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Premonitions and Deja Vu

__N o v i.S n o w

Feb 15, 2009
Are they the same? My opinion is that they aren't. But my friend insists that they are. What do you all think? Serious answers...thanks.

preâ??moâ??niâ??tionâ??â??[pree-muh-nish-uhn, prem-uh-] Show IPA
1. a feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a future event; presentiment: He had a vague premonition of danger.
2. a forewarning.

déâ??jà vuâ??â??[dey-zhah voo, vyoo; Fr. dey-zha vy] Show IPA
1. Psychology. the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time.
2. disagreeable familiarity or sameness: The new television season had a sense of déjà vu about itâ??the same old plots and characters with new names.

They are, in fact, nearly opposite. Your friend is a fucking retard.
While they may not be the same by definition, there are plenty of people out there who do link déjà vu as a forthcoming of something bad. While déjà vu itself is not showing what is to come or does not show actual "premonitions", there are many people who do say that unless you change the circumstances when you feel déjà vu, that it is a warning of shortcomings or bad events, per se.

It's hard to explain, but take it from someone who comes from a group of superstitious (being the key word here) spiritual family members. No, they are not the same, but I can see as to why someone would think that they are.
I think that though by definition they are not the same they are highly connected. If you have a premonition of something then surely when the event actually comes to pass you are going to have the feeling of Deja Vu. I can speak from experience because when I was younger I had a dream about one of my cats deaths and less then a week later without my ability to have prior knowledge sure enough well I was away my cat died in exactly the same way as my dream. I couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu, and yes I know it wasn't me thinking I had the dream after the event took place because I woke up crying about it because of my love for my cat and told my mother of the dream before said event took place.​
Deja vu is frequently the sensation that you've seen this happen this way before: as I recall, research has indicated that it's kind of a cross-wiring of current sensory data through the memory, making you think you remember it from earlier.


If there were indeed such a thing as precognition? Then if you had a premonition (an image or flash or feeling about the future), and it came to pass, then your memory of your premonition would cause a moment of deja vu.

So premonition is a moment of precognition. And deja vu is the realization that woah, I had a premonition about this and forgot about it until just now; I've seen this before, even though it's happening right now.

English language definitions! Try some today! :-D
I was going to say what MM said.

They are completely different, but can be linked together. If you are able to take the deja vu which is usually from a brief dream/vision (at least in my case), and remember it, then it'll become a premonition. But usually deja vu is when the remembrance of such a thing is brought up when the event is happening. Thus it can't be a premonition, you didn't remember it until it was too late.

Deja vu can come in two forms. Having two very similar situations happen, like having the same conversation with someone twice. One might think that's deja vu. To me... deja vu is dreaming of something that'll happen, then recalling the dream the moment the event is happening, after having completely forgotten it.

I get deja vu frequently. It's never anything big, but when something little is happening, I'll recall having a dream about it. The longest its lasted with me was about 3 seconds.
I think deja vu can occur in two ways, either 1. You have actually said and done the same things previously and that invokes it (not as common) or 2. You have a premonition and when the event actually happens you realize that you've seen it somewhere before.

Sometimes Deja vu can actually be helpful in the second case. If you have a really long premonition, long enough to recall it later before it finishes, then you'll be able to A. Do something about it or B. Be prepared for what is about to happen.

An example would be this: Once, a long LONG time ago I had a premonition that I'd be talking to a friend when someone announced that they weren't pregnant after taking a test. Well I was working on something in my living room, my friend across from me in a chair while we waited for the results from a third person's pregnancy test. It was then that I realized that I'd been there before. I looked up at Stefan and told him that I was having Deja vu and that the girl was about to walk out and tell us that she wasn't pregnant. Two minutes later she walked out and said she wasn't pregnant.

In my understanding of it, Premonitions and Deja vu are two completely different things, BUT Deja Vu can occur because of premonitions, usually when the event occurs, but Premonitions cannot occur because of Deja vu.
Yeah its essentially that. I used to call deja vu my fail psychic skills, because my deja vu is not from events that have been similar, but because my mind has subconsciously predicted them and suppressed them until the moment happens and reminds me.
There are studies that show most deja vu feelings are when your current sensory data is somehow accidentally routed through a memory part of your brain, which makes you think you have remembered it.

Skeptics would say ALL deja vu is the result of this, but I'm willing to say just a big chunk of it is, because I'm not willing to utterly disregard the possibility of precognition.
Alright thanks for all the posts guys. It really helped clear things up. Too many Deja Vu's in the past really made it hard for me to explain the difference, because some actually seemed like a premonition because from time to time I couldn't explain everything that had happened before, right after I've said my famous phrase, "I've just had a Deja Vu." I kept telling him they weren't the same but somehow linked, but couldn't quite explain it like you all have. I'm either not very good with explaining things or he just wasn't listening. Anyhoo, thanks very much.
Hey Snow I was listening and the way you were saying was a bit hard to understand but what they said was pretty much what you were saying. ANd some of the people did back me up as well.
As someone who experiences deja vu more frequently than I would like, I consider the subjects to be of two separate ideas. True, most times deja vu for myself feels like I've had the exact same conversation or action being done. I consider a premonition to be of a higher standing with what is experienced. Deja Vu is more of a "sneaking suspicion" that I've done something. Premonition is something to come that hasn't been experienced.

I really hope that made some lick of sense.
Lady as I read that I did not understand not a lick of what you put there.
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