The Dragon and The Cat [Skyrim Rp with Kittirai and Mike the Bloodwolf

The map would direct her to the nearby town of Riverrun. Where the dragon would be waiting for her in his human form. The guards would watch as she would enter the town as Mike watched her from the platform to the Taven with a smirk ob his lips
She strode into town, her eyes shifting over the guards and the towns people , wondering what was calling her here and if one of them had left the map. She was also a bit worried that the guards might recognize her and try to lock her back up again. Though it seemed most nords thought all Kaijit looked the same
Mike noticed a few Men starting to eye up the young Kaijit woman so he back flipped off the platform and landed infront of Winter with his back to her, his blonde hair would flow behind him, his muscles teasing in the sunlight before he would turn round to look her in the eyes, he had golden blue eyes and a scar on his right eye. This scar had been present on his dragon form but was not as noticeable as it was in human form. "Greeting my fair lady Kaijit, may I ask what has brought you to our little town here. You look like you came from Helga Keep where we've heard reports of something massive happened there. Do you know what caused all the destruction or were you just lucky to escape from the keep?" He asked Winter in a very calm and kind tone.
She stepped back at the man landed her tail tip whipping wildly at the sudden apperence as well as the rather imense wash of heat that filled her. She whips her head a little trying to clear her mind of the idea of rutting this man in the streets. It took a moment before she was able to speak .

"Err yeah something like that. Not really sure what happened ...."
The longer the two of them would look at each other, the stronger her want for this man would be. "Really? well I guess that can't be helped if you don't know what has happened there" He said to her as he walked up to her and then offered his hand to her "My name is Mike Fertar, and may I ask your name my wonderful lady?" He asked her with a smile.
She perks her ears up wondering if she was going into heat for some reason given the desire she was feeling. Even his touch to her hand sent a chill down her spine.

"Err i'm i'm Winter
"Its nice to meet you Winter, do you need a place to stay? You look like you've had a long travel and a long day" Mike asked her with a smile as he held her hand in his handshake for a while before he let go of her and waited for her answer.
Her tail flicks a little faster as she looks up at him with a small shiver.

"Um I, well i guess i kinda do though i was planning to just camp somewhere i don't exactly have any money."
Mike chuckled and said "Here you can come stay with me and I will give you the money to help you go along your journey". Mike smiled as her again while he was still looking into her eyes enjoying having her near him again. He was fighting his own instincts to not have sex with her right now. Dragon were very sexually charged after all.
Errr why thank you..... Ummmmm"

Her ears flatten not sure why she should accept this help but finding her self rather reluctant to deny or resist the offer.
Mike took her paw and said "I promise nothing will happen to you while your under my protection". Mike had full truth in his voice as he spoke to her. He wanted her to trust him and to actully let him in. As a dragon, he breed with her because of her being a dragonborn and the only one able to carry his children in the future but as he was now, he wanted her to see he meant well by offering her food and shelter even though she was a stranger in town.
"Alright. I'm sure it's better than sleeping out side. That didn't work so well for me last time."

She glances up to him though as he looks her over it was fairly clear her armor didn't fit too well , or that she had anything on under it.
(Sorry its taken so long to respond. I hope you still want to rp toguther. If not I understand)

Mike could tell that her armour did not fit well so he offered her a cloak he had on him to cover up the few part of her body which was exposed. He would then take her to his home.
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