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Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

“I think Tony had to much time on his hands. Doesn’t he have stuff to do, besides making his showers pretty?”He snickered a little as he wrapped his hands in the other’s hair, sliding his hands through her hair.

“It is.”She agreed shuddering as he pressed against her, shuddering a little as she slid her hands into his hair, snickering quietly. “You don’t sound so sure about that.”She teased a little even as she nodded, “O-okay. You can.”She smiled a little kissing him again, nervous about this, but wanting him.
Krystal laughed."Maybe. I think its only my shower that's like this though. He knows I like the lights." She said with a tiny mewl. She loved it when he played with her hair. She kissed him feverishly, pushing him to the wall. She purred into his ear as she ran her hands down his chest. "How about some shower sex?"

Steve chuckled. "I'm not. It just seems like the most logical thing." He said sort of non chalantly, kissing her as he thrust up inside her, thrusting slowly, not putting all of himself inside her yet. "You're so tight. It feels good." He said, kissing her again. He loved kissing her. His lips fit so well with hers.
“...I don’t think I like the idea of Tony paying that much attention to where you get naked.”Bucky growled possessively, kissing her back, groaning quietly as he was shoved back against the wall, smirking as his hands cupped her ass, picking her up easily, thrusting into her. “I think I like that idea.”he said blinking hard, shaking his head a little to shaking hsi hair out of his face.

“Ah, yes I guess it does.”Elena said laughing quietly, whimpering a little as he pressed into her, swallowing hard. It hurt a bit, a dull ache, but not horrible. Shuddering a little as she kissed him back, she wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes as she just enjoyed holding onto him, rocking her hips after a few moments,”Okay...I’m okay. You can move.”She muttered quietly.
Krystal smirked. "Mmm, so possessive is my sexy assassin." She purred, making a meeping sound as she was picked up. She moaned as she was thrust into, and she kissed him hard, wrapping her arms around his neck, and legs around his waist. "God you're sexy bucky" she breathed, moaning a little.

"Indeed it does." He said with a smile as he kissed her, running his fingers through her hair gently. "You know, I love kissing you. And you know what? I just love you." He said with a nod, thrusting up into her a little faster, slowly putting his whole member into her tight pussy.
“Damned right. 70 years is a long time to not be allowed to be around.”James growled looking annoyed with having been away, laughing as she wrapped around him, twisting to press her into the wall, thrusting into her harder. “I know. I’m amazing.”He teased nuzzlign her a little.

Elena flushed at his words, eyes finding his, smiling quietly at that. “Oh...I like you. Lot.”She muttered nuzzling him, holding onto him tightly, to reserved, to quiet to admit to being in love even if she liked him alot, groaning quietly as she held onto him. “Oh...”She shuddered as she came, holding onto him tightly.
Krystal smiled, kissing him. "Indeed it is mi'love." She said, squeaking a little as she was pushed to the wall. She mined ad he thrust into her. "Harder, faster, deeper.." she breathed out, kissing him again before smirking. "That you are mi'love, that you are." She replied, pulling him in closer to her, kissing him again.

Steve smiled goofily. "Well good. I'd be pretty crushed if you didn't." He said, giving her a light kiss on the lips. He noticed how cute she was when she blushed, and it made thrust only harder. He made a happy face as she came, gaining ready himself. "Elena! I'm gonna cum!" Her crooned, spouting rope after rope of his virile super soldier seed into her waiting womb.
“you’re awfully bossy. I should do exactly what I want.”He growled taking his time, smirking as she urged him on, kissing her harder as he came with a grunt, bracing himself against the wall to keep from falling.

Elena blushed at that, smiling back at him as she kissed him, shuddering as she held onto him tightly shifting to lay down on the bed, pulling her with him, wrapping her body around him, cradling him close as he finished, sighing quietly as she relaxed. “...that...was amazing.”She muttered feeling utterly sore and glad that her system was super soldier and fae, any aches and pains would recover within a few minutes.
Krystal smirked. "You like it when I'm bossy." She said with a small chuckle, kissing him back just as hard, moaning into it as she came with him. "God, you're so amazing mi'love." She told him, trying to catch her breath.

Steve let her get them comfortable again, and wrapped his arms around her when she was finally settled. "Yes.. it was..." he agreed, kissing her head chastely. He pulled her as close as she could be to him, and kissed her cheek. "No matter what, I'm here for you Elena. Don't you worry." He told her, kissing her lips chastely. He pulled something out of the drawer just then, a box. It was thing and blue velvet. He handed it to Elena. "You don't have to wear it, its just a little something so you'll know I'm always here for you." He said, opening the box to reveal a silver necklace with a small charm reminicient of his shield, with a little red star hanging from it. "I made this long ago when I first became captain america. I never understood why the star until now." He told her softly, kissing her head. "If you ever feel out of place and I'm not there, look at this. It'll remind you 'I've got your back." He said smiling as he blushed.
“Sometimes.”He snickered as he panted, resting his forehead against her shoulder before drawing back and setting her back on her feet.”we better get clean. We have a busy day.”he snickered a little smiling.

Elena smiled as she got comfortable, sighing quietly as she pressed her face into his shoulder, relaxing fully at the idea that he was with her no matter what. She’d assumed it, what with grant’s presence here, but it was good to hear. Startling a little as she saw the necklace she stared at him, her eyes tearing up a little, smiling quietly as she touched the shield charm and the small star, before taking it from him. “.....The north star. The only one that is forever in the sky, never changing.”She smiled quietly, thoughtfully, “You are my north star.”She muttered shifting so she could put it on.
Krystal chucked and kissed his nose. "Guess you're right. You want some cherry blossom shampoo? Looks like you could use it" she said nonchalantly, noticing that the water ran the color of dried blood when he stood under it. she imagined it was from past missions. She really needed to destroy hydra...

Steve smiled, wrapping her in his strong arms. He kissed her head chastely, but looked a little scared as she started to tear. Had he offended her? It didn't sound like it. He smiled a little and kisses her forehead again. "Yes. The north star. I'll do everything in my power for you Elena. I'll stay no matter what. You'll always be everything to me." He told her softly, smiling as she put it on, a little bit goofily. He hugged her close for a few more minutes before kissing her softly on the lips. "We better get up. I can hear grant in the living room with Clint. We shouldn't let Clint cook." He said with a chuckle, getting up slowly and picking out clothes, surprised to see her clothes were in his room too. "Krys, you never cease to amaze." He thought to himself, smiling at Elena. "Krys put your clothes in here too. You wanna take a shower before we change? Krys stocks my bathroom with all manner of feminine products. I personnaly like lavender anise body wash. It smeels good, but isn't to girly. Krys buys it for me." He said blushing a little. It was embarrassing to tell her that his best friend bought his soaps, but, he never really knew what to buy. He probably would've bought suave for men or something without krys's help. He was hopeless sometimes in this modern world.
“I could.”Bucky said wincing as he looked down, frowning slightly at the sight of the rusty colored water, “This smells good.”he muttered as he washed his hair, quiet as he scrubbed himself clean, feeling clean for the first time in awhile.

Elena smiled at him, looking amused that he was a little scared.”James’ right. You don’t talk to girls do you?”She teased kissing him.”I’ve never gotten a present before. James...he gave me things. But never...simply jewelry. They were always things for missions, for a reason.”She shrugged smiling at him before sighing. “I guess we should.”She sighed before laughing as she saw her clothes, smiling as she gathered some. “I better. No reason to go out smelling like sex.”she snickered as she gathered her things and heading for the bathroom.”Don’t worry. I buy James’ things to. And I’m not nearly as nice. He gets to smell like strawberries and lavender half the time. It’s very amusing.”She snickered as she stepped into the shower, smiling as she started washing up.
Krystal nodded and poured some into her had before hading him the bottle, scrubbing herself up until she was squeaky clean as well. She smirked just then. "I bet you ten bucks Steve and Elena had sex" she said eyes twinkling mischeviously.

Steve chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "No, I really don't." He said, kissing her back with a smile. He just loved the feel of her lips on his. Steve nodded at her next comment, following her in. He chuckled again. "Yeah well, now that he's back with Krys? She'll have him smelling like cherry blossoms again. I bet you any money." She said with a wide grin, before blushing again. "Um, I can join you right?" He asked, suddenly unsure, even though they had just had sex.
Bucky looked up at her, raising a eyebrow as he washed up, turning off the water as dried off. “What?Really?Okay, I’ll take that bet. No way.”Bucky snickered.

“....Cherry blossoms?Really?He’ll smell so pretty.”She snickered amused at that idea, even if she’d made him smell like a girl, it amused her that bucky was going to always smell girlish now. “Of course. Get in here.”She said giggling a little as she washed up.
Krystal smirked as she laughed. "You so sure about that James? She is half fae after all." She said with a wider smirk, kissing him before getting out of shower now that she was clean. She dried her hair, and sang softly an old love song, smiling to herself. It was nice to have her bucky back. She quickly put on a black veil brides t shirt and some jeans, finishing with some heeled booties, and doing her makeup.

Steve just nodded. "Oh yes, cherry blossoms. Krystal's been obsessed with them since I've known her, maybe even before then. I think its because she likes japan so much." He said with a chuckle, walking into the shower and wrapping his arms around her. He kissed her neck. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" With that he smiled, and started to clean himself.
“I’m sure. She’s avoided it this long, I’m sure she’s not having sex yet.”Bucky smiled a little tilting his head as he listened to her sing, relaxing even more, because it was such a normal thing to hear, that it made him feel even more apart of now. Dressing quickly he tugged his hair back into his usual ponytail, leaning over to kiss her lightly. “Ready?”

“That’s awesome.”Elena giggled a little as she washed her hair, shuddering as he wrapped his arms around her, leaning back into his arms, closing her eyes for a moment, blushing.”I-I know.”She stuttered a little, proving that she might know it, but she wasn’t used to hearing it. Smiling as she cleaned up, simply enjoying his company.
Krystal smirked as she put her hair up. "You may be surprised, bucky." She said, starting to sing, which Jarvis realized, and started to play unchained melody. She kissed him back. "Mmm, just a minute love. I wanna heart this song." She said with a smile, cuddling into him as she softly sang to it. "I love you, james. So much." She whipers, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

Steve nodded. "Indeed." He said, smiling at her. He wrapped his arms around her as she washed, and kissed her shoulder chastely. "Well good. You deserve to know it." He said with a smile, letting go of her only to wash himself quickly, and then wrapped his arms around her again. "I love you, just so you know." He whispered, kissing her cheek softly.
“No, not about this. I’m right.”Bucky said stubbornly tilting his head as he looked down at her, wrapping his arms around her, ducking his head as he danced with her a little, closing his eyes as he held her. “I love you to. So, so much.I’m sorry I left, but I’m back, and not going anywhere.”He muttered.

Elena smiled shivering at the feel of his lips on her skin, smiling quietly as she finished, leaning into him for a moment, blushing slightly as she looked away. Feeling out of sorts and awkward. She knew he loved her, and he liked him, alot? Was it love?Feeling slightly panicked she stepped back, shutting off the water.”We better go find Krys and bucky before they spend the day in bed.”She snickered as she dried off and dressed, rushing a little in her panic.
Krystal smirked. "Maybe, maybe not." She said. Giving him a light kiss. She cuddled into him as they sort of danced, and she kissed his cheek. "It was your fault, mi'love. If I had had any reason to think you alive, as soon as JJ was born, I would have come in after you, and I would have won." She said, smirking at the thought of burning down the places where he and Elena were possibly tortured.

Steve cuddled into her, frowning a little as she pulled away. He blushed, shuffling his feet as he got out of the shower. He looked sad as he dried himself. "Did I make you uncomflrtable, Elena? I can stop saying it if you like, but I've never really been one to hold in my thoughts." He said with a lopsided grin, putting his clothes on and then nodding at her. "Yeah. Though, bucky probably dragged her out. He knows we've got stuff on our hands." He said, smiling as he thought of their son who was now in the living room, watching cartoons with JJ and Tony.
“I know, but it doesn’t make me feel better about forgetting.”Bucky muttered nuzzling her a little before stepping back as the song ended, wrapping a arm around her shoulders.”Come on. Let’s go get some breakfast.”he smiled.

Elena sighed quietly as she looked up at him, biting her lip a little. “’s okay.”She sighed again, struggling to be calm, and not upset him. “It’s just...I’ve only ever had James. This is...odd.”She said struggling to get the thoughts in order before smiling, “he always was good at staying on target.”She snickered at the idea of james being the responsible one and getting things done as she headed for the living room. “Morning you two.”Tony grinned raising his eyebrows a tad as he looked at them.
krystal smiled sadly, leaning into him as he nuzzled her, running her fingers through his hair. "I know love. that doesn't mean you should feel guilty. I love you no matter what." she told him sofly and then nodded her head. "yeah, lets get some food. what are you in the mood for? I was thinking of making french toast." she said with a grin, knowing he loved her french toast.

Steve nodded. "I understand. Before I was captain america, he was all I had too. We were orphans, you know, and I was tortured. Mostly phsycological, so that the backers of the orphanage wouldn't notice. I still have panic attacks sometimes when I go to orphanages to bring the kids toys with Krys." He told her, admitting something to her that only bucky knew. He trusted her, and followed her out of room. He grinned at tony. "Morning tony, JJ. Now, where's my little boy?" He asked with a smile, picking the child up from his seat, and grant giggled. "Morning daddy! Auntie Krys is in the kitchen making french toast. Uncle bucky said he wanted to talk to you in his room." He said, smiling widely as Steve set him back down. "Alright then, I will Grant." And with that he walked to bucky and krys's room, closing the door behind him. "You wanted to talk to me, buck?" He asked, slanting a grin, probably thinking he want to talk to him about how to propose to Krys again.
“I know, but I do.”he muttered sighing quietly, resting his head against hers before grinning. “French toast sounds amazing.”he grinned at the idea.

Elena relaxed, offering a small smile, glad he wasn’t mad at her for feeling out of sorts before frowning, anger twisting her stomach as she considered him hurt. Which, considering she’d been hired to kill him, was a weird feeling, but she liked him, and wanted to take care of him. “Well, next time you go, I’ll go with you.”She offered grinning at grant as she ruffled his hair. “french toast sounds good.”The man said smiling a little at that. Bucky grinned pausing in the middle of pulling on his shirt, smirking at his friend. “So. Tell me. Did you have sex?Cause I gotta tell you, if you did, I’m going to laugh in joy and sulk because I owe krys money.”He said smirking a little.
Krystal cuddled him. 'okay, french toast it is" she said with a smile, walking out into the kitchen to start on breakfast.

Steve smiled at her and kissed her head chastely. "I'd like that." He said simply, following her out. Grant grinned at Elena, noticing the necklace. The one she always wore back in his time. It made him grin wider. "Morning mommy!" He chirped happily, eyes closed as she ruffled his hair. He liked it when she did that. He reach for his mother as his dad left, begging for cuddles. Steve chuckled, and blushed. "You owe Krys money." He said with a smirk like his best friends, thinking back.
“Morning kid. You hungry?”Elena smiled a little as she picked him up, settling him on her hip as she headed for the kitchen, smiling at krys.”You need any help with breakfast?”She asked tilting her head a little.

Bucky studied the other man, smirking slightly as he pulled his shirt the rest of the way on, sulking. “Damn. Damn. That’s unfair, I thought you couldn’t talk to women, Cap.”he teased smirking, raising his eyebrows. Wondering just how much of this he really wanted to hear, considering he’d practically raised elena, but this amused him despite the oddness of it.
Grant nodded. "Yes mommy! Tony wouldn't let anyone cook. JJ was gonna but then auntie Krys beat him to it." He said with a smile, cuddling into her and fingering her necklace. "I figured daddy would give this to you soon." Was all he said, smiling as Krys nodded. "Sure. You can slice and batter the bread. You can just put him in a chair." She said with a smile, humming "unchained melody" to herself.

Steve chuckled. "In most cases I can't, but Elena was so freaked out last night, I just wanted to comfort her so much... and well, she woke up in top of me and I had morning wood.. and it just went from there. I gave her the necklace I made back in our howling commando days.. so she'd remember I'm here for her." He said, unsure if he should go into much more detail than that. He wasn't sure what bucky thought of this whole thing.
“And why isn’t tony letting anyone cook?”Elena asked looking amused, smiling as he fingered her necklace.”So I keep it then?”She said sounding pleased, because she liked it as she sat him down on the chair and stsarted to do the tasks she was given, spacing out, simply allowing her mind to process everything that had happened.

Bucky snickered a little as he heard, shuddering a little.”Stop. I dont want more details about sex. It’s weird.”He whined a little even though he looked amused before pausing in the middle of pulling his socks on, looking at him, startled and amazed.”You gave her the carried that thing everywhere.”He said looking amused at the idea, having thought steve would never find the woman that the necklace belonged to.
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