A Most Remarkable Team [pokemon](FemShep x Silverknight)

Until now, Iris hasn't even thought about experiencing something as intense, passionate, and taboo as this before. All her time going towards taking care of sick and injured Pokepeople and striving towards her goal to be a Trainer, until this moment she was having with Jason. She was so engulfed by the feeling of the Pokeboy's warm body against hers and feeling him where no one else has ever gone before. The pain she had to endure couldn't stop her from wanting more from him, even if it did last for the entire time they were one. All Iris was concerned with was pleasuring her powerful Pokeboy, seeing how much stamina he possessed in that muscular body of his. In the back of her mind, Iris knew well that this was far from the only time they would do something like this again.

Her back arched in pleasure feeling Jason's member slipping deeper and deeper into her once her walls relaxed and stretched open to fit his size. Iris' moans grew even more intense feeling Jason's thrusts pushing in and out of her easier then before. Iris held onto him tightly from the wonderfully hot feeling of their hips meeting repeatedly, a wet clapping noise echoing through out the examination room. Her own hips worked with his to push his member deeper inside of her, pushing against his thrusts as she felt her thighs rubbing against his hips. Jason was so deep and warm inside of her; his thick length throbbing against her walls. Then out of no where, Jason's thrusts grew even better, making Iris' moans grow louder as a tight sensation grew within her stomach. He was hitting a especially sensitive spot repeatedly, faster and harder then ever. There was no telling how much more the young beauty could take such a intense pleasure with the skill he was using on her.

There was no telling how long they were going like this, but nonetheless, Iris felt her climax reaching closer making her walls tighten and contract around his moving length. The moment she felt his member thrust as deep as it could into her, Iris' back arched widely feeling it swelling and throbbing even faster inside of her. Just when her body was about to give up and release her climax, Iris moaned hotly feeling the thick heated sensation was Jason cumming deep inside of her young beautiful body. Her own climax following soon after making their juices mix together as she felt Jason's release filling up her womb quickly with each thick rope. When he was finally done cumming, Iris' body relaxed underneath his. She closed her eyes, panting hotly as she grew lightheaded from their moment of completion. Her body felt so relaxed and light, completely satisfied by him. Iris could only hope that her own limited actions and body was enough to satisfy her Pokeboy.
The time he had with Iris was easily one of the most amazing and special times he ever had with another person. He knew that hew ould do whatever it took to help her and protect her and help her reach new heights in her goals to show the world the best way to treat pokeboys was with kindness and not forcing them to have to do whatever the trainer happened to do. He also felt great joy in the natural high of the aftermath of having sex with his trainer. He looked at her with a tender caring look in his eyes as he smiled giving her a warm smile as he kissed her lips once more for a second. "Now, you were amazing, I never thought being with someone would be as great as that was with you," he commented honestly.

He looked around and found his clothes and then slowly put them back onto him as he knew that they wouldn't have forever here, that most likely they would have to start their trip rather soon. He knew they would have a lot of adventures before them and they would have to deal with a lot of hardships as a team. He knew that if they were close as a team that these hardship wouldn't be hard at all. He knew they would be able to overcome the challenges that happened to made easier together. He smiled as he looked over the beautiful Iris. He wanted to say something to show her how much on her side that he happened to be. Yet, he sadly couldn't think of anything at the moment as he stood there.

He took a deep breath, "Well now, Iris what do you have do here anything else, or do you want to get ready or do you want to be able to get on the road heading towards the first village with a gym," he asked curious as to what her plans were. He was sure that it was going to take them a couple of days to get to the nearest place with a gym. It would be a challenge to enter into the gym and defeat the gym leader as well. He knew that they would in the end win though as he had confidence that he could defeat anyone he faced. Iris was going to be the best trainer ever, he was sure of that. "Now, I am good with staying here for the rest of the day or head out and camp out under the stars but are great ideas for me."
As she recovered from such a intense orgasm, Iris looked into the warm eyes of her Jason. Just looking into those warm beautiful eyes made her feel so warm and happy. It was her first time doing anything so adult despite being a adult herself, but she was happy that she lost her innocence to him. Iris closed her eyes feeling his lips kissing hers once again, enjoying the second like it would be they're last. A bright smile grew on her lips hearing him saying such sweet things. Gently, she caressed his cheek as she replied, "You were the amazing one...I couldn't be happier that it was you that was my first." She spoke honestly and full of love. Her chest felt so light, but her body was so heavy. When Jason started pulling himself out of her, Iris let out one last soft gasp feeling her sex was soaking wet, filled with cum, and stinging from being stretched and broken, but she wanted to feel this...to let her know that what they did really happened and it wasn't a pleasant dream.

A few seconds had pasted since Jason had gotten up to get dressed again, and Iris figured she should get dressed herself, after all, the nurses might get suspicious if they were in the room for too long. Slowly, Iris sat up and got down off the counter to pick up her scattered clothing off the floor to get dressed. As she did so, she made a couple of glances over at Jason feeling her cheeks blush every time she looked at him. Honestly, she didn't know what was going to happen to them in the future, but whatever it was...she hoped that they would be able to experience the hot feeling of making love again.

When she was finished dressing, Iris thought about what Jason told her were options. As much as she wanted to go to the first gym and prove how strong they were already, Iris thought about Kano. She knew Jason would be pretty strong and trusting towards her, but she didn't know how Kano would be with his first trainer just abandoning him. At the daycare where she lived, she could help build trust with Kano and see just how much damage his previous trainer has done. Softly she sighed looking at Kano's pokeball then turned her attention to Jason. "I want to make sure Kano's okay first before we challenge a gym. I want him to trust us...how about we just stay here the rest of the day to train and rest before challenging a gym...?" She purposed to Jason.
Jason got ready as he looked at the woman who was in front of himself, he nodded his head as he listened to her statement, it had been glorious. He could see why it was such a great thing to be with someone who you had feelings with. He too had never been with anyone, nor was that the most appealing idea to him either. Being with Iris was as good as it could get for him. He looked over and saw the ball that had his teammate Kano inside of it. He walked over and picked it up and handed it to Iris a moment later. He smiled as she took it from him and then stepped back a bit as he thought about training and the idea they needed to grow stronger before they battled the first gym possible.

"Yes, we must, I don't think we are ready, plus I think we need another pokemon to make this easier, both Kano and myself are not strong against rock types which means that it will be a heck of a challenge, so we should either train till we can win despite this fact, or go search out another pokeboy or pokegirl and then we can capture them and then have hopefully a ace in the deck as it were against our first gym," he reasoned as he looked at her. He knew this was something common for most trainers, and despite how they started they would have to take the path similar to most trainers after all. He knew a grass or water type would do them a great deal of good and would help them advance too.

He nodded to himself. "Yeah, then we can train along the way, we can work and do things like race for bits or try to hit branches with attacks or other things as we are out looking for this new one," he further explained, "then we can get back here tonight get ready and if we are ready go to the first gym tomorrow, and if not we can plan from that point forward too," he explained as he looked at his trainer, hoping that she would see the logic of his argument. He looked at the pokeball, "plus it will I think maybe help build teamwork and show that you value him as a member of your team if you use him and not me during this, or both of us equally showing we are both important as it were."
Jason's argument made sense, and Iris saw no reason or need to argue against it in anyway. It's likely the first gym leader will have two or three pokeboys or girls to use, so it wouldn't hurt to gain another member of the team just in case. She knew that the first gym leader liked to use rock types, but Jason was a fighting type while Kano was a normal type. Jason wouldn't have too much trouble if she made the right calls, but he couldn't do it alone. Kano will have a harder time being a normal type, but Iris knew that he was strong, they just had to train him properly and show him the right way, but either way would be wise to get sometime training for both of them. Iris didn't want to rush in and try to take on the first gym leader if it meant her team would be hurt badly because she didn't take the time to make sure they were strong enough to fight in the first place.

She looked down at the pokeball with Kano inside that Jason put into her hand. After everything poor Kano has been through, it would be best to make sure he was okay and to see what they could do to improve him and bond with him. Jason and she have gotten much closer from their sexual needs...part of her wondered if that's what she needed to do with Kano, but she wasn't certain about it, so Iris needed to be careful. She gripped the ball tightly as she looked up and smiled confidently at Jason, "You're right, I want us to be ready for the gym, but I want to do it without attacking other pokeboys or girls wildly like most trainers. I don't want you two getting hurt too much from the battle because we didn't prepare and train enough, but first Kano must learn to trust us, otherwise I would be no better then his last trainer..."

Iris looked back down at the pokeball, showing it the same smile as she continued saying, "I know he's strong, you both are, we just have to be careful once we start battling." She returned her gaze back at Jason adding, "I'm lucky to have a team with the two of you in it." She walked closer and kissed Jason's cheek softly, holding it there for a few seconds before pulling away. "Before we go, we better check on Kano's health like we did for you, just to make sure his past trainer didn't do anything worse to him other then getting his foot hurt." She smiled then threw the ball up in the air, "Come on out Kano,". The red beam of light shot down at the ground from the ball opening in mid air, letting out Kano for the first time after adding him to their team.
Jason thought about her logic, it made sense, if they didn't work as a team they would fail, horribly, and she wouldn't live up to the promise that he could see in her so clearly. He looked at her and smiled as he knew he had the best trainer ever. He knew that she didn't just think about the moment, but was able to see ahead and see the right moves ahead of time so that she would be able to make them and help them achieve what they needed to do. He blushed ever so lightly when she kissed his cheek as he thought about earlier when they were so passionate together. He then looked at her and nodded his head as he looked at the direction that Kano would show up from a moment or two later.

Kano showed up and stretched himself out the brown haired pokeboy looked at Iris and then blinked. "Well good morning, or afternoon or whatever time it is," he said looking her, his natural proactive style was obvious, he looked healthy, a bit on the skinny side, and he was a bit on the short side as well, but he was overall rather good for condition. He would say it was cause of his focus and his ability to fine work. "So, am I going to get to train or do something that any normal pokeperson can do," he asked honestly. He had wanted to prove himself for so long. He had never been given the chance, which made the idea of working hard or having someone to work hard for important to him. He knew to his last trainer he was junk and he had no chances to show his merit or natural skills cause of that. He looked at the fighting type and the woman, as they seemed different at least at first glance.

Jason could tell that the younger pokeboy was one that would do well. He just needed experience, he was guessing that the younger pokeboy was very much lacking in that. If his trainer had ignored him then he hadn't been trained properly in how to fight or what to do, except most likely anything he self taught which Jason had no idea about at that moment as he remained quiet getting a feel for the other pokeboy at the moment. He smiled as he pulled out his katana, and then practiced with it for show mostly. "What is the plan, Iris, anything cool, please tell me you actually need me," he said looking at her hopefully. To earn his trust would just take a show of faith in him and the need for him on the team, he was rather simple in that way.
A little giggle came from Iris' full lips seeing Kano looking so much differently then he did before. When she found him, Kano looked defeated and depressed, and for good reasons too. It was upsetting to see a pokeboy looking that way because of a bad owner, so seeing him more upbeat and determined made her heart warm; along with that, Kano's body looked well too. He was a bit skinny, but not at a worrying state and it wouldn't be a problem to handle. He would just need to eat healthy and delicious food that went with his liking and his skinny self will become more muscular, especially once they start training. Other then that, Kano looked revved up and ready to go. It brought a smile to Iris' face to see him so ready to prove himself and grow stronger for the team.

In response to his question, Iris sweetly smiled and placed her hand on his head with her fingers running through his brown hair and answered, "Don't worry Kano luckily we were planning on training soon. I wanted to see if you were okay first before heading out, but I can see that you're ready to go." She chuckled softly, "While most trainers fight against wild pokepeople, Jason and I thought it would be better to practice attacking tree branches." Iris took her hand off of the smaller pokeboy and finished with, "I know it might not be exciting, but it'll get us all ready for the first gym." Iris explained to Kano hoping he wouldn't be too upset with what the plan was to train, especially after she saw how eager he was to prove himself.

Though after hearing him actually hope and plea that they needed him did make her chest tighten up a bit, "Of course we need you Kano. You're a pokeboy and we're a team, we have to work together to beat the rest. You're always going to be needed." She smiled at him then gave his forehead a gentle kiss almost like a mother would hoping it would cheer him up along with her words. His last trainer really messed him up, made him feel unnecessary, like he wasn't a living boy, but a tool for battle. Sadly, pokepeople are seen as tools by most trainers, but that's why Iris was determined to build up Kano's confidence and sense of self worth.
Kano looked at this as a chance to prove himself to a new trainer, he figured that if he could do that, then he wouldn't be considered trash and junk, and he could so all the work that he had been doing on his own and have someone respect him for his own abilities and skills despite everything. He looked at Iris, and then at Jason as he looked between then, and saw the natural link between pokemon and master, something more too. He didn't need that something more, it wasn't his style so much, but he would support her in everything he did. The lanky and skinny farfetch'd type was ready to go as well. He nodded his head as he listened to the words of his trainer, knowing that she would have some type of plan. He was right she did have a plan and it was a good one.

"Yes, ma'am, I will do whatever I need to do, I won't let you down promise," he said like a little samurai confident and proud, the first time in his life he had the chance to belong to a group. He wanted to be part and show everyone that they shouldn't of overlooked him. He nooded his head as then felt the kiss on his forehead, and then nodded his head, "don't worry Miss Iris, I will help you win whatever match ups you have," he commented ready to roll and head out and get some training done. He knew he wasn't the strongest yet, but someday he would be and he would help the other two get stronger and better and they would be a great team.

Jason watched this, and remained quiet, he could see that the judgment about the pokeboy was right one, he was going to be rather good someday with a lot of work and training. He was very much a seed which had not blossomed fully yet, most likely do to not having had the chance to have any sun. He followed, ready to help train, train himself and pull his own weight as he went along. He figured that the trip was going to be a most interesting one, he figured they would still need a grass or water type but they would both give their best to win the first gym and that it would be a interesting and fun experience either way. He had faith in Iris, that she would figure a way to do this, and would be the champ some day.
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