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Adventure/Treasure Hunting



In light of the fact that the other adventure interest thread is dead, I'm carrying on the topic here. There were some awesome ideas in the other thread, like searching for different well-known treasures Indiana Jones style, plus the possibility of humor (can't help but think of Monty Python when I see the phrase "holy grail").

Anybody still interested?
The more I've thought about it, the more the thought of something along the lines of Indiana Jones kind of intrigues me. It's a great setting, right at the start of WW2, you have built-in bad guy faction in the Nazis along with whatever mythological nasties we might face, and the combination of relatively low tech and low magic means no god-mode available. If the consensus is that everyone wants to do medieval, I'm cool with that too. I came up with a list of a few neat objects we might go looking for:

Golden Fleece
Holy Grail
Spear of Destiny
Achilles' armor
The Colt (if anyone watches Supernatural, lol)
Crown of Nebuchadnezzar
Sword of Saladin
Torch of Prometheus
The murderous blade of Cain
Gungnir (Odin's spear)
Thor's Girdle of Might
Eye of Ra
Da Vinci's Codex

This thing is like a treasure trove of quest objects!
Do you think Countess Ragebottom will still be interested now that I'm in the thread? At this point I just like coming up with new angry royalty names :p
*instantly thinks of Doctor Who*

Oh, sorry. Is my inner nerd showing again?
Now there's an idea.
Time travelers who go back to recover treasures before they were lost to the ages.
What about time travelers who go back and teabag important figures in history. "Time Baggers" episode one features teabagging Lincoln during the Gettysburg address, and using a slingshot to teabag the Wright Brothers mid-flight at Kittyhawk
I don’t know for sure if we're time bagging anything yet, but you can expect a certain amount of silliness here and there.
Well, it sounds like a great idea. I'm just wanting to get a few more people in on this, then it'll start.
So are we time traveling around or are we doing the 1930's pulp setting and staying fixed at that point? I mean, we can totally be from the future or something and stay in one place, too. I'm just trying to get a good idea of where we're headed so I can start masturb--I mean, brainstorming.
Also if we do the time travel thing are we all from one era or from different ones all Chrono Trigger style?
Let go with time traveling. I'm thinking, we're an elite team of treasure hunters, joined together by the desire to keep the world's most famous artifacts from going missing. So, we'll definitely be using that Wikipedia page Squishy found before for our list of things to find.

As for where (and when) we come from, I think it would be best if we all came from different times. That way, each one of us will know the whereabouts of any items last seen around that time.
This is turning into something really fun! I have like zero idea what era I want to be from. Wait...wait...pirate hooker! YAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Squishypink said:
This is turning into something really fun! I have like zero idea what era I want to be from. Wait...wait...pirate hooker! YAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS

I would play hooker too but my people predate concept of money.
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