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The End? Or A New Beginning? (Yuna & Vandesdelca's 1x1)

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Kanji could feel her lips parting further against his own, about to take advantage of it all when he heard his mother calling from the kitchen. Kanji froze in Naoto's embrace... but a part of him was perfectly ready to hold her in front of his mother -- he wouldn't and couldn't deny his attraction to and love for Naoto, not in front of anyone... but as Naoto pulled away, Kanji let her go, hands drifting briefly along her sides before his hands dropped. He turned away quickly... "adjusting" himself and feeling embarrassed; had Naoto felt it? here was no way she hadn't... but she hadn't slapped him, so...

Mrs. Tatsumi came out of the kitchen with their meals -- freshly fried and sliced steak with peppers, served alongside the rice done plain and white. They were set in their proper places around the table, and she motioned Kanji and Naoto to sit, smiling as if she hadn't just walked in on her son kissing a young lady she scarcely knew.

Kanji sat by Naoto, offering her a small smile as he turned to the table. His mother was doling out their dinner onto plates, setting chopsticks gently across the side of the plate before serving it all with cups of steaming green tea. For all the world, it seemed like it was just another night in the Tatsumi household... but there was something different to it.

Kanji was happy to eat in silence for a time, before his mother drew attention to herself by setting her plate down and considering Kanji and Naoto thoughtfully. "Ms. Shirogane," she said softly, unassumingly. "... I would like to talk more with you sometime. Especially if you are going to be dating my son," she said, the sentence punctuating by Kanji choking on a bit of steak. "I would like to get to know you -- my Kanji's... never been with any girls," she added.

Kanji was flushed more now, perhaps, than ever before, embarrassed to no end. But it was true -- he'd never had a girlfriend, and Naoto had never had a boyfriend. They were in uncharted waters that Kanji wanted to explore with her.

Mrs. Tatsumi regarded them both with a small smile. Her piece said, the quiet woman returned to her own meal, eating contentedly.

Naoto's head bowed politely as her plate was set in front of her. "Itadekimasu," she murmured softly, picking her chopsticks up and separating them as she began to eat. The food was definitely helping her forget the fact Kanji's mother had walked in on the two kissing, close to making out if not more. It was nice to see she didn't appear to be mad. But ... still. Naoto didn't really wish to push her luck, either. The young detective continued to enjoy the silence and food, glancing up as Ms. Tatsumi finally spoke.

"Of course. That .. seems more than fair enough." she agreed, her own smile widening slightly. "Well .. Kanji's not alone in that department. I've never been with anyone myself. Maybe ... after the meal is over or in the morning?" she offered, trying to show that she'd be more than willing to cooperate all the same.

She wouldn't press for Ms. Tatsumi to choose the morning but, secretly, Naoto was hoping for it. She was mentally and physically exhausted from the trip into the television. Worse off, the psychological fear and anxieties had taken quite a toll on her. She just wanted to lie down, maybe resume where she'd had to stop with Kanji for a bit, but soon fall asleep after.

However, if Kanji's mom wanted to talk to her once Naoto was done, she could oblige with that. It'd just mean that when she did finally pass out, Naoto likely wouldn't wake up for quite some time given how long she'd made herself remain conscious.

Naoto's head nodded in approval as her smile widened. "Thank you, Tatsumi-san. This is really good." she complimented, still continuing to eat.
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Mrs. Tatsumi chuckled softly to herself, giving Naoto a look that was almost fond. She was a polite young lady, certainly. Were it not for the more boyish hair, dress, and profession, she might have thought Naoto to be any other polite model girl... not that she necessarily took issue with the other things. She was just a little traditional. "Tomorrow -- you two look tired in the eyes," Mrs. Tatsumi said, her eyes glancing from Naoto's to Kanji's, the latter of whom was still looking rather embarrassed.

"Thank you," she said with a slow nod., before she lapsed once more into silence.

The meal was eaten in due time, and when the three had finished, Kanji got up to clear the table, bringing everything to the kitchen.

"I am going to head to bed -- Kanji, please finish cleaning up," she said, glancing towards Kanji. The dynamic had shifted some in recent years. Kanji had gone from high school student to caretaker of the house in his own way, which was better than his previous behavior of beating up would-be gangsters for keeping her up at night.

"Alright, Mom," Kanji called back.

"It was a pleasure to meet you," Mrs. Tatsumi said, offering Naoto a small smile before she stood, excusing herself to her bedroom.

It didn't take too long for Kanji to finish cleaning up, washing the dishes and setting them aside, and when all was said and done: "I, uh. Guess we should get things ready down here. You mind helping me grab a few things from upstairs, Naoto-chan?" Kanji asked.

Naoto's head bowed in appreciation, glad to hear she even admitted it seemed like they were tired. "Yes. It has been a long day." Her smile merely widened as she left it at that. It wasn't that Naoto wasn't a bit still embarrassed on what Kanji's mother had seen. But deep down, she knew it could have been a much worse sight. So she wasn't about to complain, more so when Ms. Tatsumi wasn't bitching at either of them like she fairly could be doing.

As the meal came to an end and Ms. Tatsumi dismissed herself, Naoto gave a small bow of her head to the woman once more. "Night, Tatsumi-san."

Slowly, Naoto pushed herself up to her feet, yawning lighty as she stretched out a bit. This part of the day, everything after the television incident that was, had no doubt been one of the best ones for Naoto in a very long while.

When Kanji returned, she'd greet him with a smile as her head moved from side to side. "Not at all. Which items? Futon mainly I'd guess? I'm not gonna lie though; your mother took that much better than many others would have. Most others would have freaked or worse. I'm amazingly - in a good way - surprised." It was partly to tease Kanji a tad more, yes. But more than anything, it was a genuine way to say that she liked her. In-laws were supposed to be the worst relatives; yet it almost seemed like Naoto didn't have to even begin to worry about that should things elevate to such a level.

And yet, it pained her knowing Kanji wouldn't have any in-laws.

Another bridge to cross when it arrives ...

Her mind had already been thinking on many future what-ifs, with perhaps the main one being a definite being in the form of getting birth control tomorrow. The way her mind had viewed it, if anything did happen from that ... monster, she didn't want to be carrying anything from him. It'd literally be the last thing she needed, a bastard child.

Mentally shoving everything aside, her feet moved as she walked beside Kanji. Her smile widened as she gently intertwined her left hand with his right. "All in all, this really has been one of the best nights I've had in a while."
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"Yeah, pretty much -- that and a coupl'a blankets. Should probably grab some new clothes, too." He glanced over at her with a faint tinge of red. "I, uh... you could borrow a shirt or something if you didn't want to sleep in jeans and everything," he said. Given the height and bulk difference, one of his shirts would have been a dress on someone like Naoto.

"And... yeah, I think my mom's just happy I'm not getting into any shit anymore. Being a delinquent or whatever," Kanji said with a shrug. "... besides, uh. I don't know what she thought or anything back then, but... hell, maybe she's just glad I'd brought a girl home." It had taken Kanji a long while to even admit to himself that others thought he was possibly gay, a fear he'd grappled with for some time as well. It was an issue that was mostly behind him after figuring out that he was just scared shitless of rejection...

But it didn't seem like he had to worry about being rejected by Naoto.

"Me too, Naoto-chan," he said with a small grin, looking surprised when she grabbed his hand. It was calloused and rough, a workman's hand, and it closed in happily on her own as he brought her upstairs to his room.

It was literally the first time an outsider had ever seen his room, and perhaps it was tough to imagine what lay beyond. It was messy in a strange sort of way -- things never left their own little "areas", but those areas could be in complete disarray. His futon was still out, spread haphazardly across the far corner of his room. There was a big table, covered with half-complete products and with all of his sewing supplies stowed under or in the table's drawers. His dresser was covered in strange knicknacks from the other side, and a picture of all of them -- taken with Nanako one of the times they'd all been over at the Dojima residence -- stood proudly in the middle of the dresser. Beneath, most drawers were slightly open, various articles of clothing almost hanging halfway over the front of the drawer.

"So, uh. This is it," Kanji said, gesturing to the room around them.

"Well ... " Taking a quick glance down at herself, Naoto pondered on the thought of borrowing a t-shirt. "If you wouldn't mind me being able to wash these, I could." It seemed like the right thing to do. Plus, a change in her typical routine of sleeping in her clothes would be nice. Foreign .. but not necessarily bad. There seemed to be quite a few new aspects that were very new to the detective. Most had been things that made Naoto smile, with a few exceptions to ideas and thoughts that resulted in an opposite reaction.

"I suppose it is one way to look at it. It is something to keep you in line." she quickly replied. Her mind temporarily shifted to her parents as she tried to figure out what they would have done if they'd found her kissing Kanji. Maybe for the first minute or so, they would have had a fit. But after calming down, Kanji would likely have gotten a talk of his own, mainly with asking things like making sure his intentions were good. It would have been a precaution, not meant to come off as way to judge him.

The image that would never actually occur still made Naoto smile more as she walked up into Kanji's room.

Blue orbs glanced around and took the time to study the room. The mess didn't really bother her as much as it could have, simply because it was his room. Who was she to say it should be neater? If this were herself and her own room .. that would be a very different story. She'd be embarrassed and infuriated at herself for getting so sloppy. But, alas, that was neither here nor there.

Her gaze noted the clothing tossed around, sewing supplies, futon, his half-complete projects, and finally the picture of the group.

Naoto's head nodded as she carefully stepped inside, making sure to avoid knocking anything over or ruining anything. "The products look really nice. Don't worry about the slight mess. I've actually seen worse."

Not recently but it was still the truth.

As she approached the mattress, she temporarily let go as her own hands began to grab onto the futon, helping angle it so it'd be able to be moved out of the room with little to no trouble.
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"Yeah, sure. We got one of those stacked washer/dryer combo things," Kanji said -- it was actually the nicest thing in the entire store, really. They lived pretty simply there at Tatsumi Textiles. Kanji made his way to his dresser, opening a couple of drawers and retrieving from it a white tank top and shorts for himself, and a moment later, one of his trademark long black shirts which he handed off to Naoto.

"Hey! I've been keeping myself in line pretty well. I mean, I haven't really done any major shit since a couple of years ago," Kanji said. Sure, he was a terror to the occasional jackass who thought it was a good idea to steal from Daidara's, and he was intimidating enough that no one made any cracks about the dolls he sold in the family shop, but besides all of that... he'd gotten his education, he'd graduated around the middle of his class, and he had two decent jobs. What more could ya want?

He let go of her hand in turn, making his way over to the other side of the mattress... stopping briefly as he gave her a small smile. He reached across the mattress. "Sorry that we got interrupted earlier. I'm glad that she approved of you and everything, but... yanno," Kanji said. He'd really enjoyed their kiss, and hadn't wanted it to end. Perhaps that was why he was drawing close once more, to steal another kiss from her soft lips.

One hand stayed upon the futon as another took the shirt and gently placed it over a shoulder. "That'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Um .. where's a bathroom so I can change after we get this downstairs?" Sure the key phrase had been after they moved the futon .. but it wouldn't kill her to know ahead of time. In fact, it was a personal preference of the detective's.

A smirk mingled in with her smile as she nodded. "I know you have been. I'm trying to work on my social awkwardness though so ... " she paused as a new thought came to her. "That probably wasn't the best way to initiate a joke, was it? Sorry."

Her cheeks darkened again as she gave a nod. "I .. I kinda am too. I just .. didn't know how she'd take the sight and I didn't really wanna push my luck or anger her. But .. that really did go much better than I expected." A soft chuckle passed her lips as he moved close. She moved forward a bit herself, still keeping one hand on the futon to ensure it didn't try to fall over.

"Would ... it just be easier if we stayed here? Otherwise we'll never get anything done."

Letting the half-tease and half-serious question linger, Naoto leaned forward and helped Kanji initiate another gentle but sensual kiss as their lips met once more.
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"Bathroom's downstairs, just by Mom's room and the washer and stuff," Kanji said. It was an efficient little space, the Tatsumi household, everything in its proper place. An order maintained by one heck of a homemaker, determined to keep things nice and straight.

"It's cool," Kanji replied. He wasn't used to Naoto making a wealth of jokes -- she always seemed pretty serious, except those rare times when she sounded outright teasing or. She had a curiously level voice, perhaps a consequence of trying to trick people into thinking she was male, though it had feminized from where it had once been...

"I, uh... if you'd like, sure," Kanji said, his own cheeks darkening at the suggestion. He wouldn't mind sleeping in his own bed of course, and if she was with him... It was too late to pull back from the kiss as he felt himself swell once more through his pants, his mind going to a number of wonderful places that caused his heart to hammer and his body to stiffen. Slowly he dropped his edge of the futon, his arms wrapping around her once more, hands settling firmly against the small of her back.

He wanted Naoto... more than anything, he wanted her in a way he couldn't quite express verbally. His body was more than happy to pick up the slack in that regard as his tongue pressed briefly against her lips.

A small but still existing twinge of guilt rushed through Naoto. To a slight degree, this almost felt like she was temporarily manipulating Kanji's emotions, using the fact he had been eager to continue the kiss - possibly more - against him. But she decided after quickly thinking it over the answer was no. Kanji was also like herself in the aspect of being more than willing and capable of speaking up when needed. That being said, if he didn't want this, Naoto would have know in a heartbeat. The same worked vice versa for him. If things got too carried away, Kanji would definitely be told.

With the knowledge reassuring her, Naoto let go of her own side of the futon, allowing it fall back upon Kanji's bed. Her arms found his neck again as she leaned deeper into the kiss. Naoto's own heart was pounding quickly and wildly in her own chest. The pace only seemed to increase as she felt him hardening through his pants once again.

If this were any other guy, maybe she'd reject or even slap them. Moreover, she'd wonder why in the hell she was even returning the kiss as she'd never voluntarily let anything she didn't want to have happen to her do so. But alas, that wasn't - thankfully - the case. While the touch of his clothed member did make her a bit nervous, it wasn't like she could chastise him for that. It was just his body reacting properly, after all. Health and anatomy classes, plus sex ed, had helped her remember basic facts.

With that in mind, a particular term from those lessons that easily came to her was 'stimulation'. While the kiss was all well and good, she wasn't sure how far he would want her to go. So, for now, her hands stayed around his neck.

Her mouth, however, opened as she felt Kanji's tongue silently asking for entrance. This had been something she'd wanted to give him the ability to try before they'd been found out, anyway. So she saw no reason to deny him now.
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Kanji was a forthright type of man -- he knew to speak up when something was bugging him, even when it would bother the people around him. That said... he was a bit less likely to do that with Naoto. Not for fear of hurting her feelings, but because what was happening right now, his arms wrapping around her for him to feel the softness of her lips... that was exactly what he had been wanting from her to begin with.

Parts of him were perhaps more traditional -- such as looking at Naoto as someone he wanted to protect, someone perhaps even to provide for... but other parts of him were more modern. He was also still a young man, a warm-blooded one that was very, very aware of how soft Naoto's skin was, how nice she smelled, how she made him feel whenever she smiled at him or blushed in his presence or wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him...

He groaned, low and heavy as his tongue met hers, realizing just why this was a popular activity. It was anything unlike he'd ever felt, and he was drowning in a sea of sensation his hands running slowly up and down her back, feeling every contour of her body under his calloused hands. Slowly he ended the kiss, moving to sit down on the edge of the bed and holding onto her as if to bring her with him. His breathing was heavy, his cheeks flushed and his eyes focused on her as he quite obviously strained against the front of his pants.

He didn't know what to say or what to do just then -- there was no way she wasn't aware of what had happened below, though she was as inexperienced as he...

Naoto's eyes closed as she enjoyed the feeling of her body so close to Kanji's, the sensation of the kiss - French or otherwise - adding an erotic touch to it all. She hadn't gotten many -- no, that wasn't true. The issue wasn't lack of chances to try masturbation. No, no. The real problem was Naoto was too much of a workaholic and focused much more on either her duties at school or the police task. With her only really associating currently with the latter, she had managed to muster up the courage to give herself some much needed private time. Her fast-learning nature had helped Naoto realize triggers or signs that suggested her own body was getting turned on. The tell-tale signal of her panties becoming soaked was one. The feeling made her whimper softly in the kiss, her legs crossing slightly.

Her hands held Kanji tighter as she pulled herself closer to him. A long sigh elicited as his hands began to travel down her body. Even with his hands feeling a bit rough from all the work he'd done over the years, there was a gentle nature to them. She couldn't exactly place where from, only that she could sense it. Barely but still.

As the kiss ended, she accepted the offer and sat down. Her mind thought back to the offer that had entered her head; the one she had been so hesitant to bring up. But .. would now be a good time?

Probably the best one, honestly.

Still, how could she begin to ask Kanji such a thing? Her own cheeks flushed just from the mere thought. Her breathing had turned to soft pants and gasps, almost matching Kanji yet not quite at the same time.

Deciding that the worst he could say was no, Naoto took a deep breath before finally speaking.

"Kanji? Um .. I apologize ahead of time if this may be too much. But ... did ... did you ... "

Her teeth gripped her lower lip briefly before letting go. Her head lowered in slight embarrassment as she forced herself to finish the question, although it came out rushed and hasty.

"Did you want to be my first?"

She contemplated whether to explain that there was more than just pure desire behind the inquiry. But unless he wanted to know, she figured it wouldn't matter. If he did ask, though, he'd get an honest answer.

As the silence lingered between the two, Naoto's mind was rapidly considering all of the possibilities that could and may occur from this. However, if pregnancy had to happen, she'd much rather it be from Kanji than her new stalker.

And if you run into him while expecting?

Her mind hastily got rid of that thought, not even wanting to consider such a scary concept just yet.

Still, a variety of pros and cons continued to dance through her head as she tried to make damn well sure she wanted to do this. Moreover, she wanted to try to go through with this only if Kanji was ready.

While Naoto was inexperienced in actually doing anything, she had read up on a few slightly romantic-erotic novels. So she knew a few other things that the classes from school hadn't taught her or Kanji. Trying to practice these .. tasks, however, would definitely be interesting if nothing else.
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Kanji's touch was almost featherlight, as if he were afraid to break her, like she was some porcelain doll. And in a way, that was true -- he was afraid of hurting her, but only at the very shallowest level was it a fear of hurting her physically. He was far more afraid of hurting her in some other way. That said... it was very hard to forget that she was a small woman, nearly a foot shorter than he and quite thin besides. Indeed -- it was hard to forget anything about her body, waifish as it might have seemed to other men. It was exactly what Kanji wanted since it was purely and entirely Naoto Shirogane.

As she began to speak, Kanji stilled his movements and regarded her with kind gray eyes, hands lingering and gentle along her back as he tried to regain control of his breathing. It was not labored so much as his breathing came fast, as if he were excited and close to hyperventilating... which he supposed had an element of truth to it. He was excited and bothered in ways he wasn't particularly used to. He'd not masturbated all that much either, primarily due to his confused nature all those years again, and because... Naoto was the only person he could remember being sexually attracted to.

Other women looked nice, sure, but... but there was something here that did things to him that no other woman had so far.

"I... what?" he asked, clearly caught off guard by the sudden question. He'd... not thought that she would make such a suggestion, though he was sure she could have felt him harden earlier. He wasn't able to tell anything of her in turn, but given her panting breathing and her flushed cheeks, same as him...

Is she turned on... because of me?

"Yes," he said suddenly, no hesitation in his voice, his eyes still wide. "I want to be your first, Naoto-chan... if you want to be mine," he said.

Despite her height and weight proportion, Naoto could take a hit pretty well if needed. There were many perks that came with being included in the police task force. One she had been taught since her entrance had been hand-to-hand. That being said, she technically could bring someone like even Kanji to their knees -- and not just via a low blow to the crotch. No, she knew plenty of other 'non-cheap' ways to do that. That knowledge made her all the more annoyed at herself for having panicked back in the television room. The man really had just hit too many triggers all at once.

Next time, she was hellbent on going in with a much stronger resolve. Because like it or not - and gods help her, she didn't - this man was basically the answer to their steadily emerging case. They had to get him in order to stop anything more from happening. So common sense told her that there would definitely be other times she'd have to face him. And she couldn't afford to break down like she had today. She had to get stronger, especially mentally.

Her body tensed as the first part of the response showed he was obviously taken aback by the question.

Damnit. Look at what you've said.

Her mouth opened to quickly apologize for the abrupt inquiry. Thankfully, it had been the good kind of shock, it seemed, as he added that he did want to. Her head lifted as she looked up into his eyes. A nervous but honest smile crossed her face as she nodded.

"Yes. I do want to. Just ... do what feels right, Kanji."

Taking her own advice to heart, Naoto moved close once again, placing her lips against the right side of his neck as she began to suckle and gently nip along the area. Her hand managed to stay still - perhaps through nothing more than willpower and the desire to not make Kanji think she was scared despite being a bit - before resting in between his legs. Her hand wrapped around his clothed member as she began slowly caressing it, trailing up and down every inch as best as possible.
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"I... alright," he said, lost for a moment in her pretty blue eyes. Lost right up until she broke contact to gently begin to nip and kiss along his neck, his face flushing darker than it had before. He let lout a low groan, eyes fluttering closed for a moment until they shot open wide again at the feel of her grabbing his member through his clothing. He wasn't small, and she could feel him outlined against the front of his pants, twitching gently in her hand as she stroked him. "Naoto-chan," he breathed.

And then he did what felt right to him, his hands reaching out to deftly undo the first few buttons of her navy v-neck, his fingers nimble and dexterous for their size. Out came the first button and then the second, his hands slowly making their way down her shirt as he undid button after button, his eyes twitching down to get a view of soft white flesh for the first time. "... you're beautiful," he murmured to her as he opened her shirt and pulled it down over her shoulders.

His hand hesitated for a moment before it moved out to gently squeeze her left breast, his other hand moving down to her hip, moving slowly over her soft skin there.

While Naoto wouldn't have judged regardless, her instincts during their first kiss - when she'd first felt him harden - tried to help her mentally prepare for this. She'd somehow guessed he would have likely been more on the above average spectrum. It definitely intimidated her a bit. But with how often her face was staying red, the anxieties were staying concealed away for now. Her own eyes closed as she continued switching between suckling, nipping, then kissing along his neck. After a few moments, she trailed down towards Kanji's collarbone, her hand continuing it's slow up and down motions on his hardening shaft.

Her heart stopped for a few seconds as Kanji's hands found her blouse. Soft but swift pants landed on his skin as each button came undone. Her mouth stayed open as the kisses slowed, though definitely didn't stop. She almost wanted to beg him not to undo anymore. But .. that wouldn't be fair. She had told him to follow his instincts. Besides, if they were going to constantly be this intimate, she'd need to get used to a few things. Kanji seeing her, be it nude or just the sensual parts of her body, was definitely one of them.

Kanji would soon learn that especially with Naoto, old habits died hard. She still, it seemed, used bandages. It had been what helped her maintain her more masculine guise two years ago. However, they weren't bound nearly as tightly, giving a more accurate hint on their true size.

Her heart pounded wildly as her mind and body comprehended he would be the first for many things; seeing her actual chest was one.

"Thank you ... Kanji." she replied back softly, letting her lips find an earlobe as she flicked her tongue over it. Her hands moved down to her sides, allowing for Kanji to remove the blouse before moving to his own button. Slowly, she began undoing his pants, helping expose his member and free it from the restricting fabric.

Her eyes shut tightly, her own moan eliciting as Kanji's hand found her wrapped breast. The sensation from the simple but powerful gesture made her own fingers quicken, trying to hurry up with assisting him removing his pants.
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Kanji almost felt like she'd be able to hear his heartbeat thrumming through every inch of his body, perhaps most specifically that which she had her hand wrapped around just then. For a moment he hesitated, his gray eyes glancing from her bound chest to her soft hand... before finally finding a calming place to alight on, staring deep into those beautiful blue eyes of hers. He was calmed by that, seeing the look she was giving him just then. He couldn't put a word to it, other than that she seemed determined to go through with this as well. It warmed his heart slightly to see it, and his motions grew bolder.

He leaned forward into her body as she worked at the button on his pants, the dark cloth falling open rather easily after she got the button through the whole, the pants sliding down his hips slightly as they gyrated just so. The underwear was quick to slide down as well, revealing his cock -- engorged and ready to be touched, begging for the release her body promised in the most delicate and feminine of ways. His hands smoothed behind her own back now that the blouse was removed, his hands searching for where she had tied the bindings tight...

He began to undo them, pulling the bandaging free to reveal not an injury, but something much more wonderful. They fell like ribbons, fluttering to the surface of his bedding as he released her from her cloth bindings, and when his hand reached for her chest again, it was to feel the warm and comforting softness of her chest rather than the cloth wrappings. He squeezed firmly, feeling her fill the palm of his hand... he could see what the girls had mentioned so far back then, that Naoto was... a good bit more "gifted" than the other girls.

This was a first for many things for both of them... and he grinned sheepishly at the thought that this was all happening with the girl he had held privately in his mind as the woman of his dreams. No... nothing quite so cheesy as that. She wasn't his fantasy, she was his reality, though it all seemed quite like a dream to him just then as his hips wriggled, sliding the pants lower as he twisted his body to kick them away. His length was free entirely, girthy and long and entirely ready for her. And so disrobed, his hands moved to start unbuttoning her own pants...

"It's alright, Kanji." Naoto whispered softly, dragging her tongue along his ear seconds later. "I .. am a bit nervous, yeah. But it's in perhaps the best of ways as opposed to the worst ones." She realized how odd that may sound, that sometimes being nervous was a good thing. But she understood what she was trying to say; at least some part of her did. Another hardly cared to think on much in terms of logic. The rare sensation of desire and wanting was continuing to torment and dominate the detective, and it showed as her movements got more eager and sensual. Her eyes couldn't help but stare as she now actually found herself looking at his erect shaft.

With how much her cheeks were burning, it'd be a real miracle if by the time the night was over, she hadn't gotten a fever somehow. Regardless, looking at his member - and knowing it was going to be inside her soon enough - made her flush. The next thing that got her cheeks to darken even more was feeling the bandages fall off.

Her mouth opened as she felt the need to apologize for having hidden herself. But before words could leave, a groan did as his hand squeezed down again.

"Mmm.... "

Her eyes closed for a few seconds, slowly opening once more as she stood up while Kanji began to slide her jeans and panties off. When they came free, he'd see no hair on either her legs or in between them. It seemed Naoto took care to keep herself shaved and smooth when possible. Allowing Kanji to get a good look for a few moments, Naoto placed herself on her hands and knees, her face in front of Kanji's shaft.

Licking her lips first, she then opened her mouth before taking his cock in, working inch by inch inside. When she got as far as she could without choking or gagging, she mentally noted it before sucking on the member, using her tongue and muscles to stimulate Kanji.
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Kanji knew exactly what she meant -- it was like being anxious for something to happen, something good... in the way his heart quickened and in the way his hands were almost violently shaking just then, he could feel it too. "You feel amazing, Naoto-chan," Kanji breathed as his other hand came around, slowly taking her breasts into his rough and calloused hands -- rough in texture, but entirely gentle in the way he handled her soft skin. They closed in on her rosy nipples, fingers gently tugging before pulling away.

He tossed her pants and panties away, glancing back to her just in time to see her kneeling down before him, looking intently at his cock.


That was all eh could think before her lips parted and she took his cock into her mouth. He groaned loudly, one hand reaching out to settle on the back of her head as he leaned back a bit, feeling her lick and suck at him and pleasure him in ways he had never thought possible. He only wished, as she suckled at him, that he could return the favor.

"Hey, Naoto-chan..." Kanji murmured, reaching out to pull her head off of his shaft. He was quick and strong in taking the lead then, pulling her on top of him and pushing for her to angle her head back toward his cock as he lay underneath her. If she could use her tongue... so could he. He gripped onto her slender hips, leaning up to brush his tongue long and hard through her lower lips, suddenly taking in her heat and her taste onto his tongue. She tasted... better than he thought she would, and he pressed back into her with wild abandon.

"Mmmh ... "

Naoto's eyes closed more as Kanji continued to lightly tug and massage at her breasts. Each time his skin rolled over hers, it sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine. The sensation was amazing. If she didn't know better, she had already died and gone to cloud nine. Her heart continued to pound within her chest, feeling his own pulse beating at the same time and almost exact same speed.

".. Hm?"

She glanced up in time to see and feel herself maneuvered. Her cheeks flushed once more as she understood and recognized what he had done. The better question was did Kanji realize what he'd done?

The answer came in the form of a yes as his tongue dipped inside. A long hiss of pleasure elicited from Naoto as she moaned, panting a few times before licking her lips again. Her mouth opened as she resumed suckling and licking, bobbing her head gently but quickly up and down Kanji's shaft. What few precautions had lingered into her mind were all but gone. Now, all Naoto had left was a strong desire to continue pleasing Kanji while having that very same favor returned.

The end result, knowing they would soon be one another's firsts, only seemed to fuel her on as she let her tongue dance along every inch and vein it could seek out and find, further stimulating and arousing her new lover.
巽 完二​

Kanji's heart was hammering in his chest, down through his palms which gripped and squeezed and explored her body happily. He had never done anything close to this before, and the sheer novelty of it all made his heart pound that much harder, his breath come that much quicker and shallowly... His hands settled on her hips, coming around to her taut bottom which he found himself squeezing as his tongue pressed deeply into her, licking sloppily but enthusiastically at her warm sex.

His cheeks flushed of their own accord and his cock throbbed and pulsed in her mouth, twitching in reaction to the ministrations of her warm, slippery tongue and her soft lips wrapped around the stem of his shaft, passing over the thick, smooth head at its end. "Nngh... Naoto-chan. If you keep that up..." he whispered into her, cut off by a low, trailing groan as she sucked at him. She was already going to make him cum if she kept this up...

He lay back against the ground, almost not able to keep his head up, and substituted with his hand -- fingers brushed and probed at her, exploring the feminine form for the very first time. He brushed across her outer lips, plunged an inch or two into her inviting hole, before brushing across the front, trailing along her clit by accident for a moment before sliding back down, Kanji's eyes intent and focused. If she was going to make him cum... he wanted to make her cum, too.

Every sensation, from the beating of Naoto's heart to feeling Kanji continue to give her quick, sensual licks to her slit, was making her heart beat faster. Muffled whimpers and whines of delight elicited from her lips as he continued his own oral assault. All the same, her own never stopped. If anything, Kanji's actions seemed to fuel Naoto on. Every time he stimulated her, she did so back, aiming to please him as much or more as he was.

Much akin to Kanji, her own orgasm was building up. Her hands gripped the sheets tightly, clinging onto them as her body trembled upon Kanji. She almost considered warning him of the same thing but decided to let her body speak for her. Besides, she was actually enjoying being able to lick and suck upon Kanji's shaft. There was something about the way it .. felt? Looked? Tasted a bit even? Some odd combination of all the above?

Whatever it was, the unknown factor was teasing and tantalizing her just like Kanji was.


As her clit got pressed upon, she felt her body tense up. For a few moments, it had almost seemed like a fluke, like Kanji just .. found it without realizing what it was. But that proved to be false as he continued to rub and press on it.

Her fingernails dug as far as they could into the sheets, letting out a muffled cry of delight as she came, continuing to suckle and lick upon his throbbing member. Now that he accomplished his goal, it was the detective's turn.
巽 完二​

Kanji's beathing quickened, coming out in short and labored huffs of hot breath into her soft sex. She was driving him crazy with the way she sucked him off, the way her sweet little tongue wrapped so gently and lovingly around his cock. Here he was, laying in his bed and having the best detective in Japan, the woman he'd loved for several long years, with his cock in her mouth and her pussy in his face, their intermingled sighs and grunts of sexual satisfaction filling the air between them.

As she tensed and stiffened when his tongue hit that spot, Kanji tried it again... and moments later, he began to lick and suckle at her clit with wild abandon, his hands digging into her taut behind as he sought to make her cum -- he knew his body well enough to know what was going to be soon in coming.

"Mn... ngh... ah-ahh," he grunted as she came all over his tongue, his head falling back as she sucled and licked at him, his hands sliding down her back until they entangled themselves in her hair. "Ah... fuck-Naoto!" he cried, his head straining against the ground as he came, thick ropes of his hot seed filling her mouth. He fell back after several long moments, his breathing harder than it had been before, cheeks flushed and his body satisfied, but... satisfied but wanting more.

"Mmmh ... mmff ... "

The more often Naoto felt Kanji's member throb and twitch, the closer she could guess he was. With her own second climax tempting to approach - and all just from him using his tongue - she felt her body tensing up yet again. But before her body could give in, she felt Kanji do so first as the load of hot cum fell down her mouth and into her throat. The taste and feel made her cheeks flush brightly. It .. honestly didn't taste too bad. A bit salty but ... not bad otherwise.

"Ahh ... hah .... "

Only when Kanji finished spurting did she pull away and roll off, now lying beside him. Slowly and somewhat shakily, Naoto pushed herself so they were face to face once again. Her head fell upon a shoulder as she kept panting softly but quickly.

"S-so ... so good, Kanji ... " she managed to murmur gently, her cheeks flushing darker.
巽 完二​

Kani's heart was hammering in his chest, his eyes nearly glazed over with lust as he finished emptying himself inside of her mouth and her throat, another spurt shooting out when he realized that she was just swallowing his cum, a thought that made his cheeks flush as well. That was... there was osmething really erotic and intimate about her accepting his seed into her mouth and her stomach like that, his cock twitching once in response as Naoto pulled off of him, laying beside him so lovingly...

Kanji's arm wrapped around her as she settled her head onto his shoulder, his smile a warm one, mildly delirious from the sensations she had elicited from him. "I-it was, Naoto-chan," Kanji breathed, one hand reaching up to brush along her hair... but then Kanji was shifting suddenly rolling on top of her and forcing her back down against the bed. His body settled between her slender thighs, his cock hard and lolling against one of her soft thighs as he lingered above her.

"N-Naoto. I want to... I want to be your first," Kanji said. His body yet thrummed with passion, with sensual electricity that made him desire to take her as his very own, to, to mate with her and pound her down into the bed until they were both shuddering through another orgasm. Whatever these thoughts, these feelings were, the petite detective had clearly inspired them in him, and his large hands were roaming her body even now.
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