Once exposed, the voman's iron-hard body and hard, luscius breasts vere plainly visible. She vas lean and statuesque, with defined muscles that still vere not bulky, or taking away from her femininity.
"Good." she grovled, aproaching, her eyes never leaving his, unblinking, that hostile/lustful glare staying the same.
Vhen she got close, she shoved him roughly into the bulkhead, then planted both her hands to his chest, her nails diging-in hard enough to drav blood, one of her knees coming up to his crotch - not hard, just enogh for him to feel it, then rubbing it there for a pair of seconds, glaring at him. Then she clamped him in a scisor-lock betwen her iron thighs, presing herself and her bulging breasts into him, and licking him lustfully across the neck.
"FIGHT ME, Jedi worm! Fight me, or I'l crush you like a diseased vomp-rat that you are!" she grovled, her growl carying a feral quality this time, squezing him...
...HARD. Enogh to make his ribs creak, and the presure increasing more by the moment.