The Dragon and The Cat [Skyrim Rp with Kittirai and Mike the Bloodwolf


Mar 1, 2014
Winter's tan ears lay back against her head at the sudden chop of an ax striking the wood block, and the wet sound of a head rolling away from the chopping block.

She wasn't sure who the storm cloaks were, but they evidently managed to piss off the Imperials ... something she was quite happy to see at this point to be honest. Particularly due to her own fate, while it kept her off the chopping block, her situation was not too much better.

She was caught crossing the border about two days ago and brought to this camp. The imperials had planted some skooma in her gear and gone on a long rant about the punishment for smuggling. They ignored her denials and offered the Khajiit woman a choice. Execution or aiding the garrison situated here in some way. She rathered liked her dark striped head and brown mane to remain attached to her body so she agreed with the latter of course not quite knowing what they meant by assisting.

Turns out her assistance was being stripped down to just her tan fur, placed in stocks with her tail pulled up and bound to her back, with her ass and pussy on display and for the use of any men in the fort who wanted a go with a exotic female on their break.

Some damn moral booster it seemed. One that a number of them had seemed happy to try out. Her amber eyes closed hearing more cursing from the prisoners and a wince as one tried to run and was shot down. She shifted a little on her paws bound as well and spread wide attached to the base of the stocks. Her cream colored and coco striped fur was already matted around her thighs and ass from her job as entertainment , but at least they were a little distracted now and the stocks were in the courtyard of the keep and kept out of sight of the rest of the town.
RE: The Dragon and The Cat [Skyrim Rp

Rumour had been going all around the keep and Skyrim itself , Dragons had returned more powerful then ever before but even more worrying was that, the rumour said that the dragons were taking female prisoners, they would not be found for about a month and suddenly would wondering back home with a swelling belly. Of course the guards ignored these rumours. Though beastly roar could be heard all around the keep and many Guards were starting to become very fearful. They were trying to rush it so Ulfric Stormcloak could be killed but since the Men had their moral boosting female. the exacution went slowly.

One of the guard captain came up behind Winter and said "Oh you certainly are a exotic female, I going to love pounding that pussy of yours", He began to rub her pussy roughly, all he cared about was his own pleasure.
RE: The Dragon and The Cat [Skyrim Rp

She grumbles a little having gotten far too used to this over the last few days.of course it wasn't like she could lower her tail or try to hide herself any way propped up for business as she was.

Her ears flatten to her head as she glances back only seeing the wood of the stocks. On the plus side that meant that she wasn't likely to be choking on a cock this time, on the down side the guards seemed to love her tail hole. At least with all the use she was getting it didn't hurt any more.
RE: The Dragon and The Cat [Skyrim Rp

Another Roar echo though the keep, which made the Captain stop for a few second before he got back to it again and tease her pussy with his cock before all of a suddenly the sounds of screaming and the smell of fire suddenly came though the air. The keep began to burn as blazing blue fire rained down upon the keep. Men were screaming and burning before all of a sudden the sound of a powerful stomp came. Winter would hear the captain behind her scream in pain before his burning body would knock her stock onto the ground shattering it on impact. If she looked infront of her, she would see a large and mighty blue dragon which could tell she was what he seek by her scent and he roared out "DRAGONBORN" before his tail whip round crushing the guards and destroying the watchtower.
RE: The Dragon and The Cat [Skyrim Rp

She flinches lightly at the feeling of that cock head rubbing along her slit. She was surprised she hadn't been filled with kittens yet with as often as these damned imperials had filled her. Still she had been lucky they liked her ass more.

Her ears perk up at the roar and she cranes her head around as best she can to see what creature might have made that sort of noise. When the screaming started she couldn't do much more than struggle and flail. She heard the scream before she was sent tumbling for ward to slam onto her face her tail whipping as it was knocked free . She yanks her self out of the broken stocks rubbing her nose then slowly lifting her gaze up to the massive dragon before her.

"by the nines......"
RE: The Dragon and The Cat [Skyrim Rp

The dragon looked down at her before fire erupted around them, but it was not hot in fact it protected them. The dragon large cock came out of it sheathe as the fully erected thing was in front of her before his forked tounge came out and began to lick her, the two prongs would penetrate both her pussy and ass. It would give her pleasure beyond her widest desires, there connection would make it so though the dragon itself was very experienced in the ways of being sexual. This dragon was going to make this dragonborn girl his own no matter what.
RE: The Dragon and The Cat [Skyrim Rp

She scrambled back away from it screaming out at the fire bursting up around her. She didn't so much notice the cock at first as she was more focused on the massive maw of teeth looking at her.

She winced at the first touch of the tongue then gasped as it went between her legs pressing into her. She cries out again think it to be tasting her though she gasps loudly as it does little more than play with her body. She bites her lip, ears flattening to her head wondering exactly what it was that made everything seem to want to fuck her.
RE: The Dragon and The Cat [Skyrim Rp


The dragon kept licking her pushing its prongs into her two holes to try and get her to moan and enjoy herself as he wanted his soon to be set mate to enjoy herself before he breathed into her holes which would give her more plrasure or at the very least he wanted to give more pleasure then anyone else could. He was woundering how much sex she had since her capture. Still she had a sexy body and wonderful eyes. The dragon wanted her as his own so none of the other dragon would ever take her from him plus there was the added benefit of the fact that she would be drawn to him no matter what afterwards so he was looking forward to that.
She squirms in the pillory , not able to really do much of anything by remain where she was and take the dragons wet probing into her body.

She was a little less freaked out now, though a good bit more annoyed that it seemed EVERYTHING just wanted to fuck her. Still being fucked by a pair tongues was strange, even though the drool was soaking her ass and thighs it still felt rather good.
The dragon breath on her ass and thighs which would make her a little more sensitive to the dragon tongue, but the dragon itself was actually an expert at this. He could feel from her body that she was liking this possible a hell load more then when the imperials would fuck her. He was well trained in the sexual art and had a few dragon children which had all moved on but he had never settled down.
She squirms panting softly her tail twitching in it's bonds as the fur of her rear and thighs were matted down by his saliva and her own juices. Her claws scraped on the stop of the wood as she quivered from the hot breath blowing over her soaked rump.
After a long time of pleasuring her with his tongue, the dragon finally carried out what it wanted after breaking the bonds on her tail. He mounted her pushing his large dragon cock inside her pussy making her wall stretch and rubbing against her wall to give her even more pleasure then before as he thrusted inside her slowly.
She cries out loudly with a yowl as her pussy was speared and stretched wide around the dragons cock her belly bulgeing fromg the girth starting to fill it as she was pushed harder against the stocks.:
(I thought she was not in stocks anymore)

The dragon heard her pain so he made his cock shrink to better fit into her pussy without pain as he kissed her on the lips and licked her breasts and nipples to help settle her down. He kept at it to make her calner and less in pain
[ i didn't think he let her out yet just her tail]

She shudders panting as she was mounted her furred rear rubbing against the scaled under side of the dragon as it thrust into her quite a bit larger than any male that had claimed her as of late .
The dragon kept going as it licked her face softly before using its tail to slowly push into Winter ass to play with her body there as well. the dragon would grumble something happily, before he went harder and faster into her pussy to get her to purr and moan, the dragon marked her as it breeding partner which would send a massive pleasure spike though Winter body.
She groans her feet lifted up off the ground by the force of both her holes being impaled and filled by the beast. Her tail whips wildly as she squirms panting and gasping. Her furred thighs and rear were already soaked with countless other uses of her body while she had been suck here the dragon would just be the largest and potentially the last of the ones to use her in the stocks.

His tail forced her body to tense up and a loud cry to escape her lips, had the dragon found her before this would have surly brought a scream, though since her capture her rear had been their favorite part of her to use and it had gotten to the point she had been starting to enjoy it.
With a snap, the dragon broke her stocks giving her complete freedom to move about now as he lick her face lustfully before he went even faster and harder getting close to blowing it massive load inside her.
She cries out panting , not managing to go any where even though she was freed as she was bounced in the air with each thrust of the massive beasts hips and tail. At the very least her breasts no longer slapped to the wooden stock as she was fucked.

She shudders feeling the tongue , though her head tilts back as she moans and cries out , letting the wet length run though her fur and mat it down to her chest and throat
The dragon roared outloud as his massive load would fill her pussy completely. Before he nibbled her neck lustfully and then whispered in her ear "you are forever marked as my mate. You will seek me out after you wake up and no man could ever touch you again apart from me, you will not remember this encounter but when you meet my human form, you will know because of a lust towards me". He kissed her before he pulled out her pussy and washed her fur using spring water nearby before he left clean clothes for her and flew off.
She cries out as her belly swelled , the dragons load making it look like she was near ready to birth a litter of kittens. As the beast pulled out her body gushed the cum her whole form shuddering as she could barely keep coherent or even conscious after that . She heard the words though didn't process them at all until she passed out fully.
The dragon would lick her one last time before he left her there, with protective charms so no one could touch her. As well as a map showing her the way to the nearest town. The dragon then finally took off into the sky and would wait for her in the next town in his human form. He would be a blonde haired male, with a muscular chest and a dragon mark on his chest
When she did awake it was due to a lot of confusion soreness and the smell of burning from the remains of the town she was in.

She wasn't sure the why, how or even the what, though she was quite content to take the clothes... loot a bit of armor and a weapon and hit the road. Having no real direction in mind but 'away' she figured having a look at the town shown on the map she was given might be a plan. Even if she didn't remember who left it.
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