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As requested by Misha: Brie

Rudolph Quin

Mistaken for some sort of scoundrel
Aug 2, 2009
Was asked in chat recently if I ever draw things for my girl, and when I replied "yes, I draw her all the time" Misha got excited and demanded to see the pictures. they are.

A few notes:
1. my realism is rusty and I've never been very good at drawing from life.

2. I hardly ever carry my sketchbook with me, unless I plan on being sedentary for a long time. But I always like being prepared for that "just in case", so I carry around a spiral notebook instead. These were drawn in the notebook where I keep my Bluemoon notes, so some of the pages have writing on them relating to the comics I've done. The writing is not commentary at all on the pictures, but rather, the pictures were done afterwards in my desire to fill the empty spaces.

3. The one day, Sharpie marker was all I had with me, so that's what I used. She was making funny faces and she wanted me to draw her with her tongue sticking out. Then we had to figure out where we were gonna go out to eat that afternoon and her pensive expression was particularly stunning... so I drew it.





This last one was done from an actual photograph of her...which is why it's better than the others--unmoving subject.

You do draw things that inspire you! I really like that last one. You both are just so cute! :)
Yes, I do draw what inspires me. Thank you, yeah, I like that one too. ^^
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