meat was for Teddie however he still sat at the table across from Chie. Clapping his hands together he bowed in a slight stance of appology. "Listen Chie... We need to talk." He said finally. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Your not wrong. I know that in the past I've done some really bad things, and all in the guise of having a laugh. I guess that part of me is still a problem. See, back then you weren't really there for my shadow, but there is a part of me that hates being bored, and resents working out here in a dead end job. Sure Junes is my dads company, and i'm now the manager, but that also comes at a price." He gave a small sigh. "This town... part of me hates it, and back then I really only got involved with the murders because I knew I had the chance to act like some kind of hero. I knew Saki hated me, but I still had a crush on her, and well your right."

This was one of the harder parts to admit. "I was still a fan of Riset. Even after she retired I still tried to find all of her old C.D.s and Then there's the poster... I bought that after i knew her... how creepy is that?" He shook his head. "She was my friend, and even though I knew she disliked being an idol i still put her up on a pedestal, and now she's gone and the only thing I can think of is that I'm not going to be able to get tickets to her return tour that was supposed to be happening in two months. It's this twisted selfish part of me and I hate it. I hate that no matter what I always want to be entertained, but Really the worst thing is what i've done to you."

Yosuke looked away from Chie for a moment. "I..I've been afraid to talk about this kind of stuff with you for a long time, but the main reason I like to keep you close, the hole reason I push your buttons is that when I'm with you I don't feel bored. Back then two years ago when you used to kick me around and keep me in line... I liked it, how messed up is that right?, I'd go out of the way to try and annoy you all because you would push me around then I'd feel better about myself, but then after Yu left and things started to change you stopped, and it was like I lost that part of our relationship that keeps me entertained."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is... thank you for slapping some sense into me Chie."

Chie's hands had finished placing themselves one on top of another. After finishing quietly giving thanks for the meal, she began to cut the steak. Her head lifted as she looked right into Yosuke's eyes when they said they needed to talk.

"Yes. Yes, we do." she agreed, leaving it at that. It was definitely good to hear that he hadn't tried to lie to himself about needing this conversation. That was always a good sign.

As Yosuke began to speak, she stayed silent, listening and letting him vent. It seemed like the right thing to do. She quietly placed her fork down, deciding she would officially begin eating after this was done. Until then, she merely cut her steak but never took a bite yet. Her own small sigh would be heard as he got to the parts about Rise, especially the possibility of never seeing her return tour again.

Well .. that's one way to know this is definitely Yosuke speaking ..

Only someone like her best friend could worry over a seemingly petty thing. Yet, it made her smile. He had been honest and she was definitely grateful for that much.

"Well .. you're welcome I suppose. But if you're afraid of getting bored, there are tons of better ways to go about that then - as you said so yourself - pushing my buttons. Granted, I'm not quite sure how myself. But there are always alternatives to take. That much I do know. This is no doubt the weirdest thing I've been thanked for but .. if you're sure, you're welcome."

After allowing a brief pause to linger between them, Chie added another inquiry.

"Is there anything else you want to add? Ask? Anything? Just keep being honest; that's all I ask."

"More like confess." Yosuke let out a small slightly annoyed sigh. While Chie seemed to understand the important parts of what he was trying to get across it seemed like she wasn't understanding the reason for it all. He closed his eyes for a moment trying to think of the best way to try and confess towards his friend about the reason why this was all so important to him.

Still this was also the part where his blood was starting to run a little cold as he had a lot to confess when it comes to Chie. "Well it's like I said when I'm with you I'm not bored." He said lightly opening only one eye so that he could look at Chie, admiring her in the dress and gave a small sigh. The easy reason for that was because he had a crush on her, but there was a little more to it then that. She was one of the forces that kept him in line, and in truth he kind of enjoyed the way she used to step on him every now and then.

When she stopped, and started to be patient with him he felt like he was missing something and now he had the chance to set all of that right, he just didn't know what to say. So he decided to go with the biggest example he could, the fashion show. "Two years ago, when the school did that fashion show, I signed you up first, and then I used the others as an excuse for it cause I figured you wouldn't go alone. See I don't like Yukiko, or even Rise I just liked listening to her singing voice."

Finally he opened both eyes and scratched the back of his head as he leaned back into his chair. "I've only ever really had my eyes on you... See, I've always kind of had a small crush on you, The reason I never feel bored around you is because when I'm with you... you entertain me, and it makes me notice you, and Well... you actually have really nice legs, and your attractive, and well i like you a lot and I'm rambling now because when I get nervous I can't stop talking."


Chie's head tilted slightly as curiosity took over her. She was definitely curious. It was .. different to hear that Yosuke, of all people, had something to confess. Although with how the talk had been going, part of her expected it to be something else she didn't know about his thoughts for Rise. Thus, when he started to explain himself, it already made her curious that he didn't seem to bring up the former idol. No, the topic appeared to be ... her? If he hadn't gotten her attention before, Yosuke definitely had by this point.

He then seemed to go back to that fashion show. But whereas she had expected him to remain on the subject for quite a while, he actually steered away from it faster than she had thought.

And finally, the point was made. This was one of the few times Chie was glad she hadn't been drinking anything lest she risk spitting it out.

"... Wait, what?"

The question came out in a mixed tone, seeming confused and yet somehow content. The smile that crossed her face helped further prove the latter as tinges of crimson danced across her cheeks.

"Well ... you don't need to be nervous. Because I've kind of ... well .. the feeling's mutual. But I always thought I may be too much of a tomboy for you or anyone honestly."

There was a moment where Yosuke considered that he had gone too far with what he had said. When she practically did a spit take on his words he though for sure that she didn't feel the same way or really was just about to yell at him for everything. His eyes averted but then she smiled, and he quickly returned his attention to her. As she blushed he smiled and felt that she was in fact very cute like that.

As she told him that the feeling was mutual he let out a surprised gasp that quickly turned into him letting out a surprised but very happy yell. "That's awesome!" He yelled at the same time as clapping his hands together. This made life at least a little better for the two of them.

Hearing that she thought of herself as too much as tom boy to get romantically involved with anyone he shook his head. "Actually that's one of the things I like about you, your always trying to help people, and like I said it's you help keep me in line. Just if we start dating... you have to promise not to go easy on me." He said still kind of nervous about the situation. Though he was very clearly happy now.

"Anyone who thinks your too much of a tomboy or something like that is full of themselves. Your probably the most attractive woman I know." He said waving it off as he got up from his chair and moved so that instead of sitting across from Chie he was sitting next to her he looked at her for a moment as he placed a hand on hers and gave a small sigh as he leaned over and kissed Chie on the cheek.

Chie couldn't help but chuckle softly. Of all the words he'd chosen, awesome had come to his mind? Ah well. She'd let it slide. This was probably one of those moments where you just ... said whatever first came to you. Besides, after the day they both had, the two were in dire need of good news. While this had also been .. unexpected, it wasn't horrible. Just something she never would have seen coming. Ever. But maybe that was another thing she liked - and sometimes feared - about Yosuke. He could be very unpredictable. And depending on the situation, this was either a good or bad thing.

Right now, it was definitely a positive scenario.

"Not to?" she repeated, making sure he was positive about his request. A sly smile crossed her lips as she nodded. "Well .. alright. Just remember you asked for it. And ... yeah, I suppose. There aren't enough people who try to assist others out. It's kinda sad, really."

Although with how dark some people could act, as Adachi proved a few years ago, it was almost becoming more typical. Fewer people were doing what society deemed to be 'the right thing'. That had definitely contributed to why Chie aspired to be a cop. There weren't many other occupations that fit her desire to try to help others plus freely allowed her to use her martial arts.

Her cheeks flushed more as Yosuke said she should accept her tomboy side as much as she did her more feminine one. "T-thanks. That means a lot. Really." She blinked and curiously observed him getting up from his seat, only to sit beside her. As she felt his hand clasp over hers, she gently rolled her fingers along the top of his hand. The kiss, even though it was merely on her cheek, made her stop and blush even more.

"... You're .... too generous. But .. um ... I was originally called here in the dining room to eat, correct? So .. may I? This smells really good."

Chie had hoped it hadn't been worded rudely yet still was enough to get her point across.

It was funny that she called him generous because Yosuke was actually feeling oddly selfish with everything he was saying. It didn't help that he thought Chie was rather adorable when she blushed. He smiled as she asked him if she could eat and he nodded. "Actually that reminds me, will you be okay here for a bit I have to run down to JUNES." He said lightly as he stood up.

He had originally been saving those cuts for an important day, that was still fast approaching. He paused actually looking around realizing there was actually only one person he hadn't told about the entire event and he quickly turned to Chie realizing that with all that had happened it had slipped his mind. "Uh actually there is one thing I need to mention before I run off. The steak I coooked up... it was actually for tomorrow, so i need to pick up another one."

Yosuke scratched his head for a moment. "your kinda eating Teddie's cut for tomorrow." He said with a small shrug. Tomorrow was the day that two years ago he Chie and Yu had all first gone into the television and met Teddie for the first time. While they didn't really have a birthday for the guy since he never really regained his memories beyond being a shadow, or who he was past that. They did have the event that marked the first meeting and the start of all the crazyness that had followed in their lives.

Turning around he made to leave. "So yeah... enjoy that and I will be back in a few minutes okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I will be."

The mentioning of Yosuke abruptly needing to go back to Junes made her heard unable to help but tilt. Why? Did it include Tedde somehow? It was true that he wasn't yet back so ... maybe? Nah, he could walk himself. Finally, Yosuke hinted what was at least part of the reason.

"O-oh! Um .. sorry."

She knew it wasn't her fault given she hadn't coerced Yosuke into cooking what was supposed to be Teddie's steak. But it still made her feel a bit guilty. It wasn't, however, enough to keep Chie from eating and within moments, she was eagerly chewing on her dinner.

"Mhm," she replied, giving a reassuring smile as she continued to eat. It'd be odd to be alone -- which was only foreign in itself because she usually stayed by herself at her house. So why was this about to make her uneasy? Was it connected to the murders? Was it simply not wanting to be away from Yosuke now that they had exchanged feelings for one another? Some mix of the two?

Chie attempted to mentally dismiss the matter and instead focus on her food.

Throughout the movie, both Naoto and Nanako had been silent. It was now halfway over and getting close for Nanako to prepare for sleep. Before that, however, they both needed to eat.

Stretching as she stood up, Naoto looked down toward Nanako. "Was there anything in particular you wanted for dinner?"

".. Um ... I dunno."

The words made Naoto inwardly sigh. She figured the earlier events were very likely still pestering and making Nanako a bit depressed even. "Okay. I'll surprise you then. Sound good?"

Her own smile crossed her face as Nanako managed to do the same. "Yes. Thanks, Naoto-onee."

After giving the young girl a small nod, she walked into the kitchen and began rummaging around, seeing what was in the household. She hadn't had it in her to even hint to Nanako on Naoki being paid a visit by the cops. The death of Rise was bad enough already. It wouldn't have been better to add that in.

"It'd be like forcing salt into an already sore wound," she mused, sighing softly as she began pulling out a loaf of bread and some ingredients for a sandwich. Simple, yeah. But thankfully, Nanako wasn't overly picky on these sorts of things.

As Yosuke opened the door he took one look at the storm that was outside and the fact that he was still in his pajamas, and let out a long annoyed sigh. Closing the door he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. "Hey before you head home can you pick something up for the house." He asked when the bear had finally picked up. "Uh I need at least one more of the delux cuts, I miss counted how many were going to show up." He said lightly. "Hey Teddie... how has your nose been lately?"

"It hasn't acted up at all or caught any strange smells." He had to pull the cellphone away as teddie's voice yelled at him from the other end of the call. "I told you it's been beary normal, my sniffer has never let me down."

"Okay okay. Get home safely." He said waving it off and hanging up. There was no sense in going back into town when he had an errand boy who could do it for him. He walked back to the table and gave a small shrug while at the same time he watched Chie eat. "Does your appetite ever stop?"

It seemed like a kind of rude question but at the same time after the mega beef bowl he still couldn't even look at food. However as she ate the steak some of the sauce landed on her cheek and as she finished the food his eyes were still oddly fixated on it, instead of telling the reason why he moved a little closer, and placed a hand on her chin pulling her towards him so that he could lean forward and lick her cheek.

His tongue swiped across her skin as he tasted both her and the barbeque sauce. He shuddered for a moment as he pulled back from the moment, and smiled. "You taste good when flavored." He said with a small blush and then placed a hand on her back and laughed lightly.

As Chie heard the door open but not shut, she turned to see Yosuke standing and seeming to rethink the idea about going back to Junes. Now that she took a better look for herself ... it probably was a smart move. Especially if he wasn't in the mood to change. As amusing as it would have been to see him leave and arrive in pajamas, there was definitely part of Chie that was glad he decided not to leave. She stayed silent while Yosuke conversed with Teddie.

When he asked about her appetite, she gave a low scoff as she looked up to the hazel orbs across from her.

"Well now that isn't nice." she half-teasingly and very half-seriously retorted. "You'd be amazed what certain emotions can do. Plus, I accidentally skipped out on breakfast. So .. does it ever? Yes. Right now? No."

As Yosuke leaned close to her, Chie almost half-expected another kiss to be placed on her cheek. She was ... somewhat correct. It wasn't a kiss but rather ... his tongue which licked up the sauce. Her cheeks flushed once again as she slowly shook her head from side to side.

"... Have I ever told you how strange you can be sometimes, Yosuke?" she inquired, feeling her smile widen despite the odd gesture that had been given to her. It wasn't bad. But .. it definitely was another thing she hadn't expected.

After a few minutes of searching, Naoto had managed to find everything for several types of sandwiches. In the end, however, she began making several grilled cheeses. Within ten minutes, she walked out with two plates, each holding two sandwiches each.

Nanako's smile widened once more as she saw the detective walk out with dinner. "Mmm, looks good. Thank you."

"It's no problem."

".... Hey, Naoto. Is every night going to be like this?"

The question definitely made the young sleuth contemplate. She thought on it while handing Nanako's plate over. "Hm ... maybe sometimes. But your father is going to need me with this case. That being said ... maybe Yukiko or Kanji could stay with you when I need to work. I have definitely promised myself that tomorrow, I'm going to start working on researching a lead regardless if your dad likes it or not."

"... I see."

An inward sigh of relief echoed in Naoto's head. For a few moments, she realized Nanako could easily have asked about what her dad had decided to do instead. But .. she was saved from having to explain that. The truth may be harsh enough as it was. If Ryotaro had his way, there was a good chance that Naoki wouldn't be found in the morning.

"Don't worry about it, Nanako. For now .. just .. enjoy, okay? We'll be here for you; all of us. Think of the more happier thoughts, including the visit Yu promised."


After the two gave thanks, both women began to eat their dinner.

Yosuke smiled when Chie called him weird. It was an odd thing for her to say and yet it felt like a high complement coming from her. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself but he felt odd considering everything that the two of them had been through and how well he knew Chie. The fact that she had actually let him lick her was oddly exciting to him, and for the first time in a while he felt really strong around her. He gave her a small smile as he chuckled and patted her on the shoulder slightly.

"I know." Yosuke's tone was rather careful as he leaned in and looked at Chie at the same time his hand moved from his shoulder to her neck, as he ran a hand through Chie's short brown hair and moved slowly a second hand brushing against her cheek for a moment as he admired her in the dress. He was honestly focused on her lips at that point wanting nothing more then to lean in and press his lips against hers and take his first real kiss from a girl.

Looking into her eyes he swallowed as he leaned forward killing his cowardice and reading his body for what ever would happen after that.

And then the door exploded, the slam actually made Yosuke trip over the chair he was sitting on and his hand that was placed lovingly on Chie's cheek slapped her hard enough to leave the red imprint of his hand across her face as he fell onto the ground. "Ow what the hell!"

"That day was just Un-bear-able!" The mascot of Junes walked in, with a damp furry body, his 'body' dripping water all over as he walked into the main room of the apartment and undid his head head revealing the fact that the blond haired blue-eyed teddie wasn't wearing a shirt (or much else for that matter) under neath his costume. "All day out in the rain alone all by my bear-some self." He said almost pondering something, Turning around he started to drop the costume before he noticed Chie.

There was a long moment of silence as Teddie realized two things, one he was half naked, with his costume bearly covering himself, and two Chie was in his house, and in a dress. "Well this is bear-y unexpected."


Chie's heart began to quickly pound in her chest. The physical contact from her friend was innocent enough at first, beginning merely with his hand upon her shoulder. But when it moved and his fingers began to trail through her hair ... she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. Yet it wasn't in the worst possible way which confused her even more. It was filled with anticipation, some form of eagerness, as if she had been waiting for this moment to happen.

Wait, you've wanted this? Since when?!

Who cares?! Just enjoy it!

Her eyes closed as she sighed softly. As her hazel eyes opened once more, she almost swore she saw Yosuke closer towards her face.

Oh .. oh gods! Is he going to kiss me?!

A mix of fear and that same mix of desire and anticipation began to dominate her. Chie felt her heart beat faster as she began to lean forward, ready to accept the kiss. But then ... the new domino effect had happened.

"Ow! The hell indeed?!" Her hand raised as she rubbed her cheek, almost ready to return the favor. But then .. her heart quickly sank as she saw what had caused it all.

"U-um ... Teddie. Hey .... " Chie waved weakly, feeling herself quickly flush as she realized he saw them having tried to kiss and - almost as mortifying - Chie dressed in one of Teddie's outfits.

Why he had the dress still, however, was another issue. But that didn't really matter much. At the moment, Teddie had the upper hand so to speak on the situation.

The sandwiches were quickly devoured and as Naoto glanced over, she noticed it was truly beginning to get close for Nanako to prepare for bed. "You gonna get a shower in?"

"Mhm. Thanks again for dinner. Tell otou-san where I am if he comes back while I'm gone."

A smile crossed Naoto's face. "I will though it'll probably be relatively simple for him to deduce due to the sounds of the water. Before that though ... " Her arms raised as she gently pulled Nanako into another embrace. "I know today was a tough day. Just .. try to keep enjoying yourself. I've already given my childhood up years ago even before the last set of .. incidents. You shouldn't have to; no one should. You only live once, after all."

Nanako remained silent, taking the advice in before nodding. "Thank you, Naoto-onee. I .. I'll try. It's still kinda .. weird knowing Rise's gone. But ... I promise to try to take the advice."

With that, Nanako walked off. Soon, the sounds of running water echoed throughout the Dojima residence. Naoto, on the other hand, remained on the couch as she sighed softly.

The hell's taking Ryotaro so long? If he wants me to remain here every damn night, he could have said so from the beginning ... hm. Hopefully .... oh hell ....

Suddenly, the image of Naoki fighting and resisting the warrant entered Naoto's mind and made her cringe. She wouldn't have blamed him. However, such actions would only make an even stronger case against him and .. things would get much worse before better for him. Her teeth gripped her lower lip as she glanced towards the direction of the shower, feeling her heart sink. Naoto already felt bad enough for keeping that information away from Nanako. But if he really got arrested -- or at least taken to the station for questioning -- she didn't know how to help Nanako.

She could keep staying beside her, yes, much like the others. But how long would that work before poor Nanako finally snapped?

Hopefully that bridge won't even arrive. Or .. not for a long while ...

The thoughts and multiple scenarios made her groan and let out a defeated sigh as her head fell against the couch.

Teddie blinked seeing Chie in his old dress and the way that she and Yosuke had been acting it was pretty easy to tell what was going on here. His mind of course jumping to the most obvious explanation available as he recoiled with realization excitement and horror all at the same time. As he pulled up his maschot suit so that it didn't drop any further he raised an arm at Chie.

"You were trying to score with Yosuke!" He said almost comically as his eyes were wide with child like excitement, as well as the fact that she was still in his dress that raised a few questions of it's own, but considering he still had that thing those were questions he didn't feel comfortable raising for fear of being asked a few questions of their own.

Yosuke got to his feet still kind of impressed that he had gotten as far as he had, or the fact that Chie didn't hit him for accedently hitting her. He closed one eye as he looked at Chie. "Sorry about that... I kinda slipped." Turning to the bear there was a new problem He didn't know about what had happened today, about Rise or anything else. "Hey Chie... mind if I talk to him for a moment?" He said not wanting to drag this out any longer, he grabbed Teddie and pulled him into his own room.

Explaining the situation took a lot longer then he thought it would, and when he and Teddie emerged not only was teddie in new clean clothing but he was also balling his eyes out the emotional bear just kept crying hard even as he ran up to Chie and hugged her needing emotional support. Yosuke on the other hand just went off to flip the laundry feeling a little drained from all that had happened.

When the three of them finally sat down together it was almost time to check the midnight channel Yosuke was sitting in the middle of the sofa next to Chie and Teddie who was still whimpering.

Time was ticking and as it got to midnight nothing could be heard except for the ticking clock and the soft patter of rain outside. Yosuke was about to let out a sigh of relief until the TV turned on.

"Greetings one and all. I am Naoki Konishi." Naoki Konishi stood wearing an odd dark purple robe, that was tied loosely together. his chest was showing and his eyes were yellow narrowed and colder. "Very few of you have ever noticed me, to most I am simply background noise, but no more! Through tonights ritual I will transcend that empty waist of space, and become something you will all remember. If you can not respect or remember me then you will fear me as the grim reaper of Yasogami High."

The shadow turned to face the large building that he was standing in front of, it seemed like a hellish version of the high school they all went too, the windows were blood red, and the building seemed twisted almost a mix between some sort of western cathedral and the school. Text seemed to read out on the show. A ritual of transformation and blood, let the horror story begin!

Turning back to the camera Naoki smiled and waved. "I do hope you can all follow along with me to make this an event to remember."

"W-what?! N-no! Don't be fucking stupid! That's ... not ... "

Needless to say, when Yosuke offered to explain things to Teddie, she eagerly agreed. "Please do," she murmured, nodding as she allowed the two boys to slip temporarily away from her. While she didn't intend to eavesdrop, her ears caught some of the talk every now and again. While Teddie and Yosuke had their talk, she finished the rest of the steak and washed her plate off. It wasn't necessary, she knew. But Chie was used to doing her own chores. That thus meant dealing with things she had personally made messy or something of the like.

When Teddie came out and hugged her, Chie blinked a few times. It had merely been another thing she hadn't expected. But ... today had been a horrible day. Everyone was on edge or somehow emotional so.. she could understand where he was coming from. She said nothing, merely returned the hug. There wouldn't have been any words she could have used that would have begun to cheer poor Teddie up. Though honestly ... who could blame him? One of their own friends from the group was gone, dead.

Chie was still sad too. She was just .. trying to do any and everything in her power to avoid falling into a deep and unwanted depression.

By the time midnight rolled around, Chie was sitting beside Yosuke, Nanako was very much asleep, and Naoto was keeping herself conscious with some very strong coffee.

Chie blinked as she saw Naoki come on and begin his ... show.

"... Naoki-kun? What the ... ??"

She had damn well nearly forgotten how intimidating and out of character people looked on this damn Channel. However, the fact they were seeing this meant one thing. History truly was repeating. And that alone made Chie unable to help but whimper softly.

".... No!" Naoto hissed, restraining herself from letting out a full-fledged scream and risking waking Nanako up. This could not be true! No! She took a long, deep breath and sipped the coffee, trying to regain her nerves and composure.

This is the Midnight Channel, after all. Nothing here is real. Remember your own show? You don't want any of that anymore. That being said, this side of him can likely be ... dealt with, somehow.

Part of Naoto had at first been annoyed that Ryotaro wasn't back yet. But honestly? This may be a good thing. He hadn't really believed the team last time they tried to explain this story. Moreover, if he had been here when this was on, it would have only made things worse for Naoki.

Then ... he's in the other world, more likely than not. Which means Ryotaro and the others haven't been able to find him, hence why he's taking so long I'm assuming.

Another slow nod left Naoto's head as she realized many more bad things were going to come from him not being in Inaba. Ryotaro would want answers when he did return. But ... Naoto wouldn't be able to be honest with him.

It was a risk, yes. But between feeling an even stronger urge to go through with investigating her own lead plus knowing things would continue to get much worse for Naoki, she would take the chance. If it meant keeping him safe and hidden away long enough to try to make head way, she'd do it.

As much as Naoto respected Ryotaro, she truly hadn't agreed with his original plan from the get-go anyway. Now, she had more reasons to disagree with him.

History was repeating once more. Someone was abducting people and tossing them into the Midnight Channel. This had to get under control and as quickly as possible before Nanako or anyone else from the group got targeted again.
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