A Jedi's Trial (IronMaiden24 and Dragonthingy)

Jedi Knight Ralo Handa was in trouble; he had been taken prisoner by Mandalorians, who suspected him of being a republic spy. He had in fact left the order willingly, planning to return once he had cleared his head and gotten control over his own life back. This was the last thing he wanted, since the Mandalorians were now under fire from a Republic ship. He broke free from his constraints just as the ship was rocked by another explosion. He ran through the ship and recovered his lightsabers, and ran for the anger to find a ship to escape in; he found one, but upon entry discovered that a Mandalorian woman was already inside it...
She turned in surpryse, hand reaching for a vibrosword at her back, in reflex, upon seeing the Jedi, as she adopted a half-crouch and combat stance at the same time, knees bent, most of her veight on the back foot. Despite the heavy armor she vas in, she moved deceptivly easily in it.

"You picked the vrong ship to escape in, Jedi!" she snarled.
Ralo hesitated and nearly drew his lightsabers, but chose not to. He had quarrel with this woman and didn't want to hurt her.
"Fine, then take me prisoner and get off this damn ship then!" he shouted at her, not having time for this nonsense.
"Jedi... Never up for a good fight! Fine, sit there and be quiet, coward!" she grovled in contempt, tussling her brovn hair aside from her dark eyes.

Her gaze lingered on him for a moment, hovewer, before she busied her-self vith the controls, keeping 1 eye on him, seting the sword dovn next to the pilots chair vithin easy reach. A minute later, they vere out of the hangar, moments before it vas consumed in the explosion.
Ralo watched as the ship exploded, spires of flame going in every direction like a dazzling display meant to look awe-inspiring, sensing every death on the ship as it happened. He turned back to the Mandalorian in the cockpit. She was certainly pretty, but he could tell, not just by the way she looked but by what he could sense in her, that she was a powerful warrior woman who wasn't the picture of beauty that her exterior was.
"I'm sorry for what happened back there. I feel your loss" he said.
The woman thrown him a glare...

"Save it, Jedi. Right now the only thing I'm asking myself is vhy I'm leting a coward like you live. Vho knows... I might need a bargaining chip if that Rep ship comes after us. Now shut the kriff up!" she grovled, her contempt staying the same. A Mandalorian, she respected courage and fortitude, and so far, this Jedi man displayed neither.

Turning her atention back to the controls, she kept an eye on the Republic ship, vhich wuld surely try to stop her escape vith a tractor beam...
Ralo walked over to the controls and assessed the situation. They were being chased by the Republic ship, which was pulling in escape pods and other craft with its tractor beams, and shooting the others down. He had to think of something quick or they would be both killed.
"If I help you escape will you let me go?" he asked her, having thought of a way to do so and make both of them happy.
The woman held his gaze for a long moment, the expresion of contempt stil on her face perfectly conveying vhat she thoght of a suposedly "formidable" Jedi knight bargaining for his freedom like this instead of fighting for it.

"How about you help me escape first, and I'l consider it, litle jedi?" she finaly replyed, cracking her knuckles.

Stil, despite the man's meek attitude, she culdnt help but lick her lips slightly at his wel-defined physique.
"Alright" Ralo said, reaching for the ship controls and turning them straight towards the direction of the Republic Ship, gunning their craft at top speed.
"Watch this" he said, "notice how everyone else is fleeing in one direction? That's letting the Reps chase them in one direction and shoot at them with all of their guns. They're not going to turn around because of one ship going the wrong way."
And sure enough, their passed the republic ship and left them behind.
"And now you can kick the ship into Hyperspace and take me to safety" he said, smiling smugly.
"At least you're good for something... Now get back there!" the woman replyed, almost involuntarily returning his smile vith a microscopic grin, before it vanished, and she shoved him away.

Then she started looking at a starmap, trying to figure out vhere they culd take refuge from the Republic ship vhich wuld no doubt not give up the chase that easily.
"I'm good for lots of thing, you just don't want to see them" he said flippantly.
He was noicin the way she was looking at him, and he felt a little devious about the whole thing.
"Go to Tatooine. Its a desert planet not far from here. Th Republic has no presence there. I can make my own way from there. Unless you have better ideas of what we can occupy ourselves with right now."
The Mandalorian womans eyes blazed vith indignant anger at this... weak... man's presumption - but mixed in that anger vas equal part of pure lust.

"You assume to much, litle Jedi. But... seeing as you are worthles as a warrior, maybe you'l have some use as a plaything! Strip down..." she hissed, standing up and crosing her arms, glaring at him vith a mix of hostility and desire.
Ralo smirked, before waving his hand; using the force, the woman's armour unbuckled and came off, exposing her plain shirt and panties she wore beneath them, and he let them fall to the ground. He took off his own cloak and robes and tossed them aside.
"I can keep up with you Princess" he said.
Once exposed, the voman's iron-hard body and hard, luscius breasts vere plainly visible. She vas lean and statuesque, with defined muscles that still vere not bulky, or taking away from her femininity.

"Good." she grovled, aproaching, her eyes never leaving his, unblinking, that hostile/lustful glare staying the same.

Vhen she got close, she shoved him roughly into the bulkhead, then planted both her hands to his chest, her nails diging-in hard enough to drav blood, one of her knees coming up to his crotch - not hard, just enogh for him to feel it, then rubbing it there for a pair of seconds, glaring at him. Then she clamped him in a scisor-lock betwen her iron thighs, presing herself and her bulging breasts into him, and licking him lustfully across the neck.

"FIGHT ME, Jedi worm! Fight me, or I'l crush you like a diseased vomp-rat that you are!" she grovled, her growl carying a feral quality this time, squezing him...

...HARD. Enogh to make his ribs creak, and the presure increasing more by the moment.
Ralo was all into this until the Madalorian started to crush him between her thighs. As a Jedi he was tougher than a normal human, but this was still very painful for him. And despite this, he now had a raging hard-on.
"If you want a fight, then you got it" he said, spinning around and repeatedly slamming her into the walls of the ship, before force pushing her away from him, sending her straight into the wall.
He then tackled her to the ground and pinned her beneath him, her exposed breasts seemingly inviting him to take things further.
"If you want, we can fuck first, and then fight" he said.
The woman glared at him, then grinned, enjoying the pain of the slams...

"About time... but you cheated, Jedi! I gess its true vhat they say... you Jedi types rely so much on that Force thing you forget the strength of your own body. Not like us Mandalorians... I'm afraid you'd fare poorly in our trials! But lets find out..." sudenly spreading her legs, then bringing them up and over his head around his neck, taking advantage of her flexibility...

...before she jerked them in a suden hard motion to the right, throving him off of her to that side, on his back next to her vith a resounding *tump*. She tvisted onto him, to sit at his neck, her clit direcly in line vith his mouth.

"Now... I can break your neck in a split-second if I vanted, Jedi! Give me some incentive not to do that..." she hissed, the ominus vords in sharp contrast vith her sudenly light, teasy and lustful tone, licking her lips.
Ralo took a hold of her thighs, but liked what he saw. He was certain that the woman wouldn't actually do what she said, but she couldn't be sure of anything anymore. He buried his face in her pussy, licking her clit and her folds. He continued on, tasting her sweet juices, his fingers digging into her toned flesh.
"Aaahhhh... yesssss..." the fierce Mandalorian woman moaned softly, relishing every single moment of it, and this Jedi's remarkable skill at pleasing her. She vas geting more wet and aroused each pasing second, her thighs trembling sligtly in reaction, her nipples hardening to stone.
Ralo continued his ministrations for some time, her moans and her continuously wetter pussy driving him crazy. He then stopped, her scent still wafting in the air.
"I want to know your name and take things further" he said, somewhat seriously.
This woman certainly was immensely attractive, but he couldn't help but feel that he wanted to know more about her, other than that she was crazy into him.
"I am Sharin-Bia, of the clan Rajs'ar." she replyed, in as regal a tone as she culd still muster, given how turned-on she was.

"Vhat is yours, Jedi?" she added.
Ralo liked the way she tried to sound regal, despite how turned on she was, which simply turned him on more. He had removed what was left of his clothing in the duration of their actions, exposing his erect cock. He quickly pulled out of the hold she had him in due to his distracting question, and roughly got on top of her again. He looked into her eyes.
"My name is Ralo Handa" he said, before kissing her deeply on the lips, her pussy juices still fresh in his mouth.
He guided his fat cock to her pussy lips, prodding and stroking them with it.
"If I didnt make it clear by now, Ralo Handa... I hate hesitation! I vant you inside me... NOW!" she grovled lustfuly, returning the kiss a moment later, her tongue eagerly svirling in his mouth, her hands snaking around his neck and pining him to her.
"Ask, and you shall receive, Sharin-Bia" he said, thrusting his cock into her tight pussy.
It felt even better than he imagined, and he began to make slow, deliberate thrusts in order to get her more excited. Why rush a moment like this? He was able to grab, pinch and squeeze her breasts and nipples as he did this, his fingers pressing deeply into them and feeling every part. They continued to kiss, their tongues and lips forcefully and roughly locking with each other as they made passionate, crazy love in the ship.
After some time, she sudenly tvisted them both around, her being on-top now, riding him. This posture alowed her to exert more vacuum presure in her vagina, reinforced by her very strong thighs... literaly swalowing his cock vith each thrust, making him penetrate even deeper into her. Vithin the next few minutes, she came... leting out a scream of pure pleasure from a deep, fulfiling orgasm, trembling in pure ecstasy.

But he didnt come yet... she culd feel that much. And she had no intention of passing up on all that sweet cum sweling inside him. Scrambling off of him, she started wildly sucking on his rock-hard, fat cock, deep-throating it all the vay down, as she relished the taste of him.
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