The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1) -- CLOSED

RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

Neji had enough of this crap as he had given her one last chance, he wasn't going to not attack now, he launched himself forward as he used his gentle fist on her cutting off all of her chakra points as he used the full 64 hit strike combination on her. He was tired of her, and if she didn't want to go along, he had given her a choice, she made it for herself. as his palms hit her body fast in order and with the natural grace of a jounin. He wasn't a gennin like he was when he had battled her group years before he was jounin of the leaf and he wasn't going to let her get off another genjutsu off on him. He his hands striking faster then any of her oto team could back in the day even. He would then grabbed her after he had hit the chakra points, and head out most likely running into his teammates on the way back and would let the courts figure what they wanted to do.

"Now, that wasn't a choice, we will take you to konoha now and let them judge you for your attack on the city, and all that, I gave you your chance your own choice to toss it away," he said to her coldly as the first open palm went at her. He knew he would win, the close range mad it so that he could hit her with the gentle fist, what else could he ask for, he knew she had genjutsu, but he knew it already and it wouldn't work nearly as well the second time against him as it had the first.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

Tayuya's flute ceased the second she felt her chakra sealed away. She turned around, a dangerous glare in her eyes. Much like Neji, she had had enough. And the attack against her when she hadn't made any moves against him - let alone had her back turned to him - was the final straw for Tayuya.

"Okay, you little shit. I've tried saying and giving hints that I have nothing against you or your goddamn nation, that I'm not still with Orochimaru, and even that I don't fucking wanna fight. Real fucking smooth of you to hit someone not even facing you. That's more of a tactic Snake-yaro would enforce. Sure you haven't already just paid him a visit yourself?" she added in, knowing it was putting more fuel into his fire which would probably be a double-edged sword. But the hell with it. In her mind and eyes, he had all but set this up and asked for it. Now .. well .... he'd get it.

While Taijutsu wasn't Tayuya's forte, she did know how to use it. Besides, the chakra points didn't take away her speed or reflexes. She'd use that to her advantage. But first off, before anything, she put her flute away. If anything was gonna get broken, it was not going to be her flute. No damn way.

There had been a few good advantages of having been around Kabuto. His vast knowledge of anatomy was often left in reach around the base. There had definitely been enough days Tayuya had been both bored and desperate to try to find a way to cure Kimimaru herself. That being said, she actually knew quite a bit, including vital locations on the body. Her knowledge was good although the Hyuuga still had a bit of an advantage with the bloodline. Simultaneously, it didn't mean Tayuya had no chance of defending herself.

"You want this so fucking bad? Come on then!" she hissed, keeping herself close and yet a few steps away from Neji. She wanted to see where he'd go for in order to make an appropriate counterattack against him.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

"You made your choice, you choose your fate, no woman who had nothing to hide would choose the path you have picked," he said as he took up his stance, he wasn't angry, he was able to keep calm and focused as he looked at her. "I think you have five minutes to beat me, two others are closing in on this spot," he said calmly as he focused his eyes on her, the gentle fist itself was something that he could use, many years of having taijutsu training, and fighting Lee and Naruto and even training with Gai made him confident in his abilities to fight this woman. He wasn't going to mess around with her as he figured that she was near enough to get into his zone of fighting. He stepped forward with his gentle fist towards her. his step gracefully as he moved closer to the foe in front of him.

His gentle fist used the chakra burst in his attack using it to hit her with a blow that would do damage inside of her body when she blocked the fist itself. It was a different type of attack then say Gai who would use his power to break bones. he aimed for her shoulder his open hand moving towards her in a sort of punch as he shot the burst of chakra with the punch towards her shoulder aiming for the spot. He then followed up with a second one that was aimed for the core of the woman knowing that was the largest target and had a lot of vital things that were placed there, he knew that he couldn't underestimate his foe, a lesson Naruto showed him long before this moment. He would fight her as he battled any foe no mater how strong or weak, and he focused for he knew the danger of losing the battle too.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

"Oh fuck off! You don't know shit! You've never been forced into a lifestyle you don't want! You've never had to do things you didn't want to. You really think I wanted to help with taking Sasuke to Snake-yaro?! Fuck no! You've had it easy, maybe even perfect for you! So don't fucking talk like you know me! You don't have a damn thing on me! And even if you take me back, you won't find anything on me! You'll look more pathetic than I did when all the goddamn trees fell on me! I fucking guarantee it!"

Just the speed and momentum from the punch gave her all the incentive to dodge. She side-stepped away, coming so her fists were near his kidneys. While she had her own opportunity, she tossed her fists forward, aiming to hit the one on the right side.

An irked scoff passed her lips as she shook her head.

"Tch, no woman would also want some guy she didn't fucking know watching her, staying with her just to prove a point. You know how fucking awkward that would have been? Of course not. That's why you suggested it ... "

Her eyes widened as she watched Neji's hand go for her core. Her left hand shot down as she grabbed for his hand, aiming to begin twisting it and breaking his wrist.

"You fucking perverted son of a bitch! Don't you even think on that!"

Her temper was not only flaring but her own resolve was strengthening. Her grip seemed to actually tighten as she continued trying to twist Neji's wrist. The weirdest part? She hadn't even activated her seal. True, she did partly believe it couldn't work anymore. But disregarding that possibility, this was something she hadn't done ... ever. Even with Shikamaru. Her seal had been turned on first before she began trying to go toe-to-toe against him. Then again, it had also been easier to do. He was, after all, another genjutsu user like herself. So neither of them were overly good at Tai.

This, though was different. And while her mind did remember that ... well ... her wrath was on the fence as to if it recalled that or not.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

Neji didn't show it but he wasnt' happy at this point, to have a genjutsu user beating him in a fight, didn't actually seem possible Lee had failed for how many times to defeat him. He had to focus, he used his hand to use the force of his open palm to break her grasp of his wrist first and foremost. He had no clue what she was thinking about calling him a pervert, the idea was to kill her not touch her, he was still wondering how the after effects of his gentle hand were not hitting the chakra waves from his hands should of been harming the woman, was she to high on some type of something to not be effected by this, he never more then tapped a person the chakra was what did the damage not the fist itself. the core shot had been the same type he almost killed Hinata with years before.

He had nothing to say to this woman, she was the foe, and he had to pick it up it would seem focused on her. "Jūkenpō Ichigekishin ," he said throwing a massively powerful taijutsu attack at her point black the One Body Body strike was what he had used against Kisame to escape his water prism, it was as powerful of an attack as had, and he wasn't going to hold back on this woman now. He was going to defeat his enemy. To him she was his enemy, granted she had no clue who he was either, nor the challenge he battled with the seal on his head that could be used by his family to kill him at any moment. The fact his lower branch status was not the greatest thing or the challenge he had in his life. IF she were to dodge that some how then he would slip right into Hakkeshō Kaiten. At this range the defense would also be a powerful attack against her.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

It was likely exhaustion more than anything. Still, she hadn't thought before speaking. Ah well. It wasn't a completely false accusation. Her chest wasn't too far away and he could have hit her breasts if she hadn't blocked. Regardless, the fatigue was beginning to show as her hand began to tremble even while she kept the grip on Neji. As far as her body went .. it had been, briefly, too focused - although high was a slightly accurate word to use - on going through with her tasks. But now, she was beginning to feel everything. That plus the attempted attacks at her made Tayuya shakily jump back, trying to gain distance away from Neji.

"...Fuck .... ngh. Damnit please ... "

The word 'stop' never got to leave her lips as his palm thrust forward once again. It was clear he wasn't going to. So .. she was going to do the next best thing. Push had finally come to shove.

While her upper body had taken quite a bit of abuse, her lower was working well enough to go through with the next idea. Another perk to being excellent at genjutsu was her chakra control. Applying some on her feet, she ran away from the Hyuuga and began going high up in a tree. Tayuya ran as far as she could before clinging onto the branches above her, panting and breathing heavily. Her whole body shook as she held on for dear life.

Damnit, now what?!

She could try to summon at least one of the Doki again to carry her away. But as it was, the real answer ... was almost nothing. She was too sore, too exhausted. And with how hellbent Neji was, all that seemed to wait for her was Death. It didn't seem like he could be negotiated with.

Fuck! Is this really how it's all going to end?!

The tears she'd been fighting back were slowly beginning to form, ready to fall down her face in a matter of moments.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

Neji had what treed a woman, he was sure he had, he was focused at the moment as he knew he could win the fight he paused as he looked up at the tree, taking a deep breath as he looked up. "I bet that offer I had for you looks a whole lot better now then it did back when you ran away, I was going to try to make it little awkward as possible. Yet, you couldn't work out a diplomatic solution, and you were wrong, trust me, just cause I am a Hyuuga," he said firmly as he looked up at the tree, he knew he had her, he knew that in a couple of minutes Tenten would be there and she could summon her weapons and use them against this woman if she stayed in the tree or Lee could do some of his crazy as well. He looked up at the tree, he didn't feel bad about killing people it was part of being a ninja after all.

"So, fowl mouthed woman, the ball is in your court, my friends will be here really soon, I can see them in range with my eyes already, one of them is a range expert and we can blow up the tree with you in it, otherwise you can go with what I offered, and we can make adjustments as we go, I won't be following around every second, and you will have your freedom, I can't see why you are so damn hell bent on fucking getting your ass killed this day, you are a strange and bizarre woman, and I can't figure you out," he said waiting for a moment longer as he figured he would give her another chance as it was better then killing her just to leave he opinion to live and he felt that Naruto would of done that too.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

"... Somewhat." she admitted, continuing to hold onto the branch. "It's still bullshit though. I'm fucking seventeen! I don't need someone watching me! Fucking hell!"

Her head fell against the back of the tree as the tears quickly and quietly finally began to stream down her face.

Fucking bastard! Urgh!

Her right hand slowly let go as she wiped some of the tears away, panting and trembling in a mix of anger and fear.

"... If I fucking come down, you gonna stop? Or are you just gonna try to hit me again?" she finally asked. "And it's Tayuya! Didn't the Nara tell you that? Fuck no, I don't want to die. You're the one coming at me with murdering intent -- and all without any hardcore proof. Would you really be able to live with yourself if you found out I have been innocent? Fuck, you going to be able to when you realize this plan is going to do nothing but prove you wrong?! Hope you're happy with all you've fucking done so far. Tch ... "
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

"First of all the Nara and I are not on the same team, and I know who you area anyhow, but you still are strange to me," Neji commented as he looked at her, "you are as innocent, yeah right, we know you have done many things in your time, like that barrier you used for Orochimaru when you attacked our hokage, for example," he said calmly that itself was reason enough to go at her with killer intent. "We will see if I am wrong I am wrong about you know, we will see won't we," he commented as he looked right back up the tree for a moment.

"I won't attack you , if you don't try to run right away," he commented as he took a step back, "if you try to run for the third time I will strike though," he said honestly letting his tone tell her he wasn't joking about it either.

"Now, I would suggest that you come down sooner rather then later, so that I can explain the situation to my teammates when they arrive and tell them about our deal," he commented as he put his hands at his sides waiting to se just what the woman would do.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

"Tch, that was back then. Like I said, you never had to live a lifestyle like that, to have to obey someone like Snake-yaro. So of course you're not gonna fucking understand that going against him is like asking for him - or Four-Eyes if he doesn't wanna get his hands dirty - to slit your throat. I had to! Trust me, there were tons of other places I would have rather been. That was not one of them!" Her grip remained firm upon the branch as she glanced down, watching Neji from above. The step back was ... well ... a start of sorts. It definitely reassured her a bit that if nothing else, he did seem to be a man of his word. So ... maybe this could work?

It still didn't change her feelings on it, though. Gods help her, she hated this! She did not want to agree to this. But between him staying with her versus going to a prison, it was obvious what the better option was. She was still pissed off, oh gods yes. It felt like most of her words had fallen on deaf ears. But the hell with it. The two month wait - or however long that wound up being agreed on - would be worth the wait. He'd definitely feel like a fool and that would probably be the best sensation for Tayuya; knowing she could look him in the eyes and have the ability to say 'See? I told you so'. That alone made her smirk.

".... Fine. Fine. Fuck sakes, I'm coming ... "

Slowly, she began climbing down, making sure to not fall on the way. It hadn't dawned on her until half-way down that she had nearly put herself in quite the ironic state. She'd gone in the same place which nearly killed her years ago. It made her inwardly chuckle. After a few moments, the redhead was soon in front of Neji. Her face was mostly dry though there were hints that she had been quietly crying while she had been up in the tree.

"Here ... I'm fucking here ... " she replied softly, leaning against the same tree she'd climbed down. ".... So now what? We wait I guess?"
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

True enough Lee landed as he looked at the woman and had no clue who she was, Tenten was behind him by a short distance, but they were there within a few minutes of her statements. Neji looked at the pair and talked to them quickly, explaining the situation and explaining how he was going to stay in the village and make sure that the redhead wasn't going to cause the village any more possible trouble. He knew that this was a surprise to the other two and it showed on her face as he made the comment to them. After he had the quick talk he turned back and looked over at Tayuya and heard her statement to him. The Hyuga could tell she was impatient to have an answer, but he had one for her.

"Now, what is going to happen is I am going to find a job perhaps at that place you work, maybe not, then I will basically be under cover as possible for the next two months. I will keep in touch with you, perhaps we can do this by having meals or meeting a certain number of times per week," he explained as he looked at her giving her a calm response as he knew that it wasn't perfect. "Now, most likely we will work at the same place, to make this easier, I am sure I can talk my way into a job at the same place you work at. This was I can keep an eye on you, but also wouldn't have to follow you or find some place to meet you each day as we would meet for work anyhow."

He paused stopping for a moment. As he waved off the others, making sure they knew where he would be and who the one he was keeping an eye on. "Now, we return back to the village, I have to find a place to stay and you need to get home to do whatever it is you do," he commented as he looked at the woman. "Now, it shouldn't be that hard. Now if you have any other ideas on how we can communicate now is the time to say them," he said as he waited for her to say something. Most likely she would have something to say, she had a smart mouth as it were and that just seemed to be kind of her thing.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

Tayuya's gaze remained looking down to the ground while Neji spoke with his comrades. Honestly, she didn't have anything to say for once. She was too infuriated for one. More than that though, it'd be the equivalent of signing away her death wish if she tried to protest. She might have come off as a cold-hearted bitch but Tayuya had always been a woman of her word. Always. And she - reluctantly or otherwise - was going to keep her part of the bargain.

"I don't know if there's anything there. They tend to be in higher demand of women. And for the record, they know me as Tayuya; nothing else. I didn't see a point in bullshitting them when I arrived here so I didn't use a fake name." It was gradual but there was definitely a much more calm aura around Tayuya. It was clear she was trying to make the best out of this rather than give into her temper once again. "I don't know though. I very well may be wrong. There's never been a point with me inquiring about any available jobs because no one else had found me here. My manager and co-workers can vouch for that."

With any luck, that'd be a start that she truly was innocent. After all, no one meant no one, including Orochimaru or Kabuto. So if they hadn't found her, she couldn't be associated with Otogakure anymore.

"You ... ever gonna undo ... whatever it was you did?" Tayuya finally inquired after a bit of a pause had lingered between the two. "As far as communication goes ... even without the job, the tavern does allow for people to pay for rooms by the week or month. It ... " Her teeth gripped her lower lip in annoyance as she forced herself to continue. "It's not just a damn bar. It .. it is a .. well ... a brothel. But I don't do any of that crap. I outright refused when they asked me about that. Um ... "

Her head slowly shook from side to side. "Staying close by somehow is likely the best way to keep doing this talking method. Nothing's immediately coming to my mind otherwise."

None of this was probably anything Neji expected. If he even contemplated on the reason as to why she'd been more civil than before, it was simple. Tayuya did know her limits. Otherwise, she could have - and would have - darted off into a run. It wouldn't matter to her if it failed. If she didn't know when to stop, she wouldn't give a damn.

Clearly, there was another side of her that perhaps no one had seen before.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

To say he was surprised by her reaction would be a understatement, he figured he would have to continue to push her down this road kicking and biting and yelling out at him the whole while. So to hear her change in town was something that surprised the Hyuga clan member as he stood there. He undid his byakugan and then took a deep breath, "nothing I did is perminate, it will heal quickly and there are no marks on your body either," he commented as he looked at her, "now I am sure they need males for minor jobs, there is always a need of people to clean tables, to tend the bar and to keep track of money and such for a company of any size, and even more so for one with different operations as you said it has."

He thought about it, "Then I shall get a room there at least for the time being as I or we figure out how this is going to work. I figure this will take a bit of time to get used to everything and then we can adjust as we go about these two months. Now, I do not know medical jutsu, so I can't help you with any injuries you may have, but if you wish, I do know several medical nin who are traveling though this region who can stop by and help you recover on their way back to Konoha, they should be if I make it known to them able to arrive sometime tonight so that you will be back to normal before your work shift tomorrow," he mused as he figured that her going in hurt wouldn't help her any with her job, and would show that she was in trouble which would cause countless numbers of new problems that honestly he didn't want to have to deal with.

"So if there is nothing else, either I can go find this medic-nin for you, or we both can go into town and find this room for me to rent," he finished up as he knew that things hopefully would not be as challenging as that first day was.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

Now that Tayuya thought on it, one of the other women had been complaining about being the bartender for so long. She'd always believed it to be a guy's job but .. that could work either way. It was more typical of men to take up that role but it didn't have to be for them only. So ... there probably was a way to make this all work. That was both a good thing and an annoying one. Just because Tayuya would cooperate didn't mean she enjoyed what was going to happen. It was still very frustrating. But ... there was no point in arguing anymore.

As tempting as the idea of a medical ninja sounded, she feared that may be pressing her luck. Kabuto was an espionage expert. This included disguises. So while this medical ninja might look like an innocent person on the outside .. with her luck, it'd be fucking Four-Eyes somehow.

That'd just be it, wouldn't it? she inwardly mused, thinking a bit longer on the idea. After a few more minutes of quiet thinking, her head shook no slowly. "I can heal pretty fast ... so long as nothing vital was hit."

When the trees had fallen on her, it'd taken months. But that was to be expected. In terms of light bruises, something that was very likely for her to have soon, Tayuya knew they'd likely go away in a day or so.

"No though I .. should be fine. I just .. wanna lie down for a bit. I'm on call so I don't really have a schedule. Furthermore, I can easily ask for time off. My manager will probably give the rest of today off if that'd help at all with allowing us more opportunities to figure this all out."
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

He could see the reasoning of her wanting to avoid more ninja, he figured too that to many would bring the wrong attention to her as well. He figured he could handle the bar tending job rather easily as he had some experience with such jobs in pervious undercover missions that he did in smaller villages in the past. He figured it would work out and he would be able to get set up quickly in what he wanted. That would then pay for his room and food and then he would be able to get though the two months easily and hopefully she was right and he could admit to being wrong and leave as if he had never been there. Of course, he still was sure she was keeping some secret from him that she just wouldn't let go, but only time would tell on that front.

"Fine, then I shall walk you home meet with your manager and then I shall see you tomorrow to check on you and to make sure that you are still alive and haven't skipped out of town or anything. Then we will go from there," he mused as he walked on heading to the village, "Now your manager seemed a reasonable person so it should be hard to get a job, but I do need to know one things, your name here?" he asked as he looked at her, he knew her real name of course. That wasn't going to be here name here, she wouldn't just use her real name, he was sure about that, so he wanted to know what her name happened to be so that he didn't call her by the wrong name when he was talking to others or her in public, something like that could turn out to be bad.

He figured that the town would draw people and perhaps he could keep his eye out for any information on his villages enemies as well while he was here. People who were drunk and or partying were likely to drop their defense and were easy to get information from, far easier then even when they were in their homes thinking about nothing. Here they were disconnected from that life which meant he could perhaps learn a lot about the people who came, and as a bartender he would be able to build up trust with his work and then gain info in slight ways.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

The only real secret was that every now and again, Tayuya did tend to indulge herself in 'alone time' via masturbation. But her mind realized that there were few ways she could continue to do that much if ever. After all, if his eyes really did all Neji had said .. it was going to be next to impossible. It definitely annoyed Tayuya to realize. But .. she'd figure something out. She wasn't a genius like Neji or even Shikamaru. But she wasn't stupid either. When push came to shove, Tayuya could think of quite a few ideas relatively quickly.

Aside from that, however, there genuinely were no secrets. She had escaped her near death incident feeling pretty damn confident that no one - at least from Otogakure - would be able to find her. So far, she'd been right and three years had already passed.

Her attention went back to Neji as he inquired again on her name. "Oi, I'm serious! I didn't see a point in using a fake name. They really know me as Tayuya! That's not a lie, I swear. I'll admit to being a bitch at times. But I'm sure as hell no liar."

He wasn't really thinking on having her try to abruptly change her name .. was he? That wouldn't even begin to work. And even if it did, what in the hell did Neji expect her to say to her manager? There were so many excuses she could use that would sound ... logical.

A few minutes later, the two arrived back into the bar. The manager, Akane, greeted them both with a smile. "Tayuya-chan. I thought you didn't play to gather attention. What happened to that?"

"... I ... I don't. We .. um ... we go back, know one another."

It was the closest she would get to telling a full-fledged lie. They were more like acquaintances. But he wasn't a complete stranger to her either. Essentially, it was a half-truth, half-lie statement.

All the same, Tayuya managed to sneak an 'I-told-you-so' look towards Neji as her manager addressed her by her real name. She may have lost the physical battle. But it was clear that the musician would take any and all victories, regardless of the types they were.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

He looked at her and wondered what was on the mind of the woman he was walking with, she seemed to be thinking about something deeply, he had no idea what it might be but he didn't know. He figured that it couldn't be all that important as he continued to walk towards this town. He figured he would need to think of a new last name for the name Hyuga was one that would seriously draw way to much attention and would not be most likely the type of attention that the young man would want, so going by a different last name while he was here would be something that would work far better then using his real last name and having perhaps hunter nin after him looking for a way to get one of his eyes.

"I see, I will use a false last name, for my real name would draw attention to you, various villages have tried to kidnap members of my clans just due to our special abilities, and they would see me as a missing nin and come to try to kill me and take my eye, it has happened to a member of my clan before anyhow," he commented as he looked at her figuring that using one name wouldn't draw nearly as much attention perhaps he could follow that course, it would still be an lie of omission but that wasn't the worse thing ever.

"Yes, the woman is correct, I ran into her during some travels in fire country when I was younger, I was traveling with some friends of mine and we ran into her friends along the way," he commented as he looked at the man, "I have been told by someone that you could use a new bartender, I happen to be skilled with such things, I have very good hands and lots of experience dealing with all types of people even strange and odd people," he said honestly anyone who had to deal with Gai and Lee could say they knew how to deal with people. He figured that the job would be helpful, and help pay the bills for remaining there.
RE: The Traitor of Otogakure [AU Naruto RP] (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

Tayuya merely mentally noted that Neji would have a false name, one that she would have to remember. That was fine by her. Hopefully she'd remember to use whatever he chose rather than 'Hyuuga'. It didn't exactly amaze her that many had tried to obtain the eyes of his clan. Not to say Tayuya would side with those people, either. But with how powerful they helped him be, it just seemed .. like a given that anyone could have honestly guessed. Hell, the more she learned about them, the more it piqued her interest. If she had been Orochimaru, these were clearly the better eyes. But .. whatever. What-ifs were only those and thus her mind didn't think on it for long.

.... Did he just say 'the woman' and not my name?!

That certainly got Tayuya out of her thoughts and back to reality. It took every ounce of willpower to keep from looking up and glaring at Neji angrily. The only reason she hadn't used his first name was .. he hadn't said it! Otherwise, she would have!

Akane merely smiled and nodded. "She's correct, yes." Her gaze lingered on Neji for a while before placing a hand upon Tayuya's forehead and feeling it. "Hun? You okay?"


"Go lie down. You can have the rest of tonight off. You ... um ... I don't think I got your name, sir. Follow me." Akane began to lead him towards one of the back rooms to give him an application. Tayuya, on the other hand, took the advice and eagerly headed backstage, unlocking her door and falling upon her bed. It'd been a hell of a long day. She was still a bit pissed off at these arrangements.

But ... somehow ... she'd try to work things out, even if the only reason was to prove her innocence.
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