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Adventure/Treasure Hunting



In light of the fact that the other adventure interest thread is dead, I'm carrying on the topic here. There were some awesome ideas in the other thread, like searching for different well-known treasures Indiana Jones style, plus the possibility of humor (can't help but think of Monty Python when I see the phrase "holy grail").

Anybody still interested?
Why you say chest blob?
Me am know what boob is.
Me not lizard man.
And me before concept of clothing too. Already show all boob, all the time.
Don't want shiny rock. No need shiny rock.
Me butt harder than rock, prettier than rock, and get shiny too when wet.
No need rock. Only need butt.
Can we play historic figures? I wanna play someone particular from mediveal times and already have a back story for how i ended up in which ever era we start in.
By all means, go ahead!

Honestly, it's still undecided where we will start, but each character will be from a different time- some from the past, some from the present, and some from the future.

Yeah, just need to get that figured out, then we'll have an RP started. :)
Do you think an immortal character would work? Somebody who attained eternal youth from some Holy-Grail-esque artifact and then lost it, prompting them to search for it again to regain that immortality?

Debating which era to come from and then I struck upon the idea of a Vandal Savage-like character who lived through much of human history...

Which would also bring up the possibility that they'd go back in time and meet their past selves.

Might be a little *too* much so I figured I'd run it by everyone first.
Hmm...that's actually a pretty fun idea. That character might be a good lead for our initial artifact quest. Would this be your Egyptian priest or a different character?
I think it was a Yes on that one.

On a side note, do any of the main characters really, really even need to be from the future? It might be enough to have a bunch of displaced treasure hunters with no clue how any of this stuff really works, with only the most vague instructions from the future to guide them. You'd get a fun blend of everyone's perspectives on technology and culture, with no one overriding voice to say, "No, this is the objective truth of the matter." Unless someone chose to play like an 18th century naturalist with a bunch of skewed ideas about how the world worked based on the faulty science of the time, which might be fun in and of itself. Pretty much everything was "It works this way and our interpretation will ALWAYS be true, because that's what God wants!"
Name: Lady Guinevere
Hair: wavy brown hair
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 135
(For perving purposes)Measurements:36D,24,36
History/Background: Variously portrayed in literature, she is called the daughter of King Leodegrance (Lleudd-Ogrfan) of Cameliard by Malory, the daughter of King Ogrfan Gawr (the Giant) of Castell y Cnwclas (Knucklas Castle) by Welsh Tradition, the daughter of King Garlin of Galore by Germanic tradition, the daughter of a Roman noble by Geoffrey of Monmouth and wife of King Arthur by everyone. Her name is spelled differently depending on where you look. It can be either the traditional Guinevere, or Guenevere, or Guenievre, or Guenhumare or Ginevra. In Welsh, she is Gwenhwyfar; in Cornish, Jenefer.

In all cases, she is surpassingly beautiful and desirable, if morally lax from the time of the Vulgate Cycle (13th century) onward. She is either forced into or conceives and engineers an extra-marital relationship with Lancelot and is either condemned, according to law, or forgiven outright for her sins. She either was a willing accomplice to Mordred's treachery against Arthur, as suggested in Wace and Layamon, or was forced into it against her will as stated in John Hardyng's "Chronicle" (1457). Early mentions of Guinevere, in the Triads of the Island of Britain, give tantalising glimpses of her original relationship with Mordred: he is shown forcing his way into Arthur's Court, dragging the Queen from her throne and striking her, but the reasons why are unknown. The incident may have been related to quarrels between Guinevere and her sister, Mordred's wife, Gwenhwyfach, which are said to have been the eventual cause of the Battle of Camlann. Nevertheless the image of a romantic heroine lives on.

Guinevere is frequently abducted in Romance, sometimes by King Melwas of Somerset, sometimes by Mordred and sometimes by the marauding tribes from the north. She meets her end sometimes in a convent at Amesbury or Caerleon and sometimes she dies at the vengeful hand of Lancelot. Scottish stories, recorded by Boece, indicate she died as a prisoner of Mordred's followers at Barry Hill in Strathmore. She was buried at Meigle where her memorial can still be seen. Despite this, her bones either were or were not found by the monks of Glastonbury when they discovered the grave of Arthur in 1191, depending upon which version of the burial cross inscription you read.

Giraldus Cambrensis says the cross claimed Guinevere as Arthur's "second wife". This appears to echo the story of the False Guinevere of French Romance: an identical half-sister of the Queen fathered on the same night who persuaded Arthur that she was his true wife. For two and a half years, the King was separated from the real Guinevere until the deception was uncovered. There is also an ancient Triad of the Island of Britain which records Arthur's "Three Chief Queens": Gwenhwyfar daughter of Cywryd, Gwenhwyfar daughter of Gwythyr ap Greidiol and Gwenhwyfar daughter of Ogrfan Gawr. This may further indicate the confusion over the lady's parentage as already alluded to. Alternatively, the three Guineveres could show a common Triple-Goddess motif at the root of many later Celtic characters.

Whatever Guinevere was or was not, she has been a useful tool in the hands of the romancers throughout the centuries and has greatly enhanced the legends of King Arthur.

Personality: Vain,secretive,fun,outgoing


Acceptable? Enough detail? Or need more? Lol
Wow. Very detailed. Not that that's a bad thing.

However... Wrong thread! There's a character profile thread up and running.
Squishypink said:
Hmm...that's actually a pretty fun idea. That character might be a good lead for our initial artifact quest. Would this be your Egyptian priest or a different character?

Yeah. Especially since immortality jives with a lot of Egyptian themes.

Squishypink said:
On a side note, do any of the main characters really, really even need to be from the future? It might be enough to have a bunch of displaced treasure hunters with no clue how any of this stuff really works, with only the most vague instructions from the future to guide them. You'd get a fun blend of everyone's perspectives on technology and culture, with no one overriding voice to say, "No, this is the objective truth of the matter." Unless someone chose to play like an 18th century naturalist with a bunch of skewed ideas about how the world worked based on the faulty science of the time, which might be fun in and of itself. Pretty much everything was "It works this way and our interpretation will ALWAYS be true, because that's what God wants!"

I think a token future character would be interesting. They wouldn't necessarily have to have objective true knowledge. They could even be a robot that was not programmed for such functions.
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