(Vandesdelca and Kitty) Jin x Fuu

Jin followed Fuu slowly down the side of the hill, his steps quickening down the slope until he hit the bottom at a light job. Well, that was quite enough exercise for the day... He needed food, rest, and a nice hot bath -- it would slake most of the pain, he hoped. This would be an ideal place to lay low until the chaos back down south calmed down a little. They'd send word ahead, though, and they'd have to be careful about guards in the big cities... Edo would be a pain. Maybe they'd be better off circling back toward Nagasaki...

"This way," Jin said simply, keeping his pace level as he walked along both behind her and in front of her given that she was walking backwards. He overtook her in time and led her along the winding trail to the end of the village, off the beaten path and through a thicket of bamboo around the side of the would-be mountain. Steam started to fill the air, rocks providing a natural ring around the hot springs that soon became apparent as they wound their way around the bend.

"Here we are," Jin said softly, eyes hungrily drinking in the expanse of hot water. It would do a body good to sit there for a time, resting weary bones. "We can rest here," Jin said, reaching into his hakama pants and withdrawing the small bag he'd managed to keep hidden, filled with the coins he'd obtained when he'd saved that man from the Yagyu -- the guards had been interested in hurting Jin, after all, not stripping him of what little else he'd had. "... I still have a bit of money. In a bit, I'd like you to head into town to get me some clothes and food." After that... they'd be on their own and have to get money from odd jobs.

Such was life, he supposed.
Nothing could fully explain how excited Fuu felt when they rounded the bend and were soon staring down the large natural hot spring. Her eyes went wide and she took an excited step forward, wanting nothing more than to just jump in, clothes and all! She refrained, of course, and instead turned her excited gaze to Jin. She couldn't really seen any excitement in that stoic gaze of his, but she was willing to bet he was just as glad to be here as her, if not more so.

However... her stomach was growling again, and she was stuck with a choice. Throw her hunger to the wind and take a long, hot bath, or go and get what they needed then come back and relax for the rest of the day.

"Mmm..." She looked truly conflicted at this decision, but ultimately decided the latter sounded more appealing.

"Okay..! You get settled in then, and I'll be back!" As she spoke she took the small coin purse he was offering to her and left, a longing look coming over her as she cast the spring one last glance before turning and following the trail back out until she was in the small village. She didn't know her way around, but after asking where she could get some clothing, she soon found a small stand selling shirts for both men and women. While some of the women's clothing did strike her eye, she reminded herself she was here for Jin and ended up purchasing a deep blue top that very much resembled his old attire. After all, the only other optioned were red or brown, and neither of those colors seemed to suit the stoic samurai as well.

The shirt was wrapped in paper and then she was off. There wasn't much left after buying the shirt, though, and she knew that it would be smart to save what little money was left. So, stuffing the coin purse into her top, she took on a determined look and headed for food stand after food stand, using her 'girlish charm' to strike enough pity from the stand owners to soon have enough food for herself and Jin to eat their full. After all, very few of the stand owners were able to resist helping such a starving, cute girl!

The haggling took longer than she had expected, though, and she returned to the spring over an hour later. She came bearing his shirt and a basket full of dumplings, fish, and fruits, though! Plus one of the men was nice enough to giver her a medium sized bottle of sake. She wasn't a drinker, buuut she figured Jin might want some. Maybe she'd even try a sip?

"Jiiin~" She called out, her voice light and playful as she came pushing through the bamboo, one hand over her eyes and the other holding the goods in case he was, well, naked. This was a hot spring after all.

"You decent?" She asked, stumbling over a few rocks but catching herself as she made her way towards the spring, peeking barely between her fingers just so she could see vaguely where she was going.
Jin sucked in a deep breath as Fuu agreed to fetch their supplies -- he was trying not to show it, but he was near the limit of his endurance. He could have taken the smoke inhalation, he could have taken the torture, he could have taken the starving or the long walk between villages... but one right after another with nothing but fevered, fitful rest in the interim? It had pushed him further than he'd been pushed before. The fact that his life had previously been relatively cushy in a dojo didn't prepare himself for all of this.

But he never showed it, and even as she disappeared into the thicket, Jin calmly and steadily removed his attire, ending with his glasses folded neatly on his pants. His frame was thin, perhaps just slightly underfed, and slowly Jin settled down into the water. He did not hiss nor even grit his teeth, simply letting the hot water wash over him and seep into every inch of his body. Ahhh... it would only have been better had he a cup of tea and a bowl of scallion and tofu miso soup... His stomach growled, and he sighed to himself.

"What have you gotten yourself into," he murmured aloud to himself, his arms spreading across the back of the rocks as he allowed himself a brief moment to relax.

At some point, the samurai awoke -- twenty, thirty, forty minutes, Jin could not be sure for how long he had slept. But Fuu was not back yet, so it couldn't have been too long. He pulled himself out of the water, feeling momentarily refreshed, and went searching for his pants. Which was right about when he heard his name being called. His heart skipped a beat and he pulled his pants over himself just when her head poked out of the bamboo, hiding her eyes. Well, that was fortuitous.

"One moment," Jin said, pulling his pants on as she drew nearer. "Alright," he confirmed, his gray eyes flashing down to the supplies -- a shirt, dumplings, fish, and fruit. And sake. Well then. "... you managed to buy all of that?" he asked, reaching back to tie his hair back once more, wet and limp across his bare back as it was just then.
Fuu kept her hand firmly over her eyes until he confirmed that it was safe for her to look, at which point she reluctantly removed her hand from her squinted eyes. As if she were scared he maybe wasn't REALLY dressed for some reason. Once she saw he was in his pants, though, she let out a relieved sigh and plopped down beside the hot spring, eying it from the corner of her vision, wanting badly to strip and hop in, but... well.. she realized that it was just one large spring, and there was really nowhere for her to hide herself from his view.

She tore her mind off of that though when she heard Jin's question, her gaze snapping over to him as a mischievous smile slowly played across her lips. "Nope~ I only bought the shirt." She smirked, offering him said shirt before reaching into the folds of her own top and pulling out the small coin purse. The sound of coins dingled as she tossed the bag to Jin. It was his, after all.

"I used my feminine charm to get the rest free. Figured we should try and save as much as possible, right? Oh, and I tried to get the shirt that looks most like the one you were wearing before.." Fuu turned to face the basket now, sliding the thing so it was in between herself and Jin before snatching a stick of dumpling and moving to kick her sandals off. She hadn't sat down sense they started to walk that morning, and her feet were killing her! So she settled for hiking up her skirt a bit and slipping her small, sore feet into the water, letting out an audible sigh of relief before taking a bite of the dumplings.

"Mmm~!" She closed her eyes as the dumpling all but melted in her mouth, her body slouching forward further as the heat radiated from her feet and throughout her body, her empty belly settling as she munched at the dumplings.
Jin caught the little bag of coins with his natural ease and slipped it away, apparently energy having worked its way back into his limbs after a short nap in the hot spring. He felt vaguely dizzy for it, but that was only to be expected and was even now clearing up in the relatively cool morning air -- it was not even noon yet, after all.

"Thank you, Fuu. This works well," Jin said as he pulled on the brand new, slightly itchy shirt. It was perhaps not as high quality as his old one, but that was just fine -- it didn't need to be. It was comfortable enough (and would become even moreso as he wore it out) and serviceable, and perhaps that was all he wanted from it. So clothed, Jin stepped closer to Fuu and settled there on the stone, legs crossed and back ramrod straight.

He did his best to ignore the implications -- purposeful or not -- of her using "feminine charms" to get their food, and was instead grateful that they actually had food. He collected some of the fish, eating a good bit of that and chasing it with dumplings and fruit before he allowed himself another moment to breathe and talk. His world was coming back to him, feeling rested, fed, and warm, and there even seemed to be a slight bit more color to his skin now that he was contented.

"Surprisingly good food," he commented idly as he reached for the small jug of sake, looking it over. He did enjoy a drink every now and again, though too much would put his ass rather firmly on the floor... He uncorked it, taking a cursory sniff of the rice wine.

He turned his gaze onto Fuu, presenting the jug to her. "Would you care for some, Fuu?" he asked. He wondered if she had ever had sake before -- he somewhat doubted it, and there was quite a bit too much there for just him to drink.
"You're welcome.." She murmured, feeling weird saying that when she knew she still should be thanking HIM instead. After all, deep down, she felt as though all of this was her fault. If she had just been more careful at the tea house and not spilled all over the governor's son, well, Jin wouldn't have had to have interfered. He wouldn't have been arrested or tortured, and he'd probably be a lot happier right now. She did her best to shake the thought from her mind, though, instead thinking of why she was here, and pouting a little when she realized she had forgotten to ask anyone in town if they had heard of the man she was looking for.

She considered getting up and going back into town to do just that, but she was quite comfortable right here where she was.

As they ate, Fuu was guilty of stealing small, curious glances over at him. He certainly appeared to be in better health now. His skin was less grey, and he seemed to have more strength. Not that he had allowed himself to look particularly weak in the first place, but he just seemed to have a healthier vibe to him now.

She nodded at his comment on the food, opening her mouth to talk only for her train of thought to fade as he offered her the sake.

It was true that she had never had any before. She gave it a curious glance, looking uncertain. She WAS thirty after all those dumplings, though, so maybe she'd just drink enough to wash it down.

"Weelll... okay, thanks," She accepted the jug, bringing it to her nose to sniff as well only to wince a little at the burning scent. It didn't SMELL amazing, but she shrugged and titled her head back, taking a rather large swig, as if she were drinking water. Only the burning sensation of the alcohol going through her made her quickly realize it was nothing like water, and with a grimace, she quickly shoved the container back into Jin's hands and stuck out her tongue, her nose scrunched up in obvious distaste.

"Yuck!" Fuu immediately wished she had managed to get some water instead, the burning sensation landing in the pit of her stomach, the warmth instantly spreading. Really, the warmth wasn't bad. It was the dry taste that got her disapproval; a taste most liked. What she DIDN'T know was that she was supposed to SIP the stuff, not take a swig like she had done.
Jin had the good grace to actually outright wince when she tipped the entire jug back, taking a hearty swig of something that was traditionally served in a cup that would only hold about one and a half ounces of the drink. Her reaction was expected, and Jin took the jug back from her with a small chuckle -- perhaps the first time she had heard such from him. He settled the jug down on the ground, favoring Fuu with a thin smile.

"You are supposed to sip," Jin advised mildly, picking up the jug once more as if to demonstrate to her. He took a brief sip of the rice wine, though it was not long before he took a second sip. It was not particularly good sake, but he had had occasion to try particularly good types in the past. They were rare occasions, true, but it was the kind of flavor and texture that stayed with you for quite a while...

However, it was still not bad and he was grateful to have the alcohol. He had had a hard couple of days, after all, and it did much to soothe that, mixed with the healing effects of the hot spring. Yes, things were indeed starting to look up.

The warmth likewise settled into the pit of his own stomach, a welcome heat that nestled into his body and started to spread. Yes, after a meal, a nap, and a drink he was starting to feel like a new man.
Of all times to chuckle, and even SMILE, this had to be it! She pouted a little, again sticking her tongue out at the lingering taste left on her tongue as Jin went about nonchalantly telling her she was supposed to sip. "Jeez, thanks for telling me sooner!" She watched him take sips from the jug, as if showing her how it was done, but she was done with the stuff.

Huffing, she stood to go and sit elsewhere, but that was a mistake It seemed that standing so suddenly only helped quicken the alcohol affecting her brain, and before she knew it, she was landing flat on her butt, her head feeling light and airy, her vision a tad blurred as she sat there, looking a bit surprised for a moment as she stared at Jin. Only she wasn't really looking at him; she was focused on the fact that he was doubled now, making her giggle a little to herself as a strange feeling overcame her.

It was like all her senses were numbing, and the disgusting taste on her tongue was beginning to simply go unnoticed.

"Wooow!" She chimed, her face already a light shade of pink. "Th-.. that stuff's kinda strong.." That, and she had no tolerance for alcohol it seemed.
"I had hoped you knew," Jin said with an uncharacteristically light note to his voice. He supposed that living and working in a rural tea house might limit one's knowledge to certain parts of culture... the proper consumption of sake was perhaps one of those things. Then again, this was hardly proper without an ochoko at the very least. But it would do. He set down the jug just as he saw her standing quickly, and he was yet lucid enough to move quickly.

He reached over swiftly, taking a knee as he kept her from possibly smashing her drunk head to the ground, slowly letting her go a moment later as he sat back, his head swimming just slightly. "It is," Jin agreed as he took another sip of the sake. Warmth flourished and blossomed and worked its way throughout his entire body. He did not have the flush in his cheeks that she did (yet), but a faint shadow passed over his eyes.

Jin was not such a heavyweight either, and perhaps it was a poor idea to be drinking when they had enemies not so far behind them. But that was forgotten as a thick cotton blanket of inebriation gently folded Jin and Fuu up. He let out a deep breath, leaning back as the alcohol coursed through his veins. Bliss.
Perhaps it was shameful that it wasn't even noon and the pair were already getting drunk, but considering the night they had had, it was doubtful that many would judge them for wanting to kick back and relax.

Speaking of relaxing, Fuu again found her eyes focused on the steaming hot spring water, the desire to just hop in feeling stronger than ever before. In that moment, she kind of forgot that Jin was sitting right there. Or maybe the part of her that would have been embarrassed at the thought was currently drowned out by the alcohol? Either way, Fuu found herself grinning from ear to ear, staggering yet again to her feet and taking a wobbly step towards the spring, giggling to herself when she almost fell right over but managed to balance herself out.

"It looks s-soo relaxing.." She sighed, sounding like just standing so close to the spring with the steam kissing her skin was enough to sooth her small body.

But she was soon doing more than just standing there. With her sandals already off, she began to disrobe, even humming playfully as she untied the sash around her waist and shrugging the pink cloth off, revealing her body to the man sitting almost DIRECTLY behind her.

Even clothed, it had been obvious she was petite, but with the layers of clothing off it was clear just HOW petite she was. Everything about her was slender, her legs and rear thin but tight, with a definitely gap between her dainty thighs. She even went as far as to let her hair down, the honey brown hair falling over the back of her thin neck and hanging just over her shoulders.

Inching forward a bit more, she began to move into the hot water, lowering herself slowly, gasping a little at the heat as it overcame her. It was pleasant, though, and soon she was sitting in the water, which went up to her shoulders.
Jin sat in repose for long moments, merely letting the feeling of drunkenness wash over him. his hands leveled out against the ground as he leaned back, taking in the warmth of the early day sun, the light breeze that swept his hair just slightly, the way the leaves rustled oh-so-faintly in the distance. It was a heavenly place to be, as calm and serene as any vaunted holy land.

All serenity was blown away like leaves in a windstorm as he heard the very faint rustling of fabric by the spring, of that young lady up and disrobing in front of him. He sucked in a deep breath, the barest hiss when he saw her bare her slender shoulders and back to him, the samurai sitting up more abruptly as he watched the robe slither to the ground. His eyes raked down appreciatively across her back to her tight rear end, down her delicate legs -- another man might have found her thin and gangly, but Jin...

He cleared his throat, as if to get her to listen, but that quiet sound di hardly anything in comparison to the water that sloshed about as she ducked down into it. Jin took a small swig of the sake -- hardly proper etiquette, but that could be addressed by more sober minds, and slowly he stood. His footing was steady despite the fact that his head swam. As much as it did not belabor his stance just then, it certainly affected his hands and his judgement, slender hands undoing the tie on his shirt before going down to his pants.

His more rational mind thrown into a stupor, Jin disrobed entirely. There was not even the tiniest scrap of fat upon his body, the samurai thrown into a sharp relief of thin lines and harsh angles. He was lean and sharp, with just the slightest curve in the way he stood... one might have thought him the very human embodiment of a katana in that, which seemed horribly appropriate. His body rippling with velvety muscle, athletic but more wire than width, Jin made his way over to the side of the spring and slowly sank into it beside Fuu.

"Ahh~," Jin whispered, taking in the heat as he submerged himself fot the second time that day.
Fuu relaxed completely against the smooth stones that made up the back of the spring, her head lulled back over the edge and her eyes closed as her face became more red and warm. She felt as though she could fall asleep there, her body melting as if she were butter on a heated pan. She snapped back to consciousness when she heard the sloshing of the water beside her, her eyes flickering open and glancing to the side to spot non other than the stoic samurai now sitting in the water beside her, no doubt butt naked.

While normally she'd squeak in horror at the fact that she was no sitting naked next to an equally naked man, her mind was not functioning as it normally would, and so instead of squealing and covering her eyes Fuu found herself scooting over to Jin and smirking somewhat drunkenly, her slender arm wrapping around his own thicker arm with a small giggle from girl. For a moment, she simply admired how strong his arm felt. It was hard with muscle, though not bulky. Her hands rubbed up and down his arm, which was now pinned between her hands and her naked side.

"Mm~ Wow, yo--you know," She hiccuped a little mid sentence, making her giggle. "You're pretty good l-.. looking!"

Along with the numbness in her mind and the relaxing heat that soaked her body, she was aware of a DIFFERENT kind of heat building inside of her as her hands stroked his arm, but soon slid up to his shoulder, admiring his seemingly perfect body. Again, something she'd be too scared to do if common sense was working for her right now.
Jin may have been a stoic soul -- the type of man who never truly revealed what he was thinking... but it was also true that he was a man. He wasn't some predatory horndog, but he certainly appreciated the softness of the female body, and had paid for the pleasure on more than one occasion -- a contributor to his typical lack of funds. Such was all well and good in Japan, after all.

His eyes flicked down to Fuu, gunmetal gray gaze slowly dragging along the paleness of her shoulders, down to where her more womanly assets were lost in the steam and the water. he leaned over just slightly as she suddenly pulled close to him, her slender arms wrapped tightly around his own, corded with thin but very powerful muscle. "You're very pretty, Fuu," Jin murmured softly, his tone more even but just ever-so-slightly slurred.

The arm she was wrapped around suddenly shifted, moving to wrap around her slender waist, forcing her body to turn more towards his own as his hand -- smooth in places, firmly calloused in others -- slowly slid up the long, smooth expanse of her back. He shuddered ever so slightly, something stirring beneath the water as her body tantalized his own, his shaft growing rigid in the hot water.
A genuine blush deepened over Fuu's face when Jin told her she was pretty. Maybe she was more on the tipsy side, but she was still new to this whole situation. Plus, any girl liked to hear she was pretty, especially given the situation. Thought it might have been more meaningful if they hadn't been drinking, Fuu wasn't thinking about that. Instead, she was focused on him. The way he turned her to face him, with his other hand slowly gliding up her soft, warm back. She giggled a little at the way his calloused fingers seemed to tickle her, instinctively moving closer to him with her nude body now pressed against his side and her arms sliding down from his shoulders.

One hand slid down his own strong, smooth back while the other sensually slipped down his front. Her movements were rather clumsy, even more so than if she wasn't drunk, but what was the fun in perfection anyways?

Her hand slid down his strong chest, over the faint abs, and further under the water, her doe brown eyes watching as her hand disappeared. Suddenly, her hand struck something, and after curiously rubbing her hand over it, she recognized it to be his growing erection.

She jumped a little when she realized what she had her hand on, gasping softly and drawing her hand back as her eyes quickly looked up at him, as if asking him if this was okay with her expression alone. Touching him in such a place seemed to sober her up a tiny bit, but not enough to make her want to stop. In fact, she found herself nibbling curiously at her bottom lip, her own body beginning to ache for attention as well now that she knew he was becoming aroused.
Jin's breathing grew slightly shallower, sallow cheeks gaining a slight tinge of red. From inebriation, from the heat of the springs, or from the way Fuu pressed herself against him just then, it would have been impossible to tell. He glanced down between them, feeling her soft, fairly small breasts pressing against the side of his body. His gray eyes raked over her openly, down her flat stomach before it all disappeared under the foggy hot spring water.

"Ngh," he muttered under his breath as he felt her hand touch upon his erection, long and thick enough to just slightly poke out of the water from the way he sat there. His eyes met hers, and in that moment he nodded very briefly, as if to give her permission to do whatever she liked with him.

His own hand slid alongside one of her sides, sliding upward to gently take one of her breasts in hand, the soft flesh filling his palm as he gave her a slight squeeze. His fingers came together, tugging just slightly on her rosy nipple before his other hand slid around. She was a slender lady, and his arm was long, allowing his arm to slide around her entirely and bring his willowy hand down under the water, between her legs.

It was a gentle, almost featherlight touch as his calloused fingertip pressed against her feminine bud, gently probing her womanhood...
The look and the nod he gave her was enough to tell her everything she needed to know; she could do what she wanted with him. So, glancing back down to his lap where his cock head could be seen poking out of the water, her small hand reached down. It slid down his abdomen and to his erection, this time her fingers grazing more boldly against the rigid skin.

She felt his hand pawing at her breast, then, making her body shiver and earning a small mewl from the virgin, who had never before been touched in such a way. Just then, those gentle fingers of hers wrapped around the base of his erection, with Fuu groaning a little under her breath when she realized just how girthy his cock was.

She remained sitting up on her knees beside him in the water as she experimented, making it easier for him to reach around her, trapping her in his arms as her reached behind and beneath her. His fingers were so long, stretching easily between her slender thighs and tickling up against her womanhood. She gasped then, eyes widening a little and hand twitching around the base of his shaft.

Of course, she didn't want to stop. That was the last thing on her mind as she glanced up into those steely eyes of his, her breath coming out a bit ragged now and her face flustered.

She didn't say a word, instead acting on instinct as her hand began to slowly pump his rigid erection, her hips hesitantly pressing down against his fingers, but just enough for him to get a mere lick of his tight her body was, her lower lips alone hugging his fingertips snugly.
Jin leaned back against the edge of the hot spring, digging into the stones there as his eyes fluttered closed. Then there was just sensation, filtered and magnified by the drink... There was the soft touch of her hand 'round the base of his shaft, constricting, squeezing, sliding so smoothly around his cock... Jin let out a low groan, a bare exhalation of pleasure as she stroked him.

His long fingers plunged deeper, feeling her warm walls wrap tight around his probing digits, two fingers gently spreading her as they slid further into her inviting body. The rest of his hand pressed firmly against her left thigh, fingers starting to properly piston in and out of her, testing her, stretching her, preparing her for what was to come in the following minutes...

Jin's eyes slowl opened once more, his body pressing to hers as he slowly moved them around, pushing her back against the edge of the hot spring and changing places entirely with her. His lips suddenly pressed to hrs, the kiss clumsy but impassioned as his tongue slid into her mouth. He had scarcely known the pleasures of a woman, and something about all of this... be it the alcohol or her body... was simply driving the samurai wild.

His hips flexed, driving his cock into her hand as he begged for her to sate him the way he tried to sate her, his calloused thumb coming around to try and find her clit, rubbing into her lips as he sought to elicit the same sort of groan from her as she had from him.
Fuu cringed a little at first when his fingers finally penetrated her, her pussy tight and throbbing around his two digits as he pressed them deep into her virgin cunt. She let out a small, hardly audible whimper, her hand twitching around his cock as she adjusted to the intrusion. Tipsy as she was, she could feel every bit of what he was doing to her, and while it was a foreign feeling to her, she had to admit that she liked the way his fingers stroked her inner walls. And his fingers were so long, reaching far into her each time he polling his hand up against her, earning a visible shutter from her.

Before she knew it, though, he had repositioned them. She found herself sitting on her butt with her back now to the wall, with him looming over her, fingers really digging into her now and his hips grinding lustfully against her hand. She arched her neck back to look up at him, lips parting to let out a small, pleasured whimper at the way he was fingering her just as he leaned down and pressed his lips to her own.

Being her first kiss AND with how she too was drunk, the kiss was sloppy and clumsy from both ends, but in the moment it felt very passionate. She lifted her free hand to loop around the back of his neck, pulling him down closer to her so she could better return to kiss, enjoying the taste of sake from his lips and tongue far more than she had from the jug.

And that's when she felt it. His thumb, calloused and rough, pressed up between her pussy lips and ground against her clit. Her body jolted a little when he did so, her legs opening wider as she broke the kiss to let out a small, airy moan. In response, she began to stroke his cock a bit faster, from tip to base each time, her thumb stroking the tip of his cock each time her hand reached his head.
Jin's breathing hitched in his throat as his fingers plumbed her depths, sliding into her warm, tight pussy and testing her -- preparing her, perhaps, for what was surely to come next... His lips pressed firmly against hers, his kiss as sloppy and passionate as hers was just then, though perhaps he was more sure of himself than she was, and perhaps he was a little more experienced... He pressed himself close, the harsh lines of his pale body pressing hard against the gentle curves and smooth skin that made up Fuu's delectable form.

"Ngh... very good," Jin whispered as her hand stroked his cock incessantly, his thumb doubling down upon her little clit, eyes glinting as he slowly withdrew his questing fingers from her soaking snatch. He pressed her firmly against the side of hte hot spring, his arms coming up beneath her legs and lifting her into the air, settling her on the edge of the hot tub before he leaned over her form. There was the smallest smile upon his thin lips as he leaned over her, settling the thickness of his shaft brush aainst her lower lips.

There was no asking if she was ready, at least not vocally -- he gribbed the base of his cock, bringing it back so as to rub the head of his shaft against her opening, begging entrance...
Fuu released his cock the moment he took his fingers out of her and lifted her to sit on the ledge of the hot spring. Her wide, brown eyes stared warmly up at him as he moved now so he was between her legs, her breath coming out in short, sharp pants at this point. They both knew what was to come, but the small smile Jin wore was enough to comfort Fuu into knowing she wanted this. She had to loose her virginity at some point, so, instead of LOSING it, why not GIVE it to the man whom had saved her life? Plus, he was extremely attractive, even if he was reserved and calculating.

So, when she felt his head rubbing against her lower lips, she didn't feel panic like she thought she would. She felt, instead, a strange eagerness. Her breathing quivered and she scooted herself a little closer to him, lifting her legs to wrap them around his thin waist to both bring them closer and ensure that she wouldn't fall.

Her actions caused his head to press a bit firmly against her entrance, her brow furrowing a bit and lips parting to make way for a gasp at just how thick he was compared to hos tight she herself was. Thanks to his fingers loosening her up a bit and making her nice and wet, his head did slowly sink a half inch or so inside of her, causing her body to tense and her cunt to clench around him like a vice.
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