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Ignore List

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If you choose to block people who post one to two sentences in their RPs, then yes. Yes, those people will be blocked--RP posts and all. You will no longer see them and no longer be able to send/receive PMs from them either. However, should you choose to view any of their posts at any given time, you'll be able to do so. Likewise, you'll see if they make a thread, just if you click on a thread a blocked person makes, their post won't be viewable unless you click to make it so. Hope that answers that question.
The only thing I've noticed just very recently is that someone randomly pm'd me and I replied so he responded in a pissy way and apparently set me to ignore just after his pm to me. I guess it was a way for him to say nyah nyah, stick out his tongue and get the last word in, believing it leaves me unable to reply. I don't have anyone on my ignore list and I think I'm naive for not realizing that some people use the ignore button as an 'I want the last word' measure. :-/ Just meh.
Chiming in on this since I am the person in question in the above post. We are all of the age on this site that we can decide who we want to associate with. If you get harassed by people, you can block them. If you don't want to deal with people, you can block them. If you realize after sending a reply that you won't mesh with a person, you can block them. Hell, if you want to get int he last word in a petty fashion, by all means go for it.

In this case, it was not nyah~nyah eat it, nor was it a naive attempt at getting a last word in, but realizing that future interactions are best left untouched.
Thaedael said:
Chiming in on this since I am the person in question in the above post. We are all of the age on this site that we can decide who we want to associate with. If you get harassed by people, you can block them. If you don't want to deal with people, you can block them. If you realize after sending a reply that you won't mesh with a person, you can block them. Hell, if you want to get int he last word in a petty fashion, by all means go for it.

In this case, it was not nyah~nyah eat it, nor was it a naive attempt at getting a last word in, but realizing that future interactions are best left untouched.

I hope you know, last night I was just poking and playing with you in chat. I have no clue who you are and we've never interacted before. My tooth was hurting me and I came into chat in an attempt to loosen up. Sorry if sometimes I scratch when I play. ^^; It takes a little bit for some people to get my humor.

Anyway, I agree, particularly since I'm the thread starter. I ignore people for all sorts of arbitrary reasons based on my own standards and I'm not particularly hurt when people do the same to me. I'm not required to give anyone a moment of my time, online or off and it goes the same for myself in regards to other people.
Thaedael said:
Which is how this all started. She defended you, I called you an ass, and now we don't talk. Simple really.

Silly, you mean. I was playing with you. Unless you expect to be sassed with no provocation. Go take chat seriously over there. --------->>

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