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What Are You Craving?

HeyThereLittleBear said:
Sleep x_x

I know that feeling...

A bread with some avocado, pepper, salt and garlic on it would be nice right now. I can't wait to see if the tips to grow my own avocado trees work.
A good spicy mustard for my fried rice. My local Chinese place makes one that's amazing but I can't talk them into sharing their recipe lol So far I've not found one that I like as much.
A hot shower. Cold weather and snuggling under a warm blanket
A kiss. Not just any kiss, a deep, passionate, overwhelming one. That kind that says he really wants you now.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Yep. Yep Yep Yep.

That, exactly, RedRose.
Pancakes. Like, those super-fluffy, perfectly golden brown ones, loaded with maple syrup. Which is really bad, because I’m diabetic.
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