The Last Of Us (HideAndSeek and KaleoFox)


Jun 7, 2014
This roleplay is over
Both partners are too busy to continue.


Nynx wandered around for hours, 3 large knives dangling com her belt. She wore ripped jean shorts an a midnight black tank stop, blood staining the bottom piece of fabric. Her black combat boots clicking as she walked. A bow was slung on her shoulder and a small bag on her back. She had been hiding for a couple hours but now that the hordes of cannibles were gone. It was almost a year since the virus spread and now not only were there regular average zombies, there were also clickers, blind zombies that click and sense movement, and jaws, larger mutated zombies. All killin differently. She could hear at least 50 groans a few streets back and needed to hide now. She climbed into a boarded house where the wood was rotting out and replaced unused boards up, leaving a small window that she could shoot and see from, too high for zombies though. She layed down until the horde passed and slept calmly when she heard normal walking. She looked out, spotting a man and removed the boards she aims her bow and shot, Landing right next to the males foot. She didn't know if he was human or canible he wouldn't mind the arrow but if human he would. She kept her head in view incase he was human.

Kane(I know its joel but wanted to give it a change)never thought he would make this far after the virus spread ,all of his collegemates were either eaten up or turned into crazy brain eating zombies. He was on a run for the first few hours of the epidemic . Crashing cars and running over people , well ex-people. But everything changed when he heard over the radio that the miltary refugee camp was taken over and infected. Soon radio was down and only occasional calls for help were heard from it . Kane was helpless. He decided it was time to do something and try to help someone in the process. He had managed to rob a gun store. Looting all the guns he needed. He filled his backpack with pistols and ammo while he hung around him a sawn off shotgun and an m4 colt carbine. He also picked up a climbing axe with its satchel on his belt.

Kane was walking down a corridor without his guard up as he was getting really sleepy . There was no proper sleep for days. He heard a sudden twitch of a rope . He fell straight down bracing his foot. The arrow had pierced his leg halfway. At first he didnt know what to except but was sure if didnt stop the bleeding fast a sniffer could sniff him out and alert other zombies. He tried to pull it out while searching for its source and found a head poking out of a screen " That was not necessary" He commented with pain as he pulled the arrow out and threw it far away from him
KaleoFox said:
Kane never thought he would make this far after the virus spread ,all of his collegemates were either eaten up or turned into crazy brain eating zombies. He was on a run for the first few hours of the epidemic . Crashing cars and running over people , well ex-people. But everything changed when he heard over the radio that the miltary refugee was too taken over and infected. Soon radio too was down and only occasional calls for help were heard from it . Kane was helpless. He decided it was time to do something and try to help someone in the process. He had managed to rob a gun store. Looting all the guns he needed. He filled his backpack with pistols and ammo while he hung around him a sawn off shotgun and an m4 colt carbine. He also picked up a climbing axe with its satchel on his belt.

Kane was walking down a corridor without his guard up as he was getting really sleepy . There was no proper sleep for days. He heard a sudden twitch of a rope . He fell straight down bracing his foot. The arrow had pierced his leg halfway. At first he didnt know what to except but was sure if didnt stop the bleeding fast a sniffer could sniff him out and alert other zombies. He tried to pull it out while searching for its source and found a head poking out of a screen " That was not necessary" He commented with pain as he pulled the arrow out and threw it far away from him

She watched as he reacted. Damn it he was human. She instantly stood climbing out the small opening and walking calmly over to him. "Aye could have been worse, they could have been coated in poison." She said as she grabbed her arrow back from him. Noting that he had a hole in his leg she easily helped the man get to the opening and pushed him into the opening before throwing herself in. She boarded the window back up and wandered over to the light switch. He tore it open and fiddled with the wires, getting the lights on. Acacia tosses him some gauze wrap to wrap around the wound. "You should be fine " she said and tossed him a slightly warm soda. Then he sat on the table and sippe her soda quietly.
" Ok Ok, I just said . Glad to finally meet a survivor . Im Kane . " He sat down and started to patch up his wound . " A few stitches later would solve the probelm right now lets just wait out the horde and hope no sniffer finds us". He unpacked the bag and took out two pipebombs "This could solve a small horde probelm Here have one ." He tossed one to her . " A few mines would help too if somebody could set them up. But we will have to find a stronger shelther later this wont hold against one of the tanks " . Kane finished patching up and opened the can of soda" There that will do for now thanks for the soda . I was getting really thristy after running out of provisions yesterday."

Acacia sighed and looked around. "Hold on a sec. " she said and stood, pulling a hammer from her bag along with pain killers. She tossed him the pain killers and walked over to a cabinet. She broke it open with the hammer and tossed him a needle and thread. "Take the pain killers, wait twenty mjnutes then give yourself stitches." She said and plopped back on the table.
" Ok " He took the painkillers and waited. " The pains gone but we should keep moving . I think I had seen a car nearby. I can hotwire it and we could get to somewhere more secure?The twenty minutes we have now we can just wait here for something to happen. Look Im fine , you did the right thing shooting my leg I would have done it too. Im just glad I found you Acacia. Lets start to move if your with it." . He stood up and limped the pain had shot down and he could walk for now. "It will be better if we use a silenced weapon. You have your arrows I have my P2000" he took out a silenced pistol.

Acacia nodded, "alright I'm up for it." She sai and picked of her bow an bag. She grabbed her pain killers back and throws them in the bh before slowly pulling the boards of the window. She crawled ou and waited for him.
Kane cralwed out through the small space. " Come on I think its this way." He was limping a bit but kept going at a steady pace. Kane stopped right next to a pillar at the end of the building. " stop" he said silently " See that " He pointed to a horde of zombies walking away from them " you dont want them to hear us .The car is right around there". He shows her a ford truck which looked a bit bumped . " we will have to push it on to the road and give it a rolling start . Come on , Stay close ok ". He moved crouching between small covers , flipped cars and medians till they got to the car . " cover my back ok ". Kane got in and to his surprise the keys were on ignition " looks like we are lucky no need of hotwiring now. Lets push it on to the road . Stand here and steer it while I push it from the front."
KaleoFox said:
Kane cralwed out through the small space. " Come on I think its this way." He was limping a bit but kept going at a steady pace. Kane stopped right next to a pillar at the end of the building. " stop" he said silently " See that " He pointed to a horde of zombies walking away from them " you dont want them to hear us .The car is right around there". He shows her a ford truck which looked a bit bumped . " we will have to push it on to the road and give it a rolling start . Come on , Stay close ok ". He moved crouching between small covers , flipped cars and medians till they got to the car . " cover my back ok ". Kane got in and to his surprise the keys were on ignition " looks like we are lucky no need of hotwiring now. Lets push it on to the road . Stand here and steer it while I push it from the front."

"Ah wai one second." She said and stood in front I the truck. Faint clicking could be heard as a different zombie wanders around the corner. "If we move it now that blind clicker will hear it and instantly rip our jaws out." She muttered ad pulled out her knife. She ran quickly, sneaking behind it and quickly sliceung it's neck off. She then ran and steered before hopping in the truck as we'll.
" Ok start the engine . Oh and well done keeping a lookout we would have been screwed if you had'nt the clicker.There is a ammunition shop 3 blocks east from here. It must have a bunker . Lets go there first . I could upgrade your bow and range of arrows with some in there. " Kane jumped on to the back of the truck , keeping a lookout from behind . The jockies could run and jump long distances and you wouldnt want to meet a tank now. Kane took out his desert eagle, it gave more damage than normal ones . " Go go go " Sitting down in the truck holding on he kept a lookout.

Acacia nodded and tarted the engine she drove for a good twenty minutes before stopping at the ammunition shop. She grabbed her bow and quiver and hopped out. Waiting for him before going inside. Surprisingly it was empty. She sat her bow and arrows down before she wandered around the shelves of ammo and weapons.
Kane got out and went into the shop. " Damn everything's empty. There must be something around here we can use. Every ammo shop has a bunker. we just have to find it. we will split up ok Be careful." Kane went on to the right side of the store. Checking under the floor everynow and then.
KaleoFox said:
Kane got out and went into the shop. " Damn everything's empty. There must be something around here we can use. Every ammo shop has a bunker. we just have to find it. we will split up ok Be careful." Kane went on to the right side of the store. Checking under the floor everynow and then.

Acacia nodded and looked aroun the store, she found a couple arrows and ammo for her guns. She also grabbed at the knives before yelling to him. "I don't see much over here!" She yelled to him.
Kane searched over the whole place until he came over a certain hatch . He lifted it " Dont worry I think I found it Come over here." He stepped inside but it was too dark so he flicked it his lighter on. " Acacia I think we got what we need" . He motioned the light to a rack with was stacked with a lot of provisions and weapons.

Meanwhile outside another horde was gathering , a clicker had sensed the movement of the truck and had alerted the rest .
Acacia looked around a bit more before walking over to him. She crawled through the hatch as we'll and looked around at the rack of weapons. Her eyes searched through her bag as she sat on the ground. Finally she pulled out a jar filled with a dark purple liquid. She set her knives and arrows down and slowly began to coat them in the purple liquid. She could hear, even from there the grunts of the dead outside and the doors creaking open. She stood and closed the hatch, locking it. "Stay quiet." She said before sitting back down to finish coating her weapons.
" Shit " . Kane heard it , the sounds of the dead walking above them . He kept quiet and sat down onto the floor and leaning against the wall. They could be trapped now as the horde wont move until they find something to move to. Kane kept thinking he knew most zombies were attracted to smell or sound . So throwing a blood coated proxmity mine far from their position would solve half of the probelm, but while coming down the bunker he had spotted a lot of fuel canisters and if one of explodes then the whole place would go down in flames . Kane waved to Acacia and motioned her to know the time . If the sun came down then it would be more difficult to keep moving . He asked her in a soft voice " Whats that purple stuff?"
Acacia looked up to him. "A type of poison, not only does it make the cannibles flesh bubble and pop but it kills them in a matter of seconds not mattering where I stabbed." She says and tosses him the jar, "coat your bullets in it." She said before she began to put he things away and think out a plan.
"Coating each Bullet with that would be impossible, I follow the rule, destroy their brain , with an instant killshot to the head. And by the way where did you get that stuff?". Kane takes out his Axe " Maybe coating my axe with the stuff would be a better idea " he started to rub on the stuff on to his axe blade. The last of the sunrays of the day escaped from their bunker , as day turned into night. It grew dark in the bunker, Kane got up woth his lighter and searched for some small thing to light up, thankfully a candle. " Stay there I'll go check for some light "
Acacia watched him leave before she grabbed her knife and crawled out of the bunker. It was dark but not enough not to see. She just needed two cannibles. She quickly killed one and threw it into the bunker before grabbing a second as cutting out its jaw. She leaped back into the bunker, tying the dejawed walker to the wall. She tore open the dead one, rubbing the rotting smelling blood all over her clothes and fce, careful about eyes. Hen he came bac it would be foul smelling of blood.
Kane kept searching and finally found some candles he took them back , on his way back he saw a bunch of clothes in a box . He picked them up too. Kane came back to the place for shock " Whoo! What the F***!" he dropped the box and quickly took his axe standing in a defensive pos. " Please tell me your not one of them ." Kane could hear more footsteps and grunts. He was not sure ,should he swing his axe at her or wait . He decided to wait " Acacia ?"
"Aye calm down." She said and tossed the dead Cannible towards him. "Listen dig your hands into him and run the blood all vet your clothes an face, be care ful of the eyes. Then she moved to the girl without a jaw. "The is a cow catcher she can't bite us so we hold her infront of us and she bumbs and hits the other cannibles."
"Ohh Thank god ! You got me there. Damn!". He listened to her , a bit digusted but knew she was right, it seemed that he had a lot of more experience than he had thought about.He took some clothes from the box and put it into his bag, wearing his bagpack he Dipped his hand into the blood and spread it on him. He commented at her as he finished covering himself " Your one of a kind aren't you, Im glad I found you " . He took his weapons got set up " So shall we move ?"
"Yes let's move." She said an grabbed the cow catcher. She slowly climbed out if the bunker. "Move slowly and make no noise." She slowly began walking, the cow catcher moving the zombies out of the way. Once they reached an abounded in she threw the cow catcher aside, stabbing it before running inside the vacant hotel and locking the door begin them. "Help me get the shelves." She said and started to push shelves to the doors.
"Ok" Kane replied before helping her stack up the shelves. He covered the windows with them too . " you think this will hold them out? We would'nt stand a chance against a tank(left for dead 2) Im sure the barricade we are putting up now would fall. Yeah I know , You must be thinking why Im so negative , well I was just saying ." As he finished setting up the barricade he asked her " Is it ok If I take a shower and change into something new , the stench is killing me . Oh and I found some for you too , Dont know if its the right size for you though". Kane kept the beg down , shaking some the blood from his arms.
KaleoFox said:
"Ok" Kane replied before helping her stack up the shelves. He covered the windows with them too . " you think this will hold them out? We would'nt stand a chance against a tank(left for dead 2) Im sure the barricade we are putting up now would fall. Yeah I know , You must be thinking why Im so negative , well I was just saying ." As he finished setting up the barricade he asked her " Is it ok If I take a shower and change into something new , the stench is killing me . Oh and I found some for you too , Dont know if its the right size for you though". Kane kept the beg down , shaking some the blood from his arms.

Go take a shower" she said before she kicked and broke the doors I other rooms. She took the prices of wood and barricades the doors an windows. She walks into another bathroom wiping off the blood and changing into the clothing. She hears movement in a separate room and sees a CANNible. She kicks it's legs before it falls forward and she stabs the back of its head.
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