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How Well Known Are You On BMR?

Thanks @Cantarella, I really haven't been on so mission accomplished I guess lol. Don't worry, I will make sure I spread myself around a little know...for exposure.
First time seeing you round these parts
On one hand...
I've seen you on the social threads.
I've read your dissertation of a request thread :)
We've exchanged a couple of PMs, and even collaborated on the plot sharing thread.

But on the other hand...
We don't have an ongoing conversation
We've never played together.

So all in all, an 8/10 probably?
5/10. I've seen your name around. The supporter role is hard to miss too. However, we've not interacted much I think.
11/10. Probably know too much, tbh. I fear the assassins shall find my hideout any day now.
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