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Sexual Star, Amateur at Love (Javorcek X ClearSight)

Alex truly wasn't one to judge another person, at least not without some damn strong evidence or something really severe happening. If only she had known that from the start, but really Alex was unique in that regard. Most people did judge, they could say otherwise but it wasn't how the world worked, most people judged and they would deny it completely. Still, while Alex thought she was the type who could deal with being with Elle, she had a concern that wasn't easy to alleviate, in fact Elle had already tried. She wasn't going to give up, Elle was not just cute puppy dog eyes and a sad story, hell no, she was smart and she loved Alex, she had to find a way to make it all clear. It was nowhere near easy however, because while for Elle there was a clear difference between sex and love, she could realize there was a connection and knew that for most people there was a distinct connection. Alex was one of those people, and thinking about their time together Elle could see it, just how much adoration and affection Alex showered her with, how romantic she could be. Sure, Elle was the same to Alex, but she could also detach herself and take love out of it.

"Well... Honestly Alex... It's probably not fair, and you're not the first girl I've been with who has had a problem with my career, in fact almost all of them have had a problem, that or not been serious to begin with." She took a deep breath, leaning forward, trying her best to be serious and make a concise appeal, not use her puppy dog eyes to drive whatever point she presented home. "I guess in the end I don't have a true answer. I can't deny that the act of sex itself it intimate. However, I can say one thing. Sex is only one part of a relationship. There are also the feelings involved, the love, the affection... The connection beyond mere physical... On that end I would can promise you I will forever be faithful... It takes a lot for me to fall in love and I pride myself on my loyalty." It didn't explain everything, it was impossible to just say, don't worry about it, because in truth there was nothing that could completely make it alright that she slept with other women. Still, she needed to believe that one day she could find love despite her profession.

Fuck, I mean, she wanted Alex to understand, that love, at least many aspects of it, weren't physical at all, and while one could say sex was an intimate act there was more to love than sex. It was the component, not the whole. "I guess... Perhaps if you can't get past it I would understand... But if you can't do this Alex tell me now... I want to start a real life, with someone I love... I want to have a family and a home, to have something to come home to. Because really there are days when my job just causes me to need more affection." She sighed, a hand running through her hair before chewing on her lower lip, only taking a moment before looking into Alex's eyes again. "Love isn't just sex to me... I need more, I need the cheesy ass other half, and I'll do whatever it takes to have that."
Alex shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Elle looked at her. She wanted to be okay with all of this, she really did. Isn’t this what she had asked for anyways, for Elle to be totally honest with her? But it was still just so hard to believe that Elle felt nothing for those other women. Those many, many other women… Gah… Alex knew that some people could be like that, have sex and it didn’t mean a thing hell, half her guy friends would fuck anything without any sort of emotional attachment committed to their flavor of the week. And it wasn’t even like they were assholes either, her friends were sweet, they just apparently liked to have emotionless sex.

Heh…’mom is a pornstar’ Alex couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of having to explain to their future children what their one mother did for a living. It wasn’t the best thing to think about, but the fact that Elle wanted kids and that she wanted to have a real life that wasn’t all just sex and partying brightened Alex up.

“I want to try.” She said after a moment, not sounding like she was 100% confident that this would all work out, but still, Alex wanted to try. “I like you Elle…and I like that you want the same things that I want and we have similar interests. But no second chances, okay? If I even -think- that you’re sleeping with other girls outside of work…I’m gone.” It wasn’t an empty threat, Alex wasn’t going to do this again. She wasn’t going to waste her time giving someone second chances that just wanted to abuse her trust. Alex had never doubted Elle for even a moment when they had been dating, and she wanted that level of trust back again. The last thing she wanted to be was the crazy girlfriend that jumped down her partner’s throat all because was paranoid that Elle was cheating on her with some other woman.

“Just…no more hiding stuff, okay? I don’t hide anything from you, so don’t hide anything from me.” Alex reached across the table to take hold of Elle’s hand and give it a light squeeze. Finally the waiter came by with their burgers, just in time too, because Alex was starting to feel the wine. She wasn’t really a lightweight, she just hadn’t had anything to eat all day.
Elle could see emotions playing on Alex's face, despite how much she knew her girlfriend would try to hide them. Alex could be like that, communication was a weak point and it made things difficult. It was always worth it though, Elle had come to find that with a little effort Alex could be more passionate and more romantic than anyone else she had ever met. So she was going to do just that, keep the lines of communication open and do her best to let Alex make the big decision she now had to make, whether to stay with Elle or to move on with her life and find someone she could actually picture herself making a life with. Still, that didn't exactly stop Elle from guessing at what it was on Alex's mind. She already knew Alex was having a difficult time believing that she could trust Elle, it was understandable when she thought about how Alex viewed relationships, but she was sure there were other concerns, and she guessed Alex's concerns possibly matched her own in some way. One such thing was could they build a life together when Elle was a pornstar? Elle had to believe that it was possible if she was going to make it through life, much less this date.

When Alex finally said it, actually giving Elle a straight answer for the first time since she found out what Elle did for a living, the joy and relief could be seen on her face. There was no doubt that Elle was thrilled that Alex had decided to give her a chance to make their relationship work. Of course Elle couldn't help but feel a bit discouraged with Alex making it so stringent that if she even suspected cheating she would leave, because that implied that even if it wasn't true their relationship could be over. Still, she never intended to cheat on Alex and she could make sure her lover never felt otherwise, that she knew Elle lived for her and her alone. "I understand Alex. I need you to know that I will never hurt you, and while I don't expect you to believe me right now, I plan to earn that trust back... Because Alex, you're everything to me." She wasn't lying, Elle planned to do everything she could in order to get Alex's trust back, and more than that make Alex trust her more than ever. Fuck, she loved Alex.

"Nothing... I'll never hide anything from you again Alex... In fact I'm excited, for the first time in a long time someone is willing to give the real me a chance." She smiled gently and leaned across the table, rude sure but she kissed Alex softly before sitting back in her seat and taking a deep breath. Luckily the food came right after and it was time to continue it like normal. Mostly they would finally get to eat, but also it was Elle's turn to ask a question that had been on her mind but suppressed by more pressing concerns, such as keeping Alex at all costs. Now that the bigger issue was gone she could finally ask her questions, they could just talk and it wouldn't be all about Elle trying to make sure Alex would stay with her. She didn't do so immediately however, she ate some of her burger and let Alex dig in as well, knowing how hungry her lover must be since they had been together and she knew neither of them had eaten anything substantial. After a moment she placed her burger down and looked across the table, leaning in a bit and lowering her voice. "I do have one question Alex... What exactly was the other night... I mean... That was certainly the most interesting night we've ever had together in bed. What all are you in to? If you don't mind me asking." She was grinning, not confused or hesitant but curious and excited, she wanted to know what Alex was in to and how they could be together for so long without her knowing.
Alex blanched slightly and coughed, nearly choking on a bite of burger because the question had taken her by surprise. Just had to say ‘no more hiding stuff’ now didn’t you, dumbass. Ah fuck…she couldn’t lie… Not that Alex was a good liar anyways, she actually really sucked at bending the true. Plus, she couldn’t just very well set rules for Elle and not follow the same ones herself.

“Er…the other night? Eheh…” Alex chuckled nervously, feeling very on the spot. She’d only ever talked about her more taboo likes with people who were also kinksters. Elle came off as more of ‘the girl next door’, a total innocent sweetheart; hell, even the porn that her lover was on the gentle, loving side; so Alex wasn’t sure she wanted to be discussing the finer points of bondage with Elle. “I uh… Sorry about that…I don’t know what came over me.” Really, she sort of did. Alex had needed to vent both her temper and her pent up sexual urges, and she had vented by biting and hickeying the shit out of Elle’ neck and beating her lover’s pale ass until it was nearly purple. Fuck… Just the thought of her handprint’s marking Elle’s lovely rear made Alex heat up. Gah…I’m such a pervert… “I don’t want you to think we have to do that ever again just to keep me.” Alex quickly added. Part of her thought that Elle had let her do all that stuff in hopes of tempering some of Alex’s rage and she certainly didn’t want Elle to feel as though she were obligated to indulge in Alex’s strange likes.

“I ah… Well, I used to be really into bondage in college I guess… Made some of my own gear and everything…” Alex’s voice was soft as she shrugged her shoulders. “I mean, you know me Elle…I’m stupidly jealous, hell, I’m tempted to tell the waiter to put his eyes back into his skull the next time he comes over here and stares at your chest. So I like BDSM…it lets me be all sorts of possessive crazy for a little while without me being actually crazy” She knew that she was overreacting about the waiter. The waiter wasn’t –really- staring at Elle’s chest…just sort of glancing at it. But at least she wasn’t really drunk, otherwise she’d get right in that guy’s face just like she did if her and Elle went out to the bar and some guy tried to pick up her girl.

“And I just…attract girls that are into it, somehow, magically.” It was true that Alex usually attracted subs, she didn’t know how it happened. “You’re the only girl that I’ve never really done that stuff with before. Which, I’m totally okay with, I mean, I feel like my past relationships start out fine and then just sort of get dominated by bondage and sex and I don’t want that to happen with us. I really like you…” Alex smiled. She loved Elle, truly she did, and she didn’t want their sex life to turn into her having to tie up Elle every night so that they could orgasm, or for Elle to want Alex to make all her choices like a full-time Mistress.
Alex's response to the question was clearly one of someone not exactly comfortable with said topic of conversation. It was apparent to Elle that this was one of those, 'no more lies' conversations that might not have happened without their new lease on their relationship. Once Alex began to speak though Elle kept her mouth shut, a focused expression on her face as she listened to everything her lover had to say, and quite frankly was fucking jealous by the end. This was something Alex enjoyed, a sexual fetish for her girlfriend, and where Elle had thought they were open and adventurous in the bedroom it seemed Alex had been holding back. More than that though was when Alex spoke of her previous relationships and how they had all involved her BDSM fantasies. Selective hearing drowned out the bit about those relationships becoming dominated by bondage and focused on the bit she hadn't wanted to hear, and it was enough to make her pout. She wasn't really the type to yell, rarely did she actually get angry, instead Elle did this passive aggressive pout where she let her expressions and self-doubt convey just how upset she was. She had tried to stop, she knew how much Alex would crumble to that certain combination, but it was who she was and an involuntary reaction.

"So you've done that with all you other girlfriends and not with me... I mean... Isn't a bondage relationship a really intimate deal? Complete trust and sexually exciting? How come you wouldn't want to do that with me?" She knew the answer, before finding out Elle was a pornstar Alex viewed her as the cute innocent little bunny, and perhaps even still did. The truth was far different though, as innocent and kind as Elle could be she had a voracious appetite for sex and Alex knew that. Elle didn't want to hurt Alex though, she knew her girlfriend was the type to panic if she felt like she had done something wrong, and so as much as the self-doubt was pushing down on her she made an active attempt to shed it off and push forward. Her decision to move on herself was in no small part due to her desire to keep this night going in a positive direction after their official make up and no have it screech to a halt just so she could whine about not being shown every bit of Alex's sexual self.

"Never mind... I know the intimacy side isn't why you didn't share that part of yourself with me... I'm just being dramatic." She smiled gently, reaching across the table and taking Alex's hand in her own. She cleared her throat a bit as she removed her hand a moment later, trying to get her voice back to its normal tone and not sound like a pouty child. "Still, you should know I've probably never been as turned on as I was the other night... I mean at first it was a bit scary, I've never really done much like that, but... I uhm... I guess the magic that attracts that 'type' of girl is still working just fine." She laughed gently, feeling ridiculous for saying it that way but not really knowing how else to phrase it. As odd as it was Elle had loved her first time under the strict dominant hand of her girlfriend. "Besides, I think your jealous side is the cutest part about you... And you should know that the waiter has been checking you out as well and it has been irking me all night." That poor waiter, it was hardly his fault given how gorgeous they both were, especially Alex, but he was being made a martyr for the sake of getting her point across. Alex didn't need to hide who she was, not a single aspect of it, because Elle fucking adored her and wasn't as innocent as her lover seemed to think.
Ah crap… Alex forgot that she needed to edit herself when she was talking about delicate subjects with Elle. The moment her lover’s lips pursed and her face fell into a pout, Alex began to panic, knowing that she had said something wrong. She quickly replayed her words in her head, trying to figure out what the hell she had done, and as near as she could figure out, somehow it all had gone wrong when she had stupidly said something along the lines of ‘all of my relationships have involved BDSM except this one’.

“Well, you see, its- ah…- er…” FUUUUCCCCCKKKK MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Alex was scrambling to try to figure out how to explain to Elle that yes, bondage was really intimate and required a lot of trust between both the Mistress and the pet, and yes, it could be very pleasurable and exciting. BUT it also required a tolerance for pain, as well as an appreciation for that intense feeling of vulnerability. Alex wasn’t a saint, she knew that she had a mouth on her, but never once had she called Elle a ‘slut’ or a ‘whore’, had never purposefully said things to take Elle down a couple of pegs, and she knew that she would be likely to do so if they were in the middle of a scene. How the fuck was she supposed to explain to Elle that there really was a difference between being called a ‘slut’ and being called ‘-my- slut’ if her lover had burst into tears because her feelings were hurt?

Alex didn’t have to awkwardly scramble for words much longer, Elle took pity on her and calmed down. The brunette breathed a soft sigh of relief, giving her lover’s hand a thankful, affectionate squeeze. “I ah…I’m glad you liked it.” A grin full of pride took up residence on her lips. Maybe it was silly, but it was a confidence booster to know that she had gotten Elle to enjoy being tied down and abused a little. “We can try it again sometime…maybe. But, I meant the whole ‘first date’ thing, I do want to go slow, Elle…” Alex had a very healthy sex drive, but she really didn’t know if she were ready to just jump back into bed with Elle and pretend like none of this had happened. She really did just want to sort of take things slow, it wasn’t like they had to rush anyways.

“Hrrrmph. He’s probably wondering if this silverware is going to come out of his paycheck.” Alex smirked slightly, brushing off Elle’s comment that the waiter had been checking her out. She was more apt to think that people were looking at her ink and making judgments based off of that, rather than admiring her toned body or her generous bit of cleavage.

Now that the air between them was clear of secrets, Alex and Elle were free to amicably chat. Alex absolutely loved this part, she had missed this so much. She felt like few people ever got her sarcasm, but Elle did. And she loved how big of a dork her girlfriend was, how sweet and funny she could be.
Elle didn't want to make it hard for Alex, harder than it already was at least. She was well aware that they had some time until it would all be normal again, mostly due to the rebuilding of trust she was already worried about. Still, she felt like their time together should have meant something, and while it was the only reason Alex was giving her a second chance it wasn't exactly okay with Elle that she not be allowed to be herself around Alex. Taking it slow... It was hard to even imagine doing that when she was around the one person that could make her feel so amazing, the one person that taking it slow with seemed painful. She didn't say anything, Elle didn't feel like coming off ungrateful or desperate, but she couldn't help but feeling a bit disappointed that they would be holding back. "Okay Alex. We can take it slow... I just, I don't want to put this all behind us or anything, I think it was an important step, but I'd also like to move past it... " She didn't say anything more, she simply smiled and returned to her meal, letting small talk take over. Talking to Alex was always a joy, she was educated, adorable, and her sarcasm was absolutely delightful to Elle. At least taking it slow still had her with Alex, Elle could handle it for her.

Well, Elle had thought she could handle it, that had been the plan and usually she was pretty confident in her willpower, but this was different. Her and Alex had decided to slow down, start over essentially, but what Elle believed would be a slight delay to getting on with their lives had been a screeching halt. They dated, spent time together, and even slept in the same bed, but it had been a month and there had been no sex, none. Elle was going insane. Sure she had expected it the first week, they had been dating and cooking dinner together, watching movies and playing games, not to mention she was still recovering, but after that it had started to get out of hand. There had even been a few times they had been seconds away from pouncing on one another which Alex took as her cue to basically run off to the studio, or what Elle was now calling the fortress of celibacy. It was driving her mad, and since Elle had been use to having more sex than most people with her job as a pornstar, a subject they had discussed in much detail during her time off. She hadn't worked since the accident, because she couldn't really work until she was cleared to do so.

So for a month Elle had nothing, and while her hand had helped bridge the sexless gap it was just not enough. So when the wedding she had practically forgotten about rolled around she was at her limit and hoped to god the romantic atmosphere of a wedding would be enough to have Alex make a move and stop retreating at the first sign of lust. Despite all that Elle was thrilled, she got to go back home, finally introduce Alex to her family, and most of all she got to see her little sister. She talked to Izzy nearly every day and they were as close as ever, but with them living apart, her having work and Alex, and Izzy having college they rarely had time to get together.

Elle was shoving the last of her bags in the car when she stood up and looked over the vehicle at Alex. "You know I'm really excited about you meeting my family. They have all wanted to meet you for a long time, especially Izzy. She has been chatting my ear off about seeing who the girl who had won my heart was. A little protective of her older sister, which is kind of embarrassing, but she was always that way, not exactly your normal 22 year old. In fact she will be going to graduate school for computer engineering next year, so you could say she is a real go getter, nothing like her older sis." Elle laughed and then took a deep breath, "She's so important to me Alex... I hope you like her." Elle opened the door and ducked in to the passenger side seat, a smile resting on her face at the thought of her adorable little sister. She was just a drive away from seeing her loved ones, and finally being able to do what she should have done months ago, introduce the love of her life to the most important group of people in existence, as far as she was concerned. Of course the thought of sex never left her mind, but it was 'supposed' to be an after thought.
Somehow, Alex had managed to psyche herself out about the whole ‘having sex with Elle’ thing. At first it wasn’t so bad, she really did want to go slow with Elle and rediscover what they had together. They were both women with very healthy sexual appetites, and yes, sometimes it felt like the only thing they did on their days off together was have lots and lots of sex. But going slow…it allowed Alex to do all the stupid things that she had sort of stopped doing as their relationship had gotten older. She left Elle little notes around the house before she left for work, or brought her flowers for no reason in particular. They got to spend time just being themselves and loving the person that they were with… And that had all been great! No one made her laugh or feel as comfortable to be around as Elle did.

But after two weeks of not having sex, Alex began to fear that she was out of practice… And now at four weeks, was terrified that she was going to fuck it up when it did happen. Sex had turned into this great big looming monster. Alex wanted their second ‘first time’ to be perfect. But Elle was a pornstar goddamnit! How the fuck was she supposed to compete with Elle’s other lovers that did sex professionally?!?!?!

No amount of soothing would fix this, and perhaps Elle sensed that because she didn’t attempt to stroke Alex’s bruised ego. Alex knew that this was something she had to deal with on her own. So she hid, like a coward. A horny, horny, horny coward. At least her conflicted emotions made for some inspiration to a wonderful new series of paintings. Alex had begun a grouping of three, six foot tall bondage-themed works of art, her friends at the studio liked them, appreciated the content as well as the dramatic lighting and Alex’s careful handling of the bound up human figures. Thank God Elle didn’t come by the studio when she was working, Alex didn’t want her to anyways, she was afraid that the paint fumes would make her even more light headed than her medication did.

Alex was a mess at keeping dates straight and she’d entirely forgotten that Elle’s cousin’s wedding was right around the corner. The prospect of going away both thrilled and terrified her. Perhaps a romantic weekend would be the perfect chance for them to rekindle the physical chemistry between them, because Alex knew if she didn’t take care of this mess soon, she would be likely to just pounce ontop of Elle at the slightest provocation… And Alex didn’t want to go down like that, she’d like to think she was capable of a little more finesse, even under these strained conditions.

For once it was Alex that was taking forever to get dressed and ready to leave. Elle was feeling much better and had tossed her bags into the car while Alex was still in the bedroom, throwing what felt like the 20th rejected shirt onto the bed. Come on! You’re going to see her parents, not going to a fucking job interview. Alex groaned as she looked at herself in the mirror before shimmying herself out of the dress pants that were supposed to go with the button down. She was nervous….really nervous. She had a long history of parents not liking her. It wasn’t that Alex did anything to specifically piss parents off, it was just one look at her usually got mommy and daddy to be afraid that their little princess was going to be corrupted by the big bad lesbian.

“Grrrrrr!” Alex growled and did another sweep of the closet before finally picking out a light blue button down (because light blue is supposed to be the least threatening of all the colors, or some other color-psychology-mumbo-jumbo along those lines) and a pair of really dark jeans that didn’t have paint on them or a hole in the knee. After checking herself in the mirror and figuring that it was now or never, she took her already packed duffel and hurried out to the car before Elle had to send a search party.

“Aw that’s cute, your kid sister looking after you and all.” Alex smiled, Elle really was sweet. Sometimes she was a little envious of Elle’s close relationship with her sister…but then again Elle came from a family that hugged, and Alex came from a family where a firm handshake was considered pretty intimate. “I’m sure I’ll like her babe…she had you as a big sister, I’m sure she’s a sweet kid. I just hope she likes me…help I hope your whole family likes me.” Alex frowned a little bit as her nerves began to act up again. Elle really did mean a lot to her, and she really wanted her lover’s family to like her.

Once the car was packed, Alex moved over to Elle’s side of the car so that she could steal a kiss before they headed out. What was meant to be a quick kiss on the lips soon became a lot hotter once Alex realized that she had inadvertently pinned Elle to the car when she had pressed up against her to get close. Her sex starved, ridiculously dominant mind picked up on the fact that Elle was in a vulnerable position and ran with it. Alex pressed herself more firmly against Elle, her hands taking firm hold of her lover’s hips as a throaty, playful growl rumbled in her throat. The kiss deepened, her tongue dueling with Elle’s. Her core began to heat up, her heart was beating so fast that it was pounding in her ears-

“Dude…isn’t that your teacher?!”

Apparently her heart was not pounding loud enough to drown out the voices of teenage boys that don’t know how to whisper.

I have really got to stop subbing in this district… Alex felt like a bucket of ice water had just been poured ontop of her as she heard the voice of a teenage boy. And of course, as she untangled herself from Elle and turned around to face their audience, Alex recognized one of the boys as belonging to one of their neighbors in the building, whom she also substitute teaching art for while his teacher recuperated from a broken wrist…. Ah fuck… “Ahem…er…good afternoon, gentlemen. Ah, Jeremy, nice to see you… I think I saw your dad lugging groceries up the stairs earlier, maybe you guys should go help him put those away…” Yeah, distract them with menial labor!

With that, a blushing Alex walked speedily around to her side of the car, climbed in, waited for Elle to get buckled up, and then drove away.
Elle scrunched her nose and gave Alex the most adorable 'evil' look imaginable, her particular brand of ferocious nothing of the sort, not at all. Elle was really one of the least intimidating people alive, even when she wanted to be she couldn't be, it was a weakness and a cute one at that. "I'm still the bigger sister!" She huffed but soon sighed, "Love, they already love you, I've explained how happy you make me, that's all they care about. Of course I'm only expecting it to be better once they meet you." She smiled and laughed. Yes, like her parents would have any problems with Alex. If they could deal with her being a pornstar they would certainly not have a problem with the gorgeous intelligent catch of a woman she had managed to find amidst all the shitty women who had broken her heart. Her sister especially, she always got angry when someone hurt her sister, she had been cheering her on with Alex from the start and seemed to be so looking forward to meeting her, all of which made this trip all the more exciting. Alex could meet her loved ones, and they could meet the love of her life.

It was such a nice train of thought, much better than all the horny daydreams and frustrating lack of anything to fucking do while not working or having sex. Sure there had been so much intimacy because of that but she missed those artistic hand on her pale skin. Fuck, just thinking about it... It made her weak at the knees. When the mere idea of something had such an effect the actual touch was enough to overwhelm her, and that was precisely what happened when Alex walked around and kissed her. It was incredible, from the start Elle had fallen under Alex's control, and the passionate force that had her pinned to the car only made it that much more intense. A moan escaped her lips as her tongue bat Alex's, entire body quivering as she burned with want. So when some little brat caused Alex to stop Elle's eyes narrowed and she had a true look of hatred on her face, even if only for a second before she huffed and realized it just wasn't meant to be. They would be intimate again, Elle just hoped it was sooner rather than later, she was barely standing from a kiss and it could only get worse.

Once they left things calmed down, Elle teased Alex about being caught by her students, and then they talked about anything and everything not related to sex. Unfortunately it was a pretty long car ride and by the end they were blathering about the stupidest shit, just trying to keep their minds off of the elephant in the car, and it was about as difficult to suppress as a literal elephant in the car would be. She was pretty sure if the trip was another half an hour or so they would have pulled over and fucked in the woods, the tension was ridiculous.

Luckily for Elle they did arrive, and it being her childhood home she immediately felt relief, smiling brightly and looking around like a child in a toy store, taking note of every chance and feeling the waves of nostalgia run through her. The only thing better than that was seeing Izzy off in the distance, tossing a Frisbee out into the yard for their old dog Stormy to rush after, still spry in its old age. As soon as they got close though Izzy spun around, and a smile oh so similar to Elle's touched her gorgeous features. The family had some incredible genes for sure. Izzy ran up when the car stopped, going over to Elle's side, dressed in her usual jeans and t-shirt, though there were a few tears in the material at the perfect spots to hint at the toned flesh underneath. "Elle! I was beginning to think you would never get here." She practically dragged Elle out once the door was open, hugging her tightly, which made it easy to see that she was a few inches taller than her sis. "And this must be Alex." She grinned, looking at her sister's lover, her grin changing from playful to rather mysterious and her tongue gliding over her soft lips. "Not bad at all." Elle huffed, covering Izzy's mouth with her hand and kissing her cheek, ready to get a word in. "She is gorgeous indeed... Now what have I told you about wearing torn up clothing? If you are going to buy something, why in the hell would you buy it already ripped?"

Izzy laughed once the hand was removed, looking over at her sister and shaking her head, "Shush, I like the way it looks. Now go scoot your ass off inside and say hi to mom and dad, they are dying to see you. Oh, and be warned, they are STILL worried about your damn accident. Now go, I'll help Alex with your things." Elle nodded and rushed off, leaving her darling angel Izzy with Alex, apparently being so caught up in Izzy's rapid pace that she forgot common courtesy all together.
Alex turned even redder as Elle teased her about getting caught by her students. There were few things that could ever really embarrass Alex, and getting caught not behaving like a professional infront of her students was one of them. She was a young teacher, and so tried her best to look like a good, responsible authority figure…not a horny young woman that really, really missed making love to her incredibly gorgeous girlfriend.

The car ride flew by with random conversations, Alex liked having Elle as her co-pilot, her lover was sweet enough to stay awake with her on long car rides and entertain her and navigate. But after a couple of hours they were starting to run out of things to talk about, and Alex was growing afraid that they would have to talk about that thing that they hadn’t done for the past couple of weeks… That thing that she was tempted to just pull over and have a little bit of right now… The kiss had left her wanting, but she knew that they couldn’t stop. They were already running a little late from Alex’s montage of outfits, she didn’t want to give a bad first impression by showing up hours after they were supposed to.

GAAAAHHHH FFFUUUUCCCCKKK WE’RE STAYING AT HER PARENT’S HOUSE THE FIRST NIGHT AHHHHHHHHHHH! The realization that she wasn’t going to be getting any tonight because they were spending tonight at Elle’s parent’s made Alex die a little bit on the inside. Alright…just have to get through today, the wedding tomorrow, and then Elle and I can have all the sex we want at the hotel near the reception.

“Aw yeah a puppy!” Alex had seen pictures of Elle with her family (dog included) and was probably most excited to play with the dog. All dogs were puppies to Alex, even though she could see that the dog’s fur was graying and didn’t quite move like a pup anymore. She’d always wanted a dog, but because she had to travel to gallery openings, she knew that she could never get one. So now she would spend her free time getting her play time in with Elle’s dog and hopefully tiring herself out by playing with it so that she could continue to be celibate! Holy shit… Alex was taken, but she wasn’t fucking blind. Elle’s sister was a little hottie!

Alex was quiet, a smile on her face as she watched Elle interact with her sister. She knew that her lover really did miss her family, and wasn’t totally upset when Elle just bolted off at Izzy’s prompting. “Kay bye sweetie…” Alex muttered to herself as Elle ran off. Without a drink in her hand, Alex could be a little on the shy side, especially if she was around people that she was trying to impress. So she was a little nervous to be left alone. Here. All alone. With Elle’s super hot little sister. Fuck. “Ah yeah…I’m Alex. And you must be Izzy, nice to finally meet you.” Alex smiled and offered her hand for a shake before moving around to get their things out of the trunk.

“Oh Izzy it’s alright, I can handle the bags.” Alex appreciated the sentiment as Izzy tried to help, but did her best to politely decline. She ran and worked out nearly every day, Alex was a pretty solid young woman, and fairly chivalrous. So she shooed Izzy’s hands away so that she could shoulder her bag and grab Elle’s suitcase. “If you could just show me where I’m going, that would be great.”
Elle's view of her sister was more than a little off. Where the older sister saw her cute little sis, innocent and damn near angelic, there was in fact a tricky little devil who had caused more trouble for her parents than Elle ever had. Still, to Elle it was her baby sister, she needed protecting and she loved her to death, more than anything. Besides, even when Izzy did get in trouble Elle was there to bail her out, the gorgeous set of redheads nearly inseparable before Elle moved away and they discussed everything together. When Izzy got in trouble or needed advice she turned to her sister, and when Elle had good news or just needed to vent she would talk to Izzy. That being the case the younger sister was very well informed of the current situation, of how Alex had discovered her sister's career, the crazy sex when she found out, oh and of course how long it had been since they had slept together. Despite it all Elle was still madly in love and Izzy didn't really understand, she couldn't comprehend how anyone could think her sister was some cheating good for nothing, and it had pissed her off a bit.

Izzy didn't get angry like normal people though, she wasn't the type to scream or yell, hell she rarely even appeared flustered. Instead she was a vindictive type, quick to plot and destroy. She had done it in the past, heard something she didn't like and in her strange brand of protectiveness ended a relationship by sleeping with one of Elle's girlfriends or at the very least seducing them to the point that Elle would blow up and dump them. Alex was a bit different, Elle truly cared for her, so in Izzy's mind it was less sabotage and more test, though the moment she laid eyes on the woman her sister had brought home she found herself enthralled. "Fuck me... She caught herself one hell of a woman this time..." Izzy muttered, giving Alex a once over now that the two of them were alone. Izzy had a weakness for strong looking women, tattoos, and challenge. Alex fit her dream criteria quite nicely. "This is going to be so much fucking fun..." She grinned as she walked over to Alex, a small "Mmm" escaping her lips as she took a closer look, just loud enough for Alex to hear if she were paying attention.

Izzy never hid what she thought, it was part of her 'charm', and while she had some tact and knew how to handle herself, she often made it all too clear what her intentions were before she ever began. That was what usually led to what Izzy liked to refer to as the "Meet and fuck without knowing each others name" yeah... That one happened quite a lot. Out at a bar, a little drunk, one hand in the right place or one admiring noise of approval and she could find herself against the wall of a stall or being dragged into a cab. "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Alex. I've heard oh so much about you." A pause and grin got her point across as she ignored the handshake and went in for a hug, stopping Alex in her path and squeezing her tight, the small firm chest pressing into Alex and her hands going just a tad too low for a friendly hug. She knew exactly how long to hug before it became awkward and pulled back, "Handshakes are just too boring." A shrug touched her shoulders before she turned and let Alex handle the bags. If there was one thing Izzy never did it was act like she was strong, she was not. Sure she had a bit of tone but she did little to no manual labor.

"Of course, you and Elle will be sharing the room across from mine." She grinned after mentioning where she would be, subtle little hints and flirtations slipping out left and right, this one followed up with a small graze of Izzy's soft hand against Alex's arm. "Follow me." Izzy moved past Alex and towards the door, each step giving Alex a view of her swaying gait, cute little ass moving back and force, the tight clothing she wore leaving very little to the imagination in terms of the curves underneath. Izzy knew her ass was pretty damn nice, and even her small chest was used to its potential with tight shirts and rarely ever a bra. No doubt Alex was figuring all of that out as she was led up the stairs and down the hallway to where two doors lay across from one another, the one on the right being for Alex and Elle. "This one is yours... You can put the stuff in here if you like." She stepped inside and waited for Alex, eyes trailing her and keeping a close watch on each and every move.
Alex had never really liked getting touched by strangers. Of course she had no qualms about holding Elle's hand and kissing her girlfriend in public, but strangers were a whole other story. It wasn't that she was afraid of germs or anything, she just thought that something as little as a hug was a pretty intimate thing. She likened her odd behavior to animals, after all, you wouldn't start petting a dog without letting it sniff you and get comfortable around you first. So Alex naturally just stiffened as Izzy traded her handshake for a hug, too wrapped up in her mind and her weird dislike of strangers touching her to be able to enjoy the feeling of Izzy's body, which was surprisingly much like Elle's. Maybe she was a fucking weird lesbian, but Alex had never been into large breasts and had always loved the way Elle's smaller ones pressed into hers. Unsure of what she was supposed to do with Elle's kid sister hugging her for the time, Alex ended up lightly patting Izzy's back as the younger girl hugged her. hug like a man. Great bro hug, Alex. She was absolutely relieved when there was space between them again.

Alex easily shouldered her bag and grabbed onto Elle's suitcase. She followed Izzy into the house, her eyes darting about, taking in her new surroundings. She caught a couple of pictures of Elle as a kid and made a mental note to go back and inspect the photographs on the walls more thoroughly later, just so that she could see who her lover had been before she had met her. As they came to a staircase, Alex was finally forced to look at Izzy's cute little ass as they traveled up the stairs. It was hard not to look...but she felt slightly less like a jackass because when she was looking at Izzy's ass, she didn't really see Izzy's ass, she just saw Elle's ass. Elle's ass that could really use a spanking again... Alex was caught in her little fantasy that involved Elle bent over later, when suddenly Izzy stopped into the hallway and Alex ran into her back, quickly murmuring an apology afterwards. Ah fuck now we -really- can't have sex... Alex didn't really know what Elle had told her little sister about their love life, but Alex was a fairly private type of woman and would like to keep all the loud sex she had behind closed doors between her and Elle.

"Thanks." Alex said after Izzy had shown her the room She grunted softly as she lifted Elle's bag onto the bed, then tossed her lighter duffel onto it. Elle's bag weighed a ton, but it was probably because Alex could be absent minded and would forget to pack things, oftentimes Elle would bring two of something just because Alex had a tendency to forget. Of course if she had to wear anything of Elle's, it would fit her more muscular body like a second skin, but it was better than nothing... "Sooo..." The brunette smiled shyly as she turned around to face Izzy. "Uh...should we go find Elle and your parents?"
Blech, awkwardness was not a feeling Izzy liked to feel, it was always uncomfortable and whenever she found herself in a situation with that particular atmosphere she tried to get away from it immediately. This time it was not so easy. It had been clear Alex didn't enjoy the hug, whether it was because she had some predisposition to dislike hugs or just a personal bubble space issue Izzy didn't know, but she did cut it short once she had noticed. Still, it was hard to be as upbeat after that, partially due to the stiff nature of things afterwards but also because she felt a bit hurt, her pride that was. Izzy had never been one to receive such a stiff response, as straight girls didn't seem to care as long as she kept it above the waist, and all the others... Well, she had never received a complaint. So it had to be her, because she sure as hell knew Elle wasn't with a straight girl, and she was sulking inside, irritated even. Then again... There was a bit of happiness as well, perhaps Elle had finally found a loyal one, though part of her hoped not. She fancied Alex, she was quite a looker, and from all that Elle had told her she was fucking incredible in bed.

When Alex ran in to her Izzy almost lost her balance, not being so big, nor prepared, but she kept composure and gave Alex a big smile. She didn't respond to the question Alex asked her though, instead she sighed and walked over to sit on the edge of Elle's bed, which was barely going to be big enough for her sister and Alex to squeeze in. "You know Alex, I kind of thought you would be more comfortable around me." She looked disappointed, staring down at her feet which she tapped together lightly. "I mean, I've heard so much about you, Elle loves you and spends most of our time chatting talking about you, and she's been so happy... I guess I just thought she would have talked with you about me." She laughed softly before looking up, "I guess not though." She stood up after a moment, shaking her head, "Oh well, maybe you and me can spend some time together while the two of you are here? I would like that..." She moved over to the door and turned around, motioning for Alex to follow her, "Come on, let's go find Elle."

With that she moved out of the room and back down the hall, guessing the three of them would be either in the living room or the kitchen, which were connected by a half-wall that gave it all a more open look. Her movements were more exaggerated than ever as she moved down the stairs, nothing obvious but subtle enough to give her ass more sway and show off her gorgeous body just a bit, trying to regain some sense of pride by making Alex look. Still, she didn't delay further, Izzy wanted to take a shot at Alex but it was certainly not the time, not when a hug was enough to make it so uncomfortable. "And here they are." She said with a smile as her and Alex found the living room, Izzy going up and hugging her sister again before going over and leaning against the back of the couch, letting everyone else get acquainted and playing the part of outsider in the introduction of lover to parents, which Elle excitedly got underway as joyful and adorable as she always did. Yeah... Okay... Maybe Izzy had a bit of a sister complex.

"Mom, dad, this is Alex." She smiled and pulled Alex to her side, hugging her arm and laying her head against her lover. Both parents smiled, her mother nodding, "The one we've heard so much about, I'm glad to finally meet you dear." She smiled gently as the father extended his hand, a smile on his face as well, "Yes, we're glad to finally meet the woman who has been giving our Elle so much happiness. Seriously, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, and long overdue at that."
Alex was on a roll when it came to saying and doing the wrong thing around the Bohannon girls it seemed. Usually she only put her foot in her mouth around Elle, but now it seemed that her little sister required a more delicate touch as well. “Hey…Elle talks about you all the time.” And it was true, Alex felt like she knew Izzy from all the stories that Elle told her about her little sister! That didn’t make her any less weirded out by the hug. “I’m sorry. I just…my family doesn’t really do the whole…affection thing.” Alex explained, not wanting Izzy to feel like Elle had kept her secret or didn’t love her or whatever else someone that was in touch with their feelings could feel. Alex didn’t fucking know, but she wanted to cover her bases.

Right after Izzy got up off the bed, Alex was trailing behind her, downstairs and towards the living room. She admired Izzy’s cat-like grace as they walked a long, the same sort of grace had been what had attracted her towards Elle. Sure, Elle could be a real clutz sometimes…but watching the natural sway of her lover’s hips had always been a favorite past time of Alex’s. Now, reunited with her lover, Alex brightened right up and seemed much less shy. Her smile had a touch of nervousness to it, but she managed to get through introductions without incident.


Somehow Alex had gotten conned into making dinner for the family tonight. She didn’t mind, not really, she loved to cook. Though she had a feeling that Elle’s parents had only mentioned trying her cooking because Elle had told them about all the weird healthy things that Alex had tried to get her to eat. But tonight, the food was not that weird! It was delicious, lemon garlic chicken under a brick.

Alex had enlisted Elle’s help, which of course had ended up with the two of them goofing off in the kitchen once the chicken was left to roast in the oven. Elle had dropped something on the floor, and Alex had of course taken it upon herself to playfully swat at her lover’s delicious looking rear. Her actions didn’t go without any sort of retribution, and now her and Elle were giggling in the kitchen, messing around like two teenagers.

“Elle! No horsing around in the kitchen!” Alex laughed. She caught Elle’s hands and then let loose a soft growl as she spun her girlfriend around, finally using her strength to manhandle Elle so that she was pressed up against the countertop as though she were about to be frisked by a police officer. “If you can’t keep your hands to yourself, I’ll just have to help you…” Soft lips brushed against Elle’s ear as Alex pinned her lover’s hands down onto the granite counter top, her body pressing up firmly into Elle’s back side.
Elle loved her family to death, and they supported her through everything, Izzy more than any of them, but sometimes they didn't make things easy. Or at least that was what Elle had believed when Izzy refreshed the topic of many conversations Elle had with both her sister and parents... Alex's cooking. There were never bad comments, they were simply interested in the type of healthy food Alex seemed to prefer, mostly to figure out just how in the hell someone had convinced Elle to put down the greasy crap for a change. Not that it could be said for all the health food, she would never ever ever ever eveeeeer touch one of the damn vegetable smoothies. They were an abomination as far as Elle was concerned. So when it came up and Alex was all but forced in to making dinner she couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed, Alex was the guest, not to mention there was some serious tension between them. The kind faces of her parents, and the innocent sweet pout of her sister when Elle protested making her lover do so much work when they could order something, was more fortuitous than she had anticipated however.

Elle had joined Alex and from the very start it had been as light and playful as their normal life, they were just spending time together, and for a while Elle forgot where they were. She was so caught up in their lovely game of house she didn't even protest as she was spun around and pinned to the counter. She instead ground her rear into Alex, wiggling her ample ass as she leaned her head back, playing right in to those strong arms of her lover. "I've been waiting for you to help me for quite some time now babe... And I'll tell you this, I'm dying for it." She purred gently, body pressed up against Alex firmly but her posture was soft, pliable, submissive. Elle was offering herself up and while she was aware of her intentions she had completely forgotten her surroundings.

The sound of a cute little throat clear made Elle come to her senses, and she turned her body as much as she could in order to see nothing other than a very inappropriately dressed Izzy leaning against the half wall, and by where she was standing she had been watching for a moment or two. "Izzy... In...ter...rupting!" She snapped in the usual Elle way, playful and not the least bit angry or threatening. "And how about going and changing into something else, you know I hate when you wear clothing with tears and holes in it, waste of money." She still hadn't escaped from Alex completely, almost working to make sure her sometimes shy lover didn't escape into a less embarrassing position. Still, it wasn't easy when Izzy was so clearly grinning. "Aw come on, I don't get to interfere with your love life anymore." She chuckled lightly before pushing off the wall and heading around towards the living room, pausing for a brief moment to pose, mainly for Alex but also to actively ignore Elle's complaints, not to mention show off the thong she was wearing, and in fact had just put on moments before.

Elle growled, tempted to break free from Alex and throw a spoon, the older sister side of her rearing its head as she gave Izzy the 'Oh... We'll see about that' look. She didn't though and instead turned around in Alex's arms and kissed her gently. "Just when it was getting good... Izzy has always been a pain in the ass, never once does she seem to miss a moment to ruin a moment." The words were full of affection, not only for Izzy but for Alex as Elle nibbled on her lover's neck, leaning her mouth over to Alex's ear and whispering, "We can continue this... Later on tonight..." With that she turned back around to check on the food, only becoming serious for a moment before jumping right back in to the same atmosphere they had been going with the entire time cooking, stupid teens in love, and doing so by splattering a bit of food at Alex and darting away with a feminine giggle, still burning with desire but knowing there wasn't a damn thing they could do in the middle of a kitchen with such little privacy. Damn half wall.
Ohhhhhhhhh why the fuck do we have to be at her parent’s right now?!?! There had been many a time where Alex had been unable to wait to have Elle, and usually the nearest horizontal surface would do. She was so tempted to spin her lover around and show off some of her strength by picking Elle up and setting her down on the countertop, ripping off those jeans and burying her tongue in delicious pink petals…unfortunately they weren’t in the privacy of their own home. Someone could wander in on them at any moment. Even now, Alex was only so bold because Elle’s parent’s had gone out to pick up some last minute things for the wedding tomorrow. Izzy was around here somewhere, but Alex just figured she was upstairs and would be out of their hair for a little while.

Even though a little while wasn’t enough time to do what she really wanted to do, it was plenty of time to wind up Elle a little more. Though, it seemed like Elle was beating her to it. Alex groaned softly as Elle’s perfect ass ground into her, her hips bucking forward in automatic response. She wasn’t entirely sure if Elle was doing it on purpose or not, but she could feel a slight change in her girlfriend’s movements, a change that poked at Alex’s more dominant side. Elle was just about begging for attention.

“Mmmm that reminds me… You’ve been such a good girl, being so patient with me and everything over the last few weeks, so I packed your favorite toy….” Alex grinned as she nipped the arch of Elle’s ear and added. “As well as a couple of other toys incase you’re not such a good girl this weekend.” Her voice had turned into a lower, more threatening gowl and she leaned down, giving Elle’s neck a rough bite, a little towards the backside of her neck so that she could hide the mark with her hair while they were at her parent’s. Alex hadn’t gone crazy and packed every piece of fetish gear that she owned, but she did have a couple of risqué things hiding in the bottom of her duffel bag incase Elle would be into a repeat of the last time that Alex had brought bondage gear into the bedroom.

The feminine sound of a throat being cleared had Alex’s grasp on Elle’s hands tightening in panic. Her entire body tensed up, read to move. Alex’s first instinct was to recoil, to put some distance between her and her lover so that it didn’t look as though Alex was about to bend the beautiful redhead in her arms over the counter and fuck her. But as Elle adjusted slightly, beckoning Alex to stay with her body, she found herself unable to resist her lover’s silent request. Elle was in a slightly vulnerable position anyways, and Alex’s dominant side kicked in, her hands leaving Elle’s but only so that she could protectively wrap her arms around her girlfriend’s waist in a protective manner.

Fortunately it was only Izzy and so Alex supposed that she shouldn’t be all that embarrassed. It wasn’t like she had been caught by Elle’s parent’s…that would have been way more awkward. The interactions between the two sisters made Alex actually chuckle softly and lighten up. Elle was so cute, it was nice to see her older sister streak shine through, especially when Izzy seemed so intent on driving Elle up a wall.

“Awww…” Alex pouted after Izzy left and Elle told her that they would have to behave. She whimpered like a sad little puppy at the thought of yet another night of celibacy…especially in that tiny little bed where she’d be pressed up right against Elle’s incredible body all fucking night. In reality, she knew that they had to wait until tomorrow when they stayed at the hotel… Sure, they could fool around a little bit in bed tonight, but Alex knew that they both could get really loud, and so she would be to nervous of Elle’s parents hearing them to try much here. “Fine…but you’re going to be in extra trouble when I get my hands on you.” Alex growled playfully as she clapped her hand roughly over Elle’s rear.
Elle wanted the attention Alex had been giving her to the point of pushing the buttons, mainly the sexual one with the back end of her incredible ass. If it hadn't been for Izzy's interruption there had been a major chance Elle would have let herself be bent over and fucked in her parents kitchen, so perhaps the interference had been a good thing. It was just so hard to wait though, they had been going so damn slow and part of Elle was ready to jump Alex and make sure they didn't wait any longer. They had to though, she didn't want her parents to walk in and see it, and Izzy wasn't much of an exception, sure her little sister wasn't so naive, but she was still Elle's little angel. Alex was her love though and the disappointed pouting hit a soft spot. "Now now, we've waiting quite some time... And it has been hell, but we can make it another night." She giggled gently, going over and giving Alex's ass a nice firm squeeze, spanking it gently as her hand retracted and then zipping off to the other side of the kitchen to escape revenge and continue cooking. She was about as hungry as she was horny.

"Besides, if it means I'm in extra trouble... Well I'm just becoming more excited by the moment." Elle giggled again, making sure to focus on the food, not sure when her parents would be back but wanting to have it pretty much done by that time, and wanting to eat. Sure, she was helping cook, which meant she could snag small bites, but she wanted to hurry up and eat some of Alex's delicious food. When she thought about it she should have made Izzy stay and help, that girl could find trouble in a locked room and having her wandering about, despite how old they both were, still made Elle nervous. It was just one of those things that would never change, because while Elle believed Izzy to be her darling little sister, incapable of doing wrong, she also knew the girl was mischievous and a handful. Elle would just to hope that whatever she was getting in to she wouldn't make too big a mess and be ready to eat when their parents got home. "So what do you think so far babe? Is it all a little much? They all tend to dote on me so I can imagine it being a bit intense, especially with Izzy. I hope you're enjoying yourself though."

Izzy's little plotting didn't stop at interrupting the two, in fact seeing her sister bent over by Alex had got her a bit worked up. "Gah, she always lands gorgeous women." Izzy muttered, already back up in her room and laying on the bed with her legs hanging off. She had just broken things off with her last girlfriend, in fact it had been less than two weeks ago. While that wasn't the longest time to go without sex Izzy was definitely feeling the tugs of desire at her core, just closing her eyes making her fantasies run wild. She never had girlfriends like Alex. She wasn't picky, in fact her last three girlfriends could be used as proof of that fact, first a leggy blonde, then a gothic chick which had been one hell of a freaky adventure, and her previous girlfriend had been the smallest shyest most incredible kinky little thing she had ever met. A whole four foot eight of pure kinky fun, as shy as someone could imagine but in private she was a playful, sexy little freak with a thing for rope and a mouth that never ceased to astound the young redhead. That had been fun for sure, it was a bit of a shame it ended, but Izzy didn't do serious.

A smirk rose up on Izzy's face as she snapped out of her daydreams. She probably wouldn't do it now, there wasn't enough time to really take a peak, but later she was going to have to see what Alex was in to. Toys, she thought she had heard that before she was out of earshot, and with how much fun she knew Elle liked to have it was no doubt something interesting, especially with a creature like Alex at the helm, because judging by the scene she had walked in on and completely ruined, Alex was the one who decided just what she wanted from Elle. Interesting indeed, being nosy and invasive where her sister was involved was always fun, and Izzy missed having her around for that reason among many more important reasons.
Alex grinned as Elle said that she was excited to be in trouble. The brunette had some big plans for tomorrow night! Plans that made her nervous as hell but she was eager to carry out. Alex had bought Elle her very own collar, sort of an engagement ring of bondage, so she was nervous about giving her girlfriend it. But since they were ‘starting over’, she wanted to let Elle know what was going to be in store for their relationship.

“If you steal one more piece of that chicken’s skin, I’m going to spank you so hard you can’t walk straight!” Alex scolded as she caught Elle stealing another piece of delicious, delicious chicken. The skin was the best part of chicken under a brick! Flavorful and crispy without having to be deep-fried…and if Alex had to end up serving a naked chicken all because Elle wanted a snack, her lover was going to be in a lot of trouble.


After a very lovely dinner with Elle’s family, Alex was looking forward to some time alone with her girlfriend. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy conversing with the Bohannons, they were all very kind and wonderful people,…she just really wanted to be somewhere a little more private with Elle. After all their flirting in the kitchen, Alex just wanted to have some time to vent a little bit of the sexual frustration she was feeling. Usually, she didn’t give a damn what people thought about her and would gladly kiss and hug Elle in public. But because she was trying to impress Elle’s parents, she didn’t want to come off as some handsy horndog that just wanted to fuck their baby girl. So she’d been good, keeping her hands to herself, kissing Elle only on the cheek, and being an all around sort of good ‘gentleman’

When dinner was finished and Elle’s parents began clearing the table, saying that they were going to bed after they did the dishes, Alex began thinking of ways to get out of that house. “So ah…it’s still early. How about we go out somewhere?” Alex smiled as she looked over at Elle. She was a night owl anyways. There was no way that she’d go to sleep before 2am, they might as well spend that time grinding and making out at a club.
Dinner prep had been a blast, Elle had made sure to snag pieces of skin and anything else on the delicious end, which was the entire meal, for the duration. She had fooled around with Alex, laughed more than a little, and as much as Elle tried to repress it all she was fucking horny. Even while they were having the nice dinner with her family she kept thinking about how badly she wanted Alex and just what all would be in store for her when they finally slipped away sometime during their little vacation. They had been working up to it for so fucking long, she was desperate and glances to Alex continued to be had. Then there were the pecks on the cheek, if only she could get something a bit more substantial, but Alex was shy and being a lady for her parents, though she absolutely knew Alex thought of herself as the 'gentleman'. For Elle she was always a lady though, as gorgeous as could be and so sweet, an absolute shy princess. Oh how much trouble she would get in for vocalizing how lovely she found her girlfriend, it was odd but she knew that was how Alex was.


Dinner eventually ended though and when her parents dismissed themselves she couldn't help but feel a bit happy. She had pleasant conversation with them and she would see them in the morning, she just wanted some time with her lover. With the idea of time alone Elle was jumping for joy and she growled playfully before leaning in and kissing Alex gently. "Of course I want to go out somewhere... I need to spend some time with you." She nuzzled Alex's neck and giggled, pulling back and heading towards the stairs, only to be stopped several steps away from Alex by her little sister, bumping into her and looking down. "Oh Izzy, sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" Izzy looked up with a smile, "No problem sis. If you guys are going out count me in though, I need a drink and a night out, I've been here longer than you and this place has its charm, but there is a lot missing." She grinned and looked past Elle to Alex, "I'm sure you won't mind, right?"

Izzy didn't wait for an answer, instead she took a deep breath and moved out of Elle's way and leaned against the wall, "Sure you don't. I mean besides, you've been out of the game here for awhile, I know the clubs a bit better, or just a bar if you want. All the best places." She moved past Elle at that point, "Come on, help me find something that will attract me a bit of fun tonight sis." She laughed as she ran past, knowing how much Elle would fucking hate that idea, her dressing in any way that revealed too much or trying to find something more than a drink and some conversation. That made Elle look back at Alex, with a small sorry on her lips, "Don't worry though, she won't stick all night, we will have plenty of time together... Sorry..." She whined under her breath before running up the stairs to throw something better on and to make sure Izzy didn't put on something too eye catching, though the sister had never intended to from the start, she just liked pressing her sister's buttons.

When the two sister's came back down the stairs though it was quite the image, both gorgeous in their own ways, both in jeans that hugged their perfect asses, a genetic gift indeed. Elle looked a little puffed in the cheeks, she was wearing a cute little red top, the real sexy parts hidden underneath her clothing, lacy lingerie. She was huffy because of Izzy, who had chosen a more revealing route, a shirt a bit too small for her, making even her smaller breasts look fucking incredible, and showing the soft flesh of her stomach and smooth curve of her lower back where the cutest little flower tattoo was, a drunken mistake but one she quite liked. She was wearing her choker still and a grin on her face, "Ready to go?" She asked, turning and looking at Elle who just hmph'd and walked over to Alex, kissing her cheek and hugging her close, "Shall we?"
Alex just about purred as Elle kissed her neck. Her head tilted to the side, chuckling softly as her lover began to nuzzle at a spot that was ticklish. Fuck, every part of her seemed to be extra sensitive from lack of touch. She was glad that Elle pulled away before she ended up on the floor, curled in a ball and trying to fight off her girlfriend from tickling her on purpose rather than by accident. “I’m so excited to get you to myself…” Alex whispered as she got up after Elle, ready to chase after her up the stairs and pinch her ass…only to be interrupted by Izzy. ”Christ, this girl has the worst timing ever”

“I…” GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Of course she minded! She didn’t want her girlfriend’s kid sister around when she was trying to make a move on Elle! But…Alex was a guest…and she wanted to be polite… “I don’t mind if you come at all…” Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck!

“It’s okay babe. Don’t worry about it.” Alex sighed, trying not to seem too annoyed as she followed her lover up the stairs so that she could change out of her t-shirt and into something else, something a little better suited for a night out on the town. Tomorrow, she was going to have to be jammed into a dress, (one that Elle had helped her pick out so of course it made Alex incredibly uncomfortable to be in), so Alex wanted to get out some of her tomboyish nature tonight. She slipped past Elle in their bedroom while she got ready and grabbed an outfit from her duffel bag. She tossed on a purple pin-striped button down with a black skinny tie and a vest to pull the whole thing together. Then she disappeared out of the room and downstairs so that Elle and her sister could figure out what they were going to get dressed into.

‘Throwing on’ something seemed to take much longer for Elle and Izzy than it did for Alex. She had time to put on a little bit of makeup to make her eyes pop a little more and make her look feminine even though she was wearing a more masculine outfit. She even had time to call a cab. Izzy and Elle came down the stairs just in time, outside the taxi that would be taking them to the bar honked it’s horn.

“You look absolutely gorgeous baby.” Alex smiled and kissed her lover lightly on the lips. She always thought that Elle was beautiful, even when she woke up in the morning and her hair was a mess and she had sleep in her eyes, but she wouldn’t hesitate to give her lover a compliment whenever it was due. Alex returned Elle’s hug, savoring the feel of her lover’s softer body pressed firmly against her own before releasing her so that they could go. She couldn’t wait to get Elle alone at the bar, all they would have to do was lose Izzy… And speaking of Izzy, as if, remembering her manners, Alex added “You look…very nice too, Izzy.” And it was true, Izzy looked delicious, but because Alex’s heart belonged to Elle, the brunette barely noticed the younger girl.

Alex went to the cab arm in arm with Elle, opening the door for her so she could hop in. Somehow, Izzy was the one that ended up sitting in the middle, making Alex die a little bit on the inside because all she wanted to do was try to feel up Elle a little bit in the dark backseat of the cab. But it appeared even that small joy was going to be taken away from her tonight.
Izzy felt just like the third wheel and it was kind of shitty to be honest, especially because for once one of Elle's girlfriends was capable of completely ignoring her at every turn. Izzy wasn't making that easy, she had interrupted their private time, invited herself along for the night on the town, and dressed in a manner that was likely to turn heads all night, and still nothing. Izzy was not use to that, to someone being able to see her like that and just totally not give a fuck. Alex had done it though, a disinterested compliment before returning her full attention to Elle and doing so with magnificent style. She was suave for sure, the masculine clothing giving her one of the sexiest vibes Izzy imagined possible when combined with her feminine form and animlaistic nature, because there was an aura of sexy and wild that just poured from Alex. In the end it seemed Izzy was the one at a loss, outplayed in every way by the woman Elle had chosen. It was totally irritating, but at the same time it made the younger sister grin, the challenge of the hunt was usually equivalent to the prize. It gave her more to look forward to.

Izzy wasn't the type to give up and when they got to the cab she slipped in directly after Elle, smiling playfully at Alex and giving her a small, "Why thank you." for holding open the door as she intruded into the middle seat. She could see the disappointment on Elle's face, and even more so with Alex, but she wrapped her arm around Alex's and cuddled up against her, laying her head on her older sister's arm and purring gently. "I missed you Elle..." She spoke in a soft voice, eyes looking straight ahead and brilliant acting being used on her part to truly sell it. Really it wasn't all acting, Izzy missed her older sister to death and talking to her on the phone helped with aspects of her life she needed Elle to help her with, but it sometimes made her miss Elle more. Her sister had always been a big part in Izzy's life and if Alex hadn't been around she would have been much more glued to Elle than she was so far. In her own little way she had left them alone for most of the day, she had just done so with incredible timing to disrupt certain events.

While Izzy was having her fun and showing Elle as much affection as seemed possible, Elle could only smile and stroke her sister's head, looking over at Alex with a half-smile, wanting to be next to her but being torn. Ultimately she kept the fact that tonight there would be time for the two of them to be alone, and that while it had been some time since her and Alex had been together, it really had been longer since she had been with her sister. So, she just smiled over Izzy's head at Alex while she stroked the young girl's head, leaning back against her. She mouthed sorry to Alex for what seemed liked the one millionth time that day, but she knew Alex would understand. Sure, she may not be happy about it, she would probably pout and complain, but Alex was a wonderful person and she knew how much Elle loved her little sister. Still, there was no doubt that having to sit on the other side of Izzy, with the younger sister hugged up on Elle, oh that was going to drive her mad.


Despite her concentration of hogging Elle, Izzy did manage to do exactly what she had invited herself along to do, made sure they went somewhere popular for their little night adventure. It was a club called Imagine, and it was lesbian establishment, one that was more active than one would assume. "See, they didn't have this when you were around Elle." Izzy was smirking as she stepped out of the cab and walked around to the front to pay, looking over at Alex as if expecting her to complain and giving a stern, "Least I can do for inviting myself." When it was paid for she stepped on to the curb and looked at Elle and Alex. They were a damn good looking couple and Izzy pouted for a moment before looking over at Elle, "Don't you dare stop me from getting laid tonight if it happens that way." Elle narrowed her eyes, big sister mode dying to kick in, but Izzy wasn't a child anymore. Instead of commenting she just sighed and shook her head before walking over and taking Alex's arm. "Let's all go inside and grab a drink, I'm in dire need." She laughed before letting Alex take the lead, looking over at Izzy who seemed to be waiting for them before rushing off inside, already looking around and most likely looking for the talent.
Alex was an exceedingly loyal individual. Sure, Izzy was a cute little thing, and yeah, if they were both single she would definitely make a pass at her. But as it was, the only woman that Alex saw was Elle. Elle, who was allllll the way over there and not over in her lap. Damnit Izzy!! Gah…seriously, was this happening?! She was going to have to sit through a cab ride pressed snuggly against her girlfriend’s kid sister, and not up against her very gorgeous girlfriend!?

Alright…stop being a pussy. You get to see Elle all the time. Elle barely ever gets to be with her family ever. Her mental pep-talk wasn’t helping. Besides being loyal, Alex was also very dependent. She would deny it, of course, she liked to think of herself as tough and independent. But truth be told, a large part of her craved the presence of her partner. She was like a dog, loyal, defensive, and always eager for her owner’s love. Logically, she knew that Elle and Izzy were close and she should just let them have time to hang out together. So she put on a brave front, giving Elle a smile and shaking her head a little bit when her lover said she was sorry. Alex didn’t want Elle to worry about her or be apologetic that their plans were being disrupted, she just wanted her lover to relax and have some fun.


As the three of them clambered out of the taxi, Alex opened her mouth to protest as Izzy went around to pay the cabbie. Really, the young girl didn’t have to. Alex remembered what it was like being a broke college student. But Izzy seemed just as stubborn as her sister and paid the driver anyways, Alex would just save her breath and get her back by buying her a drink later.

Alex could feel eyes on them as they walked towards the club. She knew they were being sized up like pieces of meat, the vultures trying to figure out who in their odd numbered group was single, or if they all were. And so she instinctively tugged Elle closer to her, wrapping an arm protectively around her girlfriend’s waist. “A drink sounds wonderful. First round is on me.” Alex said loud enough so that Izzy would hear and hopefully be tempted to stick close to them with the bribe of free booze.


Fuuuuucccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeeee I’m a light weight now! Even the voice inside of her head was drunk and giggly. Shit, Alex was in trouble. A month of shared sobriety with Elle had decimated her tolerance and now, after only three measly shots, Alex had decided that it would be a good time to crawl out of her shell. Her once neatly tied tie was loosened, the top few buttons on her shirt had become undone, exposing glistening, tanned skin and just the slightest bit of black lace from her bra.

Getting on the dimly lit dance floor with her very sexy girlfriend made the brunette throw away every last reservation she had out the window. The way Elle moved had always driven her wild, but now, after a month of celibacy, Alex was turning positively feral as she watched the sway of her lover’s hips as she danced. With a wanting growl, strong hands took up firm hold on those undulating hips and Alex began to carefully maneuver her girlfriend backwards towards a nearby wall. She had forgotten that Elle’s kid sister may or may not be watching them, hell, she barely even noticed that they were in a public space anymore. All she cared about right now was pressing Elle’s back to the wall and situating a strong thigh right between her girlfriend’s legs.

“I really wish you were in a skirt right now.” Alex growl was slurred slightly as she spoke into Elle’s ear, She nipped at the arch before she nibbled her way down to the lobe, flicking the soft bit of skin with her tongue. Even though she was drifting towards a drunken, horny state where she probably would just fuck Elle in public had she been packing, she still had enough sense to prevent them from getting totally kicked out of the club by pretending to dance. If wriggling her hips to the beat while her thigh grinded into the seam of Elle’s jeans to torment her throbbing sex could be considered dancing anyways.
It was obvious to both of the sisters how much the distance between her and Elle was bothering Alex. The reactions to that were vastly different however. Elle wanted to be snuggled up next to her lover, but at the same time she was helpless towards the attention of her sister, the innocent cute image Izzy gave off more than enough to melt the older sister's heart. Izzy on the other hand was all too happy to be irritating Alex, not because she disliked her, quite the opposite. She liked the idea that she could do something to throw the gorgeous woman off her game, even if the reason she was upset was because she wasn't near Elle and had nothing to do with Izzy when it came down to it. She may be a mere obstacle but it was better than fading into the background and not being considered at all. What surprised her was what Alex did when they stepped out of the cab however. Instead of rushing off and leaving Izzy to the proverbial vultures, Alex made an offer that seemed to be to keep Izzy close and near the couple. "Interesting" she muttered, following close behind and letting her eyes drift to the hand possessively tugging at Elle's waist. This was not Elle's usually girlfriend at all...


The first drink had been the mere start of the night, and while Izzy would have loved to hog Elle she didn't, not only because Elle wouldn't have pushed her away otherwise, but she needed a backup plan and there were a few cute ones scattered around the bar, not to mention a couple eying her. So while Alex continued to get hammered, and Elle stayed by her side, Izzy had slipped into the crowd and found herself a gorgeous little blonde. Elle continued to spend the valuable time with Alex, sticking close to her and throwing back a few drinks herself, though not nearly as many as Alex, or at least nothing quite so strong. Elle had started slow and it was a good thing, because she started to notice that look of Alex's she hadn't seen in some time. It was this special way her lover got when she had a few too many, she became a bit of a ravenous beast and never let her hands miss an opportunity to grab something.

Some night's that would have been a bad thing, but with how horny Elle was and how long it seemed since they had gone out, she couldn't have been more excited, giggling and pressing back against Alex when they danced. Not that she could have resisted a sober Alex, she was absolutely sexy, a tad disheveled now with tie loose and shirt exposing just the most tantalizing bit of skin. Fuck, she was in trouble for sure. Elle had a feeling when they got home things were going to go past a bit of grinding. A slight yelp escaped Elle as Alex decided she wanted more right in the middle of the club though, finding herself pinned between a wall and growling Alex. Part of her wanted nothing more than to spread her legs, grind back in to Alex, and let the horny woman do what they had been deprived of for such a fucking long time Elle was starting to forget what it felt like. She wanted to be in Alex's arms, and had she been a tad more drunk she would have given herself up completely. She was not however and the stronger emotion was one of nervousness, and a touch of embarrassment. For one, as much as Elle knew it sounded ridiculous with her line of work, she became easily embarrassed with such intimate things happening in the view of others. Sure she got around it for work but to her, a point her and Alex had already gotten out in the open, there were no feelings involved.

With Alex there were emotions in such quantity she didn't quite know what to do most of the time. It made her more self-conscious and nervous than any other time. Then there was the fact that her sister had slipped off, but was around somewhere, and the idea of all but moaning with her legs spread against a wall for Alex was a bit much. Indeed Izzy was watching, keeping the conversation with the cute blonde going but her eyes watching her sister and Alex, a twinge of jealousy as she noticed just how much passion the two had between them. She had to be careful not to make it to obvious, giving the blonde enough attention to avoid suspicion that she wasn't as interested as she should be. Hell, the girl was cute as hell, Izzy just had a better target in mind, and one that was probably quite unattainable, something she was realizing more and more... Until she saw her chance.

Elle found part of her mind agreeing with Alex, wishing she had a skirt, but in the end she couldn't help but remember the fact that they were in public, and when her eyes managed to caught sight of Izzy looking in their direction she swallowed and put her hands between herself and Alex. "Alex... Not here." She whined, holding back a moan as her lover's thigh pushed into her begging sex, her body tensing as a feeling of pure ecstasy pulsed through her, practically demanding more. She slipped out at that, moving through Alex's thigh and out of her grip, a deep blush on her cheeks, "E-Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." She didn't really, no doubt that was as obvious as her embarrassment, but she needed an excuse to get away for just a moment and let Alex cool down. Hell, she was as eager as Alex, she had been without for just as long, but she didn't want their first time after the restart of their relationship be against a wall at some damn club. She wanted the intimacy of privacy with the passion.

With Elle slipping away Izzy smiled and took the blondes hand, writing her number on it and leaning in to give her a kiss on the lips, shutting the girl up quickly. "I came here with my sister and a friend, looks like something may have happened... If you're still here in a bit I'll find you... If not, call me." With that horrible lie, though one that would probably work considering the interest the girl had shone from the moment she saw Izzy, the younger sister slipped away. She moved through the crowd and over to Alex, approaching her slowly from the side and leaning against the wall her sister had just been pushed up again. "Huh, looks like that didn't go so well. Come buy me another drink and let her calm down." She grinned, keeping her hands to herself before walking towards the bar, an unfounded confidence that Alex wouldn't just say no.
A confident grin took up place on Alex’s lips at Elle’s little yelp of surprise. On the offensive, Alex was sure that she had control of the situation; she’d have Elle whimpering and begging to be fucked in no time. Her body rocked slowly to the beat, nudging her thigh between Elle’s legs over and over again, pushing the stiff seam of her jeans against her wanting slit. Alex could almost feel Elle’s core throbbing and so tried to move things along further. Her fingers danced down from Elle’s waist and towards her hips so that she could sneak those strong hands under Elle’s shirt. All she wanted to do was feel that smooth, silky skin that she so loved pressed up against her. But her and Elle were apparently not on the same page.

“Wha- huh?” Alex’s confidence faltered at the words ‘not here’ and she backed off enough to give Elle room to push her away. Even though she was drunk, Alex immediately grew concerned; ‘no’, ‘don’t’, and any word that conveyed the same sentiment always made her stop whatever she was doing. “But- I…” Alex tried to protest, she didn’t want Elle to go! But because she had no valid argument for why it would be a good reason for Elle to stay and let Alex fuck her on the dance floor, she heaved a disappointed sigh and nodded. She had the vague notion that Elle just wanted to get away anyways, but didn’t know for sure. So she just let Elle go.

Alex stood there for a moment, even after Elle had gone. She ran the encounter over again in her head, trying to figure out why her girlfriend had rushed off in a hurry. She knew that she was strong and sometimes, when she was drunk, she wasn’t as careful as she should be with her physical power. Had she accidentally hurt Elle? Alex’s hands flexed slightly, as if reliving the grasp that she had had on her girlfriend, but it didn’t seem that rough to her. Maybe I just came on too strong… Or maybe I don’t know how to read her anymore… Left inside her own head, Alex quickly jumped to the wrong conclusions. And those conclusions only got worse as Izzy came along and said ‘let her calm down’, as if Alex had indeed really upset Elle.

“Hmm? Oh… Yeah… Sure.” Alex sounded a little bummed out. But she tried to shrug it off, knowing that she should try to be good company for Izzy. Maybe I’ll just switch to drinking beer… That would be better, beer always did give her a relaxing buzz. Straight shots of liquor just made her too wild, and maybe that was why Elle had run off in the first place. She followed close behind Izzy, the pair of them weaving their way off the crowded dance floor and towards the even busier bar. This place was definitely hoppin’, though if Alex had to guess, not all the women here were lesbians. Not that she cared, hell, if she were straight she’d probably hide out at a gay bar in order to avoid the really creepy guys that always seemed to be at clubs. Plus the music was good, the place was clean, and the drinks were reasonably priced, Izzy had definitely picked a good place. Alex waved down a bartender, ordering herself a Blue Moon. She was just about to ask Izzy what she wanted when she noticed a rather tall, scary looking butch trying to make a move on on the younger girl. Already the stranger had her hands on Izzy, stroking her arm, grinning like a wolf that was about to devour her prey. The sight made Alex bristle. She couldn't just stand by and let Elle's little sister get carried off by some smarmy bitch that probably just wanted a one night stand. Izzy had said that Elle wasn't allowed to stop her from trying to pick up some fun tonight, she hadn't said anything about Alex trying to protect her.

"Hey, back off!" Alex growled as she took Izzy surprisingly gently by the arm. She guided the younger girl to stand behind her, pitting Alex between Izzy and a strange woman that was a good head taller than she was. Alex didn't look scared at all, even though this other woman could probably hand her ass to her. She'd been in more bar fights than anyone her size and gender should probably be in, she knew how to take a hit and how to brawl. The only thing that kept her from drunkenly shoving the stranger away was the thought that Elle would get mad at her for getting thrown out of another bar.

"Geeze, chill out pipsqueak. We were just talking." The stranger glared down at Alex, obviously irked. She could have sworn that the cute little redhead wasn't with the brunette.

"Talking doesn't require touching." Alex barked, her eyes narrowing dangerously. And she wasn't a pipsqueak! She was 5'7"! But she kept her mouth shut about the insult, knowing that if she threw around more harsh words then she'd be liable to lose her temper and end up knocking this bitch on her ass. "Now back off my girl."

"Fine, whatever. If you want to dump this little soft butch and be with a real woman that can handle you, come find me." The taller woman smirked, peaking around Alex so that she could gave Izzy a wink before leaving.

"Gah... Fucking butch bitch..." Alex grumbled under her breath before turning around to face Izzy again. "Elle was right, you shouldn't be in that damn top." The brunette sighed. She didn't know what else to do besides put her arm around Izzy and tug her protectively against her. "Come here...pretend you're with me so that I don't have to have Elle yell at me for letting you get taken away by some random stranger. Now...what do you want to drink?"
Unwanted attention was a common occurrence whenever Izzy went out, it had always been an issue and it ceased to surprise her years ago. Still, she had a plan in her head, a way to have herself at least a tiny hope with the gorgeous woman standing at her side, and one bitch was completely ruining everything. Now, if it had been some adorable little thing Izzy could have played that as part of her plan, which was currently being made up as she went. That was not the case however, instead there was a large beast of a woman coming on to her in the sloppiest and most distasteful way possible. Izzy's glare wasn't enough to get her to stop though, the gargantuan butch simply grinned and got much too close for the younger redheads liking. She was on the verge of growling and opening her sharp little mouth when Alex took the lead, moving her away from the unwanted obtrusion in her night and getting between them. "Just go and make yourself even more attractive..." Izzy sighed under her breath, looking at Alex and just chuckling a bit under her breath.

Nothing was more amusing than the situation unfolding though, not when Alex barked up at the taller woman and went as far as to tell her to back off, making it as clear as she could that Izzy was hers. It wasn't true but she sold it brilliantly and Izzy took advantage of the situation to take a hold on Alex's arm and hug up against her, letting her eyes quiver and making herself tear up just the slightest, a move she had used on Elle so many times. The main objective had been letting her chest pushed up against Alex's arm, but she also struck a blow at the disruptive giant as she gave a wink and left with a last rude comment, only getting a disgusted look from Izzy and a little stuck out tongue to strike the childish actions home.

Alex turning around and pulling her close quickly changed her point of focus, from annoying bitch to the protective beauty currently dating her sister. If only that was a deterrent and not exciting things would have been so much easier. "Aw, worry about me... I can take care of myself you know." She smiled gently, hugging up tightly against Alex despite her independent statement. "I'll think I'll have a martini." Why not, it was a fun drink and she hadn't had one in awhile. Besides, she didn't really give a damn about the drink, she was more interested in the woman buying it for her. So she looked up, waiting for Alex to look over at her and then grinning. "You know, if you really want people to think we're together and leave me alone a kiss would go a long way." She bat her eyes and gave an innocent little look. "I mean me and Elle have some similar features... Everyone in this bar will be seething with envy at you landing both of us, and I'm sure they won't think they stand a chance in hell if that's the case." Izzy smiled gently and leaned in a bit, not going for the kiss but letting her body press against Alex's, and it was one hell of a body. Not to mention her lips, glistening, soft, almost pouting to match her wanting puppy dog eyes. Oh how similar some of her features were to Elle's, they were most certainly sisters.
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