A Most Remarkable Team [pokemon](FemShep x Silverknight)


Jul 14, 2011
Lucario was sitting on a stomp in the woods, as he looked around, he was a gijinka or a pokeboy mattering on how one would look at his situation. He was very human, and he looked very human in fact if you didnt' know better you wouldn't know he wasn't human. He kept on while he worked deep in the woods. He worked out here to keep away from society, to keep away from people and especially to keep away from trainers who would want to use him as a member of their team to try to challenge gym leaders and make a glorious name for themselves. Most of them were only after glory for themselves, they didn't really care about pokeboys at all. They just saw them as a means to an end, a way to get rich and famous. He had seen this in his previous travels a lot really.

Lucario had been with a trainer for the first years of his life, he had grown up to be a strong adult Lucario with a beautiful woman, who treated him well. He grew stronger as he worked with her improving each and every single day. Yet, that all came to a fast end as he found that his trainer was very sick and had to release him, a day that hurt his heart to its very core. After that day, he went off into the forest out side of the village she came from and lived. He wasn't sure how long he had lived there, but he avoided humans and lived off the land. It was fun, he got along with any pokeboys he ran into helping them, but he liked the self reliant life style that was like and enjoyed all the freedom he had as well.

He was content with life, he felt abandoned by his own trainer and he knew that he would never find a woman who could help him as much as the young woman who helped him as a youngster. He looked around as he heard some noise in the distance, he wasn't sure what it was or the cause of the noise, he knew that the smell was human. He thought about running or hiding, but he decided against it in the end. He was curious human's didn't come that far intot he woods much, he figured the human had a reason to be there, and whatever it was, he was curious to what was up with the human. He walked towards the smell hoping to find the human and ask them what they were after. His curiosity taking over as he moved quickly towards the human scent his speed and quickness far greater then any human.
RE: A Most Remarkable Team (FemShep x Silverknight)

Wondering deeper into the forest then any other human did was a young girl who looked no older then eighteen. The young girl seemed to be a trainer or at least a newly appointed one seeing that she had a belt designed to hold Pokeballs, yet there was none to be shown. The inexperienced trainer was actually very well known in the nearby town as a girl with a kind heart, but dreamed big named: Iris. Ever since she was a little girl, Iris dreamed of being a Pokemon trainer, but never had the time to become one at the usual age most trainers started their journey. She had a loving mother who took good care of her, but at the same time worked at a Pokemon Day-Care, but because of her mother's busy job, Iris learned how to raise and take care of Pokemon with a loving heart which was how she fell in love with Pokemon to begin with. Now that she was a adult, and with her mother being able to hire workers, Iris was free to fulfill her dream, but unfortunately it also meant that she wouldn't have a starter Pokemon to start with, making the first steps of her journey even more of a challenge.

Iris was famous in her town for being a loving Pokemon caretaker that anyone could trust to leave their Pokemon with, but along with her kindness and generosity, Iris was also a very beautiful young woman. Her shiny scarlet red hair flowed down to her lower back, but pulled up into a high and thick ponytail with a bit of loose hair flowing over her shoulders and framing the soft features of her face. Her bangs swept across her forehead, making her stunning amber eyes even more noticeable despite already having her delicate thick eyelashes to frame them. Her soft lips were soft and plump while her skin was lightly tanned, but surprisingly flawless from her days outside with the Pokemon she took care of. Along with her beauty, her body was also in stunning shape with her womanly hourglass curves and her large ample breasts, round firm rear, and fit arms and legs. Iris' choice in clothing was respectable, it didn't seem to hide her body too well. Her white buttoned up blouse hugged the curves of her upper body while the black skirt she wore barely hid her thighs, but her legs were covered by her thigh high white and black striped stockings and black boots. A red sports backpack showed even further signs of her being a trainer, despite it was filled with more medicines then Pokeballs really.

As Iris wondered the unknown forest, something suddenly fell from one of the tall trees around her. The sudden falling object startled her, and for a moment made her scream until she realize what exactly had fallen from the surrounding trees. She gasped seeing a Pidgy had fallen from the tree looking like it hurt it's wing and leg. This was her chance to capture her first Pokemon, but she realized that this Pidgy was far too small to be one that was on it's on; this was a mere baby Pokemon whose parents went off to hunt for it. It's horrible to think that a lot of trainers would have captured the poor thing, but she couldn't do such a thing to a baby, despite their near human like appearance, it's amazing how trainers abused and used their Pokemon for battles instead of companionship. Naturally the scared little winged boy was frightened of Iris and tried to hop and fly away, but it's wings were far too small for flight. "Poor little guy...you were just trying to fly were you?" She asked softly, her voice being as sweet as honey. The sound of her sweet soothing voice made the little Pidgy boy become less scared of her and looked at her with interest. Slowly and gently Iris reached out her hand to stroke the little boy's brown and blond hair, finally seeing the young boy becoming completely relaxed with her, even cooing with a loving sound.

Once the little boy trusted her enough, Iris pulled down her bag and pulled out a potion to help the small hurt child. "This will hurt for just a second okay sweetie?" She warned, gently touching the child's wing and squirting some of the healing medicine onto his wing and leg. The little boy winced in pain for a second, but noticed his injures were already beginning to heal. Overcome with joy, the little Pidgy jumped into her arms smiling making Iris hug and giggle the small child for a moment. Then with the child in her arms, Iris looked up to see the nest of the fallen Pidgy wasn't too far up. "Okay little guy, time to go home." Iris reached up, placing the child back into it's nest only to have the parents return with food for the child to eat. The parents seemed to notice what Iris has done for their baby and gave Iris warm smiles which Iris returned, "Be careful next time, okay little guy?" She smiled to which the little Pidgy gave a confident nod before she decided to continue walking. Little did she know that another Pokemon was watching her the entire time.
RE: A Most Remarkable Team (FemShep x Silverknight)

The smell it got stronger as he moved, he knew the smell so well, he knew that smell was connected to a human, but he then noticed another smell blood, was it, he was sure it was blood, the Lucario was a skilled tracker from his time alone in the woods, he had to adapt to what was around himself. He worried, had this human hurt the pokemon, had this woman tried to kill a..pidgey bird for fun. He got mad at the thought of a human hurting another pokemon. How dear she harm someone or he harm someone that most likely wasn't good enough for her and was the weak member on her team. He moved quickly as he moved as fast as he could.

He came to view her in the clearing as she held the bird, he was about to go up and attack the human but then he was going to till he saw her being kind. The boy was young most likely newly born and needing her help as much as possible. He paused as he looked at the woman, the red hair the beautiful red hair, caused him to blinked, and then he noticed her face and froze completely where he was, he couldn't move a inch in any direction as he watched. She looked like his old trainer, when they had first meet. He blinked as he stood there in the clearing. How the hell had this happened, how did he run into someone who looked like his former trainer who had gotten so ill such a long time before. She wasn't his former trainer, she was to young, but she looked like her just like her when they started their own adventure when he too was a kid.

He blinked as he watched her help the pokemon and then smiled as he could tell that she was a good woman with a good heart, just like his former trainer, she was something different from anything that he had been able to see. He was shocked, he never thought he would ever run into a woman like the one that happened to be in front of himself. He watched her walking in his general direction and blinked he had to move, he had to move fast, and talk to her. He moved fast as he caught up to her jumping in front of her as he looked at the woman. He held his hands up showing he wasn't a danger at all to her.

"You, miss, what are you doing out here in the woods," he asked as he looked at her, "thanks for helping the bird boy, I am sure he will be very happy knowing that not all human's are evil," he said looking at her, "I never have seen a human wonder this far in the woods, I must ask, what is it that brought you out here," he questioned as he looked at her wondering what was on her curious, so very curious as to who she was, and what she was doing, and just curious about her in general really. Who was she, was she a trainer, he looked at her, he knew something. If she were a trainer, he would ask to join her, to follow this woman, he wanted to be near her and help her. He felt that this woman who looked similar to the woman who had been his trainer would need his help and he would do what he could to help her along her way.
RE: A Most Remarkable Team (FemShep x Silverknight)

After helping the poor child, Iris felt even better then before. She might not be a good Pokemon trainer, but at least she could help Pokemon in their time of need; along with that, the forest really was exciting and beautiful to explore. While Iris knew she would be seeing all kinds of new and interesting Pokemon, she didn't expect to see the kind of Pokemon that jumped out at her. For a quick moment, she gasps seeing the rare Pokemon before her. Never before has see seen a Lucario in person before, she's only read stories and heard legends. Iris didn't think any Lucarios were in this forest, but just looking at him, she could tell he was a powerful and magnificent one. Judging from how quickly he jumped in front of her so quickly meant he was either watching her or was incredibility quick and agile. Though without any defense, Iris was prepared for the Pokeboy to attack her, but luckily when she saw his hands go up, she realized he had no intention to attack her.

The moment the Pokeboy began to speak, Iris didn't even dare to interrupt him and listened curiously to what he had to say and honestly was a bit shocked to hear what he had to say. Of course she was happy to be thanked, but when he said not all humans were evil, it was a bit upsetting to hear that Pokemon thought humans were evil, yet at the same time...she didn't blame them either. Humans these days only seemed to care about victory and becoming stronger over caring and becoming friends with the members of their team. It was a bit sickening to see the conditions that some Pokemon were brought to the Day-Care center. Some trainers didn't even take their Pokemon to the Pokemon Center before dropping them off. Iris saw some of the most tragic things that trainers did, shock collars, abuse, starvation, dehydration, festering injuries...she saw the worst of the worse and worked to the bone to keep the poor Pokemon alive and strong...it was just a shame they had to give the Pokemon back...some of their trainers never returned...honestly she wished their trainers didn't return so they could be taken care of by someone kind instead.

"Um...it was nothing really. I couldn't let the poor guy suffer like that, especially at such a young age...it's a shame that humans treat Pokemon so poorly...like they're objects. I thought that becoming a Pokemon trainer would be fun and exciting, but I don't know if I can handle hurting other Pokemon for personal gain." She sighed softly, holding onto her hands. Iris looked at the wild Lucario and thought he was some kind of guardian or something judging by his grateful words about her kindness. Still, she wondered why such a magnificent creature would show himself to her out of no where unless he just wanted to just thank her. "I'd never thought I would see a Lucario in this forest...but...still, it's wonderful to finally see one in person." She smiled warmly before reaching into her bag and pulling out a delicious berry enjoyed by humans, but especially Pokemon. Iris held out the berry towards him and smiled, "Here, do you want a berry?" She offered sweetly.
RE: A Most Remarkable Team (FemShep x Silverknight)

The pokeboy looked at her though his shades and listened to her carefully. He blinked as he could tell she was just like his former trainer, that she was a woman with a good heart, really a heart of gold as the saying the human's used. He walked over to her looking at her closely his eyes looking over her as he could smell her scent moving closer he didn't want to fight this woman at all. He was surprised by her words, by her reasoning and by the fact that she was here standing before him in this moment. He took a deep breath as he shook his head, fate had a funny way about things, it really seemed to want him to work with this woman, help her find her path and also would enable him to help a good human per chance.

"Humans can be good or bad, most I have seen are just bad, but they are because they don't know what being good is like nor do they know what it is like to be a good trainer to one of my kind. They do not know cause they haven't seen someone who cares for their pokemon raise and show them that strength is gained though kindness and support not forcing and control," he said as he looked at her knowing that she would most likely agree with him. "You have a good heart, a noble heart, dear Miss Red," he said not knowing her head and referencing her by her hair color for the moment, "you are a most interesting woman, a remarkable woman too. You have what it takes I think to be a great pokemon trainer, with the right group you could be champion. Now, we don't mind fighting each other so much. It is a test of our skills and abilities and many times they are the best times a pokemon has especially if he has a poor master for then they can fight free of their commands which are inept and be themselves."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ball, "this is my ball, I am not a wild pokemon at all, my trainer, um, well she isn't around anymore, she couldn't keep me and she gave me my freedom, so I live here," he said as he looked at her. "Now you need to be a trainer, and I will be the first member of your team, I will help you show the world that kindness is stronger then anger and that treating pokemon kindly is the way to go," he said with a smile as he looked at her the pokeball in his hand, "This is the sign that I trust you and believe in you, and I would very much like the berry in your hand," he said handing her the ball and taking the berry from her before eating it as it had been a long time sense he last had one, it was good very good, made him feel all warm inside as he looked at the woman. "Well, what do you say, partner?"
RE: A Most Remarkable Team (FemShep x Silverknight)

Iris was speechless listening to the wild Lucario speaking to her with such experience and understanding of human nature. He must have had a trainer before or had some other way of experiencing humans like he had. It went without saying that Iris agreed with every word he spoke about raising Pokemon with love and care is stronger and better then forced control, though his kind words about her were too much, she even felt her cheeks redden a bit from it all. While it warmed her heart to hear him say such sweet things, Iris didn't think she had anything like a golden heart, but...he really thought she had what it took to be a great trainer? She had the kindness to take care of a Pokemon properly and she truly did care for each and everyone, but according to the Pokeboy, battling shouldn't be a problem for her to worry about. In fact, he made it sound like a good thing that Pokemon get to battle each other, and since he was a Pokemon himself...how could she argue against it?

Though the very next thing he said took her by surprise. It was tragic to hear what happened to his previous trainer, but it did answer her question on how he knew so much about humans for a Pokemon who lived in the forest, but what really surprised her was the fact he wanted to be her very first Pokemon. Lucario must truly believe in her to allow her to have him as her first Pokemon, especially after losing his previous trainer in such a tragic way. Iris was glad he took the berry she offered him, but remained speechless as he placed his own Pokeball into her hand. She looked down at the Pokeball with a surprised expression, but soon, Iris looked up to Lucario to gaze into his eyes past his shades with a excited smile. This was amazing! She couldn't believe she would be getting such a powerful Pokemon as her starter! It took her entire being to control her excitement and tried to say calm and composed.

"This is great! Thank you so much!" Iris couldn't stop herself from hugging the Pokeboy after he ate the berry, putting her head on his chest for a moment and feeling his warm and fit body in her arms before finally letting him go. "If you really believe and trust in me, then I'll love it to have you as my first partner. I promise that we will be the best team and show everyone that Pokemon will truly strong with love and respect, not control and discipline." She smiled warmly and confidently, "Oh, by the way, my name's Iris." Iris looked away from Lucario for a moment to put the Pokeball onto her belt, filling one of the six gaps where her Pokeballs were suppose to go. "I figured you'd prefer walking outside of your Pokeball for now...unless you rather be inside of it. Oh, and feel free to ask for more berries if you want any, I have plenty." She smiled warmly and started to walk to start the first steps of their adventure together as partners.
RE: A Most Remarkable Team (FemShep x Silverknight)

Lucario could feel his cheeks burn as he felt the young woman hug him close to herself. He hadn't expected that reaction, but perhaps he should of knowing that she was a sweet good woman, and that she seemed to be sentimental and kind. He smiled as he blushed happy to be able to make this woman happy. He was also happy to be able to find a person a human he could trust with his future. He knew they would be a great team, that went without saying. He put his arms around her as well as they hugged feeling a warmth inside of himself. He knew that this woman was the type who could shine light into dark places with the warm glow of her heart. He knew that it was that that pulled him to her, as well as fate to run into this human on this day.

"As for the pokeball, only use it on me when I am hurt or something," he said to her as he looked at the redhead his eyes focused on her, "I hate being in that thing. I think I have gotten way to use to being outside of it and kind of wild, that I don't really like the idea of being inside of it again," he said to her with a smile on his lips. He was excited about this chance, to be with a human who cared. "So it should would work perfectly fine. The ball is more a sign of my trust for you and the fact that it makes you my trainer from now on. "I will take more berries though, those were good, I haven't had them in a long while," he said blushing again after making the admission of his enjoyment of the berries to her.

"Iris, name of a flower, anyhow, my former trainer never had the chance to give me a name, she was going to but well she got sick and all," he said looking at her, "I would be honored if you gave me a name, I would rather no just be called by the type of pokemon I am, it seems strange impersonal as it were, so please it would be a great honor to have a name by the partner I will work with," he said with a seriousness to his tone as he looked at her. There were hundreds of Lucario's he wanted to be different and he was very different then the norm, having a name would be a way to show that he wasn't just a member of the crowd as it were. "Now, other then that we need to head back to town, so we can figure out where the first gym you have to challenge is, I don't know the way, so I hope you do."
Iris was perfectly happy with keeping Lucario out of his Pokeball, especially if he would prefer to stay out of it on the exception of being injured. She just hoped the others on their team wouldn't mind being inside their Pokeballs since it would be difficult to keep track of five other Pokemon, she'll just make sure to take them out and let them enjoy some time outside of them, after all she wanted to take the best of care with her partners. "Well, I'm honored to have your trust and I want you to be as comfortable around me as possible. Besides it'll be nice to have the company to talk to on long trips." She smiled warmly feeling overjoyed to see him so happy in such a short time. Softly she chuckled seeing he wanted more berries and figured he might have been hungry anyway. Iris opened her bag and grabbed a handful of berries saying, "Well you can have as many as you want. My mom grows them in our Day-Care since Pokemon love them so much." She took the berries and placed them in his hand, smiling seeing him blushing a little.

The idea of giving him a name seemed like a perfect idea, after all, Iris would feel closer if she given him a name other then what his kind is called. Besides it would not only make him different from the rest, but it would further their cause of showing Pokemon and humans being friends makes a stronger team then a ownership relationship. From her experience, it was rare that she heard a Pokemon have a real name. It was either what the Pokemon's kind was called or some sort of pet name. By the seriousness of his tone, Iris knew how important it was to him to have a name making it impossible to say no, even though she wouldn't have to begin with. "That's a good idea, I don't want you to seem like any other Lucario, after all, we're partners so you're special to me. Besides, it'll bring us closer as friends and I won't give you a cute pet name either. You deserve a real name, not some name a pet would have." She looked at him giving him a reassuring nod before taking a moment to think of a name. Iris wanted to give him a name he would like, so it took her a few seconds to think of one she thought would be good enough. "Hmm...how about Jason?" She suggested.

Even though Iris was excited and eager to start their journey, she knew it would be smarter to head back into town instead of wondering aimlessly without a destination, besides, she wanted to tell her mom about him and it would be nice to check up on all the Pokemon at the Day-Care and get some rest before setting off. "Don't worry, I know the way back. We can rest and plan for our first steps as a team. Besides, I live in a Day-Care center so it'll be nice to check on the Pokemon there since cruel trainers leave their Pokemon in horrible conditions sometimes." Iris took his hand to hold onto it firmly, not wanting them to get separated on the way back and started to lead him back to her town. Luckily for them, the town wasn't too far back from where they were. Once they stepped through the bushes, Iris smiled, "Well, here we are, my house is right here." She lead him to a large three two story house that had a huge fenced off area where Pokemon played and rested with one another. Most of them were common Pokemon like Rattatas, Weedles, Pikachus, and other Pokemon who weren't past their teenage or child years. "We run a Day-Care center in our house so we can keep a eye on the Pokemon at all times and if something goes wrong, we can quickly wake up and take care of them. Though, there are more inside who...aren't as healthy as these...me and my mom try to take care of the injured ones before we let them outside." She explained to him as they walked pass the fence where the Pokemon were laughing and playing together in harmony.
He looked at her as he could tell that she was in fact thinking about a name for him. She would give him name, he blushed a bit at being called special, there was something anyone loved to be told and that was being called special. It meant that he was important to her, and the fact that she took giving him a name seriously show this as well. He knew that she would be his partner and that she was already special to him and he just meet her. He paused as he looked at her and then waited for a long moment wondering what was going on inside of the mind of the redhead. He blinked as he heard the name Jason, he thought over the name for a long moment going over it again and again. It was simple short and to the point, it fit him very well. He looked at her and nodded his head, "it will be my honor to have that as my name, Iris," he said with a nod of his head as he looked at her.

He blushed as he felt her hand take his own and followed her as he then smiled feeling that this was going to be interesting, that she owned a day-care was going to be neat to see. He had eaten the berries quickly as he went with her. He walked along the path, not knowing it but enjoying the presence of the beautiful woman near himself. He walked down to the end where he was able to see the house, the large house which floored him. He saw the pokemon soon after they were all happy having fun, little pokeboys and girls enjoying each other's company having fun as just had fun in the sun. He walked with her as she walked to the center looking at them as he listened, "It is a good thing you and your mother do then," he said honestly as he continued to hold her hand, his grip on it tightening a bit as he walked with her. "Well, I will do one of these check ups, it has been a while sense I have had one," he wondered as he looked at her, "it is fine, I am sure that it will be good, I need to go into my pokeball correct, it is fine with me for this, I think it could be helpful for us both."

He knew it was time for a check up, that a check up was going to be important, he might be a bit underweight from his time in the wild and then they could figure out the best diet for him as well. He knew he would need that to get stronger so that he would be able to help Iris as much as possible. He put his hand on her shoulder as he smiled giving her a nod to tell her that it was okay for her to put him into the ball this once. He had done this once or twice but it had been years before and he trusted her and her mother if she was anything like her.

Inside the pokecenter was another abandoned pokemon, this one by the choice of the trainer.Farfetch'd was sitting on the inside of the center, he had a sprained ankle as he sat there depressed. He was ever as much a unique pokemon as even Jason, but he was seen as a failure and a joke just because of his type of pokemon. Trainers would never want someone like him cause he didn't evolve or have anything strong for his moves or anything. He was mocked by his own trainer endlessly as he was seen as to weak to be of any good and tossed away after the trainer decided this never even letting have a chance to shine or do anything. The Farfetch'd was down cause he felt he would never be able to show his merit and his ability to stand up and show that Farfetch'd were not jokes and could be as strong as any other pokemon.
It was nice to see all the little children playing and enjoying themselves, especially since a lot of them were in terrible condition when they first arrived. Most of the children were too busy playing, practicing their moves, or sun bathing to notice Iris was nearby, they've gotten use to a lot of people stopping to watch and eventually learned to be use to it. Along with the beautiful sight, Iris was happy to hear that Jason approved of what he saw and even forgotten that they were holding hands to begin with despite they didn't need to anymore. It was when he tightened his grip on her hand did she finally remember what they were doing, but seeing how Jason was enjoying himself, Iris couldn't bring herself to separate them, but it did make her blush a little bit.

When Jason mentioned having a check up, Iris thought it would be a good idea if he did have one, especially since it's been awhile since he's had one. Iris looked at him and noticed that he was pretty skinny for someone who lived in the forest and he was pretty hungry when they first met. It would be a good idea to see what berries and foods he would like best and what would benefit him while they were here. Besides, if she had the opinion to make sure that Jason was as healthy as he could be then she wanted to take it. "Now that I think about it, it would be nice to make sure that you're as healthy as can be. Having a check up shouldn't be a problem, I could even do it myself if you want. For the most part you will need to go into your Pokeball so the machine can heal any wounds you might have, but over all my mom and I prefer a more hands on approach so we can help those traumatized Pokemon learn to trust us. If anything we'll just need to check a few things and find out what a healthy diet for you is." She smiled warmly feeling his hand on her shoulder, feeling her cheeks blushing again.

Taking a stop by the Pokecenter so Jason could have a quick check up, Iris quickly noticed the Farfetch'd sitting alone and looking upset. Iris knew that face too well...that was the kind of face a broken and abandoned Pokemon would make. Her heart nearly broke seeing the poor boy this way and stopped walking to watch him from afar. It wasn't long before Iris spotted his ankle was swollen making it impossible for him to walk without hurting himself further. Iris couldn't take the sight anymore, it sickened her that someone would leave their Pokemon, especially like this. She knew that Farfetch'ds weren't very powerful in the eyes of most trainers, but Iris believed that it was because those trainers were poor and made no effort to find a good way to improve. Besides, it's cruel to abandon a partner because the trainer wasn't satisfied with them. "Jason, wait a second..." She gently spoke up, "That Farfetch'd...he's hurt and depressed...we need to do something, we can't just leave him like this."

Iris didn't waste much time approaching the injured boy, but tried to take her time knowing that sometimes Pokemon could be hostile or jumpy around humans after abandonment. Once she was close enough, Iris looked at the boy with a gentle, but worried expression, "Excuse me...are you okay? Your ankle...it's hurt isn't it?" She asked softly as she got down on her knees to look at his ankle. Iris was careful, making sure that he wouldn't get too upset with her when she removed his sandal and sock carefully to look at it. "Oh my...this is bad..." She said softly seeing it was red and swollen badly, almost like the trainer made the boy walk on his injured foot here. "What happened to you?" She asked in concern, looking up to softly meet his gaze.
Jason looked at her as he nodded his head, that didn't bother him and if it was with her a hands on he turned red as he thought about that, and then shook his head before looking over at her and the smiled, "Yes, that is fine, I would prefer you to do the check up please," he asked as he looked at her. This was a blessing to be in a place where he could get back up to standard, he could get stronger and he could help her so much more with her help. He smiled as he thought about it him on a normal diet again. He had so missed that normal food that tasted so well and made him so happy. He missed that almost as much as anything else when he went out into the wild to make a living for himself. He saw the Farfetch'd and nodded his head as he looked at Iris letting the redhead go over and help out the pokemon. He guessed that the kids was a later teen like 16 equivalent age of humans, he would guess he himself was around like 24 or so.

The Farfetch'd looked at the woman as she walked up closer to himself his eyes on her as he sat there for a moment knowing that there was something up. He was prepared to make a run for it as he knew he couldn't fight and the pokemon with her was really strong looking. With a hurt ankle there was no way he could take him, normal maybe but now no. He took a deep breath as he decided to just remain where he was as he looked at the redhead his eyes on his ankle though after a moment as he felt a shock travel from his angle along his nerves hurting a great deal. He looked up as he saw her so close and blinked as he looked at his angle, and then nodded his head, she looked trustworthy.

"I was showing off, it is my own fault, I was trying to get someone to be my trainer, as I was working someone threw something at me I dodge it but then I slipped as I landed and well, yeah, my ankle is like it is cause of that," he said as he looked at her and then blinked as he looked at her. "I should of been more careful about where I landed. Sadly though it didn't work, none of the trainers wanted to accept me. They either had to many pokeboys and pokegirls or they saw what I was and laughed at the thought of having a weakling like me on their strong teams," he told her as he looked at his foot for a moment before looking at her. "I hate it, miss, I want to show them that I am strong, that I can fight and that my type of pokemon are good for something other then as servants and cooks."
Listening to the Pokeboy's story, Iris nearly lost it hearing that he blamed himself for this injury and that trainers thought of him so poorly. She couldn't stand seeing him like this or any Pokemon for that matter, his trainer actually threw something at him without even thinking that it could hurt him. Whoever his previous trainer was should be locked up for doing something so cruel to someone who was suppose to be his partner. There was so many things Iris had to say to him, but first thing was first, she had to make sure his ankle was all better. She didn't see his Pokeball anywhere so she couldn't take him to the nurse, but she couldn't let him hurt like this. So, Iris took off her bag and opened it to take out a potion she had then held onto his foot gently. "This is gonna sting for a second, but it should make you feel better." Iris warned and waited a few seconds before spraying the medicine onto his twisted ankle.

In mere seconds, the medicine healed his hurt ankle, the redness and swelling going down to show that he was going to be okay. "There...your ankle should be better now." She told him and stood up slowly from the ground to move and sit beside him. Iris wanted to make sure that he knew the truth, that it wasn't his fault, that he wasn't useless. She gently touched his cheek with the back of her hand, stroking it gently as she spoke sweetly. "Listen sweetie, it's not your fault you were hurt. It was your trainer's fault, he was going to hurt you so that you can improve, a real trainer wouldn't put the safety of his Pokemon in risk for that. You're not useless and you are very strong." Iris paused to let her word sink in for a moment while she moved her hand to his shoulder. "That trainer treated you like a tool and not a friend. Your kind is capable of so much more then cooking and your kind shouldn't be servants, Pokemon are a human's friend, not a pet or slave. I know that even though you aren't confident in your abilities that you are much stronger then you think. Your trainer just didn't have the skill or care to see it and you know what? It's his lost that he couldn't see how powerful you can truly be." Iris spoke in all seriousness and her eyes full of belief in him.

For a moment, Iris looked away from the Pokeboy to Jason showing a worried expression for a moment, but as a moment passed, Iris knew she couldn't leave this boy. He was emotionally and mentally damaged from the humans around him. If his trainer truly did abandon him, then she must do something to help him. Iris' expression changed to one that made up her mind, then she looked back at the boy, putting her arm around his shoulders and holding him a little. "Listen...if your trainer really is gone...I can show you exactly what I mean. Trainers are crazy if they don't want a Pokemon like you and I want to show you that through love and respect, you can be the powerful Pokeboy I know you are. You don't have to say yes, but...please...consider it...you need to be loved...not abused." She offered to him with loving and sweet eyes, hoping the Pokeboy will agree so she can help him heal from the damage his trainer has done.
Farfetch'd look at her as he watched her carefully he wasn't sure what she was getting, out of her bag as he looked at her and then blinked for a moment as he didn't know what she was getting. He figured that she hopefully might get a pokeball and would be his new trainer. He promised himself if she did, he would work his ass off to be the best pokeboy and partner with her and the other pokemon. He looked at her nodding his head as he saw the potion that she had in her hand and knew what she was going to do. He closed his eyes as he nodded his head knowing that his would hurt a good deal to him. He prepared for it as best as he could as he felt the medicine pressed onto his ankle. He could feel a stink which caused him to twitch a bit of a moment as it passed really quickly and he could feel the pain in his ankle gone at that moment in time.

He nodded his head as he moved his ankle checking the range of motion that he had in it and then nodded his head as he looked at it for a long moment and then looked over at her and listened to her, as she sat next to him. He looked at her, his green eyes focused on her as blushed a bit as he nodded his head as he looked at her and then looked at her as she pressed her hand to his cheek and smiled softly as he could feel the warmth of the woman as he nodded his head. He cold see the logic in what she was saying about his past trainer, he only cared to get bigger faster strong pokemon to help him out. He figured that he had to find someone perhaps this woman to prove just that, that he was strong as she seemed to believe that he was. He took a deep breath as he gathered his thoughts together slowly as he sat there against the wall.

Jason looked at them and then nodded his head. He could tell that this woman wanted to help the Farfetch'd. He looked at the younger pokemon as he looked at him and then could see strength in his eyes. He felt he could help get this pokemon ready for battle and to reach his potential as a pokemon. He waited quietly knowing that this pokemon most likely would see the same warmth inside of her as he knew the charisma was impressive.

He looked at her and then blinked as he nodded his head and then looked into the eyes of the woman, "I wish to be strong, I wish to be good, and I wish to be with you, I will follow you, miss," he said as he looked at her a bit more confident as he looked at her and then smiled as he nodded his head, "I will be your pokemon, I will help be your partner and be good at it as well," he said as he looked at her, "I will work hard and get as strong as I can get for you, so that we can show them all of the stuff that you said," he announced as he looked at her, "I do not have a pokeball, I kind of miss resting in one, they are so comfy, um when you find one could you capture me in it so I can rest please."
When Iris finally heard the Pokeboy's answer, she smiled brightly seeing him agree to work with her as a partner. All she wanted was to help the poor boy, he's been through so much, but he still had a burning desire to be something better then the rest. How could she let such a flame die out? Just seeing him become more confident, brightened her spirits. This was the Farfetch'd she wanted to see. She wanted him to become something amazing and achieve his dream of proving himself and all humans that his kind are powerful Pokemon. With the decision being final, and hearing the wonderful news that he loved being in a Pokeball, Iris reached into her bag and pulled out a Pokeball. "I'm so happy to hear that, for now you should just rest. Later, I'll let you know you're new name, after all, we're gonna be partners and you're different from the other Farfetch'ds. Welcome to the team." She smiled warmly giving him a soft stroke through his hair then finally opening the Pokeball.

With a red beam of light coming from the ball and touching the Pokeboy, he went into her Pokeball then Iris watched as the white button in the center blinked red over and over. The moment the button turned to it's normal white color and remained that way, Iris smiled and sighed. Iris felt good taking in the once abandoned Farfetch'd into their team. Still, part if her wanted to give his last trainer a piece of her mind, but for now what matter was taking care of her new found partners. It's almost unbelievable to have met two wonderful Pokemon in just a single day. She felt extremely luckily, there was no chance of her ever giving up on their cause and goal. Iris smiled at the Pokeball and gave it a soft peck before standing up and placing it onto her belt next to Jason's pokeball. "Yeah...welcome to the team...Kano..."

After a couple of seconds, Iris returned to Jason and smiled softly. "Looks like we have a new partner..." She simply spoke, "I know he'll made a great addition and with you there to help him train, there's no way we can lose." Iris waited another second before remembering why they were here to begin with. So, Iris instinctively took Jason's hand, "Well, we should get that check up, and it would be good if Kano gets one too while we're here." With that, Iris lead Jason to the front counter to speak with the nurse who immediately recognized her. The nurse was eager to see that Iris was back already with two Pokemon, but knowing Iris when it comes to Pokemon, she became serious again within a few minutes. Luckily for them, there was a room available for her to perform the check up that they needed and since Iris was well known as a Pokemon caretaker and worked at the hospital enough, there was no need for another nurse to be present in the room unless Iris asked for one. Besides, if Jason only trusted Iris to give him a check up then the other nurses had no choice, but to let Iris do it.

Once the nurse led them to a room, she left them with a simple, "Just call if you need us". The room was a standard Pokecenter room that was very much like a human hospital room. There was a machine to put Pokeballs into, and even though Iris thought it wouldn't be necessary for Jason, she wanted to make sure he was completely healthy. So she turned to Jason and told him, "Well, first let's get you in your pokeball and let the machine do it's job and when it's done I can do a few harmless tests to make sure everything's okay." She smiled and pulled out his pokeball, "Are you ready?" She asked making sure she wasn't moving too fast or uncomfortably for him.
He smiled as he knew that she would come up with a good name for him and Kano was one that was awesome. He was so very happy to be with her and to be able to say that he knew that he had a good trainer now. He looked at her and then smiled as he saw the ball. He closed his eyes, it had been so long since he had been in the comfort of a pokeball. The pokeboy or pokemon was happy as he went into it. He was so positive now, his dark period he was sure had ended. he was convinced that he would be able to grow strong and join a great powerful team, one where he could be able to pull his own weight in time. He would get strong, he would make a name for himself and his kind as well.

Jason looked at the beam as it disappeared, the Lucario nodded his head as he looked at her and then smiled, "yes, he will be good, he has a good amount of spirit and I think that spirit will be easy to work with," he said confident that he would be able to help him grow with Iris as well. He was glad to have another teammate with them as he knew that together they would be so much stronger then if it was just him alone. He was sure that Kano would be able to keep him on his feet and help him train as much as he helped Kano train. He figured as he knew that he was a pretty average type, that he would need to learn different moves that perhaps he could help Kano with. He walked with her to the area to be check up with and sat down on the bench.

He noticed that this woman got along with the people who worked here, made sense that he was able to remember her saying that she worked here. He looked at her thinking about the pokeball had a different effect on him then it did on Kano. For Jason the pokeball was so cramp for him. He blinked as he looked at her and then took a deep breath as he looked down. He hated being in a pokeball, but it was needed. He nodded his head as he looked up at her as he had to do this. "I will do this, I am ready, I trust you Iris," he said looking up at her, "please as fast as possible, I do not like being cramp up in the ball," he admitted as he got himself as mentally prepared as possible before he was in the ball of his.
Iris smiled softly and sighed seeing how Jason reacted to being in the pokeball, she really didn't want to do this, but if she ever wanted to get him into it in emergencies she had to be able to do it. "Don't worry, I'll make it as fast as possible. I know how much you hate it in your pokeball." She smiled warmly then opened the ball to let him inside of it, but immediately placed the pokeball in the machine to begin the quick process. The machine healed any injuries that he might have had in mere seconds, but since being underweight was a concern, there was still some things Iris had to make sure of. It was just a safety pro-caution to make sure he wasn't injured or that she would hurt him by accident. Once the machine made the usual charming sound letting her know it was finished, Iris took the pokeball out and immediately pushed the button to let him back out. "Sorry about having to do that, it's a safety pro-caution." She apologized sincerely then walked over to the table and tapped on it, "Just sit here and we can get started."

Once Jason sat down at the table, Iris grabbed a stethoscope and slipped the flat end underneath his tunic and onto his bare chest to listen to his heart. "Sorry if it's cold, but just breathe slowly." She reassured looking completely focused on what she was doing. After about a minute, she took away the stethoscope and placed it around her neck saying, "Well your heart and breathing sounds good." She smiled then gently placed her hand on his cheek after taking off his shades, feeling how warm it was against her soft and warm hand, Iris tried to snap out of the trace she seemed to be in to use her thumb to open his eyes a bit more so she could check them. The lighting made her have to bring her own face close to his to see if they were red or irritated, but as her eyes stared deeply into his...Iris realized how wonderful his eyes were, they were hard to see with his shades on, but now...now she could see just how nice they were.

Again, Iris had to bring herself back to focus and continue her inspection, so she decided to ask a few questions to keep her mind on track. She pulled herself away a bit saying, "Your eyes look...wonderful...so are you sleeping well? Having any issues?" She asked as she placed her hands on the sides of his chest to feel his muscles and weight as she listened to his answer. Luckily she didn't really need him to expose his chest to get what she needed, besides Iris was worried if she could even handle seeing and touching his bare chest. Her hands ran down from his chest down to his sides, running up and down his sides and hips. While Iris' cheeks were starting to blush for touching him like this, she did notice that he was a bit underweight. "The minimum healthy weight for a Lucario is around 119.0 lbs., so you seem a bit underweight, but once we figure out what's a good diet for you then that should be taken care of, other then that you look perfectly healthy, just needing some food and nourishment." She told him staring at his sides and hips for a moment before forcing her eyes to look at his again, but her hands almost seemed to be stuck on him.
Jason was able to keep his focus on her and his trust of her in the ball it was bearable only because of this. He could deal with being in the ball cause he knew it was for the greater good and the need to be checked up to make sure that he wasn't hurt at all. He looked at Iris as he was out and nodded his head as he looked at her. "Now, um it is okay, I understand why you needed to do so, and I know that it is important that I am it is for my own good and also would help with the team too. I don't mind, I will do so for you when I need to," he said as he looked at her. He figured that he would be okay, he took care of himself in the wild as best as he could and he was a tough pokemon as well, or he thought he was at least.

He felt the metal thing against his chest as he breathed for her when she asked him too this part of the check out was nicer cause he wasn't in the pokemon as she did this. "It is okay don't worry about it is fine don't worry, this part is no problem for me in the least," he informed her as he looked into the eyes of the beautiful redheaded woman. His yellow eyes looked into her eyes as he blinked she was beautiful and he was sure his heart sounded well with how it was beating faster then normal by a degree or two. He looked at her as he listened to her questions, "yes, or none" he repeatedly said to her questions as he was having no problems at all. Feeling her hands against his chest felt nice her hands were soft it cause her to move closer to him she had such a nice scent. He looked at her as she looked into his eyes for the second time as he paused for a moment.

He suddenly reached out with his own hands and grabbed Iris and pulled her closer to himself and pressed his lips to her own lips kissing her passionately as he held her around her waist pulling her up onto his lap as he sat there, his lips continuing the kiss as he held her in his arms. He couldn't stop himself he was so attracted to his trainer, he wanted her, he wanted to be wit her, he wanted to know what it was like to be with a female, this female. It didn't matter to him that she wasn't a pokegirl, she was special and she was important already and had good heart. He pulled her close to himself letting the kiss go on as it deepened greatly with in a few moments before he broke the kiss looking at her for her reaction.
A surprised gasp escaped her lips feeling Jason suddenly grab her and pull her closer faster then she could register. Even more surprising was feeling his lips push against hers without warning. Iris' eyes widened feeling his sudden move and feeling his lips assaulting and overpowering hers easily in her moment of shock. Her cheeks blazed red as she whined into his lips, her hands pushing against his chest trying to break the kiss, but her arms felt weak against his passionate kiss. His lips were so warm and felt so good against her own soft lips. Iris found herself melting into his arms, unable to fight back anymore, even her eyes started to close to accept the kiss. She knew it was something she shouldn't be doing, not only where they in a hospital, but he was a Pokeboy and she was a human...wasn't it...wrong to do this?

Just before she could fully adjust to his advantage, she felt her entire face redden completely as he pulled her up onto the table to sit on his lap. For a split second she felt his knee brush up against her panties underneath her skirt making her moan into accidentally. She couldn't be more embarrassed feeling her legs were opened with his hips and sides between them. Her panties were against his crotch and her hands instinctively grabbed his shoulders. The deeper he made their kiss the harder it was to keep herself under control. She felt a strange feeling from his deep and passionate kissing and his body feeling so warm and ready against hers. It was harder and harder to resist Jason, it's been so long since she's felt a man kiss her like this...even if he was a Pokeboy...but more and more that fact about Jason become irrelevant.

Iris read that it wasn't abnormal that humans and Pokemon had more...intimate relationships before. Hell, even over hundred years ago, humans would marry pokeboys or pokegirls and it would be completely fine...so...was this something to be ashamed of or...something to embrace? Once their lips parted, Iris panted softly to catch the breath he stole from her, but her eyes never left his and her lips remained close, but untouched. It took her a few seconds to realize...this was something she wanted. Iris wanted to make Jason happy, and it was healthy for the both of them to do this...besides...she...found herself...aroused by him. He was so handsome and kind...how could she not want to be with him? Softly, Iris whispered his name just before she pushed her lips against his again. One hand moved from his shoulder to hold onto the back of his head, her fingers mixing into his long strands of blue hair while the other hand squeezed his shoulder. Iris took a risk and deepened the kiss enough to push her own tongue into his mouth to show him that she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her, closing her eyes tightly, moaning softly into his lips, while her entire face turned red.
Justin wasn't sure what Iris would do if she would reject him or not, he knew that she might not see it as proper to be with a pokeboy like himself. He felt his nerves get the better of himself as he looked her for the moments after he had kissed her unsure what was going to happen. He felt her press her lips against his own a moment later, there was something magical about him and the feeling of her lips against his own lips, it was to perfect really to be able to feel those soft lips against his own. His fingertips pressed against her back pressing against the back of her shirt as he continued to deepen the kiss with her. He loved the fact that it felt this good the fact that he connected on such a naturally deep level with Iris.

He looked at her and then broke the kiss as he took a deep breath catching his breath after the long kiss the look in his eyes as he looked at Iris showed his feelings his passion towards her as he continued to rube her back pressing his fingers into the soft fabric of her shirt. He grabbed the shirt as he pulled it quickly with a single motion up giving her enough room to enable him to pull it over her head and then off her body before he tossed it on the ground. It was a good thing they trusted Iris as he knew that would mean that a nurse wasn't going to walk in on them as they were their. He kissed the nap of her neck pressing his lips against the soft skin sucking on the sensitive spot for a moment knowing that it was amazing to be able to be this close to the redhead.

He continued to suck on her neck as he left a small mark, the Lucario was excited and he could feel his member pressing against his pants and as it pressed against his pants it also ended up pressing against her womanhood as he moved, rubbing all around against her covered womanhood as he moved his head away from her neck and smiled looking at her. He used his strength to turn her and put her on the countertop they were sitting on for his check up. He took his hands and pressed them against her shorts pushing them down as he left her in her underwear. Looking over her beautiful body he smiled as he kissed her his way up her legs from her ankles all the way to her lips each kiss close to the one before causing him to kiss a large part of her body before he kissed her lips.
Iris almost couldn't believe what she was doing, but it felt so wonderful to be this close to him and feeling the warmth of his lips against hers. She knew they only met earlier that day, but she couldn't resist him, he was so warm and the way his hands felt on her. Just feeling his lips against hers sent her into a bliss, her body just became his, she just couldn't say no. After giving up fighting against him, it felt so natural, so good...she wanted to feel more, but she wanted to enjoy each second that their lips were together. Time seemed to stop around them, she didn't know how much time has passed since they started their passionate kissing, but at the same time, Iris didn't care. Her back arched feeling his hands against it, chills ran down her spine feeling his fingers against her with only a fabric separating their bare skin from touching.

As their lips parted, Iris took the time to catch her breath and stared into his eyes. Iris didn't know what was going to happen after doing this, but one thing was for sure, she and Jason were going to be the closest a Pokeboy and human girl could be and...it was something beautiful. While she was embarrassed about how quickly he grabbed onto her blouse to pull it off of her, but finding herself wanting more, Iris pulled herself away enough to let him pull it off of her. Her large breasts hiding behind her white bra, just waiting to be taken off of her flawless body. Feeling his lips touching the nape of her neck, a shock of pleasure shot through her body. A embarrassed moan escaped her lips as her hands squeezed the back of his head and shoulder. Feeling his hot lips sucking on her sensitive skin made her body weak, Iris found herself letting go of him for a second to unhook her bra and let her breast free, letting her bra join her shirt on the floor.

Without her knowing it, Iris' neck turned red from his pleasurable sucking, marking her as his. With her eyes still close, Iris let out a surprised moan feeling something hard and warm against her sensitive area. Already her panties grew moist and dark, but just feeling he was just as aroused as she was made her so happy. Her fingers ran through his hair gently as she returned his smile, finding herself holding onto him tightly as he turned her to lay down on her back on the cold counter, letting him see her round supple breasts with their tiny soft nipples hardening from the cold and her own arousal. In embarrassment, Iris closed her eyes feeling his hands taking off her shorts down her thighs and legs to expose her wet panties to him. Feeling his lips kissing up her legs made more pleasure shoot through her body, his name escaped from her lips as his lips reached her thighs and up the rest of her body. Once his lips reached hers, Iris gave him a deep and passionate kiss, her legs opened so his hips were between her thighs. Her hands moved down to rub up and down his back, her fingertips reaching down his lower back and grabbing onto his tunic pulling it up slowly wanting it off of him.
Jason could feel Iris pulling his tunic up and didn't do anything to stop her and in fact helped her as he broke the kiss letting his tunic slide off as he tossed it over onto the floor next to the counter. He smiled as he looked at her body. He knew that he wanted her, he wanted to be with her, no other female nor pokegirl would ever make him feel the same feelings that were coursing though his whole body as he looked over the soft and curvy body Iris had. He smiled as he looked at her, "I am going to make love with you, my dear flower," he commented knowing that her own name was also that of a type of flower a beautiful flower that came in many colors and would bloom every spring. He was going to make life her spring and help her bloom fully.

Jason took his fingertips and move them to his pants undoing his pants he slipped them down as well as his boxers which enabled him to free up his member which he took into his own hand as he guided it to her womanhood. He pressed the head of his member into her feeling something, he looked and wasn't surprised that she had never been with a man before. He kissed her softly as he let his hands move her own hands interlacing his fingers with her own as he continued the kiss for a long moment. He then also pressed his member into he pressing hard and breaking her barrier taking her purity away from her all at the same moment. He held her hands tightly as he paused as he moved his lips from her lips down her neck once more before he moved his lips up to her ear, "tell me when you are ready," he whispered.

His body remained just above her own his chest pressing a tiny bit against her but he mostly was able to hold himself up as he was waiting for that moment. He knew that letting her get used to it most likely would make this so much better. This was also his first time, his trainer never tried to breed him with another pokegirl to get any kids to raise. He didn't want to be used for breeding, he knew that it happened a lot that pokeboys and girls made new pokemon, but he wasn't after that in that moment. He just wanted one woman, and she wasn't a pokegirl. He smiled as he looked at her, knowing that this was the woman he would support and fight for with all of his heart, and he would help make her the best.
Just feeling the heat in her face, Iris knew her cheeks were blazing red especially as Jason took a moment to look over her smooth firm body as she did the same for his chest, admiring each crease and detail in his fit chest. Never before has Iris thought about doing such a intimate thing with a Pokeboy, but now there was no one else she'd rather do this with then with him. She knew that Jason thought the same thing the moment her eyes stared into his. Hearing his comment sent chills down her spine and her cheeks blush even brighter for a moment. This was her first time...and if he wasn't a breeding Pokeboy before then this would be his too. Iris knew for girls their first time was painful, but she trusted Jason just as much as he trusted her. She'll push through the pain just for him.

She returned the smile he gave her with warmth in her eyes, "I want to make love to you too." She whispered with a bit of shyness for saying something so adult. Iris tried to relax, but the moment she felt his warm thick tip, her body tensed up a little from such a unexpected feeling. Already she could feel the resistance of her virginity pushing back his member from entering her. The stinging was already shocking her body just before he broke her, warning her of the pain that was to come. Jason's lips stealing her's took her mind off of the pain for a moment feeling her hands being stolen by his own. Her fingers feeling his slipping between them to comfort her tensed body. Iris closed her eyes, kissing Jason back slowly and softly letting her body relax underneath him. Feeling his lips leave her own to kiss her neck, Iris moaned softly exposing more of her neck to him. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered to her, taking her time for her body to feel ready for him.

His warmth and loving care of her make it easier for her to get ready for the moment he would penetrate her. She could feel how thick he was making her fear how much it would hurt her, but Jason wouldn't hurt her intentionally and he would try to make it stop if it was possible to do so. Besides, feeling how warm he was and the throbbing sensation that beat against her clit and the little that was inside of her was making her body want it more and more urgently. Her body grew relaxed knowing she couldn't keep him waiting for long along with her own need to feel him inside of her. Once Iris knew for sure she was ready, she took a soft breath and whispered into his ear, "Jason...I'm ready for you...I-I want you inside me..."
Jason looked at the woman who was telling him that she was ready for him to be one with her. He had never done this before, and was a bit nervous but he knew that this would work out somehow. He adjusted Iris as he pushed himself into her pressing against her barrier for a moment noting that she was in fact pure before he was with her. He pressed himself into her taking her and that purity away from his trainer. He held her around her waist firmly as he stopped though after he took her. He knew that it would take a moment or two for her to get used to having him inside of her. He also knew that it would take a moment or two for him to get used to having her tight walls squeezing his member as well.

He waited calmly for those moments before he got a signal that he could go on. He knew that he couldn't just take her moving up, he had to try things, he did though start off by bouncing Iris a bit on him as he used a great deal of upward force to press more of his member into her tight entrance. He could feel more and more of himself press into her by the moment. It was thrilling amazing, something that cause his heart to nearly burst with joy and desire and passion all at once. He held her around her waist still his hands pressing into her lower back as he worked more and more of himself into her till he about half way in to Iris with his thrusts. He looked at her his eyes and face showing his desire and how into the sex he was.

He then started to do something different he moved his hips back and forth so that his member would rub all over her as he did so. His shaft rubbing against all of the beautiful woman as he made sure to do this to increase the pleasure for both of the. It was great to feel is member rubbing and pressing against each inch of her inner wals stretching them a bit but also feeling different levels of tightness and tension because of his actions. He watched her watching to see how she reacted to each thing he did to her. He knew that if he didn't do this right, she wouldn't want to be with him again and they wouldn't get the chance to be one like this for a very long time which would really suck.
Feeling Jason slowly push himself deeper inside of her, Iris closed her eyes tightly as she whined and bit her lip from the pain. His thick member was pushing against her purity making a horrible stinging pain shoot through her entire lower body. The moment he broke through it, Iris pressed her face into his neck to cry out in pain, muffling her cries to keep anyone from coming to investigate. She panted hotly against his neck, feeling the pain linger as his length throbbed against her tight once pure walls. The pain was so intense, Iris could feel her eyes watering, but she sucked up the pain...she wanted to push through it...for him...even if her body was in total pain. To her surprise, only a few minutes later did this pain start to dull with the heat and hardness of his member penetrating her body, making her arousal want even more and ignoring the pain.

Once the pain faded completely, Iris pulled her face away from his neck to lay back on the counter and meeting his gaze with her eyes half closed and full of a new passion. She wanted to feel more, she wanted to feel him deeper, harder. Softly she gave him a nod to let him know it was okay for him to continue, letting him take her. Feeling him bouncing her body while holding firmly onto her waist, make soft hot moans escape her lips. Her breasts following the movement and bouncing with her as he pushed deeper into her vice tight walls. The deeper he pushed into her, the more she needed to have. Her heart was about to explode with all the joy and passion of seeing her beloved Pokeboy on top and inside of her. She couldn't get enough of the pleasure she felt from his length rubbing and throbbing against her sensitive and squeezing walls despite the stinging she was feeling from his member stretching her tightness. Iris looked deeply into his eyes, showing him that she shared the same love and passion that he felt for her as his own gaze sent chills down her spine.

Suddenly, Iris was given a new delightful pleasure by her Pokeboy. Her hands moved down his lower back, gripping him tightly like she was scared he would pull out of her too soon. She could feel his hips pulling back, but adding a new movement that made himself rub against her sensitive walls, feeling part of them growing use and stretching to his size easily. Iris moaned hotly, arching her back in pleasure feeling such a amazing sensation. The feeling was so intense, a feeling she's never felt before, but her body craved for more. She panted hotly in between moans feeling every inch of her heating up. Her toes curling and her legs squeezing his waist in pleasure. Wanting to pleasure him too, Iris pushed her own hips against his force pushing him a bit deeper into her, bringing their hips closer together as he rubbed himself against her walls. Iris couldn't get enough of him, she never wanted this to end.
The whole experience was amazing, he of course had never been with a woman before, and well Iris was the first woman or pokewoman that he had ever been with in his life. The feelings were new to him, and they were amazing disregardless of rather they were new feelings or old ones. He couldn't but enjoy having the beautiful woman as he knew if nothing else, this would show that he was in fine health as his stamina and physical prowess were both very impressive. He could feel his body push him forward after he knew that Iris was okay with him being with her. That the pain from him taking her own purity was gone, and that this was not going to harm her in any way shape or form.

He never wanted to harm Iris, that would in fact be the last thing he wanted to do. He pressed himself into her farther and farther more of his member slipping into her body. He could feel her walls press and squeeze at first very firmly but then with a more natural firmness as he could feel her loosen up for his own body a bit more. When this happened he could feel his member side in and out of the beauty so much easier, and the whole ordeal became so much easier for him as he was sure that it was more and more pleasurable for her as well. He felt her body start to react and work with his own, that was amazing by itself, how their bodies worked together was magical and only added to the vast learning experience this was with her.

Jason was able to use his strength and patients to work himself in long enough to slip his full member into Iris, after a while he managed it and now he just had to pick up his pace as he moved in and out of her with a great precision. Each movement time and worked to give Iris the most amount of pleasure that was possible from him, Using his member more like a professional then as a battering ram now. He could feel just how tight her whole womanhood was around his member tightening egging it on to help him hit his climax as if her body wanted his to fire off his precious seed into her at that moment. He could feel and hear comments to his actions as he was lost in a world of lust. It was only after a good few moments that he finally hit his climax.
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