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Mod That Game

Do you mod your games?

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Oct 22, 2009
One of the greatest things about gaming on PC is that you can dramatically alter your game with mods! This thread is for discussing mods and posting images of your modded game.

Lately I've been neck deep, spending hours and hours, modding Skyrim and New Vegas. I've thrown in everything from textures and meshes for characters, to mods that completely alter the rules of combat. So, to kick off this thread, I'm going to post some pictures of my current Fallout: New Vegas game!






I'll probably take more as I play more, and inevitably add more and more mods. I'll likely take some shots that don't have the ENB (makes the game look pretty), so people can compare the vanilla game to the modded one. There will probably be some Skyrim shots sooner or later too.
Thanks! It took me forever just to get the game modded to how I wanted. I actually had to create a custom race to get that exact combination of mods to work in New Vegas. If I hadn't gone through the trouble of doing so, everyone in the wasteland would have been running around with her tattoos!

Anyway, have a few quick Skyrim pics I took last night (five am lol). I'm well aware of the hair issue, where it floats above her shoulders, but I can't do anything about it. I love the way the hairline looks, the texture of the hair, and how it frames to face. So I deal with it!





The interesting thing to note here is that thanks to the mods, New Vegas looks comparable to Skyrim, and maybe even better in some ways! Although, to be fair, my Skyrim pictures are only really showcasing the character model, and not some of the beautiful scenery.
I have it on both PC and PS3. Once I built my gaming PC, which you can see in my thread about PCs, I knew I had to get it again, so I can mod it.
It's amazing how much more I enjoyed Skyrim with a few simple mods- adding in skills that had been cut from the preceding games, more diversity to weapon and armour, an opening/character creator that doesn't drag on for five hours, the ability to make a fucking class instead of that namby pamby 'make it up as you go along' system the vanilla game used.

A paranoid part of me feels that Bethesda just releases half-finished games and leaves modders to do the rest...
I actually like the "make it up as you go along" system. If I want, I can have a character who devoted her entire life to one discipline. On the other hand, I can have a character that has learned many things, but never bothered to specialize. I feel it allows for greater role-playing, and the more disciplines you wish to invest in, the lower your overall ability will be in each. I wish they would have capped things on a race to race basis, however. Certain races should have had a greater overall potential in various areas than other races.

Right now my favorite gameplay mod for Skyrim is a location specific damage mod. No longer am I fighting an enemy that has three arrows sticking out of his/her forehead. One shot to the head kills em', unless they're wearing a helmet. I've also reduced the ragdoll, so an enemy hit with an arrow doesn't go flying like I hit em' with a firehose. I'm also enjoying the variety of armors and capes that I've shoved into the game as well.
I'm going to buy the PC version of Dynasty Warriors 8 soon, and learn how to mod the enemies into whatever I want to kill 5000 of on a given day. *nodnod*
That actually sounds very awesome. As long as you can get the meshes, skeleton and texture data it shouldn't be too difficult.
Thanks! I took me a long time of fighting with the various programs to get that character to look that way.

That's just Lydia, the houscarl in Whiterun. She looks a little different, because the ENB that I have applied to the game changes the lighting. Her hair looks WAY lighter than it should, but I don't mind it, because the rest of the game looks much better.
Mitsu said:
One of the greatest things about gaming on PC is that you can dramatically alter your game with mods! This thread is for discussing mods and posting images of your modded game.

Lately I've been neck deep, spending hours and hours, modding Skyrim and New Vegas. I've thrown in everything from textures and meshes for characters, to mods that completely alter the rules of combat. So, to kick off this thread, I'm going to post some pictures of my current Fallout: New Vegas game!






I'll probably take more as I play more, and inevitably add more and more mods. I'll likely take some shots that don't have the ENB (makes the game look pretty), so people can compare the vanilla game to the modded one. There will probably be some Skyrim shots sooner or later too.

I've been working on making a pc game but I'm no artist I've been using a lot of stolen art, if you were to help out...I could pay you
I did not actually create anything. I just downloaded mods, and installed them to my game. Getting everything to work properly actually took some time, but I did not create a single thing.
Mitsu said:
Thanks! I took me a long time of fighting with the various programs to get that character to look that way.

That's just Lydia, the houscarl in Whiterun. She looks a little different, because the ENB that I have applied to the game changes the lighting. Her hair looks WAY lighter than it should, but I don't mind it, because the rest of the game looks much better.

You're most welcomed! That is one of the main reasons why I stick to non-character mods, haha, I'd spend so much time trying to acquire the perfect ones while staying in the realm of Skyrim.

That is who I thought it was! Love Lydia to death. I just couldn't quite put my finger on that being her in the screenshot because of the change in hair color. As much as like bringing Lydia everywhere, I always keep her at home in Whiterun; the accidental companion killing has resulted in many a deaths for Lydia throughout my time spent in Skyrim.
I need character mods, because I'm superficial. I want a character that looks good.

I have the same issue, but with PC it's less of an issue. I think you can use console commands to bring them back from the dead. There are even mods that allow you to set them to essential, which means they cannot die at all.
I have a healthy respect for modders, allowing me to enjoy some of my favorite games long after I got my full money's worth of the vanilla game. I just wish I had the talent and discipline, to learn how to mod game files.
Vic Rattlehead said:
I have a healthy respect for modders, allowing me to enjoy some of my favorite games long after I got my full money's worth of the vanilla game. I just wish I had the talent and discipline, to learn how to mod game files.

If I was so inclined, and I had the artistic talent, I could probably do certain things. I kind of understand how textures work, but I have no artistic ability to create. There are so many tutorials out there on how to actually create mods, that I feel anyone could do it.
Well you know what they say, time is money and money is time. I simply don't have enough time with college, weight lifting, and writing to learn how to mod.
Have some fresh New Vegas screen shots to put up! Let's meet Boone and Veronica. I'm less pleased with Veronica, but at least she looks better than vanilla version. I'll probably try to find something better soon.



Veronica, my character, and the mod companion Willow.


A better look at Willow.


Boone, of course.


I mentioned before that I'm using an ENB for the game. An ENB is an enhancement of various color and lighting system, as well as some blur and sharpening and anti-aliasing stuff thrown in. In short, it can make the game look better. Do you think this ENB makes New Vegas look better?




Boone looks pretty legit, but I don't like how Veronica looks like a doll.
Yeah, I wasn't too pleased with Veronica. I think she looked better on the mod page. Boone is pretty badass looking, though.
I am not a huge PC gamer (League of legends, Tf2, and toribash is really all my PC has on it.). But I do respect modders. Well, not in co-op because, you know, hacking. But visual changes and extra quests and other minor changes in an RPG like skyrim make me happy, but if it breaks the game, it's not for me.
This time it's Dragon Age: Origins.

Morrigan with a new face!


Alistair looking a tad different.


My next round will have a very different looking Sten, and a good view of my character as well.
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