The Last Of Us (HideAndSeek and KaleoFox)

"Ok I guess your right ! A shower is much needed for me " . Kane walks to the bathroom and hears a sound from Acacia's direction. So he runs back to find a dead zombie. " What happened?". Just then he catches a glimpse of another zombie behind another" Shit ! another one " He kicks the door down taking the zombie down with it. Kane then cuts its head of with his blade. " Ok its better one of stands guard while the other one takes a shower .You can go first I will wait. Ladies First! Oh and check the bathroom well".
He moves out and turns around facing the opposite direction. With his pistol up in one hand and blade on the other.
Acacia smiled "alrighty." She stepped from the room an wandered to the bathroom. It was nice and sort of clean. Then she went to the bedroom next to it, killin anther CANNible before mirdering another. There wa an open window and she quickly ran over to it, taking broken bed boards and boarding it up. Then she left and looked the door and boarded it for age measure. "Alright it's good!@ she yelled before heading back to search for more food.
"Hey Wait you not taking a shwer now?" Kane was confused. But hell he stinked like shit. So he took off his shirt and put it outside the room before going in bare chested. There were a few scars on his chest and abs from previous fights but none of a zombie bite. Kane started to unpack his bag onto the bed "So whats your story?"
Acacia looked to him. "You can shower first." She said and then paused. Story. Her story was upsetting. ~ She waited outside the house for her younger sister when everything starting ringing. Her sister wandered put asking hats wrong and she til her nothing. Their mother never came home but they found her later as the dead. Her sister cried as Acacoa shot her. After a few days her sister was bit and ended up like the rest. She shot her in the head. ~ Acacia had become so anger filled and ready for anything because of her story. She turned towards him, "I don't have a story." She muttered and left the room. She wasn't mad just upset. He sat on the sofa out in the lobby watching the cannibles through the cracks in the wood.
"Acacia wait hey! Im sorry" , he ran behind and stopped behind in her on the lobby . " Look Its ok , I didnt know the apocalypse came down hard on you too. My life was pretty fucked up by it . Lost my family to it " He started to look down to the floor , remembering what had happened . " Its ok you don't have say anything to me , Im gonna take a shower now. Please keep an eye out ok "
"I'm not am at you just need a second to clear my thoughts." She said and pulled her bow from her shoulder. "Go get a shower I'll
Keep watch." She said and walked over to the boarded areas. Her bow was already loaded and ready to be shot. Growing bored she shot the cannibles right at the window able to reach out and grab the arrow before shooting again.
Kane Got into the shower. Turning it on and stripping of the rest of clothes. After his shower he had forgotten that he didnt have towel with him so He got out wet. He searched inside the bathroom for one but didnt find any. Naked he stepped out of the bathroom into the bedroom luckily the door was closed. He had slender and fit body , like a male super model. The nude ones that is . Kane opened the closet and took out some towels luckily it looked clean. He started to dry himself with it. Wearing his new clothes and repacking his bag , he came out to Acacia who was busy shooting at cannibals. " Hey Im back! You can take a shower now , Oh and I left you some towels I found incase you dont have any ". Kane took out his rifle and switched ti single shot, fixing a dot scope to it he took aim " Its ok ,go I will take it from here ." He binocular beside just to keep a good eye at things far from the normal reach of his eye
Acacia nodded setting her bow down. She grabbed the clothes and wander to the bathroom. She climbed ino the warm water and showered quickly before hopping out and changing into the black tank top and shorts. She threw on her combat boots and wandered out throwing her stuff on the lobby sofa. "I'm sleeping out here tonight ou take the bedroom." She said and relaxed on the sofa.
" No please I couldnt let you, It would be too rude .Besides Im used to sleeping out . Come On I insist you to take the bed. " Kane replied back as soon as whe finished her sentence. He didnt want her to sleep out
"Alright." She said and grabbed her bags she wished him goodnight and went I the bedroom, climbing onto the bed. She curled up under the blankets of the large bd and instantly dozed off.
Kane wishes her back " Good night!" He then pulls a couch close to the door and lays on it , Keeping his leg one over the other and dozing off into the rest of the night. He was really tired , he knew he would be sore in the morning due to his cramped up position on the couch but he could'nt let Acacia lay on the couch either. Kane had started to get a small force of attraction towards , the kind some would would call as a crush. As the night passed into day. Kane woke up slowly and sat up straight adjusting his body and stretching his muscles. He got up and walked to her door knocking it once "Hey Acacia You awake?"
Acacia sat up and got dressed when she opened the door. "Morning." She said and brushed past him. Once out in the loving room he have some things. "We should look around outside at the vacant stores and find more food not mug it here." She stated and pointed to the doors.
" Yup! Your right ! There is a supermarket nearby we could go there" . Kane walked to the balcony and picked up the binoculars he left and looked through it " Hmm as of now I dont see much of a zombie horde just one or two here and there. ". He looks back at her " You have any ideas on how to get to the place undetected ?"
"Hmm." She thought and grabbed her knives. "We'll, we walk." She said and started out side. She knifed any that came close and finally reached the sore throwing herself inside. She stocked food and waited.

(Sorry short post.)
"Huh!" It was all that Kane could muster up before she left for the store. U followed her covering her back . " ok I guess I underestimated you , your one awesome woman ". Kane and talked back to their hideout and felt relieved nothing happened. "Acacia look" I pointed to a small horde coming towards them "Shit Be ready to engage"
" you can fight I you want, I'm out." She said before opening the door and grabbing one cannible. She cut it open and as before pulled out an intestine. She smeared it all over herself before tossing it to him. She picked up her knife and slowly made her way outside. As she walked the hand with the knife slowly began to drip. On a matter of seconds a CANNible had her had and not into a finger. She have a slight yell before slicing off her finger and running out and into the hotel, letting Kane in before Hutton the door. "See it was easy."
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