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Cultural Appropriation

Is it racist for a white woman to wear box braids?

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As far as the topic of cultural appropriation, there seems to be a misunderstanding here. Immersing oneself in a different culture is not appropriation. Liking animu and tea ceremonies and eating sushi isn't appropriation. Neither is wearing dreads or braids. In fact appropriation itself isn't necessarily negative. It's misappropriation that can be harmful. Susan Scafidi, law professor at Fordham University, defines cultural appropriation as this:

“Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts without permission. This can include unauthorized use of another culture's dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols, etc. It is most harmful when the source community is a minority group that has been oppressed or exploited in other ways or when the object of appropriation is particularly sensitive, e.g. sacred objects.

Exploring cultures and intertwining them is not bad. There is NOTHNG wrong with that. Taking credit for something which was borrowed from another culture is what's harmful. For example: Rock n' roll music is often thought to be invented by American whites when it was actually American blacks that pioneered that musical sound. And while that is seemingly insignificant, it also means a part of African American culture was taken from them because record executives chose to have white recording artists replicate the sound of black musicians, all for the reason that it was once undesirable to have black artists be popular and accepted within society. And while plenty of black artists are popular and well-received today, it doesn't reverse the effect of actions made 60 years ago.

Normally costumes, especially on Halloween, are innocent. Bur if you have to ask yourself whether a costume that mocks a certain culture is offensive, it probably is. Donning mockery form of traditional wear with no regard for its cultural significance or value is a little bit insulting to those cultures and is often considered misappropriation. 'Sexy' Native American princess, 'sexy' geisha, a white guy dressing as a black slave, etc. BECAUSE these have been minority groups that have been historically exploited and treated poorly by the American majority.

And because I'm an immigrant Asian American and part Japanese, I feel comfortable saying that the reason Asian Americans were offended was because the costume has no context within the song, it wasn't even traditional looking in the slightest, and the backup dancers were made up to look Asian with mongoloid eyes. During the performance, it was all very stereotypical with hand together and bowing and scurrying around. I personally didn't care for the costume and dancing regardless of the inaccuracy. I did, however, find the "yellowface" (as its so called) to be a little bit disturbing. I mean was there a point to make white dancers look Asian? Couldn't she have just hired more Asian dancers? There was also no distinct culture she was trying to honor... It was more a mish-mash of Japanese and Chinese elements put together in a performance. And while that doesn't bother me, I can understand how it could have bothered other Asians who saw their culture as, once again, misportrayed by the entertainment industry for the sake of entertainment.


And someone telling you that you can't do something because you're a white male isn't racism at all. Lol. It's ignorance, but not racism.
Ariamella said:
And someone telling you that you can't do something because you're a white male isn't racism at all. Lol. It's ignorance, but not racism.

Had you not made that comment I'd have just sniffed and moved on.

Let me challenge you this way:

"I'm not giving you this job because you're a black female." That would be called a racist and sexist comment. The statement strongly implies reasoning based solely on both racial stock and gender. The law (and activists) would charge you for racism.

"I'm not giving you this job because you're a white male." This is not racist, but simply ignorance? Sorry, no. By the strict definition of racism, using a person's race as a means to discriminate or deny is what defines racism. That the person is Caucasian instead of African-American is irrelevant. Likewise, gender was also given as a reason for denial, so the rules of gender discrimination also apply - it is again irrelevant that the person is male and not female.

I'm sorry, Aria - but implying that it's okay to discriminate against white males (as you've done in your statement above) just makes you part of the overall problem.

If you want racism stamped out, then it must be stamped out for ALL races, regardless of their stock - otherwise racism still exists. If you want gender discrimination stamped out, then it must be stamped out for ALL gender types, regardless of whether they are male, female, or something else - otherwise gender discrimination still exists.

You cannot demand equality, then give exceptions.
Sync said:
I'm sorry, Aria - but implying that it's okay to discriminate against white males (as you've done in your statement above) just makes you part of the overall problem.

I made that comment in reference to another post on this thread that was immediately replied to in the post just before mine. Here is the specific statement:

As Day Fades said:
I am a straight white male. I often hear I cannot say or do ______ because of my skin color, gender or sexuality. Is that not how we define racism/sexism? I'm not saying the world is the exact same for me as it is for all others, nor that it should be. Nor that I have some latent desire to go blackface or what have you. There's certainly lines you can cross that go into being disrespectful. But this hypersensitivity nonsense can kiss my black ass(which is a fun saying that's come out of African-American culture, I don't care what skin color you are :)).

I said what I said in response to the above comment, about how it's racist/sexist to tell white males they can't say or do things outside of their culture because it's 'not theirs,' not because I'm trying to discriminate against whites (which is what we were originally talking about and what my post was about--cultural appropriation). I am well aware that denying employment based on race or gender is racist/sexist, thank you.

However, me going up to a black/white/Hispanic person and saying they can't wear kimonos or yukatas because it's my thing and not theirs isn't racism. I'm not oppressing anyone by telling them they shouldn't wear my people's clothing for cultural correctness. Just like a white American person telling me that I shouldn't like baseball because it's part of their culture and not mine isn't racist. It's incredibly stupid, but not discriminatory.

It wasn't my intention to imply that it was okay to discriminate against white males. Anyone telling any person that they can't say or do something for the sake of cultural correctness isn't racist/sexist, but I had used 'white male' because it was already brought up as an example. I hope this cleared things up for you.
That does clear it up, yes. Thank you.

However, I'm still going to respectfully disagree with you.

If I, as a White Australian Male, find I like Japanese culture and "traditional" dress to the point of dressing in it, who are you to tell me that I cannot wear it, even though I might prefer Japanese Cultural attire over Western attire? Why should I not be allowed to wear clothing I feel comfortable in even though it is not natively part of "my" culture? It might be ridiculous, yes - but on whose part? Mine for wearing it, or yours for getting yourself in a twist over whose culture it belongs to?
Sync said:
However, I'm still going to respectfully disagree with you.

If I, as a White Australian Male, find I like Japanese culture and "traditional" dress to the point of dressing in it, who are you to tell me that I cannot wear it, even though I might prefer Japanese Cultural attire over Western attire? Why should I not be allowed to wear clothing I feel comfortable in even though it is not natively part of "my" culture? It might be ridiculous, yes - but on whose part? Mine for wearing it, or yours for getting yourself in a twist over whose culture it belongs to?

I never said liking other cultures was wrong, and I expressed so in my very first post.

"Immersing oneself in a different culture is not appropriation. Liking animu and tea ceremonies and eating sushi isn't appropriation. Neither is wearing dreads or braids. In fact appropriation itself isn't necessarily negative... Exploring cultures and intertwining them is not bad. There is NOTHNG wrong with that."

When did I ever say it was wrong? In fact, I encourage people to always explore different cultures and lifestyles. If you want to dress in a yukata, then by all means, please do so. If you want to start learning Korean because you love the Korean culture, then go for it! That's great.

In my previous post in which I clarified what I meant, both of those situations--me telling a non-Japanese person they can't wear traditional clothing, and an American telling me I can't like baseball--were purely hypothetical and only used as examples to show how ridiculous both of them were. And regardless of which side is 'more ridiculous' (which I had never made a case of), my only point was that it wasn't racist to tell someone to stay in their own cultural lane. I never said I supported this kind of mindset, and I'm sure the comments from my first post establish that.

It would be rather hard for me to tell people to stay in their own cultural lane considering I'm Filipina-Japanese and also an Asian American, therefore being part of more than one culture, and have had issues with cultural identity. I also like reading and learning about other cultures; I would never actually tell anyone not to learn about another culture simply because it's not theirs.
Princess Pittooey said:
Absinthresher said:
I didn't even both reading the rest of this thread after a point because I've already seen enough videos by Sargon of Akkad, TL;DR and a few others to already understand that this is stupid, white-shaming nonsense.

I'm a 24 year old white male who is racist in so far as I fucking hate every single one of y'all to the point where I'd rather eat a bucket of cryonic death than suggest that there might be something good about you (Unless I happen to like you, which is rare). So far as I've seen, society as a whole is become socially retarded with Feminists screaming "MISOGYNY!" at the drop of a hat and anyone who isn't as white as the driven snow screaming "RACIST!" when they don't get their way.

Honestly, the only "Cultural appropriation" that I can't get behind is taking ceremonial items from certain cultures, items which are generally impractical, and using them in day to day life for no other reason than to seem edgy or some shit.

That being said, anyone remember that fruitcake Bonita Tindle and her "righteous outrage" at the young white guy for his wearing dreadlocks which she claims African people invented? Yeah, that's my argument. Cloudcuckoolanders like that getting to say what white people can and cannot wear because their culture 'invented it'. By the by, dreadlocks have been worn by a very large number of other cultures dating far back in history and not just with African people.

Honestly, this seems to be a primarily American problem (Lesser extent, Canadian too) because somewhere along the way, African people have become victims in the country they live in. White people didn't invent slavery, we were just the last people to do it on such a massive scale. I've seen more racist shit from African people in general media (MTV I'm looking at you, you daft cunt) than I've seen from White people since the 1960s.

"Can't be racist because of institutionalized privilege" my ass. Because colored people can't run for congress or be in positions of power EVER. Amirite?

Are you talking about people from Africa or Black Americans?

Regardless, talking about us all together is basically the same thing the SJWs do about Cis white males. If you don't like it, probably shouldn't do it to another group of people either. I could care less what other people do or wear. I know it's a surprise, but one person does not speak for all of us. My entire opinion on the matter was basically "Yeah, wearing dreads is bad because it looks bad on everyone."

I and many others were fortunately raised to not victimize ourselves the entire way of our lives. I was taught that things will be harder for me because I am a black woman in this country, but never that I couldn't succeed. White cis gender privilege may not exist, but ignorance certainly does and ignorance has no color. Like it or not, straight white males are in more favorable positions from the moment they are born, and now that you have tasted the tiniest bit of prejudice from non straight, white males, you are enraged about it.

My first encounter with actual racism was at 9 years old. I was sitting out in my driveway with my father while we were having a yard sale and a truck of white males rolled down their window and shouted "NIGGERS" as loud as possible as they drove away.

Do I think all white people are racist because that happened to me? No. Unless you have specifically said or done something racist, such as speaking derogatorily against another group, the worst you can be is ignorant. I agree that racist is a term that is over used when 80 percent of the time people are just being stupid and not realizing the significance of their words, actions, or beliefs because they have never been in another persons shoes.

This includes when white people call blacks racist. A lot are ignorant, but not racist.

Well, fair point on that. I meant Black Americans, I usually use the term "Africans" because it feels weird for me to say "Black People". Not sure why. So yeah, I apologize for being a shitass and doing exactly what I was bitching about. And I did mean Black Americans.

More like I'm enraged by the fact that people are being massive hypocrites in the stupidest way possible. I don't care if people are racist towards me, so long as they realize they're fucking racist towards me. Saying "I have more privilege than everyone cause I'm white, male and CIS" makes my teeth itch. I'm on fucking social assistance and I can't even relate to most people, yet I apparently have more privilege than everyone who isn't white? Really?

They way toward equality isn't "Oh, they had THEIR turn, so now it's OUR turn". It's acceptance, and I've met few black people in my life but most of them have been extremely unaccepting. That being said, I do know one black guy who is awesome, but that's the thing. I know one black guy who is awesome, and the rest I have met have been assholes.

That being said, a lot of white people I know are assholes. Like... 80% of the people I've ever met... so... yea.

I'm not saying all blacks are racist, I'm saying the racist blacks are racist. Simple as that. If you're judging someone, saying they are "This" and "That" because of their skin color, and you make a public point of saying "These people are this things because of their skin color", then you are being racist.
czybysco said:
As Day Fades said:
I am a straight white male. I often hear I cannot say or do ______ because of my skin color, gender or sexuality. Is that not how we define racism/sexism? I'm not saying the world is the exact same for me as it is for all others, nor that it should be. Nor that I have some latent desire to go blackface or what have you. There's certainly lines you can cross that go into being disrespectful. But this hypersensitivity nonsense can kiss my black ass(which is a fun saying that's come out of African-American culture, I don't care what skin color you are :)).

I'm not familiar with the aforementioned performance other than that it happened and that some people were butthurt, nor am I familiar with Katy Perry in any more than a passing sense. But when I look at that first picture I don't see anything offensive. I see something gorgeous. As tolerant as I am, one thing I don't tolerate is people just jumping to conclusions - how is it insulting that she acknowledged that this culture exists, and even though she's white she thinks it's pretty and artistic and wanted to highlight it on a worldwide stage? Please. If you want to be offended, Asian people, go back to the WWII bucktoothed caricatures that at least justify a discomfort.

I love St.Patrick's Day. Not only do I love being Irish but I love the slogan of 'Everybody is Irish on St.Patrick's Day!' because it's not about 'this is my culture, you stay on your side of the line.' It's about celebrating the most enjoyable aspects of a people, and it doesn't matter what skin color you are, or who your parents happen to be. You're invited.

Yeah I know. You are horribly oppressed because your a white guy. You have norms being enforced on you that don't always make sense.

It's enough to make me want to pull a 'Rodney King' on a bunch of black guys. I'd go find one if any lived in my neighborhood.

Seriously guys, get over yourselves. I think some of the cultural appropriation is stupid... but its no less stupid then what is being said here.

You guys are not being horribly oppressed. If people said stuff like this ten times more often, you still wouldn't be horribly oppressed. You guys sound like you really think your being oppressed... its idiocy.

You want to know what oppression is right now?

That is a scientifically based study of how black americans are less safe then most people in developing countries. Mostly, it's because every time a cop sees an object in a black man's hand, they just assume its a gun. And since he's black, they know if a shooting occurs, it will almost automatically be ruled justifiable, even if the black guy is 12 years old. That happened.

That is real. That is today. That is oppression.

Stop whining.

Woah woah woah woah, hold the phone bud.

You're assuming that the majority of black American deaths are caused by police brutality. Where, exactly, is your proof of that? Any data to corroborate?

Oh wait, here we go.

From 1980 to 2008, Black Americans perpetrated 52% of violent crimes in America. They make up less than 13% of the population, but commit a majority of violent crimes.

I'm not saying these numbers justify any amount of police brutality, but, maybe you should get your facts straight before you judge?

The majority of police shootings for 2015 were white, with more than half that number being blacks.

Please do your research instead of using sensationalist news media that feeds into your confirmation bias please. Black Lives Matter is an overall horrendous movement that makes no sense because ALL LIVES MATTER.
Absinthresher said:
Princess Pittooey said:
Absinthresher said:
I didn't even both reading the rest of this thread after a point because I've already seen enough videos by Sargon of Akkad, TL;DR and a few others to already understand that this is stupid, white-shaming nonsense.

I'm a 24 year old white male who is racist in so far as I fucking hate every single one of y'all to the point where I'd rather eat a bucket of cryonic death than suggest that there might be something good about you (Unless I happen to like you, which is rare). So far as I've seen, society as a whole is become socially retarded with Feminists screaming "MISOGYNY!" at the drop of a hat and anyone who isn't as white as the driven snow screaming "RACIST!" when they don't get their way.

Honestly, the only "Cultural appropriation" that I can't get behind is taking ceremonial items from certain cultures, items which are generally impractical, and using them in day to day life for no other reason than to seem edgy or some shit.

That being said, anyone remember that fruitcake Bonita Tindle and her "righteous outrage" at the young white guy for his wearing dreadlocks which she claims African people invented? Yeah, that's my argument. Cloudcuckoolanders like that getting to say what white people can and cannot wear because their culture 'invented it'. By the by, dreadlocks have been worn by a very large number of other cultures dating far back in history and not just with African people.

Honestly, this seems to be a primarily American problem (Lesser extent, Canadian too) because somewhere along the way, African people have become victims in the country they live in. White people didn't invent slavery, we were just the last people to do it on such a massive scale. I've seen more racist shit from African people in general media (MTV I'm looking at you, you daft cunt) than I've seen from White people since the 1960s.

"Can't be racist because of institutionalized privilege" my ass. Because colored people can't run for congress or be in positions of power EVER. Amirite?

Are you talking about people from Africa or Black Americans?

Regardless, talking about us all together is basically the same thing the SJWs do about Cis white males. If you don't like it, probably shouldn't do it to another group of people either. I could care less what other people do or wear. I know it's a surprise, but one person does not speak for all of us. My entire opinion on the matter was basically "Yeah, wearing dreads is bad because it looks bad on everyone."

I and many others were fortunately raised to not victimize ourselves the entire way of our lives. I was taught that things will be harder for me because I am a black woman in this country, but never that I couldn't succeed. White cis gender privilege may not exist, but ignorance certainly does and ignorance has no color. Like it or not, straight white males are in more favorable positions from the moment they are born, and now that you have tasted the tiniest bit of prejudice from non straight, white males, you are enraged about it.

My first encounter with actual racism was at 9 years old. I was sitting out in my driveway with my father while we were having a yard sale and a truck of white males rolled down their window and shouted "NIGGERS" as loud as possible as they drove away.

Do I think all white people are racist because that happened to me? No. Unless you have specifically said or done something racist, such as speaking derogatorily against another group, the worst you can be is ignorant. I agree that racist is a term that is over used when 80 percent of the time people are just being stupid and not realizing the significance of their words, actions, or beliefs because they have never been in another persons shoes.

This includes when white people call blacks racist. A lot are ignorant, but not racist.

Well, fair point on that. I meant Black Americans, I usually use the term "Africans" because it feels weird for me to say "Black People". Not sure why. So yeah, I apologize for being a shitass and doing exactly what I was bitching about. And I did mean Black Americans.

More like I'm enraged by the fact that people are being massive hypocrites in the stupidest way possible. I don't care if people are racist towards me, so long as they realize they're fucking racist towards me. Saying "I have more privilege than everyone cause I'm white, male and CIS" makes my teeth itch. I'm on fucking social assistance and I can't even relate to most people, yet I apparently have more privilege than everyone who isn't white? Really?

They way toward equality isn't "Oh, they had THEIR turn, so now it's OUR turn". It's acceptance, and I've met few black people in my life but most of them have been extremely unaccepting. That being said, I do know one black guy who is awesome, but that's the thing. I know one black guy who is awesome, and the rest I have met have been assholes.

That being said, a lot of white people I know are assholes. Like... 80% of the people I've ever met... so... yea.

I'm not saying all blacks are racist, I'm saying the racist blacks are racist. Simple as that. If you're judging someone, saying they are "This" and "That" because of their skin color, and you make a public point of saying "These people are this things because of their skin color", then you are being racist.
And there are black people who are exactly in your shoes who have known only a few white people and all of them have been cold/distant whatever towards them, so they have the same attitude that you do.

Is that them being racist? If so, that makes you a racist too. In 2016 the word "racist" is thrown around so much, it's the worst. I'm not saying that no blacks are racist, but to label them because they are uncomfortable or suspicious around you is the same thing as white people who lock their cars when they see a few black kids in the parking lot. It's ignorance.

I've seen more racist shit from African people in general media (MTV I'm looking at you, you daft cunt) than I've seen from White people since the 1960s.

You assume most black people are racist because of what you see on the internet. That is judging someone because of their skin color. By your definition, you are also being racist. You are literally doing exactly what you claim to hate so much.

And I have a friend who loves to claim that being a poor white male is no different than being a poor black male. He has never been pulled over for seemingly no reason by a police officer, like my black male friends. He has never been followed around stores like me and my boyfriend or me and my friends have. He has never had to experience racial profiling.

It's not just about what opportunities you are given. Being born a straight white male, you are not subjected to the same things a minority would be subjected to. Nobody will ever question your legal status of being here in this country. No one will think you're going to be carrying a bomb with you when you go on a plane. Nobody will think you're going to steal something when you're at a store. The only thing you have to worry about is "Oh noez! SJWs are SO annoying!".

I really wish that was the only thing in the world I had to worry about.


Oh God, here comes the #AllLivesMatter hash tag.

You and many others completely missed the point of BLM. It by no means implies that ONLY Black lives matter. We all know that All lives Matter, but then why does nobody give a fuck when INNOCENT(Please leave your crime data at the door) blacks die, or when unarmed blacks who do commit crimes are gunned down like dogs?
And there are black people who are exactly in your shoes who have known only a few white people and all of them have been cold/distant whatever towards them, so they have the same attitude that you do.

Is that them being racist? If so, that makes you a racist too. In 2016 the word "racist" is thrown around so much, it's the worst. I'm not saying that no blacks are racist, but to label them because they are uncomfortable or suspicious around you is the same thing as white people who lock their cars when they see a few black kids in the parking lot. It's ignorance.

I've seen more racist shit from African people in general media (MTV I'm looking at you, you daft cunt) than I've seen from White people since the 1960s.

You assume most black people are racist because of what you see on the internet. That is judging someone because of their skin color. By your definition, you are also being racist. You are literally doing exactly what you claim to hate so much.

And I have a friend who loves to claim that being a poor white male is no different than being a poor black male. He has never been pulled over for seemingly no reason by a police officer, like my black male friends. He has never been followed around stores like me and my boyfriend or me and my friends have. He has never had to experience racial profiling.

It's not just about what opportunities you are given. Being born a straight white male, you are not subjected to the same things a minority would be subjected to. Nobody will ever question your legal status of being here in this country. No one will think you're going to be carrying a bomb with you when you go on a plane. Nobody will think you're going to steal something when you're at a store. The only thing you have to worry about is "Oh noez! SJWs are SO annoying!".
I really wish that was the only thing in the world I had to worry about.


Oh God, here comes the #AllLivesMatter hash tag.

You and many others completely missed the point of BLM. It by no means implies that ONLY Black lives matter. We all know that All lives Matter, but then why does nobody give a fuck when INNOCENT(Please leave your crime data at the door) blacks die, or when unarmed blacks who do commit crimes are gunned down like dogs?

I'm not saying all black people are racist, actually. I literally said "Racist blacks are racist" but a lot of people (MTV, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed) are pushing this narrative that black people CANNOT in ANY circumstance be considered racist because they lack the "Institutional power" to be so, despite the fact that if I ran up to someone and called them a Nigger, then I could very well face charges for being racist (Assuming that black person goes to the cops with it).

I wouldn't know the disparity between being a poor black person, or a poor white person. I haven't looked up any data to support one side or the other, and I can only assume that being a poor black person is probably worse than being a poor white person, but you're making generalized assumptions with no data to support your assumption.

Also, you're assuming these things never happen to white people ever. Because walking around a store in a hooded sweat shirt, looking like you're gonna steal shit is just a black thing. Nobody else ever has suspicion cast upon them based on how they're dressed, or how they look. Hell, my dad's been pulled over by the cops (Yes, I am as white as they come), more times than I can even remember for the most ignorant and stupid bullshit. I'll give you the bomb thing, and nobody would question my legal status so you at least have a fair point there.

And do not even get me started on straight, white, cis privilege (I am not straight, thank you very much).

There's this biological thing called "In group preference" which means that most people are going to want to be around other people like themselves. White people wanna be around white people, black people wanna be around black people, asian people wanna be around asian people. This is generally true of all people, but again, individuals are a thing. Most of my family, far as I know, is either white or probably like, 1/123561346th eskimo (That's my grandmother's thinking anyway) and, far as I know, none of them are dating anyone of color. One of my dad's friends is a... well he's not really black. He's Shri Lankan, and you'd mistake his skin color for black, but his facial features and what not are... I guess Indian? I haven't really looked at his face all that much.

The reason my dad knows this guy is because they share a similar interest in 4x4ing, and met... I dunno where, but they became friends and they were business partners for a time. Ed, that's his name, is the WHITEST BLACK DUDE I KNOW. Srsly, he's so nice that, all by himself, he makes the Canada stereotype of "We're all pretty nice" basically true. The reason my dad and this guy are friends are because they SHARE. SIMILAR. INTERESTS.

Notice how a lot of people on this messaging board are different races, and yet, still friends. There's no racism here, far as I can see. It's because we've all got a SIMILAR. INTEREST. We have an in group preference towards roleplayers! Do you understand what I mean?

I'll refer to whatever fucking statistics I want. WHo are you to tell me to "Leave my crime statistics' at the door? White people are generally afraid of black people because they commit a lot of violent crimes, and are stereotypically very aggressive. That's not racism, that's ignorance, but it's not unfounded ignorance. Remember the Baltimore Riots? Remember how the "Protests" got completely out of hand? I've seen a lot of the footage of that event.

Mostly black people involved in that. Funny how that works. Now, would you call the Baltimore Riots "Justified"? I sure as shitterling wouldn't.

Now, remember, just because something is factually accurate doesn't mean it can't be unfathomably stupid. The general media is ignoring racism from the minority group because they're being racist against the majority group, and somehow this is just to them.

On the subject of "This is the only thing in the world I have to worry about", fuck you. I have to worry about all sorts of shit, just like everyone else. You're ASSUMING (Look at how OFTEN THAT WORD IS COMING UP) that I have only ONE thing in the world to worry about in regards to this because I'm complaining about this.

Nevermind that I can't criticize a black person, asian, trans, or any other minority on the internet without having people jump down my throat about it. Nevermind that the very prospect of finding a girlfriend seems impossible to me, just based on the fact that if she decides she doesn't like me anymore, there are SO many ways they can fuck me over, truth or not. It's fucking happened before.

Nevermind that I'm told by the media at large that, because I am part of the majority in regards to race, and the "Privileged class" in regards to gender, that I have MORE privilege than EVERYBODY EVER, and that I should feel bad about this. Nevermind that school was absolute HELL for me because I didn't get the help I needed to learn properly, instead I was shoved off to the side like every boy who has "ADHD", which is code for "We don't want to deal with your shit, so let's try and medicate you".

Being born a pansexual, white male, I've had to cope with an abusive father, a broken home, my dreams being crushed under heel, mental illness, obesity, and the potential health problems that my family has a history of. But I have more privilege than most minorities in this country.

I'd check my privilege, but from what I can see, I HAVE VERY LITTLE OF IT.

Just a final note, I don't see anyone marching to Japan, China, Indonesia, Mexico, or any other country on the planet where whites are a minority and crusading on their behalf. Just these dumb Social Justice Morons who are offended on behalf of others as a method of virtue signalling so they can pretend they're morally superior,m when instead they're obfuscating issues they barely comprehend, which they learned in Social Justice Studies 101.

Anyways, I'm done with this conversation for now because I already have a lot of hate for my opinions as is. If anyone ELSE feels the urge to tell me how much I suck, please direct it to PMs.
Here's your data. I'm not continuing this argument, if you respond to this post. You aren't really choosing to listen to what I or anyone else is saying since you literally redirected the argument back to something irrelevant by talking about the Baltimore riots. I'm talking about people who are innocent, or suspects who aren't putting up a fight with the police and are still getting gunned down/murdered.

You just want to continue to believe you're right and everyone else is wrong. Just because things can also statistically happen to white males, does not change the disproportion times it happens to minorities.

Don't hate hypocrites if you're going to be one. You're ASSUMING that I want you to feel bad about being white, when I'm just saying that you're opinion about other races is completely hypocritical.

Perhaps if you learned some tact when placing your opinions online for everyone else to read, people wouldn't get so abrasive with you.
A lot of leftist memes come from an academic environment where they're used in a way that's precise and technically accurate. And then people apply them to situations that aren't useful for communicating with real people.

Cultural appropriation is meant MOSTLY to be thought of as a macro thing. It's a dominant culture taking shit from another one, making beaucoup bucks off it, and blocking the originating culture out of it. EXAMPLE: Elvis getting play in segregated arenas while the actual black people that invented his sound were allowed to go there.

That's fucked up and uncool. This is still something that happens today sometimes. Look at all the Asian roles in movies that go to white people. Or how white folks will take something a different race has been doing for a looooong time and it'll become a "breakout hit" for mysterious reasons while the rest of that scene languishes in obscurity.

Like... Adele is a dope singer. But I can throw a rock in my city and find 12 black girls that can sing like her. (if your jaw dropped and you shook your head like NO THATS UNPOSSIBLE, you are an unwitting part of the problem here and I urge you to go visit a black church this weekend)

Does Adele/Team Adele have some deep understanding of pop music structure that nobody else has? Nah. She's white, and that's basically it. If we swapped her out with Janelle Monae... their sales swap right along with it. That's gonna hurt some people to hear but whatever.

But anyway, look. Does this mean Adele/Team Adele are flag waving racists? NAW, of course not. Some of it's just cultural bias. People like people that are like them. We can use that as an academic term to acknowledge a trend as we think towards a more equitable world and shit.

Now, does that mean that a cultural majority (it's white people right now, but it might change in the future) can't wear... dreads or whatever? Well... complicated. Are you making tons of dollars off this thing? Problematic. (Not the Tumblr sense of the word where you sound dumb calling it racist but want to wave your finger anyway) Think carefully about what you're doing. Are you messing with a religious ritual or making fun of somebody else's shit? We don't dress up like drunks for St. Patrick's Day... there is a line somewhere, just be aware of it. Don't make fun of people or do some Who's We Kemosabe Lone Ranger shit.

90% of the time, nobody's trying to stop you from eating tacos or wearing a kimono or whatever. Is there a double standard? Yeah, you're white and you won world history. Be fuckin' gracious so we can all get on the spaceships together. Understand that on a big picture sense, some 20 year old black sophomore sassing you on Tumblr is not REALLY a big deal.

I'm not saying all black people are racist, actually. I literally said "Racist blacks are racist" but a lot of people (MTV, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed) are pushing this narrative that black people CANNOT in ANY circumstance be considered racist because they lack the "Institutional power" to be so, despite the fact that if I ran up to someone and called them a Nigger, then I could very well face charges for being racist (Assuming that black person goes to the cops with it).

I wouldn't know the disparity between being a poor black person, or a poor white person. I haven't looked up any data to support one side or the other, and I can only assume that being a poor black person is probably worse than being a poor white person, but you're making generalized assumptions with no data to support your assumption.



i love you.


Take half an hour and use government sources to check out white people vs black people on... college degrees, infant mortality, loan acceptance, employment rate (especially for women), callbacks for jobs based on the way your name sounds... nobody's telling you to strap a cross to your back and walk up a high hill, but yeah it's different.

And nobody's putting you in fuckin jail for sayin nigger. Where do you live, dude? Hahaha.

*Also we all hold asians to a much lower standard for cultural appropriation/racism because... of reasons. Reasons that are probably a different thread of discussion. GW Bush used the phrase "the soft bigotry of low expectations"...
See, that's the thing. SJWs are trying to stop people from eating tacos and dressing in kimonos. They consider anything that a white person does with anything that is not inherently white to be "Problematic" no matter what it is, citing that it "Disrespects the culture in came from" whether the context fits or not.

Look at that! They canceled a day glorifying Mexican food, a thing that everyone loves because who the fuck doesn't like tacos and spicy stuff, because of ONE STUDENT'S TWEET.

And it's no "Mysterious reason" why a lot of white artists blow up while a lot of of black artists don't. It's just knowing your market. You could literally say that for all sorts of bands, white or not, for similar or completely different reasons. Hopsin is basically a black Marshal Mathers that never really got off the ground, while Dr.Dre is one of the most influential rap artists in the game. Nevermind the fact that Beyonce is lauded across the Americas as this genius while MS MR is relatively obscure by comparison. If you want to complain about the music industry being oversaturated with garbage when there are more deserving people out there, don't blame "Racism". Blame the shitass consumer market and this terrible companies that keep repacking, rehashing and redistributing the same kinds of things. That, however, is an entirely different argument.

On the subject of "12 black girls that can sing like Adele", my WHITE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW MOTHER can sing like motherfucking Amy Lee from Evanescence and I don't see her with a record deal. To be fair, she very readily admits that the only reason she never tried to get into music is because she can't generally read it. She can mimicry, basically, and she's very good at it.

But I will give you that there is some amount of cultural bias that makes a lot of white artists succeed in places that black/asian/latina/etc don', but then again, there's a lo of cultural bias that makes sure a lot of black/asian/latina/etc artists succeed where white people don't. How many white rappers are there out there that have the acclaim that most of the black ones do? I don't see a white Nicki Minaj out there somewhere.

You're purposefully ignoring the success of a number of people of other races in order to prove a point.

And, no, it is "Not complicated" whether or not something is cultural appropriation. Anyone should be allowed to wear their hair however they want, so long as the hairstyle in question does not disrespect a culture in some way. Wearing fucking dreadlocks is not disrespectful of Egyptian culture. And thank you for agreeing with my point on the whole religious ritual thing that I mentioned in one of my other posts, because honestly, that should be the litmus test here. If it's not sacred, religious, or important, then it generally should be fair game so long as it isn't done to parody the race in question.

Oh, and google Bonita Tindle, and then google what happened after that video came out and her excuses for what she did.

And yes, you can be put in jail for calling someone a nigger, but note the word "Can". Most of the time, you're just going to get your teeth punched down your throat instead of anyone going to the cops about it.

Watch this video and you'll understand what I mean when I say that a lot of media outlets try to paint it so that minorities in our county cannot be racist in any way. Love how a black woman is trying to tell me I'm racist for being white because of all this institutional power I apparently command. Because I can't think of any better use for all dat power dan oppressin' dem black peepls.
Absinthresher said:
all dat power dan oppressin' dem black peepls.

The rest of the post aside, openly shuckin' and jivin' at a black person is the most damning example of your racism yet.

Edit: I should specify, I know you didn't do it intentionally. You've probably never heard the term before. It's probably just something that's done a lot in the videos you watch, and you've internalized it without thinking. This is the 'Institutionalized' part of 'institutionalized racism', fyi.
*Eyebrow raise* Trygon, what even?

You keep saying stuff that isn't even remotely helpful. Give me the name, and contact information, of the institution what oppresses black people. Give me the branch of government or the company that has made it their goal to OPPRESS THEM.

Also, all kinds of races use whatever the hell you just linked at me, generally to denote someone acting like an idiot, also often used in reference to redneck people, who are historically known for acting like idiots. I had no idea that was even a god damned thing until you mentioned it.

You need to stop telling me what it is that I think because you're just offbase on almost every regard man. Seriously, so far all you've done is insult me and try to tell me what I think. I didn't "Internalize" whatever nonsense you're spouting. And no, it's "Not done alot in the videos I watch" because I watch videos that actually use facts and reason. I think the closest that any one I watched got to that was, well, this one:

Take your not-even-first-year psych major bullshit, your gender studies degree and kindly re-evaluate your life. You have no facts, not citations, and you keep making assumptions based on nothing but your own prejudices.

You need to stop with the Ad Hominem attacks. They're getting old, and I'm getting sick of you calling me friggin' racist.

But just to humor you, I'm gonna go look up "Institutionalized Racism".

Institutional Racism

Institutional racism is a pattern of social institutions — such as governmental organizations, schools, banks, and courts of law — giving negative treatment to a group of people based on their race. Institutional racism leads to inequality; sociologists use the concept to explain why some people face unequal treatment or occupy unequal statuses. One historic example of institutional racism is the barring of African-American students from attending certain public schools, which limited the students' educational opportunities and helped prevent them from achieving a status equal to that of others. Institutional racism need not involve intentional racial discrimination. For example, individual judges might intend to impose similar sentences for similar crimes; yet if Caucasian people tend to receive lighter punishments, plausibly institutional racism occurs.

Okay, so, according to this definition right here, institutional racism is NOT A THING anymore, and honestly, I'd refute this with proper facts and more information but you don't really deserve the time of day from me, Trygon.

Get over yourself, and go do some real research and bring some facts to the table. The only way you're going to change my mind is if you act like an intelligent person and come to this debate with facts and figures, not logical fallacies and buzzwords.
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