Time to face the strange... changes (Lucy inspired RP with SweetSin)

Cora von Fotze

Mar 31, 2014
Nilda shivered for the umpteenth time, stifling the whimper that threatened to escape her lips. She clutched at the white lab coat she wore that barely fit, vainly trying to cover up more of her big, beautiful breasts and creamy white flesh in an attempt to hide it from the chill of the night air. Still she never thought to complain, instead looking at Lucy Taylor with a wide eyed and trusting gaze as she steeled her courage for the millionth time this harrowing night and moved as quickly and quietly as she could. Nilda had no idea how she would have survived everything they'd gone through without the quick thinking guidance the lovely, inked amazon-esque woman had provided.

~Hell, I know where I'd be if Lucy hadn't found me, still stuck in that hospital room being poked and prodded like a lab rat,~ Nilda thought to herself as her grateful gaze rested upon her new friend. Nilda's breath caught in her throat, not for the first time as she took in the sight of Lucy's gorgeous eyes so radiant and deep that she felt like she could swim in them for hours. ~STOP IT, girl! Right now! We lost them... But they still could be here any minute,~ the barely dressed, curvaceous woman thought to herself as she shuddered again and looked around at where they were. Slums, definitely, WAY off the beaten track. They were in an abandoned railway tunnel, a space where a lot of homeless people had made cardboard boxes into shacks. Basically, a place where only the forgotten came... Which was perfect, for now.

Nilda moved a little closer to Lucy and whispered, "now... Now what?" Nilda's tone carried nothing but her absolute faith in Lucy to come up with the perfect plan to keep them safe, and her patience and quiet acceptance of what they had to deal with after all they'd already been through. She blinked as she had a memory flash from the recent past. Lucy pointing to the locked door they had to get through and her, weak little Nilda, tearing the door of its hinges and casting it aside, accidentally throwing it into the pair of gun toting guards coming up from behind them. ~I was scared shitless... Don't know how I did that...~ she thought to herself as she gave herself over to Lucy's guidance, cold and tired and hungry, god she'd never BEEN so hungry, but well aware of how a misstep now could land them back there where all they'd have to look forward to were tests and medical shinnanigans.
Lucy wasn't happy with the situation they were in, not to mention the headache she had beating through her head and down her spine. "Fuck." The tattooed woman mutters as Nilda moves in closer. Lucy didn't mind the clingy Nilda, she could understand why she was scared but Lucy didn't have time to be scared. The doctors jackets they were wearing just wouldn't be enough to keep them warm tonight, so Lucy knew she had to do something to get them out of this pickle. "You need to trust me, I wan you to stay here in the shadows and just wait for me." Lucy looks at Nilda with a reassuring smile before kissing the plump woman on the forehead. "Half hour, give me that before looking for me." Lucy bids her farewell as she stands and goes on her personal mission.

With no money and armed with her own hands, Lucy walks until she finds a thrift store. Being closed wasn't going to keep her out. Lucy walks around to the back door in the alley, hopefully she still had enough energy to kick the door in like she did back at the lab. With a deep breath and little prayer, she gives it all she has as she kicks in the back door. Of course it was a steel door but Lucy didn't question it as she runs in as the alarm sounds. It was a bad part of town so it would take the cops a while to show up. Gathering what she could, Lucy makes sure she doesn't leave finger prints as she leaves and heads back to Nilda.

"Boo." She whispers as she comes up behind Nilda and shows her the clothes. "I wasn't sure what your size was, so I got mostly sweatpants and hoodies. No underwear, that would be nasty to buy used." Lucy places the clothes on the ground as she removes her lab coat. Yes, her male part was dangling between her legs as she pulls on a pair of black sweatpants and a red hoodie. "As for shoes, I found a pair of socks each and boots, I figure mens boots would fit whether it was the right size or not." Lucy came through for Nilda. With some decent clothing they could at least go out in the day time.
Nilda took comfort in being close to Lucy's warm, strong body and in her reassuring smile. The tender brush of Lucy's lips on the buxom and thick girl's forehead had her miss most of what she was being told. There was just something so... Perfect... about the protective and steadfast way Lucy had come to take care of her. ~Whoa, girl! So NOT the time to get all weak behind the knees,~ Nilda chided herself as she'd begun to fantasize about Lucy trailing kisses from her forehead down her nose all the way to her lips...

Nilda blinked away those stray thoughts and caught up with Lucy's words. It took everything she had not to wrap her hefty arms about Lucy's waist and squeeze her tight, begging her not to go... But at the same time... Scared as she was to be alone it just made sense... She really was a rape waiting to happen dressed as she was and Lucy knew what she was doing... So she just said softly, "ok... Just... Be careful... I'll be here... Just... Come back soon..."

Nilda watches Lucy go, keeping her eyes fixed on the dark haired beauty, transfixed by the way her shapely ass moved as she stalked forward with such purpose. ~God... This is all so crazy... What the fuck is happening to me... To us... They... They shouldn't be able to DO things like that to people...~ she thought to herself when she was all alone, shrinking deeper and deeper into the shadows. It was very late, so really the nook in the tunnel she was hiding in went largely undisturbed. The only excitement she had was the heart stopping moments when a patrol car approached and the cop shone his light around the area, probably looking for punk kids out drinking. Nilda would have SWORN his light hit her but she must have been imagining it, hyped up and paranoid as she was, because he didn't call out to her or really notice she was there. She breathed a sigh of relief and slumped against the wall, relieved she wasn't called on to explain herself and the state she was in.

"Eekk! Meanie!" Nilda hissed and batted at Lucy after she snuck up behind her with her prizes. Doing so meant Nilda let her white coat flap free giving Lucy a quick view of her lusicous curves and smooth thighs. "Beggers... Choosers... You did great, honey..." Nilda said with a smile. "Super nasty... Good call," she offered up quickly at the talk if used undies." Nilda went quiet as Lucy stripped, admiring both her feminine loveliness and her impressive endowment. She giggled and let her lab coat slip off herself and pulled on a hoodie that clung to her every curve and betrayed the fact that the cold... And her ... Interest in all things that were Lucy had excited her some and made her big nipples get hard. Nilda bent low as she stepped into a pair of grey sweatpants that fit her like leggings, making her ass jiggle as she wriggled into them. She unlaced the pair of well used Timberlands and stepped into them to complete her outfit, one that was skin tight and yet showed her full curves nicely.

"Lucy... You're a lifesaver... Again..." Nilda purred happily and impulsively hugged her warmly and lingeringly. She gave every impression of never wanting to let Lucy go, instead she leaned back a little so she could gaze into her eyes again as she said, "so... Strangest first date ever?" Her tone was cheeky and playful and oh so not serious, but her eyes held something hopeful and timidly assertive. It was clear she Like Liked Lucy and in a no threatening way wanted her to know it... Yet have the out of putting her in the 'friend zone' if she chose to by hearing Nilda's words as 'just a joke.'
Lucy was sure to look somewhat put together as she got dressed and tucked the sweatpants over her boots. "I look like a bum." She mutters with a chuckle before being pulled into a hug by Nilda. She was definitely stronger than she realized. Once she let go it was a sigh of relief as Lucy took a deep breath. Not that she didn't mind the hug, but Nilda was pretty damn strong and Lucy was sure that she didn't know. "Honestly, I've had worse first dates. But, this does rank pretty high." Lucy lets out an honest laugh that she really needed and it made her feel really relaxed. "Come on, I grabbed a few blankets too and we need to find somewhere secluded. We need to be out of view of the cops." Lucy saw the cops earlier, she knows they usually come here first when a crime is committed so the two girls needed to be out of their line of sight.

Lucy holds the blankets in one arm and grabs Nilda's hand with her free hand as she goes all the way towards the back. Most of the bums are out in the open so they'll be closer to people who come by to donate or give them money. The back of the overpass was the best place for them to stay hidden from everyone. Lucy lets go of Nilda before laying down one blanket for them to lay on then Lucy puts the other blanket on top for them to cover up with. "Perfect, like going camping." She jokes as she crawls to her knees then crawls across the blanket with her ass in the air. "It's not that bad." She adds as she lays down on her stomach and lays her head on the other blanket.
The light hearted and merry sound of Lucy's laughter washed over Nilda and made her heart skip a beat and a hint of a blush come to her cheeks. "Well... If I can't be the best, hun, I'll settle for 'unforgettable'," she said playfully as she fixed a heavy lidded gaze full of promise and desire even as she noticed how some of the tension Lucy had been carrying melted away as Nilda joked and teased her.

"Perfect... And snuglee... Just the way to end this weird-ass day..." Nilda said as Lucy took hold of her hand and drew her back into the underpass to a place they could lay low, out of sight. She helped lay out the blanket and laughs as Lucy talks of camping. "Does that mean we'll go skinny dipping later?" She asked as she watched Lucy crawl around the blanket with her ass in the air. ~God... So want to smack that... But we're trying NOT to attract attention... ~ she thought to herself, then as Lucy lays down on the blanket Nilda slips in beside her and draws the extra blanket over them both. She shivers a bit, less from being cold and more from just...everything that they had been through together, the terror, the heart pumping adrenaline rush of the chase, the fear of discovery and being recaught... And the fear of what the next day would bring.

"Lucy... Thank you... For everything..." Nilda sighs as she forces all that down into the dark recesses of her mind. "I... God, if you haven't got me and brought me with you... I'd still be in Hell," she adds gratefully as she wraps her arms around herself and tries to get some sleep... Or at least be quiet so Lucy can.
Lucy lays down on the blanket and turns so she's facing Nilda. "Tomorrow should bring a better day. I just hope tomorrow is better than today." Lucy hated the running, she had never done anything wrong yet she was running for her life yesterday. Not like the men were going to kill her, but a life being an experiment isn't a life in any form of the imagination. "Just get some sleep, tomorrow we'll get something planned out. Find some jobs or rob a bank." Lucy laughs before closing her eyes. She still had a killer headache and her mind felt like it was running on overtime. Even her head was a little hot like it was overheating. "Fuck." Lucy mutters as she rolls over on her back, the headache slightly feeling better.

Soon the inked woman falls asleep, tossing and turning as images flash within her mind. Not realizing it, the objects around her and even Nilda begins to lift off the ground. Lucy was sweating like a pig as images of the hospital keep flashing in her head. The lights under the overpass begin to flicker while the objects and Nilda float around Lucy. Soon some of the light bulbs burst as Lucy imagines getting caught by the scientists again. It angered Lucy, thinking it had actually happened.
Nilda smiled and nodded as Lucy shared such reassuring words. It gave her the courage and will to clamp down on her wayward thoughts and fears and without realizing it, her eyes half shut as her breathing deepened, causing her bountiful bosom to rise and fall rhythmically. Only half asleep she heard Lucy list their alternative, and she barked out a laugh as she said, "yah, Bonnie and Clyde we so ain't... But yah, money... Real cloths...a real bed... Sound like a plan..."

Nilda saw the tension and pain etched into Lucy's face and she wished she could do something to help her. Half inaudibly, she hummed a lilting, soothing lullaby her mother used to sing to her as a little girl. Her voice was pure and sweet and tender as she tried to help Lucy get some sleep. She was happy to see Lucy drift away to dreamland and was out herself shortly thereafter.

Nilda dreamt more in swirls of color, deep blood reds, swirling earthy browns and sparkling sky blues. She was running, legs pumping rhythmically, body bouncing with each sure, swift, steady step in a way that made her feel free, powerful and light as a feather... Then ZZZZTTTT!!! *POP* *POP* *POPPOPPOP* Nilda was startled awake as glass exploded and sounded like gunfire and she was... Flying????

"L...l...l...Lucy! What the fuck!" Nilda cried out with shock and surprise in her voice as she flapped her arms and tried to get somewhere...anywhere...either up to the support beam of the underpass or back down to the ground. It was comical, in it's own way, a big boned girl waving her arms and legs around as her braless breasts swung this way and that. Still, Nilda had NO idea what was going on and wanted it to stop now!
Lucy wasn't easily awaken as she tossed and turned, such horrible flashes of history shooting through her head. The needles, the knives and the restraints kept flashing through her head with each detail becoming more and more vivid. One such image caused Lucy to awaken with such fury that the rest of the lights suddenly burst into a display of sparks and sounds of cracking. When Lucy awoke everything around her began to fall and she noticed her busty friend falling towards her and all she could do is jump to her feet and do her best to kept the woman. "Oof." With a thud Lucy catches her friend and falls to the ground with the chubby girl on top of her. "I'm glad I could be your pillow." She utters with a light chuckle as she catches her breath.

"Wanna tell me why you were in the air?" Lucy had no idea she was responsible for the events that just happened. She figured it was about trait her new friend inherited from the experiments she underwent. "You're soft and all, but do you mind rolling off me?" Lucy didn't mind the woman on top, but in this case she was banging her, so it was sort of uncomfortable. "Unless you plan on dropping your pants and taking a rod, you're hurting me." She adds with a wink and a grin.
The chaos and confusion of it all made Nilda scream as the remaining lights in the area exploded. She did her best to cover her face and protect her eyes, but she got some wicked gouges down her arms as flying glass sliced into her flesh. They bled freely and made Nilda yelp with pain, but even with that, she couldn't miss the fact that Lucy, again, rushed to her rescue as she fell to earth.

Nilda was caught by the beautiful, strong woman but the laws of Physics still had sway over the two of them. She laughed even as the wind was knocked out of her when she landed on her friend and they both crumpled to the ground. She smiled and nodded and wiggled against the wild and wonderful woman she was sprawled all over and then gave her a light, quick kiss on the cheek and purred, "my hero..." after Lucy's talk of being her pillow.

Nilda said, "oh! Sorry," and rolled onto her side, still half drapped over Lucy, but holding her own weigh on her hip. "Fuck if I know... I was asleep... Not dreaming of flying or anything... Then the explosions woke me and I was getting cut..." she babbled. As her words trailed off she realized what Lucy just said about her rod and Nilda blushed and whispered into Lucy's ear, "tempting... really really tempting... But I am thinking it's time to run again... The bums are all freaking out and fleeing... I bet the cops are on their way to investigate the power outage and explosions..."
Lucy still had a pounding headache as Nilda suggests that they get to running again. She was right of course since the cops will surely come and investigate. "Yeah, we better get going cause I'm sure this will be on the news and this incident screams us." Surely the government will get wind of this and Lucy would rather die than go back to that lab. "Come on, we better get going." Lucy gathers up the blankets on the ground before walking with Nilda. This sucked and Lucy was pissed at herself for letting that happen. When the two walk out to the street Lucy looks over towards some of the buildings and sees a bank. It was her old bank and it gave her an idea. "Come on, the lab coats won't expect us to be so close to this area, so our best bet it to stay close." Lucy leads Nilda to an ally near the bank and builds a coat beside a recycling dumpster.

"Come on, get some sleep." Lucy sits down and stays awake most of the night so the incident wouldn't happen again. In the morning Lucy leaves Nilda to sleep as she cautiously heads to the bank. It was a long shot as she filled out the withdraw sheet. She was in that lab experiment program for a while and when she found out she would be paid for her services, she decided to move all her money to her savings and have the money from the experiments go into her savings. It was a long shot as she checked to see if the account was still open and it was a shock to Lucy since the account was still open. "I want it all taken out, in twenties and a bag please." Lucy tried to put on her best smile as the lady got the manager and got it approved. The grand total of the six months she was in the experiment came to a total of 15 thousand. It was a great stroke of luck.

After getting the cash in twenties and thanking the manager, Lucy heads out of the bank and rushes back to Nilda. "Hey, we need to get going. I sort of lied to you last night. I wanted to stay near here so I could check my bank account. Now that I accessed it, the Feds will probably be here soon. But good news is that we don't need to come here anymore so lets go." Lucy shows Nilda the sack of cash before tying it shut and surrounding it with one of the blankets. "We need to get out of this city and somewhere else, anywhere you've always wanted to go?" Lucy asks while trying to hold back her excitement of having the cash.
Nilda wove her fingers through Lucy's as they took off in what she thought was a random direction. The thought was proven wrong when Lucy spoke of fooling the White Coats as she found them another place to hide out. Nilda lay down, putting her head on Lucy's lap as she shifted and worked to get comfy. "You're an awesome pillow...and a great friend, Lucy..." she murmured as she drifted off to sleep as ordered.

When Lucy slipped away to handle the bank stuff Nilda stirred and pouted. Clearly she's MUCH more of a night owl then an early riser. So she didn't fully wake up until Lucy got back and even then she was a bit groggy and out of it. "Wha... Go...???... San Diego???" she tossed out impulsively then explained. "I don't have family or people in Cali... Should make it harder to find us, no?"
Lucy nodded as Nilda through it out. "Agreed, I don't have any family out there either." Lucy agreed before looking around. "It's on the other side of the country, not like we can just jump on a plane." Lucy had to think for a minute since they could take the bus system to California but that would take too long. "Would you treat me any different if I whored you out to a car salesmen for a used car?" Lucy joked as she sat down on the pile of blankets. "Maybe if we find a female salesmen I could seduce her." Lucy didn't want to spend the money on a shitty car, there was no way that was going to happen.

"Do you have any ideas?" Lucy asks as she looks up at the curvy woman. "I really don't want to waste our money on a car. Do you know if you have money in your account?" She asks as she rolls the bottom of her shirt since it was getting hot outside.
Nilda gasped and tried to look offended at the prospect of being turned out by Lucy. "What kind of a girl do you think I AM?" she asked in a practicedly melodramatic and 'wounded' tone, gasping audibly making her unbound breasts bounce and jiggle hypnotically. Then she laughed and purred luridly, "and just a bit ago you were promising me your cock..." The money, the adventure of it all, it was making her good spirits return and the vixen in her come out again. Then she asked, "would you think less of me if I admitted to knowing how to hot wire a car?"

Lucy thought about her bank account and how her school was set to automatically be paid for tuition so she doubted much would be in her account. "My college would have taken this semesters tuition... So I'm probably strapped... But I would say, 'let's cross town, grab a car... Ditch it... And repeat every couple of days..."
"I sort of like the idea of me seducing a woman dealer." Lucy laughs as she stands up and stretches. "Come on, lets just go for a walk and think." They were already in the bad part of town but Lucy could care less. Lucy balls up the cash in a blanket before walking to the back street that leads to some run down buildings. "I just want to get to Cali and try to lead a normal life. I would also love to walk on the beach." Lucy had high hopes for her future but it would be slow moving. "We can get odd jobs, you can be a fluffer for a porn company." Lucy laughs as she places her free hand on Nildas lower back then slides her hand down the back of her sweatpants and onto one of her plump cheeks.

"I guess we can pass the time with some talking. You seem to be a horny girl, do you enjoy it in the ass or in the pussy mostly?" Lucy has noticed that Nilda likes to lead more towards the naughty side of life, but she really didn't mind it. As a chick with a dick and pussy, she needed a release every now and then and she was way overdue for one now.
"I think you want to find out if I'm the jealous type, Lucy..." Nilda teased after hearing Lucy's talk of seducing another woman in front of her. Nilda gives Lucy's hip a little bump with hers as Lucy's hand plays down her back. She bites her lower lip and rolls her hips like a belly dancer does as Lucy's hot, strong hand slips into her sweats and teased her well rounded runp. "Mmm...yah...the beach...the sun...no crazy white coats... hmmm...fluffer...not the porno's star?" she jokes but perhaps her pride is stung a little by the suggestion.

With a right blush Nilda shakes her head 'no'. "Yah, I like to party...and I'm not shy...but...really...there's just something about you, Lucy... You are criminally hot and sexy..." She murmurs softly but honestly moving with Lucy, cuddling close to her. Then she whispers, "mostly... I live having my lover fill my pussy up often...but...with trust...and stuff... I'm open to anything..."
Lucy laughs as Nilda talks about not being the pornstar. "I doubt you want to be the pornstar. That job probably sucks." Lucy gives herself a little chuckle at the joke as the two keep walking around the abandoned buildings. "I almost forgot how shitty this city actually was. Sure you have the Nations Capital, but this part really sucks." Lucy looks around before looking at Nilda. She wanted to test the chubby hottie so she pulls her around a corner of one of the buildings. "If you want my cock so bad, then turn around and put your hands on the building. Stick your ass out and let me take you to town." Lucy raises a brow as she puts down the blankets and crosses her arms to see what Nilda does.

"Think you could handle what I have in store for you?" To be honest it was long over due for Lucy to get some. Her cock was aching for a good fuck and she couldn't take the pain anymore of not releasing a load. "Well, what do you say, hot stuff?" She asks before reaching down and rubbing her cock.
Nilda giggled and wrapped her arms around Lucy's waist so she could give her a little squeeze as she sighed, "but...sucking is a Good thing... Especially when we're talking a magnificent cock like yours ..." Nilda's words and breath teased over Lucy's ear as they made their way through the bad side town. She nodded in agreement with Lucy's assessment of things, especially as the streets were still mostly deserted. Nilda found she truly enjoyed this down time with her inked goddess, and the way Lucy's hand rested on her ass.

Lucy's next words were shocking and exciting all at once. "You're so...bad... Lucy..." Nilda purred and without any hesitation or concern for who might be around, she rose up onto the balls of her feet and the leaned forward, resting her palms on the rough brick wall in front of her. She made a bit of a show of popping her ass out, making it jiggle as she said, "fucking stop talking and give it to me girl... You know you got to have this." She's brash and ballsy, daring Lucy to put up or shut up. She's so engaged in her outrageous teasing of Lucy she doesn't notice the big electric blue Cadillac come to a quick stop on the far corner from then, so she doesn't see the four guys slapping each other and pointing at herself and Lucy, super interested in what they're up to.
Lucy watched as Nilda did as she said and was more than happy to get to work. Lucy had looked around and before she could pull her cock out she saw the car and sighed as the men got out. They had blue bandanas on and she could tell they were apart of a gang. "Well fuck." She mutters as she's forced to put her libido away for another time. "We have company." Lucy stands in front of the blankets as the men walk over and circle the ladies. "Looks like we got ourselves a couple of carpet munchers." Lucy rolled her eyes as she protected the bag of money. "Come on ladies, show us the ended of what was about to happen." Lucy grew angry and made sure Nilda was close to her.

"I doubt you can handle what was about to happen. You boys don't have the right tools for the job. Well not big enough at least." Lucy smirks as she picks up the blankets. "Now, we'll be going. You boys should go both some little old lady or something." Lucy wasn't putting up with their shit, not today and not any other day for that matter. She hated men like them and really couldn't hold back her anger.
Nilda went from quivering with anticipation to shock and anger as she heard Lucy's warning and saw the guys who were coming their way. 'Old Nilda' would have died of shame and shrunk back and away from the wanna be bad ass gangsters, but now, as lust and passion turned to rage and... Power.. She was NOT afraid of them, NOT running away and NOT going to be their victim. She heard a scraping sound and blinked as she realized that she'd clawed through the bricks under her palms as her fury gave her STRENGTH like nothing she'd ever experienced before. It felt... Good...natural and RIGHT...and these guys were going to pay for fucking with them...and for interrupting the fucking she truly wanted.

As Lucy mouthed off to the gang bangers they got PISSED at her disrespect and bitchiness. Two of them drew knives while a third pointed a baseball bat at Lucy's head saying, "We was juz gonna make joos suck our dicks and take it hard and fast... Buh now..." he said and smacked the bat into his palm meaningfully. "We gonna fuck up joor pretty face puts and make joo watch us fuck the shit out of that fat, dyke whore joo with THEN crack joor skull open," he said in an ice cold, matter of fact way.

"NO!!!" screamed Nilda and she grabbed a nearby garbage can lid and winged it at the guy's gut. It.shot out from her hand fast as a missile and sent the tough, bat wielding gangster flying across the street to smash into a parked SUV. Nilda blinked and stood stock still and wonder struck as the gansters friends spat out, "Wha day fuck!?!!!" totally taken off guard by this turn of events.
Lucy stepped back when the moment went down, the lid sending the guy across the street and the other two guys standing there wonder what the fuck just happened. Lucy was even more angry now that the guys told the what they had planned and she wasn't about to let them just walk away from this. "Them knives you have there sure look pretty pathetic." Lucy was trying her best to channel the sort of anger she had back at the lab, and as she tried to channel such anger her headache came back and she dropped to one knee. Soon her head shot up to look at the gangsters, her eyes glowing blue as she stared the men down.

She watched as they tried to back away from her but she help her arm out and a kinetic blasts comes from down her arm and out of her hand. You could hear bone crunching as the men flew back and rolled across the ground like rag dolls. When the excitement died down Lucy blinked a few times, her eyes fading in blue but still very bright and no longer the brown color they once were. They were now blue, bright and looked alive.
As amazed as Nilda was with the raw power coursing through her, she was at first concerned for Lucy as she fell to a knee then awed by the way she flung the two knife wielding punks aside without touching them. we're Superheroes!?!!??? the geek-girl in Nilda squealed but she shoved that thought aside for later as the last gangster freaked and drew a gun from under his jacket and shakily trained it on Lucy intent on blowing her brains out. This time, Nilda moved without thinking or screaming out a warning. She rushed the guy, crouched low and rose into an uppercut so powerful she literally knocked him out of his shoes. He flew through the air and fell to the ground near his friends with a sickening crunch. Like them he was out for the count.

Nilda turned to Lucy and wrapped her in her arms and forced a deep, soulful kiss on her lips as adrenaline and joy mixed inside her head in a way that made her feel half drunk and VERY alive. As she broke the kiss she said, "We gottah go... Betcha they left their keys in the car... I'll search them for anything useful, you bring our new car around, ok?" She gave Lucy's ass a quick squeeze and laughed. "Damn... Shouldn't have fucked with us, right, baby?" she said then gathered quickly the gangsters wallets and jewelry then met Lucy in the car so they could take off.
Lucy had slowly gotten up and gathered the blankets and bag of money, putting them in the car before driving around to meet up with Nilda. All sorts of thoughts were coursing through her head as she watched Nilda jump inside and she took off. "So we have a car, cash and some stuff we can pawn. We better get going before police find these guys. Even when they find them they'll think it was a rival gang that did that to them." Lucy was happy with the days events as she checked to make sure they had gas before jumping on the freeway. "I guess we head towards Cali." The day was going great, Lucy was on a power high from what happened and the freeway was open with little traffic.

"Finally things are going our way. And at least we know when I have a headache everyone should run for cover." Lucy laughs at herself as she sits back with one hand on the wheel and another on Nildas thigh. "And if I can't take care of the bad guys, I have my sexy enforcer over here." She adds with a wink to her chubby friend.
Nilda was feeling on top of the world and ready for anything as she saw Lucy drive up in the blue and white convertible. "For piece of shit low lives, they had good taste," she mused then slipped in beside Lucy and nodded as she summed up all they had going for them. "We head West until we hit Ocean... Sounds easy enough..." she said with a happy lilt in her voice as the wind whipped through her hair.

Lucy's hand on Nilda's thigh made the voluptuous young woman hunger for more of her attention and the playful compliments just made her need of Lucy all the more real. "Yah... I've got your back, Lucy... And your..." as she spoke Nilda's hand played over Lucy's thigh lightly, with each stroke it moved closer and closer to Lucy's cock. "... Fantastic shaft..." she purred as she rubbed it through her sweats then suddenly flipped her head as she drew it out of Lucy's pants. "...right..." she lowered her head to Lucy's lap and kissed the tip of her shaft. "mmmmm....where it belongs," she sighed and then slid her lips down and up and down the head of it.
Lucy was still on her power high as she kept driving and being sure to keep a steady speed. The wind in her hair felt good but nothing compared to what was about to happen when Nilda takes her cock out of her sweatpants and swallows the head between her full lips. "Damn you naughty bitch, could have warned me." She teases as she puts her hand on the back of Nildas head. "Now get it all nice and wet down there.' Lucy knew where this was going and it was about time. It didn't take long for Lucy to sit up a little and pull her sweatpants down so it was easier on the two girls. "Much better, now suck that cock." She demands while sitting back and enjoying the view of the road and road head.

"Mmm, you give some good head." She purrs while looking down at the chubby girl taking the head of her cock between her lips. It had felt amazing and soon Lucy had a full hard on with plenty of meat left to be taken inside her friends mouth.
Nilda played her fingertips up and down Lucy's cock and as she lifted her ass off the seat to pull her sweasts down, Nilda daringly slipped her fingers lower and played the pads of her fingers up and down the hot, wet mound of Lucy's pussy. She LOVED the feeling of Lucy's hand on her head and she lowered herself down Lucy's cock taking it into her mouth little by little, deeper and deeper slowly so Lucy could feel her pleasure as it build. She purred into Lucy's shaft, savoring how full it made her feel.

Nilda unbuckled her seatbelt and shifted in herself up onto her knees so she could really go at it. Up and down, now teasing the tip of Lucy's girl-cock with her throat as she purred into it, peekng up at Lucy to see how much she was teasing and pleasing her. As she lifted her head up off Lucy's cock she licked her lips and said, "sooo yummy... I want more...." and she drew off her hoodie so she could surround Lucy's cock with her humongous, warm, pillowy breasts.
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