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How Well Known Are You On BMR?

10/10 - i know you, don’t i?
1000/10 - don't think i've seen you before :unsure: or have i?
I'm actually curious.

4/10, name doesn't ring any bells but you have that supporter tag so you're all the same person, right?
6/10 I see you often!


I'm actually curious.

4/10, name doesn't ring any bells but you have that supporter tag so you're all the same person, right?
I'm not sure what you are referring to, but if I remember, I was thinking of you and Mim as my "neighbours." Every other time I would reply to one of my threads in the Semiprivate, you or Mim would too. Visually, I remember our threads always being next to each other.
10/10 i see you around all the time!!
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